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Show off your Familiars


New member
Aug 25, 2022
I have a kitten named PENELOPPA.
I always wanted to have a cat but my parents wouldn't let me, the Gods gave me a familiar in the form of a gray cat, I don't know how, but my parents let me keep her, She's been living in my house with my parents for a year now and everyone loves her, but they don't know that it's my hideer. Sometimes my mother calls her an angel, then she gets offended and leaves the room.
She responds to my call and even contacts her telepathically sometimes

what does it look like for you?

Glory to father Satan
Glory to Princess Astaroth I Lady Lilitch
It's best not to go too in depth when describing your familiars or worse showing pictures of them as that can open them up to curses.

Also, I don't know if its intentional or not, but its Mother Lilith and Princess Astarte.
:D :D :D
Powerofjustice said:
It's best not to go too in depth when describing your familiars or worse showing pictures of them as that can open them up to curses.

Also, I don't know if its intentional or not, but its Mother Lilith and Princess Astarte.

I've always spoken as it was written, but it also sounds wonderful
Powerofjustice said:
Also, I don't know if its intentional or not, but its Mother Lilith and Princess Astarte.

Titles are different for the Gods. To them, as to the old Irish, Prince outranks King. Here on Earth in modern days, a prince is the son of a king and therefore king outranks prince, but that's not how it is elsewhere. Astarte is the equivalent of queen, and she is also mother. She is a Crown Prince, but not a princess.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=387202 time=1662704669 user_id=57]
Powerofjustice said:
Also, I don't know if its intentional or not, but its Mother Lilith and Princess Astarte.

Titles are different for the Gods. To them, as to the old Irish, Prince outranks King. Here on Earth in modern days, a prince is the son of a king and therefore king outranks prince, but that's not how it is elsewhere. Astarte is the equivalent of queen, and she is also mother. She is a Crown Prince, but not a princess.

What I meant was, the name she gave for Mother Lilith didn't seem right.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=387202 time=1662704669 user_id=57]
Titles are different for the Gods. To them, as to the old Irish, Prince outranks King. Here on Earth in modern days, a prince is the son of a king and therefore king outranks prince, but that's not how it is elsewhere. Astarte is the equivalent of queen, and she is also mother. She is a Crown Prince, but not a princess.

So Mother Lilith is biologically Lady Astarte's mother ?
(I'm looking forward to her page)

I wish I could ask her all my questions but I can't because she iş a goddess special for womens.

(I apologize if I have typos.)
Baroness Blossom said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=387202 time=1662704669 user_id=57]
Titles are different for the Gods. To them, as to the old Irish, Prince outranks King. Here on Earth in modern days, a prince is the son of a king and therefore king outranks prince, but that's not how it is elsewhere. Astarte is the equivalent of queen, and she is also mother. She is a Crown Prince, but not a princess.

So Mother Lilith is biologically Lady Astarte's mother ?
(I'm looking forward to her page)

I wish I could ask her all my questions but I can't because she iş a goddess special for womens.

(I apologize if I have typos.)

I am not sure if you mean that Lady Astarte only talks to women? but there are male SS who have her as a guardian :) If you need help with something from her if she is not busy I don't see why you couldn't try to talk to her.
Shadowcat said:
I am not sure if you mean that Lady Astarte only talks to women? but there are male SS who have her as a guardian :) If you need help with something from her if she is not busy I don't see why you couldn't try to talk to her.

No I was talking about Mother Lilith, sister.
Baroness Blossom said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=387202 time=1662704669 user_id=57]
Titles are different for the Gods. To them, as to the old Irish, Prince outranks King. Here on Earth in modern days, a prince is the son of a king and therefore king outranks prince, but that's not how it is elsewhere. Astarte is the equivalent of queen, and she is also mother. She is a Crown Prince, but not a princess.

So Mother Lilith is biologically Lady Astarte's mother ?
(I'm looking forward to her page)

I wish I could ask her all my questions but I can't because she iş a goddess special for womens.

(I apologize if I have typos.)

That´s not true, Astarte is my guardian, I have had many wonderful experiences with her and she has helped me many times and I am a man.
I hope my testimony helps to clear your doubts.
Wotanwarrior said:
Baroness Blossom said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=387202 time=1662704669 user_id=57]
Titles are different for the Gods. To them, as to the old Irish, Prince outranks King. Here on Earth in modern days, a prince is the son of a king and therefore king outranks prince, but that's not how it is elsewhere. Astarte is the equivalent of queen, and she is also mother. She is a Crown Prince, but not a princess.

So Mother Lilith is biologically Lady Astarte's mother ?
(I'm looking forward to her page)

I wish I could ask her all my questions but I can't because she iş a goddess special for womens.

(I apologize if I have typos.)

That´s not true, Astarte is my guardian, I have had many wonderful experiences with her and she has helped me many times and I am a man.
I hope my testimony helps to clear your doubts.

No I was talking about Mother Lilith, Brother.
Baroness Blossom said:
Wotanwarrior said:
Baroness Blossom said:
So Mother Lilith is biologically Lady Astarte's mother ?
(I'm looking forward to her page)

I wish I could ask her all my questions but I can't because she iş a goddess special for womens.

(I apologize if I have typos.)

That´s not true, Astarte is my guardian, I have had many wonderful experiences with her and she has helped me many times and I am a man.
I hope my testimony helps to clear your doubts.

No I was talking about Mother Lilith, Brother.

Oh, ok, Mercury is retrograde and can cause confusion and misunderstandings in communication.
About Mother Lilith I can't tell you because I have never seen her, I would recommend that if you want to ask her something you do it through Father Satan.
Baroness Blossom said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=387202 time=1662704669 user_id=57]
Titles are different for the Gods. To them, as to the old Irish, Prince outranks King. Here on Earth in modern days, a prince is the son of a king and therefore king outranks prince, but that's not how it is elsewhere. Astarte is the equivalent of queen, and she is also mother. She is a Crown Prince, but not a princess.

So Mother Lilith is biologically Lady Astarte's mother ?
(I'm looking forward to her page)

I wish I could ask her all my questions but I can't because she iş a goddess special for womens.

(I apologize if I have typos.)

You can talk to mother Lilith there is nothing saying you can't, as a male she is my GD, I have talked to her and felt her presence many times. All you need to do is either go through Satan or meditate on her sigil, although you can't summon her through formal ritual you can communicate. She appears to you when she wants often unexpectedly. She is a goddess of the divine feminine first and foremost she can help you access the divine feminine within you, this applies to both males and females she is not exclusively for one gender.
Endsieg_Enjoyer said:
You can talk to mother Lilith there is nothing saying you can't, as a male she is my GD, I have talked to her and felt her presence many times. All you need to do is either go through Satan or meditate on her sigil, although you can't summon her through formal ritual you can communicate. She appears to you when she wants often unexpectedly. She is a goddess of the divine feminine first and foremost she can help you access the divine feminine within you, this applies to both males and females she is not exclusively for one gender.

so then I'm not experiencing a placebo months ago in this case.

months ago I prayed to Lilith to protect my niece and to be on the Satan's path when the time came. And in the evening of the day I prayed, I read lilith's attributes ascribed to her in india. first I interpreted it as a sign from her. then I said maybe it's a placebo and I didn't pay much attention to it. (I actually have one more experience. Shall I tell?) But if what you're saying is true, I may have contacted her.
I often have Morning Doves sitting around the parameter of my home. Also there always seems to be a hawk patrolling the sky if I'm walking into a small town or a suburban area with not too much trees around. Rarely I'd see a Preying Mantis or a Toad in an odd area.
Wotanwarrior said:
Baroness Blossom said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=387202 time=1662704669 user_id=57]
Titles are different for the Gods. To them, as to the old Irish, Prince outranks King. Here on Earth in modern days, a prince is the son of a king and therefore king outranks prince, but that's not how it is elsewhere. Astarte is the equivalent of queen, and she is also mother. She is a Crown Prince, but not a princess.

So Mother Lilith is biologically Lady Astarte's mother ?
(I'm looking forward to her page)

I wish I could ask her all my questions but I can't because she iş a goddess special for womens.

(I apologize if I have typos.)

That´s not true, Astarte is my guardian, I have had many wonderful experiences with her and she has helped me many times and I am a man.
I hope my testimony helps to clear your doubts.

I believe I'm also affiliated with Astarte, possibly from a previous life too. However, one time while trying to commune with Astarte, I was invoking her name by "Astarte, my lady", then a voice came to me saying "You will address me as Lady Astarte".

So do be careful how you word your title with some of the gods. :?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
