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Shrekelstein said:
You know that there are women who think this way too, right?
I'm not talking about those women, and it's not probably those manipulation techniques they may advocate openly on the reddit. Some of them may include but not all of them in order to tame a man and when that happens, that woman leaves that man and continue venturing in search of "new puzzle".

You are against these manipulation methods but you should also understand that...

"the moment you approach a woman, her defense mechanisms automatically turn ON against you."

And you are at loss not knowing how to even put down her defense guard so a genuine natural normal conversation can take place.

You approaching a woman and revealing even the Slightest signs of interest in her will be looked upon by her as a CREEP and very creepy guy or even if you reveal this sign of interest in her after several meetings or dates or at work to some coworker.

It will make her feel uncomfortable when her intuition finds out in the first few seconds of your conversation with her that you'r "interested in her"

Then you are no different than all other men in her mind and eyes.

Understand that harsh truth.

And married men are more prone to be cheated on. They are at larger risk of being cheated.
All these pick up artist books are psychology books or whatever you wanna call it are full of bs and rely on the most surface of details and go no deeper into any aspect of ones soul. True psychology is spiritual as its soul science. Now that I got that out of the way here's the main points I want to address.

First of all regardless of whether or not someone gets hurt, men and women are free to exit a relationship whenever they wish however they wish. The repercussions and consequences to this are irrelevant to anyone not involved. If a woman wants a divorce then so be it. If a man wants one then so be it. The idea that one is absolutely required to remain in a relationship and if they leave it is wrong is inherently jewish as this stems from the idea that people are property. This means if a woman leaves a man then either a man accepts it and moves on or can wallow in self pity and drown themselves in a sea of negativity. The 2nd half is the target audience of these books. Just look at the OP. He wants his gf "to never leave me again". Of course there is no context but this alone speaks volumes as it is a desire that doesn't take into consideration the partners own wishes. A person of any serious spiritual discipline has no need nor want of such things because they aren't so self absorbed.

Second, any relationship is built upon 4 things and these are what determine how close, and how lasting it will be, whether if its for friendship or for lovers or anything at all really.

1. Understanding of oneself
2. Understanding of ones designated partner
3. What one wants from this relationship
4. What the other wants from this relationship

These 4 are all that matters especially if one wants to both treat and be treated with real respect. Does this "shogun method" take any of the above into consideration? Not on any deep level. It relies on ignorance and manipulation. Neither of which builds a strong and lasting relationship.

If one want to be lovers but the other doesn't that does not mean that you should manipulate them into loving you. It means they don't want you and you need to accept that (this is general and doesnt take any specific circumstances or situations of the people involved). We as SS do not dictate how another person needs to feel or how they should act. We give guidelines to abide by that are in harmony with nature, in other words our laws are simply natures laws put into words for easier understanding.

There is a reason why the most common advice to obtain a partner is to do a working to attract one. This is simple. The working manifests by putting you or your partner in a situation in which you will meet them. This requires you to also do some physical effort in. This takes time. The perfect partner for you may not be someone that exists at this very moment whether it be due to your own circumstance or their circumstance. One needs to be patient with this. If one is truly serious about wanting a long lasting and permanent relationship then one needs to be patient. This means being in control of yourself. Everything no matter what it is requires time. Impatience is immaturity.
No such thing happens. There have been done many social experiments where a male model approaches a woman and says the most creepy things and the woman falls in love with him. Whether a woman responds positively or negatively depends on your confidence, appearance and the personality you project. If you feel awkward inside while showing interest in her of course will make her respond negatively.

There are even pickup artists that teach about being a natural instead of any manipulative techniques and show that approaching a woman while being confident and honest can bring positive reactions. You can find many videos of these online.

It's not a "self-defense mechanism", it's the reading of your aura and overall confidence that makes her respond positively or negatively. Women are more intuitive and read these things better.

InlovewithSatan666 said:
Shrekelstein said:
"the moment you approach a woman, her defense mechanisms automatically turn ON against you."

And you are at loss not knowing how to even put down her defense guard so a genuine natural normal conversation can take place.

You approaching a woman and revealing even the Slightest signs of interest in her will be looked upon by her as a CREEP and very creepy guy or even if you reveal this sign of interest in her after several meetings or dates or at work to some coworker.

It will make her feel uncomfortable when her intuition finds out in the first few seconds of your conversation with her that you'r "interested in her"

Then you are no different than all other men in her mind and eyes.

Understand that harsh truth.

And married men are more prone to be cheated on. They are at larger risk of being cheated.
sahasrarabliss said:
"Some people might see that as a claim that women are flawed. But Shogun Method goes ahead and makes the distinction that it’s not women themselves who are flawed, but the FEMALE MIND that is."
Are you out of your fucking mind?! *slaps in the face*
You're insulting the entire female population, which by the way, seems to appear to be the majority on the world, considering statistics.
Also you're insulting the left hand path directly, and Lilith, too.

Aquarius said:
I'd rather buy flowers and act like a real man instead of acting like a loser who wants to get laid at all costs. I'm a guy by the way. I'm not what we italians call "Morto di figa" which means dead of pussy, if a relationship doesn't work I'm not going to use disgusting jewish tactics to make a girl stay with me because I'm scared of being alone, I'd rather be alone than with with a partner I am not happy with.

I love flowers :) I'd rather have flowers or something that I can use or eat rather than useless statues or something that'd just end up cluttering up the space.
Also brave minded! I like that :) (Also I've noticed people that just broke up get with another girl within a week at times like wtf :s )
I think it's better to just use telepathy to figure out how to make your partner happy and fulfilled. I always feel everything my partner thinks and feels, so manipulating him to make him dependent on me instead of just making him happy and fulfilled would just make me feel less happy than I could be as well.
If a woman you're interested in doesn't know what she wants (like most people these days, regardless of sex), then it's probably best to help her mentally and spiritually so she can understand better and be more in touch with her desires so that you can satisfy her more, or to just look for a woman who is more advanced to begin with.

Cheating is usually a result of repressed sexuality and/or emotions, so if you try to control and manipulate your partner too much, you'll either end up being the reason she cheats, or you'll end up making her unhappy but afraid to leave you. Both outcomes are clearly negative.
Building up a strong connection between you and your partner's Chakras is a simple solution to this. Repressed emotions will become apparent (as a blockage can be sensed in situations where it's relevant) and can be resolved, and there will always be incentive for both people involved to make each other happy and fulfilled as each other's emotions are felt.

Other than that, astrology is very useful for predicting your compatibility with someone. If you find someone you're very compatible with, then things will probably just work out anyway.
Even if the compatibility isn't perfect at first, planetary squares can probably be used to increase compatibility by looking at the ruler of the sign where Venus is placed in one's partner's chart to amplify the traits associated with that planet, although I haven't tested that hypothesis yet.
And in general, Solar traits are probably quite attractive to most women, so a Sun Square might help.
Shrekelstein said:
No such thing happens. There have been done many social experiments where a male model approaches a woman and says the most creepy things and the woman falls in love with him. Whether a woman responds positively or negatively depends on your confidence, appearance and the personality you project. If you feel awkward inside while showing interest in her of course will make her respond negatively.

Lmao. The moment you tell and confess to a woman your interest in her , is the moment of GAME OVER with that woman right there.

Pickup artists are mindless stupid robots who believe it is also ok to be used by women for pleasure. There are alot of these idiots on youtube too.

I'd tell you a harsh Truth. Make the other person cry before you cry, in general I'm telling, not targeted just at women but everyone.

Because if you don't do that, you will be the one crying later when they leave you, stab you in the back, when they ask you for something for borrow, and you cannot say NO because you care about them or don't like to be disliked by other people.

Make the other person cry(figuratively saying) by saying no or taking stand for yourself before you cry later on.

Now here's one question for you regarding women.

FACT : Women are Insecure. Why? I'll tell you why after you answer to the question below and a correct answer to you in my next reply.

Question: So, Imagine now, "You are on a date with a girl. There's a very good chemistry between you both. But then, out of nowhere she says "I hate how fat I am this year".


1. Would you just shrug her comment off and continue your conversation?

2. Or would you reassure her by saying, "you r not fat at all...what are you talking about?

Depending on how you respond, A woman can quickly KNOW WHAT KIND OF MAN YOU ARE.

For a reason, I already know what you are going to write :mrgreen: like most other men would lmfao. Lets see what you say.

You have to make her suffer psychologically/emotionally & give pleasure for her own need of drama, for her own sake, for your own sake and for your relationship sake with her. A man needs to balance between giving pleasure and emotional rollercoaster to her woman to keep her as long as he wants.

Otherwise take a look on the NICE NOBLE GOOD HEARTED GENTLEMEN and see how they get ditched by their own women by loving their woman as a Man should love. Still they get ditched for other men their woman choose over them.

You can't guarantee whether if she will stay with you forever or not if you don't manipulate her for her own drama and emotional rollercoaster subconscious NEEDS that has made them vulnerable to be even get married to the most useless men whoever uses these methods of mind control.

But I think it's a fair game with these women. Because every other woman manipulates her man. Even the most shy introvert innocent looking woman manipulates in ways you don't even know and she isn't even aware of these things herself but she gets pleasure from doing this manipulation.

You guys won't be able to comprehend this but call me a gross stupid man. That's all you can say rather than accepting the dark reality of the female mind and work with it to tame it for your own relationship sake.

But please do give me the answer to that question I've asked.
sahasrarabliss said:
Lmao. The moment you tell and confess to a woman your interest in her , is the moment of GAME OVER with that woman right there.

Pickup artists are mindless stupid robots who believe it is also ok to be used by women for pleasure. There are alot of these idiots on youtube too.

I'd tell you a harsh Truth. Make the other person cry before you cry, in general I'm telling, not targeted just at women but everyone.

Because if you don't do that, you will be the one crying later when they leave you, stab you in the back, when they ask you for something for borrow, and you cannot say NO because you care about them or don't like to be disliked by other people.

Make the other person cry(figuratively saying) by saying no or taking stand for yourself before you cry later on.

Now here's one question for you regarding women.

FACT : Women are Insecure. Why? I'll tell you why after you answer to the question below and a correct answer to you in my next reply.

Question: So, Imagine now, "You are on a date with a girl. There's a very good chemistry between you both. But then, out of nowhere she says "I hate how fat I am this year".


1. Would you just shrug her comment off and continue your conversation?

2. Or would you reassure her by saying, "you r not fat at all...what are you talking about?

Depending on how you respond, A woman can quickly KNOW WHAT KIND OF MAN YOU ARE.

For a reason, I already know what you are going to write :mrgreen: like most other men would lmfao. Lets see what you say.

You have to make her suffer psychologically/emotionally & give pleasure for her own need of drama, for her own sake, for your own sake and for your relationship sake with her. A man needs to balance between giving pleasure and emotional rollercoaster to her woman to keep her as long as he wants.

Otherwise take a look on the NICE NOBLE GOOD HEARTED GENTLEMEN and see how they get ditched by their own women by loving their woman as a Man should love. Still they get ditched for other men their woman choose over them.

You can't guarantee whether if she will stay with you forever or not if you don't manipulate her for her own drama and emotional rollercoaster subconscious NEEDS that has made them vulnerable to be even get married to the most useless men whoever uses these methods of mind control.

But I think it's a fair game with these women. Because every other woman manipulates her man. Even the most shy introvert innocent looking woman manipulates in ways you don't even know and she isn't even aware of these things herself but she gets pleasure from doing this manipulation.

You guys won't be able to comprehend this but call me a gross stupid man. That's all you can say rather than accepting the dark reality of the female mind and work with it to tame it for your own relationship sake.

But please do give me the answer to that question I've asked.

Before I would have answered answer number two, but now I am more leaning to the first one. Because wtf has her opinion of fatness have to do with the conversation anyway, lol.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
sahasrarabliss said:
"Some people might see that as a claim that women are flawed. But Shogun Method goes ahead and makes the distinction that it’s not women themselves who are flawed, but the FEMALE MIND that is."
Are you out of your fucking mind?! *slaps in the face*
You're insulting the entire female population, which by the way, seems to appear to be the majority on the world, considering statistics.
Also you're insulting the left hand path directly, and Lilith, too.

This is how women react when the dark side of their mind is exposed. I've seen this alot already.
Similarly some other female members also said same kind of BS that lured away the men here from the Truth about how their mind works and what they actually want from a man. It's all just the mainstream BS. Nothing else.

And some have even went to the extent that they say a soulmate Exists. But I say, it's not the soulmate, but the compatibility that Exists.

Because of this you can find tons and tons of supposedly so called soulmates who are compatible with you.

A Soul mate doesn't exist, but the SoulmateS.
See the difference now???

I'm saying this because people believe that they have only one soulmate. So that is why they have given so much importance for the soulmate because they feel and believe it's only one in the entire universe lul.

C'mon? Wake up? How long have you been sleeping?

Just remember that, in this universe, you are of no-one. And no-one is yours either, metaphorically speaking. Remember that.
sahasrarabliss said:
Lmao. The moment you tell and confess to a woman your interest in her , is the moment of GAME OVER with that woman right there.

You obviously didn't read the part you quoted in which I refuted what you just said. Either that or you have trouble understanding it. Which part of "it depends of your confidence" you do not understand? I gave examples as well. Pay more attention. Just because you repeat it without reading my rebuttal doesn't make it true.

Question: So, Imagine now, "You are on a date with a girl. There's a very good chemistry between you both. But then, out of nowhere she says "I hate how fat I am this year".


1. Would you just shrug her comment off and continue your conversation?

2. Or would you reassure her by saying, "you r not fat at all...what are you talking about?

The first one of course. Again because someone disagrees with your stupid manipulative tactics doesn't mean he is clueless about how women think. A confident person who understands women would give the first reply as well. And no, it's not manipulative. You already made that strawman before and I addressed it. Scroll up to see my previous reply to you in this thread.

You have to make her suffer psychologically/emotionally & give pleasure for her own need of drama, for her own sake, for your own sake and for your relationship sake with her. A man needs to balance between giving pleasure and emotional rollercoaster to her woman to keep her as long as he wants.

If you think she suffers if you give the first reply then you don't understand women. Women sometimes talk to express their feelings. It doesn't mean they are hurt when they express something negative.

You can't guarantee whether if she will stay with you forever or not if you don't manipulate her for her own drama and emotional rollercoaster subconscious NEEDS that has made them vulnerable to be even get married to the most useless men whoever uses these methods of mind control.

You can't guarantee whether a woman will stay with you for ever, no matter what you do, whether you manipulate her or not. It's best to realize it now rather than to get disappointed later when she ditches you even if you used all the manipulative advice you have read on a book that someone who wants to make quick cash wrote.

Depending on a woman to make you happy is the worst you can do for yourself. You obviously think that if you can manipulate a woman good enough you'll make her yours forever and therefore you'll will be happy forever. But it doesn't work that way at all. You may even get bored of her after 1 day of being with her. Either way, this entire line of reasoning is flawed. Not just a woman, but all other people in general. If you depend on other people and their approval to make you happy you'll suffer a lot.

The most ironic thing is if you don't care about female approval and you don't base your happiness on a woman or a relationship then suddenly more women will begin to like you. You won't need to do any manipulative thing at all, they will just come to you. That has to do with the confidence thing I said before. If you are desperate, no matter how hard you try to hide it and how many manipulative techniques you use, a woman can sense it and you'll turn her off.
ChattingWithDemons said:
I think it's better to just use telepathy to figure out how to make your partner happy and fulfilled. I always feel everything my partner thinks and feels, so manipulating him to make him dependent on me instead of just making him happy and fulfilled would just make me feel less happy than I could be as well.
If a woman you're interested in doesn't know what she wants (like most people these days, regardless of sex), then it's probably best to help her mentally and spiritually so she can understand better and be more in touch with her desires so that you can satisfy her more, or to just look for a woman who is more advanced to begin with.

Cheating is usually a result of repressed sexuality and/or emotions, so if you try to control and manipulate your partner too much, you'll either end up being the reason she cheats, or you'll end up making her unhappy but afraid to leave you. Both outcomes are clearly negative.
Building up a strong connection between you and your partner's Chakras is a simple solution to this. Repressed emotions will become apparent (as a blockage can be sensed in situations where it's relevant) and can be resolved, and there will always be incentive for both people involved to make each other happy and fulfilled as each other's emotions are felt.

Other than that, astrology is very useful for predicting your compatibility with someone. If you find someone you're very compatible with, then things will probably just work out anyway.
Even if the compatibility isn't perfect at first, planetary squares can probably be used to increase compatibility by looking at the ruler of the sign where Venus is placed in one's partner's chart to amplify the traits associated with that planet, although I haven't tested that hypothesis yet.
And in general, Solar traits are probably quite attractive to most women, so a Sun Square might help.

If you really want to be with someone and the other with you things can be worked out. Both partners should be honest. If it comes down to one cant be totally fulfilled or doesn't feel comfortable in doing something the other partner may want or need then you always can have the arrangement that you can do it with someone else if you want but you still remain loyal in heart to your partner. If both partners are honest it will not end things if they agree to it. It is far better than the sneaky behind the back stuff just to be honest and open. Hey if people would talk about things stuff like this often will not even be needed cause the other partner may be able to adjust or even like what the other person wants but is scared to ask for.

Astrology is not a be all end all of it either. Even negative stuff can be overcome by adjusting the way you relate. I have pluto square my partners mercury and her Jupiter is square my Ascendant and my pluto square her ascendant. Her Saturn on my co ruler etc. Her venus conjunct my Saturn etc. There are positive aspects too but my point is you can have a deep connection and work it out with negative stuff like this. Even if it says some places it won't work out. We just give eachother alone time when needed.

We have actually gotten along really good recently.

So yeah its not like if people want to be together things can't be worked out.

None of these pick up artist things are helpful cause they dont create honest open relationships to begin with.

The pluto stuff though I got to admit when it comes to Astrology is more problematic than anything else especially since the square is in fixed signs. Both me and her will take a position and be stubborn and not budge lol :lol: and feel intensely irritated at the others position sometimes.

I wonder if there also can be workings done to solve this stuff even more.
sahasrarabliss said:
Shrekelstein said:
No such thing happens. There have been done many social experiments where a male model approaches a woman and says the most creepy things and the woman falls in love with him. Whether a woman responds positively or negatively depends on your confidence, appearance and the personality you project. If you feel awkward inside while showing interest in her of course will make her respond negatively.

Lmao. The moment you tell and confess to a woman your interest in her , is the moment of GAME OVER with that woman right there.

Pickup artists are mindless stupid robots who believe it is also ok to be used by women for pleasure. There are alot of these idiots on youtube too.

I'd tell you a harsh Truth. Make the other person cry before you cry, in general I'm telling, not targeted just at women but everyone.

Because if you don't do that, you will be the one crying later when they leave you, stab you in the back, when they ask you for something for borrow, and you cannot say NO because you care about them or don't like to be disliked by other people.

Make the other person cry(figuratively saying) by saying no or taking stand for yourself before you cry later on.

Now here's one question for you regarding women.

FACT : Women are Insecure. Why? I'll tell you why after you answer to the question below and a correct answer to you in my next reply.

Question: So, Imagine now, "You are on a date with a girl. There's a very good chemistry between you both. But then, out of nowhere she says "I hate how fat I am this year".


1. Would you just shrug her comment off and continue your conversation?

2. Or would you reassure her by saying, "you r not fat at all...what are you talking about?

Depending on how you respond, A woman can quickly KNOW WHAT KIND OF MAN YOU ARE.

For a reason, I already know what you are going to write :mrgreen: like most other men would lmfao. Lets see what you say.

You have to make her suffer psychologically/emotionally & give pleasure for her own need of drama, for her own sake, for your own sake and for your relationship sake with her. A man needs to balance between giving pleasure and emotional rollercoaster to her woman to keep her as long as he wants.

Otherwise take a look on the NICE NOBLE GOOD HEARTED GENTLEMEN and see how they get ditched by their own women by loving their woman as a Man should love. Still they get ditched for other men their woman choose over them.

You can't guarantee whether if she will stay with you forever or not if you don't manipulate her for her own drama and emotional rollercoaster subconscious NEEDS that has made them vulnerable to be even get married to the most useless men whoever uses these methods of mind control.

But I think it's a fair game with these women. Because every other woman manipulates her man. Even the most shy introvert innocent looking woman manipulates in ways you don't even know and she isn't even aware of these things herself but she gets pleasure from doing this manipulation.

You guys won't be able to comprehend this but call me a gross stupid man. That's all you can say rather than accepting the dark reality of the female mind and work with it to tame it for your own relationship sake.

But please do give me the answer to that question I've asked.

Stop spreading your disgusting kike mindset to other members. You dont understand shit about women and have a distorted view on men and women. Relationships are not a manipulitave power struggle. You are mentally disturbed if you think making anyone suffer an emotional roller coaster is OK. You clearly lack any emotional strength or maturity.

I've had plenty of healthy relationships that I've ended because they weren't right for me WITHOUT BEING A PSYCHOPATH. All you do is spew the jew pick up artist bullshit that has brainwashed you into thinking you're a some kind of "alpha male". You're a sick fuck who lacks any kind of sympathy and will not create deep love connections. I feel bad for anyone that has come into contact with you.

Here's a book for you. https://www.amazon.com/dp/0425191656/ref=cm_sw_r_em_apa_i_QGEoFbRABHYTS
In my opinion, the moment a person starts to think about "manipulating the mind" when wants to approach with someone else ( in love/sex field) , one immediatly lose.

We have spiritual means to enhance our mind and spirit, not jewish filthy suggestions about mind control.
sahasrarabliss said:
Otherwise take a look on the NICE NOBLE GOOD HEARTED GENTLEMEN and see how they get ditched by their own women by loving their woman as a Man should love. Still they get ditched for other men their woman choose over them.

And FYI these men you're talking about are called Simps or "Nice Guys" in a derogatory way. Contrary to what you may think, they are not being honest or kind, they are using a manipulative method (and a failed one at that). They are being nice just to get in a girl's pants. Most women instinctively know that and avoid them. They are not "noble" or "good hearted", they are extremely selfish and manipulative. They have become a meme and have a whole subreddit dedicated to them, just search nice guy to see what women think about them. They don't hate them because they are nice, they hate because they play nice to get them to have sex with them.
No, this is how women react when you insult them. I bet you will react the same way and even worse when you hear a feminist say that men are violent rapists and have no empathy, that they leave their partners and only care about sex so that you need to manipulate them to prevent them from leaving you because they are mindless animals. Sort of like the stuff that those women on the FemaleDatingStrategy subreddit say.

Newsflash: you're not the only one who thinks manipulating the other sex is right because they are inherently bad somehow, many women think the same thing about men, and oftentimes the stuff they say about men is much, much worse. And to their mind, when a man reacts in a negative way to them because he feels insulted they think this proves their point because they think they "exposed" him.

sahasrarabliss said:
This is how women react when the dark side of their mind is exposed. I've seen this alot already.
Oh yes, the ebil wahmen want to manipulate men and tell them lies. Fuck off with that BS already. Women are not enemies, Women don't hate men. Maybe some are brainwashed by (((those people))) to hate men, but without (((them))) the gender relations would return to normal. We are in this together. The problem with the BS you're peddling is it assumes a competitive stance and a war with women. There's no war, and if you are trying to promote one you're causing disunity in Satanism. If you hate Satanic women, then you're anti-Satanist. You may as well wear a cross and pray to jewsus because that attitude of thinking women are inherently bad is xian/jewish (xians in the past and present use the buybull story about Eve to show that women are somehow evil and lure away men).

sahasrarabliss said:
Similarly some other female members also said same kind of BS that lured away the men here from the Truth about how their mind works and what they actually want from a man. It's all just the mainstream BS. Nothing else.
sahasrarabliss said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
sahasrarabliss said:
"Some people might see that as a claim that women are flawed. But Shogun Method goes ahead and makes the distinction that it’s not women themselves who are flawed, but the FEMALE MIND that is."
Are you out of your fucking mind?! *slaps in the face*
You're insulting the entire female population, which by the way, seems to appear to be the majority on the world, considering statistics.
Also you're insulting the left hand path directly, and Lilith, too.

This is how women react when the dark side of their mind is exposed. I've seen this alot already.

What. The. Fuck?! Did you just dig this up for fun or are you looking for a fight?

Either way you can suck up that illusionary BS and fuck off.

Im done talking to retards.
Shrekelstein said:
sahasrarabliss said:
Lmao. The moment you tell and confess to a woman your interest in her , is the moment of GAME OVER with that woman right there.

You obviously didn't read the part you quoted in which I refuted what you just said. Either that or you have trouble understanding it. Which part of "it depends of your confidence" you do not understand? I gave examples as well. Pay more attention. Just because you repeat it without reading my rebuttal doesn't make it true.

Quoting your full input here below. I read it and understood what you mean. Please scroll below this msg.

Shrekelstein said:
No such thing happens. There have been done many social experiments where a male model approaches a woman and says the most creepy things and the woman falls in love with him. Whether a woman responds positively or negatively depends on your confidence, appearance and the personality you project. If you feel awkward inside while showing interest in her of course will make her respond negatively.

There are even pickup artists that teach about being a natural instead of any manipulative techniques and show that approaching a woman while being confident and honest can bring positive reactions. You can find many videos of these online.

It's not a "self-defense mechanism", it's the reading of your aura and overall confidence that makes her respond positively or negatively. Women are more intuitive and read these things better.

It's not about confidence, personality, appearance or anything else that you've mentioned. It's solely about HOW & WHAT you talk about in the first few minutes after your approach. A woman decides to like and dislike a man even before knowing the man herself.

And self mechanism exists in a female mind where woman rejects direct advances from men. What a woman cannot detect, she cannoy resist. If you are approaching a woman with flowers in your hand or without, and revealing your interest or even proposing to her, you are about to face rejection in your face. I can bet a million dollars on this if only I had. Even bet my life on this if possible because I know that's what happens.

I know I won't be able to change your mind about this case anyway, so let's move to the answer to the question I asked earlier below.

Question: So, Imagine now, "You are on a date with a girl. There's a very good chemistry between you both. But then, out of nowhere she says "I hate how fat I am this year".


1. Would you just shrug her comment off and continue your conversation?

2. Or would you reassure her by saying, "you r not fat at all...what are you talking about?

Shrekelstein said:
The first one of course. Again because someone disagrees with your stupid manipulative tactics doesn't mean he is clueless about how women think. A confident person who understands women would give the first reply as well. And no, it's not manipulative. You already made that strawman before and I addressed it. Scroll up to see my previous reply to you in this thread.

Now please read this carefully without any prior biased perception of your beloved woman of this modern world.

First of all, A woman's insecurity is actually her "default mode" when it comes to men. To be more specific. It's her mother nature-ordained way of screening the men she meets. Subconsciously, she shows men flashes of her insecurity. Then she judges how they respond.

With this little test of her , she can immediately tell if a man is clueless, or a pushover, or a real man.

When she said she hates how fat she was. That's a tiny sign of insecurity and yet, it's still a powerful effective test for her.

Dependings on how you respond, she will know what kind of guy you are.

So if you just continued the conversation like you didn't notice her insecurity (for your first answer where you shrugg her comment off and continue conversing.)

Then she will KNOW that you are a CLUELESS GUY! You are not really sharp with women and she will probably not want to even be friends with you moving forward.

But dude you said it doesn't mean that a man who doesn't respond to her manipulative tactics is a CLUELESS guy. But bro? See what ? That's only in your mind. That's what you think but NOT HER. :green:

She believes the otherwise. You have to make her believe. Otherwise it's only you thinkin and believing in your mind that you are not a clueless guy. But you made her believe you are with the answer you responded with. It's not her fault, but yours. Because you were incapable and didn't care to tell her in indirect manner that you are not a clueless guy. So how should you respond? Read below.

And if you choose second answer where you reassure her that she is not fat at all, then

Then she will know that you are a "PUSHOVER".
That is and that means, you are easy to control. Since you are a pleaser. She knows she can make you do things and whatever she wants.


Well. What women really want in their potential partners is that STRENGTH & DOMINANCE and you don't show it with physical means or with your appearance or commanding women directly or being an arrogant bad cocky guy lul.

It's their deepest need. They want these traits more than security,money, your handsome face,your overall appearance, your social status, your dick size, sex etc.

Strength and dominance that's what they want.

She doesn't want you to make her feel better or ignore her TEST. She wants you to THRILL her like a real man would.

So you pull the plot twist technique, that is, we play back her own test on her and say :

"And I really hate how you are fishing for compliments".

You say this with a knowing smile like you are sharing a secret with her. That's how you should respond.

You didn't give her what she IMPLIED she wants. You gave her what she TRULY wanted from you. You gave her the attention of s strong dominant man who isn't fazed or intimidated by her.

Women will like you more if you choose to respond to their tests this way.

But yes, you might be thinking wouldn't that piss them off?
Ofcourse. Then if you reacted in a weak submissive way by apologizing afterwards, you FAIL her test!!!

And if you ever apologized to a woman after she got mad, then that's what you happens. She test you and you failed....and she moves to the next man. Do you understand??

If a woman threatens to leave you afterwards you respond like that, then you respond in a strong dominant way "hey relax, you started it, and if she threatens to leave...shrug and tell okay, see you around".

Making a woman fall in love with you is, This is all about HOW & WHAT YOU TALK ABOUT WITH A WOMAN. It's never primarily about your looks or your intellect. But manipulative communication which she uses against you and then you turn it back onto her to win her.

And if you dont do that, then she will leave you and move onto next man and play her tests on him to find out if he is the one she is looking for lul. And then don't tell me that women are b*tcheds and stupid if you don't use this manipulative methods right back onto them.

They are not stupid. The men who don't have any clue about the female mind workings, are stupid and are the victims of manipulation done by the women. The women are the cleverest creatures. Yet the man is more clever in this case and gets an upper hand when he decides to work with how the female mind works and wants from him.

You have to make her suffer psychologically/emotionally & give pleasure for her own need of drama, for her own sake, for your own sake and for your relationship sake with her. A man needs to balance between giving pleasure and emotional rollercoaster to her woman to keep her as long as he wants.

If you think she suffers if you give the first reply then you don't understand women. Women sometimes talk to express their feelings. It doesn't mean they are hurt when they express something negative.

You can't guarantee whether if she will stay with you forever or not if you don't manipulate her for her own drama and emotional rollercoaster subconscious NEEDS that has made them vulnerable to be even get married to the most useless men whoever uses these methods of mind control.

You can't guarantee whether a woman will stay with you for ever, no matter what you do, whether you manipulate her or not. It's best to realize it now rather than to get disappointed later when she ditches you even if you used all the manipulative advice you have read on a book that someone who wants to make quick cash wrote.

Depending on a woman to make you happy is the worst you can do for yourself. You obviously think that if you can manipulate a woman good enough you'll make her yours forever and therefore you'll will be happy forever. But it doesn't work that way at all. You may even get bored of her after 1 day of being with her. Either way, this entire line of reasoning is flawed. Not just a woman, but all other people in general. If you depend on other people and their approval to make you happy you'll suffer a lot.

The most ironic thing is if you don't care about female approval and you don't base your happiness on a woman or a relationship then suddenly more women will begin to like you. You won't need to do any manipulative thing at all, they will just come to you. That has to do with the confidence thing I said before. If you are desperate, no matter how hard you try to hide it and how many manipulative techniques you use, a woman can sense it and you'll turn her off.[/quote]
This guy is probabily the kind of guy who when rejected by a girl starts telling her how he is a nice guy and wonders how other guys attract her more. Lol
I accidentally pressed the submit button before finishing writing. Please delete my last two incomplete replies. Thanks.

Shrekelstein said:
sahasrarabliss said:
Lmao. The moment you tell and confess to a woman your interest in her , is the moment of GAME OVER with that woman right there.

Shrekelstein said:
You obviously didn't read the part you quoted in which I refuted what you just said. Either that or you have trouble understanding it. Which part of "it depends of your confidence" you do not understand? I gave examples as well. Pay more attention. Just because you repeat it without reading my rebuttal doesn't make it true.

Quoting your full input here below. I read it and understood what you mean. Please scroll below this msg.

Shrekelstein said:
No such thing happens. There have been done many social experiments where a male model approaches a woman and says the most creepy things and the woman falls in love with him. Whether a woman responds positively or negatively depends on your confidence, appearance and the personality you project. If you feel awkward inside while showing interest in her of course will make her respond negatively.

There are even pickup artists that teach about being a natural instead of any manipulative techniques and show that approaching a woman while being confident and honest can bring positive reactions. You can find many videos of these online.

Shrekelstein said:
it's not a "self-defense mechanism", it's the reading of your aura and overall confidence that makes her respond positively or negatively. Women are more intuitive and read these things better.

It's not about confidence, personality, appearance or anything else that you've mentioned. It's solely about HOW & WHAT you talk about in the first few minutes after your approach. A woman decides to like and dislike a man even before knowing the man herself.

And self defense mechanism exists in a female mind where woman rejects direct advances from men. What a woman cannot detect, she cannoy resist. If you are approaching a woman with flowers in your hand or without, and revealing your interest or even proposing to her, you are about to face rejection in your face. I can bet a million dollars on this if only I had. Even bet my life on this if possible because I know that's what happens.

I know I won't be able to change your mind about this case anyway, so let's move to the answer to the question I asked earlier below.

Question: So, Imagine now, "You are on a date with a girl. There's a very good chemistry between you both. But then, out of nowhere she says "I hate how fat I am this year".


1. Would you just shrug her comment off and continue your conversation?

2. Or would you reassure her by saying, "you r not fat at all...what are you talking about?

Shrekelstein said:
The first one of course. Again because someone disagrees with your stupid manipulative tactics doesn't mean he is clueless about how women think. A confident person who understands women would give the first reply as well. And no, it's not manipulative. You already made that strawman before and I addressed it. Scroll up to see my previous reply to you in this thread.

Now please read this carefully without any prior biased perception of your beloved woman of this modern world.

First of all, A woman's insecurity is actually her "default mode" when it comes to men. To be more specific. It's her mother nature-ordained way of screening the men she meets. Subconsciously, she shows men flashes of her insecurity. Then she judges how they respond.

With this little test of her , she can immediately tell if a man is clueless, or a pushover, or a real man.

When she said she hates how fat she was. That's a tiny sign of insecurity and yet, it's still a powerful effective test for her.

Dependings on how you respond, she will know what kind of guy you are.

So if you just continued the conversation like you didn't notice her insecurity (for your first answer where you shrugg her comment off and continue conversing.)

Then she will KNOW that you are a CLUELESS GUY! You are not really sharp with women and she will probably not want to even be friends with you moving forward.

But dude you said it doesn't mean that a man who doesn't respond to her manipulative tactics is a CLUELESS guy. But bro? See what ? That's only in your mind. That's what you think of yourself but NOT HER. :green:

She believes the otherwise. You have to make her believe. Otherwise it's only you thinkin and believing in your mind that you are not a clueless guy. But you made her believe you are with the answer you responded with. It's not her fault, but yours. Because you were incapable and didn't care to tell her in indirect manner that you are not a clueless guy. So how should you respond? Read below.

And if you choose second answer where you reassure her that she is not fat at all, then

Then she will know that you are a "PUSHOVER".
That is and that means, you are easy to control. Since you are a pleaser. She knows she can make you do things and whatever she wants.


Well. What women really want in their potential partners is that STRENGTH & DOMINANCE and you don't show it with physical means or with your appearance or commanding women directly or being an arrogant bad cocky guy lul.

It's their deepest need. They want these traits more than security,money, your handsome face,your overall appearance, your social status, your dick size, sex etc.

Strength and dominance that's what they want.

She doesn't want you to make her feel better or ignore her TEST. She wants you to THRILL her like a real man would.

So you pull the plot twist technique, that is, we play back her own test on her and say :
"And I really hate how you are fishing for compliments".

You say this with a knowing smile like you are sharing a secret with her. That's how you should respond.

You didn't give her what she IMPLIED she wants. You gave her what she TRULY wanted from you. You gave her the attention of a strong dominant man who isn't fazed or intimidated by her.

Women will like you more if you choose to respond to their tests this way.

But yes, you might be thinking wouldn't that piss them off?
Ofcourse. Then if you reacted in a weak submissive way by apologizing afterwards, you FAIL her test!!!

And if you ever apologized to a woman after she got mad, then that's what you happens. She tested you and you failed....and she moves to next man. Do you understand??

If a woman threatens to leave you afterwards you respond like that, then you respond in a strong dominant way "hey relax, you started it, and if she threatens to leave...shrug and tell okay, see you around".

Making a woman fall in love with you is all about HOW & WHAT YOU TALK ABOUT WITH A WOMAN and how long can you keep her attention on you.

Women's attention span is unforgivingly short.

If you can hold a woman's attention for long enough, she will probably fall in love with you - Derek.

Regardless of how useless man you are, it won't matter to her because she cannot see this or don't want or isn't even interested to see this because?

Because what matters to her is her feelings. How she feels for you , how you made her feel.

This is why and how Derek Rake helped most men get their wives back in their arms even after a bad divorce. Helped them get their ex back when they broke up in the most worst way you can imagine.

His method gives men an upper hand in dating world and relationship. Women had have an upper hand in relationship for centuries. Because men didn't have a fucking clue how their mind worked. Only few had.

You cannot win over your enemy if you don't know enough about your enemy.

Now apply this to dating world and women?

It's never primarily about your looks or your intellect. But manipulative communication which she uses against you and then you turn it back onto her to win her.

And if you dont do that, then she will leave you and move onto next man and play her tests on him to find out if he is the one she is looking for lul. And then don't tell me that women are b*tcheds and stupid if you don't use this manipulative methods right back onto them.

They are not stupid. The men who don't have any clue about the female mind workings, are stupid and are the victims of manipulation done by the women. The women are the cleverest creatures. Yet the man is more clever in this case and gets an upper hand when he decides to work with how the female mind works and wants from him.

You have to make her suffer psychologically/emotionally & give pleasure for her own need of drama, for her own sake, for your own sake and for your relationship sake with her. A man needs to balance between giving pleasure and emotional rollercoaster to her woman to keep her as long as he wants.

Shrekelstein said:
If you think she suffers if you give the first reply then you don't understand women. Women sometimes talk to express their feelings. It doesn't mean they are hurt when they express something negative.
I don't think that. Making her suffer emotionally doesn't take that. But something that is very unharmful to her. It's stupidly simple yet the most unharmful way. Making her emotionaly suffer is imperative.

Doesn't she suffer emotionally when she watches drama series or read novels yet she gets pleasure from such activities? That's the kind of emotional suffering I'm talking about.

But it goes beyond just that.

So when I said in my oldest replies to this thread that a man can turn any woman unit a Harley Quinn type of girl for him, I didn't lie or exaggerate that statement. But it's not wise and safe for a man doing so and probably not even safe for the woman either

But we just touch lower level of the Harley Quinn model, where they are not harmful to themselves and not to me as a man either. A happy married life afterwards where you have a solution for your Woman needs.

Shrekelstein said:
You can't guarantee whether a woman will stay with you for ever, no matter what you do, whether you manipulate her or not. It's best to realize it now rather than to get disappointed later when she ditches you even if you used all the manipulative advice you have read on a book that someone who wants to make quick cash wrote.

Depending on a woman to make you happy is the worst you can do for yourself. You obviously think that if you can manipulate a woman good enough you'll make her yours forever and therefore you'll will be happy forever. But it doesn't work that way at all. You may even get bored of her after 1 day of being with her. Either way, this entire line of reasoning is flawed. Not just a woman, but all other people in general. If you depend on other people and their approval to make you happy you'll suffer a lot.

The most ironic thing is if you don't care about female approval and you don't base your happiness on a woman or a relationship then suddenly more women will begin to like you. You won't need to do any manipulative thing at all, they will just come to you. That has to do with the confidence thing I said before. If you are desperate, no matter how hard you try to hide it and how many manipulative techniques you use, a woman can sense it and you'll turn her off.

With this Method, you can keep your woman as long as you wish and guarantee that she will live with you forever. That's all I have to say. Jo arguments here because you won't believe. So it's futile to argue anymore in this topic now. We should close this now.

And btw, I didn't talk about those kind of nice guys. I talk about those nice guys who genuinely love a woman, approaches her with flowers in hand do without and proposes her like a real honest man they are like in old times. I didn't mean those submissive nice type of guys who want to get in the pants of a woman by being a pleaser.
ModernMage said:
sahasrarabliss said:
Shrekelstein said:
No such thing happens. There have been done many social experiments where a male model approaches a woman and says the most creepy things and the woman falls in love with him. Whether a woman responds positively or negatively depends on your confidence, appearance and the personality you project. If you feel awkward inside while showing interest in her of course will make her respond negatively.

Lmao. The moment you tell and confess to a woman your interest in her , is the moment of GAME OVER with that woman right there.

Pickup artists are mindless stupid robots who believe it is also ok to be used by women for pleasure. There are alot of these idiots on youtube too.

I'd tell you a harsh Truth. Make the other person cry before you cry, in general I'm telling, not targeted just at women but everyone.

Because if you don't do that, you will be the one crying later when they leave you, stab you in the back, when they ask you for something for borrow, and you cannot say NO because you care about them or don't like to be disliked by other people.

Make the other person cry(figuratively saying) by saying no or taking stand for yourself before you cry later on.

Now here's one question for you regarding women.

FACT : Women are Insecure. Why? I'll tell you why after you answer to the question below and a correct answer to you in my next reply.

Question: So, Imagine now, "You are on a date with a girl. There's a very good chemistry between you both. But then, out of nowhere she says "I hate how fat I am this year".


1. Would you just shrug her comment off and continue your conversation?

2. Or would you reassure her by saying, "you r not fat at all...what are you talking about?

Depending on how you respond, A woman can quickly KNOW WHAT KIND OF MAN YOU ARE.

For a reason, I already know what you are going to write :mrgreen: like most other men would lmfao. Lets see what you say.

You have to make her suffer psychologically/emotionally & give pleasure for her own need of drama, for her own sake, for your own sake and for your relationship sake with her. A man needs to balance between giving pleasure and emotional rollercoaster to her woman to keep her as long as he wants.

Otherwise take a look on the NICE NOBLE GOOD HEARTED GENTLEMEN and see how they get ditched by their own women by loving their woman as a Man should love. Still they get ditched for other men their woman choose over them.

You can't guarantee whether if she will stay with you forever or not if you don't manipulate her for her own drama and emotional rollercoaster subconscious NEEDS that has made them vulnerable to be even get married to the most useless men whoever uses these methods of mind control.

But I think it's a fair game with these women. Because every other woman manipulates her man. Even the most shy introvert innocent looking woman manipulates in ways you don't even know and she isn't even aware of these things herself but she gets pleasure from doing this manipulation.

You guys won't be able to comprehend this but call me a gross stupid man. That's all you can say rather than accepting the dark reality of the female mind and work with it to tame it for your own relationship sake.

But please do give me the answer to that question I've asked.

Stop spreading your disgusting kike mindset to other members. You dont understand shit about women and have a distorted view on men and women. Relationships are not a manipulitave power struggle. You are mentally disturbed if you think making anyone suffer an emotional roller coaster is OK. You clearly lack any emotional strength or maturity.

I've had plenty of healthy relationships that I've ended because they weren't right for me WITHOUT BEING A PSYCHOPATH. All you do is spew the jew pick up artist bullshit that has brainwashed you into thinking you're a some kind of "alpha male". You're a sick fuck who lacks any kind of sympathy and will not create deep love connections. I feel bad for anyone that has come into contact with you.

The kind of attitude you have towards and regarding love relationship in general and regarding men or women is applicable to a World which is fully Satanic.

It's invalid attitude to this World and current world of dating and love relationships. If anyone read my comments, they will know I solely and mostly talked about the female mind and its flaws. Not the Women themselves. It's their mind that is flawed not the Women themselves. If men don't find a way to tackle their flawed mind, those men will Suffer. There's no escape without this Method.

You are a Woman.
Hidden Warrior said:
In my opinion, the moment a person starts to think about "manipulating the mind" when wants to approach with someone else ( in love/sex field) , one immediatly lose.

We have spiritual means to enhance our mind and spirit, not jewish filthy suggestions about mind control.

These men decide to not dwell on and go on an adventure with these methods is because it takes EFFORTS to keep a Woman in love. And these men don't look at this as an obligation to keep their Women in love. That's one of the secondary reason for why they suffer.

Because of the efforts it takes, that's why majority of men cover up their lazy ass by saying things that are idealistic but NOT very PRACTICAL in this World.

People say these are Jewish tactics. Well. What does it tell you about human female mind ?

The jew just involuntary helped human females and males to KNOW that the female mind is flawed. Fix it goyim women, because I've just made you AWARE of your own mind flaws?

It's not they can fix it overnight or within few months or years because it takes thousands of years of meditation to fix these mind flaws.

So the jew has just helped men of this society giving them the linear method on how to tackle your Women's mind flaws and tame her mind where she will not be able to make you SUFFER (cuz of her stupid mind flaws) even when you NEVER DESERVED IT !

Yes, Women cruely leave and make their men suffer for other men they chose over them when they get bored and when they don't get their stupid drama and emotional rollercoaster ride fulfilled by their Men. Their mind needs this ride like a daily vitamin tablet lul time by time.

(You guys here are full of contradictions in this department btw.)

Don't you see the positive side of this which is the actual Truth and that is "Flawed female mind" ?

"Goyim men if you don't use these tactics I've developed after infiltrating your society and I've known and observed WHAT current world of your Women want in you, then you dear goyim males, will suffer greatly at the hands of your Women. Since I've made you aware of these flaws, then why don't you goy males work to tackle it until your Women fix their mind flaws, so I cannot infiltrate you & your Women and benefit from you by selling you the mind methods ?"

"Obviously I'll have no where to go because for my own shekels sake I've stupidly brought your attention to your own mind flaws? And I'm not lying this time goyim because your Women have made me suffer greatly too, so I've used my reptilian abilities to observe and infiltrate/gauge into your women's female mind to tackle it. Which you could never do."

You cannot fix the problem which you are not aware of.

The jew(for his own materialistic benefits) is helping you involuntarily and stupidly in your survival with your Women by making you realise the flaws of human female mind which is always working against the Men, unconsciously."

This whole show by the jew where he helps you by making you aware of your own flaws, should make the cleverest member here CHUCKLED if we have any.

Because you can LEARN more than enough about yourself from your ENEMY if your enemey is stupid and boastful like the jew. Then you go on working to fix it!

Rather Be practical than a stupid idealistic while dealing with the average people of this current world.


But I also laugh at you in a brotherly way not with contempt, because you are directly ignoring what the jew had to say about your own mind flaws. Then you go on being too idealistic and say :

" No Dude, we dont need manipulation in our love relationship, our women are perfect, they have no mind flaws and we men know what they want"

Lol while the jew screamed at your face about this flaws you simply ignored these and thus set yourself for more suffering in this department.

Yes, I know how we humans are. We humans like to be very honest with our men and women, but we also should not ignore the current mind flawe of men and women due to the Jewish infiltration and mostly because of the spiritual degradation.

If we ignore and not work to fix our these mind flaws or atleast find a way to tackle it, then we are making ourselves suffer.

But how will you be able to find a way to tackle? A male human is in no way capable of bringing this kind of method. Because it takes a jew to create this method.
ModernMage said:

And btw. The book's title is "why he controls"

Well. "A woman is most happiest when she serves the man she loves"

She is also most happiest when she is controlled by the man she loves.

If you are a woman, it's futile to explain it to you. I know why. Even if you are a Man, it's also futile to explain this to you.
As I said, this is what a confident person would answer who has nothing to lose regarding women would reply. Again as I said women are attracted to men who aren't desperate. Women don't "think" what you are based on your words, but they read your overall level of confidence intuitively. If you think they judge based on your words then you don't understand women at all, and you are totally clueless, either that or you are swindled by some stupid manipulative book that someone who wants to make quick cash wrote.

Two different people, one desperate incel and one male model who has nothing to lose and who knows he's attractive could approach a woman and say the exact same things. They would either both try to please her or ignore her or tell her what you told us she would like to hear. Guess what would happen: she would reject the first one and she would fall in love with the second one.

That's why manipulative techniques are bullshit. They read not just the words they use, but their body language, their aura and everything. There are many PUAs who used manipulative techniques and then ditched them and just became "naturals" and focused on their inner game and confidence instead of techniques and confirmed that their success was better.

You can look up videos on youtube where a male model says the or most boring things to a woman and she ends up falling in love with him.

So if you just continued the conversation like you didn't notice her insecurity (for your first answer where you shrugg her comment off and continue conversing.)

Then she will KNOW that you are a CLUELESS GUY! You are not really sharp with women and she will probably not want to even be friends with you moving forward.

But dude you said it doesn't mean that a man who doesn't respond to her manipulative tactics is a CLUELESS guy. But bro? See what ? That's only in your mind. That's what you think of yourself but NOT HER. :green:

She believes the otherwise. You have to make her believe. Otherwise it's only you thinkin and believing in your mind that you are not a clueless guy. But you made her believe you are with the answer you responded with. It's not her fault, but yours. Because you were incapable and didn't care to tell her in indirect manner that you are not a clueless guy. So how should you respond? Read below.

Yes it is. You obviously didn't understand it even though you claimed to understand it. You still think that women only read what you say with words and not with your aura or body language. You still think like a man and don't understand women at all. That's the usual perception that men have, that if you just tell her specific things you'll make her fall in love you. When they fail to realize that women read more than your words. In fact if your words contradict your body language they ignore your words totally.

It's not about confidence, personality, appearance or anything else that you've mentioned. It's solely about HOW & WHAT you talk about in the first few minutes after your approach. A woman decides to like and dislike a man even before knowing the man herself.

And self defense mechanism exists in a female mind where woman rejects direct advances from men. What a woman cannot detect, she cannoy resist. If you are approaching a woman with flowers in your hand or without, and revealing your interest or even proposing to her, you are about to face rejection in your face. I can bet a million dollars on this if only I had. Even bet my life on this if possible because I know that's what happens.

I know I won't be able to change your mind about this case anyway, so let's move to the answer to the question I asked earlier below.
Lol. You didn't prove anything, you just repeated a false assertion and an impossible one as well. I think you're that guy who wrote that book and you're trying to shill it here. It isn't explained otherwise, this paragraph of yours looks like bad advertising that such a person would write.

With this Method, you can keep your woman as long as you wish and guarantee that she will live with you forever. That's all I have to say. Jo arguments here because you won't believe. So it's futile to argue anymore in this topic now. We should close this now.
And BTW, there's something called "the Burden of Proof". If you make an assertion (and a ridiculous and impossible one nonetheless) it's your burden to prove it. People can't just accept it what you said on blind faith. You are talking to a Satanic forum, not to a xian one. You offered no proof of that assertion so as Christopher Hitchens said "That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.”

sahasrarabliss said:
With this Method, you can keep your woman as long as you wish and guarantee that she will live with you forever. That's all I have to say. Jo arguments here because you won't believe. So it's futile to argue anymore in this topic now. We should close this now.
I already refuted this stupid claim you made. Women don't "leave" their men because most marriages last over 20 years. So there's no female flawed mind. Not only is it sexist, but it is based on cherry picking a few cases you see of women leaving them and generalize it as though all women do it.

Fun fact: there as many men who abuse their wives/girlfriends as the women who leave their partners. You can see many women complain about being in abusive relationships. Are you going to talk about the flawed male mind as well? And ironically, when someone gave a link to a book about abusive men (which is a serious issue and I would say, even more serious than women who leave their men) you just replied with "you're a woman" in a weird lack of empathy.

sahasrarabliss said:
Yes, Women cruely leave and make their men suffer for other men they chose over them when they get bored and when they don't get their stupid drama and emotional rollercoaster ride fulfilled by their Men.
No, the reason they suffer is they want to be in a relationship for the wrong reason. They also are attracted to the wrong women. See all you're doing here is you give examples of women who are immature and love drama e.t.c. and generalize that to all women. There are many women who don't. As I showed, most women don't since most marriages last over 20 years. But it takes more effort to find a right woman than use any manipulative BS. For starters, you don't look for a woman in a club or bar. In these places there are only the most shallow narcissistic women. They don't represent the average woman either. Most men also are attracted to very young women who are immature. If they stopped thinking with their dicks and chose women at least in the same age as them they wouldn't have this problem. Studies show that the marriages of people in the same age last longer than other ones.

The reason you want to be in a relationship matters. If you think you're flawed or incomplete and you want someone to make you whole you'll suffer. On the other hand, if you're full of love and you're looking for someone to express your love too, you're going to have great relationships. Most people are the first type, men and women. That's why most relationships are co-dependent. You only look for a non-codependent woman who is happy in herself.

sahasrarabliss said:
These men decide to not dwell on and go on an adventure with these methods is because it takes EFFORTS to keep a Woman in love. And these men don't look at this as an obligation to keep their Women in love. That's one of the secondary reason for why they suffer.
Efforts, obligation, wtf is that shit? FYI people want a relationship to have fun, not to feel like work. Most people already work, and they want things like relationships to take their minds off that. Relationships are supposed to be relaxing and fun, not a struggle for power. What's wrong with some relationships is that they're a struggle for power and control and not a mutually beneficial relationship between two self-fulfilled people.

Thank Satan relationships don't work that way, otherwise I would advise everyone to become a Volcel like me. Could you image having a relationship that takes the joy out of you in your struggle to control and manipulate someone who doesn't care about you to make her love you? That's the bleak image that person has about relationships, ladies and gentlemen. The good news is, it is false.

If you do a ritual to Satan and ask you for your perfect mate or even a Demon lover, you can have a relationship that is relaxing and joyful and fun, not a struggle for control. Even without Spiritual means, you can just just screen out the immature women who like drama and find one who doesn't. You put your effort in the screening process but after that you enjoy the relationship and relax.

sahasrarabliss said:
These men decide to not dwell on and go on an adventure with these methods is because it takes EFFORTS to keep a Woman in love. And these men don't look at this as an obligation to keep their Women in love. That's one of the secondary reason for why they suffer.

Because of the efforts it takes, that's why majority of men cover up their lazy ass by saying things that are idealistic but NOT very PRACTICAL in this World.
A man isn't happy at all when he's trying to control someone and pretend to be someone who is not for his entire life instead of relaxing and being who he is instead. Fact. This manipulative nonsense not only is bad, unhealthy and unnecessary, but no man (a normal man, not a psychopath or an abuser) actually wants to have to use it all the time.

If I wanted a relationship I would want to be in a relationship with a woman where I would be free to express myself as I am and where she accepted me the way I am without me pretending to be strong, dominant or whatever or trying to control everything. I would relax and be spontaneous totally and enjoy every moment I'm with her without thinking what to do to avoid losing her. If in every relationship I needed to do what you say to control her to avoid losing her then I would prefer avoiding relationships altogether.

This is my last post in this thread. If you don't get it what I'm saying and you keep promoting that kike nonsense then I'll see you in 5-10 years and how you'll be then after using it. And I will laugh hard then because I already know what will happen, as I've seen other men who were thinking the same way as you.

sahasrarabliss said:
Well. "A woman is most happiest when she serves the man she loves"

She is also most happiest when she is controlled by the man she loves.

If you are a woman, it's futile to explain it to you. I know why. Even if you are a Man, it's also futile to explain this to you.
Shrekelstein said:

You didn't pay any heed to what the jew who created the method had to say about the flawed female mind.

"A woman who would love me and accept me for who and what I am" ? Seriously bro?

Things don't work that way in real life. This attitude towards love relationships is only valid in the world of Gods. Even still they expect you to work harder.

Relationship with Demon/ess lovers isn't all about relax and fun but they expect you to work harder on yourself to improve. It's about spiritual advancement WAY TOO MUCH SERIOUSLY & Making it a high priority.

Try not to compare Human-Demonic love relationships with human-to-human love relationship.

I could tell you about male mind flaws as well. But almost everyone knows them. They are so easy to manipulate.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
