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Solution To Stop Ukrain War [Peacefully]


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2018
US and EU attack/invade the Ukrain/ take over west Ukrain,

they do thear own special operation to stop the "nazis"[note the marks here] / stop the killing off russian people there. They can blame the guilt for the killing off russian people before the war on Selenski and a few military officals from the ukrain[Throw them under the bus]. The Ukrain surrenders to the US and EU forces [Nato is just a extension of the USA forces].

The US forces can publicly declair they have new informations about the "nazis" there, they did missjudge the situation and rushed in to help the russians, to destroy the "evil nazis". They lift all restrictions against russia and the people there.

Puplicly declair they are sorry for helping first the "bad guys".

Putin does not lose his face. He can´t continue to attack/attack US forces. They splitt the country like Berlin (Germany) and may build a wall to seperate the russian and EU part. No more dead white people [Russians/Ukrain people].

Either it would work, or the danger of a nuclear escalation is increased.
But I think neither the russians nor the USA does want this.
This could be seen as a pro Russian point rather than a solution to stop the war.

The Russians, in their mind, do not see Ukraine as a country, they see it as part of Russia (historically). They would want to reclaim (all of it) rather than having NATO in the way by taking the Western part of Ukraine.
The strategic part of the Russian plan was to close the gap from their borders to Moldova in the southwest and Poland in the West and Belarus to the North (a puppet country to Russia), bringing them closer to the middle of Europe and shrinking their long border (keeping in mind that the Russian border is long and is a flatland, meaning it is easy to cross). They also want to have some buffer room for their heart land, most of the Russia people live near or around Moscow and in the European part of Russia.

The Nazi part is mostly noise as you may know already and is not the real reason of the invasion.

As of now Russia will try to claim the coastline of Ukraine as a victory for them since Ukraine is being harder to take over then previously thought.

If the US or NATO did invade the western part of Ukraine, Russia would see it as war with the West, regardless, and will push for the Baltic states in the North for more access to the Baltic Sea.
Both sides are flowing with propaganda and the play here is altogether just a jewish planning. Nothing said or transposed publicly makes sense or it is of matter.

I also think "peace" is hardly possible, but the mass people are introduced to an alerted state of being, simply to accommodate the negative outcomes and invite this on Earth, as per jewish desire. People in time will get comfortable to a high level hysteria and bullshit spewed by the jews, while these people will mass murder gentiles and turn a gentile against another one. The situations in both parties are not as they are portrayed, neither from propaganda or other more truthful sources.

We can only observe and let time pass, and it will be proved once again the source of this and also expose the lies. But all in time and with patience.
Fuchs said:
US and EU attack/invade the Ukrain/ take over west Ukrain,

they do thear own special operation to stop the "nazis"[note the marks here] / stop the killing off russian people there. They can blame the guilt for the killing off russian people before the war on Selenski and a few military officals from the ukrain[Throw them under the bus]. The Ukrain surrenders to the US and EU forces [Nato is just a extension of the USA forces].

The US forces can publicly declair they have new informations about the "nazis" there, they did missjudge the situation and rushed in to help the russians, to destroy the "evil nazis". They lift all restrictions against russia and the people there.

Puplicly declair they are sorry for helping first the "bad guys".

Putin does not lose his face. He can´t continue to attack/attack US forces. They splitt the country like Berlin (Germany) and may build a wall to seperate the russian and EU part. No more dead white people [Russians/Ukrain people].

Either it would work, or the danger of a nuclear escalation is increased.
But I think neither the russians nor the USA does want this.

It wouldn't be very peaceful if US/NATO would have to invade Ukraine themselves. The Azov battalion is considered "nazi" only by the Russian side, because in the Western world and media Ukraine as a whole is considered a heroic nation now, the West doesn't spread the same views on Ukraine as Russia does. Anyway NATO already invaded and subverted Ukraine with their agents. The head agent of NATO in Ukraine is Volodymyr Zelenskyy. All he had to do to avoid this invasion was to declare that Ukraine will never join NATO and it will be a neutral country. Not only that the Russians wouldn't have invaded, but Ukraine might have ensured its peace for many years to come in this way, since a neutral country is not a target for any side in a war. However since Zelenskyy is a NATO agent, he is not allowed to sign any peace treaty with Russia, his role is to maintain the war.

I read there were peace talks and a peace was nearly signed in Turkey between Ukraine and Russia but US came with a video from the city of Bucha where they claimed Russia killed tens of civilians and you could see in the video people on the ground as if they were killed while walking in the city. However there is evidence and voices saying that the whole video was faked by US to accuse Russia and therefore stop the peace negociations. I know someone even said that he saw in the car's mirrors in a video from Bucha that the "killed" people were going up from the ground after the car was driving past them.

I believe anyway that this invasion could have been avoided from the beginning with a simple statement but US/NATO and the big jew over them didn't and don't allow this to happen. However if Ukraine did join NATO, Russia would have been conjured. There are around 600 km from the Ukraine border to Moscow, most likely is nothing for the nuclear missiles of US and NATO, and Russia wouldn't have time to react in case such attack would ever happen, which is why they don't want any NATO country as direct neighbour. NATO got the baltic states which are same very close to Moscow but I think they are declaring themselves neutral out of fear of being invaded themselves because the reality is nobody will protect them if they get invaded, even if they are NATO member states. US or France or Germany will never risk themselves into agravating a direct conflict with Russia only because their millitary colonies in Eastern Europe are invaded.
NakedPluto said:
Both sides are flowing with propaganda and the play here is altogether just a jewish planning. Nothing said or transposed publicly makes sense or it is of matter.

I also think "peace" is hardly possible, but the mass people are introduced to an alerted state of being, simply to accommodate the negative outcomes and invite this on Earth, as per jewish desire. People in time will get comfortable to a high level hysteria and bullshit spewed by the jews, while these people will mass murder gentiles and turn a gentile against another one. The situations in both parties are not as they are portrayed, neither from propaganda or other more truthful sources.

We can only observe and let time pass, and it will be proved once again the source of this and also expose the lies. But all in time and with patience.

Today in German state tv they did mention a US military official who did say, they want to involve Russia/support Ukrain as long as possibel in the war, so they are get as much as possibel weakened.

I don´t like this proxy war strategy, it just kills white people on both sides for nothing.

- The EU gets more States, who will do what ever the EU dictates so they get closer to the one world state/Great Reset.

- Russia and EU can´t unite thear Ressources [Idears/technology EU+ Ressources Russia]. The Russians get closer to China. Chinas influence over Russia increases. A bigger united communist block. EU and Russia get weakened.

- EU invests more into renewable energies/infrastructure old not remotely monitored / remotely controllable / decentralized technology is replaced by centralized technology. Until the people in the EU can be controlled like the people in china (smart houses,...).

The Alchemist7 said:
Fuchs said:
US and EU attack/invade the Ukrain/ take over west Ukrain,

they do thear own special operation to stop the "nazis"[note the marks here] / stop the killing off russian people there. They can blame the guilt for the killing off russian people before the war on Selenski and a few military officals from the ukrain[Throw them under the bus]. The Ukrain surrenders to the US and EU forces [Nato is just a extension of the USA forces].

The US forces can publicly declair they have new informations about the "nazis" there, they did missjudge the situation and rushed in to help the russians, to destroy the "evil nazis". They lift all restrictions against russia and the people there.

Puplicly declair they are sorry for helping first the "bad guys".

Putin does not lose his face. He can´t continue to attack/attack US forces. They splitt the country like Berlin (Germany) and may build a wall to seperate the russian and EU part. No more dead white people [Russians/Ukrain people].

Either it would work, or the danger of a nuclear escalation is increased.
But I think neither the russians nor the USA does want this.

It wouldn't be very peaceful if US/NATO would have to invade Ukraine themselves. The Azov battalion is considered "nazi" only by the Russian side, because in the Western world and media Ukraine as a whole is considered a heroic nation now, the West doesn't spread the same views on Ukraine as Russia does. Anyway NATO already invaded and subverted Ukraine with their agents. The head agent of NATO in Ukraine is Volodymyr Zelenskyy. All he had to do to avoid this invasion was to declare that Ukraine will never join NATO and it will be a neutral country. Not only that the Russians wouldn't have invaded, but Ukraine might have ensured its peace for many years to come in this way, since a neutral country is not a target for any side in a war. However since Zelenskyy is a NATO agent, he is not allowed to sign any peace treaty with Russia, his role is to maintain the war.

I read there were peace talks and a peace was nearly signed in Turkey between Ukraine and Russia but US came with a video from the city of Bucha where they claimed Russia killed tens of civilians and you could see in the video people on the ground as if they were killed while walking in the city. However there is evidence and voices saying that the whole video was faked by US to accuse Russia and therefore stop the peace negociations. I know someone even said that he saw in the car's mirrors in a video from Bucha that the "killed" people were going up from the ground after the car was driving past them.

I believe anyway that this invasion could have been avoided from the beginning with a simple statement but US/NATO and the big jew over them didn't and don't allow this to happen. However if Ukraine did join NATO, Russia would have been conjured. There are around 600 km from the Ukraine border to Moscow, most likely is nothing for the nuclear missiles of US and NATO, and Russia wouldn't have time to react in case such attack would ever happen, which is why they don't want any NATO country as direct neighbour. NATO got the baltic states which are same very close to Moscow but I think they are declaring themselves neutral out of fear of being invaded themselves because the reality is nobody will protect them if they get invaded, even if they are NATO member states. US or France or Germany will never risk themselves into agravating a direct conflict with Russia only because their millitary colonies in Eastern Europe are invaded.

There are 3 possibel outcomes with this war:

1. Russia wins
2. Ukrain wins- [Putin does not use his nuclear weapons]
3. Stall situation

If Russia wins then Russia has with poland a nato state as a direct neighbor.
Which will lead to a cold war. Many Ukrains died.

If Ukrain wins they have probably sacrificed a big portion off thear people so it is still a loose and they won´t achive to conquer Russia so there will be a cold war stand off at thear border.

Within a stall Situation also many Ukrains die and a cold war will happen.

Within all 3 scenarios there will be a cold war so ultimately a stand off between US and Russian forces. If US does invade Ukrain and Ukrain does surrender under the pretext I did described many lives could be saved.
Kurat said:
Fuchs said:
ok duginist rat

After seeing Hellstorm (dokumentary about post WW2 Germany), I wasn´t a big fan off neither Russian or US forces both raped, killed innocents, still do in there wars. Russian may do it more.

I think i have explained enough, why I think this scenario is the only reasonable one (fewest dead), see the other posts here, instead off just mindlessly going into ape rage mode.

If you care about the Ukraine/Solution for the war in any way.
Pumpkin671 said:
This could be seen as a pro Russian point rather than a solution to stop the war.

The Russians, in their mind, do not see Ukraine as a country, they see it as part of Russia (historically). They would want to reclaim (all of it) rather than having NATO in the way by taking the Western part of Ukraine.
The strategic part of the Russian plan was to close the gap from their borders to Moldova in the southwest and Poland in the West and Belarus to the North (a puppet country to Russia), bringing them closer to the middle of Europe and shrinking their long border (keeping in mind that the Russian border is long and is a flatland, meaning it is easy to cross). They also want to have some buffer room for their heart land, most of the Russia people live near or around Moscow and in the European part of Russia.

The Nazi part is mostly noise as you may know already and is not the real reason of the invasion.

As of now Russia will try to claim the coastline of Ukraine as a victory for them since Ukraine is being harder to take over then previously thought.

If the US or NATO did invade the western part of Ukraine, Russia would see it as war with the West, regardless, and will push for the Baltic states in the North for more access to the Baltic Sea.
Russia won´t give up the baltic see access, US can´t attack Russian troops or we have WW3 (WW2 is still going on there was never a peace treaty with germany)

Russia can´t just start random wars without a reason for thear people. At the moment they try to say it is a war against the west allied to "nazis" so if the west does help to get rid off them (announce this publicly on all channels) also announce a investigation off the killing of russian/ukrain people(with the war, they should be atleast equal in my opinion), what would be left to state? Also there puplic reason for the so called special operation vanishes.

Russia will go on until a nuclear weapon equiped state does directly oppose them.
Fuchs said:
There are 3 possibel outcomes with this war:

1. Russia wins
2. Ukrain wins- [Putin does not use his nuclear weapons]
3. Stall situation

If Russia wins then Russia has with poland a nato state as a direct neighbor.
Which will lead to a cold war. Many Ukrains died.

As far as I read Russia doesn't intend to conquer the entire Ukraine, otherwise yes it would have border with Poland and Poland hates Russia. I was watching an analyst saying that Russia's demands are that Ukraine will never join NATO, to get de-millitarized, disarmed and neutral, and to recognize Crimea as Russian territory and Donbas as independent state. The analyst was wondering why Russia has such lame demands since most of them are already accomplished and is only a matter of formality to officialize them. I don't know if there will ever be a direct confrontation between Russia and US. These two supposedly rival countries always exchanged intelligence and information behind the scenes, and one country wouldn't do anything without the other knowing about it, at least this was the case in the last century. It makes sense since the same jews are behind both of them.

I'm thinking the only way a war can ever occur between US and Russia directly is if the jews have failed in all their previous attempts to manifest their plans. A direct war would be the most desperate attempt and a ultimate card they can play, because that will lead to total annihilation of both countries and all the sattelite ones directly or indirectly involved, and out of the ashes the jews would instate their "king" at the throne of the world and officialy declare a new world order for purposes of global peace, that if anything else fails.
Fuchs said:
Pumpkin671 said:
This could be seen as a pro Russian point rather than a solution to stop the war.

The Russians, in their mind, do not see Ukraine as a country, they see it as part of Russia (historically). They would want to reclaim (all of it) rather than having NATO in the way by taking the Western part of Ukraine.
The strategic part of the Russian plan was to close the gap from their borders to Moldova in the southwest and Poland in the West and Belarus to the North (a puppet country to Russia), bringing them closer to the middle of Europe and shrinking their long border (keeping in mind that the Russian border is long and is a flatland, meaning it is easy to cross). They also want to have some buffer room for their heart land, most of the Russia people live near or around Moscow and in the European part of Russia.

The Nazi part is mostly noise as you may know already and is not the real reason of the invasion.

As of now Russia will try to claim the coastline of Ukraine as a victory for them since Ukraine is being harder to take over then previously thought.

If the US or NATO did invade the western part of Ukraine, Russia would see it as war with the West, regardless, and will push for the Baltic states in the North for more access to the Baltic Sea.
Russia won´t give up the baltic see access, US can´t attack Russian troops or we have WW3 (WW2 is still going on there was never a peace treaty with germany)

Russia can´t just start random wars without a reason for thear people. At the moment they try to say it is a war against the west allied to "nazis" so if the west does help to get rid off them (announce this publicly on all channels) also announce a investigation off the killing of russian/ukrain people(with the war, they should be atleast equal in my opinion), what would be left to state? Also there puplic reason for the so called special operation vanishes.

Russia will go on until a nuclear weapon equiped state does directly oppose them.
In your first point at the top of the forum, you recommended a peaceful solution being and I quote for accuracy, “US and EU attack/invade the Ukrain/ take over west Ukrain, they do thear own special operation to stop the "nazis"[note the marks here] / stop the killing off russian people there. They can blame the guilt for the killing off russian people before the war on Selenski and a few military officals from the ukrain[Throw them under the bus]. The Ukrain surrenders to the US and EU forces [Nato is just a extension of the USA forces].”

In your response to me you say US/NATO (even though US will not commit to a ground force of their own) can’t attack Russian forces even though your solution calls for US/NATO forces to invade Western Ukraine which will entail running into Russian forces and their Aircraft. Russian has already said it sees NATO and other Western powers as a problem by supplying Ukraine with weapons and will shoot down any aircraft supplying Ukraine.

Russian has give up some access to the Baltic Sea only having a slice as of now in Kaliningrad, but Russian (Based on historical movements in the past and it’s current leader) would want more of the Baltic region to reclaim its former Soviet States.

Russia can and has started wars with cause and without historically and will likely continue to do so, Russia runs a heavy propaganda campaign in its country to persuade and brainwash its citizens. The massive rally they held some time ago supports this idea.

If the West does what you recommend as killing off the Nazis in Western Ukraine then it would be feeding into the Russian propaganda campaign and would be legitimizing Putins invasion of Ukraine both in 2022 and in 2014. Something that wouldn’t help us in the end, as the Nazi part is not a legitimate reason in any case to invade Ukraine.

You are correct in saying that Germany didn’t sign a peace treaty right after the war, they only surrendered, the Paris Peace Treaties was signed by other Axis countries (later on) but in my opinion WW2 is officially over as of the unconditional surrender by both top German German Generals (Alfred Jodi and Wilhelm Keitel).
These are the word of jew Soros:
We need Ukraine as a torpedo in the war with Russia.
Three years ago, Soros said that what is happening in Ukraine is the best project.

The CIA of the US who to blame of Maidan in Ukraine, where many people died and the bloodthirsty bankers of the USA take over the whole country and were pumping the country with firearms, and also were planing this so called war with russia.
The american industry is not what it was a decade ago is collapsing very fast. All the countries who hate the USA will do everything to hit the so called world power especialy the petrodollar. Kaddafi, Hussein were trying to to the same but the jewish bankers send the US troops and bombed all those countries cousing unbeliavble sufferings for the people in the middle east. The plan the same just the country who they want to invade trough Ukraine is Russia, but this time it will be difficult or impossible. Next Russia is Chine and Chine know very well if Russia fails they are next where the US will export ´democrasy´.
So Russia nad Chine cooperate and we must not forget that there is India who really do not like the approach of EU, and have good relationship with Russia. All the sanctions againts Russia is weekening EU what is one of the main goal of USA.
EU nad Ukraine is fully under control of the US /the jews/, all the fucking liberals do what their master say.
As I reading the forums, there is big hate againts US, cos many disgusting things on the net what the US military have done to other countries to innocent people.
Let me mention one thing what is all around the forums, the PIT 404 secret laboratory beneath Azovstal, where secret human experiments were took place. Experiments on children, adults and animals. All the west is in that, germany, france, US, poland. There is a video also , where an EU politician openly said that - we need to get them out of that laboratory to not let the russians get the evidence. So in Ukraine they were planning the biggest crime againts world population, kill every one on earth or at least 70-80% of the population. For some people is really hard to be on the side of the west, cos they want destroy not just the western, their own culture /what is anyway degenerated decades ago/ but everything what our ancestros fight for and built up.
Pumpkin671 said:
Fuchs said:
Pumpkin671 said:
This could be seen as a pro Russian point rather than a solution to stop the war.

The Russians, in their mind, do not see Ukraine as a country, they see it as part of Russia (historically). They would want to reclaim (all of it) rather than having NATO in the way by taking the Western part of Ukraine.
The strategic part of the Russian plan was to close the gap from their borders to Moldova in the southwest and Poland in the West and Belarus to the North (a puppet country to Russia), bringing them closer to the middle of Europe and shrinking their long border (keeping in mind that the Russian border is long and is a flatland, meaning it is easy to cross). They also want to have some buffer room for their heart land, most of the Russia people live near or around Moscow and in the European part of Russia.

The Nazi part is mostly noise as you may know already and is not the real reason of the invasion.

As of now Russia will try to claim the coastline of Ukraine as a victory for them since Ukraine is being harder to take over then previously thought.

If the US or NATO did invade the western part of Ukraine, Russia would see it as war with the West, regardless, and will push for the Baltic states in the North for more access to the Baltic Sea.
Russia won´t give up the baltic see access, US can´t attack Russian troops or we have WW3 (WW2 is still going on there was never a peace treaty with germany)

Russia can´t just start random wars without a reason for thear people. At the moment they try to say it is a war against the west allied to "nazis" so if the west does help to get rid off them (announce this publicly on all channels) also announce a investigation off the killing of russian/ukrain people(with the war, they should be atleast equal in my opinion), what would be left to state? Also there puplic reason for the so called special operation vanishes.

Russia will go on until a nuclear weapon equiped state does directly oppose them.
In your first point at the top of the forum, you recommended a peaceful solution being and I quote for accuracy, “US and EU attack/invade the Ukrain/ take over west Ukrain, they do thear own special operation to stop the "nazis"[note the marks here] / stop the killing off russian people there. They can blame the guilt for the killing off russian people before the war on Selenski and a few military officals from the ukrain[Throw them under the bus]. The Ukrain surrenders to the US and EU forces [Nato is just a extension of the USA forces].”

In your response to me you say US/NATO (even though US will not commit to a ground force of their own) can’t attack Russian forces even though your solution calls for US/NATO forces to invade Western Ukraine which will entail running into Russian forces and their Aircraft. Russian has already said it sees NATO and other Western powers as a problem by supplying Ukraine with weapons and will shoot down any aircraft supplying Ukraine.

Russian has give up some access to the Baltic Sea only having a slice as of now in Kaliningrad, but Russian (Based on historical movements in the past and it’s current leader) would want more of the Baltic region to reclaim its former Soviet States.

Russia can and has started wars with cause and without historically and will likely continue to do so, Russia runs a heavy propaganda campaign in its country to persuade and brainwash its citizens. The massive rally they held some time ago supports this idea.

If the West does what you recommend as killing off the Nazis in Western Ukraine then it would be feeding into the Russian propaganda campaign and would be legitimizing Putins invasion of Ukraine both in 2022 and in 2014. Something that wouldn’t help us in the end, as the Nazi part is not a legitimate reason in any case to invade Ukraine.

You are correct in saying that Germany didn’t sign a peace treaty right after the war, they only surrendered, the Paris Peace Treaties was signed by other Axis countries (later on) but in my opinion WW2 is officially over as of the unconditional surrender by both top German German Generals (Alfred Jodi and Wilhelm Keitel).

I did mean the US does pretend to attack the ukrains, the people have to surrender instantly. Maybe some fake attack videos or something like that.

Or attack empty gear like tanks.

Again Russia also does not want a nuclear situation. They want to jew as much terretory as they can under a more or less right pretext.
A solution is not to go and fight, for neither side and to go to safety, especially if you are one of us.

This is not our fight, we have a different fight here,
more is expected from us as spiritual satanists than to just go and die somewhere and be forgotten.

Eventually this situation will lose its momentum more and more with the work of our RTR's, just like corona lost its momentum.
DragonFire11 said:
These are the word of jew Soros:
We need Ukraine as a torpedo in the war with Russia.
Three years ago, Soros said that what is happening in Ukraine is the best project.

The CIA of the US who to blame of Maidan in Ukraine, where many people died and the bloodthirsty bankers of the USA take over the whole country and were pumping the country with firearms, and also were planing this so called war with russia.
The american industry is not what it was a decade ago is collapsing very fast. All the countries who hate the USA will do everything to hit the so called world power especialy the petrodollar. Kaddafi, Hussein were trying to to the same but the jewish bankers send the US troops and bombed all those countries cousing unbeliavble sufferings for the people in the middle east. The plan the same just the country who they want to invade trough Ukraine is Russia, but this time it will be difficult or impossible. Next Russia is Chine and Chine know very well if Russia fails they are next where the US will export ´democrasy´.
So Russia nad Chine cooperate and we must not forget that there is India who really do not like the approach of EU, and have good relationship with Russia. All the sanctions againts Russia is weekening EU what is one of the main goal of USA.
EU nad Ukraine is fully under control of the US /the jews/, all the fucking liberals do what their master say.
As I reading the forums, there is big hate againts US, cos many disgusting things on the net what the US military have done to other countries to innocent people.
Let me mention one thing what is all around the forums, the PIT 404 secret laboratory beneath Azovstal, where secret human experiments were took place. Experiments on children, adults and animals. All the west is in that, germany, france, US, poland. There is a video also , where an EU politician openly said that - we need to get them out of that laboratory to not let the russians get the evidence. So in Ukraine they were planning the biggest crime againts world population, kill every one on earth or at least 70-80% of the population. For some people is really hard to be on the side of the west, cos they want destroy not just the western, their own culture /what is anyway degenerated decades ago/ but everything what our ancestros fight for and built up.

So basically Antinatalism i.e. Forced Depopulation i.e. Masonic 500,000,000 bullshit.

I'm not saying Russia is a good guy here certainly there is a convoluted mess of judeo-bolshevik elements in both sides.

Pick your favorite Rabbi basically as the comments Rabba Zelenskyy vs Rabbi Putin. It's our favorite show Rabbinical vs Rabbinical banter who's Rabbi can kick who's other Rabbis ass.

Basically a modern re-telling of Rabba Khrast vs the Synagogues of Satan who oppose him.

All the while Gentiles are the ones duping themselves. Goy on Goy is there any jew on jew warfare except Alquadeening are there any judiacs brave enough to fight for god. They certainly ARE Alquadeening the war.

Sheer fact is Gentiles are the ones paying the price. Like the Mountain of dead Russian soldiers talked about on propaganda for the news.

Frankly I've lost touch with the war honestly reading some of the things you guys post. There is so much fucking propaganda it gets to the point I can only believe the narrative on amateur journalists like the guy translated talking to the lady. The Russians are nice they give us stuff, food, water, tell us when it's too dangerous. The Ukrainians have been massacring their own countrymen and doing horrific stuff. Not that Russia is innocent as a few incidents have been spotlighted though I take it with a grain of salt.

Frankly listening to some of Tim Pool's videos from about a month or two ago. He simply states if Russia wishes to end the war immediately and scare the shit of everyone to back the fuck off.

Get a small tactical nuclear artillery shell and drop it in Kiev. And announce anyone who messes with this war will face nuclear annihilation. That should scare the bejesus out of everyone. Even the kikes who push this stuff would probably recoil and realize shit is getting real.

Like the American Dad joke with Avery Bullock, a Dave Chapelle joke. Cutting in line at Funland only for the situation to get real.


I don't think the World should be annihilated but if it ends the war immediately it would be good. Though I highly doubt it.

Honestly after reading this thread more than once I've come to the conclusion I'm not even filled in on most of the war. I'm actually surprised the Russians are so outdated and so still with that Soviet Cold-War mentality. They seem like they are a shadow of their former selves it's almost like they stopped progressing past 1940s with a pre-Afghanistan army.

Too much copy-pasta technology. And then people wonder why the West is destroying the Russians their equipment is so old and ancient.

Anyways I should also point out as much as I dislike this guy for being a xtian and all the xtian comments inside these people expect rabba jebus to appear and all this prayer shit. Funny there is A LOT of spiritual warfare occurring on both sides.

Sheer fact is MilSpec Monkey Werx posted a video a few days ago early in May stating that there's been American troop buildup in the Eastern Coast of the U.S. even a few British aircrafts coming into the U.S. even some inbound and outbound planes oddly leaving certain places. What he stated as we are lucky to see this aircraft registry because this is a wipe. As soon as possible they will wipe the record of that plane leaving or entering.

Anyways can someone fill me in on appropriate sites discussing the war that isn't wjew vs ejew it's kinda like the whole east side vs west side rapper bullshit from the 1980s-1990s.

I'd like to hear more from people who do alt things like Ryan Dawson and whatnot. Are there any like non-propaganda bullshit. Reminds me of the person who posted on Gonzalo Lira stating this guy Vasquez is bullshit and the propaganda is bullshit cause the Russian tanks got the anti-tank grilles horizontally and the Ukrainian tanks got vertical grilles. I'm surprised he got captured hopefully he is kept alive I doubt they will release him in case he posts stuff and people realize it's all bullshit.

Anyways can someone tell me about any websites or places that cut the fat and leave the meat so to speak?
The United States Army will not respond until Russia reaches its natural border, the Danube. Fortunately, the war subsided before it crossed the Dniester. United States army base at Dedeağaç (Aleksandrupoli) it is also same retreating route of Ottoman army. It seems USA planned a heavily defending war plan against Russia. However If Russia takes Ukraine it takes a long time to get deeper into Balkans even they haven't waiting troops against Baltic States. I think that the offensive against Russia will be made from here, but this attack will not be aimed at Moscow, it will be to distract some of the Russian troops. I don't think Putin going to use nuclear, if he will it will be end of him and his state. It's just cheap threat to me.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
