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Slipping Away

[email protected]

New member
Feb 6, 2006
Hello everyone, I would like to discuss something personal and need some advice. So it's spring break and happy late Easter and April fools. I haven't been really doing my daily meditations lately, I just feel like I am slowly losing my conscience. I opened my third eye, but didnt really have any signs of opening it other than a headache. I am up to opening the crown chakra and doing the yoga routine. The yoga really isn't that comfortable and I don't think I can get into it. I guess I am mostly depressed and frustrated that I cant talk to Father or the Demons. I know it's all about self-empowerment, but I feel like my motivation is vague. I tell myself that I should do it for Father and the thing that I love most in the world, my cat. Though, both of them are in a place I cant currently reach. The astral plane. I won't lie, I feel as if everything im doing is not working or im doing it wrong. I did get a sign from Father, but my body still holds me back. What should I do?
Looks like it has been removed. Jerks!

But I have it copied.

Invoking the Akasha/Quintessence/Ether

I have found the quintessence [akasha/ether] to act as a medium in amplifying energies and the powers of the soul. Ether is also said to impart "invisibility" in the way of one not being noticed. If you try this, it is very important to also do this with the void in not thinking, as thoughts give off energy. Of course, this does not mean physical invisibility, but invisibility in not being noticed, like a well-trained Ninja can do.

1. Visualize and feel yourself in the center of an unlimited space. This will feel like floating. There is no above or below or sideways. The quintessence is ultra-violet, very similar to what is known as a black light. For those of you who are familiar with the black lights of the 1970's and how they illuminated florescent colors on posters, this is the color you should be visualizing as it is very powerful. Black lights are ultra-violet. If you are not familiar just type 'black light' into a search engine; also see 'images' of black lights; and black light bulbs. This energy is the first step in the non-visible spectrum of light. The soul is composed of both the visible and non-visible spectrums of light.

2. Breathe in the akasha/ether, visualizing yourself completely surrounded by the ultra-violet energy as you would with energy breathing and fill your entire being with it for eleven breaths.
FEEL this energy and focus your mind and astral senses upon it.

3. Meditate on the feeling you get from invoking this energy for 10-15 minutes.

"It has been mentioned in the theoretical part that the elements originate in the akasha principle, by which they are dominated and kept in the correct balance.
After a long time of exercising, a magician who has achieved good results with the elements will also be able to control the finest principle that is the astral ether."

"We have heard that akasha is the primary source, the sphere of all causes. Any deliberate cause, such as a wish, a thought, any imagination created in this sphere together with the dynamic conviction is bound to be realized with the help of the elements, regardless of the level or sphere on which the realization necessarily has to be performed. This is one of the greatest magic mysteries and a universal key for the magician, who will understand its range only later on in the course of his development."
-Franz Bardon "Initiation into Hermetics" © 1956

Aether (classical element)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
(Redirected from Quintessence (alchemy))

"The aether is the fifth classical element in ancient Greek philosophy and science. This Greek concept seems to derive directly from the akasha, its Hindu counterpart. In Greek doctrines it seems that the aether was the celestial fire, the pure essence where the gods lived and which they breathed. In this connection, it seems that aether is radiative heat like that of the sun, which is able to propagate in empty space. The Greek word "aither" derives from an Indo- European root aith- ("burn, shine"). This root figures in the name of Aithiopia (Ethiopia), which means something like "burnt land."

"Aether was once believed to be a substance, which filled all of space. Aristotle included it as a fifth element (the quintessence) on the principle that nature abhorred a vacuum."

Oliver Nicholson points out that, in contrast to the better known luminiferous aether of the 19th century, the older concept of the classical aether had three properties. Among these characteristics, the classical aether had a non-material property, was "less than the vehicle of visible light", and was responsible for "generating metals" along with fostering the development of all bodies."

[1]"Robert Fludd stated that the aether was of the character that it was "subtler than light". Fludd cites the 3rd century view of Plotinus, concerning the aether as penetrative and non-material."

"[2]"Other 1800s views, such as James Clerk Maxwell, Lord Kelvin, and Nikola Tesla, was of the disposition that the aether was more akin to it actually being the electromagnetic field."

"In modern physics, dark energy is sometimes called quintessence due to its similarity to the classical ether."

Hail Satan!


On Wed, 4/4/18, mcychris2002@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Slipping Away
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Wednesday, April 4, 2018, 8:22 AM


Hello everyone, I would like to discuss something
personal and need some advice. So it's spring break and
happy late Easter and April fools. I haven't been really
doing my daily meditations lately, I just feel like I am
slowly losing my conscience. I opened my third eye, but
didnt really have any signs of opening it other than a
headache. I am up to opening the crown chakra and doing the
yoga routine. The yoga really isn't that comfortable and
I don't think I can get into it. I guess I am mostly
depressed and frustrated that I cant talk to Father or the
Demons. I know it's all about self-empowerment, but I
feel like my motivation is vague. I tell myself that I
should do it for Father and the thing that I love most in
the world, my cat. Though, both of them are in a place I
cant currently reach. The astral plane. I won't lie, I
feel as if everything im doing is not working or im doing it
wrong. I did get a sign from Father, but my body still holds
me back. What should I do?

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There are two choices you are left with: to give up or be persistent and keep going. Which one you will choose is completely up to you. But if you are not going to give up, you have to be committed to a daily routine. 
Hmm, does someone who’s interested in martial arts; someone potentially wants to become a martial arts master do martial arts training and become a master within a few weeks or months or even years sometimes?
I’m sure we all know the answer here.

Meditation and yoga is the same way man. It still is an art just like magick is. No one becomes a master so soon.

So how old are you?(don’t answer) how much time in your life time did you practice meditation and yoga? How much time in your life did you not practice yoga?

These are just some things for yourself to think about, I don’t expect you to really answer here on these groups.

You are barely at the opening of the crown chakra, you need to keep moving forward.

Hatha yoga shouldn’t be uncomfortable, if it is; just do the poses you are able to do comfortable and/or do the kundalini yoga session instead. The kundalini yoga session is easy but powerful.

Keep in mind that all of this does take time but it’s worth it in the end.

Keep doing meditation and opening your chakras and yoga. Proceed forward with the program.

Look at it this way. This practice of yoga and meditation isn’t just for communication with demons dude... it’s for your soul!
It’s the only true way the evolution of man can be completed. Man either evolves through meditation and yoga or he depletes, gradually/overtime. And guess what.

No ones soul is going to finish itself so to speak. Meaning that if you put this off in this lifetime and refuse to do it then you will just die and most likely reincarnate into the same situation or worse. And will still have to apply the practices if you wish to grow and evolve out of the cycle of reincarnation and become like a god.

You’re new to meditation, just accept it, it’s fine. Accept that It just needs time and persistence.

Open the rest of your chakras and keep going.
Sent from my iPhone
I have just started the 40 days meditation and i am finding it really difficult to concentrate and do not think about what happened few hours before.
Is this normal? Why is it so difficult? Howcome every noise i hear distract me?
Help please
Hail Satan Forever

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Wednesday, April 4, 2018, 5:22 pm, mcychris2002@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:
  Hello everyone, I would like to discuss something personal and need some advice. So it's spring break and happy late Easter and April fools. I haven't been really doing my daily meditations lately, I just feel like I am slowly losing my conscience. I opened my third eye, but didnt really have any signs of opening it other than a headache. I am up to opening the crown chakra and doing the yoga routine. The yoga really isn't that comfortable and I don't think I can get into it. I guess I am mostly depressed and frustrated that I cant talk to Father or the Demons. I know it's all about self-empowerment, but I feel like my motivation is vague. I tell myself that I should do it for Father and the thing that I love most in the world, my cat. Though, both of them are in a place I cant currently reach. The astral plane. I won't lie, I feel as if everything im doing is not working or im doing it wrong. I did get a sign from Father, but my body still holds me back. What should I do?
Take your time. Keep doing void meditation. Try it by staring at an object or with your eyes closed but you can also use the other senses like focusing on feeling a fabric or sound though that's a different type of meditation I think it will improve your focus. 

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Sat, Apr 7, 2018 at 11:11 AM, Romina Attard rominattard@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   Hi, 
I have just started the 40 days meditation and i am finding it really difficult to concentrate and do not think about what happened few hours before.
Is this normal? Why is it so difficult? Howcome every noise i hear distract me?
Help please
Hail Satan Forever

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Wednesday, April 4, 2018, 5:22 pm, mcychris2002@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:
  Hello everyone, I would like to discuss something personal and need some advice. So it's spring break and happy late Easter and April fools. I haven't been really doing my daily meditations lately, I just feel like I am slowly losing my conscience. I opened my third eye, but didnt really have any signs of opening it other than a headache. I am up to opening the crown chakra and doing the yoga routine. The yoga really isn't that comfortable and I don't think I can get into it. I guess I am mostly depressed and frustrated that I cant talk to Father or the Demons. I know it's all about self-empowerment, but I feel like my motivation is vague. I tell myself that I should do it for Father and the thing that I love most in the world, my cat. Though, both of them are in a place I cant currently reach. The astral plane. I won't lie, I feel as if everything im doing is not working or im doing it wrong. I did get a sign from Father, but my body still holds me back. What should I do?
This is just because you are new to meditation and it’s fine. 
In what case does someone do something new for their first time(something such as an art) and succeed at it 100% in every way? 
Now, a whole lot of people are going to come here and dedicate their soul to Satan and start doing power meditations; people from all kinds of different backgrounds and life styles. 
But the difference between these people is that those who stay Persistent and don’t give up ; people who strongly desire to advance and make sure to do meditation and yoga everyday will make it farther and will actually advance spiritually as opposed to people who come here and try a week or month of meditation and aren’t getting expected results or it is “hard” for them so they just quit sometimes.
You’re new to meditation, don’t expect to be a master at it so soon. Yes, it might be hard to control your mind at first but this will get easier over time if you stay consistent. 
Also, you can do breathing exercises or Hatha yoga before meditation and that will calm your mind and get your ready for meditation. 
Breathing exerciseshttp://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... thing.html
Hatha yoga http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Yoga2.html

Void meditation is the meditation that is specifically used to get your thoughts under your control so it wouldn’t hurt to add it into your program.http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html
No matter what, just don’t get discouraged and stop doing meditation. No one should just quit trying to advance their soul. That’s what the enemy wants you to do. 
Sent from my iPhone
On Apr 7, 2018, at 6:22 AM, Romina Attard rominattard@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
I have just started the 40 days meditation and i am finding it really difficult to concentrate and do not think about what happened few hours before.
Is this normal? Why is it so difficult? Howcome every noise i hear distract me?
Help please
Hail Satan Forever

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Wednesday, April 4, 2018, 5:22 pm, mcychris2002@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Hello everyone, I would like to discuss something personal and need some advice. So it's spring break and happy late Easter and April fools. I haven't been really doing my daily meditations lately, I just feel like I am slowly losing my conscience. I opened my third eye, but didnt really have any signs of opening it other than a headache. I am up to opening the crown chakra and doing the yoga routine. The yoga really isn't that comfortable and I don't think I can get into it. I guess I am mostly depressed and frustrated that I cant talk to Father or the Demons. I know it's all about self-empowerment, but I feel like my motivation is vague. I tell myself that I should do it for Father and the thing that I love most in the world, my cat. Though, both of them are in a place I cant currently reach. The astral plane. I won't lie, I feel as if everything im doing is not working or im doing it wrong. I did get a sign from Father, but my body still holds me back. What should I do?
Wait so what is this Sims? I read the message but from what I am understanding its about invoking powers for astral senses? I would very much love if you elaborated it for me a bit.

Hail Satan
Thank you all for being here for me and pushing me forward. This is a hard and stressful time for me. I can't do the yoga in the morning now since school is now back where I am. I had a choice, to do or give up. I choose to continue, I feel as if there's a great path ahead. Eventually the obstacles before me such as drugs, society, school, coming of age and self-empowerment will be dealt with if I keep going at them head on. I hate this life, I want to be happy in it or die peacefully. Maybe I can achieve both one day, until then I will stand here with you all and be here for you too. The day I meet Father or a Demon, one on one, face to face. That will be the day I consider that I have achieved something. People such as Jeremy, I notice that you post alot on my topics. I thank you for being there, kind of like having a long lost older brother since I don't have any siblings. The only people I consider brothers are my cousins. I am not one for superstition but, destiny brought me here today and I wish to embrace it.

As always,
Hail Satan!
Well, if you did get a sign from Satan, then shouldn't this be telling you something?

We all have the path to follow, but no sensible person would say it's easy! We have to put the effort in or otherwise we don't progress - it's as simple as that!

You must build up self esteem and self reliance. This can only be done by meditation and spiritual education to dispel our doubts and insecurities. This is why the HPs post their sermons to edify and educate us about what we face in this world. A world dominated by a utterly ruthless enemy that will stop at nothing to achieve their psychopathic plans.

We are all here to help, but it is basically up to you. Read as much as you can on the JoS website - this has pulled me out of the hole of despair many times.

You are not alone!

Hail Satan!
Chris, If it’s possible for you, you should try doing kundalini yoga or Hatha yoga before you go to school each day. It’s been said that if you do power meditation or yoga at the start of your day, your day will go smoother. But if you can’t do do this, then just make sure to do it when you get home from school.

Also, I’m sure that you come across a lot of people at school everyday so it wouldn’t be a bad idea to clean your aura when you come home possibly to cleanse everyone else’s residual energy off of your soul. Our astral bodies “mingle” with others we come into contact with.

Also, do not pray for an easier life. Pray to become a stronger man.

You keep going in your meditations and yoga and soon you will start getting ahead and improving.
Sent from my iPhone
It will help you on a number of levels. I know it made a world of difference for me. But i did do all the opening of chakras first. You said you had opened yours.

Hail Satan!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
