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Self improvement for women


Well-known member
Aug 31, 2019
Atop the ashes of Isreal
Inspired by Jrvan recently on his improvement post for men, and because this is also something i have wanted to make for a while I have written here what would be some very helpful tips for women to improve their self image and femininity.

Especially as SS we are striving to be the best versions of ourselves in all facets. This is a no brainer that it should also include optimal health, hygiene and physical beauty. these things at optimal range are not only healthy for a woman's self esteem and will power to attract what she wants and needs, for vitality and longevity, but the soul is also a reflection of the body and vice versa.

It is a biological fact that strong healthy and beautiful women will be big factors in producing strong healthy and beautiful children. It is extremely important to select mates using eugenics and racial hygiene practices. To attract the best possible mate however and to live at optimal health it helps to do the following:

Healthwise and beauty
Stay away from sugar and excess carbohydrates especially if your elemental make up is water/earth dominant. It will contribute to excess weight gain, acne, and over all toxin production. There have been studies done that show sugar is even more addictive than cocaine and one who withdraws from sugar literally experiences withdrawl symptoms.

Stay clear of drugs, alcohol, dip and smoking. If you are addicted try to quit. A freeing the soul working will help. these things not only are detrimental to many parts of your body and overall health by causing various toxin build up and eventually disease, it causes the most unsightly and bad smelling things to happen to your teeth, breath and skin, nails and hair, and also you fat content, with alcohol specifically. Alcohol also increases the risk for breast cancer. These things not only damage physical appeal significantly but are very hazardous to health and even can shorten your life.

Workout if you have the time, but focus on toning not bulk. A lot of people nowadays especially in the USA which is the most overworked country in the world work 10 to 12 hour days and even on weekends. If no time is left for this sort of self care at least try to eat healthy and drink a lot of water. Hydration is also very important for the skin. Our bodies are made up of almost 75% water.

Loose the weight if you have it and keep it off. I do not care what the jewish body positive movement says or the fat acceptance movement, being overweight is a sign of being unhealthy, and used in terms of already have born children which from a biological standpoint yes i am sorry to say, decreases appeal. HP has already made a post about the obesity epidemic, and the promotion of this type of gluttony is extremely degenerate and cuts the life in half. Many americans on average are either slightly to at least moderately overweight or carry excess weight on the belly or thighs and hips. No matter what anyone tells you i have to reveal a hard truth: it will never be cute or attractive. I know there are a lot of what is called unfair standards of beauty but there is an actual objective standard of beauty that has to do with body and facial symmetry. A lot of the worlds most beautiful women however, also go through great lengths to look good, and this includes keeping the weight and excess fat off with strict dieting.

I don't want to hear the excuses of but its my genetics, or, ive done everything but i have (insert hormonal/thyroid issue here). Ok, do nothing then and admit defeat, but you will have to accept that you will be retaining features that many will consider unattractive or less desirable. Especially if you want to go for someone who is really "hot" in this case I hate to break it to you that they will want someone as hot as they are and that you will not fit the bill. It sucks to hear, but the truth is there is always a way to get around fat and excess weight. Alot of TCM options are also great for helping out with this, for the kapha body types.

Get rid of your cellulite Now this is a tough one. Not only does it plague 95 percent of all women fat, thin and in between, but it is one of the greatest cosmetic uphill battle women have. Despite what a lot say, even though shrinking fat cells will help diminish the appearance of cellulite, but cellulite itself is not a fat problem but a collagen problem.
This is due to the fact that within our menstrual cycles collagen at some point is broken down in the body, which allows certain pockets of fat to bulge through causing an unsightly dimple like appearance. It is most common on the legs, especially the back of the legs, and buttocks, but other areas can be affected as well.

as far as spiritual workings, a planetary square, runic working, or working with Venusian energy in general may help with this cosmetic issue in the long run. Aggressive treatments that stimulate collagen production and shrink fat cells such as Venus freeze treatments can be very effective for this but also expensive. Cupping also is shown to work especially when combined with dry brushing and using scrubs containing caffeine because caffeine tightens and lifts the skin. Jojoba oil also does this as well as moisturizes and promotes the sebum balance in the skin. All of the above treatments combined will produce the best results IMO. This is also a work in progress for me personally. I even made my own homemade coffee scrub with coffee grounds, jojoba oil, essential peppermint oil, coconut oil and cacao, inspired by a girl who makes her own skincare products with the above ingredients and also uses cupping for cellulite treatment and has had results.

Take care of your hair nails and skin These are another part of us that signal health fertility and beauty. Grow your hair long and put effort into taking care of it. Be sure also to style it in a way that flatters your face shape. Especially if you have a prominent jaw line with a square face and broad shoulders, long hair also in layers softens these features. Plucking your eyebrows according to what flatters your face shape is also strongly advised. Always use sunscreen outdoors or otherwise minimize excessive sun exposure (some is good for you). SPF broad spectrum 50 is advised, as UVA and UVB rays damage skin and can also cause cancer in excess. Tanning also darkens the skin and fairer skinned women (this will actually also depend on your race but i speak for whites on this one) are generally seen as more youthful looking and attractive.

With that being said some other tips for treating some skin problems like spider veins and scarring can also include IPL and laser resurfacing treatments. This works great for acne scarring, burns and sun damage, and UV induced sun spots, and freckles. IPL lasering also works great for excessive hair on the face, back, chest, stomach and legs. IPL and laser resurfacing is an all in one for the aforementioned and is great for skin imperfections. Especially if you are mediterranian, slavic, celtic, or arab, take it as no surprise if you struggle with excessive face or body hair like a motherfucker. It sucks, especially when it irritates the follicles and becomes a big source of acne. This can especially be so if your mars is afflicted. Combining the proper TCM for excess liver fire, a mars square to only have mars manifest positively, detox and hydration combined with IPL can have a great impact. IPL for sun damage often yields results after one treat ment but several other conditions like scarring, veins and cellulite will have to be repeated. This is again expensive and only worth it if you have the means. Exfoliating along with certain vitamin A products can be cheaper alternatives but will be much slower in yielding results. Do not forget to moisturize your skin.

There are also over the counter products that help with breakouts that contain salicic acid or differen gel. applying these products also before and after shaving any part of the body can help prevent the follicles from getting infected and causing a break out. Biore strips or charcoal strips are great for pulling out blackheads and filth from the skin. you just apply them to the affected area after your shower (the skin must be wet and ideally will have been under warm water to open the pores to clean them out) Use an astringent after or cold water to wash your face.

practice proper hygiene and dress well. Dress feminine Hygienic practices show health and beauty as well as showing you care about yourself and take pride in your appearance. Kissing, sex, cuddling or any form of intimacy can be easily killed if you are look and smell nasty. Dressing well also shows pride in appearance and highlights the most appealing parts of you when done in good taste.

do not wear foundation Especially if the above is practiced, there should be no need. Make up is a great way to highlight the most beautiful parts of your face and eyes but it should in no way be used to cover anything up. Don't cake on foundation. Don't put on fake lashes.(some mascara can look great) Do not be fake. Also i must note the aforementioned laser treatments given work by stimulating the body's natural collagen production and by no means does it relate to Botox or unnaturally adding foreign elements to the body permanently or anything along the lines of liposuction, which is the permanent removal of fat cells versus helping them get smaller. stay away from botox and lipo Its fine to want to go to great lengths to look good but stay away from these as well as any plastic surgery. Nose jobs, boob jobs, injectons, lip jobs , pff. Fake is gross.

You want to attract someone that is going to be attracted to and love the real you. You don't want him to be disappointed when you take all that make up off. Certain types of make up, especially foundation can be very deceptive. I was told several times i should wear foundation. I had skin problems with acne and others and it made me very insecure but i never wanted to cover it. I wanted people to be attracted to the real me so i did something about it. And it included a lot of the above. I must attest that it has had phenomenal results. A lot of people tell me i look 5 to 7 years younger than what i already do.

Physical attraction is important and means the difference between romance and friendship and no amount of feminism or body positive movement bs will change this. There are sadly some women who are genetically ugly and would only be redeemed this way by plastic surgery. These are sadly the ones that will remain single or will just have to accept someone else who is ugly or at most even average physically if they are lucky. For others, if you want to attract someone who is physically really up there, you have to accept he will want someone as hot as he is so you better have something to offer and work for attaining it. In the long run it is extremely healthy for the romance aspect as well as the pairbonding.

The next points show how this bonding can last especially if both are beautiful on the outside as well as the inside. SO.

Be humble and receptive but be selective Be realistic about your situation and current state and who it has the potential of attracting. If you are dissatisfied with it then make it better. Because of brainwashing by feminism also, a lot of women make a point of closing off vulnerability and stiff arming men that try to get close to and influence them even if it is benevolently. They think its some sort of loosing face " you cant tell me what to do!" No one is saying you have to be ordered around or barked at. This mentality is also hebrew crap. But not allowing a man to influence you basically says you don't want him to love and care about you. Because the first thing he does when he realize he feels attached to you is be there, is trying to solve your problems, protect you and so in a way yes, telling you what to do. You don't have to tolerate someone controlling. But when you notice him doing this and he is someone you like you need to let him know you see what he is doing and its important for him to know you know he means well for you. It will foster closeness and romance to the extreme. Men are attracted to vulnerability and reception and no matter how "femme" his elemental make up may makes him in some cases no amount of jewish social engineering is going to change this. Its important to recognize and respect it.

I had someone recently who showed interest in me. All of a sudden he wanted to give me money for something that i thought to have lost or had stolen, and he told me i was going to take the money no matter what and there was no catch behind it. (i gave it back because i found the item and it would have been dishonest otherwise) he showed interest in my problems and on the job (i have a dangerous job) was overly concerned with my safety more than others. It told me enough, and i could tell it was genuine. Behavior like this speaks louder than the haphazard "i love you" after a week just because someone wants to sleep with you. If someone demonstrates this behavior to me the entire time we are together they don't even have to tell me they love me. By doing what they do their actions would tell me everyday as long as they kept behaving this way.

Being fun loving and intelligent go a long way in order to have things to talk about and fun activities to do together. Pairs bond best when they are actively doing things together.

Be emotionally intelligent Empathy goes a long way as well as patience. Just be sure to be selective with your empathy and compassion. Make it known that you do not value yourself cheaply and will not open to just anyone, but at the same time do not play games. Let things happen organically and according to your nature.

For those that want children being maternal and having domestic skills is pretty important. Traditional roles are best for children because it allows the children to grow up with both parents and it helps foster family life. If a woman chooses this role she is giving the ultimate trust to her partner, as she is giving up all means of material autonomy to look after their children. All the more reason to be selective as choosing the wrong mate can leave you on the street and in poverty.

practice racial hygene and eugenics Do not select someone who has a history or family genetic disposition to any mental illness or who has predispositions to addictions. Stay away from those who have significant criminal records especially violent ones. You can do a background check. Making sure there are no jewish genes is a given, as well as ruling out genetic diseases and other predispositions to undesirable genetic manifestations in offspring.

Another obvious one is stick to your own race, but also better yet even more specifically your specific sub-race. If you are predominantly nordic you will find yourself attracted to people more like yourself in physical features and in temperament. Same goes for mediterranians, slavs, Celts, ect. Members of a certain black subrace will find others like them more attractive and close to them than other blacks, and likewise with asians.

have a clear picture about what you want out of life Know what you want and go for it. Be consistent and efficient. Doing this and having stability in areas of your life, such as your self image, health and knowing how to allow good people into your life and keeping trash out, as well as being selective with what partner to attract will significantly help your quality of life. Selectivity with everything means success, especially when you have something to offer back to who or what you select. Managing stress and keeping priorities straight is always also extremely important.
Ditching stilettos and any other sort of high heels is something I would suggest. I hope to eventually see a revolution against high heels. They just destroy your body. Aside from foot problems they also hurt your back alignment. It's not worth it. There are so many feminine footwear options that aren't high heels. I sometimes get jealous of the variety of footwear that women have access to.

Clothing wise, I would go the opposite direction in my own opinion if I'm understanding correctly what you meant. A long time ago women used to wear something called a chemise which is different from what we call a chemise today. Back then it was a sort of long sleeved undergarment, an under dress - they would wear them under an over dress which could lack sleeves. Paired with a bonnet or cute sun hat, this will provide good sun protection and distinguish you from other women in my opinion. I think it looks more dignified than modern clothing, personally. It's my own view that showing more skin is better to be saved for bathing/swimming, gyms, and the home and bedroom. If anyone needs to show too much skin to attract someone then I feel like something is missing with the person, and it shouldn't come as a surprise with the shallow types of men that are attracted by that. Just my opinion though.

Some other things in the relationship department I could add:
men have this thing where they really love expressed appreciation for the things they do. Even a simple acknowledgement like "I saw what you did" can boost their whole day. They really love being appreciated for what they do, like I can't emphasize it enough. Doing this will really make them happy, and ignoring their efforts can really bum them out. It's not that this isn't important for women too, but it seems to be especially important to men.
Taking a genuine active interest in their activities, hobbies, interests, and ideas will win you a lot of points with a man too.

By the way, I found out about this Indian item that I can't remember the name of... but it's some sort of Ayurvedic silk glove for rubbing the body with. Supposedly it functions like the dry brush for types that aren't dominant in the Kapha Dosha, and the dry brush is better for Kapha types. Maybe it would interest you to look into.
jrvan said:
Ditching stilettos and any other sort of high heels is something I would suggest. I hope to eventually see a revolution against high heels. They just destroy your body. Aside from foot problems they also hurt your back alignment. It's not worth it. There are so many feminine footwear options that aren't high heels. I sometimes get jealous of the variety of footwear that women have access to.

Clothing wise, I would go the opposite direction in my own opinion if I'm understanding correctly what you meant. A long time ago women used to wear something called a chemise which is different from what we call a chemise today. Back then it was a sort of long sleeved undergarment, an under dress - they would wear them under an over dress which could lack sleeves. Paired with a bonnet or cute sun hat, this will provide good sun protection and distinguish you from other women in my opinion. I think it looks more dignified than modern clothing, personally. It's my own view that showing more skin is better to be saved for bathing/swimming, gyms, and the home and bedroom. If anyone needs to show too much skin to attract someone then I feel like something is missing with the person, and it shouldn't come as a surprise with the shallow types of men that are attracted by that. Just my opinion though.

Some other things in the relationship department I could add:
men have this thing where they really love expressed appreciation for the things they do. Even a simple acknowledgement like "I saw what you did" can boost their whole day. They really love being appreciated for what they do, like I can't emphasize it enough. Doing this will really make them happy, and ignoring their efforts can really bum them out. It's not that this isn't important for women too, but it seems to be especially important to men.
Taking a genuine active interest in their activities, hobbies, interests, and ideas will win you a lot of points with a man too.

By the way, I found out about this Indian item that I can't remember the name of... but it's some sort of Ayurvedic silk glove for rubbing the body with. Supposedly it functions like the dry brush for types that aren't dominant in the Kapha Dosha, and the dry brush is better for Kapha types. Maybe it would interest you to look into.

I myself am kapha and use a dry brush. There are actually a lot of guys that want their women to wear high heels and are even critical of the way they walk.

As for showing skin i honestly would not care if everyone was naked. Problem is almost everyone associates nudity with sex and shame because of xtian crap when its really just something natural. If showing any amount of skin is to be seen as normal in any of the above given settings it might as well be elsewhere as well without it being seen as attention whoring or something out of the ordinary or warranting harassment. But sadly this is what sexual repression does.

I was doing some yoga stretches in front of everyone at work since we were on a safety stand down at one of my last jobs. My foreman and supervisor started making comments when i bent over to touch my toes like ummm your are looking like you are inviting something maybe you should face the building.

I said what is this saudi arabia? what do you want me to do wear a burka? Its not my fault sexually repressed people can't control their urges all i am doing is stretching...(and i was in my dirty workcloths for fuck sake)

the supervisor asked "have you never worked around construction guys before" obviously I have dumbass i've been welding for 8 years... :roll:

I know i have a dirty mind and laugh at dirty and earthy jokes....but pfff.

The more you meditate the more frustrated and farther you will feel removed from npcs. It starts to get lonely but this path is worth it. I am hoping everyone will have healthy and more spiritual and respectful views reguarding all of theses things in the future to come.
Shadowcat said:
jrvan said:
Ditching stilettos and any other sort of high heels is something I would suggest. I hope to eventually see a revolution against high heels. They just destroy your body. Aside from foot problems they also hurt your back alignment. It's not worth it. There are so many feminine footwear options that aren't high heels. I sometimes get jealous of the variety of footwear that women have access to.

Clothing wise, I would go the opposite direction in my own opinion if I'm understanding correctly what you meant. A long time ago women used to wear something called a chemise which is different from what we call a chemise today. Back then it was a sort of long sleeved undergarment, an under dress - they would wear them under an over dress which could lack sleeves. Paired with a bonnet or cute sun hat, this will provide good sun protection and distinguish you from other women in my opinion. I think it looks more dignified than modern clothing, personally. It's my own view that showing more skin is better to be saved for bathing/swimming, gyms, and the home and bedroom. If anyone needs to show too much skin to attract someone then I feel like something is missing with the person, and it shouldn't come as a surprise with the shallow types of men that are attracted by that. Just my opinion though.

Some other things in the relationship department I could add:
men have this thing where they really love expressed appreciation for the things they do. Even a simple acknowledgement like "I saw what you did" can boost their whole day. They really love being appreciated for what they do, like I can't emphasize it enough. Doing this will really make them happy, and ignoring their efforts can really bum them out. It's not that this isn't important for women too, but it seems to be especially important to men.
Taking a genuine active interest in their activities, hobbies, interests, and ideas will win you a lot of points with a man too.

By the way, I found out about this Indian item that I can't remember the name of... but it's some sort of Ayurvedic silk glove for rubbing the body with. Supposedly it functions like the dry brush for types that aren't dominant in the Kapha Dosha, and the dry brush is better for Kapha types. Maybe it would interest you to look into.

I myself am kapha and use a dry brush. There are actually a lot of guys that want their women to wear high heels and are even critical of the way they walk.

As for showing skin i honestly would not care if everyone was naked. Problem is almost everyone associates nudity with sex and shame because of xtian crap when its really just something natural. If showing any amount of skin is to be seen as normal in any of the above given settings it might as well be elsewhere as well without it being seen as attention whoring or something out of the ordinary or warranting harassment. But sadly this is what sexual repression does.

I was doing some yoga stretches in front of everyone at work since we were on a safety stand down at one of my last jobs. My foreman and supervisor started making comments when i bent over to touch my toes like ummm your are looking like you are inviting something maybe you should face the building.

I said what is this saudi arabia? what do you want me to do wear a burka? Its not my fault sexually repressed people can't control their urges all i am doing is stretching...(and i was in my dirty workcloths for fuck sake)

the supervisor asked "have you never worked around construction guys before" obviously I have dumbass i've been welding for 8 years... :roll:

I know i have a dirty mind and laugh at dirty and earthy jokes....but pfff.

The more you meditate the more frustrated and farther you will feel removed from npcs. It starts to get lonely but this path is worth it. I am hoping everyone will have healthy and more spiritual and respectful views reguarding all of theses things in the future to come.

Well I mean... the bare skin naturally has a seductive quality to it. Showing your bare legs is partial nudity, and I mean that as a neutral statement without any implications or undertones. Since we don't live in a society yet where people race through the streets naked like they did in Rome, I see it as another example of what you were talking about with being selective. Who do you want to allow to see your body with its exposed skin? That's the question. Wearing long clothing not only makes for effective sun protection, but it also makes your naked body a surprise to whoever you want to show it to because they haven't seen it before. Of course everyone is different, and that won't be important to everyone. I find it shows increased class and dignity, but again that's just me.

I'll also say that I think if someone has to go as far as wearing stilettos then they have attracted the wrong kind of man. I would even use it as an indicator for such. I know a lot of men desire it, and that fact disgusts me. I don't understand how anyone could get turned on by women hurting themselves. I really despise how ubiquitous high heels are in the culture. It's unhealthy.
Here are some important advice for women that I have because of my experiences

- Learn how to communicate properly. Men are not mind readers. I can't know what you want me to do unless you tell me. Being passive aggressive against me makes me think you want to fight. Just tell me clearly how you feel ,and why you feel that way so I get it.

-Don't play games. If you use sex as a bargaining tool and say stuff like "Oh you didn't do X for me ? No Sex for you then. " You might get away with average men using this tactic but a man who has options is not going to be very appreciative of this behavior. Infact he might kick you to the curb if you try playing games with him.

-Do not have promiscuous sex and don't be on the pill. Having promiscuous sex makes you lose your pair bonding ability and your ability to Feel love is going to go away. And the pill changes your bodies biochemistry to make you depressed, anxious and more promiscuous.

-Stop blowing up my phone. I don't want to talk to you all the time and I want my alone time and peace. Just because I'm not giving you attention doesn't mean I'm talking to someone else.

-Stop nagging me. Don't act like my mom. If you do this a man will surely lose sexual attraction for you. Stop complaining and bickering all the time. Just tell your man what the problem is succinctly and he'll fix it.

-Stop forcing me to watch Web series I don't want to watch. I don't like drama, okay ? Leave me alone with my Documentaries Podcasts and Crypto charts. I don't want to watch Euphoria. I don't want to watch it. I don't care about Zendaya. I didn't know who that bitch was until you forced it down my throat. Watch it with earphones on your side of the bed and let me sleep.

- Learn how to cook if you don't and cook me good food. I want to be a kept man and that means cooking me good food and keeping me satisfied. The kitchen is your domain. I hate cooking food and I hate buying food and I want you to do it for me.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=324753 time=1644837946 user_id=57]
This is a great post, Shadowcat :)

Btw, grapefruit essential oil supposedly helps with cellulite. Mix a few drops into a carrier oil first, then massage in.

yes she named this as well when i was watching her vid..however i discovered that it possibly had components in it that can cause cancer so i steered clear for safety
Jack said:
Here are some important advice for women that I have because of my experiences

- Learn how to communicate properly. Men are not mind readers. I can't know what you want me to do unless you tell me. Being passive aggressive against me makes me think you want to fight. Just tell me clearly how you feel ,and why you feel that way so I get it.

-Don't play games. If you use sex as a bargaining tool and say stuff like "Oh you didn't do X for me ? No Sex for you then. " You might get away with average men using this tactic but a man who has options is not going to be very appreciative of this behavior. Infact he might kick you to the curb if you try playing games with him.

-Do not have promiscuous sex and don't be on the pill. Having promiscuous sex makes you lose your pair bonding ability and your ability to Feel love is going to go away. And the pill changes your bodies biochemistry to make you depressed, anxious and more promiscuous.

-Stop blowing up my phone. I don't want to talk to you all the time and I want my alone time and peace. Just because I'm not giving you attention doesn't mean I'm talking to someone else.

-Stop nagging me. Don't act like my mom. If you do this a man will surely lose sexual attraction for you. Stop complaining and bickering all the time. Just tell your man what the problem is succinctly and he'll fix it.

-Stop forcing me to watch Web series I don't want to watch. I don't like drama, okay ? Leave me alone with my Documentaries Podcasts and Crypto charts. I don't want to watch Euphoria. I don't want to watch it. I don't care about Zendaya. I didn't know who that bitch was until you forced it down my throat. Watch it with earphones on your side of the bed and let me sleep.

- Learn how to cook if you don't and cook me good food. I want to be a kept man and that means cooking me good food and keeping me satisfied. The kitchen is your domain. I hate cooking food and I hate buying food and I want you to do it for me.

These are some good points. the mind reader deal along with the play games was something i listed as well and they way you did it also here listing other things and elaborating on others was helpful. anyone who holds sex or the relationship hostage is toxic.

Men try to tell us what to do because they care. but women folk are gunna nag and bitch because they care :lol: there are two types of this though and it sounds like you may be talking of the latter.

L2cook? Don't be goin' on bout that sammich now :lol: How 'bout the salmon with rice and green beans or steak and potato with cheese :3. I'm talking if women are going to stay at home and raise kids they have to pull their weight also while the man provides. I knew a dude whos GF at the time would get on him to help her cook dinner...really? he just worked for you all day!

Ps: if shes draining you SSbro you really do need to kick her to the curb :|
jrvan said:
Shadowcat said:
jrvan said:
Ditching stilettos and any other sort of high heels is something I would suggest. I hope to eventually see a revolution against high heels. They just destroy your body. Aside from foot problems they also hurt your back alignment. It's not worth it. There are so many feminine footwear options that aren't high heels. I sometimes get jealous of the variety of footwear that women have access to.

Clothing wise, I would go the opposite direction in my own opinion if I'm understanding correctly what you meant. A long time ago women used to wear something called a chemise which is different from what we call a chemise today. Back then it was a sort of long sleeved undergarment, an under dress - they would wear them under an over dress which could lack sleeves. Paired with a bonnet or cute sun hat, this will provide good sun protection and distinguish you from other women in my opinion. I think it looks more dignified than modern clothing, personally. It's my own view that showing more skin is better to be saved for bathing/swimming, gyms, and the home and bedroom. If anyone needs to show too much skin to attract someone then I feel like something is missing with the person, and it shouldn't come as a surprise with the shallow types of men that are attracted by that. Just my opinion though.

Some other things in the relationship department I could add:
men have this thing where they really love expressed appreciation for the things they do. Even a simple acknowledgement like "I saw what you did" can boost their whole day. They really love being appreciated for what they do, like I can't emphasize it enough. Doing this will really make them happy, and ignoring their efforts can really bum them out. It's not that this isn't important for women too, but it seems to be especially important to men.
Taking a genuine active interest in their activities, hobbies, interests, and ideas will win you a lot of points with a man too.

By the way, I found out about this Indian item that I can't remember the name of... but it's some sort of Ayurvedic silk glove for rubbing the body with. Supposedly it functions like the dry brush for types that aren't dominant in the Kapha Dosha, and the dry brush is better for Kapha types. Maybe it would interest you to look into.

I myself am kapha and use a dry brush. There are actually a lot of guys that want their women to wear high heels and are even critical of the way they walk.

As for showing skin i honestly would not care if everyone was naked. Problem is almost everyone associates nudity with sex and shame because of xtian crap when its really just something natural. If showing any amount of skin is to be seen as normal in any of the above given settings it might as well be elsewhere as well without it being seen as attention whoring or something out of the ordinary or warranting harassment. But sadly this is what sexual repression does.

I was doing some yoga stretches in front of everyone at work since we were on a safety stand down at one of my last jobs. My foreman and supervisor started making comments when i bent over to touch my toes like ummm your are looking like you are inviting something maybe you should face the building.

I said what is this saudi arabia? what do you want me to do wear a burka? Its not my fault sexually repressed people can't control their urges all i am doing is stretching...(and i was in my dirty workcloths for fuck sake)

the supervisor asked "have you never worked around construction guys before" obviously I have dumbass i've been welding for 8 years... :roll:

I know i have a dirty mind and laugh at dirty and earthy jokes....but pfff.

The more you meditate the more frustrated and farther you will feel removed from npcs. It starts to get lonely but this path is worth it. I am hoping everyone will have healthy and more spiritual and respectful views reguarding all of theses things in the future to come.

Well I mean... the bare skin naturally has a seductive quality to it. Showing your bare legs is partial nudity, and I mean that as a neutral statement without any implications or undertones. Since we don't live in a society yet where people race through the streets naked like they did in Rome, I see it as another example of what you were talking about with being selective. Who do you want to allow to see your body with its exposed skin? That's the question. Wearing long clothing not only makes for effective sun protection, but it also makes your naked body a surprise to whoever you want to show it to because they haven't seen it before. Of course everyone is different, and that won't be important to everyone. I find it shows increased class and dignity, but again that's just me.

I'll also say that I think if someone has to go as far as wearing stilettos then they have attracted the wrong kind of man. I would even use it as an indicator for such. I know a lot of men desire it, and that fact disgusts me. I don't understand how anyone could get turned on by women hurting themselves. I really despise how ubiquitous high heels are in the culture. It's unhealthy.

Its a good point anyway as far as how society is currently. I personally am certainly not going to go out wearing certain types of clothing. I just think things will be perceived differently much later on in a variety of ways.

Since we don't live in a society yet where people race through the streets naked like they did in Rome,
My brother and me did this in the front lawn for everyone to see when we were playing with the water hose and things in the garage in the summertime one day. We were small and didn't care but everyone freaked out LOL. Must be that ancient roman blood :lol:
Shadowcat said:
jrvan said:
Ditching stilettos and any other sort of high heels is something I would suggest. I hope to eventually see a revolution against high heels. They just destroy your body. Aside from foot problems they also hurt your back alignment. It's not worth it. There are so many feminine footwear options that aren't high heels. I sometimes get jealous of the variety of footwear that women have access to.

Clothing wise, I would go the opposite direction in my own opinion if I'm understanding correctly what you meant. A long time ago women used to wear something called a chemise which is different from what we call a chemise today. Back then it was a sort of long sleeved undergarment, an under dress - they would wear them under an over dress which could lack sleeves. Paired with a bonnet or cute sun hat, this will provide good sun protection and distinguish you from other women in my opinion. I think it looks more dignified than modern clothing, personally. It's my own view that showing more skin is better to be saved for bathing/swimming, gyms, and the home and bedroom. If anyone needs to show too much skin to attract someone then I feel like something is missing with the person, and it shouldn't come as a surprise with the shallow types of men that are attracted by that. Just my opinion though.

Some other things in the relationship department I could add:
men have this thing where they really love expressed appreciation for the things they do. Even a simple acknowledgement like "I saw what you did" can boost their whole day. They really love being appreciated for what they do, like I can't emphasize it enough. Doing this will really make them happy, and ignoring their efforts can really bum them out. It's not that this isn't important for women too, but it seems to be especially important to men.
Taking a genuine active interest in their activities, hobbies, interests, and ideas will win you a lot of points with a man too.

By the way, I found out about this Indian item that I can't remember the name of... but it's some sort of Ayurvedic silk glove for rubbing the body with. Supposedly it functions like the dry brush for types that aren't dominant in the Kapha Dosha, and the dry brush is better for Kapha types. Maybe it would interest you to look into.

I myself am kapha and use a dry brush. There are actually a lot of guys that want their women to wear high heels and are even critical of the way they walk.

As for showing skin i honestly would not care if everyone was naked. Problem is almost everyone associates nudity with sex and shame because of xtian crap when its really just something natural. If showing any amount of skin is to be seen as normal in any of the above given settings it might as well be elsewhere as well without it being seen as attention whoring or something out of the ordinary or warranting harassment. But sadly this is what sexual repression does.

I was doing some yoga stretches in front of everyone at work since we were on a safety stand down at one of my last jobs. My foreman and supervisor started making comments when i bent over to touch my toes like ummm your are looking like you are inviting something maybe you should face the building.

I said what is this saudi arabia? what do you want me to do wear a burka? Its not my fault sexually repressed people can't control their urges all i am doing is stretching...(and i was in my dirty workcloths for fuck sake)

the supervisor asked "have you never worked around construction guys before" obviously I have dumbass i've been welding for 8 years... :roll:

I know i have a dirty mind and laugh at dirty and earthy jokes....but pfff.

The more you meditate the more frustrated and farther you will feel removed from npcs. It starts to get lonely but this path is worth it. I am hoping everyone will have healthy and more spiritual and respectful views reguarding all of theses things in the future to come.

Uhm actually I am against using modern sunblocks because they contain harmful chemicals.. which are linked to cancers..

There is a natural sunblock but it tends to leave a white cast and the blocking ability is not as high as spf 50 ones.. I def would not recommend going out in middle of the summer when the sun is at its peak (even though sunshine is absolutely lovely) without any means of shade.

Tanning does age the skin but also provides a little bit of block vs the harmful sunrays.. better than in comparison if you were to continuously burn yourselves.

Also yes nudity is normal and shouldnt be seen as something you only show to *one* person. sheesh. talk about repression.

Also wanted to add.. the whole "unsaturated fats are good for you" is a total lie. When it comes to diet your body uses saturated fats (and mono-unsaturated fats) to build your hormones out off and it constructs the isolating wall around your nerves with it. Very very important. Use olive oil, coconut oil or grassfed butter.

Take none of the hydrogenized transfat crap that says "added omega 3" on the package (margarin i.e.). This is harmful crap for your body.

If you know science you can figure out why this, if you have issues with understanding, devote a study session to it.
Jack said:
Here are some important advice for women that I have because of my experiences

- Learn how to communicate properly. Men are not mind readers. I can't know what you want me to do unless you tell me. Being passive aggressive against me makes me think you want to fight. Just tell me clearly how you feel ,and why you feel that way so I get it.

-Don't play games. If you use sex as a bargaining tool and say stuff like "Oh you didn't do X for me ? No Sex for you then. " You might get away with average men using this tactic but a man who has options is not going to be very appreciative of this behavior. Infact he might kick you to the curb if you try playing games with him.

-Do not have promiscuous sex and don't be on the pill. Having promiscuous sex makes you lose your pair bonding ability and your ability to Feel love is going to go away. And the pill changes your bodies biochemistry to make you depressed, anxious and more promiscuous.

-Stop blowing up my phone. I don't want to talk to you all the time and I want my alone time and peace. Just because I'm not giving you attention doesn't mean I'm talking to someone else.

-Stop nagging me. Don't act like my mom. If you do this a man will surely lose sexual attraction for you. Stop complaining and bickering all the time. Just tell your man what the problem is succinctly and he'll fix it.

-Stop forcing me to watch Web series I don't want to watch. I don't like drama, okay ? Leave me alone with my Documentaries Podcasts and Crypto charts. I don't want to watch Euphoria. I don't want to watch it. I don't care about Zendaya. I didn't know who that bitch was until you forced it down my throat. Watch it with earphones on your side of the bed and let me sleep.

- Learn how to cook if you don't and cook me good food. I want to be a kept man and that means cooking me good food and keeping me satisfied. The kitchen is your domain. I hate cooking food and I hate buying food and I want you to do it for me.

Absolutely and totally fuck off you sexually repressed dickhead.

There are many men thay are great cooks working in restaurants and the like. There are many men that actually LIKE cooking.

You can shove your own sick opinion up your ass.

Everyone is different, show some respect, scum. This is NOT a place to even try and put others in their place because you're fucking butthurt someone is not what you expect them to be. Grow the fuck up.
Jack said:
Here are some important advice for women that I have because of my experiences

- Learn how to communicate properly. Men are not mind readers. I can't know what you want me to do unless you tell me. Being passive aggressive against me makes me think you want to fight. Just tell me clearly how you feel ,and why you feel that way so I get it.

-Don't play games. If you use sex as a bargaining tool and say stuff like "Oh you didn't do X for me ? No Sex for you then. " You might get away with average men using this tactic but a man who has options is not going to be very appreciative of this behavior. Infact he might kick you to the curb if you try playing games with him.

-Do not have promiscuous sex and don't be on the pill. Having promiscuous sex makes you lose your pair bonding ability and your ability to Feel love is going to go away. And the pill changes your bodies biochemistry to make you depressed, anxious and more promiscuous.

-Stop blowing up my phone. I don't want to talk to you all the time and I want my alone time and peace. Just because I'm not giving you attention doesn't mean I'm talking to someone else.

-Stop nagging me. Don't act like my mom. If you do this a man will surely lose sexual attraction for you. Stop complaining and bickering all the time. Just tell your man what the problem is succinctly and he'll fix it.

-Stop forcing me to watch Web series I don't want to watch. I don't like drama, okay ? Leave me alone with my Documentaries Podcasts and Crypto charts. I don't want to watch Euphoria. I don't want to watch it. I don't care about Zendaya. I didn't know who that bitch was until you forced it down my throat. Watch it with earphones on your side of the bed and let me sleep.

- Learn how to cook if you don't and cook me good food. I want to be a kept man and that means cooking me good food and keeping me satisfied. The kitchen is your domain. I hate cooking food and I hate buying food and I want you to do it for me.

I mean this in the most constructive way. This seems to be one sided and reeks of a lack of understanding. Not to say that your points aren't valid but women are delicate when it comes to these points, perhaps a more suave approach instead of arrogance. Compromise is essential in any healthy relationship and from what I read it seems she just wants your time and attention. Please don't take offense to my opinion as I put high value on your words when it comes to my advancement and want your assistance if need be.
Jack said:
Here are some important advice for women that I have because of my experiences

- Learn how to communicate properly. Men are not mind readers. I can't know what you want me to do unless you tell me. Being passive aggressive against me makes me think you want to fight. Just tell me clearly how you feel ,and why you feel that way so I get it.

-Don't play games. If you use sex as a bargaining tool and say stuff like "Oh you didn't do X for me ? No Sex for you then. " You might get away with average men using this tactic but a man who has options is not going to be very appreciative of this behavior. Infact he might kick you to the curb if you try playing games with him.

-Do not have promiscuous sex and don't be on the pill. Having promiscuous sex makes you lose your pair bonding ability and your ability to Feel love is going to go away. And the pill changes your bodies biochemistry to make you depressed, anxious and more promiscuous.

-Stop blowing up my phone. I don't want to talk to you all the time and I want my alone time and peace. Just because I'm not giving you attention doesn't mean I'm talking to someone else.

-Stop nagging me. Don't act like my mom. If you do this a man will surely lose sexual attraction for you. Stop complaining and bickering all the time. Just tell your man what the problem is succinctly and he'll fix it.

-Stop forcing me to watch Web series I don't want to watch. I don't like drama, okay ? Leave me alone with my Documentaries Podcasts and Crypto charts. I don't want to watch Euphoria. I don't want to watch it. I don't care about Zendaya. I didn't know who that bitch was until you forced it down my throat. Watch it with earphones on your side of the bed and let me sleep.

- Learn how to cook if you don't and cook me good food. I want to be a kept man and that means cooking me good food and keeping me satisfied. The kitchen is your domain. I hate cooking food and I hate buying food and I want you to do it for me.

This stuff is what is needed for women to learn in my area and most of my race in general. Of course mature and wise women don't need to hear this but the majority of women do in today's world since if people live in reality would know its rare. Especially in the western world.

Learn how to cook if you don't and cook me good food. I want to be a kept man and that means cooking me good food and keeping me satisfied. The kitchen is your domain. I hate cooking food and I hate buying food and I want you to do it for me.

I myself like to cook but it would benefit me so much more if I had a women like that. I don't see any problem with this just like there's no problem with a woman saying she wants a man to be in the field because that's his domain and she wants him to come back home and provide for her (granted she's doing her part in this scenario).
hailourtruegod said:
Jack said:
Here are some important advice for women that I have because of my experiences

- Learn how to communicate properly. Men are not mind readers. I can't know what you want me to do unless you tell me. Being passive aggressive against me makes me think you want to fight. Just tell me clearly how you feel ,and why you feel that way so I get it.

-Don't play games. If you use sex as a bargaining tool and say stuff like "Oh you didn't do X for me ? No Sex for you then. " You might get away with average men using this tactic but a man who has options is not going to be very appreciative of this behavior. Infact he might kick you to the curb if you try playing games with him.

-Do not have promiscuous sex and don't be on the pill. Having promiscuous sex makes you lose your pair bonding ability and your ability to Feel love is going to go away. And the pill changes your bodies biochemistry to make you depressed, anxious and more promiscuous.

-Stop blowing up my phone. I don't want to talk to you all the time and I want my alone time and peace. Just because I'm not giving you attention doesn't mean I'm talking to someone else.

-Stop nagging me. Don't act like my mom. If you do this a man will surely lose sexual attraction for you. Stop complaining and bickering all the time. Just tell your man what the problem is succinctly and he'll fix it.

-Stop forcing me to watch Web series I don't want to watch. I don't like drama, okay ? Leave me alone with my Documentaries Podcasts and Crypto charts. I don't want to watch Euphoria. I don't want to watch it. I don't care about Zendaya. I didn't know who that bitch was until you forced it down my throat. Watch it with earphones on your side of the bed and let me sleep.

- Learn how to cook if you don't and cook me good food. I want to be a kept man and that means cooking me good food and keeping me satisfied. The kitchen is your domain. I hate cooking food and I hate buying food and I want you to do it for me.

This stuff is what is needed for women to learn in my area and most of my race in general. Of course mature and wise women don't need to hear this but the majority of women do in today's world since if people live in reality would know its rare. Especially in the western world.

Learn how to cook if you don't and cook me good food. I want to be a kept man and that means cooking me good food and keeping me satisfied. The kitchen is your domain. I hate cooking food and I hate buying food and I want you to do it for me.

I myself like to cook but it would benefit me so much more if I had a women like that. I don't see any problem with this just like there's no problem with a woman saying she wants a man to be in the field because that's his domain and she wants him to come back home and provide for her (granted she's doing her part in this scenario).
I don't like things I'm not good at and unfortunately im not good at cooking which is probably one of the very few things I'm not good at. I never seem to be able to make it perfect like the woman do.
hailourtruegod said:
Learn how to cook if you don't and cook me good food. I want to be a kept man and that means cooking me good food and keeping me satisfied. The kitchen is your domain. I hate cooking food and I hate buying food and I want you to do it for me.

I myself like to cook but it would benefit me so much more if I had a women like that. I don't see any problem with this just like there's no problem with a woman saying she wants a man to be in the field because that's his domain and she wants him to come back home and provide for her (granted she's doing her part in this scenario).

I like it best when both know how to cook good food. Cooking for each other is romantic and beautiful in my eyes.

It's just good for everyone to know how to do regardless of their gender. Someone who doesn't know how to cook just seems like a child to me whether they are male or female. I don't want to take care of a child in a relationship, I want to be with a capable skilled adult. If I make yummy meals for my partner, but they can't make me anything good in return then I feel cheated. The more skilled the woman is and the smarter she is, the more I like her and enjoy being around her. If I can't have intelligent conversations with my partner then there's no point for me.

I don't invest in fuck buddies or breeding rabbits. I need to be with someone who is going to help me grow in all ways and is going to grow with me. Someone with substance. Looking nice and being healthy is important, but I don't want someone who is only a doll. They need to be a full human being, and real. Someone I can get to know. Otherwise it's no better than seeking prostitution. If there is nothing to relate to then it's not a relationship. I'm not interested in people who only have their bodies to offer. I want more than just their body because everyone has a body, and I can get that anywhere. What's inside the body is the interesting part, and that's the part that has the potential to be rare and unique which sets them aside from everyone else with a good looking body. That's why relationships and people interest me so much. There's so many different people to meet, and they are all unique beyond the surface level. It's fascinating. You could walk past a rare gem of a person in your daily life and never realize it. Maybe I really should have gone for a career in psychology because it would have granted me so many interesting opportunities with people.
Jack said:
I don't like things I'm not good at and unfortunately im not good at cooking which is probably one of the very few things I'm not good at. I never seem to be able to make it perfect like the woman do.

If you practice then you can only get better over time. Those women had to learn how to do it like that by practicing. They put the time into the skill. The only thing holding you back with this is that you haven't made it important enough to yourself. You lack the interest.
jrvan said:
Jack said:
I don't like things I'm not good at and unfortunately im not good at cooking which is probably one of the very few things I'm not good at. I never seem to be able to make it perfect like the woman do.

If you practice then you can only get better over time. Those women had to learn how to do it like that by practicing. They put the time into the skill. The only thing holding you back with this is that you haven't made it important enough to yourself. You lack the interest.

I myself am great at following very detailed instructions and add that with my creative aspects then I'll throw down in the kitchen IF I feel like it. In other words I'll make a tasty dish spontaneously but don't expect it be as good the 2nd time when I'm asked to do it.

My mom will always make the same food taste amazing but I grew up with my dad since they separated early and man, I wished he learned how to cook. He still hasn't nailed it while my mom's food is still so good. :lol:

It all depends on the person. Not everyone will become a decent cook or even wants to cook cuisine style just for themselves. I myself sometimes just lightly season some red meat and add some hot sauce/salsa after cooking it with some raw broccoli on the side and thats my dinner. :lol:
hailourtruegod said:
jrvan said:
Jack said:
I don't like things I'm not good at and unfortunately im not good at cooking which is probably one of the very few things I'm not good at. I never seem to be able to make it perfect like the woman do.

If you practice then you can only get better over time. Those women had to learn how to do it like that by practicing. They put the time into the skill. The only thing holding you back with this is that you haven't made it important enough to yourself. You lack the interest.

I myself am great at following very detailed instructions and add that with my creative aspects then I'll throw down in the kitchen IF I feel like it. In other words I'll make a tasty dish spontaneously but don't expect it be as good the 2nd time when I'm asked to do it.

My mom will always make the same food taste amazing but I grew up with my dad since they separated early and man, I wished he learned how to cook. He still hasn't nailed it while my mom's food is still so good. :lol:

It all depends on the person. Not everyone will become a decent cook or even wants to cook cuisine style just for themselves. I myself sometimes just lightly season some red meat and add some hot sauce/salsa after cooking it with some raw broccoli on the side and thats my dinner. :lol:

Yeah, you're right. If the desire is there to learn and improve the skill though then anyone can get better at it. It's just a time investment. I personally think a basic threshold of proficiency should be sought to be achieved by all, at the very least.
I think that cooking is basically the single most important thing that 100% of people need to be able to do. If you don't cook you don't eat, and you will starve and die. And it is such a simple skill there really is no excuse for it.

The easiest way to be good at cooking is to just find some spices that you like. And these same spices can be used in many different kinds of food. If you like that combination of spices, then everything you use it with is going to taste good even if it is not perfect. And I think a lot of people are afraid to learn to cook because they think it will be a lot of work, and they think that everything has to be measured some exact amount, but this is not true. I have never measured anything.
jrvan said:
I like it best when both know how to cook good food. Cooking for each other is romantic and beautiful in my eyes.

It's just good for everyone to know how to do regardless of their gender. Someone who doesn't know how to cook just seems like a child to me whether they are male or female. I don't want to take care of a child in a relationship, I want to be with a capable skilled adult. If I make yummy meals for my partner, but they can't make me anything good in return then I feel cheated. The more skilled the woman is and the smarter she is, the more I like her and enjoy being around her. If I can't have intelligent conversations with my partner then there's no point for me.

I don't invest in fuck buddies or breeding rabbits. I need to be with someone who is going to help me grow in all ways and is going to grow with me. Someone with substance. Looking nice and being healthy is important, but I don't want someone who is only a doll. They need to be a full human being, and real. Someone I can get to know. Otherwise it's no better than seeking prostitution. If there is nothing to relate to then it's not a relationship. I'm not interested in people who only have their bodies to offer. I want more than just their body because everyone has a body, and I can get that anywhere. What's inside the body is the interesting part, and that's the part that has the potential to be rare and unique which sets them aside from everyone else with a good looking body. That's why relationships and people interest me so much. There's so many different people to meet, and they are all unique beyond the surface level. It's fascinating. You could walk past a rare gem of a person in your daily life and never realize it. Maybe I really should have gone for a career in psychology because it would have granted me so many interesting opportunities with people.

I like to assume everyone here wants the best partner for them. Depending on how a person's natal chart is though some might be better off in random relationships while the time is right to meet the one than just waiting for the "perfect" relationship. I'm not saying it's impossible to find a good SS style woman but even HPHC had to come out recently to make sure people here didn't get stuck on the same energy of that of Disney adults who want fairy tale relationships.

Some people take what they can get while making the best out of it. Nothing wrong with that. Obviously if all one wants are immature partners and then complains about it then they're nothing but clowns and deserve ridicule but besides that it's going to be pretty lonely not giving people a chance even if they don't match up to your intelligence and/or wisdom but hopefully down the line will.

But if people don't want all that and they're ok with being single that's more than fine too and is completely understandable.

Lastly, I'm on the same boat of wanting to cook for my partner especially when I get to see her eyes light up when she tries it. It's a nice feeling when you get someone who genuinely appreciates what you made from scratch.
These days I don't even eat for pleasure anymore. I eat just because I have to. Gotta maintain the gains :ugeek:
hailourtruegod said:
jrvan said:
I like it best when both know how to cook good food. Cooking for each other is romantic and beautiful in my eyes.

It's just good for everyone to know how to do regardless of their gender. Someone who doesn't know how to cook just seems like a child to me whether they are male or female. I don't want to take care of a child in a relationship, I want to be with a capable skilled adult. If I make yummy meals for my partner, but they can't make me anything good in return then I feel cheated. The more skilled the woman is and the smarter she is, the more I like her and enjoy being around her. If I can't have intelligent conversations with my partner then there's no point for me.

I don't invest in fuck buddies or breeding rabbits. I need to be with someone who is going to help me grow in all ways and is going to grow with me. Someone with substance. Looking nice and being healthy is important, but I don't want someone who is only a doll. They need to be a full human being, and real. Someone I can get to know. Otherwise it's no better than seeking prostitution. If there is nothing to relate to then it's not a relationship. I'm not interested in people who only have their bodies to offer. I want more than just their body because everyone has a body, and I can get that anywhere. What's inside the body is the interesting part, and that's the part that has the potential to be rare and unique which sets them aside from everyone else with a good looking body. That's why relationships and people interest me so much. There's so many different people to meet, and they are all unique beyond the surface level. It's fascinating. You could walk past a rare gem of a person in your daily life and never realize it. Maybe I really should have gone for a career in psychology because it would have granted me so many interesting opportunities with people.

I like to assume everyone here wants the best partner for them. Depending on how a person's natal chart is though some might be better off in random relationships while the time is right to meet the one than just waiting for the "perfect" relationship. I'm not saying it's impossible to find a good SS style woman but even HPHC had to come out recently to make sure people here didn't get stuck on the same energy of that of Disney adults who want fairy tale relationships.

Some people take what they can get while making the best out of it. Nothing wrong with that. Obviously if all one wants are immature partners and then complains about it then they're nothing but clowns and deserve ridicule but besides that it's going to be pretty lonely not giving people a chance even if they don't match up to your intelligence and/or wisdom but hopefully down the line will.

But if people don't want all that and they're ok with being single that's more than fine too and is completely understandable.

Lastly, I'm on the same boat of wanting to cook for my partner especially when I get to see her eyes light up when she tries it. It's a nice feeling when you get someone who genuinely appreciates what you made from scratch.

You can also build someone up by helping them improve, but they have to be interested and willing. I get what you're saying.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I think that cooking is basically the single most important thing that 100% of people need to be able to do. If you don't cook you don't eat, and you will starve and die. And it is such a simple skill there really is no excuse for it.

The easiest way to be good at cooking is to just find some spices that you like. And these same spices can be used in many different kinds of food. If you like that combination of spices, then everything you use it with is going to taste good even if it is not perfect. And I think a lot of people are afraid to learn to cook because they think it will be a lot of work, and they think that everything has to be measured some exact amount, but this is not true. I have never measured anything.

My great grandma didn't measure anything either...she went off of taste and instict
hailourtruegod said:
These days I don't even eat for pleasure anymore. I eat just because I have to. Gotta maintain the gains :ugeek:

Fatty! lol j/k <3
My ex was actually a really good cook. Our roles were actually the other way around, i would work and he would do the shopping and cook. His wintertime pumpkin soup with habeneros or saurkraut was good as fuck :p he often made great success trying recipes for the first time. I actually picked up a lot from him, as well as from both of my parents.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Absolutely and totally fuck off you sexually repressed dickhead.

There are many men thay are great cooks working in restaurants and the like. There are many men that actually LIKE cooking.

You can shove your own sick opinion up your ass.

Everyone is different, show some respect, scum. This is NOT a place to even try and put others in their place because you're fucking butthurt someone is not what you expect them to be. Grow the fuck up.
You need to relax because no one wants a woman that behaves this way. Learn to separate yourself from the situation and cool it with the Jack derangement syndrome. No one here was hostile before you came along with this venom.
Shadowcat said:
Jack said:
Here are some important advice for women that I have because of my experiences

- Learn how to communicate properly. Men are not mind readers. I can't know what you want me to do unless you tell me. Being passive aggressive against me makes me think you want to fight. Just tell me clearly how you feel ,and why you feel that way so I get it.

-Don't play games. If you use sex as a bargaining tool and say stuff like "Oh you didn't do X for me ? No Sex for you then. " You might get away with average men using this tactic but a man who has options is not going to be very appreciative of this behavior. Infact he might kick you to the curb if you try playing games with him.

-Do not have promiscuous sex and don't be on the pill. Having promiscuous sex makes you lose your pair bonding ability and your ability to Feel love is going to go away. And the pill changes your bodies biochemistry to make you depressed, anxious and more promiscuous.

-Stop blowing up my phone. I don't want to talk to you all the time and I want my alone time and peace. Just because I'm not giving you attention doesn't mean I'm talking to someone else.

-Stop nagging me. Don't act like my mom. If you do this a man will surely lose sexual attraction for you. Stop complaining and bickering all the time. Just tell your man what the problem is succinctly and he'll fix it.

-Stop forcing me to watch Web series I don't want to watch. I don't like drama, okay ? Leave me alone with my Documentaries Podcasts and Crypto charts. I don't want to watch Euphoria. I don't want to watch it. I don't care about Zendaya. I didn't know who that bitch was until you forced it down my throat. Watch it with earphones on your side of the bed and let me sleep.

- Learn how to cook if you don't and cook me good food. I want to be a kept man and that means cooking me good food and keeping me satisfied. The kitchen is your domain. I hate cooking food and I hate buying food and I want you to do it for me.

These are some good points. the mind reader deal along with the play games was something i listed as well and they way you did it also here listing other things and elaborating on others was helpful. anyone who holds sex or the relationship hostage is toxic.

Men try to tell us what to do because they care. but women folk are gunna nag and bitch because they care :lol: there are two types of this though and it sounds like you may be talking of the latter.

L2cook? Don't be goin' on bout that sammich now :lol: How 'bout the salmon with rice and green beans or steak and potato with cheese :3. I'm talking if women are going to stay at home and raise kids they have to pull their weight also while the man provides. I knew a dude whos GF at the time would get on him to help her cook dinner...really? he just worked for you all day!

Ps: if shes draining you SSbro you really do need to kick her to the curb :|

I've never really understood the whole "only the woman cooks" thing. I guess that's a difference in culture, it was considered to be very good manners to offer to help in the kitchen where I grew up even if you had worked hard all day. Family meals were always a team effort in my household unless my father was working pretty late. When we would have big family meals with my grandparents, the men would be outside grilling up the meat, while the women and any kids around prepared different ingredients for the grill, side dishes and salads. It was considered very rude if you didn't help out with meals.

Both my parents are really awesome cooks in the kitchen, but I always loved my father's cooking the most, especially when he'd get into one of his creative experiments. Not sure why, but my father's cooking always seemed to have a special feeling to them compared to my mother's.

Good food, honestly, is my love language. I get a personal kick out of seeing people happy with a warm meal in their bellies that I've made for them. But it's sure nice to be cooked for sometimes as well.

To reference your original post, Shadowcat, got much advice about care products for skin that hates anything sitting on it for more than 2 minutes?
Jack said:
Here are some important advice for women that I have because of my experiences

- Learn how to communicate properly. Men are not mind readers. I can't know what you want me to do unless you tell me. Being passive aggressive against me makes me think you want to fight. Just tell me clearly how you feel ,and why you feel that way so I get it.

-Don't play games. If you use sex as a bargaining tool and say stuff like "Oh you didn't do X for me ? No Sex for you then. " You might get away with average men using this tactic but a man who has options is not going to be very appreciative of this behavior. Infact he might kick you to the curb if you try playing games with him.

-Do not have promiscuous sex and don't be on the pill. Having promiscuous sex makes you lose your pair bonding ability and your ability to Feel love is going to go away. And the pill changes your bodies biochemistry to make you depressed, anxious and more promiscuous.

-Stop blowing up my phone. I don't want to talk to you all the time and I want my alone time and peace. Just because I'm not giving you attention doesn't mean I'm talking to someone else.

-Stop nagging me. Don't act like my mom. If you do this a man will surely lose sexual attraction for you. Stop complaining and bickering all the time. Just tell your man what the problem is succinctly and he'll fix it.

-Stop forcing me to watch Web series I don't want to watch. I don't like drama, okay ? Leave me alone with my Documentaries Podcasts and Crypto charts. I don't want to watch Euphoria. I don't want to watch it. I don't care about Zendaya. I didn't know who that bitch was until you forced it down my throat. Watch it with earphones on your side of the bed and let me sleep.

- Learn how to cook if you don't and cook me good food. I want to be a kept man and that means cooking me good food and keeping me satisfied. The kitchen is your domain. I hate cooking food and I hate buying food and I want you to do it for me.

For once I feel in agreement with a couple of your points, specifically 1 to 3 (I don't outright disagree with the rest, they just seem more your personal pet-peeves for the kind of woman you want). Clear and open communication in any relationship makes things a lot easier. In the past I had some female friends who do that passive aggressive thing when there were issues instead of just being open with each other about it, caused a lot of petty fights... In a romantic relationship though I see that kind of thing with people who don't really know how to express their feelings to someone they care about for a number of different reasons. Some girls are really insecure and worry about what their partner will think about how they feel or how they might react to some things. But I guess it depends on the woman.

Playing games when it's not the sweet playful kind, is just all round a dick move.

Chemical contraceptions have never sat well with me. I've never taken it, but my sibling had a lot of problems with missing a whole years worth of her cycles when she stopped taking the pill. Not sure about it making someone more promiscuous, I think that's more a psychological thing with some girls thinking they're safer from pregnancy and so feel safer having more sex because of it. Sounds like that would probably tie in with astrology charts maybe having more potent placements regarding sex, when the risk of unwanted pregnancy is reduced, their need to satisfy their sexual cravings probably increases with the ability to be able to do it more frequently.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I think that cooking is basically the single most important thing that 100% of people need to be able to do. If you don't cook you don't eat, and you will starve and die. And it is such a simple skill there really is no excuse for it.

The easiest way to be good at cooking is to just find some spices that you like. And these same spices can be used in many different kinds of food. If you like that combination of spices, then everything you use it with is going to taste good even if it is not perfect. And I think a lot of people are afraid to learn to cook because they think it will be a lot of work, and they think that everything has to be measured some exact amount, but this is not true. I have never measured anything.

Agreed. One great book is Cooking Basics For Dummies, it goes over everything, all the methods and techniques, and what things you need to buy for your kitchen (best knife length, and so on). And it has easy recipes in it.

I also never measure. I usually want more spices than most recipes call for anyway.
tabby said:
Shadowcat said:
Jack said:
Here are some important advice for women that I have because of my experiences

- Learn how to communicate properly. Men are not mind readers. I can't know what you want me to do unless you tell me. Being passive aggressive against me makes me think you want to fight. Just tell me clearly how you feel ,and why you feel that way so I get it.

-Don't play games. If you use sex as a bargaining tool and say stuff like "Oh you didn't do X for me ? No Sex for you then. " You might get away with average men using this tactic but a man who has options is not going to be very appreciative of this behavior. Infact he might kick you to the curb if you try playing games with him.

-Do not have promiscuous sex and don't be on the pill. Having promiscuous sex makes you lose your pair bonding ability and your ability to Feel love is going to go away. And the pill changes your bodies biochemistry to make you depressed, anxious and more promiscuous.

-Stop blowing up my phone. I don't want to talk to you all the time and I want my alone time and peace. Just because I'm not giving you attention doesn't mean I'm talking to someone else.

-Stop nagging me. Don't act like my mom. If you do this a man will surely lose sexual attraction for you. Stop complaining and bickering all the time. Just tell your man what the problem is succinctly and he'll fix it.

-Stop forcing me to watch Web series I don't want to watch. I don't like drama, okay ? Leave me alone with my Documentaries Podcasts and Crypto charts. I don't want to watch Euphoria. I don't want to watch it. I don't care about Zendaya. I didn't know who that bitch was until you forced it down my throat. Watch it with earphones on your side of the bed and let me sleep.

- Learn how to cook if you don't and cook me good food. I want to be a kept man and that means cooking me good food and keeping me satisfied. The kitchen is your domain. I hate cooking food and I hate buying food and I want you to do it for me.

These are some good points. the mind reader deal along with the play games was something i listed as well and they way you did it also here listing other things and elaborating on others was helpful. anyone who holds sex or the relationship hostage is toxic.

Men try to tell us what to do because they care. but women folk are gunna nag and bitch because they care :lol: there are two types of this though and it sounds like you may be talking of the latter.

L2cook? Don't be goin' on bout that sammich now :lol: How 'bout the salmon with rice and green beans or steak and potato with cheese :3. I'm talking if women are going to stay at home and raise kids they have to pull their weight also while the man provides. I knew a dude whos GF at the time would get on him to help her cook dinner...really? he just worked for you all day!

Ps: if shes draining you SSbro you really do need to kick her to the curb :|

I've never really understood the whole "only the woman cooks" thing. I guess that's a difference in culture, it was considered to be very good manners to offer to help in the kitchen where I grew up even if you had worked hard all day. Family meals were always a team effort in my household unless my father was working pretty late. When we would have big family meals with my grandparents, the men would be outside grilling up the meat, while the women and any kids around prepared different ingredients for the grill, side dishes and salads. It was considered very rude if you didn't help out with meals.

Both my parents are really awesome cooks in the kitchen, but I always loved my father's cooking the most, especially when he'd get into one of his creative experiments. Not sure why, but my father's cooking always seemed to have a special feeling to them compared to my mother's.

Good food, honestly, is my love language. I get a personal kick out of seeing people happy with a warm meal in their bellies that I've made for them. But it's sure nice to be cooked for sometimes as well.

To reference your original post, Shadowcat, got much advice about care products for skin that hates anything sitting on it for more than 2 minutes?

It depends on the culture and also just the roles. Like Olly said honestly it is a basic life skill anyone should have. Its just a form of art. AS for two people living together if they are assuming traditional roles its only fair to split things up. So naturally only one person almost is going to take care of the domestic side at home since the other partner is working to provide. That's only fair imo.

There are products for sensitive skin, sometimes certain products have the sensitive versions and usually it will say which ones. Don't use any harsh chemicals obviously, and maybe try to use an alternative as a disinfectant if you are breaking out if other things don't work or are too harsh. Aloe vera i think would work pretty well in calming down irritated skin
tabby said:
Jack said:
Here are some important advice for women that I have because of my experiences

- Learn how to communicate properly. Men are not mind readers. I can't know what you want me to do unless you tell me. Being passive aggressive against me makes me think you want to fight. Just tell me clearly how you feel ,and why you feel that way so I get it.

-Don't play games. If you use sex as a bargaining tool and say stuff like "Oh you didn't do X for me ? No Sex for you then. " You might get away with average men using this tactic but a man who has options is not going to be very appreciative of this behavior. Infact he might kick you to the curb if you try playing games with him.

-Do not have promiscuous sex and don't be on the pill. Having promiscuous sex makes you lose your pair bonding ability and your ability to Feel love is going to go away. And the pill changes your bodies biochemistry to make you depressed, anxious and more promiscuous.

-Stop blowing up my phone. I don't want to talk to you all the time and I want my alone time and peace. Just because I'm not giving you attention doesn't mean I'm talking to someone else.

-Stop nagging me. Don't act like my mom. If you do this a man will surely lose sexual attraction for you. Stop complaining and bickering all the time. Just tell your man what the problem is succinctly and he'll fix it.

-Stop forcing me to watch Web series I don't want to watch. I don't like drama, okay ? Leave me alone with my Documentaries Podcasts and Crypto charts. I don't want to watch Euphoria. I don't want to watch it. I don't care about Zendaya. I didn't know who that bitch was until you forced it down my throat. Watch it with earphones on your side of the bed and let me sleep.

- Learn how to cook if you don't and cook me good food. I want to be a kept man and that means cooking me good food and keeping me satisfied. The kitchen is your domain. I hate cooking food and I hate buying food and I want you to do it for me.

For once I feel in agreement with a couple of your points, specifically 1 to 3 (I don't outright disagree with the rest, they just seem more your personal pet-peeves for the kind of woman you want). Clear and open communication in any relationship makes things a lot easier. In the past I had some female friends who do that passive aggressive thing when there were issues instead of just being open with each other about it, caused a lot of petty fights... In a romantic relationship though I see that kind of thing with people who don't really know how to express their feelings to someone they care about for a number of different reasons. Some girls are really insecure and worry about what their partner will think about how they feel or how they might react to some things. But I guess it depends on the woman.

Playing games when it's not the sweet playful kind, is just all round a dick move.

Chemical contraceptions have never sat well with me. I've never taken it, but my sibling had a lot of problems with missing a whole years worth of her cycles when she stopped taking the pill. Not sure about it making someone more promiscuous, I think that's more a psychological thing with some girls thinking they're safer from pregnancy and so feel safer having more sex because of it. Sounds like that would probably tie in with astrology charts maybe having more potent placements regarding sex, when the risk of unwanted pregnancy is reduced, their need to satisfy their sexual cravings probably increases with the ability to be able to do it more frequently.

Also, the pill and other chemical contraception are shit and very bad for you. They not only promote weight gain and acne but they mess up your hormones. Any synthetic hormones estrogen or testosterone is very toxic to the body. I'm not active atm and haven't been since i don't have a BF since my break up, and don't do hook ups, but if i ever find someone and he doesn't want to put a kevlar on forget it, I'm not taking that nasty ass pill :lol:
jrvan said:
Some literature about charcoal masks:

They might not be an entirely safe solution. I thought it would be prudent to mention this.

I think this is also really good information to add but from someone who regularly uses biore strips i have to say it also depends on the skin of the person. This may apply for generally women since their skin is typically thinner and can get damaged more easily from something like this. If a girl has the unfortunate chance of having thick stubborn skin like i do, one that even finds microdermabrasion too superficial at its strongest setting, then the peeling from this does not really phase the skin at all, but is very aggressive in pulling out dirt.

In most of the cosmetic treatments i have had for my skin, the technician is always mentioning that they conduct the treatment at one of the highest settings which is at what the majority of their patients have nowhere near tolerance for. I tell them to turn it up a notch even and they are hesitant thinking it will hurt me but it doesn't and my skin never has bad side effects or burns. And this is with a variety of treatments i have had including microdermabrasion, venus freeze, IPL, laser resurfacing and pico laser. It could also be a sun/mars thing, who knows.
Shadowcat said:
hailourtruegod said:
These days I don't even eat for pleasure anymore. I eat just because I have to. Gotta maintain the gains :ugeek:

Fatty! lol j/k <3
My ex was actually a really good cook. Our roles were actually the other way around, i would work and he would do the shopping and cook. His wintertime pumpkin soup with habeneros or saurkraut was good as fuck :p he often made great success trying recipes for the first time. I actually picked up a lot from him, as well as from both of my parents.

I wouldn't mind finding someone like that of my race who wants to try reversing roles. It would be weird for me personally, at first at least, only because I never had it but I'm not bashing anyone who wants to go that route. I just think I would probably get bored being home all day everyday for most of the time.

Also I find it funny I unintentionally made it sound like im fat when I'm quite skinny but ripped/tight :lol: I just been eating at the bare minimum and it would be less if I didn't have to eat to have energy when I work out. So I would be eating less if I could lol.

I know that's not a good way to be but I haven't been feeling like cooking something special for myself or wanting to spend too much time cooking these days.
Cool thread. Most of this is pretty fair advice however I admit I skimmed because jrvan's thread was quite succinct and my brain prefers that tbh. So I agree for the most part. The following is just my opinion on things I disagree with, if anyone's interested.

Dress feminine: I've put this in brackets because I think you meant dress the best for yourself in which I agree. But in the general "feminine" sense I had something to say. (In the traditional sense, I've always hated dresses, they are impractical, one blow of the wind and hello underwear. Of course they are pretty, though. However they are a perv's dream. You cannot sit however you want either. Wearing shorts under is too hot for hot weather. Tops/jeans/leggings/shorts can show your body just as much ( if you really want that. ) and are way more practical for everyday use. As jrvan said, I might cave and wear heels once in a blue moon but they are fucking awful and cause permanent damage to your feet, and I have bone issues.)
Laser hair removal - the few men I've met that care (or have an opinion) if I have hair anywhere on my body were not the type of people I'd date anyway, conincidentally(?). Everyone has preferences, I'm totally fine with that. Yes I am aware it looks "unhygenic". I, personally, don't want to cater. I keep myself hygenic and trim, or hairy - when I want to - I'm happy to be honest/upfront about that. All I can do is hope people respect me for my decision too. Plenty of people in the world after all.
Being receptive: Men I have turned down I have had 0 interest and 0 sexual attraction, usually for a reason, so it's hard to be receptive/humble to something that isn't there. However yes, sometimes I will turn people down purely by intuition, I never ignore it. For the most part if someone has certain characteristics (being overbearing eg, yes, I have had experience with this) unfortunately, this will not go away just because I dislike it and I say that directly. They will go "oopsie daisy, sorry" and do it a week later. You just have to decide if it's worth spending the rest of your life with this annoying characteristic, man or woman.
Just my two cents on the weight loss bit, the strongest and most effective strategy I have ever used to lose weight was to put a rule in of "I do not eat a single thing until I finish work (around 4:30ish)"

This ended up slashing my calorie consumption by around half without the usual psychological torture diets are. Why?

Because you know that no matter how hungry, starving, or miserable you are, when the clock hits 5, there is a glorious feast waiting for you.

No misery of "I will have to live this way for the rest of my life" because the second half of your day you can eat normal. Sure at 5 you will stuff your face, but as long as it is food that isn't complete garbage, the net calories are still significantly less than what you would normally eat throughout the workday, and as a bonus, you will now be too full to eat anything large for the rest of the day.

Might not work for everyone but it sure worked for me.
Soul Wings said:
Cool thread. Most of this is pretty fair advice however I admit I skimmed because jrvan's thread was quite succinct and my brain prefers that tbh. So I agree for the most part. The following is just my opinion on things I disagree with, if anyone's interested.

Dress feminine: I've put this in brackets because I think you meant dress the best for yourself in which I agree. But in the general "feminine" sense I had something to say. (In the traditional sense, I've always hated dresses, they are impractical, one blow of the wind and hello underwear. Of course they are pretty, though. However they are a perv's dream. You cannot sit however you want either. Wearing shorts under is too hot for hot weather. Tops/jeans/leggings/shorts can show your body just as much ( if you really want that. ) and are way more practical for everyday use. As jrvan said, I might cave and wear heels once in a blue moon but they are fucking awful and cause permanent damage to your feet, and I have bone issues.)
Laser hair removal - the few men I've met that care (or have an opinion) if I have hair anywhere on my body were not the type of people I'd date anyway, conincidentally(?). Everyone has preferences, I'm totally fine with that. Yes I am aware it looks "unhygenic". I, personally, don't want to cater. I keep myself hygenic and trim, or hairy - when I want to - I'm happy to be honest/upfront about that. All I can do is hope people respect me for my decision too. Plenty of people in the world after all.
Being receptive: Men I have turned down I have had 0 interest and 0 sexual attraction, usually for a reason, so it's hard to be receptive/humble to something that isn't there. However yes, sometimes I will turn people down purely by intuition, I never ignore it. For the most part if someone has certain characteristics (being overbearing eg, yes, I have had experience with this) unfortunately, this will not go away just because I dislike it and I say that directly. They will go "oopsie daisy, sorry" and do it a week later. You just have to decide if it's worth spending the rest of your life with this annoying characteristic, man or woman.

Being receptive: Men I have turned down I have had 0 interest and 0 sexual attraction, usually for a reason, so it's hard to be receptive/humble to something that isn't there. However yes, sometimes I will turn people down purely by intuition, I never ignore it. For the most part if someone has certain characteristics (being overbearing eg, yes, I have had experience with this) unfortunately, this will not go away just because I dislike it and I say that directly. They will go "oopsie daisy, sorry" and do it a week later. You just have to decide if it's worth spending the rest of your life with this annoying characteristic, man or woman.

Everyone has their preferences. No one is telling you to let in someone you don't wan to. But my explanation about being receptive was if you are already engaging with someone you do like and have an interest in. Maybe that should have been specified..

At anyrate, if you have a bad feeling about someone for any reason don't ignore that
Shadowcat said:
Everyone has their preferences. No one is telling you to let in someone you don't wan to. But my explanation about being receptive was if you are already engaging with someone you do like and have an interest in. Maybe that should have been specified..
...At anyrate, if you have a bad feeling about someone for any reason don't ignore that
Huh... That's weird, do women push away men they like intentionally? I've done it unintentionally, but that was because I had severe self image issues.
Usually when people say 'be receptive' they usually mean something along the lines of, consider every person that asks you out. It's to do with 'friendzoning' and the idea you can get out of being 'just friends'. I've seen this mentioned but, this happens naturally and cannot be forced in any way really. Maybe love spells might give people an advantage here, but I've no interest in it myself in established relationships and only do it on people I don't know well/want to attract initially/out of my league etc. I'm glad you think it's bad advice as because it's just insane and so many people try to push that narrative.
Soul Wings said:
Shadowcat said:
Everyone has their preferences. No one is telling you to let in someone you don't wan to. But my explanation about being receptive was if you are already engaging with someone you do like and have an interest in. Maybe that should have been specified..
...At anyrate, if you have a bad feeling about someone for any reason don't ignore that
Huh... That's weird, do women push away men they like intentionally? I've done it unintentionally, but that was because I had severe self image issues.
Usually when people say 'be receptive' they usually mean something along the lines of, consider every person that asks you out. It's to do with 'friendzoning' and the idea you can get out of being 'just friends'. I've seen this mentioned but, this happens naturally and cannot be forced in any way really. Maybe love spells might give people an advantage here, but I've no interest in it myself in established relationships and only do it on people I don't know well/want to attract initially/out of my league etc. I'm glad you think it's bad advice as because it's just insane and so many people try to push that narrative.

The thing is no it's not always intentional. But due to a lot of conditioning women don't know how to be vulnerable anymore. In a lot of cases this serves them well, but when it comes to engaging with someone you are wanting to take serious its important to let that side come out if you find you can trust them, and if you show them you do it is actually a huge deal. Its basically saying i want you to love and take care of me. Its a serious primal thing and in a normal and healthy man it will trigger an instinct to want to be there for you and be close. It's actually really sweet, as long as you are selective about who to allow to see this.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
