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Saturn Return – Facts, not Fears

HPS Lydia

High Priestess
Sep 20, 2017
[email protected]
[The Saturn Return is when transiting Saturn conjoins your natal Saturn, happening at around age 28-30; and again every 28-30 years after, but this post is about the first Saturn return. The length of a Saturn return lasts around 1 year, depending on its retrogrades.]

Over the years, many of you have asked me or to the forums about your fears of your Saturn Return. And many of you assumed it was going to be life-destroying.

The fact is, and this is observable, the vast majority of Saturn Returns are beneficial, not malefic. I spent many years studying astrology, going over the natal charts of people I knew in real life, and of historic figures, and looking at how their transits etc played out in their lives.

The Saturn return brings some sort of responsibility and structure, but one that is usually rewarding; or, it brings the culmination and a reward of your previous hard work. And sometimes… nothing happens. For some of you, absolutely nothing will happen. Some members have told me that nothing happened, but always added the same thing: “I feel more mature.”

Saturn Return usually has nothing to do with the placement of your natal Saturn. It usually does not have to do with the affairs of the house your natal Saturn is in, nor of the house that has Capricorn or Aquarius on the cusp. Sometimes it does, but usually not.

Here are the most common things that happen during your Saturn return:


-Finishing post-secondary education.

-Buying your first home.

-Having your first child.

-Career opportunity (promotion, or finding your dream job, etc).

-Nothing, other than general maturity.

While you can argue that the above events can be problematic (mortgage on a home, etc), the fact is that all of these lead to a maturing and increased responsibilities that are mandatory for the growth of your soul.

For some people, multiple events happen. I know one woman who got married, bought their first home, and had their first child all in the one year of her Saturn return. Her husband was a few years older so it wasn’t his Saturn return, to my knowledge nothing happened during his.

For those of you who married before the age of 28, already have a home or opt to rent, and already finished post-secondary or had children, then pretty much nothing will happen at this time for you.

From your Saturn return, you will probably become more mature, because you’ve had more life experience in the years leading up to it. You will probably be more able to be self-assured, rather than being prone to panicking or insecurity. Note that I wrote “probably” twice, we can all observe how some people never seem to grow up... but they will pay those karmic dues later in life or in their next life.

At the top of this post I wrote “this is observable” (regarding what Saturn returns bring). Yes. Get the charts of your family and of famous people, anyone past the age of 30, and have a look at their life at around the age of 28-30. See for yourself what happened to them at that time in their life. Try to look at 20-100 charts/people for a well-rounded observation.

Tying in with what has been mentioned before in the forums, about how Saturn brings responsibilities. For those who are responsible in life and working towards accomplishing anything, and working towards overcoming problems, your Saturn return will reward your effort.

But for those who avoid responsibilities, trying to live like a teenager forever, your Saturn return can indeed be ruinous. If you have a relationship but neglect your partner in favor of binge-drinking with your friends all the time, you might find yourself getting dumped. Or perhaps you neglected to build your finances, and are now in debt up to your eyeballs. Saturn is a teacher. He will discipline you harshly when needed, but if you work with him, you will be rewarded.

Some people will have a ruinous time even if they try their best. This can be from past-life or family karma that needs to be resolved, and of course, various curses flying around hitting people easily. Keeping up a basic aura/chakra cleaning, and aura of protection, will circumvent the curses; to deal with bad karma, you will need to do further rectifying of the soul, such as the deep cleaning cycles (marked in our SS Calendar), freeing the soul workings, and guidance from the Gods.

To answer a question I’ve been asked a lot, and this ties in with something else I mentioned above: you cannot see what your Saturn return will be ahead of time, because it often has nothing to do with your natal Saturn. Many people who have Saturn in a non-relationship house get married during their Saturn return, for example. Your natal Saturn shows where you often have problems in life, it does not show what will happen during your Saturn return. Especially for those who have nothing happen.

In closing, meditation and working on real-life goals will get you far in life. We will all have various responsibilities in life, it is how we deal with them that determines our fate.
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Some people will have a ruinous time even if they try their best. This can be from past-life or family karma that needs to be resolved, and of course, various curses flying around hitting people easily. Keeping up a basic aura/chakra cleaning, and aura of protection, will circumvent the curses; to deal with bad karma, you will need to do further rectifying of the soul, such as the deep cleaning cycles (marked in our SS Calendar), freeing the soul workings, and guidance from the Gods.
Do you have any advice on coping and trying to keep moving forward for people who inherited a mountain of negative family karma? How do you stay strong and do the right thing? How do you know what you should focus your efforts on?

I feel like a lot of negative seeds have been planted in previous generations and they've grown over time, culminating in me. No generational wealth, but generational (karmic) debt. Plus there is my own karma which seems to be related/stemming off of this.

I know it's my burden to carry alone, but it just feels overwhelming. It feels as if I'm not even starting from zero, but before it.
I feel like a lot of negative seeds have been planted in previous generations and they've grown over time, culminating in me. No generational wealth, but generational (karmic) debt. Plus there is my own karma which seems to be related/stemming off of this.
I am in a similar case, reading this sermon got me thinking and tracing various things.

My parents simply prevented me to evolve and wanted each other I become a copy of themselves, one being the opposite of the other. They drove me crazy and I can't see them anymore.
Despite they "love" me and allowed me to learn many things, they have insidiously waste my 40 first years with their low level demands.

If I look at what it has led to in my life, it's waste. But if I look at my life through the process of reincarnation and all I've come to understand, it all makes sens.

Thanks to my bad start, I've had the opportunity to correct myself, to harden myself, to observe my flaws... If I didn't pay off a part of my karmic debt in this life, I would have succeed maritally, professionally... but would have continued to behave like an asshole, pissing people off by arrogantly imposing the qualities I developed during my previous incarnations, getting myself into more debt karmically... to end like a bum in the next life.

It was adversity that brought me to this point, strengthened my faith, pushed me to study occultism, discovered the shoax, understood why the world is unhealthy and what's the human phenomon. And I cannot accused adversity to have prevented me from reading and studying for decades, quite the opposite !

So, when the life become is unbearable, simply recognizes that's a karmic game, and return in your books, workshop, studio, gym or whatever and a though will come to you to explain what happened. But generally, we remain hypnotized by adversity, get caught up in anguish and reinforcing this thought-form we call "torment".
[El retorno de Saturno se produce cuando Saturno en tránsito se une a tu Saturno natal, lo que ocurre alrededor de los 28 o 30 años; y nuevamente cada 28 o 30 años después, pero esta publicación trata sobre el primer retorno de Saturno. La duración de un retorno de Saturno es de alrededor de 1 año, dependiendo de sus movimientos retrógrados.]

A lo largo de los años, muchos de ustedes me han preguntado a mí o a los foros sobre sus temores ante el retorno de Saturno. Y muchos de ustedes asumieron que iba a destruir sus vidas.

El hecho es que, y esto es observable , la gran mayoría de los retornos de Saturno son beneficiosos, no maléficos. Pasé muchos años estudiando astrología, revisando las cartas natales de personas que conocía en la vida real y de figuras históricas, y observando cómo sus tránsitos, etc., se reflejaban en sus vidas.

El retorno de Saturno trae consigo algún tipo de responsabilidad y estructura, pero normalmente es una responsabilidad gratificante; o bien, trae la culminación y la recompensa de tu arduo trabajo previo. Y a veces… no pasa nada. Para algunos de ustedes, absolutamente nada sucederá. Algunos miembros me han dicho que no pasó nada, pero siempre añadieron lo mismo: “Me siento más maduro”.

El retorno de Saturno no suele tener nada que ver con la posición de tu Saturno natal. Por lo general, no tiene que ver con los asuntos de la casa en la que se encuentra tu Saturno natal ni con la casa en la que Capricornio o Acuario están en la cúspide. A veces sí, pero por lo general no.

Estas son las cosas más comunes que suceden durante el retorno de Saturno:


-Finalizar la educación postsecundaria.

-Comprar tu primera vivienda.

-Tener tu primer hijo.

-Pausa profesional (promoción, búsqueda del trabajo soñado, etc.).

-Nada, aparte de la madurez general.

Si bien se puede argumentar que los eventos anteriores pueden ser problemáticos (hipoteca de una casa, etc.), el hecho es que todos ellos conducen a una maduración y a mayores responsabilidades que son obligatorias para el crecimiento del alma.

Para algunas personas, ocurren múltiples eventos. Conozco a una mujer que se casó, compró su primera casa y tuvo su primer hijo, todo en el año de su retorno de Saturno. Su esposo era unos años mayor, por lo que no fue su retorno de Saturno; que yo sepa, no sucedió nada durante el suyo.

Para aquellos de ustedes que se casaron antes de los 28 años, ya tienen una casa u optaron por alquilar, y ya terminaron la educación postsecundaria o tuvieron hijos, entonces prácticamente nada sucederá para ustedes en este momento.

A partir de tu retorno de Saturno, probablemente te volverás más maduro, porque habrás tenido más experiencia de vida en los años previos. Probablemente serás más capaz de tener confianza en ti mismo, en lugar de ser propenso al pánico o la inseguridad. Ten en cuenta que escribí "probablemente" dos veces, todos podemos observar cómo algunas personas parecen no crecer nunca... pero pagarán esas deudas kármicas más adelante en la vida o en su próxima vida.

En la parte superior de esta publicación escribí “esto es observable” (con respecto a lo que trae el retorno de Saturno). Sí. Consigue las cartas astrales de tu familia y de personas famosas, cualquiera que haya cumplido los 30 años, y observa su vida cuando tenía entre 28 y 30 años. Observa por ti mismo lo que les sucedió en ese momento de su vida. Intenta observar entre 20 y 100 cartas astrales o personas para tener una observación completa.

En relación con lo que se ha mencionado antes en los foros, sobre cómo Saturno trae responsabilidades. Para aquellos que son responsables en la vida y trabajan para lograr cualquier cosa, y para superar los problemas, el retorno de Saturno recompensará su esfuerzo.

Pero para aquellos que evitan las responsabilidades, tratando de vivir como un adolescente para siempre, su retorno de Saturno puede ser de hecho ruinoso. Si tienes una relación pero descuidas a tu pareja a favor de beber en exceso con tus amigos todo el tiempo, es posible que te dejen. O tal vez te olvidaste de mejorar tus finanzas y ahora estás endeudado hasta las cejas. Saturno es un maestro. Te disciplinará con dureza cuando sea necesario, pero si trabajas con él, serás recompensado.

Algunas personas pasarán por momentos desastrosos incluso si se esfuerzan al máximo. Esto puede deberse a karma de vidas pasadas o familiar que necesita ser resuelto y, por supuesto, a diversas maldiciones que circulan por ahí y que golpean a las personas con facilidad. Mantener una limpieza básica del aura/chakra y un aura de protección evitará las maldiciones; para lidiar con el mal karma, necesitarás hacer más rectificaciones del alma, como los ciclos de limpieza profunda (marcados en nuestro Calendario SS), la liberación de los procesos del alma y la guía de los Dioses.

Para responder a una pregunta que me han hecho mucho y que se relaciona con otra que mencioné anteriormente: no puedes ver cómo será tu retorno de Saturno con anticipación, porque a menudo no tiene nada que ver con tu Saturno natal. Muchas personas que tienen a Saturno en una casa que no tiene relación se casan durante su retorno de Saturno, por ejemplo. Tu Saturno natal muestra dónde a menudo tienes problemas en la vida, no muestra lo que sucederá durante tu retorno de Saturno. Especialmente para aquellos a quienes no les sucede nada.

Para concluir, la meditación y el trabajo en pos de objetivos reales te llevarán lejos en la vida. Todos tendremos diversas responsabilidades en la vida, y la forma en que las afrontemos determinará nuestro destino.
Me preocupa el tránsito de Saturno por mi primera casa, que será alrededor del 2026. Ya tuve mi primer retorno de Saturno, mi vida ya estaba "arruinada" de todas formas, fracaso universitario total por fobia social y crisis vocacional.
Do you have any advice on coping and trying to keep moving forward for people who inherited a mountain of negative family karma? How do you stay strong and do the right thing? How do you know what you should focus your efforts on?

I feel like a lot of negative seeds have been planted in previous generations and they've grown over time, culminating in me. No generational wealth, but generational (karmic) debt. Plus there is my own karma which seems to be related/stemming off of this.

I know it's my burden to carry alone, but it just feels overwhelming. It feels as if I'm not even starting from zero, but before it.
Think of our existence as being very long, not just one life. It might seem like a lot of work to spend many years overcoming bad karma, but then we are clear from it and building good karma, and will benefit thereafter. So, my advice is to spend a lot of time on cleaning the chakras, and hatha and kundalini yoga to burn the seeds. Build up your hatha practice to something like 90 minutes daily, if possible. Not every day, but most days of the week. Listen to your body and do what you can, and rest when needed.

I understand, it can feel unfair that we get stuck with all this, but removing it will make us stronger, because it gives us the ability to overcome anything we need to.

The more we do now, the easier we will have it later.

For this:
How do you stay strong and do the right thing? How do you know what you should focus your efforts on?
This is why we need to get closer to the Gods. They will guide you, and your own Higher Self, when activated, will guide you. Advancement and rituals to the Gods are mandatory for those who wish to walk the path of Godhead, the path of higher living. Even being more pragmatic and not yet thinking about Godhead, but wanting to live better than now, rituals to the Gods and taking the time to trance and tune into oneself will make all the difference. It takes time, but it strengthens and becomes more perfect as we go along :)
Me preocupa el tránsito de Saturno por mi primera casa, que será alrededor del 2026. Ya tuve mi primer retorno de Saturno, mi vida ya estaba "arruinada" de todas formas, fracaso universitario total por fobia social y crisis vocacional.
How is your aura of protection, and basic energy levels? You might need to do more yoga and meditation to raise your energy, as Saturn sticks strongly to lower energy levels.

Social phobia can be overcome, and you can rebuild your life. Take the same advice I gave to the reply above, about cleaning the chakras and spending more time practicing spiritual disciplines.
[The Saturn Return is when transiting Saturn conjoins your natal Saturn, happening at around age 28-30; and again every 28-30 years after, but this post is about the first Saturn return. The length of a Saturn return lasts around 1 year, depending on its retrogrades.]

Over the years, many of you have asked me or to the forums about your fears of your Saturn Return. And many of you assumed it was going to be life-destroying.

The fact is, and this is observable, the vast majority of Saturn Returns are beneficial, not malefic. I spent many years studying astrology, going over the natal charts of people I knew in real life, and of historic figures, and looking at how their transits etc played out in their lives.

Thank you HPS Lydia for this post.

I wanted to highlight this area in particular. In my opinion, the normal course of life is that which evolves upward. Therefore, even though Saturn is associated with contraction, this is not necessarily a bad thing, as it can be regulatory, focusing, stabilizing, etc. Just as we have spring, summer, and fall and the bounties and expansions these bring, we must also have a contractile period. From this yin period, new yang expansion and blessings can occur.

How can you as a person grow if you cannot first stabilize certain things in your life? When things are not stabilized or regulated, this is like an unplugged hole; an energy leakage. Sure, we can continue to write a check for this when we are young and carefree, not understanding the full implications. However, if we wish to go beyond these basic levels of life, then we must be taking care of the responsibilities required for this: An aspiring athlete knows that to become professional they must do certain drills, not just express their Mars energy by running around their backyard.

What we must remember is that Saturn's hardships are due to confrontation with our OWN patterns. Sure, it might feel excessively stressful and we want to mitigate this, but Saturn is doing this to spark regulatory behavior within us, building the "thick skin" that binds our otherwise "wild" or "untempered" energies. We are not being punished with some sort of undue burden that has no relation to us.

Once this thick skin and maturity is built in regards to these areas of life, it becomes easier to naturally discipline ourselves in that regard. The lessons of Saturn are integrated in the soul after the transformation process of either the Saturn Return or working.

As SS we have higher levels of energy and access to tools with which to mitigate and overcome negativity. We don't need to learn things the hardest way possible unless we force this to happen. For example, the energies of Algiz, relating to divine teaching, can be used to shield us from the harshness of Saturn so we learn our lesson before we metaphorically burn ourselves.
[The Saturn Return is when transiting Saturn conjoins your natal Saturn, happening at around age 28-30; and again every 28-30 years after, but this post is about the first Saturn return. The length of a Saturn return lasts around 1 year, depending on its retrogrades.]

Over the years, many of you have asked me or to the forums about your fears of your Saturn Return. And many of you assumed it was going to be life-destroying.

The fact is, and this is observable, the vast majority of Saturn Returns are beneficial, not malefic. I spent many years studying astrology, going over the natal charts of people I knew in real life, and of historic figures, and looking at how their transits etc played out in their lives.

The Saturn return brings some sort of responsibility and structure, but one that is usually rewarding; or, it brings the culmination and a reward of your previous hard work. And sometimes… nothing happens. For some of you, absolutely nothing will happen. Some members have told me that nothing happened, but always added the same thing: “I feel more mature.”

Saturn Return usually has nothing to do with the placement of your natal Saturn. It usually does not have to do with the affairs of the house your natal Saturn is in, nor of the house that has Capricorn or Aquarius on the cusp. Sometimes it does, but usually not.

Here are the most common things that happen during your Saturn return:


-Finishing post-secondary education.

-Buying your first home.

-Having your first child.

-Career break (promotion, or finding your dream job, etc).

-Nothing, other than general maturity.

While you can argue that the above events can be problematic (mortgage on a home, etc), the fact is that all of these lead to a maturing and increased responsibilities that are mandatory for the growth of your soul.

For some people, multiple events happen. I know one woman who got married, bought their first home, and had their first child all in the one year of her Saturn return. Her husband was a few years older so it wasn’t his Saturn return, to my knowledge nothing happened during his.

For those of you who married before the age of 28, already have a home or opt to rent, and already finished post-secondary or had children, then pretty much nothing will happen at this time for you.

From your Saturn return, you will probably become more mature, because you’ve had more life experience in the years leading up to it. You will probably be more able to be self-assured, rather than being prone to panicking or insecurity. Note that I wrote “probably” twice, we can all observe how some people never seem to grow up... but they will pay those karmic dues later in life or in their next life.

At the top of this post I wrote “this is observable” (regarding what Saturn returns bring). Yes. Get the charts of your family and of famous people, anyone past the age of 30, and have a look at their life at around the age of 28-30. See for yourself what happened to them at that time in their life. Try to look at 20-100 charts/people for a well-rounded observation.

Tying in with what has been mentioned before in the forums, about how Saturn brings responsibilities. For those who are responsible in life and working towards accomplishing anything, and working towards overcoming problems, your Saturn return will reward your effort.

But for those who avoid responsibilities, trying to live like a teenager forever, your Saturn return can indeed be ruinous. If you have a relationship but neglect your partner in favor of binge-drinking with your friends all the time, you might find yourself getting dumped. Or perhaps you neglected to build your finances, and are now in debt up to your eyeballs. Saturn is a teacher. He will discipline you harshly when needed, but if you work with him, you will be rewarded.

Some people will have a ruinous time even if they try their best. This can be from past-life or family karma that needs to be resolved, and of course, various curses flying around hitting people easily. Keeping up a basic aura/chakra cleaning, and aura of protection, will circumvent the curses; to deal with bad karma, you will need to do further rectifying of the soul, such as the deep cleaning cycles (marked in our SS Calendar), freeing the soul workings, and guidance from the Gods.

To answer a question I’ve been asked a lot, and this ties in with something else I mentioned above: you cannot see what your Saturn return will be ahead of time, because it often has nothing to do with your natal Saturn. Many people who have Saturn in a non-relationship house get married during their Saturn return, for example. Your natal Saturn shows where you often have problems in life, it does not show what will happen during your Saturn return. Especially for those who have nothing happen.

In closing, meditation and working on real-life goals will get you far in life. We will all have various responsibilities in life, it is how we deal with them that determines our fate.

#494 Saturn Return and the Houses

This is in response to HPS Lydia's latest post, about the Saturn Return.

My Saturn Return was not very tumultuous, as I had already did my major "growing up" a few years prior to the Saturn return, but I did move far from where I was living. Saturn was in my natal 4th house, conjunct my natal Moon. Other than psychological growth, I didn't experience changes in regard to other things ruled by 4th house or Moon, such as family.
I wanted to ask two things: does the Saturn Return tend to affect the areas of life ruled by the house it is in, and are these changes usually permanent?
In my case, what happened right after my first Saturn transit is that I found the spiritual path again in this present life and abandoned the dissolute, carefree and andrapod life that I had led until then.

Also, with everything I have gone through in recent years, I realize that a large part of the problems I have had, both physical and material, as well as spiritual, have been due to the large number of curses and binds that were in my soul and not to Saturn.
Not much happened during mine, just mostly the maturity thing. I stopped smoking weed, drinking alcohol, because they only make things more difficult. I lost all tolerance for chaos agents: self sabotaging crybabies, drama vampyres, liars, theives, hypocrites and so on. I cut out anyone from my life that did not benifit me, and those who gave me benifit I became more inclined to benifit them in return in any way I can. The adolecent anger boiling in me cooled, and cynical attitude I carried from years of (sometimes inadvertantly self inflicted) misfortune brightened into an acceptance of the past, and a joyful and excited determination for the future. And most of all, my devotion to the Gods and confidence in myself as a future Daemon solidified. There was negativity though, but positivity in that negativity in that I discovered what it is exactly holding me back from my true potential; even in the negitivity, there are lessons to be learned, there is growth to be attained.

Never fear the Saturn return, it's simply one of the many steps on the ladder of lights, a moment where weaknesses can be identified and destroyed, and where milestones just might be acheived. Just cause you might have to learn some things the hard way, doesn't take away from the fact that it's a lesson, and one should be glad to have learned it in the end, to have finally grown.
#494 Saturn Return and the Houses

This is in response to HPS Lydia's latest post, about the Saturn Return.

My Saturn Return was not very tumultuous, as I had already did my major "growing up" a few years prior to the Saturn return, but I did move far from where I was living. Saturn was in my natal 4th house, conjunct my natal Moon. Other than psychological growth, I didn't experience changes in regard to other things ruled by 4th house or Moon, such as family.
I wanted to ask two things: does the Saturn Return tend to affect the areas of life ruled by the house it is in, and are these changes usually permanent?
It doesn't always affect the areas of life ruled by the house it is in. It usually doesn't, from all the charts I've studied.

The changes usually are permanent, or at least, the results of the changes are. Saturn rules structure and building something that lasts.
Translators, you may have misunderstood an english phrase. "Career opportunity" would make more sense, not the literal rupture or interruption of career. I've changed it in the OP.

"Career break" means breaking into ones desired career, a breakthrough in ones career goals. Getting a job, not losing one. "Getting a break" is a good thing, not bad. There is no loss or halting.

I'm not sure of a better way to word it, because "opportunity" is not a guarantee, just a chance. I'll change it to "breakthrough".

Rupture de carrière
Interrupción en la carrera
Translators, you may have misunderstood an english phrase. "Career opportunity" would make more sense, not the literal rupture or interruption of career. I've changed it in the OP.

"Career break" means breaking into ones desired career, a breakthrough in ones career goals. Getting a job, not losing one. "Getting a break" is a good thing, not bad. There is no loss or halting.

I'm not sure of a better way to word it, because "opportunity" is not a guarantee, just a chance. I'll change it to "breakthrough".
Thanks for the correction, I'll avise Yeye95 know so that when I convert it to PDF in the library it will be corrected.
"Career break" means breaking into ones desired career, a breakthrough in ones career goals. Getting a job, not losing one. "Getting a break" is a good thing, not bad. There is no loss or halting.
Thank you, I should have seen it.
"Rupture" is a bit out of context, and "break" is also use in French, as there is no shorter equivalent.
What would happen if Pluto returned?

Pluto is a very slow dwarf planet, so I'm aware that only someone who has already completed the M.O. could live for its effects.

It's just a question
It doesn't always affect the areas of life ruled by the house it is in. It usually doesn't, from all the charts I've studied.

The changes usually are permanent, or at least, the results of the changes are. Saturn rules structure and building something that lasts.
I'm sorry, I had missed where you explained this in the post. Thank you for replying to me, though. I'm glad to know that the results are permanent.

Source: The United States - Pluto Return & 2/22/2022
Pluto's return in general does not affect humans on an individual level in one lifetime, as humans are long dead before this occurs, but it affects the Soul of a human which survives through lifetimes. In humans, this is a big period of power expansion provided one cleans house. The soul is confronted with great changes, which affect all it's growth and reconciliation with past wounds, debts or history.

This may help to understand the effect of Pluto's return.
HPS Lydia, is it possible for ones Saturn return to end their life? Like somebody has a car accident or something during their Saturn return. Is it possible? Or is it only maturing and such things?
HPS Lydia, is it possible for ones Saturn return to end their life? Like somebody has a car accident or something during their Saturn return. Is it possible? Or is it only maturing and such things?
Not the first one. But the second and third, people have died during theirs.

Everyone's time of death is set before they incarnate.
One of my relatives was diagnosed with cancer (survived), got divorced after 30 years and got his own apartment all within his second Saturn return, and based on what I have seen, that if an event happens, there are factors and clues of what will come into play when you look at the other transits and the solar return around the time.
My Saturn return was devastating, it has been among the loneliest and most depressing periods of my entire life. I'm 30 now, so it is likely still ongoing.
Though during this time I did establish a permanent meditation routine that I have been doing every day for two years now.
But I hope the worst of it is over, for now...
No matter how positive Saturn's return may be, for most human beings it will always be perceived with a “negative” background. Meditation very much sublimates Saturn in some way.

In my experience, I don't know of any people with this transit who have not experienced at the level of perception this nuance, and then obtained the “gifts of Saturn.” Yes, after this transition period is over, things will “get better.”
In addition to the above, for those experiencing their Saturn return in relation to the house it occupies, it can be challenging to discern exactly what Saturn is trying to convey. In my own experience, the effects of my Saturn return were more aligned with its natal placement, but in an entirely unexpected way. Your own expectations may prevent you from seeing things as they truly are. With greater awareness that comes with spiritual practice, you'll notice how the Saturn return may relate to its natal placement and understand why growth in those areas may have been necessary. The changes that occurred in my life were indeed highly beneficial, bringing about positive transformation and lasting improvement.

As HPS Lydia mentioned, if you have concerns about your Saturn return, practices like soul-cleansing, meditation, and spiritual work will indeed elevate every aspect of your life. I speak from experience here. Trust that things will improve with time. Many could benefit from cultivating greater maturity, stability, and discipline in spiritual practices. Saturn rewards this effort; for example, incorporating the rune Nautiz, which resonates with Saturnian energy, can help foster stability and discipline in your spiritual journey.

In other words, using the rune Nautiz in a working can enhance the structure of your meditation practice, which in turn can be highly beneficial. It helps build resilience, making it progressively easier to sit down, meditate, and accomplish what needs to be done. Over time, this discipline will become deeply ingrained you. Since this helps improve all aspects of life, it will make your Saturn return more pleasant.

For those who need stability in their spiritual practice, even if you've already experienced your Saturn return, the above still applies. Stability and structure are important, regardless of where you are in life.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
