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So Israel Went Boom Again

General Yeager said:
This will surely lead to a large scale war and the timing especially (2023-2026) is ripe astrologically for serious large scale conflicts. And i will stand ten toes down with these muslims against the Jews. No matter who it is, Jews are enemy number one. And i support these Muslims fighting for their Homeland and against the common enemy of the world.

And its also important to note that HP Maxine wrote in her sermons that 2024 is a year of destruction for the Jews collectively as the Astrology shows this in previous instances. And its unfolding right now.

HP Maxine was right.

You support Muslims ☪️ 🙄?? So Will you die 10 toes with Muslims against Jewish?
Bogow said:
Personal Growth said:
As things are not going so well for them there that's why they're depopulating Ukraine. So they can move in there next.

Yes, its total true. The project "heaven jerusalim" is known and they write about him directly without hiding any facts. They built the largest synagogue in Europe in the city of Dnepr (formerly Dnepropetrovsk): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Rose_Synagogue_(Dnipro).

More of this: http://surl.li/bmpes

What about extermination of Ukrainians and replacement of lands with Jews, then one of the goals of the war in Ukraine, clearly voiced by the Jew Putin, is “denazification”, due to the fact that in Ukraine there are indeed a lot of young people who hold right-wing views and western Ukraine had its own SS division during the 3rd Reich: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/14th_Waffen_Grenadier_Division_of_the_SS_(1st_Galician)

Of course, those for whom they are preparing this land do not need such a number of right-wing youth in the country. According to some reports, more than 5 million people have already left Ukraine; approximate losses in the war are estimated at another 300+ thousand, but this is not yet fully known.

Thank you and yes I was watching on Bitchute on how they were out in force in Ukraine for their most recent celebrations.

And the piles of mess they leave on the streets.
Maxis Orientis said:
Same here, I never trusted the Hamas or Hezbollah to begin with, nothing more but controlled opposition, let alone being terrorist groups, this is just a tale of two Hebrew programs fighting each other to see who can sacrifice more blood to their scum of a "God".
Hamas and Hizbullah are the lowest degree that humankind could fall, the limit of human degeneration. Perfect muslims.

Because somehow, someway, Israel - a country with trillionaire AI tech that they've been operating since the late 20th century to defeat the Arab armies, can't defeat a couple a militants.......right. Reminds me of how the Twin Towers, which were literally built to withstand plane crashes, and saved NYC from flooding, somehow someway....just pancaked and were reduced to literal dust when hit by planes. :roll:

This shit just gets old......
Israel has one of the most formidable armed forces in the Middle East. Even when they were much weaker, they easily destroyed the united forces of Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Jordan, Palestine, and Lebanon in 6 days, hence the name Six-Day War, and its conclusion was Israel having 4x more territory than it previously had. It is not realistic to think that a few Muslim terrorist groups pose an actual threat.

The Palestinian group that does RTRs, meditates with Satan and Baal Zebul, and bankrupts these lizards to restore Gentile wealth is a group I will surely support, even if they have to show a Christian or Muslim face in the public, that's understandable.
I do not have a favorable opinion of Palestinians either but better than Jews I guess.

Soul Wings said:
I get everyone is excited by this "jewish retribution", but is this really what we're seeing here? I, personally, don't think so.

I wish it was that but chances are so low that it is close to non-existent. The world will get there eventually, I hope.

Egon said:
Is that so? I've only seen from it is them "parading" the body of a dead IDF woman, like they did with male bodies too - then people getting offended and drawing conclusions. Anyway I wouldn't be surprised if israel started claiming that was so even if they didn't.

I've seen that and a few more and honestly the most terrifying thing was Muslims -men and women- joking and making fan-fiction rape stories, asking when the captured female soldiers will be on sale, congratulating terrorists and offering help to rape them in the replies. Benefits of 20 million muslim refugees in your country, haha.

I, our people, my sisters and brothers in Satan would face the same treatment. I know this as a fact. It happened before. It'd happen again if they had the chance. No need to empathize with Muslims. Only superficially if it is absolutely necessary.
Pammy said:
I've seen that and a few more and honestly the most terrifying thing was Muslims -men and women- joking and making fan-fiction rape stories, asking when the captured female soldiers will be on sale, congratulating terrorists and offering help to rape them in the replies. Benefits of 20 million muslim refugees in your country, haha.
They created this religion then made the people who worship it hate them to the bones what did they expect? Also I've heard recently this could be intentional by Bibi to punish/get rid of secular jews/pro-Palestine jews which was supposed to be the majority of the people on the rave party near and/or who was attacked first.

I, our people, my sisters and brothers in Satan would face the same treatment. I know this as a fact. It happened before. It'd happen again if they had the chance. No need to empathize with Muslims.

Sure not with muslims just with Palestinian families, just look at Ahed Tamimi, I have siblings who look like that, I couldn't imagine their pain. Many of them descend from Greeks aka Philistines who are a people most hated so much by the kikes for being worshipers of Baalzebul in the past in the region.
Also they didn't bring Somalis/Afghanis/Pakistanis to Europe the people who they're attacking did, also they did side with Germany to fight Zionism.
Blueflame88 said:
General Yeager said:

You support Muslims ☪️ 🙄?? So Will you die 10 toes with Muslims against Jewish?

This is between muslims and jews, so there isn't really a third option. Do you support the jews instead?
sshivafr said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Clearly we don't endorse violence but it makes for an interesting tea sipping morning to just open the news and see that. Not sure if the mass media will tell us 6 trillion jews perished in the attack, but yes, it's still interesting to sip some tea when you see things like that.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Dear High Priest
I have the luxury of feeling lost in what I feel.
My first feeling on seeing the attack on Israel was to "have a cup of tea".
But soon, the many iniquities and injustices (such as the rape of young Jewish women) forbid me to feel contentment.
I so HATE iniquity of any kind.
It's in my very nature, injustice literally makes me sick.

I always thought that seeing the enemy falter would fill me with joy. But it doesn't. Because it's not the Netanyahu, Soros and consort who are suffering, but little people.
So yes, I know that these little people don't necessarily have any consideration for the goyim.
But... all these iniquities prevent me from rejoicing.
What's more, war takes everything with it, the good and the bad, civilians and soldiers alike.
I'm not sure I want "destruction to create" anymore.
I wonder a lot about these notions of : Justice/iniquities; violence and war.
How do the Gods think about iniquity?
How do They deal with injustice and the need for violence?
How do we strike a balance between inherent human pity and Christian pity?
I'm having trouble finding my place.

I'm interested in reading your opinions and developments. (Others Brothers and Sisters too)

My dear sister, I understand your feelings. However I feel my reply may offer some insight into this.

When it comes to the jews and what they receive, in terms of great suffering and destruction, they are essentially reaping what they have sowed as a species.

Endlessly. They consciously decided to rape, slaughter, destroy and stand against the gods in malicious defiance. They chose this again and again.

They had a very large amount of time in history and their existence to repent and change this behavior, but every chance only turned to them completely deepening this.

If they had their way, they would just destroy every beautiful thing in this world. Every innocent child, every beautiful plant, and every beautiful animal... Even the Gods.

If the jews had their way and had the power they would of attempted to destroy Satan.

Thats how hateful and vile these people are. They would stand in our fathers divine light, and stick a knife to his heart if they could. That's how evil they are.

Of course this is impossible as Satan is far beyond these vile creatures. But just think of how bad a being must be in essence to come to that intent?

And even in the "contributions" these jews give to the world, it's like all they give is distorted and wrong. They are a completely rotten thing, that has went down a path that no species ever should.

If they were to actually change. It wouldn't be at the climax of destruction where they see the error. It would have been a very long time ago.

In this universe when a species strays as far as the jews have from goodness, justice, beauty and what is natural, they suffer from catastrophe and or disease as a result of these choices.

Past a point they become nothing. This can be seen in the reptilians. They made a series of very bad decisions with technology, their evolution, and artifical intelligence. As a result, they are the abomination they are now.

In understanding that, they simply seeded more of the same upon the jews, and the jews carried this evil and unnatural behavior with a sick and twisted pride, and delusions of grandeur as a people.

While it can be unpleasant to see what befalls species down on this dark road, know that they ultimately chose this fate and they reap all the rotten, decaying fruit of this.

They are taking fruits from the tree of poison they planted in our world, and have bit into it and have swallowed all the rotten material they were going to feed to us all. This will be horrifying to see and rather unsettling. But keep in mind that they laid all that for you. For all of us. All that torture and pain, they wanted to happen to us.

Take time to contemplate and think on all this.
Pammy said:
I wish it was that but chances are so low that it is close to non-existent. The world will get there eventually, I hope.

I was expecting my post to blow up by people here calling me a jew sympathiser or something but I underestimated our people greatly. Other people here have echoed my sentiments and even HP in his latest post regarding the subject. This is inorganic, like you say. My soul will celebrate when we stop the jews, however we do, in their entirety only.
Jews will sacrifice as many of their own as they have to to further their own cause. Shithovah is not picky in which blood it revels in. It is a monster. And it makes sense that jews are children of this monster.
I honestly hope this only adds fuel to the fire and brings more people into our worldwide cause.
Hi, I am hunor666 from Hungary.
I would like to ask the HP or the admins to delete every comment of "sebestyen marta" and ban this user.
That person is obviously not her. This person wrote very harmful and sick lies, impersonating the real Marta, in his account signature here.

I am involved with the family of the real Sebestyen Marta, and as real names of real people are included in his signature section, I would like to ask to remove this user as soon as possible. It is really abnormal anyways to have such individiuals here.

We will have to take legal actions too, it seems. This is a criminal act in Hungary.

Thank you!
Its all a big lie to justify more killing by the jews, they killed 30 millon in russia, many millions in Europe and the whole thing repeats itself and its always the jews doing the killing. So they can all drown in a big vat of pig shit, that would be a fitting end to those mass murders. https://stateofthenation.co/?p=190309#more-190309
I think it's kind of worrysome to see already how "pls goy help us" they're already being. And I think it's worrysome to see how many people are willing to blindly follow them already. At this point I only see muslims being coherently against israel. Good thing we have the new RTR schedule to try and mitigate this pandering of theirs.
No guys watch this video: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJ3CPQ8Y/

The crow and the sacred animal of Satan and Odin in Norse mythology. And a really scary warning in comparison to our enemies. Now the time is ripe and our enemies are doing it down because they are slowly discovering them all !!!

Siegh HAIL!!!!!
Pammy said:
Israel has one of the most formidable armed forces in the Middle East. Even when they were much weaker, they easily destroyed the united forces of Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Jordan, Palestine, and Lebanon in 6 days, hence the name Six-Day War, and its conclusion was Israel having 4x more territory than it previously had. It is not realistic to think that a few Muslim terrorist groups pose an actual threat.

I do not believe they did it alone, I think many undercover for example american agents did help at the time.

In the eu there was one article about possibel terrorists taking hostages. It was said it would be enough if 500 terrorists would each take 50 hostages with a machine gun, bombs at the same time to destabel a state like france.

Don´t underestimate what one person even with minimal education and a singel gun can do.

So much for unregulated immigration with no background checks whatsoever.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The fact that Israel gets these "attacks", is just a consequence of the decisions and warmorgering tendencies of this "folk" of the jewish people. Whether these were made by them on themselves we don't know - 9/11 style, it always begs the question why we still are pretending they have no clue what is even going on and just random crazy people want to do these things to them.

I believe/guess the russians did help with the attack, coordinating as they back iran and iran does back hisbollah, I do not think they could do something big like this on there own and without the approval. If the US would be dragged in a war there, this would weaken there possibel support for the ukraine war. But as we know Putin is also a puppet off the enemy/somehow controlled needs possibel approval for his big actions, so the loop goes back to israel.

As one US think tank guy said they try to preelong the ukraine war as long as possibel to weaken russia as much as possibel, also destroying the beneficial relationship between EU and russia(innovations/EU + cheap resources/russia).

The same could be true related to this new arising war.
Sean475 said:
I would not believe a word that comes out of Israel from the masters of deception -
we can only guess what is going on and what the plan is, but my guess would be these
s /bags are up to their normal tricks to further their sick agenda.


I don't think this is fully our RTR's either...

How would Israel let the missiles fly in?

Their defense system is incredible and so is their intelligence. It doesn't make sense...

This is definitely them pulling tricks.
Is_that_so said:

I don't think this is fully our RTR's either...

How would Israel let the missiles fly in?

Their defense system is incredible and so is their intelligence. It doesn't make sense...

This is definitely them pulling tricks.
While I agree that everything is not as it seems the iron dome is not able to fully repel thousands of simultaneous rockets.
Henu the Great said:
Is_that_so said:

I don't think this is fully our RTR's either...

How would Israel let the missiles fly in?

Their defense system is incredible and so is their intelligence. It doesn't make sense...

This is definitely them pulling tricks.
While I agree that everything is not as it seems the iron dome is not able to fully repel thousands of simultaneous rockets.

Well its all leading to their own destruction at the end so I'm with with whatever is going on
From the feeling in the media it's like the day they exploded the thin towers (9/11) down.

We should look at what positives things happened after the attacks for Israel.

1. The government is now united.
2. All the fundings for Palestinia will be probably stopped.
3. They can probably annihilate most off the Palestinian people and the world sits there watching and clapping, "good israel, you defend yourself very well".
4. They have more accusitation munition against iran, Saudi nations as they say they funded it, well they probably did atleast partly.
5. They raised/activated like 100.000 reservist soldierst to fight for israel.
6. Global instant support from the west for what ever they want, as far as the media statements go.
7. There golems/ mind controlled christians are in full support mode, to fight for them.
8. There is now a overall anti islamic vipe in the media, so they can combat the problem they did import for them with the massimmigration.

If it is true that most off the victims were pro palestinia jews. Why would a islamic mob kill there probably supporters? One could could say they are braindead sure.
serpentwalker666 said:
While it can be unpleasant to see what befalls species down on this dark road, know that they ultimately chose this fate and they reap all the rotten, decaying fruit of this.

They are taking fruits from the tree of poison they planted in our world, and have bit into it and have swallowed all the rotten material they were going to feed to us all. This will be horrifying to see and rather unsettling. But keep in mind that they laid all that for you. For all of us. All that torture and pain, they wanted to happen to us.

Take time to contemplate and think on all this.

Dear Brother, I'm glad to read you.
Yes, what you write is absolutely true.
The extreme arrogance they've been displaying 24/7 for the past 1 week is truly amazing :roll:
I regret having felt this pity.

The karma of the race is indeed very important and these are indeed the fruits of their own poison.

Thank you for this Brother.
General Yeager said:
Blueflame88 said:
General Yeager said:
This will surely lead to a large scale war and the timing especially (2023-2026) is ripe astrologically for serious large scale conflicts. And i will stand ten toes down with these muslims against the Jews. No matter who it is, Jews are enemy number one. And i support these Muslims fighting for their Homeland and against the common enemy of the world.

And its also important to note that HP Maxine wrote in her sermons that 2024 is a year of destruction for the Jews collectively as the Astrology shows this in previous instances. And its unfolding right now.

HP Maxine was right.

You support Muslims ☪️ 🙄?? So Will you die 10 toes with Muslims against Jewish?
Yes. No matter who it is. Communists ,Socialists , Muslims, Christians or Jews who have somehow come to hate their own race. Anyone who is against the Jews as a whole I support them because in my mind Jews are Public Enemy number one.

I will stand ten toes down with these Muslims in their war against the Jews because I know for a matter of absolute fact that once these Jews are gone ,all Abrahamic Religions will automatically collapse and they will all eventually leave Islam. The Jews are Antennas that are manifesting the Enemy in the world spiritually. Without them ,the Entire World will break out of the spell and return to the Light.

More Importantly these Palestinians as well as the Iranians and the Whites are considered Amalek. The racial enemies that the Jewish God demands be wiped out the face of the Earth.

The real war that is going on is beyond just religious. It is Racial in Nature. The Jewish God demands that Amalek which is Lucifers Bloodline to be eradicated and the Jews have worked Tooth and Nail for Thousands of years for this singular task.

This War against the Amalek is soon going to reach a boiling point in World History as they are attempting to forment World War 3 in order to make the Whites kill each other in a Global Conflict.

But they don't understand that If they do this ,they themselves will be eradicated too.

This War is just the Beginning. This is going to spiral out into various proxy wars and will potentially lead to a World War.

Pardon i came with different account.
Heck that's bizarre hear dude :lol: :lol: the Muslims are not good and are worse by far and violently. I veil it as a theater it's all an enegy harvesting scheme. The idea that an outside force like such and such to await is all shit and buying time.. bullshit prophecies etc..The best thing to do is save our soul and get strong on the astral and keep focus I suggest.
It's to trap attention and mix emotions. It's all the same, and just decieve and deceive. If you reach God head they would hate that you're free, anyone for the matter. It's just the media playing the many forms of control. It's always a tragedy remember that

911 Afgqnistqn Iraq Gadafis libya ISIS COVID Ukraine israel... it will never end.
Attention is Money and the more eyes look the more they can keep rolling, it's deeply sophisticated I suppose. I can say if after reaching God head fuck them and the things about sovereignty diminishes.
Imagine God's fighting, no winner no control my friend and no benefit or reason for the aggressor. This is mind control at its finest. But sad for Palestinians still being bombarded by missiles and No Allah. People by default are designed to lose and there's no winning without struggling.
Several things about the war doesn't add up. It is definitely orchestrated and planned by the Jews to benefit Israel.

Israel operate on advanced AI-surveillance technology, yet, Hamas militants somehow could cross the famous air-prison on paragliders like it was nothing?

Where is the Israeli iron dome missile system that takes out every other hundreds and thousands of rockets a year? Some claim the system were under a cyberattack, but then why didn't Israel listen to Egyptians intel on a potential threat a few months before the attack?

Even the footage of Hamas breaking down the fence with a bulldozer doesn't make sense. They were saying milita broke through the fence, but none of them had any military gear or weapons.

Hamas' military commander also claims they fired off 5'000 missiles. Where did they get the missiles from? How does Hamas fire into Israel knowing they are outmatched? Then nothing after? Its been Israel blasting them nonstop.

5'000 missiles being bought on the black market. It is strange that none of these black market missiles were tracked by some agency. Every government agency has task forces specialized for this kind of thing. Either they were completely in the dark, or they let it happen to allow the international law to be taken into effect to give Israel the right to level Iran and the Palestinian people once and for all.

Albert Pike mentioned in 1871 how the Jews are planning WW3 through a war between political Zionism and Islam. Other nations will be constrained, and forced to participate.

Russia is attacking Ukraine, and Israel declaring war on Iran/Palestine. What is next? China attacking Taiwan?
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Blueflame88 said:
General Yeager said:

You support Muslims ☪️ 🙄?? So Will you die 10 toes with Muslims against Jewish?

This is between muslims and jews, so there isn't really a third option. Do you support the jews instead?

I support everlasting satan, the scums you support will love to behead you more than the jews. (secretly muslim?), a clear pedophile prophet and girl that grew abused with forced marriages!! Muhmad is an imposter and pedophile and Allah doesn't exist for Palestine
The rest is clear and muslim nations cowards and weak
sshivafr said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Clearly we don't endorse violence but it makes for an interesting tea sipping morning to just open the news and see that. Not sure if the mass media will tell us 6 trillion jews perished in the attack, but yes, it's still interesting to sip some tea when you see things like that.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Dear High Priest
I have the luxury of feeling lost in what I feel.
My first feeling on seeing the attack on Israel was to "have a cup of tea".
But soon, the many iniquities and injustices (such as the rape of young Jewish women) forbid me to feel contentment.
I so HATE iniquity of any kind.
It's in my very nature, injustice literally makes me sick.

I always thought that seeing the enemy falter would fill me with joy. But it doesn't. Because it's not the Netanyahu, Soros and consort who are suffering, but little people.
So yes, I know that these little people don't necessarily have any consideration for the goyim.
But... all these iniquities prevent me from rejoicing.
What's more, war takes everything with it, the good and the bad, civilians and soldiers alike.
I'm not sure I want "destruction to create" anymore.
I wonder a lot about these notions of : Justice/iniquities; violence and war.
How do the Gods think about iniquity?
How do They deal with injustice and the need for violence?
How do we strike a balance between inherent human pity and Christian pity?
I'm having trouble finding my place.

I'm interested in reading your opinions and developments. (Others Brothers and Sisters too)

Hi Sister, I know we had our differences, but comparing this to what we see today, it feels like child play. I think I understand what you are asking exactly, but first, let me tell you how beautiful your avatar picture really is, I'm glad you didn't change it.

Now, regarding your questions, there are a lot of things mixed and it's hard taking out the wheat from the chaff.
It seems to me, that what you are thinking is here I am, taking an active part in this war and there is news of the enemy suffering and I should rejoice, and then when I go look into it closely all I see is ordinary people being in pain. And probably worse, am I at fault for this? Did I contribute to it? And worse of them all, would I do it? In your specific case, definitely not, but still, would a Brother of mine be capable of doing this? And yes, such a thought would bring the chills.

I am your Brother, whether you like it or not hehe, so I will try to give some answers from my point of view. First of all, we are at war, yes, and war brings violence, which we already know, but to see it, to witness it closely, to feel it, yes those are different things. War is brutal and blood is to be shed, but there is a line between killing your enemy and raping it or performing any atrocities and I believe we as Satanists don't cross it and never will.

War is also a last resort, a means to prevent something even worse which would be our total enslavement. War brings violence which to us Satanists is something repulsive because I believe there is something at the far end on the scale of evolution. Undeveloped nations, like those African countries suffering from famine and endless civil wars, have a lot of violence. Where do we see violence as well, on the streets of those neighborhoods ravaged by drugs and poverty? Violence is closer to the animalistic side of people. There is going to be a lot of violence if our civilization falls into anarchy and I believe there was a lot of it when the Roman empire fell. I find nothing heroic about severing limbs, burning down houses, and sending people to live on the streets without food and water. I think a true warrior acknowledges the necessity of war, and embraces the battle, but doesn't enjoy the violence it brings with it. As a warrior you are focused on keeping your composure, preparing each day, and training your body, mind, and soul so when it comes to it you fight well and defeat your enemy, but in the end, when you look at a battlefield full of corpses what is there to enjoy? So many lives were wasted because the leaders couldn't find a common ground.

I find your insight about the little people spot on. This is the Jewish pyramidal society at its finest, the commoners take the brunt, while the elites are spared any discomfort. At the same time though, if let's say Soros were to fall amid his brethren without any protection I'm sure he would be abused as well, even killed maybe. From our perspective, if one of our leaders or as it was in the past, our King/Queen would fight at our side I'm sure we would our best to protect him/her. Quite a difference, ey?

Raping women is not a matter of inequity. It's straight down an atrocity and it has nothing to do with war. It has to do with people being so spiritually degraded and indoctrinated. Those Palestinians think this is the enemy, we can do our worst to them, and they deserve it. And at first, they seem like they are right, I mean yeah we know for a fact Jews actually do deserve it. Then why this doesn't feel right? I mean, it doesn't for me as well. First, because as you said it's not their leaders who get punished, it's the ones at the bottom. Maybe some of them don't even know what's going on, they are simply fodder. Secondly, because as I said it has nothing to do with war, which is fought to balance the scales, to bring justice where a whole system has failed. Fighting, defeating, even killing your enemy if there's no other way is about war. Raping, degrading your enemy, and torturing your enemy is just about using war as an excuse to indulge in depravities. Even prisoners of war have rights.

When you talk about inherent human pity I think you are referring to compassion. Pity is something Jews turned compassion into and used as a weapon. Like hey, this man is poor, give him some coins. The church needs this and that, give your coin bro. It's like the church sells the pity. We as Satanists, donate, we volunteer and we offer our compassion to the people experiencing great troubles. We don't make a show out of it, we don't focus on the tears, but rather on what we can do collectively and individually to help them. And it is alright to feel compassion, we don't go to war and turn into beasts and lose all our feelings. We go to war because of our feelings, of injustice, slavery, and so on.

When you spoke about destruction to create I was thinking about taking down those filthy xian churches and replacing them with our beautiful temples, built on energy-charged holy places. This doesn't feel right with most of us because it seems like something orchestrated for their agenda, because it involves radical Muslims, and because it seems to be used as a trigger to start an even bigger bloodshed, Ukrainian things moving too slowly or something.

Unfortunately, the way humanity was abused for these past centuries probably triggered these events. We, doing our RTRs and rituals probably accelerated this process, but this is clearly not our doing. And I think what Cobra wants to say, please correct me if I'm in the wrong, is that if the world is going to burn anyway, why not enjoy a cup of tea while at it?

In the end, from a personal perspective. When I was little and was living in the countryside I saw peasants brutified by daily alcohol intake who beat their animals, their horses and cattle mainly. They killed the cats who ate their chickens. Also living in communism you had to stay in line for some butter, milk, and a piece of meat. Even bread was rationalized. When people get abused day in and day out, this brings out the worst in them. Hence, all the violence. It isn't about the war, it is about the human spirit slowly disappearing and people going feral.

I don't know if all these answered at least some of your questions and I sure can't speak for the Gods, but this is how I feel about all this. And I, for one, while I do feel sorry for them having to suffer like that, I won't stop fighting this war to the best of my abilities and I certainly don't feel I am to blame for what's happening. All I want is for our side to be free and control our destiny, if there is no other way than through war then I'll go and have my morning tea as well.

Is_that_so said:
I don't think this is fully our RTR's either...

How would Israel let the missiles fly in?

Their defense system is incredible and so is their intelligence. It doesn't make sense...

This is definitely them pulling tricks.

The Palestinians fired thousands of rockets at the same time. Most had only the propellant to launch the rocket but did not have any explosive charge, basically fake or empty rockets. And the Iron Dome defence was overloaded with too many targets that it was not able to shoot down all of them. Then they mixed in some real rockets with an explosive that were able to get through.
Darkpagan666 said:

You are forgetting the about $2.3 Billion worth of American weapons that were left behind and abandoned in Afghanistan last year. Including many thousands of rockets. It has been seen that Hamas is using many of these American weapons.

Also a lot of the weapons and money sent to Ukraine did not stay there. Hamas is using some of these weapons too.
Hellolibrary666 said:

This is not about supporting muslims. I am against them at least as much as you are.

But there is war between two armies, a muslim army and a jew army. You could say that you want both of them to be defeated and many people will agree. But who do you want to lose the war? Who is worse?

Jews created muslims. All of the evil that has been done by muslims is because they have been controlled, brainwashed, and cursed by jews to do these things. If there were no jews, there would be no islam either. Do you fight a puppet, or do you fight the hand that is moving the puppet?
Egon said:
Sure not with muslims just with Palestinian families, just look at Ahed Tamimi, I have siblings who look like that, I couldn't imagine their pain. Many of them descend from Greeks aka Philistines who are a people most hated so much by the kikes for being worshipers of Baalzebul in the past in the region.
Also they didn't bring Somalis/Afghanis/Pakistanis to Europe the people who they're attacking did, also they did side with Germany to fight Zionism.

The rumor has it anthropologist Margaret Mead answered the question ''What is the sign of civilization?'' by saying ''First sign of civilization in an ancient culture is a femur that had been broken and then healed.'' Because it suggests that someone witnessed another's pain, treated them, nursed them, gave their hand when they needed to go somewhere, brought food until the injured person is healed.

I really appreciate this act of kindness, mercy, and empathy. It is the sign of civilization to me even if the anthropologist never actually said it. I appreciate your way of thinking.

I'm also worried. In creative writing, we are told that people emotionally invests in and connect fictional characters as if they are real humans. Our brain doesn't differentiate a real human and fiction. The more similar characteristics they have, the reader connects and feel for them more. It may be simple things like having x kind of coffee and tea in the morning, a shared phobia (it doesn't even have to be shared, if a fictional character is described good enough, humans subconsciously recalls something they fear and connects with the fictional character), being at the same age with the character, having a dog or cat, their weight-height-eye color being same, and of course, their family.

Do you remember what happened when we accepted and treated creatures that looks like us, smiles like us, talks like us, eats like us, reproduces with us the same way we accept and treat each other? Jews, it was them.

I only hope that people of Filistin and their grandchildren who stood their ground while their neighbors were selling their lands to Jews when they were offered 2 or 3 times of the actual price, even before the English mandate, and even when the sales were banned in the 19th century (it was ottoman back then it was banned for various reasons) are spared of these destruction under the mercy of Gods.

You put into words exactly what I was feeling.
And your vision of war is exactly mine.

Every Spiritual Satanist should ask himself at every important act, every word: "Is this noble? Is this how the Gods would act? Is it dishonorable? Does this conform to the ethics of the Gods?"

It should be so for every Man, but we live among sick "human animals" (to paraphrase those horrible jooz). And we're still a little bit of them too. May the light of the Gods triumph and make Humans grow And see the defeat of all those who debase this world.

I'm glad to have read you, it's been a long time.
Thank you for the compliments on the profile photo, I think it really does honor to our Father, Beautiful and inspiring confidence and strength.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Darkpagan666 said:

You are forgetting the about $2.3 Billion worth of American weapons that were left behind and abandoned in Afghanistan last year. Including many thousands of rockets. It has been seen that Hamas is using many of these American weapons.

Also a lot of the weapons and money sent to Ukraine did not stay there. Hamas is using some of these weapons too.

Now that makes a lot of sense. Thank you for informing me!
I just wanted to add a bump to this thread:

Without getting into too many details as some of us are aware, we're definitely making progress in the Gentile awareness of Isreal's war crimes. Although they have continued to be relentlessly hostile towards Palestine, the "protective coverage" news outlets have been giving them has become so much that a huge population of the world is starting to take notice.

It's becoming blatantly obvious how much they are being protected to do what they please and Gentiles understandably are not taking this lightly. Just like Covid, they are revealing themselves 10-fold to the entire world and we have our Rituals factoring in this regard.

Keep up the good work everyone! Hail Satan!!
Sungio13 said:
I just wanted to add a bump to this thread:

Without getting into too many details as some of us are aware, we're definitely making progress in the Gentile awareness of Isreal's war crimes. Although they have continued to be relentlessly hostile towards Palestine, the "protective coverage" news outlets have been giving them has become so much that a huge population of the world is starting to take notice.

It's becoming blatantly obvious how much they are being protected to do what they please and Gentiles understandably are not taking this lightly. Just like Covid, they are revealing themselves 10-fold to the entire world and we have our Rituals factoring in this regard.

Keep up the good work everyone! Hail Satan!!

I just did the Curse Israel RTR and the Astarte Power Ritual today. On to the Final RTR

What else are these RTRs doing against the Jews besides what you described? Are the Jews adversely affected in any other areas?
DisillusionedCitizen said:
Sungio13 said:
I just wanted to add a bump to this thread:

Without getting into too many details as some of us are aware, we're definitely making progress in the Gentile awareness of Isreal's war crimes. Although they have continued to be relentlessly hostile towards Palestine, the "protective coverage" news outlets have been giving them has become so much that a huge population of the world is starting to take notice.

It's becoming blatantly obvious how much they are being protected to do what they please and Gentiles understandably are not taking this lightly. Just like Covid, they are revealing themselves 10-fold to the entire world and we have our Rituals factoring in this regard.

Keep up the good work everyone! Hail Satan!!

I just did the Curse Israel RTR and the Astarte Power Ritual today. On to the Final RTR

What else are these RTRs doing against the Jews besides what you described? Are the Jews adversely affected in any other areas?

Right now with this situation, this awareness is a huge blow to them. They're starting to lose the blind and unconditional sympathy and protection that Gentiles have been giving them for the past 60 years. Just like the affirmation in the FRTR:

"The spiritual veil of hebrew magick and consciousness covering this world is permanently lifted, dead, and devoid of any and all power and influence."

We can also say that we've made momentous progress in lowering their defenses to the Rituals we perform. Again, in accordance to another affirmation:

"The spiritual protection of all jews and rabbis is permanently dead and erased."

With these latest attacks, NOW the effect that is taking place is that we're empowering the natural psychic attacks that Gentiles are directing at them because of these heinous actions that are taking place. So we're starting to really increase the Gentile support towards rightful justice. All accordance to these next 2 affirmations:

"Jews are defenseless from any and all sides, and in any and all worlds of existence."

"All hate, psychic attacks, and negative karma has manifested fully on the jews and the jewish people."
Egon said:
That is a very bad analogy, Gentile Arabs are not Jews, and no one is humanizing the crowd that betrays Whites and do all kinds of crimes. Jews emulate human emotions but even in places that are fucked up by islam like Palestine. And Palestinians are mostly not even Arabs but mixed with them like Yazidis. In there it's a range of different humans there who range from people who can become SS to just normal secular families that mind their own business and don't care much about someone else's "idolatry", to people who act like Jews and wanna behead us (mostly financed by the people the Palestinians hate anyway and wanna get rid off).
One of the kindest kids in school who treated me well was a Saudi Arabian fellow who was also very strong and white skinned. Also they are closer to my racial brethren, not really kin to let all this dehumanization slip just because I'm not all the time not attacking the Whites race as "deserving" it due individuals being cucks and faggots, on the contrary I'm always focusing on qualities of White people and their survival, SPECIALLY at a time they are antagonizing the enemies of mankind and not even causing riots in White nations for the support of Palestine.

I'm literally from Middle East. The kindness of few or the kindness when they are not in power doesn't mean anything. There are millions who are eager to leech off all accumulated abundance of generations from strong white nations and make others fight and die for them. They are not individuals, they are the majority.

I apologize for the emotional tone of my previous replies, what I mean is there have been Arab, Persian and Turk/Greek Gentile leaders who attempted to undermine islamic influence in their countries, then got attacked and stopped by Israel, so one thing is for certain there are decent Gentile families out there who don't deserve to be "mutually destroyed and replaced" because muh islamic gangs.

Gamal Abdel Nasser was one of the most beloved leaders in the whole Arab world and yet he tried his best to undermine islamic influence in Egypt, so the radical islamic opposition fled and was funded by Israel to become Hamas, then Israel proceeded to wage war against (mostly) secular Egypt:

Then you have others like Ataturk, Yasser Arafat and the Persian Royal family who tried to modernize the Middle East and Turkey and bring peace but where destroyed/stopped.

Philistines are already descendant of Caananites, and even if mixed they've already adapted to the area, same as modern Greeks. Palestinians without islam would be like this or even better:

Whites reshaping Arab countries is fantasy, Europe/Russia is the native lands of the White race. There's no need to replace anyone in their homelands, we are not Barbara Spectre. They just have to dump islam/xtinanity and go back to where they belong.
Personal Growth said:
As things are not going so well for them there that's why they're depopulating Ukraine. So they can move in there next.

Yes, that's what I was thinking. Ukraine - New Jerusalem
Hellolibrary666 said:
Ok I apologize I think I misjudged you, you're not a jew you're just misreading the forum.

No one cares about what India is doing about Israel, certainly not in this forum since Satan hates the Jews more than anything else.
Satan will destroy Israel: https://old.josrituals.org
"Israel is going to get what she deserves!"

Indian politicians are supporting isreal probably because they are illiterate and retarded like muslims, since they too are brown. But it didn't use to be like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gdih5F7Tf9Q

If Modi keeps bleesing israel he will be cursed by our Satanic rituals: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=90574
"Those who bless Israel are cursed / Those who curse Israel are blessed"

Jews don't care that you support them, they see you as a sub-race animal who serves them like a dog and would burn your children and wives alive as if you too were a Palestinian too regardless of which religion. Indians and Palestinians are the same mixed trash from Satan, in the eyes of Jews: https://odysee.com/@joyofsatanpt:c/Jew-Baruch-Explains-Jewish-Superiority:9

Because you are a child of the Gods they'd destroy you as an "Amalek" (children of Satan):
https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=90697 (topic by your fellow Indian)

Pro-isreal Indian retards will probably think their God Shiva/Satan is a muslim too lol, like some Yazidis I spoke with.
You don't have to like Arabs or anyone, just don't try to dimish here in this forum how evil and deserving of destruction pissreal is.
Neophyte said:
Personal Growth said:
As things are not going so well for them there that's why they're depopulating Ukraine. So they can move in there next.

Yes, that's what I was thinking. Ukraine - New Jerusalem

Aye oh aye. And that's why they're saying they're purging it of Nazi's.

If Jews are going there they will want to get rid of any Nazi types there first.
Sean475 said:
I would not believe a word that comes out of Israel from the masters of deception -
we can only guess what is going on and what the plan is, but my guess would be these
s /bags are up to their normal tricks to further their sick agenda.
September 11 in the Middle East! - https://www.voltairenet.org/article219838.html

According to the official version, the Hamas attack “caught Israel by surprise”. However, a series of inexplicable facts do not make the official version credible.

How is it possible that the Gaza barrier was breached with bulldozers without anyone noticing?

The 64-kilometre barrier surrounding Gaza is made of an underground wall equipped with sensors to prevent tunnelling, and a 6-metre high fence with sensors, radars, cameras and automatic weapons systems connected to a command, and is manned by soldiers.

How is it possible that on that very day, a music festival was taking place involving thousands of young people, and located in the desert a few kilometres from Gaza, in an area already considered dangerous because it was within range of Hamas rockets, and moreover left without any security force?

How is it possible when Hamas militants attacked over 20 Israeli population centres, killing (according to official figures) 1300 people, the Israeli special forces, considered among the best in the world, did not immediately intervene with helicopters and only intervened with police force?

How is it possible that Mossad, considered one of the most efficient Secret Services in the world, did not realize that Hamas was preparing its attack?


The Israeli command has ordered the evacuation of over one million inhabitants, over half of the entire population, from the northern half of Gaza. On the other hand, the strategic aim of the operation is to trigger a chain reaction of wars in the Middle East, targeting Iran, where the United States, Israel and the European powers are losing ground.


War will 'last a long time' – Israeli minister - https://www.rt.com/news/585337-conflict-hamas-israel-last-months/

Victory will be declared only after reconstruction of the combat zones is complete, which will take years, Benny Gantz has said


According to the minister, Israel’s goal “is not just to defeat Hamas, but to promise that the south will be 100% paradise.”
Neophyte said:
Personal Growth said:
As things are not going so well for them there that's why they're depopulating Ukraine. So they can move in there next.

Yes, that's what I was thinking. Ukraine - New Jerusalem

It's fucked up, and depressing when looking at the condition of the world from an ascended dragon pov. Badly depressing. I try to focus away but it sucks to know shit sometimes

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
