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Science and Truths: Egregor

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
The Christian Churches have always been brutal to science and scientists. The original Christian Church, the Catholic Church, hunted down, tortured, and mass murdered our finest minds, scholars, scientists and anyone they believed was a threat to exposing their lies.

As I've already written many times, there is a point where both science and spirituality (the occult) meet and complement each other.

Humans are ignorant fools to believe we are special inhabitants of this universe. This is another tactic of Christianity in all of its deception to disarm us.

Humanity has dominion (which has been severely abused), over animals and plants, the environment, etc, on this planet, for the most part.

The truth is, thanks to scientific knowledge, we know we are not the center of the universe, the planets and the sun do NOT revolve around the Earth and so forth.

Though the mainstream sources will not readily openly admit, is there are other beings out there. Some way more advanced than others. The more advanced, the more dominion and control.

It becomes glaringly obvious, if one is learned in the life sciences, how some species are adept at exploiting other species, such as I wrote in a former article regarding ants; Hymenoptera.

Few are open to reality enough to see how humanity has been disarmed through the blocking of our astral senses, aka "ESP" and opened to alien exploitation and attack.

Lucifuge Rofocal's recent revelation regarding His own experience and what happened to His planet explains plenty. Lucifuge's planet is now a slave colony. Each of the Greys there has received the implant.

Through millennia (what is a thousand years to us may be nothing to other beings out there, or how many planets do these beings have infested with their agenda for the implants?), the removal of key astral senses has left humanity to spiritual degeneration.

We cannot normally see the results of our actions for one. We don't really see what we do. Consistent meditation opens us up to some awareness of our actions, but not completely.

The Earth itself has been bound.
The Earth is dying, humanity is on the brink of disaster. The environment, for one is nearly unsalvageable at this point. The interconnectedness of life, the ecology and related, have all been affected. Humanity has been responsible for these issues. Humanity, cut off from a very important key aspect of awareness cannot 'see' the ramifications of all the detrimental and most careless actions incited by the masses.

The enemy agenda (and how many more planets out there have also been set up to be eventual slave colonies, and energy providing sources for nefarious advanced aliens), is to disarm the population by blocking the spiritual senses.

Only when admitting to and facing reality (no matter how ugly and/or terrifying it can be), can we deal with these problems, defend ourselves, and put an end to them.

When the majority of the populace wakes up regarding the programs of Christianity, Islam and related, and their root of Judaism, and what they really are (to put in an artificial substitute for the spiritual), that is dependent upon being spiritually disabled and left spiritually ignorant.

The Christian Churches have been very blatant in their agenda. The mass murders of those who had spiritual abilities, even children as young as two years old were burned to death in witch houses (psychic abilities are often inherited), the destruction, burning and confiscation of spiritual libraries and related materials, the building of enemy churches and other artificial structures over important Ley Lines, and areas of natural psychic energies, where Pagan shrines and temples once existed... There is much more.

These are all to disarm humanity through destroying psychic awareness, which reveals the truth.

The ultimate goal for the enemy is total atheism. Enforced atheism, as in communist countries, where there is total removal of all spiritual knowledge. The communist countries do allow restricted access to Christian Churches, Christian Bibles and such, as an "alternative," pretending to be at odds with these. But, NO true or real spiritual knowledge is permitted to the populace.

To summarize:
1. A planet is singled out for exploitation for labor, fleecing of life energy, which is an all important commodity out there.

2. The Jewish root and soul are implanted along with the Christian and related crap that manifest out of this.

3. Enemy programs as in #2 work to replace spiritual abilities, knowledge and practices with artificial crap. Another major focus of artificial crap is slavish worship, which begins and establishes an energy line to where not only does the energy feed the artificial program on its own, but also connects to enemy beings, feeding them precious energy for their own benefit and to the detriment of humanity.

4. A giant thought form, as with these enemy programs is called an "egregor." This is no different from a minor thought form created by individuals, and programmed to feed off of self perpetuating energies. For more information on this, please visit the link below.

5. The success for the enemy is achieved when all inhabiting beings receive the implant. The entire planet then becomes a slave colony, devoted to supplying enemy aliens with unlimited labor, life force energies and anything else they can systematically fleece from the inhabiting populations.

How many more planets in our galaxy or even beyond have been targeted and imbedded with Judeo/Christian programs, that are directed to the enslavement agenda?

Satan is here to wake us up to all of this. The Judeo/Christian Bible climaxes with the allegation that Satan is behind everyone getting implanted with the microchip.

This is NOT true!! This is another very clever enemy tactic. First, like the entire theme of the Bible, it creates a powerful subliminal, opening everyone s mind that the implant or "code of the beast" as it has been called is a certain eventuality.

Even worse, it deceives believers and other ignorant individuals, that Satan WHO IS IN REALITY TRYING TO ALERT US TO THIS DANGER, TRYING TO HELP US TO REBEL AGAINST THIS AND FIGHT IT, is supposed to be masterminding all of this.

The proof is for all to see. Satan and our Gods have always been promoting the true spiritual. Satan has always been synonymous with the occult.

Also, Satan does not need or require any slavish worship. Judeo, Christian, Islamic and related programs demand it under threat of torture and death.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Aside what HPS Maxine has said it has to be understood, that life is not as forgiving as people think it is.

There are different levels to this Lucifuge's story was extremely revealing in that it showed that a species can actually fail. Nowdays humans are extremely arrogant with race mixing, acting against nature, forcibly distancing themselves from everything natural, forsaking any spiritual insight etc.

Lucifuge related to me that his planet had also discovered for a very long time before they went down, genetic manipulation and engineering. However this was used terribly. Then this became universalized and bled over to the actual population of his species, which progressively ruined more and more their genetic code. This came coupled with endless other problems for his species.

The pattern of mass bastardization and then trying to solve and "equalize" genes and gene pools like applied communism was the practice they followed. This ruined everyone and weakened them to the point they were extremely easy to be taken over.

He also explained to me that the evolution of lifeforms does happen in stages. There are high risk states. We are going through one such state right now, and within the next decade this is going to intensify. Certain discoveries like the internet reform things forever but there is also way more like genetic manipulation. Other discoveries have a very low chance of survival for a said race or species and can end up in their demise.

While many people think this is all a game, it is a zero sum game. If one fucks up, all is gone.

Data has leaked from China on how they conduct all sorts of abomination experimentation up there such as random gene editing for humans. There are no laws, no consensus, and no consideration. This may look like an innocent thing now, and irrelevant, but as humanity progresses, all of that can backfire.

The enemy has a method they infiltrate and ruin planets, and with infiltration and spiritual warfare they turn them progressively and over a long time interval into full slave plantations, which are used as living fuel for alien species to have further power. The beings then are turned into borg and they are completely taken over.

I'll write what was related and what I understood fully in an upcoming post.
The people of Iceland are noted to still have some level of psychic abilities normally within the population. Their ancestors fled there to escape the Christian program. The Christians residing there where driven out and later when Christian missions where sent into Iceland they where banned by law as "disgrace on one's Kin" the Christianization was forced on them by Olaf with threat of war. But it was a somewhat superficial conversion. And the Pagan knowledge and society still exist there for hundreds of years. The Edda's came from Iceland. The lesson of Iceland however is that in time Christianity will still take over and drive your population down. The spiritual knowledge has been removed there. However it seems they where not able to massacre the population like elsewhere so you still have psychic people being born normally among the population. As mentioned its passed down.
The Torah has curses against the earth within it.
This is not a disagreement but why doesn't the enemy use brute force rather then the slow methodical destruction from inside out? It seems like this gives us time which should work against them.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
The Earth is dying, humanity is on the brink of disaster. The environment, for one is nearly unsalvageable at this point. The interconnectedness of life, the ecology and related, have all been affected. Humanity has been responsible for these issues. Humanity, cut off from a very important key aspect of awareness cannot 'see' the ramifications of all the detrimental and most careless actions incited by the masses.

Not saying this isn't true, but if you don't post any links to your sources of where you get your information from on these subjects, it will be harder for people to actually go on and see the facts for themselves. So please do add some.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aside what HPS Maxine has said it has to be understood, that life is not as forgiving as people think it is.

There are different levels to this Lucifuge's story was extremely revealing in that it showed that a species can actually fail. Nowdays humans are extremely arrogant with race mixing, acting against nature, forcibly distancing themselves from everything natural, forsaking any spiritual insight etc.

Lucifuge related to me that his planet had also discovered for a very long time before they went down, genetic manipulation and engineering. However this was used terribly. Then this became universalized and bled over to the actual population of his species, which progressively ruined more and more their genetic code. This came coupled with endless other problems for his species.

The pattern of mass bastardization and then trying to solve and "equalize" genes and gene pools like applied communism was the practice they followed. This ruined everyone and weakened them to the point they were extremely easy to be taken over.

He also explained to me that the evolution of lifeforms does happen in stages. There are high risk states. We are going through one such state right now, and within the next decade this is going to intensify. Certain discoveries like the internet reform things forever but there is also way more like genetic manipulation. Other discoveries have a very low chance of survival for a said race or species and can end up in their demise.

While many people think this is all a game, it is a zero sum game. If one fucks up, all is gone.

Data has leaked from China on how they conduct all sorts of abomination experimentation up there such as random gene editing for humans. There are no laws, no consensus, and no consideration. This may look like an innocent thing now, and irrelevant, but as humanity progresses, all of that can backfire.

The enemy has a method they infiltrate and ruin planets, and with infiltration and spiritual warfare they turn them progressively and over a long time interval into full slave plantations, which are used as living fuel for alien species to have further power. The beings then are turned into borg and they are completely taken over.

I'll write what was related and what I understood fully in an upcoming post.
So they tried to fix the race mixing through gene manipulation but it resulted in results that further degraded their race ?
Vx36 said:
This is not a disagreement but why doesn't the enemy use brute force rather then the slow methodical destruction from inside out? It seems like this gives us time which should work against them.

Brute force will just equal to more brute force. And they do not have it on such level either.

The cattle needs be plentiful before you take the stable. They do not want to cause any panic and there is no point for them to go into energy expenditure. If it were not for others to help, we would never have the slightest clue, let alone time to advance or do something out of it.

Also, you cannot force all humans scared and rabid. This defeats the purpose of enslavement. The best enslavement is when there are no chances for rebellion. Brute force requires also a consistent maintenance of such force to keep people under control.

The enemy is not omnipotent.
Jack said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aside what HPS Maxine has said it has to be understood, that life is not as forgiving as people think it is.

There are different levels to this Lucifuge's story was extremely revealing in that it showed that a species can actually fail. Nowdays humans are extremely arrogant with race mixing, acting against nature, forcibly distancing themselves from everything natural, forsaking any spiritual insight etc.

Lucifuge related to me that his planet had also discovered for a very long time before they went down, genetic manipulation and engineering. However this was used terribly. Then this became universalized and bled over to the actual population of his species, which progressively ruined more and more their genetic code. This came coupled with endless other problems for his species.

The pattern of mass bastardization and then trying to solve and "equalize" genes and gene pools like applied communism was the practice they followed. This ruined everyone and weakened them to the point they were extremely easy to be taken over.

He also explained to me that the evolution of lifeforms does happen in stages. There are high risk states. We are going through one such state right now, and within the next decade this is going to intensify. Certain discoveries like the internet reform things forever but there is also way more like genetic manipulation. Other discoveries have a very low chance of survival for a said race or species and can end up in their demise.

While many people think this is all a game, it is a zero sum game. If one fucks up, all is gone.

Data has leaked from China on how they conduct all sorts of abomination experimentation up there such as random gene editing for humans. There are no laws, no consensus, and no consideration. This may look like an innocent thing now, and irrelevant, but as humanity progresses, all of that can backfire.

The enemy has a method they infiltrate and ruin planets, and with infiltration and spiritual warfare they turn them progressively and over a long time interval into full slave plantations, which are used as living fuel for alien species to have further power. The beings then are turned into borg and they are completely taken over.

I'll write what was related and what I understood fully in an upcoming post.
So they tried to fix the race mixing through gene manipulation but it resulted in results that further degraded their race ?

Like with the earth which many people call "humanity" they also had different races and sub races living in different territories. The point he wanted to relate is much of what happens here is a repeat of what his own had happen to them and they went down as a result.

They did not try to fix any race mixing, they tried to amend things as if "all were fine", and this created more and more complications down the line, as in genetic instability and illness. This they tried to "correct" by trying to fix everything with genetic manipulation, which only backfired.

Imagine for example heart disease becomes so widespread that it becomes genetic and uniform for all. Then when one gets born they require instant intervention by surgery only to just live. This is only a simple example.

He told me they were already collapsing way before the end of their civilization took place.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Vx36 said:
This is not a disagreement but why doesn't the enemy use brute force rather then the slow methodical destruction from inside out? It seems like this gives us time which should work against them.

Brute force will just equal to more brute force. And they do not have it on such level either.

The cattle needs be plentiful before you take the stable. They do not want to cause any panic and there is no point for them to go into energy expenditure. If it were not for others to help, we would never have the slightest clue, let alone time to advance or do something out of it.

Also, you cannot force all humans scared and rabid. This defeats the purpose of enslavement. The best enslavement is when there are no chances for rebellion. Brute force requires also a consistent maintenance of such force to keep people under control.

The enemy is not omnipotent.

To add here, I don't think brute force for them is practical. The distances between the planets are vast for one. Along with this, each saucer would have to be capable of transporting a certain number, then weapons and do forth. The number of the enemy would have to be enough to physically conquer the number of humanity.

Greys for example, from what I've learned, must have special breathing apparatus and such to physically survive in our environment. I read where they carry breathing packs on their backs. I don't write "oxygen" because they more than likely don't breathe oxygen the same as we do. They also breathe and secrete through their skin.

So... There appears to be strong reasons why worlds are conquered through the means of psychic power.

I've written enough for one day, but JoS ministry's work for Satan (offline), has taught us much about death and the afterlife, along with knowledge about souls. I will be posting more articles regarding this topic soon.

The Jews are an alien soul. This is one of the major reasons they have endless and hideous diseases. The human body is meant for human souls. The Jewish soul is alien.

Advanced beings in other worlds have power over the soul. This also includes the souls of animals. They can reincarnate a soul however they choose, and more.

Due to centuries of Christian and Islam with their Jewish root being forced upon the populace, and spiritual knowledge being removed and/or severely corrupted, there is intense suffering in this world.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Thanks for the replies from you and Cobra. I am looking forward to reading more of your posts (as always) especially involving this:

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Advanced beings in other worlds have power over the soul. This also includes the souls of animals. They can reincarnate a soul however they choose, and more.
I suppose the question of them using brute force was a very human one. I should have thought about the Lucifuge post and how we aren't the only ones under attack. It is difficult sometimes to see the scale of everything beyond our own world and at the level of our technology we probably aren't the biggest priority either.
On the topic of why the enemy doesn't use brute force on us, it's true - the body can endure so much and when put in a grave situation, the average animal/person/lifeform is incredibly durable. For example, a woman (Alison Botha) was brutally beaten, raped, disemboweled and strangled - the men slit her throat for "good measure" but she lived. the muscles in the bottom of her neck were cut and she had to hold her head in order to see where she was going. Many people survived horrific situations like this before. Humanity is a force to be reckoned with, especially back then when the enemy started their Judeo-garbage programs.

But when you brainwash something, it's easy work - they do it all for you thinking it's their own choice (people would kill their own kid because the Bible told them to, many cults operate literally on the Bible).
You just need to look at how we've treated lifeforms below us, Horses are trained to keep cows away from their own newborn calves (https://youtu.be/nHkzZqB-LuE), the animals are doing all the work for us because we've trained them to versus forcing them to.
ConsistentMeditator said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
The Earth is dying, humanity is on the brink of disaster. The environment, for one is nearly unsalvageable at this point. The interconnectedness of life, the ecology and related, have all been affected. Humanity has been responsible for these issues. Humanity, cut off from a very important key aspect of awareness cannot 'see' the ramifications of all the detrimental and most careless actions incited by the masses.

Not saying this isn't true, but if you don't post any links to your sources of where you get your information from on these subjects, it will be harder for people to actually go on and see the facts for themselves. So please do add some.

You can use Google or Bing or Yahoo search to find out. I will only post some for referrence:

Vx36 said:
This is not a disagreement but why doesn't the enemy use brute force rather then the slow methodical destruction from inside out? It seems like this gives us time which should work against them.
I believe that if they will use brute force, they will expose themselves in such extent that even their own gentile puppets (not only political leaders, but also police, millitary and such) might turn against them. The number of jews on this planet is nearly 0 comparing to the number of gentiles. If they use brute force this might turn against them and they all will be exterminated in very short time, this maybe if they are not helped by reptilians. Is a very big risk for them. In such circumstances I guess is very easy to lose control.
ConsistentMeditator said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
The Earth is dying, humanity is on the brink of disaster. The environment, for one is nearly unsalvageable at this point. The interconnectedness of life, the ecology and related, have all been affected. Humanity has been responsible for these issues. Humanity, cut off from a very important key aspect of awareness cannot 'see' the ramifications of all the detrimental and most careless actions incited by the masses.

Not saying this isn't true, but if you don't post any links to your sources of where you get your information from on these subjects, it will be harder for people to actually go on and see the facts for themselves. So please do add some.

What is happening regarding the environment and where the Earth is at is common knowledge and is on the news, in newspapers, all over the internet, in magazines. There are petitions and the environment is s major focus in politics and in elections. Where have you been? You're obviously online. Ever hear of global warming? The plastic problem? Don't you watch the news???

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
ConsistentMediator said:
Not saying this isn't true, but if you don't post any links to your sources of where you get your information from on these subjects, it will be harder for people to actually go on and see the facts for themselves. So please do add some.

Pollution is so serious that there are microplastics in the very sea salt we eat daily and it's been estimated that by 2050 there'll be more plastic in our oceans than fish (it could even be the case now, considering the Great Pacific Garbage patch and all the trash found at the bottom of the Mariana trench) - a beached whale was also recently found with nothing but plastic in its stomach... You know, the stuff everyone knows because it's on the news?
I'd also like to add, it certainly isn't just us that is in danger either. On top of the pollution and plastics and climate issues we're experiencing, many of these issues are much more dire already for the other life on this planet, and I've been hearing more and more rumors of potential mass extinction events if nothing is done. Deforestation for instance, is a frequently ignored issue.

I made a post a while ago about how Brazil's newest zionist puppet will be bulldozing more of the Amazon than ever, likely displacing peoples into prostitution and drug addled slum lifestyles, as well as causing the mass death of thousands, if not millions, of plant and animal species.Some arrogant Xian types like to quote their evil messiah about how this doesn't matter and how their false god basically states the world is purely material and we can use it how we wish with no thought for tomorrow. Make no mistake, the people of the world will know it when the oxygen producing forests start dwindling and the oceans start becoming barren. This is also without mentioning the fast pace bees are disappearing, which are essential to the life cycle of flowers and pollination. It doesn't take a genius to also figure out all these disgusting, polluting megacorps will also make the land too barren to farm on eventually, as has happened in some places. Finally, make no mistake either, the archaic technology we have, based on fossil fuels and the like, is extremely finite, on top of being damaging to the air we breathe and the water we drink.

Remember, the Gods very much care about animal life. As should we. For our enemy, is very much the opposite. It's a very jewish trait to despise animals. Many of their race seem to grow intense fear even around the most harmless of dogs. Anyway, I stress the importance of education on these topics. Just remember, in time, the Gods will help us save this planet. Be aware, but don't fall prey to fear. Keep working and save the world, not just for us, but the trillions of other lifeforms we share it with too.
This meter is quite interesting, it a lot of stuff about the world and environment in real time.


Examples: 149,245 Days to the end of coal
35,459,201 Oil pumped today (barrels)
16,131 Days to the end of oil (~44 years)

How is the world not dying, when we are using up all of it's natural resources.... I look forward to the Age of Aquarius and having information and methods for fixing our beautiful planet, which will happen once the torah curses are completely destroyed.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
ConsistentMeditator said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
The Earth is dying, humanity is on the brink of disaster. The environment, for one is nearly unsalvageable at this point. The interconnectedness of life, the ecology and related, have all been affected. Humanity has been responsible for these issues. Humanity, cut off from a very important key aspect of awareness cannot 'see' the ramifications of all the detrimental and most careless actions incited by the masses.

Not saying this isn't true, but if you don't post any links to your sources of where you get your information from on these subjects, it will be harder for people to actually go on and see the facts for themselves. So please do add some.

What is happening regarding the environment and where the Earth is at is common knowledge and is on the news, in newspapers, all over the internet, in magazines. There are petitions and the environment is s major focus in politics and in elections. Where have you been? You're obviously online. Ever hear of global warming? The plastic problem? Don't you watch the news???

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Yes I have heard of these things like plastic in the oceans, the coral reefs dying, ocean acidification, global warming, and all sorts of other things. I just wanted to know what sources you in particular were using at the time.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jack said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aside what HPS Maxine has said it has to be understood, that life is not as forgiving as people think it is.

There are different levels to this Lucifuge's story was extremely revealing in that it showed that a species can actually fail. Nowdays humans are extremely arrogant with race mixing, acting against nature, forcibly distancing themselves from everything natural, forsaking any spiritual insight etc.

Lucifuge related to me that his planet had also discovered for a very long time before they went down, genetic manipulation and engineering. However this was used terribly. Then this became universalized and bled over to the actual population of his species, which progressively ruined more and more their genetic code. This came coupled with endless other problems for his species.

The pattern of mass bastardization and then trying to solve and "equalize" genes and gene pools like applied communism was the practice they followed. This ruined everyone and weakened them to the point they were extremely easy to be taken over.

He also explained to me that the evolution of lifeforms does happen in stages. There are high risk states. We are going through one such state right now, and within the next decade this is going to intensify. Certain discoveries like the internet reform things forever but there is also way more like genetic manipulation. Other discoveries have a very low chance of survival for a said race or species and can end up in their demise.

While many people think this is all a game, it is a zero sum game. If one fucks up, all is gone.

Data has leaked from China on how they conduct all sorts of abomination experimentation up there such as random gene editing for humans. There are no laws, no consensus, and no consideration. This may look like an innocent thing now, and irrelevant, but as humanity progresses, all of that can backfire.

The enemy has a method they infiltrate and ruin planets, and with infiltration and spiritual warfare they turn them progressively and over a long time interval into full slave plantations, which are used as living fuel for alien species to have further power. The beings then are turned into borg and they are completely taken over.

I'll write what was related and what I understood fully in an upcoming post.
So they tried to fix the race mixing through gene manipulation but it resulted in results that further degraded their race ?

Like with the earth which many people call "humanity" they also had different races and sub races living in different territories. The point he wanted to relate is much of what happens here is a repeat of what his own had happen to them and they went down as a result.

They did not try to fix any race mixing, they tried to amend things as if "all were fine", and this created more and more complications down the line, as in genetic instability and illness. This they tried to "correct" by trying to fix everything with genetic manipulation, which only backfired.

Imagine for example heart disease becomes so widespread that it becomes genetic and uniform for all. Then when one gets born they require instant intervention by surgery only to just live. This is only a simple example.

He told me they were already collapsing way before the end of their civilization took place.

This reminds me of when I was watching the Divergent series (movies) a couple of years ago.
Its basicly a movie in which people are put in a certain place into factions which are based on personality traits. Its some kind of experiment to see weather or not out of those factions it'd be possible to get some Divergents back, rather than everyone based one thing alone.

The movies are made after the book series which is written by Veronica Roth.

... the name though.


"She is of German and Polish descent.[5][6] Roth says of her father: "He had a job, and worked far away. Now I have a good relationship with my stepdad." [7] Her maternal grandparents were concentration camp survivors, whose religious convictions pushed her mother away from religion. Veronica Roth learned about Christianity by attending a Christian Bible study during her high school years, and has stayed with it.[4][8]"

See? I thought the name was suspicious.
A egregor is a condensed energy pack. otherwise the energy would dissipate or be lost with the passage of time. There exist grimoire. Where the egregors and their creators are jailed into grimoire. The book that you write, is no longer your book, it is the book of the one who has jailed you in grimoire - you, your books, your egregors. You can create an egregor even by writing a book, 200.000.000 people reading you book, then reading 200,000,000 people can birth and re-birth your egregor. Too, you can have sex with your friend or can start masturbating you until climax or orgasm. You can donate energy unconscious into a egregor of your master. There exist advanced technology or mind control technology.
What is the story with Amdusias? He belongs to an entirely different race of God's as opposed to being of Nordic blood. Why is he with the Gods? What happened to his race and planet?
Vx36 said:
This is not a disagreement but why doesn't the enemy use brute force rather then the slow methodical destruction from inside out? It seems like this gives us time which should work against them.
If you go in with all guns blaring, then many would die and resources would dwindle; if you take your time and manipulate, then you can make people think and believe that your will is correct - and during all of this, the protests and demonstrations, etc., create Mind-energies, which can be stolen and used for your destructive goals and intentions.

Distracting people with things such as media, materialisation, drugs, many problems, etc., makes them not realise that the boundaries, them being ring-fenced, are closing-in on them and constricting them more and more. You can put a ring on a bull's nose and drag it around, or you can try and force the bull to do your bidding.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jack said:

Like with the earth which many people call "humanity" they also had different races and sub races living in different territories. The point he wanted to relate is much of what happens here is a repeat of what his own had happen to them and they went down as a result.

They did not try to fix any race mixing, they tried to amend things as if "all were fine", and this created more and more complications down the line, as in genetic instability and illness. This they tried to "correct" by trying to fix everything with genetic manipulation, which only backfired.

Imagine for example heart disease becomes so widespread that it becomes genetic and uniform for all. Then when one gets born they require instant intervention by surgery only to just live. This is only a simple example.

He told me they were already collapsing way before the end of their civilization took place.
It's like a multi-faceted science fiction phage but also with extra tabs and things added on, making it very complex and overwhelming.

HailSatanForever said:
On the topic of why the enemy doesn't use brute force on us, it's true - the body can endure so much and when put in a grave situation, the average animal/person/lifeform is incredibly durable. For example, a woman (Alison Botha) was brutally beaten, raped, disemboweled and strangled - the men slit her throat for "good measure" but she lived. the muscles in the bottom of her neck were cut and she had to hold her head in order to see where she was going. Many people survived horrific situations like this before. Humanity is a force to be reckoned with, especially back then when the enemy started their Judeo-garbage programs.

But when you brainwash something, it's easy work - they do it all for you thinking it's their own choice (people would kill their own kid because the Bible told them to, many cults operate literally on the Bible).
You just need to look at how we've treated lifeforms below us, Horses are trained to keep cows away from their own newborn calves (https://youtu.be/nHkzZqB-LuE), the animals are doing all the work for us because we've trained them to versus forcing them to.
Oh, you also helped me realise about something I'd like to add - that there are "rewards" for things, as well. Consider Pavlov's Dogs -

Pavlov called the dogs' anticipatory salivation "psychic secretion".

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
