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Short scary story contest for Samhain

Sep 28, 2023
So, Samhain is coming, and it's one of the most beautiful celebrations we have, very important to Satan as well. It symoblizes a transition from summer to the dead of winter, it's a time of change, of harvest, and of death. Scary monsters are a staple during this time, and seeing how JoS has progressed quite a lot over the years and how the community has grown, I wanted to propose something.

I had a little idea: to host a small short story contest right here in the forums. We can open up a separate thread for it or use this one, but what I had in mind is to have a bunch of people write a short scary story that they'll post here or upload to some cloud service like Dropbox and give a link. Everyone can then cast a single vote to a story they liked and thus a winner would be decided. The stories should be presented by the 30th of October, and the votes counted 1st November, with 30th October also being the limit date to cast the votes (timezones might vary, we would need to fix a timezone as well). I am not sure what the rewards would be as I am really broke right now, but that can be decided as well.

The intention of this contest is to have something more interesting and lighthearted to do. This doesn't mean to encourage to skip the RTRs (have you done today's RTRs?), but I would very much like for us to do something that is a more lighthearted and fun, I think it would be a breath of fresh air among the questions, discussing how israel is a piece of shit and how jews are maggots, let them rot while we have some fun. I want to bond a little with the family I just joined, since lack of mainstream communication channels and secrecy keeps us a bit isolated from one another.

Of course, it all depends on the reception of this post. If it is agreed upon that it is a bad idea, then just ignore my request and that is that, no hard feelings on my part, just a proposition :D

Have a great day everyone.
Good idea. :)

I'm not good at writing fiction stories, but I like to listen to them.

I like it, i am no good at writing story's but i will do my best to make something presentable to share with my brothers and sisters.

BTW i don't think its necessary to have any rewards for this, its mostly for fun right.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Good idea. :)

I'm not good at writing fiction stories, but I like to listen to them.

Great :D I'm not particularly gifted writer (or haven't given it a serious try anyway), but I will try my best at whiping up a quick story.

SSinHeartandSoul said:

I like it, i am no good at writing story's but i will do my best to make something presentable to share with my brothers and sisters.

BTW i don't think its necessary to have any rewards for this, its mostly for fun right.

Yeah, it's not necessary to have a reward, I was mentioning it in case people wanted one.

I'm replying to bump the thread, it has already been forgotten in the sea of questions :roll: :lol:
Be ready to read a masterfully crafted story,
lit the fire and get the marshmallows ready as i share my first scary story.


Stranger in the night

On a cold winter night, when the crescent moon was high in the sky, The fireplace was roaring in delight as i rested my weary head against the fur of a once great elk. A sound was heard, it was faint at first but soon it was clear that a horse was galloping towards my cabin. Whom could it be this late in the evening i wondered.

Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes i walked to the door to meet the one riding towards me, before i was able to reach the door someone or something was already knocking on it. How could this be? it has only been mere seconds since the galloping was heard, shaking my head i thought to myself, i must be tired. As i walked on, a new sound started to become audible, was it sniffing? huffing? puffing? i never could have thought a man would be capable of making such horrendous noises, surely it is no man, may it be a beast?

Prepared for the worst i opened the door, before me was not a beast making this noise, but a man, no that's not it, it looked like a man, yet it did not. It was a creature that i would expect to be in a horror story, as it had a tall slender body, slender long fingers, sunken dark eyes but the weirdest part of him was his nose, it was at least 3 times bigger than that of any other man i had seen.

Before i had the time to even blink, it opened its mouth, a screech came out of it, its teeth started to grind onto each other. its eyelids started to open and close rapidly, when all of a sudden it stopped and stood as still as a log. Its eyes focused on me, once again its mouth started to open, this time no screech came out, it spoke: Shekels i smell shekels. I read once upon a time creatures like this existed, but never would i have dreamed they would be real, a true nightmare indeed.

SSinHeartandSoul said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: Lmao, he smelled the sheckels from far away and he wanted some. This is not even scary, it's a comedy sketch :D

Well, the post got buried under questions and only 2 people have given it a green light, but it's just too few to be honest, so I'm tempted to cancel the plans. I'll think of something else to do for the 23rd of December or some other important date.

Anyhow, have a great day everyone :)
I absolutely love this idea! Here's my story. :D

Charlotte61903 said:
I absolutely love this idea! Here's my story. :D


Bumping again, though the due date is getting pretty close. Also this turned from "scary story" to "story mocking jews" :lol: :lol: :lol: Maybe that is better publicity, might bring in more people despite not being my original intention. Anyhow, thanks for your submission :D
I wanted to write a scary shorter story, but I accidentally wrote a 3 page more depressing story :lol:
Let me know if my grammar sucks or something I need to work on since I want to be a writer, but I never did good in english or literature class lol
I call it:

Never skip stones

After a few rings the call was answered
“Hey Zack, are we trying the “S.D.C” tomorrow?
“I’m not sure if I can go. I think my dad knows I’m on LSD”
“Oh shit, like he knows specifically LSD?”
“No, but I think he’s figuring out that I’m on something”
“Oh, well damn, that’s alright I can wait until we can both go.”
“Nah, that’s alright. You go ahead and just tell me what happens.”
“Alrighty, I’ll let you know how it goes, I’ll see ya’.”
“See ya’.”

Damian hangs up and thinks for a bit. He looks in his dresser to pull out a small tin cup and opens it to see only a couple mushrooms inside.

“Hmm. I guess this’ll work” he says under his breath.

He looks at the calendar and runs his finger from the current day and runs it along to the next Saturday which falls on the 7th. It was the next time his dealer would have another batch. It was a few days away and Damian didn’t want to wait to go to the Sensory Deprivation Chamber.

Downstairs and out the front door was Damian headed, but he saw his dad.

“Hey, Im goin’ to the spa.”
“Oh, you tryin’ them chambers with them shrooms?”
“Yeah, I was gonna go with Zack but he thinks his dad’s about to catch him.”
“Uh oh. How many you got left?”
“Just two, I’m gonna pop ‘em and hop in the tank”
“Oh man, lemme know how that goes.”
“ I will, I’ll see ya’.”

Out the door he goes towards the spa. A 15 minute walk that he didn’t mind. He was used to walking for everything; his family hasn’t had a car for a while since they sold it, or lost it some way - he doesn’t remember. His dad thought it would be cheaper and easier to live off unemployment, mixed with his food stamps, the money he gets is somehow enough to live off of, barely, and he gets his highs. He lives an easy life and so does his son. It would be likely his dad sold the car for a Playstation, or whatever his son’s dealer would have.

Damian gets his phone from his pocket, scrambling to catch it mid-air from it snagging on his pocket and almost getting dropped.

A few rings and one of Damian’s degenerate friends picks up.
“Hey man, I’m on my way to those chambers.” Damian immediately started, excited to tell someone.
“ DUDE, you’re really going?”
“Oh yeah boy, I got my sister working tonight so she’ll hook me up.”
“What’s she doing for you?”
“Well, I got some shrooms i'm gonna pop before I jump in, but the trip usually lasts like 3 hours, but they only let us stay in the chambers for an hour and it’s like 100 bucks, but my sister’s gonna let me stay for as long as I want and it’s free.”
“WOW, man I’ve been trying to go too, but I wanna get some strong stuff before going. All I got now is my vape.”
Walking to the spa, the two exchange words while Damian crosses streets and walks down uneven, cracked and shattered sidewalks, some even submerged under mud left neglected by the town; Walking past empty houses and failed businesses he arrives at the spa and departs from the conversation over the phone.

He walks through the doors and waits at the counter for his sister, who eventually makes her way to the front.
“Oh, hey. You can use the one at the far left”
“Awesome Possum. Thanks.”
“Hey, how long are you gonna be in there for?”
“Probably around 3 hours maybe.”
His sister does some math in her head while looking at the clock.
“Alright, that should be when I’ll be ready to leave. I’m closing tonight but I also got some homework, but this place has internet so I’ll just do it here instead of at home. But if I’m ready to go do I just wake you up?”
“Um…sure. I don’t think it’ll screw me up, but I don’t know. I haven’t had that happen. I guess if I fall asleep you can wake me up, but I usually stay up for the whole high.”
Damian headed to the room with his chamber and got prepared for it. He had taken his drugs during the walk in preparation for this moment, since the drugs he was taking usually kick in at around 20 minutes for him. He had about 5 minutes left to his name before every second left to his life gets taken from him…

Damian put himself to rest in the pod and waited for a mindblowing experience to take place while submerged halfway in the water.

He abandoned thought and felt the still silence. He was cut off from the world.

He had heard that this would allow him to see the astral, and travel through space itself. He just had to try it. He had always heard of astral projection - leaving your body to go elsewhere, and opening your third eye - allowing you to see ghosts and auras and maybe even god.
He always wanted to try this himself, and what a convenience the drugs that were claimed to allow this were readily available.
After almost no time at all, he gave in to the psychedelics.

He was seeing colors of pretty purple, green and blue too. He was swimming across the stars. He was warm and tingly. He was having a true escape from this life of his.
But, in the middle of all this euphoria, he sees something peculiar.

A random door of all things, just sitting in the middle of nowhere.

On instinct he drifted to the door, feeling free to look inside with no risk of trespass.

There was nothing, at least nothing he could see. It was dark. Light was non-existent beyond this door.

He leaned in, in an attempt to see at least something. He got closer. And closer. And closer. And closer.

The feeling of dis-ease and a sense of potential danger gave him a thought and only one thought came up in his mind, this will be the second to last thought Damian will ever have, and in his thoughts was this: “I don’t think I should be here”.

The moment the primal panic set in, the door behind him ceased to exist and he was trapped in this room of nothing, no light, no black. It was gray. Not the opposite of light, but the death of it. Too scared and confused to move, he was disoriented. He forgot how to move. The room that once felt empty now felt full of doom, not just because he cannot leave, but because…he wasn’t the only thing in that room. Like a moth to a web, he was doomed. But, in that room there was a revelation of something, it was the truth; too much truth and too much at once. Damian couldn’t close his eyes, the sight was too dramatic to look away.

The thing in the room, whatever it was, moved behind Damian, or was it all around him to begin with? And this is Damian’s ever final thought:

“Whatever was in this room put it’s hand over my face sarcastically blocking my view, in a gesture that makes it clear that no eyes were meant to see this, then in it’s cruelish nature, it left a space between it’s fingers and made me peek.”

Damian never woke up, his death was deemed as an overdose, but that's not true. The populace saw that as the most likely answer, only because they can’t explain how someone could just simply leave their body with no injury and no illness and head straight for the afterlife…if there is one….
Big Dipper said:
Hey, this is pretty good, I enjoyed reading it. I feel like you nailed the atmosphere the story was going for, it felt like a very decrepit and grey world, almost completely devoid of life, a feeling of dis-ease and hopelessness.
If I have to nitpick, the paragraph in which we know about Damian's second to last thought before dying has an odd feel to it, I think the sentence is too long and I just lose msyelf in it, it sounds a bit forced. There is also a small typo there, as "thoughts" should go with "were", not with "was", but you probably meant to say "thought".
Thanks a lot for the submission :D and keep up the work, being good at English class or literature does not necessarily correlate with being a good writer. If I remember correctly, Mark Twain didn't even finish school and he is still one of the most well known writers ever.
CrimsonMonarch said:
Big Dipper said:

Thanks for the feedback :D

I didn't really mean to write a depressing story, I wanted it to be a bit scarier and more suspenseful, but I need to work on making horror. :lol: One reason why it's a bit more depressing than just horror is because I wanted to write something that would be scarier from a satanists point of view and I thought If I wrote something like this, it might remind some of us of the world we lived in before coming to lord Satan. The main feelings of being lost and hopeless, with no purpose.

Now that I look at the paragraph you mentioned, It could've done better if I cut out a couple sentences. My idea was I would write the sentences beforehand more spread out like I had done to make it feel that time was slowing down and when something terrible happened and he starts panicking all the sentences come together and feel like you're being rushed. I imagine it like a bug flying through the air in a calm and even pace in a straight line, then it crashes into a web and shakes and struggles sporadically, then to end with eerie stillness, but I did make it run on a bit too long.

I didn't know that about mark twain, and funny thing about mark is this one quote: " Never put of till tomorrow what you can put off the day AFTER tomorrow" lmao

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
