I saw. some posts on here go up much slower than others.
On Thursday, March 19, 2015 1:25 PM, "Shannon Outlaw soutlaw92@... [JoyofSatan666]" <
[email protected] wrote:
This person is an infiltrator. There was a post by one of our members proving this. Hail our Creator God Satan.
On Wednesday, March 18, 2015 10:46 AM, "fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <
[email protected] wrote:
This is an interesting subject. I too am still new to studying and using runes but when I use the thurizaz hagalaz runic curse I generate dark purple sparks between my fingers.Though I still don't know how many times you're supposed to vibrate the uruz rune I use that one for many things.Sounds like the sigil you're seeing is a good thing to me as if memory serves the serpent with wings is meant to represent the true liberation of your soul but please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong or missing something here.
I'm curious to know what it all means too however as it would be very useful knowledge to me.
On Wednesday, March 18, 2015 2:56 AM, "venuslady2020@... [JoyofSatan666]" <
[email protected] wrote:
i just finished the Thorr and Uroz rune meditation I put my all in vibrating. I used it for destruction of an individual who's a nasty bully. when I finished the runes I managed to clean my aura & chakras and seal it off. but there is still crazy vibrations all over my body. I've grounded myself and spent a while cleaning my aura. why am I feeling vibrations and feeling like i'm going to tip over? I also saw the serpent with wings sigil rise before me. don't know what's that all about?? also I had my chakras closed when I vibrated these runes. does that matter? I just didn't want the negative energy going into my chakras