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Shinto Resources


Sep 24, 2017
I'm working on a book based on Japanese culture. I already have a few Samurai manuals and plan on getting more as well as ninja manuals and the folklore books from Antony Cummins and will be joining the Natori Ryu school that was resurrected around 2014. What other books should I get, or other resources, about Shinto and Japanese traditional culture/society?
I don't know of any. I've only read one book relating to Japan about the Japanese Yakuza called "Confessions of a Yakuza" by Junichi Saga.

If you're looking to research some articles and sermons from the Joy of Satan on it I've gathered what I could find here.

Satan And Lilith Head God and Goddess Of Japan

Satanism And Reiki

Reiki Truth

Reiki The True System

Here is a topic with some commentary mentioning Japanese and some of their culture:

Why Asians Don't Whine?

And finally a sermon from the old forum that has something about Shinto in it:

Jesus Is Jewish Witchcraft, Based On Stolen Knowledge

Jesus Is Jewish Witchcraft, Based On Stolen Knowledge

All Stolen And Corrupted From The East

The oldest community of jews are in India, in Kerala. The jews are originally from India and judaism is corrupted from ancient Hinduism into something that looks like a typical jew, hideous.

The jews created Christianity as a weapon:

In the torah it states that Abram came from the lands beyond the river Euphrates from the land of the Chaldeans, this was not Iraq but the Indus Valley.

The land of Kashmir was called Ur of the Kuladeva's, Ur is Sanskrit and means From or land, place, kingdom. The images the Chaldeans left of their own home land show it was in the region of the Himalayans, the Indus Valley. Chaldea is Kaula as well.

Megagasthenes the ancient Greek historian who lived in India and wrote a historic account of that place stated: The jews were an Indian tribe or sect....

We know the founders of Judaism are actually Abraham [Brahma] Abraham's father is Terah, Terah is a title of Visnu the father of Brahma and Sara is Abraham's half sister and wife. This is Saraswati the half sister and wife of Brahma and Issac, Issa is the name of Shiva.

Abraham is also spelled Abram, which is Father RAM....Father RAMA. The sun god in Hinduism.

The jewish school the Yeshiva is a Sanskrit word. Yeshiva in the east means "The Shiva." Which in English means "The Destroyer". They literally call their academes: "The Destroyers." Were they learn how to destroy the Goyim.

The ancient U and V are interchangeable.

Another spelling of this in the east is Yeshva, which becomes Yeshua the name of the jewish messiah, from their torah, Yeshua is Joshua in English who conquerors the promised land and puts the Goyim nations to the sword and makes the survivors slaves to the jews. No mistake Jesus is called Yeshua its their thought form to conqueror the earth. The name of their school were they learn to conqueror the Goyim nations is named after their messiah occult wise.

The name jew in Hebrew is Yehuddi this means warrior of Shiva, in Sanskrit. They are at war with the Goyim, so Yehuddi, warrior of their god The Destroyer.

Yesh is a word of power for Shakti in Tibet.....Yesh...va.....ua, YESHIVA/YESHVA is the name of the Shakti power. This is the Para Shakti, which the jews call Shekinah which is close to Shakti in spelling still. Which is the power of their god in kabala. This is the collective energy of the jewish race and the messiah they created. The thought form, Yesh...ua.

This is also stolen name of Krisna, Krisna's mother is called Mari-yah which means the mother of Yah. Yeshua is also YAshua, the god Yah note the ua is VA.....Yahveh or Yahvah the name of the jewish god. Is just stolen from YASHVA. The god Shiva. They tied this in with their christan thought from to damn the Goyim. The whole tale of jesus krist was stolen from that of Yesu Krisna. Which predates Christianity by thousands of years.

In the east, Saturn is the last day of the week traditionally so its the seventh day not the sixth. Sunday is the first day originally in the east.

Saturn's number is Seven. SHIVAN....so Shiva,[SHIVAM is another spelling of Shiva in the east] means also seven in Hebrew. And the jews Sabbath is on Saturday. Sabbath is from the east its Saba which relates to god as sound, this when they read their Hebrew prayers and curse the Goyim. On the day of THE DESTROYER. Saturn rules such in the negative aspects. The image of the Grim Reaper is from the card that rules Saturn in the Taro.

El Shaddi the name of the jewish god, is also another name of Shiva in the east.

The mezuzah the jews put on their door post, mezu means Moses in Arabic such as Syrian. Moses properly is Musa in Sanskrit and Arabic, as well which means Messiah in Hebrew and such. Musa is the name of the animal totem of the god Ganesha. The rat how ironic considering what jews are. The Shin letter is put on the Mezuzah and spells the name of the jewish messiah as this mezuzah means messiah in hebrew. The Shin letter contains three letters within it. Which in kabala can and are spelt as the following. In the Shin on the mezuzah is the Yod, which becomes YA, Shin goes to SHI, VAV to VA. This spells YASHIVA and the Shin letter is the power of their god to destroy all the enemies of Israel in the torah. And the Shin letter is the trident symbol the symbol of Shiva and represents the power of their god as destroyer.

Note this Mezuzah spells the name of their messiah on it. YESHIVA is also spelled YESHUA. The name of Jesus is the occult name of THE DESTROYER, of the Goyim. As this is what the mezuzah represents. The jews also attach their Shema prayer scroll to this. Which is a Hebrew curse on the Gentiles. This Mezuzah is a symbol of jewish witchcraft and black magic against the Gentiles. And it spells the name of JESUS in Hebrew.

Their messiah is: The Destroyer.

YESHVA-YESHUA in Kabala is the three powers of the throne of the jewish god, which he uses to rule and destroy the Goyim.

YESHUA [Jesus] is the power of the jews to destroy the Goyim and create their global kingdom promised to them in the torah.

In the east such as Japan in Shinto which is the ancient religion of Japan which is connected to Hinduism they have the elephant head god in Japan and Krisna in Shinto. A important festival is done in what is called Mt. Moriyia for the Moriyia-no-kami, The God of Moriya. The name Moriya is Moriah the mount Moriah of the jews in their torah. This is the menorah in judaism.

The Shinto Priest also wear the same black box on their head the jews do when they pray and in Shinto they call it....."Tora-no-maki" which means:" THE SCROLL OF THE TORAH".

The Japanese Shinto also carry the Omikoshi, its a Shinto ark carried the same way the jews carried the ark in the torah. They also call this the "Harainusa" in Japan, note Haraim....usa. The builder of the Temple of Solomon, Haraim. Which is also Haram, THE RAM. RAM is the name of the sun god in Hinduism.

Amenominakanushi-no-cami. Is the name of the original god of Shinto in Japanese. Note the AMEN.

You can find the Hebrews letters in the east, such as Peh, Vav, Shin, Kap, Ayn, and such. The hat the jews wear, the kippah, is in the east. They refer to it as the Kappa. Its known that many jews who got into Hindu esoteric knowledge and Buddhist tantra ended up leaving as they just observed they were practicing Kabbalistic judaism. Which is the fourth and highest level of judaism. The star of David was stolen from the east as well its the star of Visnu.

Note David is also stolen from the east. DA is a title of Shiva and Vid mean knowledge, DAVID=knowledge of Shiva. Remember Yeshua [Yeshva] is from the line of King David in the bible. This King spent all his time destroying the Goyim nations and making them slaves. Hence DAVID the knowledge of the Destroyer. Which is the goal of the jewish messiah.

As the jewish Talmud states:

"Kill the Goyim by any means possible". Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

"When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves". Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D

Latin is Sanskrit in its origin as are all Indo-European languages. Angnus comes from the Sanskrit Agni.

Agni is the first word in the Veda, AGNI means fire but is also a god who is shown riding a lamb or ram. This is the Angnus Dei of the Catholic church, The Lamb of God. This was the original banner of the Catholic Church. Their literal emblem and motto is Agni is god. The church even has a saint Angnus..... Its all stolen and corrupted.

Christianity Mankind's First Worldwide Religion, Gene D. Matlock
Suns Of God, DM Murdock
The Serpent, The Eagle, The Lion And The Disc, B, Parker

Follow the Search Slothz engine:
http://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Sa ... brary.html
I forgot this one:

Black Sabbath

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
