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Serious concerns about my race...


Dec 12, 2023
I'm having some serious concerns about my race... These are somewhat unarticulated thoughts. Apologies if it's difficult to read at times.


1. I don't know if I'm Jewish, which doesn't make sense and I know is also a form of psychic attack, but I just can't shake the feeling, and the feeling of no sense of belonging anywhere. I have some weird features, such as "Stahl's ear" which the origin of the word itself is apparently Germanic and Ashkenazi Jewish. I am worried is this some coen-gene reptillian DNA shit? And a few of the features listed in the Identify jews pdfs, albeit they are kinda common in Bengalis (I am one) bcos of heavy race-mixing in the Indian continent (full lips, slightly asian eyes, kinda weird ears, small bump in the nose but NOT like the ugly jew type nose). That being said, my features are harmonious and overall attractive, not uncanny looking and mismatched like a Jew. Is there a possibility of being a Jew Indian tho?? or Am i overthinking. Idk if anyone is familiar with MBTI would consider "INTJ" a "Jew-ey" personality? There is a lot to imply I am not a Jew, but it is hard to verify and is unreliable. E.g., the numbers "666" is/were prevalent in most of my legal documents, very strong attraction to the occult, paganism and the Norse/Greek Gods, frequent synchronicities etc., but how can I be sure?

2. I don't know if I am some sort of British bastard soul or Jewish or what and it's tearing me apart, I need a way to figure it out with certainty. What can I do? I almost Identify as being European and share in the grief over their plight, and I genuinely forget I'm not white and have to remind myself. Idk if this is just because of hatred of leftist politics over the years or... but it's kinda always been the case. Or Idk if this is from reading too much about European culture, extensive travels/scholarly studies in past lives, or due to having a mixed soul because for some reason I find Indian culture quite unnappealing. Perhaps if certain factors such as poverty wasn't so prevalent this would change my perception.

3. I am not attracted to my race because the Indian continent is too mixed-race and most of the one's in the UK do not look like me. I hate the fact India is a heavily mixed culture... Will this ever be rectified or have us seperate from the other types such as Dravidians and what not with our own countries? Most of the population density of Indian's in the UK are not the type of Indian's that I am attracted to. They are either brown, black, muslim or just straight up unnattractive or too dissimilar to me. I also see way too many attractive European women frequently because of the population ratio (naturally, beauty is rare, and so the higher the numbers of a population, the more chances of seeing that rarity) and seeing them, being attracted to them, whilst not seeing very many good examples of my own race is creating an unwanted attachment to them by sheer repetition and the void of no viable women of my own race. Even searching on Google and celebrities... They just don't... "feel right" or like they're of "my people" including North Indians. My personality is also incompatible with like 80% of people, which makes it harder to resist when these hoes and coal burners flirt with me as there is a creeping sense of desperation at this point due to heavy Libra placements, and because I am 24 and have not yet had sex because of the above dilemma^ my resolve is kinda starting to crack from their attention and the constant interaction with multiculturalism in my work sector. On top of this, I have horrible love/relationship karma, which just makes it all even harder... I see many of the actual attractive Indian's have annoyingly micsegenated with white or black men and I can never be sure of their cleanliness as they also lie about it. It feels very difficult to find a compatible partner considering all of the above factors. Will the love spell really work or does the extremity of factors require a more powerful magickal ability to overcome? How long does a love spell typically take? My HYADES fixed star is making me too hungry for sex which I've been desperately holding back.

4. I feel more closer to certain Iranian/Pakistani branches such as Sindhi's, despite being born in Bangladesh. Is it possible my real ratial heritage is there? If not, am I still able to date people from there or is India/Bangladesh too different racially and/or genetically.

I am from Britain but I am Bangladeshi, however, I always feel like an alien around people who are from Bangladesh, as well as the Indian continent overall. In fact, I feel like a foreigner basically everywhere I go, not too dissimilar to the feeling I assume a mixed-race person experiences.

Admittedly, I haven't had much exposure to Indian culture, but I am really not attracted to it outside of the topic of spirituality, nor am I attracted to the people (namely women) and do not feel a sense of kinship with fellow Indians. I cannot view them as "my people", but I don't know why. In fact, I don't really feel I belong anywhere because of this. Which I hope does not somehow make me a jew. My throat/heart chakra is also weak, which worries me. And as I do not look like the typical Indian either. I look more Iranian with slight Asiatic features and very pale skin.

I hate the fact India is mixed race. How could this happen? I wish I had a country or something of the type of Indians that look like me. Just white. Not this mixed bullshit.

I've always felt attracted to European cultures, especially Britain and ESPECIALLY Medieval England in regards to any sort of mythological stuff. Almost as if I had been there before. There is a great feeling of familiarity and magnetism, same as how I felt towards the Greek Gods. I was extremely attracted to the occult and mythological beliefs present there. Which makes me wonder if some British soldier raped one of my ancestors and I have their blood memory or some shit.
Okay I think the Libra bullshit just makes me delusional about my self-image, as I just looked in the mirror and the bump is hardly noticeable, lol. There is a Sun-moon conjunct in first house as co-ruler and a hard Saturn aspects/degrees gave me a few dodgy features, and so I don't think I am a jew, I hope.
You ask yourself too many questions when you already know that these questions are psychic attack.
You seem sensible, surely intelligent.

Instead to live in England despite you are not racially British, and of course not really well because aware of the mismatch, why don't you go and live in Bangladesh in a more traditional way of life ?

Your profile would be an advantage over there, your European culture will elevate you socially - skills for international job/business, meet the straighest women of the country in adequation with your genetics...
There is many beautiful women in Asia and Bangladesh has a rich Ancient Pagan Culture.

Often we feel bad because we are not in the right place or with the right people and must do something else.
First of all, I ask you to use Joy of Satan666 and not AskSatan. AskSatan is for anonymous questions from the dedicated site.

For the rest if you feel you don't belong to anything or the like, remember that you dedicated yourself to Satan, the memories of the dedication can erase that kind of psychic attack.
In addition.. people make a big deal about their looks. When it's not even necessary in a lot of areas. It builds up doubt and it adds stress to the soul. And your mind should be focused on things more positive. I honestly think that the soul and the energy of the person is more important? To take consideration of if you are afraid of enemies? Or if you think of yourself as one? Then obviously it's a psychic attack, the mind and the spirit is a beautiful tool! That is why we cleanse it and that is why we protect it from enemy scores.
You ask yourself too many questions when you already know that these questions are psychic attack.
You seem sensible, surely intelligent.

Instead to live in England despite you are not racially British, and of course not really well because aware of the mismatch, why don't you go and live in Bangladesh in a more traditional way of life ?

Your profile would be an advantage over there, your European culture will elevate you socially - skills for international job/business, meet the straighest women of the country in adequation with your genetics...
There is many beautiful women in Asia and Bangladesh has a rich Ancient Pagan Culture.

Often we feel bad because we are not in the right place or with the right people and must do something else.
It's not as simple as it sounds. It's the same as me saying 'you're an American, so why not back your bags and go to Sweden where you can be with your Nordic ancestral roots'... You'd have to uproot your entire life and adapt to a new language and culture that's completely foreign to what you're accustomed to (except it's also poverty wridden, thoroughly debased and everything is shitty quality—even the ice cream, lol).

I've visited Bangladesh recently and I can't speak the language properly, I also think my abilities would be wasted there. And I barely have the emotional intelligence to navigate my current social situations properly, I'm sure I'd get absolutely nowhere if I had to switch to and learn an entirely new language and culture as well.

And I'm not sure whether or not I am actually racially compatible with the majority of Bangladeshi women either, which is what I'm trying to figure out and why I'm worried there's some random jew blood in my DNA somewhere. Probably not, though... but I'm not sure if mixing with the browner complexions would be considered race-mixing or not even if we are technically from the same country. It would be logical, though. And if so, it doesn't make sense for me to be with them—then who am I supposed to be with? I wish I could see my exact racial composition, because I'm not entirely sure how to identify "my people" and I don't want to "muddy" myself.

First of all, I ask you to use Joy of Satan666 and not AskSatan. AskSatan is for anonymous questions from the dedicated site.

For the rest if you feel you don't belong to anything or the like, remember that you dedicated yourself to Satan, the memories of the dedication can erase that kind of psychic attack.
Oh, yeah I probably would've got more help on there. I'm too used to spamming ask.satan.net

And oh, Idk why I thought nothing happens to Jew's who dedicate except they get ignored. I did the RTRs once but I didn't really feel all that different. Not bad, not good, just the same. What would happen if I were even 1% Jew?

You are not a Jew. A lot of us got attacked with this, I couldn't decide this for months, and had these thoughts even 1 years into meditation, when I already had experiences.

A few rounds of FRTR+KT+SJSP should more likely damage a Jew. The exact consequences are totally individual, you could feel heat from it, or even feel sick, even if you are a gentile, because curses come to the surface. cleaning (specifically RCpt1) is advised after a RTR session for this reason.
As I had mentioned in your other thread, do not dwell on this. At least not more than it needs to be.

What you are having, is a sort of existential attack or call it a hybid crisis, idk. I think this is normal for the newly dedicated SS who originate from countries that are in a racial mess, cuz our lives are not as straight as the lives of those who are racially purer, we have to worry a lot more about our identity than anyone else, so it really is normal for such newer SS to have such attacks after being exposed to knowledge which they not yet fully understand. This could be from enemy or just your subconscious. Don't dwell on the negative ones, such as the 'am i a jew' attack.

You need to calm yourself in this situation. Don't make serious decisions so early, don't overthink. No you don't have to move to Bangladesh, at least not yet, no one is forcing you. It's your choice really. If the Gods ever will it, to send you to Bangladesh, you will begin to notice it. And for that you need to first spritually advance. So don't worry about living in a white country, as long as you don't engage in interracial relationships, there is no problem. Give yourself a year or two, spiritually. Even within one year a lot of things will become clearer to you as you clean yourself and elevate spiritually.

You literally live in the UK, you will have no issues with getting a racially compatible wife from Bangladesh or Bangla as whole, women living in second and third world countries literally line up to marry men from their own race living in first world countries.
You need to worry more about your professional life than getting a compatible wife. If you have a good, stable, and providing future, many women will want to be with you, and with magick you will find the right one who fits your definition.

I would suggest it's better if you at least give yourself 1 year to empower yourself, and after that you can start a working to attract the right woman. You will be more powerful and wiser than you are right now. Until then, do workings for other things to improve your life, make yourself comfortable and knowledgable with magick and how to handle it.

As for RTRs. Its the Final RTR that has to be done everyday if possible. Seriously dedicated SS do it everyday, so doing it once isn't enough.

Don't rush things. And I don't think you are a jew, this a common attack, ignore it. Clean your Aura and work on your Aura of Protection everyday no matter what.
Give yourself time to advance spritually.

Hail Satan!
In my case I think it is related to the "soul and energy of a person" due to an unfortunate Libra Sun/Moon 1st House placement, I just get delusions in this area from time to time, both positive and negative in nature.

Ohh okay, that's reasurring. When I did the more intense aura cleansing with the sun above the head thing in the RTR pdf, my organs were in slight pain and I was worried it was cos I was a Jew, lol. Probably it just surfaced a lot of crap that the regular aura cleansing wasn't strong enough to reach... Just out of curiosity, how long have you been meditating? And I know it's an individual circumstances thing, but what/when were the major "milestones" of your developmental journey?

Hmm, yes, I think I do not have a good enough understanding of racial genetics or physiognomy and I blew it out of proportion due to a lack of having adequate information.

And you're right, this multicultural crap is starting to get on my nerves, especially when I see they are now importing third-world immigrants and Muslims into Japan and already seeing the influx of YouTube mixed-race propaganda is getting spammed about Japan and that is one of my favourite countries. You can see they are going to try and guilt-trip them into being lenient with shit like this:

They are destroying everything with their abominations of nature, even watching TV shows like Star Trek seeing fucking Alien monkey shit breeding characters with white women. I am not white, but I feel a sense of protectiveness over all races and it angers me extremely to witness especially when I know who is behind it and that it is a deliberate destruction of innocent people, of whom, I cannot even warn against the dangers. It is extremely frustrating to witness here in the UK, and there is an internal conflict in myself as well because technically I do not belong here either, but I love the original Britain also.

I have an urge to inform everyone of the truth, but this will only lead to my own downfall and the combined factors of everything above are probably leaking into my own confusion about race as well. It is like I am already walking around in the aftermath of an apocalypse surrounded by the fumes of degeneracy, and I am too sensitive to my environments, which I tend to absorb too easily and leaks into my subconscious and dreams. The inability to speak about it publicly, I feel like a mental patient being forced to wear a strait-jacket and tongue sewn shut. Sorry for the rant.
AFODO I was being sarcastic. 👁
I honestly think that people take themselves too seriously these days.
Yes I would be quite concerned if I was jewish. But I honestly think that people are taking this Jewish / Gentile thing a bit too seriously. Laugh out loud people need to settle down. And get real. And not let their fears and their psychic attacks do their thinking for them! People need to do their own thinking? And take the time to do their family research. If a person is so worried about their looks and so obsessed about what others think of them? And what they look like? They are watching too much Hollywood Access. Obviously the Natural Soul and the energy of the individual person speaks for his or herself.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
