I just want to state that my current level of astrology feels basic to non-existence a REAL lack of confidence despite studying my own chart since Autumn of last year. In fact it's kinda like my mathematics skills I understand things and know how to count and whatnot. But when it comes to advanced stuff like I always said "I don't hate math, I just don't know how to contemplate it". In fact even my basic level of knowledge in math is very convoluted and maligned with such utter basic things like counting my fingers or even using a calculator for basic things. My astrology knowledge is very shotgun blast like it's all over the place. I seem to understand some advanced things but can't understand basic things. Or the opposite depending on the subject.
I guess if I had to describe my astrological skills is it's very bipolar and or schizophrenic; almost lacking a very basic nurturing touch to it much like how my emotional existence feels like. In fact my moods alter my mind in many cases I understand in other cases I ask the very same questions and analyze myself to understand or reread understanding or not understanding.
I am a very emotional, mood-driven person.
I found this site while researching deeper into astrology. My problem is that while I get the gist of it in certain things when it comes to aspects or big topics. When it comes down to understanding the finer things or intricacies of astrology that is when I have problems.
In fact my biggest problem is how someone looks at an astrological chart and psycho-analyzes the hell out of it and puts it out from their psyche merged up and explaining every detail. I'm aware most are computer generated and there is a lot of good books and good web pages(like Wayman Stewarts: Astrology Arena site https://astroarena12.blogspot.com/ or Truth in Aspect/Jewel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01cDRQ2egwY without revealing too much according to astro.com this is one aspect I have) but it takes a REAL experienced expert to explain everything rather than like I do break everything down and eat piece by piece and not just piece by piece but randomly from the plate. I guess what I'm trying to say is what I'm missing is preparing and cooking the meal and then explaining to the person(myself or other) I'm serving it to what the meal is(the expert name of the meal) and what the best way it is to enjoy it(best jumping off points to understand myself better).
I'm aware Astro.com extended chart selection expresses it's own chart calculations and seems more in-depth with various systems this site breaks down everything into a much more readable capacity. Which I find easier still having trouble with remembering some of the aspects and whatnot.
I also notice it shows a difference in astro-charts vs astro; I have in astro.com Moon Trine Mercury but in Astro-charts.com it doesn't show it.
1.So is it generally believed that astro.com extended chart selection is the most accurate?
2. What about other minor aspects like these Septiles positioned in my chart? Uranus Septile Pluto orb 0 degree and Venus Septile Mars orb 1 degree
3. What exactly is the best resource to learn about these orbs?
4. and why is it that it describes these orbs in their degrees and why does it not like Astro.com state the degree and minute judging from the smaller number superscript above?
5. Is it that the orbs express a greater function than the degree and minute or am I simply misinterpreting the situation?
Some might ask why I'm focusing on such minor aspects. Well it's an aspect it has importance or else why would it not be calculated. It's kinda like Wayman Stewart's assumption that he doesn't do certain aspects and focuses only on Square, Opposite, Conjunct, Trine, and Sextile. Not sure why you'd limit yourself to such things be kinda nice to know what is learned about such minor aspects.
...yeah I'm aware someone with my level of knowledge or lack thereof shouldn't be asking this but I'm kinda asking on whim.
I guess if I had to describe my astrological skills is it's very bipolar and or schizophrenic; almost lacking a very basic nurturing touch to it much like how my emotional existence feels like. In fact my moods alter my mind in many cases I understand in other cases I ask the very same questions and analyze myself to understand or reread understanding or not understanding.
I am a very emotional, mood-driven person.
I found this site while researching deeper into astrology. My problem is that while I get the gist of it in certain things when it comes to aspects or big topics. When it comes down to understanding the finer things or intricacies of astrology that is when I have problems.
In fact my biggest problem is how someone looks at an astrological chart and psycho-analyzes the hell out of it and puts it out from their psyche merged up and explaining every detail. I'm aware most are computer generated and there is a lot of good books and good web pages(like Wayman Stewarts: Astrology Arena site https://astroarena12.blogspot.com/ or Truth in Aspect/Jewel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01cDRQ2egwY without revealing too much according to astro.com this is one aspect I have) but it takes a REAL experienced expert to explain everything rather than like I do break everything down and eat piece by piece and not just piece by piece but randomly from the plate. I guess what I'm trying to say is what I'm missing is preparing and cooking the meal and then explaining to the person(myself or other) I'm serving it to what the meal is(the expert name of the meal) and what the best way it is to enjoy it(best jumping off points to understand myself better).
I'm aware Astro.com extended chart selection expresses it's own chart calculations and seems more in-depth with various systems this site breaks down everything into a much more readable capacity. Which I find easier still having trouble with remembering some of the aspects and whatnot.
I also notice it shows a difference in astro-charts vs astro; I have in astro.com Moon Trine Mercury but in Astro-charts.com it doesn't show it.
1.So is it generally believed that astro.com extended chart selection is the most accurate?
2. What about other minor aspects like these Septiles positioned in my chart? Uranus Septile Pluto orb 0 degree and Venus Septile Mars orb 1 degree
3. What exactly is the best resource to learn about these orbs?
4. and why is it that it describes these orbs in their degrees and why does it not like Astro.com state the degree and minute judging from the smaller number superscript above?
5. Is it that the orbs express a greater function than the degree and minute or am I simply misinterpreting the situation?
Some might ask why I'm focusing on such minor aspects. Well it's an aspect it has importance or else why would it not be calculated. It's kinda like Wayman Stewart's assumption that he doesn't do certain aspects and focuses only on Square, Opposite, Conjunct, Trine, and Sextile. Not sure why you'd limit yourself to such things be kinda nice to know what is learned about such minor aspects.
...yeah I'm aware someone with my level of knowledge or lack thereof shouldn't be asking this but I'm kinda asking on whim.