HP Babalon
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- Joined
- Jan 1, 2013
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- 25
Life is a brilliant, beautiful thing. The more intense and wonderful
the life, the more its colours vibrate and shine. Satanism is about
empowering your life, making yourself the brightest being you can be. We
each want to become golden and great, as the Gods are. Yet as I look
around the Satanic community, all I see are shades of black. There is an
obsession with the morbid and dark that delves deep into so many
brothers and sisters of Satanism. So much of beauty is harmony. Both
what is golden and what is dark have their place in a harmonious life,
and to reject this is to create an imbalance in your life. Yes people do
tend towards one or the other, but no one is completely without their
golden day, just as no one is without their reflective night. You
should embrace who you are, and not feel as though in order to be
Satanic or original you must work in the shadows. Never be afraid of
the sun, because you too can shine with a golden light.
I am not arguing against those individuals who understand why they
choose to operate in the shadows. To be a shadow warrior is a large
sacrifice that advances Satanism. The message of this Sermon can, in my
opinion, coexist with the teachings laid out In "Ordo Umbra" by Lucius
Dragonwolf. In order to effectively work within the shadows, you must
first understand your true nature. If your true nature is more in
harmony with darkness, then by all means embrace it so you may be a
fully empowered individual. If you are more comfortable working with
vibrant colours, then by all means embrace that. Just always be sure to
understand there are elements of both within you and you have the power
to work with both. The Goal of this Sermon is to show that colour is a
valid part of Satanism, and that you need to understand your true nature
so you can use both light and dark energies to their best
My love was talking to me last night about how so many people that want
to become Satanic are afraid to, because they are filled with colour and
life, and all they see now when they look at Satanism is a cold
blackness. Everyone seems to only dress in black and listen to death
metal. He also mentioned to me how he so many Satanists seem terrified
of using any colour at all in their rituals, since they think the only
"true" Satanic colour is black. These problems are extremely dangerous
to the growth and empowerment of Satanism, and must be dealt with
immediately. They prevent people from accessing all of the powers of
life, as well as scare off willing Satanists who see a dangerous
imbalance where there should be none. The result of this inability to
accept colour stems from a suppression of your ability to express your
There is more to colour than the clothes you wear. Everything in
existence vibrates on a certain frequency, and each frequency has its
own energy. This means anything, from words to music can each have their
own "colour". An inability to enjoy colour prevents you from being able
to experience all of the wonderful and powerful parts of existence that
are made of these colourful frequencies. It can also hinder your
relationships with the Gods and prevent you from spiritually growing.
Many people in the Satanic community refuse to listen to any music
besides Death Metal. While peoples tastes are different, there is no
reason to trap yourself into only being able to enjoy the negative and
painful. All music is a creation of Satan, so why should you
automatically reject the forms of it which are not depressing and
violent? Both the Jazz and the Blues are well known examples of Satanic
music, yet so many self professed Satanists refuse to listen to it
because it isn't "Satanic" enough for them. Ironically it is the music
that focuses so much on a rejection of life and beauty that is the least
Satanic form of music, not the music that celebrates the joy of a
Satanic life.
The names we use also have their own energies and colours to them. We
all have experienced that the old God's names have great power to them.
Names such as Enki, Aphrodite, and Apollo all have a colourful beautiful
energy emanating from them. However, the goetic demon names that were
forced on the Gods by the enemy hebrews do not always have this
beautiful aura around them. The names Aphrodite, Isis, and Inanna are
filled with so much beauty, but Astaroth has a darker feeling to it. The
name Enlil feels strong and happy, but those same energies are not as
easily expressed with the name Beelzebub. This seems strange, since
Astaroth and Aphrodite are the same Goddess, just as Enlil and Beelzebub
are the same God. This is because those names were created by the enemy
to make the Gods seem darker than they are. The names that the hebrews
called the Gods do not have the same meaning as the Gods other names.
When you call out to the King Belial, you are using a hebrew name.
Belial translates as deciever or liar, and since the God called Belial(
More properly known as Cernunnos or Ninib) is honest and good the hebrew
name conflicts with your goal of trying to contact him. The hebrew name
also has a darker aura around it than Cernunnos's other names. This not
only adds an unnaturally dark feeling to what should be a golden and
brilliant summoning, but it also makes it easier for enemies to
interfere with your summonings. If you are calling out to speak with a
liar or deceiver, it becomes a lot easier for an enemy grey or angel to
fill that role. If you call out to Cernunnos instead (which translates
roughly as Lord of the Lands), you are more likely to get into good
contact since you are not using words that ask for a liar. Belial and
Cernunnos are the same God, it is just that the hebrew words naturally
conflict with Satanic energies.
The enemy religions do everything they can to suppress and destroy the
innate individuality within us. Conformity is the weapon they use to
kill. A person who can fully express their individuality is empowered,
and therefore dangerous to those that would enslave humanity. This is
why the enemy tries to crush creativity whenever they can. Instead of
having beautiful music, they play monotonous chants, and instead of
wearing beautiful clothing, they force practitioners to wear the same
drab outfits. Think of the Mormons and Hasidic jews. They dogmatically
wear only the same colours and dress every day. Conformity kills
individuality. The obsession so many Satanists have with exposing
themselves only to things which are dark can be just as bad. If this
adherence to the dark is done without first examining your individual
self to understand your nature, then you are adhering to a group
mentality which goes against or suppresses your true nature. It
constricts the ability to think as an individual and what you want to do
as an individual, and instead confines you to a collectively determined
sphere of acceptable dress and behaviour.
I know a lot of people will read this and think this High Priest has no
idea what he is talking about. after all you are just gothic because
that is what you are comfortable being. If that's how you feel, then
answer this: When you were a small child did you put on black makeup and
hate the sun? Or did you love to go outside and play in the light?
Before you became a teenager and felt the need to rebel, didn't you love
colour? Maybe you saw the world around you as corrupt, and so became
the opposite of the life you hated, a dark destroyer. Maybe you just
wanted to show how intelligent and original you are by being different,
but still fitting into a large group. Or you could have just felt
depressed at how horrible the enemy has made the world, and wanted to
physically show your feelings. While all of these reasons and more are
understandable for embracing darkness, you should not let your past
determine who you are. No matter how dark you are, there is still
another side to you which is Golden and filled with colour. What I ask
of each person here who wears black every day and rejects colour is to
seriously examine their lives and why they are the way they are. It is
only through understanding yourself and why you are who you are that you
become a true individual. It will might be that after meditating on your
life and past you will still want to be gothic, and that is fine. The
important thing is to truly understand why you are who you are, and if
that is truly who you want to be. From what I have heard, I fear that so
many of our community have simply become gothic or dark, without truly
understanding themselves in the first place. This is the only reason why
anyone would disdain using colour in a ritual, even if it would be best.
Here is an honest question to everyone here who lives without colour in
their lives, if wearing a bright pink ritual robe would help the
success of a ritual, would you do it? To those of you that answered no,
that means you on some level either hate or are afraid of colour. Even
if you find great joy in darkness, this should not prevent you from
utilizing all forms of Satanic power, even if these powers happen to be
bright and colourful.
The resistance to using colour in a ritual indicates a rejection of that
colour itself. This is caused by having a negative association with that
colour. Since the only negative colour is grey, and still has its place
in death rituals, this means somewhere in your life you have mentally or
emotionally created an incorrect view towards colours. Since this means
you have a negative association which is preventing you from fully using
the powers available to you, you need to meditate on the development of
your life and determine how and why this barrier exists. This will then
allow you to remove the barrier and be able to use the power of colours
in its most effective ways. Through doing this you might even find
yourself enjoying being surrounded by vibrant colours more, and no
longer feeling the need to dress in black and live a bleak life all of
the time.
There are two meditations you can do which can help start you on this
path of self discovery and understanding. While it is especially
important for those of you to do this who have negative feelings towards
colour, every person should always try to examine and fully understand
their life and identity. It is only through truly understanding
ourselves that it is possible to truly change and be in control of
ourselves. The first and most simple is a meditation on a colour. Think
of a bright colour to which you are adverse to using in a ritual or
having in your life (except for Grey) Meditate on this colour, try to
feel it. Try to understand what exactly it is about this colour that
makes so so resistant to using in your spells and your life. Envision
your aura as this colour. Try to become in tune with it and better
understand the energies of it so that you can use them to your benefit.
As an empowered individual there is no reason why any kind of energy in
this universe should be off limits to you.
The other meditation is similar in purpose to a past life regression,
except you will be applying it to this current life. Just as you would
descend into the memories of your past lives, you need to regress back
into the earliest memories of this current life. Try to remember as far
back in your life as you can, all the way to when you were a small child
in a crib if possible. Go through each event in your life carefully, and
try to understand how that event effected and possibly changed you. Each
moment of our lives changes us in some subtle way. These moments have
helped to turn you into who you are now, both for good and bad. Through
meditating on these events in your life, you can understand first how
they effected you and secondly if you still want them to effect you the
way they do now. Through this meditation you can isolate what are the
causes behind any negative habits or feelings you have in your life, as
well as why you may be resistant to using colour in your life.
All of this darkness is not natural to Satanism. Before the Gods were
bound, everything was vibrant and colourful. It was only when the Gods
were bound that Satanism became dark. Now that the Gods are free, they
shine brilliantly again, why shouldn't Satanism start to shine
beautifully as well?
High Priest Babalon
Hail Enki!
the life, the more its colours vibrate and shine. Satanism is about
empowering your life, making yourself the brightest being you can be. We
each want to become golden and great, as the Gods are. Yet as I look
around the Satanic community, all I see are shades of black. There is an
obsession with the morbid and dark that delves deep into so many
brothers and sisters of Satanism. So much of beauty is harmony. Both
what is golden and what is dark have their place in a harmonious life,
and to reject this is to create an imbalance in your life. Yes people do
tend towards one or the other, but no one is completely without their
golden day, just as no one is without their reflective night. You
should embrace who you are, and not feel as though in order to be
Satanic or original you must work in the shadows. Never be afraid of
the sun, because you too can shine with a golden light.
I am not arguing against those individuals who understand why they
choose to operate in the shadows. To be a shadow warrior is a large
sacrifice that advances Satanism. The message of this Sermon can, in my
opinion, coexist with the teachings laid out In "Ordo Umbra" by Lucius
Dragonwolf. In order to effectively work within the shadows, you must
first understand your true nature. If your true nature is more in
harmony with darkness, then by all means embrace it so you may be a
fully empowered individual. If you are more comfortable working with
vibrant colours, then by all means embrace that. Just always be sure to
understand there are elements of both within you and you have the power
to work with both. The Goal of this Sermon is to show that colour is a
valid part of Satanism, and that you need to understand your true nature
so you can use both light and dark energies to their best
My love was talking to me last night about how so many people that want
to become Satanic are afraid to, because they are filled with colour and
life, and all they see now when they look at Satanism is a cold
blackness. Everyone seems to only dress in black and listen to death
metal. He also mentioned to me how he so many Satanists seem terrified
of using any colour at all in their rituals, since they think the only
"true" Satanic colour is black. These problems are extremely dangerous
to the growth and empowerment of Satanism, and must be dealt with
immediately. They prevent people from accessing all of the powers of
life, as well as scare off willing Satanists who see a dangerous
imbalance where there should be none. The result of this inability to
accept colour stems from a suppression of your ability to express your
There is more to colour than the clothes you wear. Everything in
existence vibrates on a certain frequency, and each frequency has its
own energy. This means anything, from words to music can each have their
own "colour". An inability to enjoy colour prevents you from being able
to experience all of the wonderful and powerful parts of existence that
are made of these colourful frequencies. It can also hinder your
relationships with the Gods and prevent you from spiritually growing.
Many people in the Satanic community refuse to listen to any music
besides Death Metal. While peoples tastes are different, there is no
reason to trap yourself into only being able to enjoy the negative and
painful. All music is a creation of Satan, so why should you
automatically reject the forms of it which are not depressing and
violent? Both the Jazz and the Blues are well known examples of Satanic
music, yet so many self professed Satanists refuse to listen to it
because it isn't "Satanic" enough for them. Ironically it is the music
that focuses so much on a rejection of life and beauty that is the least
Satanic form of music, not the music that celebrates the joy of a
Satanic life.
The names we use also have their own energies and colours to them. We
all have experienced that the old God's names have great power to them.
Names such as Enki, Aphrodite, and Apollo all have a colourful beautiful
energy emanating from them. However, the goetic demon names that were
forced on the Gods by the enemy hebrews do not always have this
beautiful aura around them. The names Aphrodite, Isis, and Inanna are
filled with so much beauty, but Astaroth has a darker feeling to it. The
name Enlil feels strong and happy, but those same energies are not as
easily expressed with the name Beelzebub. This seems strange, since
Astaroth and Aphrodite are the same Goddess, just as Enlil and Beelzebub
are the same God. This is because those names were created by the enemy
to make the Gods seem darker than they are. The names that the hebrews
called the Gods do not have the same meaning as the Gods other names.
When you call out to the King Belial, you are using a hebrew name.
Belial translates as deciever or liar, and since the God called Belial(
More properly known as Cernunnos or Ninib) is honest and good the hebrew
name conflicts with your goal of trying to contact him. The hebrew name
also has a darker aura around it than Cernunnos's other names. This not
only adds an unnaturally dark feeling to what should be a golden and
brilliant summoning, but it also makes it easier for enemies to
interfere with your summonings. If you are calling out to speak with a
liar or deceiver, it becomes a lot easier for an enemy grey or angel to
fill that role. If you call out to Cernunnos instead (which translates
roughly as Lord of the Lands), you are more likely to get into good
contact since you are not using words that ask for a liar. Belial and
Cernunnos are the same God, it is just that the hebrew words naturally
conflict with Satanic energies.
The enemy religions do everything they can to suppress and destroy the
innate individuality within us. Conformity is the weapon they use to
kill. A person who can fully express their individuality is empowered,
and therefore dangerous to those that would enslave humanity. This is
why the enemy tries to crush creativity whenever they can. Instead of
having beautiful music, they play monotonous chants, and instead of
wearing beautiful clothing, they force practitioners to wear the same
drab outfits. Think of the Mormons and Hasidic jews. They dogmatically
wear only the same colours and dress every day. Conformity kills
individuality. The obsession so many Satanists have with exposing
themselves only to things which are dark can be just as bad. If this
adherence to the dark is done without first examining your individual
self to understand your nature, then you are adhering to a group
mentality which goes against or suppresses your true nature. It
constricts the ability to think as an individual and what you want to do
as an individual, and instead confines you to a collectively determined
sphere of acceptable dress and behaviour.
I know a lot of people will read this and think this High Priest has no
idea what he is talking about. after all you are just gothic because
that is what you are comfortable being. If that's how you feel, then
answer this: When you were a small child did you put on black makeup and
hate the sun? Or did you love to go outside and play in the light?
Before you became a teenager and felt the need to rebel, didn't you love
colour? Maybe you saw the world around you as corrupt, and so became
the opposite of the life you hated, a dark destroyer. Maybe you just
wanted to show how intelligent and original you are by being different,
but still fitting into a large group. Or you could have just felt
depressed at how horrible the enemy has made the world, and wanted to
physically show your feelings. While all of these reasons and more are
understandable for embracing darkness, you should not let your past
determine who you are. No matter how dark you are, there is still
another side to you which is Golden and filled with colour. What I ask
of each person here who wears black every day and rejects colour is to
seriously examine their lives and why they are the way they are. It is
only through understanding yourself and why you are who you are that you
become a true individual. It will might be that after meditating on your
life and past you will still want to be gothic, and that is fine. The
important thing is to truly understand why you are who you are, and if
that is truly who you want to be. From what I have heard, I fear that so
many of our community have simply become gothic or dark, without truly
understanding themselves in the first place. This is the only reason why
anyone would disdain using colour in a ritual, even if it would be best.
Here is an honest question to everyone here who lives without colour in
their lives, if wearing a bright pink ritual robe would help the
success of a ritual, would you do it? To those of you that answered no,
that means you on some level either hate or are afraid of colour. Even
if you find great joy in darkness, this should not prevent you from
utilizing all forms of Satanic power, even if these powers happen to be
bright and colourful.
The resistance to using colour in a ritual indicates a rejection of that
colour itself. This is caused by having a negative association with that
colour. Since the only negative colour is grey, and still has its place
in death rituals, this means somewhere in your life you have mentally or
emotionally created an incorrect view towards colours. Since this means
you have a negative association which is preventing you from fully using
the powers available to you, you need to meditate on the development of
your life and determine how and why this barrier exists. This will then
allow you to remove the barrier and be able to use the power of colours
in its most effective ways. Through doing this you might even find
yourself enjoying being surrounded by vibrant colours more, and no
longer feeling the need to dress in black and live a bleak life all of
the time.
There are two meditations you can do which can help start you on this
path of self discovery and understanding. While it is especially
important for those of you to do this who have negative feelings towards
colour, every person should always try to examine and fully understand
their life and identity. It is only through truly understanding
ourselves that it is possible to truly change and be in control of
ourselves. The first and most simple is a meditation on a colour. Think
of a bright colour to which you are adverse to using in a ritual or
having in your life (except for Grey) Meditate on this colour, try to
feel it. Try to understand what exactly it is about this colour that
makes so so resistant to using in your spells and your life. Envision
your aura as this colour. Try to become in tune with it and better
understand the energies of it so that you can use them to your benefit.
As an empowered individual there is no reason why any kind of energy in
this universe should be off limits to you.
The other meditation is similar in purpose to a past life regression,
except you will be applying it to this current life. Just as you would
descend into the memories of your past lives, you need to regress back
into the earliest memories of this current life. Try to remember as far
back in your life as you can, all the way to when you were a small child
in a crib if possible. Go through each event in your life carefully, and
try to understand how that event effected and possibly changed you. Each
moment of our lives changes us in some subtle way. These moments have
helped to turn you into who you are now, both for good and bad. Through
meditating on these events in your life, you can understand first how
they effected you and secondly if you still want them to effect you the
way they do now. Through this meditation you can isolate what are the
causes behind any negative habits or feelings you have in your life, as
well as why you may be resistant to using colour in your life.
All of this darkness is not natural to Satanism. Before the Gods were
bound, everything was vibrant and colourful. It was only when the Gods
were bound that Satanism became dark. Now that the Gods are free, they
shine brilliantly again, why shouldn't Satanism start to shine
beautifully as well?
High Priest Babalon
Hail Enki!