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So, global warming...


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
Earth, Satan's Kingdom
Recently, it seems that there are more and more news about “imminent civilization collapse” that is gonna be brought on by global warming. Scientists are urging for action to be taken immediately, as we are almost out of time to stop catastrophe.

I have seen many times on this forum people saying that all of this is a lie. How can we be even sure? We sure do polute a lot, and earth is in one sense closed system, and it’s easy to cause disbalance. Maybe we do have to do something with it?
Larissa666 said:
Recently, it seems that there are more and more news about “imminent civilization collapse” that is gonna be brought on by global warming. Scientists are urging for action to be taken immediately, as we are almost out of time to stop catastrophe.

I have seen many times on this forum people saying that all of this is a lie. How can we be even sure? We sure do polute a lot, and earth is in one sense closed system, and it’s easy to cause disbalance. Maybe we do have to do something with it?
This is in the wrong as in nothing the humans do attests to global warming. Global warming and cooling and beyond the realm of human Influence. Jewish scientists cherry pick data and manipulate average heating data (by their own admission) to project a false narrative that humans have any role in Global Warming. Humans pollute their immediate environment and destroy numerous plant and animal lives. However humans have no contribution in this particular case probably 1000% less than what is projected in the media and academia. These are the same people who projected an ice ago in the 60-70s. Then they projected (Global warming) and now they're again projecting Global cooling. Its a scam tactic to tax average people and steal money from them. The yellow vest protests in France is due to this.
For detailed information on this subject read,.
Jack said:
Larissa666 said:
Recently, it seems that there are more and more news about “imminent civilization collapse” that is gonna be brought on by global warming. Scientists are urging for action to be taken immediately, as we are almost out of time to stop catastrophe.

I have seen many times on this forum people saying that all of this is a lie. How can we be even sure? We sure do polute a lot, and earth is in one sense closed system, and it’s easy to cause disbalance. Maybe we do have to do something with it?
This is in the wrong as in nothing the humans do attests to global warming. Global warming and cooling and beyond the realm of human Influence. Jewish scientists cherry pick data and manipulate average heating data (by their own admission) to project a false narrative that humans have any role in Global Warming. Humans pollute their immediate environment and destroy numerous plant and animal lives. However humans have no contribution in this particular case probably 1000% less than what is projected in the media and academia. These are the same people who projected an ice ago in the 60-70s. Then they projected (Global warming) and now they're again projecting Global cooling. Its a scam tactic to tax average people and steal money from them. The yellow vest protests in France is due to this.
For detailed information on this subject read,.

What my pal Jack the Big Mack said. He got dis jewish propaganda to a T. He Must Indentify as a Lama cuz he just be spittin the truth.
Larissa666 said:
Recently, it seems that there are more and more news about “imminent civilization collapse” that is gonna be brought on by global warming. Scientists are urging for action to be taken immediately, as we are almost out of time to stop catastrophe.

I have seen many times on this forum people saying that all of this is a lie. How can we be even sure? We sure do polute a lot, and earth is in one sense closed system, and it’s easy to cause disbalance. Maybe we do have to do something with it?
off topic but beautiful picture:)
Aquarius said:
Larissa666 said:
Recently, it seems that there are more and more news about “imminent civilization collapse” that is gonna be brought on by global warming. Scientists are urging for action to be taken immediately, as we are almost out of time to stop catastrophe.

I have seen many times on this forum people saying that all of this is a lie. How can we be even sure? We sure do polute a lot, and earth is in one sense closed system, and it’s easy to cause disbalance. Maybe we do have to do something with it?
off topic but beautiful picture:)

Yes, it’s off topic, but thank you nonetheless.

I realize that most universities are ran or controlled by Jews, but I see some very convincing evidence that human activity is to blame.

Consensus of more than 95 of scientists from all around the globe is hard to dismiss. I am feeling it is wrong to dismiss this lightheartedly.
This global warming kosher rhetoric is used to punish and tax western white countries, while for instance jew-run China has been trashing the environment and its own population for decades. CO2 gaz emissions in the air is the least of environmental issues.
The Earth is massive to us but not even as big as a grain of sand in the universe as a whole. All 7.6 billion of humans put in one place together couldn't fill up the grand canyon and unless a giant catastrophic black smoke screen engulfed the earth, our influence on 'Global Warming' is on a very small and local scale. The Earth's atmosphere and environments are self-cleaning for the most part but in concentrations like in China for instance, there will be noticeable affects.

These local affects however don't influence the entire planet as a whole on a threateningly large scale that would warrant a mass panic or world-wide crisis, and when we stop the enemy it never will. Now when it comes to resources, we have a real concern. The jews have basically headlocked humanity to be akin to an over-consuming mass machine. Over-population and the enemy doing everything they can to upset the ecosystem is part of it.

Other races on other planets know to keep a balance on their worlds to prevent an ecological collapse or cause for planetary concerns, but humans have been attacked by the parasitic Yahweh race for centuries and we hadn't been given the chance to evolve towards the same level of understanding due to such a massive setback. Yes, humanity contributes to issues in the environment, but this is because of the jews and how they steered human society to basically do their own dirty work for them; not to mention they seriously over-exaggerate this contribution.

If you find it hard to believe that it's part of a scheme from the enemy, then tell me why products and items that are supposed to be 'environmentally friendly' are unbelievably expensive. You'd think they would be cheaper to encourage their usage but no, it's all just a joo cash-grab. Once the enemy is finally wiped clean from this planet, everything will come to light. Our time for victory is now, and we best not waste it.
Sinistra said:
This global warming kosher rhetoric is used to punish and tax western white countries, while for instance jew-run China has been trashing the environment and its own population for decades. CO2 gaz emissions in the air is the least of environmental issues.

No if everyone just planted a tree in their backyard instead of only stones that would solve a lot of issues already as plants and trees can use CO2 to for photosyntheses which as a result releases oxygen back into the environment.
Global warming is a farce. It is absurd if you look at it with a few basic physical laws and a bit of common sense. What is actually being exploited is not so much our scientific ignorance (but it definitely is doing that), so much as it is the natural tendency most people have which is to give the authority of knowing 'the facts' to literally anybody else who appears to be qualified or like they know their shit. We often assume scientists or other clever people "out there" know something we don't or are never going to be as good as cos we don't have fancy honourifics or a thesis etc etc, always letting the job of knowing what's what to someone else. I know plenty of you guys don't buy this lunacy, but it's one of those things that can make you feel unsure if it's right or wrong because it's so easy for kikes to clog it up with their usual tactics. So I'm gonna make sure anyone here knocks that shit off and gives this knowledge below crack instead; it's what I did 6 or 7 years ago when this global warming/climate change doomsday became hugely topical and I immediately knew it had to be a fucking crock of shit. Bit of basic science investigating proved it for me in short time.

First: climate change is real. Absolutely the climate changes. We all experience climates changing, and it happens all the time. Cold, hot, dry, snow, etc. The climate changes. This is a truth which kike trash bury their lying in to have a half truth. "The climate changes, goy. Repent by taxing your carbon and destroying your nation's power resources. Its your fault goy.. etc etc." TRUE BIT: Climate DOES change. JEW BIT: that it's driven by man or literally anything else they say. We are not doing it. The kikelets can fuck with the weather though.

Second: global warming is not going to happen by any of the means that kikes warn us with. And even if the Earth did get a few clicks hotter, you'd still benefit from it. Life always thrives where there is warmth, carbon dioxide rich air (for plants to pump out O2), and water which earth has plenty of on it's surface. Look to the polar caps or places like Greenland. There's a good reason these aren't hot spots of activity. You can't catch a cold in the arctic cos bacteria don't survive there. Just hypothermia, frost bite, polar bears (antarctic), and probably penguins and seals. The equator is full of people, plants, and microorganisms. It's common sense that we would die sooner in the freezing cold than in the boiling hot.

The most important and unstoppable influence over our global warmth is the Sun bar none. If it farts, we all die 8 minutes later when the cosmic rays reach the Earth and cook it almost instantly in no great amount of effort or time cost. Cosmic radiation from the Sun is severely diminished by our Ozone (which is a blanket of triatomic oxygen molecules essentially), which turns it from instant immolation to the Sunshine responsible for all life on Earth, and which if taken from us, will kill us all similarly. If a nuke goes off, a big volcano erupts, or a big enough projectile from outer space collides (not as massive as you might think to get the job done) with the Earth's surface, then it'll put a lot of particles in our atmosphere such as ash and dust and so forth, and this usually takes years and years before it settles down again back on the Earth's surface. This addition to our ozone blanket will be sufficient enough to freeze the shit out of a lot of us to death and starvation and is where I presume the term nuclear winter is drawn from. The cosmic rays will be shielded against very effectively by that new addition of particles. These are just a few scenarios (that have actually happened before) which will effortlessly override any problematic (and incompetent) date models which sometimes predict something as piss weak as a 0.0004 degrees celsius increase in temperature if certain measures aren't met by 2020. I'm not joking, some global warming prophets have used models that say the earth temp will rise by 4 thousandths of one degree Celsius and that it will doom us all. This is exploiting the general public's ignorance of basic science or critical thought. There are other important things which readily affect global temperatures, this is sufficient for now.

3) There is weather controlling technology and it is pretty much guaranteed that it is being used to by ya jew bois to simulate the global warming they keep preaching about. In my country it is always seems to go unnoticed that we never hear about climate bullshit and global warming crises during winter. As soon as summer starts heating up the place you watch the little fuckers start coming out of the woodwork like clockwork. It's simply easier to bullshit you into a heat death crisis if you are sitting in the summer sun which they can reasonably amplify to a minor extent with control of cloud cover, humidity, and rainfall.

4) CO2, the common culprit of heat increases, has been up to 8 times more abundant by percentage of atmospheric gaseous makeup in the past before we existed. (This is well known by any experts in the field of geology, and that is the scientifically rigorous field which you would always ask for information on the Earth's climate). Again, Earth has been far more abundant in carbon dioxide during times when not a single car engine was around to spew out the evil CO2 gasses and neither was a coal station. This naturally yielded a fucking shit load of wide spread plant life. [As human's we also naturally exhale CO2 with every exhaled breath. I was expecting a breathing tax to come down the pipe at one stage. Those dumb fuckin' kikes, haha. The only "gas" (pesticide) that unfortunately didn't get the annihilation it was scapegoated with, was Zyklon B.] It is important to remember that the oceans sequester CO2 spontaneously (i.e., they do it automatically all day erry day, and oceans cover about 7/10 of the planet); volcano eruptions emit enough CO2 in one go to out do any input man has done; CO2 is plant food, and the more of it we have, the more plants will eat, and thus the more plants will produce oxygen which we get to breath (do take notice of the O2 and CO2 interplay between plants and ourselves, it isn't at all unusual that native organisms on a planet have functionality which cycles through each and the other; after all, we are all extensions of th Earth's creative intelligence until Satan came about and gave us a sweet genetic upgrade - and it's a fuckin sweet upgrade on a planet which he rightfully rules).

Uhh, what else. Oh yeah, you've gotta consider the laws of conservation of energy. It simply is never created or destroyed, and this is kind of the case when it comes to Earth's elemental resources between all the carbon molecules on Earth and the next place that's got it, there is space. Space probably doesn't have much carbon in it just blowing about and topping up a planet. The insane heat of stars exploding is what I know to be sufficient enough to create carbon out of beryllium (the element before it in the p. table). Basically we on Earth use carbon as it is available to us. It's very common, but not infinite on the Earth. To make more of it, we'd have always have to make it from something there already is, and unless I'm not aware of something pretty nifty out there, we'd need access to fantastic amounts of energy which would allow us to make beryllium fuse with another proton, electron, and a neutron (sub atommies etc) and be permanently now that way. Essentially stars get nuts hot and hydrogen is eventially smashed together into helium. Then smashed more to make lithium. And it goes up to iron. And then the universe has elements in it. It's not something easily replicated as far as I know. So basically we simply cannot make more CO2 than the Earth ALREADY HAS IN IT, CORE TO ATMOSPHERE. We can try and more it more to the atmosphere like it was in times past, but it's not going to happen. It is a monumental task to just shift all the carbon to the western countries on the surface of the planet just so you can rapidly increase the amounts in the local atmosphere, which will disperse and sequester and be eaten by planets and uh and fuck, just no. Get real. There are actually toxic gases like fluorocarbons (I think that's the name), but we do regulate and watch those emissions pretty well. They don't fuck around and will cause issues quickly if they aren't controlled. Also, geology has calculated us to be well overdue for an ice age last I recall.

There is a heap of shit I could go on about. If you have something specific, just hit me up. If nothing else, read the Al Jilwah. Satan owns this planet and he alone has control over what happens in it's celestial functioning. Global warming is quite literally scare tactics and doomsday forecasting by scientifically illiterate cock heads. Satan's RTR Kommandos you know the drill!

Not For Greens by Ian Plimer (2012) is a great resource for further information about climate change/global warming haox bullshit.

Hail Satan, buddies!
do aknowledge that jews have technology that can change the weather..
[quote="Norse 88"We often assume scientists or other clever people "out there" know something we don't or are never going to be as good as cos we don't have fancy honourifics or a thesis etc etc,"

You are so right. In fact most scientific studies are crap since too many scientists prefer to publish crap to fund their careers rather than tell the truth. It's even worse regrading global warming as any scientist questioning global warming will be ostracized and their career destroyed... This is not how real science should work.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
