In the Communization of all humans into the same global clump, new, useless identities and self-definitions are required to keep people from the fact they are all squashed and are all the same like ants, in the same run-around of a rut like all other humans on earth, imposed by jews.
To any threatening identities to the jews, are being removed. For example, the national identity is removed, same as the racial identity which is just a verbal and scientifically laid out expression of biology and nothing else. The jew tells people that we have risen above 'biology', while ironically, all such 'rising' came only by obeying the rules of the very biology we claim to have 'surpassed'. Other older identities created by jews are giving in, such as the Christian identity. And new identities are being created so people can self-define and "learn" how to exist.
Identity is how one perceives themselves, and through how we understand ourselves (or not understand ourselves) we interact with the world.
So ironically, the jew tells people to relinquish all their jew-threatening identities, yet at the same time, literally creates billions of others of random identities for people to choose from. Of course, all these identities are equally meaningless. So long these are meaningless, profitable for the jew, and non threatening, they can exist.
The jew can profit from these. All buy his new book "Why I made 150 genders to completely squash the brains of the goyim with it, and give them shit to waste their time on, while in Israel we only have 2 genders and hardly accept a third one. Haha, Stupid Goyim".
"Science" has sunk lower than the worst religious fundamentalism. Now, "Science" only uses the powers it derives from natural laws to prove and manifest the bias of someone in reality. It is no longer used as a tool for world analysis. This is why the Magnum Opus has also disappeared from the scientific palette. Now what's important is lying about genes being different, saying we are all apes that came from the same point in Africa, and reminding the goyim all the time that you can do "whatever you want without reprecautions" even if all the above statements collapse on their own lying weight.
As the son of George Soros publicly admitted. This is done by jews to create a sense of fragmentation and 'plurality' in societies, because the jew can only exist in two places: In countries where a sense of such exists, or in Israel. And many jews don't wanna live in Israel because they cannot directly plunder Goyim in Israel. This Plurality is fake and threatening to the civilization which only acts, in reality, to obey the least fragmented group and the most organized alien group in it, the secret society of jews and globalists. They have to exist in other nations to carry out the Zion Master Plan.
One example is the Sexual identities they have given birth to. First we had Heterosexual, Homosexual, Transexual/Hermaphrodite. Now, we have around 150 more just to make sure. A jewish sociologist behind every such identity. It has been stated many times that social sciences, because of their neglect of nature, have stagnated.
And this is a very obvious fact. These 'sciences' have flew the handle from caring about human nature in anyway, anymore. Now it's just formulation of bullshit until eternity, and an endless attempt for people to gain credit for shitting directly in the brain of other people.
So all Goyim can exist as one race, and one ruled mass over the jewish overlords worldwide. Like players playing a video game in the same restricted global server. And the jew running all these servers. But at least, they can choose their visual, racial, lingual, or whatever other genders. Essentially the jew is giving plasmatic and virtual desires to the Goyim to give them the illusion of choice.
It's of no importance if you are a "White Wiccan Magician and Part Time Unicorn Wizard, Apache Helicopter, Gender Fluid, Trilinear, Non Bilinear, 64 bit never 32 bit: "I feel I am White but on my inner part I feel Mexican, and on all parts I feel like anime Toon from outer space, which came from my humble beginnings as feeling that I was a unicorn that was in love with spiderman".
The freedom has indeed only been shrinking. People are so much the same they try to always define themselves more and more by ever-growing alien identities, which are threatening to sanity and life. This is because if you don't have any self understanding, the last thing you want to focus upon is understand what is foreign or dangerous to yourself. This is like being in a womb and not having developed, how can the mass of a generating fetus understand philosophy and make sense of the world? A developing fetus cannot carry a sword, nor it can understand anything.
So the jew attacks vehemently and mercilessly people from infancy to their early development to create as much as confusion as possible. Hormonal confusion, media brainwashing, university reality-shattering and alien shaping, creating a world with full loss of any identity. The subjects of the global empire have to be lost on boose, drugs, and all sorts of other retardants and mental fog of this to be successful.
There are people who spend their whole life now trying to support that being a "White Wiccan Magician and Part Time Unicorn Wizard, Apache Helicopter, Gender Fluid, Trilinear, Non Bilinear, 64 bit never 32 bit: "I feel I am White but on my inner part I feel Mexican, because I am from another planet, and on all parts I feel like anime Toon from outer space because I always believed I should have a tail like a Cat, which came from my humble beginnings as feeling that I was a unicorn that was in love with spiderman" is very important to life, and write formulas for this to them and their 3 friends from the nuthouse that agree with them.
Meanwhile, in Israel, there are people who spend their whole life to empower Israel in the coming breaking of cesspool and crap that they themselves are creating...
During exactly the same time, the jew is rooting as much as he can in natural rules, and natural laws, even if he alien and unnatural, so the impending storm of shit they are creating will not uproot them same as it will uproot all the other trees of people on earth. And at the same time they also gather their cancerous elements, spread all over the world, in tighter bonds with their prime identity of Israel.
I wonder who is going to win the "Identito-Calypse" in the end. And who will over the world with subjects that idiotic beneath them.
This is why Satanism is essentially a clearing, cleansing of the mind. Part of clearing all the mental fog and jewish illusion, inner delusion, and unplugging from the jewtrix is to understand that what the jewtrix pushes people to be is not always the correct thing to be. And to be patient and accepting in said process because the very existence of anyone in the jewtrix comes with serious problems.
When one exits the jewtrix then their life and world belong to them again. But this is an uphill road, and it's not based on the same lies that tell people that if you have the ability to be a "White Wiccan Magician and Part Time Unicorn Wizard, Apache Helicopter, Gender Fluid, Trilinear, Non Bilinear, 64 bit never 32 bit: "I feel I am White but on my inner part I feel Mexican, and on all parts I feel like anime Toon from outer space, which came from my humble beginnings as feeling that I was a unicorn that was in love with spiderman" is more important than being simply a "Free Man".
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
To any threatening identities to the jews, are being removed. For example, the national identity is removed, same as the racial identity which is just a verbal and scientifically laid out expression of biology and nothing else. The jew tells people that we have risen above 'biology', while ironically, all such 'rising' came only by obeying the rules of the very biology we claim to have 'surpassed'. Other older identities created by jews are giving in, such as the Christian identity. And new identities are being created so people can self-define and "learn" how to exist.
Identity is how one perceives themselves, and through how we understand ourselves (or not understand ourselves) we interact with the world.
So ironically, the jew tells people to relinquish all their jew-threatening identities, yet at the same time, literally creates billions of others of random identities for people to choose from. Of course, all these identities are equally meaningless. So long these are meaningless, profitable for the jew, and non threatening, they can exist.
The jew can profit from these. All buy his new book "Why I made 150 genders to completely squash the brains of the goyim with it, and give them shit to waste their time on, while in Israel we only have 2 genders and hardly accept a third one. Haha, Stupid Goyim".
"Science" has sunk lower than the worst religious fundamentalism. Now, "Science" only uses the powers it derives from natural laws to prove and manifest the bias of someone in reality. It is no longer used as a tool for world analysis. This is why the Magnum Opus has also disappeared from the scientific palette. Now what's important is lying about genes being different, saying we are all apes that came from the same point in Africa, and reminding the goyim all the time that you can do "whatever you want without reprecautions" even if all the above statements collapse on their own lying weight.
As the son of George Soros publicly admitted. This is done by jews to create a sense of fragmentation and 'plurality' in societies, because the jew can only exist in two places: In countries where a sense of such exists, or in Israel. And many jews don't wanna live in Israel because they cannot directly plunder Goyim in Israel. This Plurality is fake and threatening to the civilization which only acts, in reality, to obey the least fragmented group and the most organized alien group in it, the secret society of jews and globalists. They have to exist in other nations to carry out the Zion Master Plan.
One example is the Sexual identities they have given birth to. First we had Heterosexual, Homosexual, Transexual/Hermaphrodite. Now, we have around 150 more just to make sure. A jewish sociologist behind every such identity. It has been stated many times that social sciences, because of their neglect of nature, have stagnated.
And this is a very obvious fact. These 'sciences' have flew the handle from caring about human nature in anyway, anymore. Now it's just formulation of bullshit until eternity, and an endless attempt for people to gain credit for shitting directly in the brain of other people.
So all Goyim can exist as one race, and one ruled mass over the jewish overlords worldwide. Like players playing a video game in the same restricted global server. And the jew running all these servers. But at least, they can choose their visual, racial, lingual, or whatever other genders. Essentially the jew is giving plasmatic and virtual desires to the Goyim to give them the illusion of choice.
It's of no importance if you are a "White Wiccan Magician and Part Time Unicorn Wizard, Apache Helicopter, Gender Fluid, Trilinear, Non Bilinear, 64 bit never 32 bit: "I feel I am White but on my inner part I feel Mexican, and on all parts I feel like anime Toon from outer space, which came from my humble beginnings as feeling that I was a unicorn that was in love with spiderman".
The freedom has indeed only been shrinking. People are so much the same they try to always define themselves more and more by ever-growing alien identities, which are threatening to sanity and life. This is because if you don't have any self understanding, the last thing you want to focus upon is understand what is foreign or dangerous to yourself. This is like being in a womb and not having developed, how can the mass of a generating fetus understand philosophy and make sense of the world? A developing fetus cannot carry a sword, nor it can understand anything.
So the jew attacks vehemently and mercilessly people from infancy to their early development to create as much as confusion as possible. Hormonal confusion, media brainwashing, university reality-shattering and alien shaping, creating a world with full loss of any identity. The subjects of the global empire have to be lost on boose, drugs, and all sorts of other retardants and mental fog of this to be successful.
There are people who spend their whole life now trying to support that being a "White Wiccan Magician and Part Time Unicorn Wizard, Apache Helicopter, Gender Fluid, Trilinear, Non Bilinear, 64 bit never 32 bit: "I feel I am White but on my inner part I feel Mexican, because I am from another planet, and on all parts I feel like anime Toon from outer space because I always believed I should have a tail like a Cat, which came from my humble beginnings as feeling that I was a unicorn that was in love with spiderman" is very important to life, and write formulas for this to them and their 3 friends from the nuthouse that agree with them.
Meanwhile, in Israel, there are people who spend their whole life to empower Israel in the coming breaking of cesspool and crap that they themselves are creating...
During exactly the same time, the jew is rooting as much as he can in natural rules, and natural laws, even if he alien and unnatural, so the impending storm of shit they are creating will not uproot them same as it will uproot all the other trees of people on earth. And at the same time they also gather their cancerous elements, spread all over the world, in tighter bonds with their prime identity of Israel.
I wonder who is going to win the "Identito-Calypse" in the end. And who will over the world with subjects that idiotic beneath them.
This is why Satanism is essentially a clearing, cleansing of the mind. Part of clearing all the mental fog and jewish illusion, inner delusion, and unplugging from the jewtrix is to understand that what the jewtrix pushes people to be is not always the correct thing to be. And to be patient and accepting in said process because the very existence of anyone in the jewtrix comes with serious problems.
When one exits the jewtrix then their life and world belong to them again. But this is an uphill road, and it's not based on the same lies that tell people that if you have the ability to be a "White Wiccan Magician and Part Time Unicorn Wizard, Apache Helicopter, Gender Fluid, Trilinear, Non Bilinear, 64 bit never 32 bit: "I feel I am White but on my inner part I feel Mexican, and on all parts I feel like anime Toon from outer space, which came from my humble beginnings as feeling that I was a unicorn that was in love with spiderman" is more important than being simply a "Free Man".
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666