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Sermon 25/October/2014

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
We will be working on the reverse torah rituals very soon. I WILL POST THIS
LIBRARY WEBSITE IN THE "UPDATES" SECTION. Please check the "updates" after
November 1st.



These rituals are especially serious and everyone should participate. They
do NOT need any props such as candles, incense, etc, unless this is your own
personal choice. They are easy to do and only require vibrating a sequence
of syllables and stating an affirmation several times, after raising your
energies. We will be repeating the very first ritual again. This is because
the Jews have again, read that torah portion. Their New Year began recently
and they read from the torah passages for every week. All of the Jews read
the very same around the world and this sets in motion the powerful energies
of a mass ritual.

For those who are new xian= Christian.

The "Holy Bible" is NOT the "word of God." It is a very powerful subliminal
tool used by the Jews. The more research I do, the more I find that it
probably originated with Jewish translators coming upon rare and ancient
texts pertaining to the occult during the Middle Ages, of which they
mistranslated and obviously kept for their own after ancient Pagan libraries
were destroyed by xians. I have read from many different sources where Jews
were the main translators of spiritual texts; where they translated these
texts into various European languages, thus they seized control.

In order to understand, one must think outside of what one has been
indoctrinated with and also really know the occult. Occult knowledge was why
so many witches were mass murdered along with anyone suspect of having any
spiritual powers, bu the xian church. This is no different from what Jewish
communism does in the way of murdering intellectuals and anyone else they
even slightly suspect will be a threat to their take-over.

Note...'torah' is an anagram of the word 'rota', which means "wheel" in many
different languages. Every year, the jews and of course to a lesser extent,
the xians and muslims act out and relive the fictitious Jewish history. It
is more so with the Jews, as they actually play this out- their bitter herbs
at the Pesach/Passover and the eating meals in the open-roofed gazebo for
Sukkoth, and even their dietary laws, etc.

This follows in a hideous Rota...a wheel; a cycle of damnation and the torah
is a bit different from the Old Testament the xians and other related idiots
are reading, though the Old Testament is just as rotten in every way- all of
it. It is worse.

This is the TRUE ROOT OF EVIL and perpetuates all of the ugliness in the
world. The artificially induced famines when commie kikes take over is in
their torah. This is how they gain control. They put this into action, as it
is biblical. The bible as I have stated before numerous times is nothing
more than a very powerful subliminal. I don't understand how so many idiots
can keep reading and studying that malignancy and claim it to be "good." The
entire thing is nothing but pure evil. It is a subliminal. The rota keeps
the damnation going, every year. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING "SPIRITUAL"
subliminal tool that ensures the Jews total domination over the Gentiles.

And they try to blame human sacrifice on Satan???????
Quote from the torah:

(GENESIS 9:5) I will surely require your blood of your lives. At
the hand of every animal I will require it. At the hand of man,
even at the hand of every man's brother, I will require the life
of man.

The xian mass/service is nothing more than a simulated human sacrifice- the
nazarene "eat me and drink me." There are so many references to living blood
sacrifices to that YHVH, that make up almost the entire torah and Old
Testament. If the Jews aren't mass murdering, robbing, plundering, raping
and enslaving the Gentiles, they are then butchering a living animal for
that "god" of theirs. That "god" is VERY clear in regards to its insatiable
appetite for blood from regular living sacrifices and the subliminal is in
the xian mass/service. The nazarene becomes the link to the living blood

People [the masses] really need to wake up. The stupidity is profound. Yogis
from the Far East keep stating the goal is to get off the wheel of
damnation, but the root meaning is overlooked. All of those legends and
fictitious history of the Jews in the bible, especially the torah are
subliminal and like the story in Genesis where that Joseph kike gets control
of the Pharaoh of Egypt, the numbers, 7, 66, 33 are in the verses- 7 for the
powerful chakras of the soul, 66 for the number of books in the entire
bible, falling short of spiritual perfection and also the number of slave
labor [please do not confuse this with '666' which is spiritual perfection].
66 falls short of 666, which is spiritual perfection and is hated by the
Jews. 666 also translates into Vau, Vau, Vau [Hebrew] and this into WWW
[world wide web] where knowledge is available after centuries of
suppression. Communications are open now and of course, the Jews have been
working overtime to try to destroy this for everyone.
33 is the number of esoteric vertebrae in the spine for the serpent to
ascend. This subliminally translates into Jewish psychic power over
Gentiles. This is the reason for all of those numbers in that filthy bible.

This is what the Jews do and then the famine and how "god" put this dream in
the pharaoh's head [in reality how the Jews use the occult powers to
manipulate our leaders and important people]. All of this follows the same
sequence as Jewish communism. The biblical stories parallel everything the
Jews are and do, with their goal of communism, OR the theocracy of xianity
to control the Gentiles. As I mentioned before, as soon as Jewish communism
was overthrown in Europe, xians were right back there like fleas on a dog,
making sure one of the very first things was to translate the bible into the
local languages and spread their hideous virus of xianity, the twin of
communism. This ensures the traumatized populace is again under Jewish

Then, people go to that evil church and study and memorize, imbed that
fucking bible and it works. We really need to wake everyone up as time is
running out. If one gets to the root of all of this and can see with open
eyes, the Jews work to ruin everything from sexual pleasure to Gentile
civilization itself. The website Vatican Crimes is up and running again:
This website is not affiliated with JoS, but is an excellent news source for

People [xians and muslims] who tie into this energy in truth turn evil, all
the while the lying xian/muslim/jew assholes blame this on Satan. The news
in the above is nothing new and has been going on for centuries. Nearly
every war was either directly or indirectly incited by xianity. Every ugly
thing on this planet, including factory farming has its root in the
torah...curses damning Gentiles and all. Like the lying slogans repeated and
force-fed to the people of communist countries, it is the very same with
xianity. The Jews know that the more a lie is repeated and pushed, the more
it can take hold in the minds of the populace regardless of how insane it
is. North Korea's slogan "We have nothing to envy" is a prime example when
most of the population lives in the most deplorable conditions imaginable
and is viciously used for slave labor. No electricity, no internet, food is
scarce, and even a pencil and paper are an extreme luxury. Access to
knowledge is cut off and the populace only knows what they are told. This is
no different from the xian church during the Middle Ages. In order to see if
something is good or evil, one needs to give it power.

Satan and Our Gods are certainly NOT evil. This is another slogan that lying
and deceived xians keep repeating that Satan is responsible for all of the
evil, which is a HUGE LIE and deceiver. If one opens one's eyes, we all know
YHVH is the deceiver. Read the fucking bible for what it is, and never make
excuses for it. People tie into xian and muslim energy and do heinous
things. The xian church was built upon torture, mass murder, genocide, and
the lives of millions of people who have suffered horribly, all for the
Jews. How science has been held back and only when the Jews were expelled
form Western Europe and headed to the East, did Europe experience a true
revival, that of the Renaissance.

If you are open enough, and know about Judaism, you can easily see how this
crap is not only firmly imbedded, but perpetuated every single year. Their
weekly torah readings and their holidays, all acted out in a mass ritual
around the world. In addition, all of the Pagan/Gentile holidays have been
hijacked and turned into Jewish filth, like the Yule season for example- the
slavish worship for the coming of their messiah- that foul nazarene. This is
to ensure Gentiles pay with everything they've got- money, soul, life
energies...fleeced and stripped down to nothing. And...if one does not have
enough, as with money, one is punished severely.

This has got to be stopped. All that filthy bible does and has done is bring
misery and damnation to everyone, while lying endlessly and promising a
"paradise," no different from Jewish communism. Both promise a utopia and
deliver nothing but unimaginable deprivation and suffering, along with
destruction of knowledge, intellectuals and the pushing of endless lies in
order to create a slave state that parallels factory farming- another Jewish

Some people here are lazy and don't care. Satanism is a religion of the
self in the way that the soul we save is our own. Satanism is NOT "selfish"
or me, me, me... This is another xian perversion and corruption. All of us
must do these forthcoming rituals. Unless we do something now, in the
future, everyone will pay. Now, we have a chance.

In closing, a member wrote to me a few days ago and asked concerning leaving
anti-xian messages in public places. I replied the best way is to print off
a bunch of slips, like 20 to a page with www.exposingchristianity.com on
them and leave them in bibles and libraries and other public places, but be
careful not to frequent too much, as the enemy will try to keep a watch.
People must wake up. Right now, we have a chance with the internet.

I will be working on the reverse torah rituals [which seemed to have done
them a lot of damage, as their entire program revolves around that filthy
torah]. When all of the rituals are completed, I will upload them all to a
zip folder as well as post them as we do them in the updates section.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

FREE 3D MARINE AQUARIUM SCREENSAVER - Watch dolphins, sharks & orcas on your desktop!
Check it out at http://www.inbox.com/marineaquarium

From: 'High Priestess Maxine Dietrich ' maxine.dietrich666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected];
To: <[email protected]; <[email protected]; <[email protected]; <[email protected]; <[email protected]; <[email protected]; <[email protected]; <[email protected]; <[email protected]; <[email protected];
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Sermon 25/October/2014
Sent: Sat, Oct 25, 2014 12:03:46 PM

<td val[/IMG]  
We will be working on the reverse torah rituals very soon. I WILL POST THIS
LIBRARY WEBSITE IN THE "UPDATES" SECTION. Please check the "updates" after
November 1st.

http://www.joyofsatan.org/ http://spiritualwarfare666.webs.com/Satans_Library.htm

These rituals are especially serious and everyone should participate. They
do NOT need any props such as candles, incense, etc, unless this is your own
personal choice. They are easy to do and only require vibrating a sequence
of syllables and stating an affirmation several times, after raising your
energies. We will be repeating the very first ritual again. This is because
the Jews have again, read that torah portion. Their New Year began recently
and they read from the torah passages for every week. All of the Jews read
the very same around the world and this sets in motion the powerful energies
of a mass ritual.

For those who are new xian= Christian.

The "Holy Bible" is NOT the "word of God." It is a very powerful subliminal
tool used by the Jews. The more research I do, the more I find that it
probably originated with Jewish translators coming upon rare and ancient
texts pertaining to the occult during the Middle Ages, of which they
mistranslated and obviously kept for their own after ancient Pagan libraries
were destroyed by xians. I have read from many different sources where Jews
were the main translators of spiritual texts; where they translated these
texts into various European languages, thus they seized control.

In order to understand, one must think outside of what one has been
indoctrinated with and also really know the occult. Occult knowledge was why
so many witches were mass murdered along with anyone suspect of having any
spiritual powers, bu the xian church. This is no different from what Jewish
communism does in the way of murdering intellectuals and anyone else they
even slightly suspect will be a threat to their take-over.

Note...'torah' is an anagram of the word 'rota', which means "wheel" in many
different languages. Every year, the jews and of course to a lesser extent,
the xians and muslims act out and relive the fictitious Jewish history. It
is more so with the Jews, as they actually play this out- their bitter herbs
at the Pesach/Passover and the eating meals in the open-roofed gazebo for
Sukkoth, and even their dietary laws, etc.

This follows in a hideous Rota...a wheel; a cycle of damnation and the torah
is a bit different from the Old Testament the xians and other related idiots
are reading, though the Old Testament is just as rotten in every way- all of
it. It is worse.

This is the TRUE ROOT OF EVIL and perpetuates all of the ugliness in the
world. The artificially induced famines when commie kikes take over is in
their torah. This is how they gain control. They put this into action, as it
is biblical. The bible as I have stated before numerous times is nothing
more than a very powerful subliminal. I don't understand how so many idiots
can keep reading and studying that malignancy and claim it to be "good." The
entire thing is nothing but pure evil. It is a subliminal. The rota keeps
the damnation going, every year. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING "SPIRITUAL"
subliminal tool that ensures the Jews total domination over the Gentiles.

And they try to blame human sacrifice on Satan???????
Quote from the torah:

(GENESIS 9:5) I will surely require your blood of your lives. At
the hand of every animal I will require it. At the hand of man,
even at the hand of every man's brother, I will require the life
of man.

The xian mass/service is nothing more than a simulated human sacrifice- the
nazarene "eat me and drink me." There are so many references to living blood
sacrifices to that YHVH, that make up almost the entire torah and Old
Testament. If the Jews aren't mass murdering, robbing, plundering, raping
and enslaving the Gentiles, they are then butchering a living animal for
that "god" of theirs. That "god" is VERY clear in regards to its insatiable
appetite for blood from regular living sacrifices and the subliminal is in
the xian mass/service. The nazarene becomes the link to the living blood

People [the masses] really need to wake up. The stupidity is profound. Yogis
from the Far East keep stating the goal is to get off the wheel of
damnation, but the root meaning is overlooked. All of those legends and
fictitious history of the Jews in the bible, especially the torah are
subliminal and like the story in Genesis where that Joseph kike gets control
of the Pharaoh of Egypt, the numbers, 7, 66, 33 are in the verses- 7 for the
powerful chakras of the soul, 66 for the number of books in the entire
bible, falling short of spiritual perfection and also the number of slave
labor [please do not confuse this with '666' which is spiritual perfection].
66 falls short of 666, which is spiritual perfection and is hated by the
Jews. 666 also translates into Vau, Vau, Vau [Hebrew] and this into WWW
[world wide web] where knowledge is available after centuries of
suppression. Communications are open now and of course, the Jews have been
working overtime to try to destroy this for everyone.
33 is the number of esoteric vertebrae in the spine for the serpent to
ascend. This subliminally translates into Jewish psychic power over
Gentiles. This is the reason for all of those numbers in that filthy bible.

This is what the Jews do and then the famine and how "god" put this dream in
the pharaoh's head [in reality how the Jews use the occult powers to
manipulate our leaders and important people]. All of this follows the same
sequence as Jewish communism. The biblical stories parallel everything the
Jews are and do, with their goal of communism, OR the theocracy of xianity
to control the Gentiles. As I mentioned before, as soon as Jewish communism
was overthrown in Europe, xians were right back there like fleas on a dog,
making sure one of the very first things was to translate the bible into the
local languages and spread their hideous virus of xianity, the twin of
communism. This ensures the traumatized populace is again under Jewish

Then, people go to that evil church and study and memorize, imbed that
fucking bible and it works. We really need to wake everyone up as time is
running out. If one gets to the root of all of this and can see with open
eyes, the Jews work to ruin everything from sexual pleasure to Gentile
civilization itself. The website Vatican Crimes is up and running again:
This website is not affiliated with JoS, but is an excellent news source for

People [xians and muslims] who tie into this energy in truth turn evil, all
the while the lying xian/muslim/jew assholes blame this on Satan. The news
in the above is nothing new and has been going on for centuries. Nearly
every war was either directly or indirectly incited by xianity. Every ugly
thing on this planet, including factory farming has its root in the
torah...curses damning Gentiles and all. Like the lying slogans repeated and
force-fed to the people of communist countries, it is the very same with
xianity. The Jews know that the more a lie is repeated and pushed, the more
it can take hold in the minds of the populace regardless of how insane it
is. North Korea's slogan "We have nothing to envy" is a prime example when
most of the population lives in the most deplorable conditions imaginable
and is viciously used for slave labor. No electricity, no internet, food is
scarce, and even a pencil and paper are an extreme luxury. Access to
knowledge is cut off and the populace only knows what they are told. This is
no different from the xian church during the Middle Ages. In order to see if
something is good or evil, one needs to give it power.

Satan and Our Gods are certainly NOT evil. This is another slogan that lying
and deceived xians keep repeating that Satan is responsible for all of the
evil, which is a HUGE LIE and deceiver. If one opens one's eyes, we all know
YHVH is the deceiver. Read the fucking bible for what it is, and never make
excuses for it. People tie into xian and muslim energy and do heinous
things. The xian church was built upon torture, mass murder, genocide, and
the lives of millions of people who have suffered horribly, all for the
Jews. How science has been held back and only when the Jews were expelled
form Western Europe and headed to the East, did Europe experience a true
revival, that of the Renaissance.

If you are open enough, and know about Judaism, you can easily see how this
crap is not only firmly imbedded, but perpetuated every single year. Their
weekly torah readings and their holidays, all acted out in a mass ritual
around the world. In addition, all of the Pagan/Gentile holidays have been
hijacked and turned into Jewish filth, like the Yule season for example- the
slavish worship for the coming of their messiah- that foul nazarene. This is
to ensure Gentiles pay with everything they've got- money, soul, life
energies...fleeced and stripped down to nothing. And...if one does not have
enough, as with money, one is punished severely.

This has got to be stopped. All that filthy bible does and has done is bring
misery and damnation to everyone, while lying endlessly and promising a
"paradise," no different from Jewish communism. Both promise a utopia and
deliver nothing but unimaginable deprivation and suffering, along with
destruction of knowledge, intellectuals and the pushing of endless lies in
order to create a slave state that parallels factory farming- another Jewish

Some people here are lazy and don't care. Satanism is a religion of the
self in the way that the soul we save is our own. Satanism is NOT "selfish"
or me, me, me... This is another xian perversion and corruption. All of us
must do these forthcoming rituals. Unless we do something now, in the
future, everyone will pay. Now, we have a chance.

In closing, a member wrote to me a few days ago and asked concerning leaving
anti-xian messages in public places. I replied the best way is to print off
a bunch of slips, like 20 to a page with www.exposingchristianity.com on
them and leave them in bibles and libraries and other public places, but be
careful not to frequent too much, as the enemy will try to keep a watch.
People must wake up. Right now, we have a chance with the internet.

I will be working on the reverse torah rituals [which seemed to have done
them a lot of damage, as their entire program revolves around that filthy
torah]. When all of the rituals are completed, I will upload them all to a
zip folder as well as post them as we do them in the updates section.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

FREE 3D MARINE AQUARIUM SCREENSAVER - Watch dolphins, sharks & orcas on your desktop!
Check it out at http://www.inbox.com/marineaquarium

Good. I was wondering when the next group ritual was going to take place. On the first I can, and shall, procure the materials to make a satanic rosary. It won't be fancy, just a string with beads on it. I'd definitely like to make a better one later on.

Am I correct in assuming the rosary gives a significant advantage towards ritual workings? One is long overdue for me. Both the rosary and ritual.

May we free this world, sooner rather than later. I am glad I remained in the faith, and will try to help as much as I can.
If you use a rosary, it's best to use a different one for white magick and a different one for black magick. Personally, since for black magick I can always count the repetitions (it's never "81 repetitions" like the Moon square... :p) I don't use a rosary.

Στις 1:16 μ.μ. Κυριακή, 26 Οκτωβρίου 2014, ο/η "exarkuun1991@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] έγραψε:

  Good. I was wondering when the next group ritual was going to take place. On the first I can, and shall, procure the materials to make a satanic rosary. It won't be fancy, just a string with beads on it. I'd definitely like to make a better one later on.

Am I correct in assuming the rosary gives a significant advantage towards ritual workings? One is long overdue for me. Both the rosary and ritual.

May we free this world, sooner rather than later. I am glad I remained in the faith, and will try to help as much as I can.

Would this be in the form of a standard ritual? Or, do we vibrate certain runes, and then once the energy is raised we state our affirmations?
Any book written by a kike, and most of them are aren't trustworthy. Usually kikes put half truths in, and a bunch of other jewish crap. Sometimes, certain books, although I'm not gonna put any out there as I am not aware of any of them yet, you can read between the lines and gain information.

Hail Satan for helping us to see the truth.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
