Targ said:
Goddess Aw said:
no it's not necessary to work too much on it, you also have to understand that being sensitive and homosexual is completely normal
if you have sexual blockages of course, work on aura and sacral chakra including base for self-esteem and sexual blockages
I don’t think so, I mean, I am very very sensitive, I have crisis everytime. There are some day that I just wanna die, I’ve alrady asked for Father Satan to take my life because I don’t wanna feel this anymore. I feel so useless.
I feel you... maybe you have so much water in your natal chart so you're too sensitive
no you're not useless. you're Satan's Son. I suggest you to meditate on solar chakra (identity). you can use Reda or Raum for solar chakra
you can use Lydia's Ritual "Healing frim Psychological Damage" for 40 days:
"Posting this as I've recommended it to a few SS. The healthier we are in every way, the better our success, the better our future. You can do a few cycles of 40 days, or one 90 day working, or whatever you feel you need.
This is best done when the Moon is in Scorpio, as Scorpio rules transformations, drastic changes, and psychological issues. Moon in Pisces is the only other moon sign appropriate for this working.
Date: Feb 16 (Jupiter day), March 16 (Jupiter), April 12 or 13 (Mercury day or Jupiter). The day itself doesn't matter so much as the Moon sign/phase, so even Venus day is fine. The waning side of a full moon is best but the timing doesn't always work out.
Hour of Sun (Self), Moon (unconscious, emotions, habits), Jupiter (good stuff) or just whatever works in your schedule for the day. Don't obsess over the hour too much, occasionally doing it in say Mars won't ruin the working.
Rune: Wunjo (or any other variations, Waunyo, Vend, Vin, Wynn). Its number is 8 so you can do 88 reps, 40 for people who aren't used to higher reps, or whatever amount you feel is best for you.
Affirmation 9x: "In a positive and healthy manner for me, the energies of [Wunjo or variation of] are totally and completely healing me from any and all psychological, mental, and emotional damage and pain".
Now, this is going to bring up some ugly stuff. For example, if you lived in fear as a child and always had stomach aches, this working might bring them back. You might also get flashes throughout the day of memories of trauma and so on. But it won't last long. Just keep it up and you will come out of it stronger (and saner) than ever." -