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Sermon: The Afterlife

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
The afterlife has been talked and talked on again. Many have an opinion to say, but I will merely state some facts on this, to fill in what HP's Maxine has already said. If you want a non-sugar coated Sermon on this then here it goes.

All people who are psychic and have the so called 'clairvoyance' can see and feel and communicate with the 'dead'. Many of those we consider dead are not dead, just because their body is. The Ancient Texts have said the Soul has to be sustained, through the practice of meditation. Like we eat to feed the body, we have to meditate to feed the Soul. Xians and others have not the most faint clue what happens after death. Death and the afterlife are some things that like everything else, do not conform to any dogma.

In other words, the universe does not give a fuck if a grandma has been a good christian and she has been poor and all this, it just does not care. Gravity and other laws we know or do not know, literally do not give a fuck unless we have the power to overcome them. In the case of death, very few have this and it has nothing to do with 'ethics'. The enemy knows this all too well and by keeping all spiritual knowledge hidden, they can do whatever they want with someone after death, or at the best they will dissipate like they never existing, so some will not even be able to reincarnate.

I am making this real simple and will explain this thoroughly, though its not as easy to understand what one is going to experience as this has to do with the Soul. People who are unconsciously tied into christianity very strongly, will experience a different death than someone in Africa who has never heard of christianity. Whats common for both is that they will survive for some time, depending on where they died, their power in their life (as in bioelectricity and Soul energy) and on that if they will die in a place where the Earth's field will be able to sustain them. Other factors tie in like if they will be close to people who already live and are open to them and unconsciously will give them energy etc, or allow a connection. In severe cases of the above we can have possession and more of this.

So an xian who is overly believing the lie of Hell, once they die, depending on their power and other factors like inner self guilt and more, they will end up in a different place. The average astrally numb xian, will just be in a state of seemingly being 'dead' as in being totally unaware of the astral. They may have faint awareness of whats around them and this is the majority. Many people at the time of death grow scared so they haunt places as to be close to 'what they know'. Death for those of the enemy can be horrible. Their Souls/astral bodies can also be claimed by the enemy, used, diffused and be experimented upon, or just left hanging on a place...indefinitely. If one robustly believes in 'heaven and hell' in the xian sense, they can end up in neither, or their consciousness can get tied into this vortex of massive unconscious imaginations and they can experience the so called 'fire and sulfur for all eternity'.

So your belief system plays a role but not the major role. A good way to imagine this is like the conscience is stuck in seeing the same dream. These people do not know how to meditate or to defend themselves with an aura and when dead, these powers are limited as you cannot be physically existing (The Physical body slows the procedure of dissipation thats why most people reincarnate and so forth) and is more 'stable' than the astral body. You cannot change your belief systems after death or do many things spiritually, so you have to act now. Another thing is that after death, other beings more powerful can do nasty or good things to you. The enemy is renown for doing the nastiest things to Humanity, like they can consume their Souls, dissipate them or whatever their power allows them on the certain person/ at the certain occasion. Other factors tie in, like whom these people were connected once they were alive. Like a gravitational rift, the strong person can drag the weaker ones and control them and this applies after death as well.

Thing is, the 'afterlife' is not eternal and you can only live eternally afterlife by reaching a checkpoint in your spiritual advancement, of which the enemy religions provide none.

Just know that Nature works like this. Nature does NOT GIVE A SHIT IF YOU "DID NOT KNOW" OR "WAS UNAWARE" OR "YOU WAS NOT READY". Fate does her thing, nature does not give a fuck and wipes out those that do not know. And you better do your thing as well. Also, the enemy pushes philosophies that either love or accept death, or stupid 'live fast die young' shit, to send people on the other side with a sense of acceptance, which further fuels the acceptance of total in existence and dissipation of their SOUL. The Will to live is crucial in survival, both here and in thereafter. They teach people to be stupid bitches, slaves, lead on a meaningless life, serve the jew like the good 'goy' they are, according to them, and then get in their coffin- that's communism, that's life nowadays. The dead hang around like people in Soviet Russia, helpless, enclosed in fear and without anyone that can help them or guide them. This is where the enemy leads humanity. A meaningless life and an afterlife which is meaningless and full of fear.

Satan and Satanism. Where does all this tie in that? Thing is, Satan protects us after death. I have came in contact, saw and felt, experienced and associated countless times with VIP Souls from Hell, who have been with Satans for hundreds of years and other normal people who are kept there. These people are safe. When they die, they are taken by the Gods and guided to a safe haven for our Souls, they live there and the Gods sustain them. The more power we have the more people we can sustain and the more we can keep. Satan and the Gods also do their best to reincarnate other Souls who are worthy, like Atheists who lost their way and such, but they are given a third or second in the queue place than their own, always. That does not mean that if one was totally spiritually lazy or they never did a thing, they can parasitize of this help of Satan, it means because we have a friendship and brotherhood with other very higher-up beings, they can take care of us. I know and see very ofter people from Hell, others reincarnate, others wait and such, as there are many mechanisms into reincarnations and the such, like waiting for the right time and the right body and so forth. Satan takes care of us. I never seen an unhappy Soul in Hell, or at least in a good condition (as many have past life stuff to deal with and such). Satan takes care of his own, like he does in the walking life, in the afterlife as well.

The only 'shelter' that can be made against nature is because someone stronger than you protects you, or if you can protect yourself. Remember this.

And for the record, I have had many experiences with the dead of the enemy or the dead in general. The other time I was sitting to relax on a semi-built house and I closed my eyes for a bit. I Immediately saw a kid, as a Ghost. It did all sorts of sounds in the environment and tried to make me understand. The dead are not used to see people who can see them and hear them. It tried to contact me and I did answer back. It was a kid around 7 years old, which I cannot remember the name. The first thing he asked was "why I have so much light" and "if I can help him". He was hanging there and was very scared. Then I went away, as if you are good to any ghost you see, you will have a problem, as Ghosts mainly have their behavior and the character they had once they were alive. Ie, can be evil, neurotic, good, helpful, nurtuing and such. Well, I moved away but asked Satan and the Gods to take this kid if they had some time and could. Again, its not your job, but in this occassion, this was a kid. He went on on how he died in an accident and explained to me what happened and such. You have to be cold blooded, professional and not dwell on them. There are hundreds of dead people and also in cemeteries, who can even follow you if they understand you can hear etc, as many feel very lonely.

Did the enemy give a fuck if this kid was 7 years old? Definitely not. Did nature care? Not. Satan and I did care and the Gods, as higher beings with dignity who would not let a kid roam like this. I believe Satan sent a messenger Demon to guide this kid somewhere. Satan though will not intervene in the free will of someone, especially a kid, so in such occasions they just reincarnate people and do not faith and fear monger people. Since when God would need to ask for loyalty for help and since when the Father of Humanity would forsake someone simply because they did not know or did not believe? Thats why Satan reincarnates many people regardless if they believe, except of very deep-in xians and others who have made their fate for themselves in damnation.

In closing, work on your meditations, build up your relation with Satan and you have nothing to fear. All past civilizations talked and talked again about this sort of thing, in what we need to do and what we should avoid, which was the enemy and being un-spiritual. Nature tends to keep around the Strong. The enemy passes down the propaganda that the Strong are some sort of 'supreme human beings' that are 6'7, lift weights and fuck all bitches, with a big pocket. Pure nonsense. Who is strong now? The offending xian who tells you the bullshit about some jew who will judge you according to if you sinned or some sick jewish dogma? Or you that knows the truth and the laws of Nature in this department and daily work? Laugh at these people, as Nature has her way of giving them payment, no matter where they are now.

Strength in metaphysical sense is the Strength of the spirit and its advancement. Both physical and metaphysical strength ties into this. Satan grants us the knowledge, the guidance and the protection needed. Appriciate it, because the Father of Humanity only asks of you to become a God and sustain your own self in whom He has placed his faith in. Is this too much to ask?

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
The afterlife has been talked and talked on again. Many have an opinion to say, but I will merely state some facts on this, to fill in what HP's Maxine has already said. If you want a non-sugar coated Sermon on this then here it goes.

All people who are psychic and have the so called 'clairvoyance' can see and feel and communicate with the 'dead'. Many of those we consider dead are not dead, just because their body is. The Ancient Texts have said the Soul has to be sustained, through the practice of meditation. Like we eat to feed the body, we have to meditate to feed the Soul. Xians and others have not the most faint clue what happens after death. Death and the afterlife are some things that like everything else, do not conform to any dogma.

In other words, the universe does not give a fuck if a grandma has been a good christian and she has been poor and all this, it just does not care. Gravity and other laws we know or do not know, literally do not give a fuck unless we have the power to overcome them. In the case of death, very few have this and it has nothing to do with 'ethics'. The enemy knows this all too well and by keeping all spiritual knowledge hidden, they can do whatever they want with someone after death, or at the best they will dissipate like they never existing, so some will not even be able to reincarnate.

I am making this real simple and will explain this thoroughly, though its not as easy to understand what one is going to experience as this has to do with the Soul. People who are unconsciously tied into christianity very strongly, will experience a different death than someone in Africa who has never heard of christianity. Whats common for both is that they will survive for some time, depending on where they died, their power in their life (as in bioelectricity and Soul energy) and on that if they will die in a place where the Earth's field will be able to sustain them. Other factors tie in like if they will be close to people who already live and are open to them and unconsciously will give them energy etc, or allow a connection. In severe cases of the above we can have possession and more of this.

So an xian who is overly believing the lie of Hell, once they die, depending on their power and other factors like inner self guilt and more, they will end up in a different place. The average astrally numb xian, will just be in a state of seemingly being 'dead' as in being totally unaware of the astral. They may have faint awareness of whats around them and this is the majority. Many people at the time of death grow scared so they haunt places as to be close to 'what they know'. Death for those of the enemy can be horrible. Their Souls/astral bodies can also be claimed by the enemy, used, diffused and be experimented upon, or just left hanging on a place...indefinitely. If one robustly believes in 'heaven and hell' in the xian sense, they can end up in neither, or their consciousness can get tied into this vortex of massive unconscious imaginations and they can experience the so called 'fire and sulfur for all eternity'.

So your belief system plays a role but not the major role. A good way to imagine this is like the conscience is stuck in seeing the same dream. These people do not know how to meditate or to defend themselves with an aura and when dead, these powers are limited as you cannot be physically existing (The Physical body slows the procedure of dissipation thats why most people reincarnate and so forth) and is more 'stable' than the astral body. You cannot change your belief systems after death or do many things spiritually, so you have to act now. Another thing is that after death, other beings more powerful can do nasty or good things to you. The enemy is renown for doing the nastiest things to Humanity, like they can consume their Souls, dissipate them or whatever their power allows them on the certain person/ at the certain occasion. Other factors tie in, like whom these people were connected once they were alive. Like a gravitational rift, the strong person can drag the weaker ones and control them and this applies after death as well.

Thing is, the 'afterlife' is not eternal and you can only live eternally afterlife by reaching a checkpoint in your spiritual advancement, of which the enemy religions provide none.

Just know that Nature works like this. Nature does NOT GIVE A SHIT IF YOU "DID NOT KNOW" OR "WAS UNAWARE" OR "YOU WAS NOT READY". Fate does her thing, nature does not give a fuck and wipes out those that do not know. And you better do your thing as well. Also, the enemy pushes philosophies that either love or accept death, or stupid 'live fast die young' shit, to send people on the other side with a sense of acceptance, which further fuels the acceptance of total in existence and dissipation of their SOUL. The Will to live is crucial in survival, both here and in thereafter. They teach people to be stupid bitches, slaves, lead on a meaningless life, serve the jew like the good 'goy' they are, according to them, and then get in their coffin- that's communism, that's life nowadays. The dead hang around like people in Soviet Russia, helpless, enclosed in fear and without anyone that can help them or guide them. This is where the enemy leads humanity. A meaningless life and an afterlife which is meaningless and full of fear.

Satan and Satanism. Where does all this tie in that? Thing is, Satan protects us after death. I have came in contact, saw and felt, experienced and associated countless times with VIP Souls from Hell, who have been with Satans for hundreds of years and other normal people who are kept there. These people are safe. When they die, they are taken by the Gods and guided to a safe haven for our Souls, they live there and the Gods sustain them. The more power we have the more people we can sustain and the more we can keep. Satan and the Gods also do their best to reincarnate other Souls who are worthy, like Atheists who lost their way and such, but they are given a third or second in the queue place than their own, always. That does not mean that if one was totally spiritually lazy or they never did a thing, they can parasitize of this help of Satan, it means because we have a friendship and brotherhood with other very higher-up beings, they can take care of us. I know and see very ofter people from Hell, others reincarnate, others wait and such, as there are many mechanisms into reincarnations and the such, like waiting for the right time and the right body and so forth. Satan takes care of us. I never seen an unhappy Soul in Hell, or at least in a good condition (as many have past life stuff to deal with and such). Satan takes care of his own, like he does in the walking life, in the afterlife as well.

The only 'shelter' that can be made against nature is because someone stronger than you protects you, or if you can protect yourself. Remember this.

And for the record, I have had many experiences with the dead of the enemy or the dead in general. The other time I was sitting to relax on a semi-built house and I closed my eyes for a bit. I Immediately saw a kid, as a Ghost. It did all sorts of sounds in the environment and tried to make me understand. The dead are not used to see people who can see them and hear them. It tried to contact me and I did answer back. It was a kid around 7 years old, which I cannot remember the name. The first thing he asked was "why I have so much light" and "if I can help him". He was hanging there and was very scared. Then I went away, as if you are good to any ghost you see, you will have a problem, as Ghosts mainly have their behavior and the character they had once they were alive. Ie, can be evil, neurotic, good, helpful, nurtuing and such. Well, I moved away but asked Satan and the Gods to take this kid if they had some time and could. Again, its not your job, but in this occassion, this was a kid. He went on on how he died in an accident and explained to me what happened and such. You have to be cold blooded, professional and not dwell on them. There are hundreds of dead people and also in cemeteries, who can even follow you if they understand you can hear etc, as many feel very lonely.

Did the enemy give a fuck if this kid was 7 years old? Definitely not. Did nature care? Not. Satan and I did care and the Gods, as higher beings with dignity who would not let a kid roam like this. I believe Satan sent a messenger Demon to guide this kid somewhere. Satan though will not intervene in the free will of someone, especially a kid, so in such occasions they just reincarnate people and do not faith and fear monger people. Since when God would need to ask for loyalty for help and since when the Father of Humanity would forsake someone simply because they did not know or did not believe? Thats why Satan reincarnates many people regardless if they believe, except of very deep-in xians and others who have made their fate for themselves in damnation.

In closing, work on your meditations, build up your relation with Satan and you have nothing to fear. All past civilizations talked and talked again about this sort of thing, in what we need to do and what we should avoid, which was the enemy and being un-spiritual. Nature tends to keep around the Strong. The enemy passes down the propaganda that the Strong are some sort of 'supreme human beings' that are 6'7, lift weights and fuck all bitches, with a big pocket. Pure nonsense. Who is strong now? The offending xian who tells you the bullshit about some jew who will judge you according to if you sinned or some sick jewish dogma? Or you that knows the truth and the laws of Nature in this department and daily work? Laugh at these people, as Nature has her way of giving them payment, no matter where they are now.

Strength in metaphysical sense is the Strength of the spirit and its advancement. Both physical and metaphysical strength ties into this. Satan grants us the knowledge, the guidance and the protection needed. Appriciate it, because the Father of Humanity only asks of you to become a God and sustain your own self in whom He has placed his faith in. Is this too much to ask?

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Wow what a good sermon!

On Thu, Jul 3, 2014 8:42 AM PDT hoodedcobra666@... [JoyofSatan666] wrote:

The afterlife has been talked and talked on again. Many have an opinion to say, but I will merely state some facts on this, to fill in what HP's Maxine has already said. If you want a non-sugar coated Sermon on this then here it goes.

All people who are psychic and have the so called 'clairvoyance' can see and feel and communicate with the 'dead'. Many of those we consider dead are not dead, just because their body is. The Ancient Texts have said the Soul has to be sustained, through the practice of meditation. Like we eat to feed the body, we have to meditate to feed the Soul. Xians and others have not the most faint clue what happens after death. Death and the afterlife are some things that like everything else, do not conform to any dogma.

In other words, the universe does not give a fuck if a grandma has been a good christian and she has been poor and all this, it just does not care. Gravity and other laws we know or do not know, literally do not give a fuck unless we have the power to overcome them. In the case of death, very few have this and it has nothing to do with 'ethics'. The enemy knows this all too well and by keeping all spiritual knowledge hidden, they can do whatever they want with someone after death, or at the best they will dissipate like they never existing, so some will not even be able to reincarnate.

I am making this real simple and will explain this thoroughly, though its not as easy to understand what one is going to experience as this has to do with the Soul. People who are unconsciously tied into christianity very strongly, will experience a different death than someone in Africa who has never heard of christianity. Whats common for both is that they will survive for some time, depending on where they died, their power in their life (as in bioelectricity and Soul energy) and on that if they will die in a place where the Earth's field will be able to sustain them. Other factors tie in like if they will be close to people who already live and are open to them and unconsciously will give them energy etc, or allow a connection. In severe cases of the above we can have possession and more of this.

So an xian who is overly believing the lie of Hell, once they die, depending on their power and other factors like inner self guilt and more, they will end up in a different place. The average astrally numb xian, will just be in a state of seemingly being 'dead' as in being totally unaware of the astral. They may have faint awareness of whats around them and this is the majority. Many people at the time of death grow scared so they haunt places as to be close to 'what they know'. Death for those of the enemy can be horrible. Their Souls/astral bodies can also be claimed by the enemy, used, diffused and be experimented upon, or just left hanging on a place...indefinitely. If one robustly believes in 'heaven and hell' in the xian sense, they can end up in neither, or their consciousness can get tied into this vortex of massive unconscious imaginations and they can experience the so called 'fire and sulfur for all eternity'.

So your belief system plays a role but not the major role. A good way to imagine this is like the conscience is stuck in seeing the same dream. These people do not know how to meditate or to defend themselves with an aura and when dead, these powers are limited as you cannot be physically existing (The Physical body slows the procedure of dissipation thats why most people reincarnate and so forth) and is more 'stable' than the astral body. You cannot change your belief systems after death or do many things spiritually, so you have to act now. Another thing is that after death, other beings more powerful can do nasty or good things to you. The enemy is renown for doing the nastiest things to Humanity, like they can consume their Souls, dissipate them or whatever their power allows them on the certain person/ at the certain occasion. Other factors tie in, like whom these people were connected once they were alive. Like a gravitational rift, the strong
person can drag the weaker ones and control them and this applies after death as well.

Thing is, the 'afterlife' is not eternal and you can only live eternally afterlife by reaching a checkpoint in your spiritual advancement, of which the enemy religions provide none.

Just know that Nature works like this. Nature does NOT GIVE A SHIT IF YOU "DID NOT KNOW" OR "WAS UNAWARE" OR "YOU WAS NOT READY". Fate does her thing, nature does not give a fuck and wipes out those that do not know. And you better do your thing as well. Also, the enemy pushes philosophies that either love or accept death, or stupid 'live fast die young' shit, to send people on the other side with a sense of acceptance, which further fuels the acceptance of total in existence and dissipation of their SOUL. The Will to live is crucial in survival, both here and in thereafter. They teach people to be stupid bitches, slaves, lead on a meaningless life, serve the jew like the good 'goy' they are, according to them, and then get in their coffin- that's communism, that's life nowadays. The dead hang around like people in Soviet Russia, helpless, enclosed in fear and without anyone that can help them or guide them. This is where the enemy leads humanity. A
meaningless life and an afterlife which is meaningless and full of fear.

Satan and Satanism. Where does all this tie in that? Thing is, Satan protects us after death. I have came in contact, saw and felt, experienced and associated countless times with VIP Souls from Hell, who have been with Satans for hundreds of years and other normal people who are kept there. These people are safe. When they die, they are taken by the Gods and guided to a safe haven for our Souls, they live there and the Gods sustain them. The more power we have the more people we can sustain and the more we can keep. Satan and the Gods also do their best to reincarnate other Souls who are worthy, like Atheists who lost their way and such, but they are given a third or second in the queue place than their own, always. That does not mean that if one was totally spiritually lazy or they never did a thing, they can parasitize of this help of Satan, it means because we have a friendship and brotherhood with other very higher-up beings, they can take care of
us. I know and see very ofter people from Hell, others reincarnate, others wait and such, as there are many mechanisms into reincarnations and the such, like waiting for the right time and the right body and so forth. Satan takes care of us. I never seen an unhappy Soul in Hell, or at least in a good condition (as many have past life stuff to deal with and such). Satan takes care of his own, like he does in the walking life, in the afterlife as well.

The only 'shelter' that can be made against nature is because someone stronger than you protects you, or if you can protect yourself. Remember this.

And for the record, I have had many experiences with the dead of the enemy or the dead in general. The other time I was sitting to relax on a semi-built house and I closed my eyes for a bit. I Immediately saw a kid, as a Ghost. It did all sorts of sounds in the environment and tried to make me understand. The dead are not used to see people who can see them and hear them. It tried to contact me and I did answer back. It was a kid around 7 years old, which I cannot remember the name. The first thing he asked was "why I have so much light" and "if I can help him". He was hanging there and was very scared. Then I went away, as if you are good to any ghost you see, you will have a problem, as Ghosts mainly have their behavior and the character they had once they were alive. Ie, can be evil, neurotic, good, helpful, nurtuing and such. Well, I moved away but asked Satan and the Gods to take this kid if they had some time and could. Again, its not your job,
but in this occassion, this was a kid. He went on on how he died in an accident and explained to me what happened and such. You have to be cold blooded, professional and not dwell on them. There are hundreds of dead people and also in cemeteries, who can even follow you if they understand you can hear etc, as many feel very lonely.

Did the enemy give a fuck if this kid was 7 years old? Definitely not. Did nature care? Not. Satan and I did care and the Gods, as higher beings with dignity who would not let a kid roam like this. I believe Satan sent a messenger Demon to guide this kid somewhere. Satan though will not intervene in the free will of someone, especially a kid, so in such occasions they just reincarnate people and do not faith and fear monger people. Since when God would need to ask for loyalty for help and since when the Father of Humanity would forsake someone simply because they did not know or did not believe? Thats why Satan reincarnates many people regardless if they believe, except of very deep-in xians and others who have made their fate for themselves in damnation.

In closing, work on your meditations, build up your relation with Satan and you have nothing to fear. All past civilizations talked and talked again about this sort of thing, in what we need to do and what we should avoid, which was the enemy and being un-spiritual. Nature tends to keep around the Strong. The enemy passes down the propaganda that the Strong are some sort of 'supreme human beings' that are 6'7, lift weights and fuck all bitches, with a big pocket. Pure nonsense. Who is strong now? The offending xian who tells you the bullshit about some jew who will judge you according to if you sinned or some sick jewish dogma? Or you that knows the truth and the laws of Nature in this department and daily work? Laugh at these people, as Nature has her way of giving them payment, no matter where they are now.

Strength in metaphysical sense is the Strength of the spirit and its advancement. Both physical and metaphysical strength ties into this. Satan grants us the knowledge, the guidance and the protection needed. Appriciate it, because the Father of Humanity only asks of you to become a God and sustain your own self in whom He has placed his faith in. Is this too much to ask?

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
When I first heard you talk a couple weeks ago, I thought that you had some irrational anger about something.  I couldn't decide if I wanted to read your Sermon because I thought it would contain angry person generalities, which annoys the shit out me.  I read your sermon.  Their was no anger.  Their were no generalities.  That's the best fucken explanation of the afterlife, I think I'll ever fucken hear.  That was awesome.  Thank you for doing that!
@ Magnum

Not all situations are alike. Thing is, a swift reply is not always pletted in anger and if something is not throughtly explained, that does not mean one lacks the knowledge. I myself am not of those who pretend. Many people do this. Genuine joy of Satan Clergy does not pretend. Sometimes, rough talking (just because the best is desired to spawn and become from all of our members) can be mistaken as a stance of aggression. I reassure you I am rather calm when I reply, except at some points and at some people in the group who harass others.

I will not allow this for Satan's people as I am a mere protector, guide and a Clergy member who has to do their job. And the job of any dedicated to the cause Clergy is not to scream and shout when its not needed. I will not let idiots and liars consume people who are sincere, want to learn and get to know Satan personally. NOR I WILL LET ANYONE DESTROY PEOPLE WHO SEE THE TRUTH AND THE LIGHT OF SATAN. Period.

Thing is, the True Dedicated Clergy work their ass off and we have our hands busy. I wanted to write something about the Afterlife long ago and more will be coming in the future, but I believe this covered it. People need to know, we need to teach and guide. I understand totally. It has been done in the past by Clergy  that is no longer with us to spew nonsense, not explain things, ban people in the face and whatever else. As a result, others were blamed for this behavior and I reassure you it was nobody from us here. Many of these people are gone, but I better say all.

I am a Satanist and so are the people here. If I was to hear something and take it for granted, I would be an xian sheep. So as my time permits, I explain everything I can to our members. Many know how to recite poems spiritually, pretend and such, few have walked the path. I have walked it and I am walking it to the deep end. Clergy like HP Mageson, HP Micama and such, work hard everyday, asn does HPS Maxine for 10 years plus. Without a day of stopping. Our jobs are many but thing is, undigging knowledge, guiding, sharing, explaining and protecting our members is crucial. Those who are with Satan should understand that sometimes what seems as rough behavior is a wake up call. We also come to know many things that for instance, members do not know.

The other week I saw one shithead saying all sorts of atrocity to members and flaming. If I call on that shithead, the group might wonder at first. I am not the type to rush and we all give people chances. But some are a mere disease when others are a blessing here.

Satan wants us all to become Gods and free. We are not merely some people who preach dogma. Satan is in our lives daily and as thus we know, as do hundreds of thousands of members here.

But the Clergy has been a very conversated about thing. Yes, the High Priests are choosen by Satan. But not all High Priests are at the same level, have the same character and many can fail if they do not do their job right. And because we have free Will, as Satan always gives free Will. For instance, I myself and others aforesaid, our life is Satan. Satan though will not sit down and scold us or push us with force where we do not allow. If someone's brains get thin air and they start to betray who we are, then this is their choice.

That does not make anyone like this, but we are not xians to claim that 'god is all powerful' yet some fail. Its up to us by a great portion. Satan does the 50% and we have to walk the walk aswell. Do not let anyone lie to you. Its like, you can be real close to Satan then after a point, it becomes more than just being close. It becomes to where you have treaded far and cannot look back in the positive sense. Your eyes are open and you cannot longer be stupid or some idiot. Its just that this point comes in different times and some, entitled or not have yet to reach that point. Others who have and are heading towards there with respect and loyalty, will become as the Gods, as Satan knows these people and those sincere at heart.

Those who know Satan know how to be modest, as when you know Satan and the Gods you will realize how far we have to go. That does not mean victimization or the xian type of modesty, but the Satanic notion of respect, where I know your position in the family and you know mine. And vice versa, mutual respect.

Hope this explains it all to you and anyone else on the Clergy / Clergy Behavior thing.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Very well said. I enjoy reading your sermons.
Hail Father Satan!
On Fri, 7/4/14, hoodedcobra666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Sermon: The Afterlife
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Friday, July 4, 2014, 12:23 PM


@ Magnum

Not all
situations are alike. Thing is, a swift reply is not always
pletted in anger and if something is not throughtly
explained, that does not mean one lacks the knowledge. I
myself am not of those who pretend. Many people do this.
Genuine joy of Satan Clergy does not pretend. Sometimes,
rough talking (just because the best is desired to spawn and
become from all of our members) can be mistaken as a stance
of aggression. I reassure you I am rather calm when I reply,
except at some points and at some people in the group who
harass others.

I will not
allow this for Satan's people as I am a mere protector,
guide and a Clergy member who has to do their job. And the
job of any dedicated to the cause Clergy is not to scream
and shout when its not needed. I will not let idiots and
liars consume people who are sincere, want to learn and get
to know Satan personally. NOR I WILL LET ANYONE DESTROY

Thing is, the True Dedicated
Clergy work their ass off and we have our hands busy. I
wanted to write something about the Afterlife long ago and
more will be coming in the future, but I believe this
covered it. People need to know, we need to teach and guide.
I understand totally. It has been done in the past by
Clergy  that is no longer with us to spew nonsense, not
explain things, ban people in the face and whatever else. As
a result, others were blamed for this behavior and I
reassure you it was nobody from us here. Many of these
people are gone, but I better say all.

I am a Satanist and so are the people here. If
I was to hear something and take it for granted, I would be
an xian sheep. So as my time permits, I explain everything I
can to our members. Many know how to recite poems
spiritually, pretend and such, few have walked the path. I
have walked it and I am walking it to the deep end. Clergy
like HP Mageson, HP Micama and such, work hard everyday, asn
does HPS Maxine for 10 years plus. Without a day of
stopping. Our jobs are many but thing is, undigging
knowledge, guiding, sharing, explaining and protecting our
members is crucial. Those who are with Satan should
understand that sometimes what seems as rough behavior is a
wake up call. We also come to know many things that for
instance, members do not know.

The other week I saw one shithead saying all
sorts of atrocity to members and flaming. If I call on that
shithead, the group might wonder at first. I am not the type
to rush and we all give people chances. But some are a mere
disease when others are a blessing here.

Satan wants us all to become Gods and free. We

are not merely some people who preach dogma. Satan is in our
lives daily and as thus we know, as do hundreds of thousands
of members here.

But the
Clergy has been a very conversated about thing. Yes, the
High Priests are choosen by Satan. But not all High Priests
are at the same level, have the same character and many can
fail if they do not do their job right. And because we have
free Will, as Satan always gives free Will. For instance, I
myself and others aforesaid, our life is Satan. Satan though
will not sit down and scold us or push us with force where
we do not allow. If someone's brains get thin air and
they start to betray who we are, then this is their choice.

That does not make anyone
like this, but we are not xians to claim that 'god is
all powerful' yet some fail. Its up to us by a great
portion. Satan does the 50% and we have to walk the walk
aswell. Do not let anyone lie to you. Its like, you can be
real close to Satan then after a point, it becomes more than
just being close. It becomes to where you have treaded far
and cannot look back in the positive sense. Your eyes are
open and you cannot longer be stupid or some idiot. Its just
that this point comes in different times and some, entitled
or not have yet to reach that point. Others who have and are
heading towards there with respect and loyalty, will become
as the Gods, as Satan knows these people and those sincere
at heart.

Those who know Satan know how to be modest, as
when you know Satan and the Gods you will realize how far we
have to go. That does not mean victimization or the xian
type of modesty, but the Satanic notion of respect, where I
know your position in the family and you know mine. And vice
versa, mutual respect.

this explains it all to you and anyone else on the Clergy /
Clergy Behavior thing.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

#yiv2702145378 #yiv2702145378 --
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Question how do we stop those whom chose to bring hatret to our people and cause devison amoung us?


On Fri, 7/4/14, hoodedcobra666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Sermon: The Afterlife
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Friday, July 4, 2014, 3:23 PM


@ Magnum

Not all
situations are alike. Thing is, a swift reply is not always
pletted in anger and if something is not throughtly
explained, that does not mean one lacks the knowledge. I
myself am not of those who pretend. Many people do this.
Genuine joy of Satan Clergy does not pretend. Sometimes,
rough talking (just because the best is desired to spawn and
become from all of our members) can be mistaken as a stance
of aggression. I reassure you I am rather calm when I reply,
except at some points and at some people in the group who
harass others.

I will not
allow this for Satan's people as I am a mere protector,
guide and a Clergy member who has to do their job. And the
job of any dedicated to the cause Clergy is not to scream
and shout when its not needed. I will not let idiots and
liars consume people who are sincere, want to learn and get
to know Satan personally. NOR I WILL LET ANYONE DESTROY

Thing is, the True Dedicated
Clergy work their ass off and we have our hands busy. I
wanted to write something about the Afterlife long ago and
more will be coming in the future, but I believe this
covered it. People need to know, we need to teach and guide.
I understand totally. It has been done in the past by
Clergy  that is no longer with us to spew nonsense, not
explain things, ban people in the face and whatever else. As
a result, others were blamed for this behavior and I
reassure you it was nobody from us here. Many of these
people are gone, but I better say all.

I am a Satanist and so are the people here. If
I was to hear something and take it for granted, I would be
an xian sheep. So as my time permits, I explain everything I
can to our members. Many know how to recite poems
spiritually, pretend and such, few have walked the path. I
have walked it and I am walking it to the deep end. Clergy
like HP Mageson, HP Micama and such, work hard everyday, asn
does HPS Maxine for 10 years plus. Without a day of

stopping. Our jobs are many but thing is, undigging
knowledge, guiding, sharing, explaining and protecting our
members is crucial. Those who are with Satan should
understand that sometimes what seems as rough behavior is a
wake up call. We also come to know many things that for
instance, members do not know.

The other week I saw one shithead saying all
sorts of atrocity to members and flaming. If I call on that
shithead, the group might wonder at first. I am not the type
to rush and we all give people chances. But some are a mere
disease when others are a blessing here.

Satan wants us all to become Gods and free. We
are not merely some people who preach dogma. Satan is in our
lives daily and as thus we know, as do hundreds of thousands
of members here.

But the
Clergy has been a very conversated about thing. Yes, the
High Priests are choosen by Satan. But not all High Priests
are at the same level, have the same character and many can
fail if they do not do their job right. And because we have
free Will, as Satan always gives free Will. For instance, I
myself and others aforesaid, our life is Satan. Satan though
will not sit down and scold us or push us with force where
we do not allow. If someone's brains get thin air and
they start to betray who we are, then this is their choice.

That does not make anyone
like this, but we are not xians to claim that 'god is
all powerful' yet some fail. Its up to us by a great
portion. Satan does the 50% and we have to walk the walk
aswell. Do not let anyone lie to you. Its like, you can be
real close to Satan then after a point, it becomes more than
just being close. It becomes to where you have treaded far
and cannot look back in the positive sense. Your eyes are
open and you cannot longer be stupid or some idiot. Its just
that this point comes in different times and some, entitled
or not have yet to reach that point. Others who have and are
heading towards there with respect and loyalty, will become
as the Gods, as Satan knows these people and those sincere
at heart.

Those who know Satan know how to be modest, as
when you know Satan and the Gods you will realize how far we
have to go. That does not mean victimization or the xian
type of modesty, but the Satanic notion of respect, where I
know your position in the family and you know mine. And vice
versa, mutual respect.

this explains it all to you and anyone else on the Clergy /
Clergy Behavior thing.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

#yiv9624085304 #yiv9624085304 --
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#yiv9624085304 #yiv9624085304ygrp-sponsor
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#yiv9624085304 #yiv9624085304ygrp-sponsor
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margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}

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font:99% Arial, Helvetica, clean, sans-serif;}

#yiv9624085304 #yiv9624085304ygrp-mlmsg pre, #yiv9624085304
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font:115% monospace;}

#yiv9624085304 #yiv9624085304ygrp-mlmsg * {

#yiv9624085304 #yiv9624085304ygrp-mlmsg #yiv9624085304logo {

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#yiv9624085304 #yiv9624085304ygrp-sponsor #yiv9624085304ov
li a {

#yiv9624085304 #yiv9624085304ygrp-sponsor #yiv9624085304ov
li {
font-size:77%;list-style-type:square;padding:6px 0;}

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margin:0;padding:0 0 0 8px;}

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margin:0 0 1em 0;}

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border-right:none !important;
Oh, how I wish he would choose me! *sigh* I have twice woed myself to
his service, but I suppose he does not want me to do that. I mena, I
jsut told him that I desire to be his priestess; not of Jos
necessarily, but just of him, if that makes ay sense. He is literally
my life, to be honest. My Lord, my KIng, Master and Father. And when I
use the word 'master', I use it in the oriental sense, like a teacher.
For he is the most wise teacher, ane truly master of all, as he has
control over amny aspects of life. i mean,life in general; composition
etc. Satan/Enki is truly the light of my life and my soul! And I adore
him! I shall be his till the end of eternity and beyond!

On 7/5/14, kimothy reynolds kdoemain@... [JoyofSatan666]
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
Question how do we stop those whom chose to bring hatret to our people and
cause devison amoung us?


On Fri, 7/4/14, hoodedcobra666@... [JoyofSatan666]
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Sermon: The Afterlife
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Friday, July 4, 2014, 3:23 PM

@ Magnum

Not all
situations are alike. Thing is, a swift reply is not always
pletted in anger and if something is not throughtly
explained, that does not mean one lacks the knowledge. I
myself am not of those who pretend. Many people do this.
Genuine joy of Satan Clergy does not pretend. Sometimes,
rough talking (just because the best is desired to spawn and
become from all of our members) can be mistaken as a stance
of aggression. I reassure you I am rather calm when I reply,
except at some points and at some people in the group who
harass others.

I will not
allow this for Satan's people as I am a mere protector,
guide and a Clergy member who has to do their job. And the
job of any dedicated to the cause Clergy is not to scream
and shout when its not needed. I will not let idiots and
liars consume people who are sincere, want to learn and get
to know Satan personally. NOR I WILL LET ANYONE DESTROY

Thing is, the True Dedicated
Clergy work their ass off and we have our hands busy. I
wanted to write something about the Afterlife long ago and
more will be coming in the future, but I believe this
covered it. People need to know, we need to teach and guide.
I understand totally. It has been done in the past by
Clergy  that is no longer with us to spew nonsense, not
explain things, ban people in the face and whatever else. As
a result, others were blamed for this behavior and I
reassure you it was nobody from us here. Many of these
people are gone, but I better say all.

I am a Satanist and so are the people here. If
I was to hear something and take it for granted, I would be
an xian sheep. So as my time permits, I explain everything I
can to our members. Many know how to recite poems
spiritually, pretend and such, few have walked the path. I
have walked it and I am walking it to the deep end. Clergy
like HP Mageson, HP Micama and such, work hard everyday, asn
does HPS Maxine for 10 years plus. Without a day of

stopping. Our jobs are many but thing is, undigging
knowledge, guiding, sharing, explaining and protecting our
members is crucial. Those who are with Satan should
understand that sometimes what seems as rough behavior is a
wake up call. We also come to know many things that for
instance, members do not know.

The other week I saw one shithead saying all
sorts of atrocity to members and flaming. If I call on that
shithead, the group might wonder at first. I am not the type
to rush and we all give people chances. But some are a mere
disease when others are a blessing here.

Satan wants us all to become Gods and free. We
are not merely some people who preach dogma. Satan is in our
lives daily and as thus we know, as do hundreds of thousands
of members here.

But the
Clergy has been a very conversated about thing. Yes, the
High Priests are choosen by Satan. But not all High Priests
are at the same level, have the same character and many can
fail if they do not do their job right. And because we have
free Will, as Satan always gives free Will. For instance, I
myself and others aforesaid, our life is Satan. Satan though
will not sit down and scold us or push us with force where
we do not allow. If someone's brains get thin air and
they start to betray who we are, then this is their choice.

That does not make anyone
like this, but we are not xians to claim that 'god is
all powerful' yet some fail. Its up to us by a great
portion. Satan does the 50% and we have to walk the walk
aswell. Do not let anyone lie to you. Its like, you can be
real close to Satan then after a point, it becomes more than
just being close. It becomes to where you have treaded far
and cannot look back in the positive sense. Your eyes are
open and you cannot longer be stupid or some idiot. Its just
that this point comes in different times and some, entitled
or not have yet to reach that point. Others who have and are
heading towards there with respect and loyalty, will become
as the Gods, as Satan knows these people and those sincere
at heart.

Those who know Satan know how to be modest, as
when you know Satan and the Gods you will realize how far we
have to go. That does not mean victimization or the xian
type of modesty, but the Satanic notion of respect, where I
know your position in the family and you know mine. And vice
versa, mutual respect.

this explains it all to you and anyone else on the Clergy /
Clergy Behavior thing.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

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If they are clowns and choose to annoy us, we ignore them, if it is an actual enemy that is a major threat, the Priesthood will Ban them, if the Enemy is experienced in black magick and is a threat, we curse them.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
