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Science Fiction is full of pedophile Jews [Trigger Warning: Sexual Abuse]


Active member
Mar 10, 2019
I've wanted to open this thread since a few days ago I've stumbled on a series of articles that denounces a web of pedophiles that are (or were) active in the Science Fiction genre (the author will not mention that most of them are Jews). The reason of this is because I know some of you are into Sci-fi, but I must warn you that your favorite author may be part of the enemy. I'll quote a few extract from the articles and may comment some parts. I won't post the photos as I don't have enough time. You can search for yourselves the people mentioned here.

“[T]here’s a part of me…who can understand why those men could rationalize a) not immediately acting in the interests of a child being raped, b) not immediately going to the police, c) doing only the minimum legal requirements, d) acting to keep from exposing their organization to a scandal. But here’s the thing: that part of me? That part of me is a coward.” — John Scalzi, former President of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA)
“There were some things that only time could cure. Evil men could be destroyed, but nothing could be done with good men who were deluded.” — Arthur C. Clarke, Childhood’s End
“But why didn’t somebody say something! I wouldn’t have dreamed of doing it if I’d thought someone objected.” – Walter Breen, after molesting a 3-year-old girl in front of her parents at a party attended by prominent members of science fiction fandom.

In 1964 a pedophilia scandal rocked science fiction fandom, and most normal-thinking people would simply say it didn’t rock quite hard enough to shake off all the closet rapists from finding secret passages into a vulnerable fandom. The truth is the exact opposite: the scandal rocked science fiction — and, at least in some small way, society at large — toward an ethic of pro-pedophilia, toward a culture where child abuse is a virtue.

“Who cares what happens to the little bastard?” — A common (if not prevalent) sentiment of science fiction fans, in regards to a 10-year old victim of Walter Breen, circa 1964 – Breendoggle

The Perpetrators
Child abuse in science fiction fandom may have its literary roots in the early 1940s work of Marion Zimmer Bradley, but the first known, publicized and prosecuted acts and cases of adults using the allure of science fiction and fantasy to prey upon the vulnerable are exemplified in Walter Breen’s criminal acts of the 1950s and 1960s, as particularly noted in the tumult now known as the Breendoggle.
Breen may provide some of the better documented cases of the relationship between science fiction fandom and the subculture of pedophilia, although he is certainly not an isolated case.

Numismatist, Greek Love author, husband of Marion Zimmer Bradley and SF fandom regular. The Worldcon Breendoggle documents of the 1960s assert that he had been raping boys as young as 10 years old, with the implication that some of the crimes occurred at conventions and other SF events.

Walter Breen – Primary subject of the infamous Breendoggle in science fiction, the husband of fantasy author Marion Zimmer Bradley was the pseudonymous author of “Greek Love,” a defense of homosexual pedophilia (from the Publisher: “The author of Greek Love believes that boy-love is a potential social force for good.”)
He was also employed in the 1950s to perform parapsychological experiments on gifted children at Columbia Medical School. Believe it or not, one component of those studies was to immerse the children into the culture of New York’s organized science fiction fandom. His experiments ended shortly before his arrest in 1954 in Atlantic City for pedophilia, which resulted in probation.
He was later convicted again of molestation, possibly in 1964, but definitely in 1990 (probation) and then finally of eight felony counts of molestation, and was sentenced to ten years in prison in 1991. He died, incarcerated, in 1993.
(My note: Breen was definitely a Jew. There is no such thing as "Homosexual love" with underage boys. That's pedophilia)

Ed Kramer, SF editor and chief architect of one of the most successful SF conventions in the U.S. (Dragon*Con), eluded conviction for about a decade while faking debilitating illnesses. “Ed’s Boys” were a known problem by convention organizers and participants.
Ed Kramer -Kramer is a science fiction and horror editor, SFWA member and the co-founder of Dragon*Con (now Dragon Con), one of the more prominent of science fiction conventions in the U.S. The convention itself was named after Kramer’s computer, and it was in its 3rd year of existence in 1989 when Kramer cemented a friendship with Anne McCafferey, who was that year’s Guest of Honor. She would become one of his most prominent defenders after he was arrested for pedophilia about a decade later.
Mike Dillson, who served as Dragon*Con’s head of operations and security for nine years and oversaw a volunteer staff of 135, says Kramer “always had a legion of little boys following him around. ‘Ed’s boys’ — that’s what we called them.”
Kramer received a deferred adjudication (or First Offender) sentence for molesting three boys in Georgia. He is currently serving 34 months of house arrest, which could be transferred into a 60-year conviction should he violate any terms of his agreement, which includes $100,000 in restitution to each victim, or by having contact with any child.
(My note:Kramer is a confirmed Jew.)

Marion Zimmer Bradley – Originally cast as the unwitting spouse during the Breendoggle affair, and then later as a possible enabler of Walter Breen’s scores of child rapes, it has been more recently settled that Bradley herself was an avowed pedophile and child abuser who attempted to choke and drown her own young daughter in the bathtub for resisting her incestuous advances. Her once-acclaimed Darkover series was formerly acknowledged as a seminal work of feminist fantasy. At the age of 18 in the 1940s, Bradley authored The Catch Trap, a circus tale whose plot is centered on the positive portrayal of the non-consensual (by age of consent) homosexual relationship between two teenage performers.

Marion Zimmer Bradley: World Fantasy Award Lifetime Achievement winning author, child-rape apologist and violent child molester.
Bradley’s advocacy for sexual relationships between adults and children remained relatively private for decades, despite The Catch Trap and her editorial work on Greek Love until it became a matter of public record in her testimony during the Breen case depositions.

Bradley on the factors determining the appropriateness of pedophilic acts: “The general maturity of the child in question, the fact whether the adult was the kind of person to be threatening. If the adult was generally a non-threatening person, I think my attitude would have been no harm in asking if he takes no for an answer.”
Bradley on protecting one of her husband’s victims after knowing the abuse was occuring: “Oh, please. The idea of me protecting little [Victim X], good heavens. “

Although Bradley scoffed at the idea of protecting children, she demonstrated to her friend Elisabeth Waters that she could control her own children, Patrick and Moira, quite easily: “Moira kept biting Patrick, and she [Marion Zimmer Bradley] couldn’t think of any way to stop her, so she tied her to a chair and threatened to pull out all of her teeth with pliers, and Moira became hysterical, and Marion untied her and let her go, and Moira never bit her brother again.”
(My note: Does anyone need to know where the (((Zimmer))) part of the name comes from? Of course her rat daughter joined the extreme opposite in order to make people think that all non-Xians and non-Hetero people are like that.)

Arthur C. Clarke – One of the “Big 3” in Science Fiction, whose defenders insist that the boys he had sexual relationships with were no younger than 20, never legally cleared his name from the public charges of pedophilia.
Arthur C. Clarke — Although the newspaper later withdrew its claims under pressure from Clarke’s friend Rupert Murdoch, it was never sued for printing the direct, recorded quotes of Clarke regarding pederasty from an interview with him at his Sri Lankan Home:
“I have never had the slightest interest in children – boys or girls. They should be treated in the same way. But once they have reached the age of puberty, then it is OK. If the kids enjoy it and don’t mind it doesn’t do any harm … there is a hysteria about the whole thing in the West.” — Science Fiction grandmaster Arthur C. Clarke, as quoted in the Sunday Mirror, 1998.
“Yes, there is the possibility that humankind can outgrown[sic] its infantile tendencies, as I suggested in Childhood’s End. But it is amazing how childishly gullible humans are.” — Clarke, in a separate interview.
(MY note: Clarke may have not be Jewish, but he was still in the enemy program of Communism)

David Asimov -From the now defunct News Making News report:
“David Asimov, of Living Oak Court, Bennett Ridge, Santa Rosa, the son of the late science fiction writer Isaac Asimov, was sentenced on March 28, 2001 to six months’ home detention with electronic monitoring and three years federal probation for possessing child pornography.
U.S. District Court Judge Maxine M. Chesney sentenced Asimov after reviewing a series of sealed psychiatric reports, one of which was ordered by the court. Asimov who was charged with four federal counts of possession of child pornography with each count carrying a five year sentence, pled guilty to two counts in a plea bargain deal.
There was no forfeiture of any of Asimov’s assets in this case, despite his owning a home in Santa Rosa purchased in 1996 for $375,000, and despite his receiving $3,000 per month from his father’s estate.”
The plea bargain to six months’ home detention for a crime that involved what may have been the largest collection of child pornography in Sonoma County history (as many as 4000 tapes and thousands of computer files), including taping and duplicating equipment (suggesting that assaults were both filmed and distributed using Asimov’s equipment) raises suspicions that it was Asimov’s connection to his father and to science fiction that kept him from the harsher sentence that he had earned for himself.
“There were thousands of disks, thousands of videos,” said Sonoma County Deputy District Attorney Gary Medvigy, who personally referred to Asimov’s home as a “processing center” for child pornography. “Anything imaginable regarding sex between human beings and human beings, or human beings and animals, was there. Whatever your imagination can conjure up, he had it. It was like walking into a TV studio”
Interestingly, one of the elder Asimov’s biographers, Michael White, indicates that the relationship between father and son had been strained nearly since birth:
“Some have claimed that Isaac was unable to have a proper fatherly relationship with his only son, David. It is certainly clear from his own writing and comments that he absolutely doted on Robyn, while sparing little talk or ink on his son. Close friends of the family have suggested that Isaac found his son too mundane a character, that he lacked intellect, and therefore had become almost an embarrassment to the world-famous polymath and internationally acclaimed writer. Father and son did not see much of each other in later years, and some friend believe that Isaac did not care about his son simply because he was not his intellectual equal.“
[B}(My note: Is anyone really surprised by this considering to which (((race))) Isaac Asimov belonged?[/B]

Director (and apparent John Wayne Gacy look-alike) Victor Salva used his first film to entice and rape a twelve-year old boy on camera.
Victor Salva -The director of the hit horror series Jeepers Creepers, Salva is a convicted pedophile who used his professional film equipment to record his attacks on a twelve-year actor during the filming of Clownhouse.
His victim protested the distribution of Salva’s science fiction movie Powder, whose main character was a youth who had been abused and neglected and had supernatural powers through his touch. The primary concern of the victim was that Salva should not have professional access to or contact with the underaged.
Instead, Disney enabled a director to film nude scenes of teenaged boys as well as a scene where an adult approaches the innocent main character to tell him:
“”You touched me and I’ve had better sex than I’ve had in ten years… I want to be a friend.”
“I think my art is just a way for this lost boy to tell the world how he felt, how he feels, and what he hopes for.” – Victor Salva
(My note: I suspect that this is another pedo kike, but still part of the enemy)

Source: http://www.castaliahouse.com/safe-s...ction-culture-and-childhoods-end-part-1-of-5/

Continues in part 2
Part 2

In Part 1, it was established that the science fiction community has a serious, half-century long problem with pedophilia that ranges from its outlying fans to its inner circle. Even two of the “Big Three” have major scandals associated with their names.
Because it is estimated that 60% of child sexual abuse offenders are acquaintances, 29% of child sexual abuse offenders are relatives and only 11% are strangers, and because science fiction provides an environment for like-minded youth and adults to interact over shared interests, leaders in science fiction publishing and fandom must be particularly vigilant.
Problem: they aren’t.
In fact, a survey of some of the biggest names in the industry uncovers a shocking number of pedophilia-enablers, people who, with the power of a few words, could provide a hedge against the known problem of predators using science fiction to target children. Instead, they’ve built a palace to protect the predators.

The Enablers

The famous dragon-fantasist, Anne McCaffrey leveraged her clout and long-standing relationship with Ed Kramer’s Dragon*Con to personally vouch for him and damn the system that would eventually bring the offender to justice.
Anne McCafferey – Long after the rumors of Ed Kramer’s unsettling relationships with young boys were circulating, and well after Nancy A. Collins had begun to raise questions and evidence against Kramer in sufficient amount to persuade caution, McCaffrey came out in “violent” defense of Kramer.
“My response is violent, as I have often been a guest and GoH at Dragon*Con. I have written such people as I know who might spread the word and try to get Ed his trial. Four effing years? And this is before the current Bush administration. Something must be done for him.
….I never had much use for the State of Georgia anyhow but there are limits past which any right-thinking person must take action. As a euro-citizen, I would be happy to take it to the Hague. (I’ll find out how.)
But thank you for laying out the sordid facts and reminding us all that some basic human rights can be at risk”
Notably, McCaffrey is also the entire reason why the old “Science Fiction-only” SFWA expanded to include the Fantasy genre. Thus, a pedophilia-apologist also happened to be a powerful force for change in the SFWA.
Apparently, some sordid facts are more sordid than others.
(My note: Anne McCaffrey may just be a sellout Gentile. And we should not forget that she claimed once that "sodomizing a straight man will turn him into an effeminate gay". No surprise that her novels are full of GBLT nonsense)

Harlan Ellison – Multiple Hugo, Nebula and Edgar-winning author, gadfly and defender of pedophiles.
Harlan Ellison – A large number of science fiction big names have gone on record to staunchly defend the rights of pedophiles, while the number of opponents of such a culture are not only small, but not prominent. One of the more popular voices in science fiction is Ellison, and he used his weight to lend support to the “Free Ed” movement, with no concern for the actual victims:
“It’s primordial. Gwinnett County behaves as if it’s the 14th century, and it’s the Spanish inquisition. They’re treating Ed Kramer as if he’s the Marquis De Sade for Chrissakes.”
Ellison’s comparison was high and to the left: Kramer’s crimes were more horrific than de Sade’s.
(My note: Ellison is yet another jew)

Darrell Schweitzer
“The material about Ed Kramer makes it abundantly clear what we who grew up in the `60s learned in the days of the Freedom Riders. The human-rights record of the South lags somewhat behind that of the United States.

Darrell Schweitzer – Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror writer, critic, SFWA member and staunch defender of Ed Kramer, pedophile.
What can we do to help our friend Ed Kramer? If money is needed, we should organize a benefit campaign. It is probably time to go to the media. It should be played up as flagrant anti- Semitism, which it clearly is. Ed needs to sue and seek criminal prosecutions of his torturers. And, quite frankly, of his accusers. As far as I can tell, he has suffered this ordeal merely because of a malicious lie. This sort of thing has happened before, not necessarily in the South. In Salem, Massachusetts, for example.Certainly, SFWA, if it is good for anything, should not leave Ed Kramer to rot. In the past it has been hard to get information, and there’s always been this sense of “we shouldn’t discuss the case before the trial.”
— Darrell Schweitzer, World Fantasy Award winner and nominee, author, poet, essayist, publisher and co-editor of the legendary Weird Tales.

John Scalzi, President of the SFWA during the late Kramer period. Silent on no topic, save his own industry’s problem with pedophilia.
John Scalzi -The SFWA (an author organization probably best known for its Nebula Award for science fiction) was called upon to assist in the Kramer affair. One may reasonably mistake the organization’s public silence for condemnation. However, then-president (2010-2013) of the SFWA John Scalzi had every opportunity to expel Kramer from its membership (following the second arrest in 2011, imprisonment in 2012, and sentencing in 2013) roles for his egregious violation of the public trust that science fiction conventions and other events are assumed to have.
Kramer was kept as a member in good standing following his sentencing.

“[T]here’s a part of me…who can understand why those men could rationalize a) not immediately acting in the interests of a child being raped, b) not immediately going to the police, c) doing only the minimum legal requirements, d) acting to keep from exposing their organization to a scandal. But here’s the thing: that part of me? That part of me is a coward.” – John Scalzi

Scalzi’s cowardice may be his reason for fostering a pro-pedophilia environment, but it certainly is not an excuse. Possibly he realizes that his stance on abuse is already compromised, as, in addition to his now-famous admission to being a rapist, he has also confessed to writing inappropriate and disturbing rape fiction:
“I thought it would be an interesting character note…for the serial killer to basically rape and torture the wife — at which point Pamela immediately went from interested to disgusted, threw up her hands, and had them make motions that I immediately interpreted as oh God Oh God this horrible idea of yours get it off me right now.” — John Scalzi, recounting how Pamela Wallace, Hollywood screenwriter and romance novelist, was repulsed by his forays into rape.
(My note: Scalzi is very likely a Jew, since was also a supporter of the Rockfeller Foundation)

But it wasn’t just silence on the SFWA’s part in 2013. That was also the year that they elevated an advocate of pedophilia to their highest honor.
Samuel R. Delany – Named Damon Knight Lifetime Grandmaster in 2013, Samuel “Chip” Delany had been extolling the virtues of sex with children for decades.
“I read the NAMBLA [Bulletin] fairly regularly and I think it is one of the most intelligent discussions of sexuality I’ve ever found. I think before you start judging what NAMBLA is about, expose yourself to it and see what it is really about. What the issues they are really talking about, and deal with what’s really there rather than this demonized notion of guys running about trying to screw little boys. I would have been so much happier as an adolescent if NAMBLA had been around when I was 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.” — Samuel R. Delany, June 25, 1994.
Samuel R. “Chip” Delany, awarded SF Grandmaster and advocate for consented child sex.
“Since I spent eighteen years of my life as a child, and nine years of that life as a pretty sexually active gay child, my complaint against the current attitudes is that they work mightily to silence the voices of children first and secondarily ignore what adults have to say who have been through these situations. One size fits all is never the way to handle any situation with a human dimension. Many, many children—and I was one of them—are desperate to establish some sort of sexual relation with an older and even adult figure.
Today, all such relationships are so completely demonized as to destroy souls and psyches on both sides of the purely arbitrary 18-year-old divide.” – Delany, June 30, 2014.
(My note: If Delany is not a Jew, then we can easily blame the fact that he is race-mixed)

Elizabeth Waters – Marion Zimmer Bradley’s long-time lover, who was told of Walter Breen’s sexual abuse of the couple’s son, Patrick, by the victim himself. In a deposition, she spoke to the familial and social culture of denial:
Q: Is there any particular reason why you did not relate what Patrick had told you, to Marion Zimmer Bradley?
A. At the time, we were all so traumatized that I didn’t want to add to anybody’s trauma anymore than they were already traumatized, and Patrick was an adult at that point, and whatever Marion may have done to him in the past was clearly over.”

Robert A. Heinlein – The one “Big” of the Big 3 who hasn’t come up yet. He had these encouraging words for Marion Zimmer Bradley following the Breendoggle:
“The fan nuisance we were subjected to was nothing like as nasty as the horrible things that were done to you two but it was bad enough that we could get nothing else done during the weeks it went on and utterly spoiled what should have been a pleasant, happy winter. But it resulted in a decision which has made our life much pleasanter already…We have cut off all contact with organized fandom.”
(My note: Heinlein is the least expected of the Big 3 of Sci-fi to be linked to pedophilia. But I guess we should expect everything.

Continues in part 3
Part 3

WARNING: This post deals seriously with child sexual abuse in science fiction and extensively quotes from the work of a science fiction author who endorses, and is believed to have engaged in, criminally abusive sexual behavior. Not for the faint of heart; contains vulgarities, obscenities, and descriptions of extremely deviant and disgusting behavior. This is a grim, but factual description of the depravity that is celebrated in the science fiction world.
(My note: I chose to remove the references to the texts because this is not an NSFW forum. If you really want to read them, go to the original post)

“Well chosen and well deserved.”
Q: Upon leaving office in 2013, When asked “What was the best part of holding this office for as long as you did?”
A: As for the best things: Well, I’m not gonna lie, it’s awesome to have picked Grand Masters.
-John Scalzi’s Presidential Exit Interview at the SFWA, 2013

That same year, when Scalzi’s successor to the presidency used his very first selection for the Damon Knight Memorial Grand Master Award on Samuel R. Delany, Scalzi broke his self-imposed “SFWA post-presidential silence” to write: “This is an award both well chosen and well deserved.”
Samuel R. Delany has been praised in the science fiction community for decades. He is also the author of Hogg, a pornographic novel that features three male characters named Cocksucker, Hogg, and Denny.

Nathan Forest Winters, 13-year old star of Clownhouse, was raped by the director, Victor Salva, who recorded the molestation using the production cameras of the studio. Winters would later go public with his story, protesting Salva’s access to children in the SF film Powder.
• Cocksucker – the otherwise unnamed 11-year old narrator and willing sex toy to a number of youths and adults, both strangers and acquaintances. Hogg takes particular interest in him and gives him his nickname, never bothering to ask for the child’s given name.
• Hogg – Cocksucker’s middle-aged, self-styled guardian and sex partner.
• Denny – a mentally challenged and sexually diseased 17-year old who goes on a (graphically detailed) 32-person killing spree at the book’s climax (the “nail” below refers to a bent nail used to pierce Denny’s penis.)

John W. Campbell and World Fantasy Award-winning Jo Walton wrote for Tor.com: “I could write a considered post about Delany’s significance to the field, but I’m just too enthusiastic about his work to do it in a properly calm way. I find his pornography very difficult to read, but I think his essays are wonderful. Through the Valley of the Nest of Spiders uses techniques of pornography and becomes science fiction in a way that isn’t like anything else, and while it isn’t easy to read I feel it’s worthwhile for fans of his work to keep persevering.”
Keep persevering, fans, through long passages like this:
(My note: I removed it because I found it too inappropriate)

Walton: “As a new writer Delany was a revelation. He’s gay and African-American and this intersectionality of experience gives his work dimensions that genre SF hadn’t seen before, and hasn’t seen enough of since. Delany’s worlds are notable for their complexity and solidity, their attention to class and sex and economics and gender and identity. Yet these things are always essential to the story of the characters—and it’s the characters and the world that shaped them that are memorable. Delany’s ability to evoke worlds from words is almost unrivaled.”
(Like the above)

“Virtuosity and courage”
Cat Rambo, President of the SFWA:
“Delany is amazing. Moments in his writing blow me away, make me stop and marvel how he’s constructed them. He awes me with his virtuosity and courage in writing.” – Cat Rambo, current President of the SFWA
Let’s look at that virtuosity and courage. As they serve accessory to Denny’s brutal, hours-long spree of mass murder, Hogg chats with him and provides the younger boy’s sexual services to him:
[B}(Again, you won't see it here)[/B]

Gardner Dozois:
Founding editor of The Year’s Best Science Fiction Anthology, and former editor of Asimov’s, Gardner Dozois
“It may be that Delany’s interest in expressing sexual matters in his work was always there, but that he couldn’t get away with publishing it, in an A-list trade book, much before Dhalgren, just as Heinlein’s interest in sex was clearly always there, but he couldn’t get away with putting much of it into his books before the publishing environment had changed (and perhaps until he’d become enough of a bestselling author that he could refuse to cut it from the text and get away with it). People don’t remember how prudish a field SF was.”
(Another quote removed)

“Nicest person in the world.”
Rich Horton, editor and fan, lionized Delany at an author forum: “I’ve never met Delany (having only come to conventions somewhat late, and even now only to Midwest conventions), but just reading him he seems like about the nicest person in the world.”
(Two quotes removed)

Nebula-winning Rachel Swirsky, Hugo-nominated author of the anti-bigotry short story, If You Were a Dinosaur, My Love
Rachel Swirsky (whose fictionalized commentary on racial prejudice and violence earned her a Hugo Award nomination) on Delany’s Grand Master prize:
“As someone who got to support Steven Gould in his choice of Delany, I’d like to start off by saying, “Yay!”
(Other than the usual quotes that were removed, Swirsky is a Jewish surname)

A final note on the text: lest you think the satanic Hogg finds redemption, retribution or any other consequences for his life and career as a ‘rapist for hire’ and molester, he does not. The murder conspiracy gets away with it, presumably to continue, unreflecting, on sheer scatological abuse.
The introduction to the novel makes it clear that the reader is intended to have sympathy and understanding for the “monster” Hogg and his gang of rapists (although, none, apparently, for the “willing” child victims.) This is a fundamental principle of the advocates, and it is an idea that has been mainstreamed in such prominent media as Salon. It is the point of the spear – the cruel idea that separates those who would defend civilization, and those who would destroy it.
Hogg is only one of Delany’s sadistically abusive ‘pornographic’ novels.
Delany has made it clear that he fundamentally believes that sex between adults and children is not necessarily harmful, that even prisons are where pedophiles are outnumbered 9 to 1 by “horny teenagers.” When Will Shetterly began his dialog with Delany, it was no doubt a gentleman’s attempt to give Delany the space he needed to clarify or repudiate his old quotes in favor of NAMBLA. Shetterly posed good questions, and Delany answered them honestly (see also supplement 1 to this series. But no journalist had ever asked him these things before: it fell on the SF community to do the follow-up, and only Shetterly stepped forward.
He missed a question though, and that’s no crime. It was a casual conversation borne out of curiosity. What is borderline criminal is that no one else – not in SF journalism, academia or fandom has ever bothered to ask the obvious. Delany’s extreme stance should have, at some point in his career, certainly within the last twenty years, inspired a single, simple question.
So I’ll ask it here, to Samuel Delany: “You assert there is no harm in a mutual sexual relationship between an adult and a child, so have you ever had sexual relations, as an adult, with an individual under the age of 18?”
(My note: Pedophilia is not "Satanic" but Jewish. But the author won't say it)

Source: http://www.castaliahouse.com/safe-s...ction-culture-and-childhoods-end-part-4-of-5/

Continues in Part 4
What about Frank Herbert, Brian Herbert, Kevin J. Anderson and the Dune Saga?
In 1964 a pedophilia scandal rocked science fiction fandom, and most normal-thinking people would simply say it didn’t rock quite hard enough to shake off all the closet rapists from finding secret passages into a vulnerable fandom. The truth is the exact opposite: the scandal rocked science fiction — and, at least in some small way, society at large — toward an ethic of pro-pedophilia, toward a culture where child abuse is a virtue.
Thanks for exposing all of this, I knew nothing about that - though I am the living proof of how all of this infected and ruined the mind of many Gentiles, as I lived a childhood and teens in a similar abusive "relationship" with my father. Now I see that with even more clarity.
People doing and promoting all of this are the worst psychopaths and criminals, as this undermines many lives of men who would have been much stronger, balanced and sane if they would not have been abused, by what the psychopath abusers truly think it's "love" with their son. They do not feel wrong, they would not admit this shit nor under torture, they think they are right and justified by "love". This is crazy.
But I see, it's the consequence of all the energy the filthy jews you mentioned and exposed put in motion. Creating a vortex of energy affecting many pedophiles' minds, souls and behavior, even if they have never read those science fiction. They act like this, they pick up from this vortex, and often even have power in life due to tapping to the enemy power. This is how I see from the "inside" as a victim.
I think this mechanism is aimed to create more and more generations of subdued and mind enslaved men, so they will always respond to the jewish call to behave like the jews want. It's unconscious. I think there's a deep reason why the enemy dwells so much on pedophilia. This chains the soul.
Unless of course strong people, with strong will, a clean soul and the Gods' help break those chains.
People doing and promoting all of this are the worst psychopaths and criminals, as this undermines many lives of men who would have been much stronger, balanced and sane if they would not have been abused, by what the psychopath abusers truly think it's "love" with their son. They do not feel wrong, they would not admit this shit nor under torture, they think they are right and justified by "love". This is crazy.
But I see, it's the consequence of all the energy the filthy jews you mentioned and exposed put in motion. Creating a vortex of energy affecting many pedophiles' minds, souls and behavior, even if they have never read those science fiction. They act like this, they pick up from this vortex, and often even have power in life due to tapping to the enemy power. This is how I see from the "inside" as a victim.
I think this mechanism is aimed to create more and more generations of subdued and mind enslaved men, so they will always respond to the jewish call to behave like the jews want. It's unconscious. I think there's a deep reason why the enemy dwells so much on pedophilia. This chains the soul.
Unless of course strong people, with strong will, a clean soul and the Gods' help break those chains.
This might also explain why so many black people steal and murder. How many black people are Christians/Muslims? Because if the numbers are high, this might explain why a majority of black people act like thugs. Through their worship of Jesus and Allah, they become self-righteous jackasses without consciously realizing both are Jewish gods.
This might also explain why so many black people steal and murder. How many black people are Christians/Muslims? Because if the numbers are high, this might explain why a majority of black people act like thugs. Through their worship of Jesus and Allah, they become self-righteous jackasses without consciously realizing both are Jewish gods.
I could not have said this better myself. Also, ALL CHIMO's for the WOODCHIPPER! 🔥
Part 4
I am discovering that the keeping of secrets to hide shame is poison, and I am trying to recover from the echoes every day. You can too. I have learned it was not my fault when it happened and it is not your fault either. Free yourselves. – Mark Greyland
The final installment of this feature is devoted to something to often buried in the roar of denials and accusation: the victims.
A very small number of the hundreds of past victims have come forward with the truth.

Heidi Saha, with the editor of the infamous An Illustrated History of Heidi Saha, Forry Ackerman, at Lunacon 70.
(My note: Ackerman is yet another Jewish surname)
As a child, Ken Smith was molested by Walter Breen multiple times and reported it to the police when questioned, thanks to the accusation of Moira Greyland, Walter’s daughter. As an adult, Ken Smith continued a lawsuit against Breen (then his estate), Marion Zimmer Bradley and Elisabeth Waters that had been begun on his behalf by his mother. When of legal age to do so, Smith made his case and identity public. A settlement was reached in his favor against Bradley and Waters two years later, a month before Bradley died of heart attack.
Victor Salva’s most prominent victim responded to his abuse with a brave and public counterattack on Hollywood powerhouse Disney, who greenlit and backed Salva’s SF film Powder, about an abused “special” boy who “heals grown ups with a touch.” The powerful studio was undeterred, and Salva would go on to direct the teen slasher series Jeepers Creepers. But had Winters not spoken out, Salva would not be on the public radar as a known predator.

“I needed to face this. I’ve lived through years and years and years of pain and trauma. I’m being healed daily: It’s unreal the amount of stuff that’s built up all these years that’s starting to be released. But it doesn’t work like, ‘Boom! — I’m OK now.’ ” Nathan Forrest Winters, 1995

Another victim of Bradley and Breen was their own son, Mark, and although he values his privacy intensely, he was willing to come forward with a few important thoughts, including:
“My sister has been exceedingly brave in admitting to details of what happened to her. I am not so brave, the words themselves are coals on the tongue. To speak them is to be burned by them. If I leave out details it is because I mean to. Too much of my past is alive in my head to be able to share it. If you do not know you will sleep better at night. Sometimes I write poetry to paint the shadows of memory obscuring the light of day. That is more than enough.” – Mark Greyland

Another victim of pedophilia and science-fiction fan named Andrew also questioned the noisy silence of Science Fiction leaders on the issue, who, following the explosive revelations of the Breen, Bradley, Waters cover-up and the Kramer sentencing, preferred to express childish and displaced rage once again into “safe” political screeds tangentially related to abuse.
(Note: the below originally appeared in the comments at Jim C. Hines’ blog, and was republished at Larry Correia’s site, so those are the “Jim” and “Larry” he references. It is not without some irony that the man being rightfully and righteously accused of unreasonable silence on the problem of pedophilia in science fiction (Jim Hines) is himself a rape crisis counselor.):

• Andrew
• JUN 18, 2014 @ 17:20:14
“Hey Jim,
I’m a survivor.
I’m trying to think of a way to say this that isn’t going to either sound like I’m an MRA or that I’m trying to invalidate the good work you do with other survivors. But I really think the way this issue has become political and how I see you contributing to that is really… uh… not okay.
I think you’re probably a good dude. I can’t imagine you not being a good dude given the amount of work you do with survivors and the depressing toll I know that work takes. BUT (I know you were probably sensing a but, and I’m sorry to have to do this in a thread where you’re already taking a pummeling) I’m going to step on your toes a bit here.
I’m doing it because I think you’ll listen and because it needs to be said.
Okay, here goes:
Why are you focusing on Larry Correia?
I just don’t get this.
At all.
Why are you responding to a piece by a guy who thinks rape is wrong and just disagrees with you on the exact nature of the problem and the solution? I’m not saying those aren’t large gaps. I’m not saying I don’t think he’s wrong about rape culture. I’m not saying I don’t think he’s wrong about education (another survivor I know actually works in those groups with those people and says its effective and I trust him, although to be honest even giving offenders that much help makes my stomach turn).
But why is Larry Correia a target?
I don’t agree with a lot of what Larry has to say, but I’ll be honest and say I still like him. He reminds me of a couple of uncles I have and some friends I used to argue with at a couple construction jobs I had. He’s really loud and says some shit I don’t agree with but you also see him actually trying to help other writers and doing stuff for charity all the time.
So, I get that you guys have serious disagreements. I get that he’s called you names. You feel attacked and that makes sense that you’d want to focus on him.
BUT (and this is what’s bugging the shit out of me): The community just found out that Marion Zimmer Bradley was a child rapist. As in, she raped children. She put her hands on kids. I’ve just found out that the community knew she was a procurer and turned a blind eye to child-rape for decades on top of all of that. And no one talks about it.
No one in the community who usually talks about this stuff is talking about this.
I was five when I was victimized. That story hit me right in the guts. I figured I’d see everyone talking about it, trying to do some agony origami and figure out what to say about it that might bring some kind of useful awareness to the community. The silence has been deafening.
I get that Larry is loud and he says things that people don’t like. But maybe fandom needs a voice like that? Before you disagree, Larry’s website is the only place I’ve heard anything even WHISPERED about Samuel R. Delany. I can’t quite seem to figure out why that is.
Samuel R. Delany was just honored at the Nebulas and quoted in NK Jemisin’s speech (I agree with a lot of what she has to say, but I just don’t get how this isn’t at least being pointed out) and Samuel R. Delany outright without any kind of doubt or apology speaks up for NAMBLA.
NAMBLA is a group that advocates grown men raping young boys.
That’s so fucked up I don’t even have words for it.
Look at his Wikipedia page. If you can stand to do it, go to NAMBLA’s website. They quote him right goddamn there.
I’m not going to say that being a male survivor is harder than being a female survivor. But I will say that when you’re a male survivor not nearly many people are willing to talk about it. Giving a pass to a guy who supports NAMBLA is not okay. It’s not okay. Focusing on Larry Correia when that shit is not being talked about is not okay.
It is not okay.
I’m hoping you didn’t know. I’m hoping NK Jemisin and K Tempest Bradford and Mary Robinette Kowal don’t know. I saw everyone tweeting happily when he won his award. Because if you guys all know and aren’t saying anything about it and maybe even turning a blind eye because it’s really hard…
Well, I’d even kind of get that.
People talk a big game until that stuff is at their doorstep and then it becomes really easy to look away. We’re all human. No one’s invincible or infallible.
This is about the ugliest thing you can look at as a person.
But it’s still not okay.
I know none of you are under any obligation to condemn Samuel R Delany or Marion Zimmber Bradley. But when you’re going to start attacking people and you choose Larry Correia….
I just don’t get this.”

Of course, Mark Greyland’s sister Moira has rightfully earned credit from many more people than just her brother. It was her brave, matter-of-fact email to Deidre Saoirse Moen that exposed how power, codes of silence and community approval could foster the endemic problem of pedophilia within SF:
“The first time she molested me, I was three. The last time, I was twelve, and able to walk away.
I put Walter in jail for molesting one boy. I had tried to intervene when I was 13 by telling Mother and Lisa, and they just moved him into his own apartment.
I had been living partially on couches since I was ten years old because of the out of control drugs, orgies, and constant flow of people in and out of our family “home.”
None of this should be news. Walter was a serial rapist with many, many, many victims (I named 22 to the cops) but Marion was far, far worse. She was cruel and violent, as well as completely out of her mind sexually. I am not her only victim, nor were her only victims girls.” – Moira Greyland”

“None of this should be news.”
None. Of. This. Should. Be. News.
Being a victim doesn’t automatically make you right, but compare these reasonable, measured, deep and thoughtful responses of the victims to those of the pedophile-defenders.
A special mention should also be made of author Nancy A. Collins, whose work highlighting, denouncing and investigating Ed Kramer’s crimes met with intense professional and personal blowback from Kramer’s many defenders.
Compare the above responses to, say, this one at Will Shetterly’s excellent investigation into the problem: “At NAMBLA’s site, Linda Frankel’s Beyond Bounds: Intergenerational Relationships in Science Fiction and Fantasy begins by asking ‘Why read or write science fiction and fantasy?’ Her answer boils down to ‘Because that’s where the stories about adults having sex with children are.'”
By the time Heidi Saha was 14 years old, she was such a convention regular in the 1970s that Forry Ackerman (of Famous Monsters of Filmland) and publisher James Warren thought she was ripe for her own special magazine, featuring photos of the child cosplayer.
(My note: won't repost the photo because it is still disgusting)
“An absolute delight! I love her!” – Isaac Asimov, promoting An Illustrated History of Heidi Saha, a fourteen-year old girl famous for portraying Vampirella at conventions.
(My note: I've already said that Isaac Asimov was a Communist Jew. It's no surprise why Hitler banned his works from Germany considering how depravate he and his family are)

There is no middle ground here. This issue really is that divided: you are either for the victims, or against them.
A final word of thanks to all the survivors of this horrific crime who have -either privately or publicly in the comments provided their insights and thoughts on this matter. This unique knowledge that you never asked for and certainly never deserved has been very helpful in this modest attempt to shed further light on this number one problem in science fiction circles that has been allowed to feed on darkness for far, far too long.

Source: http://www.castaliahouse.com/safe-s...ction-culture-and-childhoods-end-part-5-of-5/

There are other articles but I won't post further. I think that what you've seen is enough to put yourself on guard in front of the Sci-fi community (both his fandom and authors).

Stay safe and Ave Satanas!
how about Liu Cixin and another chinese author? maybe was danger
There was a thread about The Three-Body Problem that I can't seem to find. In that thread an SS replied to another one who defended the series and the book, by claiming that it is gray alien propaganda. I own the trilogy of the books but it ended in my DNF books after that last reply and once I realized that it is too dull and boring.

What about Frank Herbert, Brian Herbert, Kevin J. Anderson and the Dune Saga?
The Dune saga was recommended more than a time by advanced SSs. I have yet to finish the first book, but it is definitely a redpill. I didn't find any degeneracy in the saga, therefore it would be impossible for them to be involved in this scandal.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
