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Sermon 8/24/13

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
    There are levels of Satanism. All of these have to do with knowledge and understanding, along with awareness and enlightenment. I know there are quite a few people in these e-groups who do not take Satanism very seriously. Some people are still riding on the teachings of Anton LaVey, but cannot see the underlying theme of his writings. There is an underlying theme in many Satanic writings, that most people tend to miss, as they take the texts at face value, no different from the many legends and such, which are all allegories. Unlike Christianity, where the mentally retarded and the stupid are held in high esteem and revered; in Satanism, idiocy and stupidity are the only real "sins."   Quite often in these groups, some unenlightened, dimwit who has no real grasp of history will spout off about "live and let live." This is gross stupidity and one of the reasons the world is in chaos. Now, does Christianity have a history of "live and let live"? The Inquisition should have some significance to any of these sorts of yokels who state the above and call themselves a Satanist. http://see_the_truth.webs.com/Inquisition.html      All the while when the foolish are accepting the indoctrination of "no hate" "love everybody" "accept everyone" and other suicidal nonsense [of course, going along with what one is told makes one’s life temporarily easier- ideal for the weak and cowardly]. In other words, do what one is told and believe what one is told to believe and as long as one is not at odds with the current trends of the system, and there is not too much opposition. This is for cowards and is the easy way out. The sheep are being set up for the slaughter and unfortunately, this kind of attitude affects everyone and will be the damnation of everyone, regardless of whether they tie into it or not.   Satan stands for rebellion, knowledge, and freedom and if one is not willing to fight for that freedom, it will not happen. Any idiot who even has the slightest grasp of history should know this. The hidden message in mainstream writings that are pushed by the system, such as that filthy bible, is that "rebellion" and too much knowledge are "evil." Any half-wit should have enough common sense here to know that unless one rebels against tyranny, one becomes a slave and of course, in truth, knowledge is the key to solving any and all problems. Unfortunately, look at how many people out there actually believe this shit.   Satanism is not about slavish worship. Satan and the Powers of Hell give us knowledge and enlightenment, as our friends. Satan wants for us Gentiles, to be proud and independent. This will not come about of itself. Freedom, independence, and individual rights are from those who have given their very lives, fighting bloody wars for this. You are alive right now because there are cells in your immune system that seek out and destroy harmful invading bacteria and viruses. Now, say your leucocytes, the cells which do this, just had the attitude of "live and let live" and "loved" the harmful invaders; just how long do you think you would last?   Unfortunately, we have the stupid with us, the uneducated [those who are too lazy and unmotivated to do any meaningful book reading or study where it is available], who can’t think past what the nefarious system has been programming them with- total drones. Those that pass the buck... this is another “live and let live” in other words, ignore anything “negative.” Don’t take any revenge or seek out any real justice. People who have this type of horseshit attitude indirectly and in many cases directly promote injustice. This bleeds over into society. Eventually, civilization will collapse. Everyone pays the price for these feeble-minded, personally weak, and cowardly assholes. This goes along with letting crime get so out of hand that people fall into the trap of begging for ultra-strict laws where there are no longer any individual rights and jewish communism then takes over. As in the former USSR, as in Red China today, if you are accused of a crime, that is it. They will torture you in the most sick and inhuman ways to force you to confess to whatever you are accused of. There is no fair trial. Millions upon millions of innocent people have experienced this. Those who survived were turned over to slave labor, under the most grueling conditions of which many never returned. This is the result of “live and let” live and passing the buck. The jew creates the problem and then pushes their own solution- enslavement under communism in the most horrid conditions imaginable. Of course, as with Christianity, there are endless excuses made for communism; both of which are Jewish inventions.   ** Quotes taken from "Pravda" [The main Communist Party Newspaper and leading newspaper of the former Soviet Union] From the article: Is there any difference between Christianity and Communism? 30/04/2013   "Christianity and communism are very close spiritually and ideologically. This is a fairly well known concept that has been adopted by various thinkers, from Thomas More to Lev Tolstoy. Few people know that the world's first socialist state was established in Paraguay and was based on the ideas of Catholic Jesuits before Marx created his teachings."   "The "Society of Jesus" - the Jesuit religious order - in the Catholic Church was roughly equivalent to the KGB in the Soviet Union."   For more about this- visit this webpage: http://gblt.webs.com/Communism_is_Christianity.htm     ** The millions upon millions of innocents tortured and mass murdered under communism is no different from the Inquisition. If one does the study and research, they both followed the very same methods of operation.   "American Newspapers claim that Stalin has been preordained to save Christianity. -Josef Goebbels   The USA has certainly changed since the mass influx of Russian Jews who fled here when the USSR collapsed. The constitution is no longer adhered to. Civil rights are violated incessantly, in many places, one no longer has a right to refuse medical treatment, and a hospital is much like a prison in the way one must obtain a discharge in order to be released and free. I could go on and on, but one only needs to watch the news and to be aware of all of the violations we are now facing here in the USA against our freedoms. These Russian Jews were given top positions in our Universities, and filled many other key positions where they could carry on with their agenda, while we all pay the price. I remember a video store in the early 1990’s with the VHS tapes that was in a Jewish suburb of a major city. There was an entire section of those VHS tapes in Russian. One blatant jew was in line at the supermarket with a wallet rounded with cash and he paid for his purchase in food stamps. Jewish community centers set this scum up for personal success and the eventual take-over of whatever free countries they infest.   ** “Get the people to demand what you want to impose upon them” “Create a problem so we can step in and solve it.” “Threaten with a severe punishment those who publicly disagree with us and those who questions us.” “Discredit those who refuse to remain silent.” “At minimum, it will discourage other people from publicly opposing us.” “Control the media, particularly the news. [ Remember, freedom of speech is only half the issue. When we restrict our opposition's access to listeners and we have, in essence, squelched freedom of speech. If we control what is in the print and broadcast media, we can sell our "services" to the masses, and at the same time, the problem of free speech for the dissenters is all but eliminated.] “Always claim the high moral ground, always claim that God is on our side, and always claim that the Devil, himself, is ruling the opposition.”   **   Regardless of the idiots who “live and let live,” pass the buck, and ignore the unpleasant in life, pretending everything is ok; problems will not go away unless we take action against them. You think Christians are going to seriously apply the “live and let live” attitude towards you as an open Satanist? Truth be known...when they are finished torturing you, they will kill you. THIS IS A HISTORICAL FACT.    The clever Jews take control of both sides; opposing sides, and then they work the both sides to result in their communist agenda. I am forever shocked by the idiots who foolishly equate jewish communism with equality, brotherhood and individual freedoms. In truth, it is very much like the Old Testament laws. There was no free sex, fornication, or nudity in the USSR. Any of these, along with homosexuality would result in one being sentenced to the gulag. Deluded Christians rant and rave about the “removal of God” from communist countries, in that the basis of communism is atheism. This again is a jewish tactic. Christianity prepares the unsuspecting populace for communism. The entire bible is a foundation for communism from the old testament to the teachings of the nazarene. Communism fails, as it did in the Eastern Bloc and xians are back there like fleas on a dog, indoctrinating the populace with and enforcing their spiritual communism. Get rid of one problem and the jews ensure you have another. Tweedle dee dee and Tweedle dee dum- Christianity and Communism: Jewish Twins http://see_the_truth.webs.com/Xianity_and_Communism.htm    Either way, one is completely fucked. With xianity, true spirituality was eliminated a very long time ago.   Unless each and every one of us works to bring down the enemy, relentlessly, they will not just go away on their own. A passive attitude, doing nothing, accepting and even loving injustice, promoting weakness, disease, and anything and everything that is harmful to a decent civilized world will only ensure the end of everyone. Devoted Satanists should be working every day; doing at least one thing a day to destroy the enemy. Some of us do several things every day and more. Rituals, leaving anti-christian tracts in libraries, in bibles and other xian books [even with only www.exposingchristianity.com written on a slip], and in other places, the work is already done for you through the website; offering to give energy to Satan and the Powers of Hell on a regular basis [all one needs to do is to willfully and with intent, focus on Satan and tell him of your intentions to give energy and he will send a Demon to collect it]. People who give their energy get priority with help when they need it from the Powers of Hell. Work in every way you can, because if you do not, the enemy will only advance until all of us are in a world of shit.   The Vatican is coming down because of repeated rituals, websites that were put together with hundreds of hours of research, writing, devotion and dedication and consistent hard work in establishing them. This is not enough, the Vatican needs to be completely destroyed along with every other xian denomination. They are all of the same malignant rot. If you are willing to work for Satan, but not free to do so in the ways above, ask Satan for answers on this. If you are truly legitimate, he will show you ways that are individual where you can fight the enemy.     Few people realize the seriousness of this. It just doesn’t sink in. All of our asses are on the line. Freedom must be fought for. It just doesn’t happen on its own.       High Priestess Maxine Dietrich http://www.joyofsatan.com          
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Great Sermon, I would like to comment that the first objective upon becoming a Satanist, it's to destroy Judaism, Xtianity, and Muslim religions. Sometimes, we get sidetracked by researching or studying or meditating other spiritual teachings, however part of our daily rituals should be devoted to total destruction of our enemy, and the total eradication of their political, economical, and religious agenda. We should unite under that sole objective. Some of us have lived other lives and are here again, to help in the destruction of the enemy! Brother Zelsioux. Hail Satan!

Sent from my iPhone
On Aug 24, 2013, at 7:21 AM, "High Priestess Maxine Dietrich " <maxine.dietrich666@... wrote:
      There are levels of Satanism. All of these have to do with knowledge and understanding, along with awareness and enlightenment. I know there are quite a few people in these e-groups who do not take Satanism very seriously. Some people are still riding on the teachings of Anton LaVey, but cannot see the underlying theme of his writings. There is an underlying theme in many Satanic writings, that most people tend to miss, as they take the texts at face value, no different from the many legends and such, which are all allegories. Unlike Christianity, where the mentally retarded and the stupid are held in high esteem and revered; in Satanism, idiocy and stupidity are the only real "sins."   Quite often in these groups, some unenlightened, dimwit who has no real grasp of history will spout off about "live and let live." This is gross stupidity and one of the reasons the world is in chaos. Now, does Christianity have a history of "live and let live"? The Inquisition should have some significance to any of these sorts of yokels who state the above and call themselves a Satanist. http://see_the_truth.webs.com/Inquisition.html      All the while when the foolish are accepting the indoctrination of "no hate" "love everybody" "accept everyone" and other suicidal nonsense [of course, going along with what one is told makes one’s life temporarily easier- ideal for the weak and cowardly]. In other words, do what one is told and believe what one is told to believe and as long as one is not at odds with the current trends of the system, and there is not too much opposition. This is for cowards and is the easy way out. The sheep are being set up for the slaughter and unfortunately, this kind of attitude affects everyone and will be the damnation of everyone, regardless of whether they tie into it or not.   Satan stands for rebellion, knowledge, and freedom and if one is not willing to fight for that freedom, it will not happen. Any idiot who even has the slightest grasp of history should know this. The hidden message in mainstream writings that are pushed by the system, such as that filthy bible, is that "rebellion" and too much knowledge are "evil." Any half-wit should have enough common sense here to know that unless one rebels against tyranny, one becomes a slave and of course, in truth, knowledge is the key to solving any and all problems. Unfortunately, look at how many people out there actually believe this shit.   Satanism is not about slavish worship. Satan and the Powers of Hell give us knowledge and enlightenment, as our friends. Satan wants for us Gentiles, to be proud and independent. This will not come about of itself. Freedom, independence, and individual rights are from those who have given their very lives, fighting bloody wars for this. You are alive right now because there are cells in your immune system that seek out and destroy harmful invading bacteria and viruses. Now, say your leucocytes, the cells which do this, just had the attitude of "live and let live" and "loved" the harmful invaders; just how long do you think you would last?   Unfortunately, we have the stupid with us, the uneducated [those who are too lazy and unmotivated to do any meaningful book reading or study where it is available], who can’t think past what the nefarious system has been programming them with- total drones. Those that pass the buck... this is another “live and let live” in other words, ignore anything “negative.” Don’t take any revenge or seek out any real justice. People who have this type of horseshit attitude indirectly and in many cases directly promote injustice. This bleeds over into society. Eventually, civilization will collapse. Everyone pays the price for these feeble-minded, personally weak, and cowardly assholes. This goes along with letting crime get so out of hand that people fall into the trap of begging for ultra-strict laws where there are no longer any individual rights and jewish communism then takes over. As in the former USSR, as in Red China today, if you are accused of a crime, that is it. They will torture you in the most sick and inhuman ways to force you to confess to whatever you are accused of. There is no fair trial. Millions upon millions of innocent people have experienced this. Those who survived were turned over to slave labor, under the most grueling conditions of which many never returned. This is the result of “live and let” live and passing the buck. The jew creates the problem and then pushes their own solution- enslavement under communism in the most horrid conditions imaginable. Of course, as with Christianity, there are endless excuses made for communism; both of which are Jewish inventions.   ** Quotes taken from "Pravda" [The main Communist Party Newspaper and leading newspaper of the former Soviet Union] From the article: Is there any difference between Christianity and Communism? 30/04/2013   "Christianity and communism are very close spiritually and ideologically. This is a fairly well known concept that has been adopted by various thinkers, from Thomas More to Lev Tolstoy. Few people know that the world's first socialist state was established in Paraguay and was based on the ideas of Catholic Jesuits before Marx created his teachings."   "The "Society of Jesus" - the Jesuit religious order - in the Catholic Church was roughly equivalent to the KGB in the Soviet Union."   For more about this- visit this webpage: http://gblt.webs.com/Communism_is_Christianity.htm     ** The millions upon millions of innocents tortured and mass murdered under communism is no different from the Inquisition. If one does the study and research, they both followed the very same methods of operation.   "American Newspapers claim that Stalin has been preordained to save Christianity. -Josef Goebbels   The USA has certainly changed since the mass influx of Russian Jews who fled here when the USSR collapsed. The constitution is no longer adhered to. Civil rights are violated incessantly, in many places, one no longer has a right to refuse medical treatment, and a hospital is much like a prison in the way one must obtain a discharge in order to be released and free. I could go on and on, but one only needs to watch the news and to be aware of all of the violations we are now facing here in the USA against our freedoms. These Russian Jews were given top positions in our Universities, and filled many other key positions where they could carry on with their agenda, while we all pay the price. I remember a video store in the early 1990’s with the VHS tapes that was in a Jewish suburb of a major city. There was an entire section of those VHS tapes in Russian. One blatant jew was in line at the supermarket with a wallet rounded with cash and he paid for his purchase in food stamps. Jewish community centers set this scum up for personal success and the eventual take-over of whatever free countries they infest.   ** “Get the people to demand what you want to impose upon them” “Create a problem so we can step in and solve it.” “Threaten with a severe punishment those who publicly disagree with us and those who questions us.” “Discredit those who refuse to remain silent.” “At minimum, it will discourage other people from publicly opposing us.” “Control the media, particularly the news. [ Remember, freedom of speech is only half the issue. When we restrict our opposition's access to listeners and we have, in essence, squelched freedom of speech. If we control what is in the print and broadcast media, we can sell our "services" to the masses, and at the same time, the problem of free speech for the dissenters is all but eliminated.] “Always claim the high moral ground, always claim that God is on our side, and always claim that the Devil, himself, is ruling the opposition.”   **   Regardless of the idiots who “live and let live,” pass the buck, and ignore the unpleasant in life, pretending everything is ok; problems will not go away unless we take action against them. You think Christians are going to seriously apply the “live and let live” attitude towards you as an open Satanist? Truth be known...when they are finished torturing you, they will kill you. THIS IS A HISTORICAL FACT.    The clever Jews take control of both sides; opposing sides, and then they work the both sides to result in their communist agenda. I am forever shocked by the idiots who foolishly equate jewish communism with equality, brotherhood and individual freedoms. In truth, it is very much like the Old Testament laws. There was no free sex, fornication, or nudity in the USSR. Any of these, along with homosexuality would result in one being sentenced to the gulag. Deluded Christians rant and rave about the “removal of God” from communist countries, in that the basis of communism is atheism. This again is a jewish tactic. Christianity prepares the unsuspecting populace for communism. The entire bible is a foundation for communism from the old testament to the teachings of the nazarene. Communism fails, as it did in the Eastern Bloc and xians are back there like fleas on a dog, indoctrinating the populace with and enforcing their spiritual communism. Get rid of one problem and the jews ensure you have another. Tweedle dee dee and Tweedle dee dum- Christianity and Communism: Jewish Twins http://see_the_truth.webs.com/Xianity_and_Communism.htm    Either way, one is completely fucked. With xianity, true spirituality was eliminated a very long time ago.   Unless each and every one of us works to bring down the enemy, relentlessly, they will not just go away on their own. A passive attitude, doing nothing, accepting and even loving injustice, promoting weakness, disease, and anything and everything that is harmful to a decent civilized world will only ensure the end of everyone. Devoted Satanists should be working every day; doing at least one thing a day to destroy the enemy. Some of us do several things every day and more. Rituals, leaving anti-christian tracts in libraries, in bibles and other xian books [even with only www.exposingchristianity.com written on a slip], and in other places, the work is already done for you through the website; offering to give energy to Satan and the Powers of Hell on a regular basis [all one needs to do is to willfully and with intent, focus on Satan and tell him of your intentions to give energy and he will send a Demon to collect it]. People who give their energy get priority with help when they need it from the Powers of Hell. Work in every way you can, because if you do not, the enemy will only advance until all of us are in a world of shit.   The Vatican is coming down because of repeated rituals, websites that were put together with hundreds of hours of research, writing, devotion and dedication and consistent hard work in establishing them. This is not enough, the Vatican needs to be completely destroyed along with every other xian denomination. They are all of the same malignant rot. If you are willing to work for Satan, but not free to do so in the ways above, ask Satan for answers on this. If you are truly legitimate, he will show you ways that are individual where you can fight the enemy.     Few people realize the seriousness of this. It just doesn’t sink in. All of our asses are on the line. Freedom must be fought for. It just doesn’t happen on its own.       High Priestess Maxine Dietrich http://www.joyofsatan.com          
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I disagree with that. The first and foremost action of a Satanist is to empower themselves. This should never be neglected for something else.

However I agree that within that, each and every person that considers themselves a "Dedicated Spiritual Satanist" should be fighting the enemy daily.

-En Haradren Amlug.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Saul Hinojosa <hinojosasaul@... wrote:

Great Sermon, I would like to comment that the first objective upon becoming a Satanist, it's to destroy Judaism, Xtianity, and Muslim religions. Sometimes, we get sidetracked by researching or studying or meditating other spiritual teachings, however part of our daily rituals should be devoted to total destruction of our enemy, and the total eradication of their political, economical, and religious agenda. We should unite under that sole objective. Some of us have lived other lives and are here again, to help in the destruction of the enemy! Brother Zelsioux. Hail Satan!

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 24, 2013, at 7:21 AM, "High Priestess Maxine Dietrich " <maxine.dietrich666@... wrote:

There are levels of Satanism. All of these have to do with knowledge and understanding, along with awareness and enlightenment. I know there are quite a few people in these e-groups who do not take Satanism very seriously. Some people are still riding on the teachings of Anton LaVey, but cannot see the underlying theme of his writings. There is an underlying theme in many Satanic writings, that most people tend to miss, as they take the texts at face value, no different from the many legends and such, which are all allegories. Unlike Christianity, where the mentally retarded and the stupid are held in high esteem and revered; in Satanism, idiocy and stupidity are the only real "sins."

Quite often in these groups, some unenlightened, dimwit who has no real grasp of history will spout off about "live and let live." This is gross stupidity and one of the reasons the world is in chaos. Now, does Christianity have a history of "live and let live"? The Inquisition should have some significance to any of these sorts of yokels who state the above and call themselves a Satanist.


All the while when the foolish are accepting the indoctrination of "no hate" "love everybody" "accept everyone" and other suicidal nonsense [of course, going along with what one is told makes one’s life temporarily easier- ideal for the weak and cowardly]. In other words, do what one is told and believe what one is told to believe and as long as one is not at odds with the current trends of the system, and there is not too much opposition. This is for cowards and is the easy way out. The sheep are being set up for the slaughter and unfortunately, this kind of attitude affects everyone and will be the damnation of everyone, regardless of whether they tie into it or not.

Satan stands for rebellion, knowledge, and freedom and if one is not willing to fight for that freedom, it will not happen. Any idiot who even has the slightest grasp of history should know this. The hidden message in mainstream writings that are pushed by the system, such as that filthy bible, is that "rebellion" and too much knowledge are "evil." Any half-wit should have enough common sense here to know that unless one rebels against tyranny, one becomes a slave and of course, in truth, knowledge is the key to solving any and all problems. Unfortunately, look at how many people out there actually believe this shit.

Satanism is not about slavish worship. Satan and the Powers of Hell give us knowledge and enlightenment, as our friends. Satan wants for us Gentiles, to be proud and independent. This will not come about of itself. Freedom, independence, and individual rights are from those who have given their very lives, fighting bloody wars for this. You are alive right now because there are cells in your immune system that seek out and destroy harmful invading bacteria and viruses. Now, say your leucocytes, the cells which do this, just had the attitude of "live and let live" and "loved" the harmful invaders; just how long do you think you would last?

Unfortunately, we have the stupid with us, the uneducated [those who are too lazy and unmotivated to do any meaningful book reading or study where it is available], who can’t think past what the nefarious system has been programming them with- total drones. Those that pass the buck... this is another “live and let live” in other words, ignore anything “negative.” Don’t take any revenge or seek out any real justice. People who have this type of horseshit attitude indirectly and in many cases directly promote injustice. This bleeds over into society. Eventually, civilization will collapse. Everyone pays the price for these feeble-minded, personally weak, and cowardly assholes. This goes along with letting crime get so out of hand that people fall into the trap of begging for ultra-strict laws where there are no longer any individual rights and jewish communism then takes over. As in the former USSR, as in Red China today, if you are accused of a crime, that is it. They will torture you in the most sick and inhuman ways to force you to confess to whatever you are accused of. There is no fair trial. Millions upon millions of innocent people have experienced this. Those who survived were turned over to slave labor, under the most grueling conditions of which many never returned. This is the result of “live and let” live and passing the buck. The jew creates the problem and then pushes their own solution- enslavement under communism in the most horrid conditions imaginable. Of course, as with Christianity, there are endless excuses made for communism; both of which are Jewish inventions.


Quotes taken from "Pravda" [The main Communist Party Newspaper and leading newspaper of the former Soviet Union] From the article: Is there any difference between Christianity and Communism? 30/04/2013

"Christianity and communism are very close spiritually and ideologically. This is a fairly well known concept that has been adopted by various thinkers, from Thomas More to Lev Tolstoy. Few people know that the world's first socialist state was established in Paraguay and was based on the ideas of Catholic Jesuits before Marx created his teachings."

"The "Society of Jesus" - the Jesuit religious order - in the Catholic Church was roughly equivalent to the KGB in the Soviet Union."

For more about this- visit this webpage:



The millions upon millions of innocents tortured and mass murdered under communism is no different from the Inquisition. If one does the study and research, they both followed the very same methods of operation.

"American Newspapers claim that Stalin has been preordained to save Christianity.

-Josef Goebbels

The USA has certainly changed since the mass influx of Russian Jews who fled here when the USSR collapsed. The constitution is no longer adhered to. Civil rights are violated incessantly, in many places, one no longer has a right to refuse medical treatment, and a hospital is much like a prison in the way one must obtain a discharge in order to be released and free. I could go on and on, but one only needs to watch the news and to be aware of all of the violations we are now facing here in the USA against our freedoms. These Russian Jews were given top positions in our Universities, and filled many other key positions where they could carry on with their agenda, while we all pay the price. I remember a video store in the early 1990’s with the VHS tapes that was in a Jewish suburb of a major city. There was an entire section of those VHS tapes in Russian. One blatant jew was in line at the supermarket with a wallet rounded with cash and he paid for his purchase in food stamps. Jewish community centers set this scum up for personal success and the eventual take-over of whatever free countries they infest.


“Get the people to demand what you want to impose upon them” “Create a problem so we can step in and solve it.” “Threaten with a severe punishment those who publicly disagree with us and those who questions us.” “Discredit those who refuse to remain silent.” “At minimum, it will discourage other people from publicly opposing us.” “Control the media, particularly the news. [ Remember, freedom of speech is only half the issue. When we restrict our opposition's access to listeners and we have, in essence, squelched freedom of speech. If we control what is in the print and broadcast media, we can sell our "services" to the masses, and at the same time, the problem of free speech for the dissenters is all but eliminated.] “Always claim the high moral ground, always claim that God is on our side, and always claim that the Devil, himself, is ruling the opposition.”


Regardless of the idiots who “live and let live,” pass the buck, and ignore the unpleasant in life, pretending everything is ok; problems will not go away unless we take action against them. You think Christians are going to seriously apply the “live and let live” attitude towards you as an open Satanist? Truth be known...when they are finished torturing you, they will kill you. THIS IS A HISTORICAL FACT.

The clever Jews take control of both sides; opposing sides, and then they work the both sides to result in their communist agenda. I am forever shocked by the idiots who foolishly equate jewish communism with equality, brotherhood and individual freedoms. In truth, it is very much like the Old Testament laws. There was no free sex, fornication, or nudity in the USSR. Any of these, along with homosexuality would result in one being sentenced to the gulag. Deluded Christians rant and rave about the “removal of God” from communist countries, in that the basis of communism is atheism. This again is a jewish tactic. Christianity prepares the unsuspecting populace for communism. The entire bible is a foundation for communism from the old testament to the teachings of the nazarene. Communism fails, as it did in the Eastern Bloc and xians are back there like fleas on a dog, indoctrinating the populace with and enforcing their spiritual communism. Get rid of one problem and the jews ensure you have another. Tweedle dee dee and Tweedle dee dum- Christianity and Communism: Jewish Twins http://see_the_truth.webs.com/Xianity_and_Communism.htm

Either way, one is completely fucked. With xianity, true spirituality was eliminated a very long time ago.

Unless each and every one of us works to bring down the enemy, relentlessly, they will not just go away on their own. A passive attitude, doing nothing, accepting and even loving injustice, promoting weakness, disease, and anything and everything that is harmful to a decent civilized world will only ensure the end of everyone. Devoted Satanists should be working every day; doing at least one thing a day to destroy the enemy. Some of us do several things every day and more. Rituals, leaving anti-christian tracts in libraries, in bibles and other xian books [even with only www.exposingchristianity.com written on a slip], and in other places, the work is already done for you through the website; offering to give energy to Satan and the Powers of Hell on a regular basis [all one needs to do is to willfully and with intent, focus on Satan and tell him of your intentions to give energy and he will send a Demon to collect it]. People who give their energy get priority with help when they need it from the Powers of Hell. Work in every way you can, because if you do not, the enemy will only advance until all of us are in a world of shit.

The Vatican is coming down because of repeated rituals, websites that were put together with hundreds of hours of research, writing, devotion and dedication and consistent hard work in establishing them. This is not enough, the Vatican needs to be completely destroyed along with every other xian denomination. They are all of the same malignant rot. If you are willing to work for Satan, but not free to do so in the ways above, ask Satan for answers on this. If you are truly legitimate, he will show you ways that are individual where you can fight the enemy.

Few people realize the seriousness of this. It just doesn’t sink in. All of our asses are on the line. Freedom must be fought for. It just doesn’t happen on its own.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich


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Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
