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Saturn going into Sagittarius

If you meditate daily and your energy is strong enough, that will be enough if not more than enough to see you through anything that might upset the planet as a whole.

Strong meditation and its inherent power is an advantage over others that very few will possess, even those who know it about it often lack the discipline to carry through with a consistent and substantial meditation and yoga program.

No amount of stashing or otherwise is sufficient, although I do agree that having a decent skill is not an idea to be scoffed at. Natural medicine, even mechanical trades could mean the difference between life and death, even in the society in the state that it is in today.

Panic, fear and uncertainty about the future however are non essential baggage that anyone who is firmly rooted in Satan and magical practice should leave behind post haste.

Ok so I've been a half assed pepper for a while and have been keeping up with all this, but the one thing I don't understand is what happens to people renting their home and land? (I live way out in the sticks, my husband and I know how to live off the land if need be but the ac has spoiled us a little) but we're renting our home and the land is on. When shtf is anyone even going to be looking to collect rent or no? I have no problem defending this property as long as the legal system had fallen through and there's no chance of being arrested. The only thing I've read about renters is folks in apartments, nothing about a single house in the woods. Thanks in advance for any insight
On Aug 5, 2014 2:21 PM, "denniswhicher@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  What will silver (and gold) be worth?  The first thing is that we inherently need a system of money, because that is what we ultimately use to trade value with.  When the dollar becomes toilet paper, people will have to barter.  After a relatively short while, silver and gold will revert to being used as money in lieu of toilet paper currency.  That happened in Zimbabwe, when their own dollar became toilet paper.  They used our dollars (and gold, and silver) in black markets.  When our dollar dies, gold and silver will be all we have to use as money.  It will become the standard unit to exchange value.
What does silver have going for it?  Plenty.  It is used in medicine as an antiseptic.  Your electronic devices rely on silver.  As for "What good are they without electricity?"  What is the most common recommended survival prep generator of electricity?  Solar, that's what.  And what do most solar panels use?  Yup, silver.  Without silver, most of the light would simply be wasted instead of turned into electricity.  Apart from oil (you can't eat that either), silver is the most versatile commodity--and one of the scarcest.
Yes, there could well be riots.  Yes, large sections of the grid will go down, either for a prolonged time or in the form of rolling blackouts.  Let there be rolling blackouts, and you will be even more dependent on silver-containing electronics than you are now.  Solar (silver) battery chargers, or even plug-in (the electronics of which also contain silver), contain this metal.  Not vast amounts, but just enough that there will be shortages of silver.
You may be able to live off the land--if there is any land available for you TO live off.  Most of us are in or near big cities.  It is not reasonable for everyone to relocate to a few small areas that are suitable most of the year.  It is not reasonable for most of us to relocate to rural areas.  True, having a reasonable stash of food and clean water, and decent security (and not letting xians know you have these things stashed) is important.  But I do not reasonably think we will have years-long disruptions.  Not unless Gentiles are unable to take control of things once kikes pull the plug on the system.  Gentiles will have to manage their own food, energy, and medical distribution systems.  Right now, kikes are doing that--and though it will be disruptive when they lose this, in the end it will be far better.  I expect it will take weeks to months, not years, to transition.
As for money, there WILL be a new form of currency.  The kikes currently have debt based "money(??)" that will become toilet paper.  Loss of this will disrupt the whole system, and whatever you keep as toilet paper currency WILL lose all its value.  But, once the Gentiles regain the system, whatever you store in gold or silver will be an asset.  Values will be reset, and you will be surprised at how much lower prices are once we have honest currency.  At which time, you will be able to exchange your gold and silver, if you so desire, for the new currency.  You will then be ahead of the game.  I expect this to take a relatively short time, as it did when Hitler took control in Germany after their mark became toilet paper.
Question when u write the dedication spell on a pieces of paper and write a list of requests would it still work?
The dollar will become worthless. It will not be able to buy anything and will only take up space as a paper product. Money need to be converted into something that will retain its value, such as gold, silver, light bulbs, soap, beans, etc.

If hooligans, government or not, start going door to door to raid people's houses, then anything in the open can be taken. Look at the Holodomar, a man made famine in Ukraine during 1932 - 1933. Soldiers were sent in to every home and searched for even a scrap of food. If a wall looked short, indicating something may be hidden behind it,  it was knocked down. Any suspicious spots in the garden would be dug up. People were forced to strip so they could not hide anything underneath their clothes. If a confiscation of wealth occurs, only well hidden precious metals will remain in a person's possession. Silver stored in a bank is easy to take. Gold coins at the bottom of a box in a closet are also easy to find. Freshly buried silver is easy to spot, but if silver is buried now and something planted on top, by the time the crisis hits the silver will be undetectable. Hiding places need to be somewhere that even a determined robber would not even bother to look in.
Hey Enemy of Jesus, your information really helped me.  I already have my pre-1982 pennies in a ramekin and have my nickels in another.  I also heard that pre-1965 Quarters have Silver content.  One question I have is this: do we trade these pennies, nickels and quarters without melting them down?  Or do we have to melt them down?  And possibly make them into bars?  Because I see people online talking about "melting down pennies" and that's confusing me.  And it is also illegal to melt pennies (I'm not getting on anybody's case, far from it.)

Also, I'm a total novice at this so don't laugh, but with bars of silver and such, do you chip or otherwise break off pieces of bars to pay for smaller things?  Or would that ruin the value of the bar?  And/or do you use smaller pieces of silver in the first place (like coins).  (I just thought I would throw that question out there.

I would love to hear more about this.  I will continue to do my own further research about this... also, I was wondering along with that people (especially enemyofjeezus since I think he knows what he's talking about) could share their helpful tips.  So far this topic has really helped, let's keep it going.  Maybe preparing for this financial crisis will help our fellow Satanists when it actually happens.

Hail Satan and the Powers of Hell.
So guess about tungsten:


Properties of tungsten:
• The hardest metal on the planet
• Resistance to extreme risk (maintain lasting polish)
• 4x harder than titanium
• 5x harder than steel
• 10x harder than 18K gold.
• The highest melting point of all metals in 2780 ° C
• The only metal that can be permanently polished
• Commonly used by the aerospace industry, ammunition pierces armor, etc.
Thanks for your posts I'm going to translate it to Portuguese.
You could do a separated top[/IMG]
It is currently illegal to melt down pennies and nickels but not silver coins.  When the dollar becomes toilet paper, I doubt pennies or nickels will still be circulating and hence it will no longer be illegal.  Also, if they should ever decide to discontinue making pennies and/or nickels, they will then be legal to melt down.  In Canada, it is already legal to melt down pennies.  New Zealand has discontinued minting both pennies and nickels.
However, trading without melting is still best.  If you have a silver dime, anyone with half a brain will know that it contains roughly 0.0723 troy ounces of silver (slightly more if the condition is fine or above; slightly less if the coin is below good).  If you melt it, it will be impossible to verify without sophisticated electronic equipment, as it is possible to cut silver with copper.  Rounds and bars from reputable dealers are also worth investing in.  The same cautions apply to pennies and nickels, even after it becomes legal to melt them.  Whole, they provide indication of how much value is stored in them.
The story on quarters is more complicated.  Before 1965, all US dimes, quarters, and half dollars were made of 90% silver and 10% copper.  In Canada, the cutoff was the middle of 1968.  Starting with the 1965 mintage, these coins were altered though a few were struck on silver blanks.  A 90% silver dime or quarter dated 1965 is extremely rare.  You can tell because a silver coin has a silvery rim through.  A cupro clad coin has a grayer color, plus a reddish brown or plain brown stripe in the middle of the rim.  A silver quarter weighs 6 1/4 grams, while clad is under that, when in uncirculated condition.
As if this wasn't enough, there are silver clad coins.  Your half dollars from 1965 through 1970 are silver clad.  They will have the silvery color but a darker stripe, not distinctly red or brown, in the middle of the rim.  Some proof coins beyond that, particularly the 1976 bicentennial quarters and halfs, and proof silver dollars, are also silver clad.  Further complicating matters, from 1992 on there are proof silver dimes, quarters, and halfs with the original 90% silver.  Unfortunately, there are also cupro-nickel clad proofs in these years.  Silver proofs have a pure silver rim; clad ones have that red stripe in the middle.  Impaired proofs (proofs that have been removed from their cases and may have scratches or even light circulation) are also available in silver from 1992 on, often cheaper than average circulated.
You can break bars into smaller pieces.  As with melting coins, it would destroy the standardization.  There are gold and silver bars made to be cleanly broken into 10 or 100 pieces.  Otherwise, I could take a 10 ounce bar of silver and try breaking off a piece.  Say, you want 5 grams.  If I manage to break off a chunk, is that chunk a full 5 grams?  It is extremely difficult to break off precise amounts without proper tools.  And it is difficult to tell if your piece is exactly 5 grams, or if it is 4.9 grams or 5.1 grams.  Even assuming you do not deal with kikes who intentionally short you, mistakes are going to happen.  If you are going to deal with broken up bars, I recommend using precision tools and scales to make sure you can get the exact amount.  Don't believe me?  I have ordered fudge in 1 pound bars, and they always seem to have to adjust the weight after the fact.  If that is your silver, that might be more an issue.
I believe everyone should learn about the value of silver and gold.  This will help us.  There are a good many xians that do not bother to learn, and they trust the kike on the stick for salvation and to see them through this.  So they do not even attempt to learn a thing about precious metals, let alone start stacking even a few coins or bars.  The good news is that it will probably be those xians that are so trusting in the kike on the stick that will suffer the most, and in fact that is going to be their demise.  While we get their wealth.
Hey, enemyofjezzuz, do you think the goverment will confiscate our things?  And/or do you think this will get bad enough that a gang or the government (not that there is a difference) will take my money/wealth I've stashed and/or shoot me and my family?  Because I do not need to die at such a young age, neither by shooting or by being starved because I had no money to buy food.  Also, why would the government take our money?  I mean, I understand a gang taking my money (they're criminals), but why would the government kick us while we were down?  I mean, we would starve to death!  (I don't know too much about this so bear with me.)  I think that is just sick that they would do that.  My question is, would they do that and do you think they will?

Hail Satan and the Powers of Hell.
If things got that bad why would you even think that Father Satan and the gods would let you die or get hurt...

Also that question about the government....where have you been?

Why would it surprise you that they would actually takeaway our things and make thongs worse for us? Do you actyally think the so calld government cares about the average person...the governmnt is cobtrolled by the kikes...

On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 9:24 AM PDT ilovesanat@... [JoyofSatan666] wrote:

Hey, enemyofjezzuz, do you think the goverment will confiscate our things? And/or do you think this will get bad enough that a gang or the government (not that there is a difference) will take my money/wealth I've stashed and/or shoot me and my family? Because I do not need to die at such a young age, neither by shooting or by being starved because I had no money to buy food. Also, why would the government take our money? I mean, I understand a gang taking my money (they're criminals), but why would the government kick us while we were down? I mean, we would starve to death! (I don't know too much about this so bear with me.) I think that is just sick that they would do that. My question is, would they do that and do you think they will?

Hail Satan and the Powers of Hell.
There is the chance that they will confiscate things--that is, whatever they can confiscate with a mouse click.  Fall for that MyRA shit, and that is as good as gone with a mouse click.  Your bank accounts could be wiped out or decimated with bail-ins and bank holidays.  That is the biggest risk.
Now, as for whether they will go after hard assets, the EPA is already dispossessing people from land.  You need to pay taxes, you need to follow regulations that have nothing to do with protecting the environment, and they can go in and destroy whatever doesn't fit those regulations.  Silver, on the other hand, is pretty difficult to confiscate.  And pointless.
Why?  Why did they confiscate the gold in 1933?  Because that was where the wealth was.  Almost everyone had at least a few gold coins.  But there were no SWAT teams to enforce it.  Compare to today--where is the wealth today?  In toilet paper denominated assets.  MyRA's are my pick of assets (I would even question whether those kike instruments are assets) to be confiscated, with a mouse click.  Many have CDs and mutual funds denominated in toilet papers.  Just go after those, possibly with bail-ins, and that will strip most people of wealth.
Are they going to confiscate silver?  They already are.  Each time they smash down the price, they are getting stupid idiots to panic sell their silver, at low prices.  That is how they are confiscating silver.  Once they got as much as they reasonably think they are getting, the price will go beyond reach of virtually everyone.  Not a single shot fired.  Not a single cop sent into houses to seize anything.  People are willingly surrendering their silver each time the price crashes, and they are afraid of getting it back because of another price smack down.
I believe that will work to the extent where enforced confiscation of silver will not be cost effective.  Most of those with IQs below the kike average will fall for the confiscation that is in place now (price crashes).  A few with IQs above the kike average will buy some more each time they try confiscating it with a price crash, since a bargain at 36 toilet papers is a steal at 18.  And, many of those who simply buy some more are more likely than average to have another metal at their disposal:  Lead.
Regular burglars might try to steal your stash--that is, until they are unlucky to find the one that has stacks of bullets and guns in addition to stacks of silver and gold.  Sooner or later, someone is going to shoot them, put gray energy on them, sic their dog on them, or do something else to put them in their places.  I think those burglars will be after food and drink--or cigarettes and drugs.  I doubt many of them have IQs high enough to do them any good.
What you might have to worry about is someone trying to pass fake gold or silver as real.  Tungsten plated with gold and mislabeled solid gold is a threat, as is molybdenum plated with silver.  The molecular weight is similar enough that weighing your gold-plated tungsten bar will come up close.  Most of those doing that are not smart enough to realize that molybdenum is not nearly as conductive as silver, and tungsten also has higher electrical resistance than gold.  This is why equipment that can test electrical resistance, along with knowledge of what it is supposed to be, is essential before trading in gold and silver, especially large bars.
$100 Bag of Cull Silver Dollars | Buy Junk 90% Silver Dollars

Is this a good kind of silver to buy? The site says they're .7734 troy ounces of silver , I don't really know what that means. I'm probably just going to put the rest of my money into commodities like food, bottled water, toilet paper, and such. Though I think I'll wait until april to do that seeing as I'll be living in a dorm and won't really have anyplace safe to store this stuff. I'll probably have to put it in my parents basement and they'll be asking a lot of questions if I do that, I can't exactly tell them my satanist friends warned me that there's an economic collapse coming; so I'll have to wait until it looks bad before I can stock up on things like that.
And I mentioned this on an earlier post but Satan/Demon/HP has confirmed all of this is going to happen right? I'm sorry to sound doubtful but western society has made me skeptical of the economic collapse scares.

On Sunday, August 10, 2014 8:54 AM, "denniswhicher@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  There is the chance that they will confiscate things--that is, whatever they can confiscate with a mouse click.  Fall for that MyRA shit, and that is as good as gone with a mouse click.  Your bank accounts could be wiped out or decimated with bail-ins and bank holidays.  That is the biggest risk.
Now, as for whether they will go after hard assets, the EPA is already dispossessing people from land.  You need to pay taxes, you need to follow regulations that have nothing to do with protecting the environment, and they can go in and destroy whatever doesn't fit those regulations.  Silver, on the other hand, is pretty difficult to confiscate.  And pointless.
Why?  Why did they confiscate the gold in 1933?  Because that was where the wealth was.  Almost everyone had at least a few gold coins.  But there were no SWAT teams to enforce it.  Compare to today--where is the wealth today?  In toilet paper denominated assets.  MyRA's are my pick of assets (I would even question whether those kike instruments are assets) to be confiscated, with a mouse click.  Many have CDs and mutual funds denominated in toilet papers.  Just go after those, possibly with bail-ins, and that will strip most people of wealth.
Are they going to confiscate silver?  They already are.  Each time they smash down the price, they are getting stupid idiots to panic sell their silver, at low prices.  That is how they are confiscating silver.  Once they got as much as they reasonably think they are getting, the price will go beyond reach of virtually everyone.  Not a single shot fired.  Not a single cop sent into houses to seize anything.  People are willingly surrendering their silver each time the price crashes, and they are afraid of getting it back because of another price smack down.
I believe that will work to the extent where enforced confiscation of silver will not be cost effective.  Most of those with IQs below the kike average will fall for the confiscation that is in place now (price crashes).  A few with IQs above the kike average will buy some more each time they try confiscating it with a price crash, since a bargain at 36 toilet papers is a steal at 18.  And, many of those who simply buy some more are more likely than average to have another metal at their disposal:  Lead.
Regular burglars might try to steal your stash--that is, until they are unlucky to find the one that has stacks of bullets and guns in addition to stacks of silver and gold.  Sooner or later, someone is going to shoot them, put gray energy on them, sic their dog on them, or do something else to put them in their places.  I think those burglars will be after food and drink--or cigarettes and drugs.  I doubt many of them have IQs high enough to do them any good.
What you might have to worry about is someone trying to pass fake gold or silver as real.  Tungsten plated with gold and mislabeled solid gold is a threat, as is molybdenum plated with silver.  The molecular weight is similar enough that weighing your gold-plated tungsten bar will come up close.  Most of those doing that are not smart enough to realize that molybdenum is not nearly as conductive as silver, and tungsten also has higher electrical resistance than gold.  This is why equipment that can test electrical resistance, along with knowledge of what it is supposed to be, is essential before trading in gold and silver, especially large bars.

What good is shiny metal in a collapse? If shit's really going to hit the fan wouldn't it be better to stockpile practical items like toilet paper, munitions, and non-perishable foods? 
Also is this all theory or is it certain? I'm just skeptical because it seems like we hear these doomsday theories about our market every two years, this is of course the first time I've heard it here though, so I'm giving it a little more concern. Is this all confirmed by Satan and/or demon's or is this just our speculation about what the planets are saying? I only ask because I've heard astrology isn't 100% accurate but this would be important for me if it happened. I mean, my families white collar so we don't really have any skills that would be useful in a bad situation like this. I took a shop class that taught me how to weld but that was a  while ago, and I'm far from a master at it anyway.
I'm going to college in just a few days and getting a major in finance for god's sake so I would be seriously useless in a situation like this. Except for being an able bodied man of course.

On Sunday, August 10, 2014 8:54 AM, "denniswhicher@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  There is the chance that they will confiscate things--that is, whatever they can confiscate with a mouse click.  Fall for that MyRA shit, and that is as good as gone with a mouse click.  Your bank accounts could be wiped out or decimated with bail-ins and bank holidays.  That is the biggest risk.
Now, as for whether they will go after hard assets, the EPA is already dispossessing people from land.  You need to pay taxes, you need to follow regulations that have nothing to do with protecting the environment, and they can go in and destroy whatever doesn't fit those regulations.  Silver, on the other hand, is pretty difficult to confiscate.  And pointless.
Why?  Why did they confiscate the gold in 1933?  Because that was where the wealth was.  Almost everyone had at least a few gold coins.  But there were no SWAT teams to enforce it.  Compare to today--where is the wealth today?  In toilet paper denominated assets.  MyRA's are my pick of assets (I would even question whether those kike instruments are assets) to be confiscated, with a mouse click.  Many have CDs and mutual funds denominated in toilet papers.  Just go after those, possibly with bail-ins, and that will strip most people of wealth.
Are they going to confiscate silver?  They already are.  Each time they smash down the price, they are getting stupid idiots to panic sell their silver, at low prices.  That is how they are confiscating silver.  Once they got as much as they reasonably think they are getting, the price will go beyond reach of virtually everyone.  Not a single shot fired.  Not a single cop sent into houses to seize anything.  People are willingly surrendering their silver each time the price crashes, and they are afraid of getting it back because of another price smack down.
I believe that will work to the extent where enforced confiscation of silver will not be cost effective.  Most of those with IQs below the kike average will fall for the confiscation that is in place now (price crashes).  A few with IQs above the kike average will buy some more each time they try confiscating it with a price crash, since a bargain at 36 toilet papers is a steal at 18.  And, many of those who simply buy some more are more likely than average to have another metal at their disposal:  Lead.
Regular burglars might try to steal your stash--that is, until they are unlucky to find the one that has stacks of bullets and guns in addition to stacks of silver and gold.  Sooner or later, someone is going to shoot them, put gray energy on them, sic their dog on them, or do something else to put them in their places.  I think those burglars will be after food and drink--or cigarettes and drugs.  I doubt many of them have IQs high enough to do them any good.
What you might have to worry about is someone trying to pass fake gold or silver as real.  Tungsten plated with gold and mislabeled solid gold is a threat, as is molybdenum plated with silver.  The molecular weight is similar enough that weighing your gold-plated tungsten bar will come up close.  Most of those doing that are not smart enough to realize that molybdenum is not nearly as conductive as silver, and tungsten also has higher electrical resistance than gold.  This is why equipment that can test electrical resistance, along with knowledge of what it is supposed to be, is essential before trading in gold and silver, especially large bars.

Any kind of silver is good silver (as long as it is real--some kikes have been known to bore holes in large silver bars and plug them with molybdenum, or silver plate molybdenum bars and call them silver).  Your silver coins are good deals--as long as you are getting a reasonable premium for the silver content.  A silver dime contains around 0.0723 ounces of silver.  Your silver dollar contains 0.723 troy ounces of silver, provided it is not in poor or bad condition.  As they wear, you lose some of the silver--not significant in Fine condition or better, but it gets worse below Good.There is a catch in waiting too long.  Neptune's first ingress into 9 Pisces happens April 17 or 18 (depending on where in the world you are), so if you are planning on waiting until April 20, you could well be shit out of luck.  And, if you suddenly spend huge amounts of cash on silver, say April 13 or 14, you may have a hard time accessing it all at once.  I would start with the silver now.  Other essentials can wait until mid April, but I wouldn't try much later as they could disappear abruptly when the dollar becomes toilet paper.
What good is silver going to be, except to replace our dead currency?  Pure barter is inefficient.  This is because you are limited in what you can get with it.  But, if you put money in the equation, you can then exchange that money to someone else you otherwise would not be able to exchange values with.  That is why we have money in the first place.Problem is, when this money is based on kike debt.  Mathematically, it must become worthless at some point.  We are seeing many signs of it now, and with Saturn in Sagittarius and Neptune hitting 9 Pisces (a fatal degree), that could be what it takes to give our currency the shove to become toilet paper.  At which point, your gold and silver will be the new currency.  It remains to be seen whether or not another paper currency will replace our toilet papers, backed with silver or gold, and to what extent the damnation book curses are buffing the crisis.  But, it is mathematically certain that any currency based on debt will collapse at some point.
Wait until it is waxing obviously. Hail our Creator God Satan.

On Wednesday, August 13, 2014 2:28 PM, "iexya108@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I already started a sun sq to help me with the coming financial collapse, but I was wondering if doing money spells would help? Will they still work even though the moon isn't waxing anymore or should I wait till it is again. I just figured starting them when the sun is in leo would be best.

I have some things that will help you guys.  It is probably a good idea to have an Aquaponics system, however big or small, set up for harvesting fish and vegtables.  I saw a video about it that was amazing, but I don't know where it went.  I'll post it if I find it.Also, download as many NS and Spiritual Satanic books as you can and save them to more than one disk, like an SD card or something.  Then, possibly get what you can in physical form, because you never know when the power will go out.  Basically, print what you want out.Praise the Aryan God!
Also, I was watching a JoS video about how digital books are bad because something like "they can be turned off and locked at the press of a button by the "authorities"".
I Phones, Samsung Galaxies, and other smart devices have a "kill switch" programmed into them. After remote activation, the kill switch wipes data and renders the device useless by shutting it down. There is also a kill switch function contained in many programs from companies like Microsoft, Google, and Apple. This kill switch allows the program to be remotely removed from devices.
I Phones, Samsung Galaxies, and other smart devices have a "kill switch" programmed into them. The kill switch allows the device to be remotely deactivated and wiped, rendering it useless. Programs from companies such as Apple, Microsoft, and Google also have kill switches programmed in. The kill switches allow the programs to be remotely removed from a device.
With all the talk about silver being a good investment, which it obviously is, what about this other thing called Bitcoin?  I haven't seen it mentioned in this thread yet.  If the existing currency system goes down, people will be scrambling for anything else.  Bitcoin might be flooded into.  Of course it requires electricity and smart phones etc.  Anyway, thoughts on it?  Enemyofjeezzuz you seem to be the man or woman to ask :)
I do NOT recommend Bitcoin.  Yes, it is independent of the kike run banks.  However, all it takes is Internet II, and your Bitcoins no longer exist.  Similar to the digital currency in your bank when bail-ins happen.  We get Internet II, and your Bitcoins are non-existent.  Not worthless, they don't exist at all.  The same thing could happen if we get an event that destroys the whole Internet, intentional or not.  They could reconstruct the Internet, but your whole Bitcoin investment is going to be gone.Not to mention, they can confiscate Bitcoins with a mouse click.  Unlike silver and gold, it only takes a few mouse clicks, and your whole investment is gone.  Not as likely as doing it through Internet II, but still much more likely than confiscation of physical silver.  And, what's to stop them from deciding to create more Bitcoins after all?  Nothing.  It only takes one kike to buy out the system and set its computer to mine sextillions of them, and your Bitcoins are suddenly gone.  Try THAT with gold and silver--it is far harder to bombard atoms of lead with neutrons to create gold (and even then, only one stable isotope exists) or tin to get silver (they need to knock out three protons and enough neutrons to get silver 107 or silver 109, the stable isotopes).  This simply is not feasible to do on a large scale.And yes, access to Bitcoin is an issue.  With hold-in-your-hand silver and gold, it matters not whether you have electricity or the infrastructure is up.  With Bitcoin, all it takes is for the network to go down.  This has already happened once, and it could get hacked again (or run into technical difficulty).  If you don't have electricity, or your smart (??) phone loses its connection, you lose your connection to your Bitcoins but not to your physical silver and gold.While I agree that money is a necessary way to exchange goods and services in the long term, ultimately the only thing that matters is something that is stable and not dependent on outside sources.  Remember, there is no guarantee that all kikes are going to be dead early in the hyperinflation (though a good number, along with many xians, will die because of it).  It only takes one kike to hack digital currency.  They cannot, however, hack your silver and gold.  They could also hack the system, rendering your Bitcoin inaccessible or even non-existent.  You are definitely better off stacking silver and goldNot to mention, the price of silver is still way under the fair value.  My estimates, based on what I have seen, range from being undervalued relative to gold by anywhere from 4 to more than 300 times.  That 4 times undervalue is based on historical 16:1 gold to silver value.  The 300 times is based on a super whopper of a shortage of physical silver developing.  Besides, every ounce of silver you buy and hold onto until the dollar becomes toilet paper is an ounce of silver you deprive the kikes of, further putting the squeeze on them when this shortage happens--exacerbating the shortage and making your holdings worth even more.  (In addition to doing damage to the kikes that were fucking with the silver market in the first place).  With Bitcoin, you are not working into a shortage, nor creating one--let alone helping to impoverish the kikes.
Your so smart omg omg 

Sent from my iPhone
On Aug 19, 2014, at 12:10 AM, "denniswhicher@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  I do NOT recommend Bitcoin.  Yes, it is independent of the kike run banks.  However, all it takes is Internet II, and your Bitcoins no longer exist.  Similar to the digital currency in your bank when bail-ins happen.  We get Internet II, and your Bitcoins are non-existent.  Not worthless, they don't exist at all.  The same thing could happen if we get an event that destroys the whole Internet, intentional or not.  They could reconstruct the Internet, but your whole Bitcoin investment is going to be gone.Not to mention, they can confiscate Bitcoins with a mouse click.  Unlike silver and gold, it only takes a few mouse clicks, and your whole investment is gone.  Not as likely as doing it through Internet II, but still much more likely than confiscation of physical silver.  And, what's to stop them from deciding to create more Bitcoins after all?  Nothing.  It only takes one kike to buy out the system and set its computer to mine sextillions of them, and your Bitcoins are suddenly gone.  Try THAT with gold and silver--it is far harder to bombard atoms of lead with neutrons to create gold (and even then, only one stable isotope exists) or tin to get silver (they need to knock out three protons and enough neutrons to get silver 107 or silver 109, the stable isotopes).  This simply is not feasible to do on a large scale.And yes, access to Bitcoin is an issue.  With hold-in-your-hand silver and gold, it matters not whether you have electricity or the infrastructure is up.  With Bitcoin, all it takes is for the network to go down.  This has already happened once, and it could get hacked again (or run into technical difficulty).  If you don't have electricity, or your smart (??) phone loses its connection, you lose your connection to your Bitcoins but not to your physical silver and gold.While I agree that money is a necessary way to exchange goods and services in the long term, ultimately the only thing that matters is something that is stable and not dependent on outside sources.  Remember, there is no guarantee that all kikes are going to be dead early in the hyperinflation (though a good number, along with many xians, will die because of it).  It only takes one kike to hack digital currency.  They cannot, however, hack your silver and gold.  They could also hack the system, rendering your Bitcoin inaccessible or even non-existent.  You are definitely better off stacking silver and goldNot to mention, the price of silver is still way under the fair value.  My estimates, based on what I have seen, range from being undervalued relative to gold by anywhere from 4 to more than 300 times.  That 4 times undervalue is based on historical 16:1 gold to silver value.  The 300 times is based on a super whopper of a shortage of physical silver developing.  Besides, every ounce of silver you buy and hold onto until the dollar becomes toilet paper is an ounce of silver you deprive the kikes of, further putting the squeeze on them when this shortage happens--exacerbating the shortage and making your holdings worth even more.  (In addition to doing damage to the kikes that were fucking with the silver market in the first place).  With Bitcoin, you are not working into a shortage, nor creating one--let alone helping to impoverish the kikes.
Hey it just occurred to me, can't Jews do these same rituals were doing to preserve their wealth? Also how bad is this collapse gonna be, people starving to death in the streets bad or just like a typical natural disaster aftermath?

Also if our monetary system is going to be torn apart would that make a finance degree obsolete?

Hail Satan

On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 1:51 PM PDT Shannon Outlaw soutlaw92@... [JoyofSatan666] wrote:

Wait until it is waxing obviously.
Hail our Creator God Satan.

On Wednesday, August 13, 2014 2:28 PM, "iexya108@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

I already started a sun sq to help me with the coming financial collapse, but I was wondering if doing money spells would help? Will they still work even though the moon isn't waxing anymore or should I wait till it is again. I just figured starting them when the sun is in leo would be best.
I would imagine that bitcoin is every bit as worthless as the electronic dollars in your bank account, since it is purely online based and is an exchange for 'real' currency with a currency that can only really be traded on itself then re-converted to the currency it came from. Its essentially the same as any other currency and inherently worthless.HAIL SATAN!!
Hi whats going to happen regarding the arstological signs and planets? whats the future panic is something going to happen and what is it? Im new on learning about satanism and Enki. My life path is 5, number of my name is 1. Im a sagittarius. I suffered from a psychotic episode few years ago... its where i began more research into religion. 
Something is going to happen.  Our dollar, if you want to call those worthless toilet papers a "dollar", is based on debt.  Mathematically, it has to become worthless.  It is only a matter of time, and independent on any curses placed on it.  The question is, when.Now, Saturn headed for Sagittarius is a good time to trigger this.  Then, Neptune hits 9 Pisces, a fatal degree, on April 17 or 18 (depending on your location).  That is likely to set off a panic where hyperinflation begins.  Our dollar becomes toilet paper.  Now, whether it will happen the following Monday (April 20) or later, is anyone's guess--Neptune will be going through 9 Pisces a few times, both direct and retrograde, before leaving this degree for good sometime in 2017.
The degree of chaos this results in remains to be determined.  If the kikes are gone, Gentiles will have to pick up the roles they are playing plus continuing to produce.  It will take a while, depending on how good a job kikes have done diseducating the Gentiles and how many are brainwashed xians.  But, in the meantime, buying silver (and gold) now will give you some time before having to worry about devastation.  The more, the better--because I see the potential for a lot of wealth to be had in precious metals.
And yes, people including Gentiles are going to die from this.  It will mostly be those xians that put their faith in joke-hova and/or jewsus.  They faithfully tithed, they faithfully heeded the instructions from the pastors, they faithfully put the kike on the stick ahead of themselves, and they will faithfully die when their dollars become toilet paper and they don't have anything.  Mudslimes are also at risk, since they faithfully give whatever silver-buying funds they might chance to have to the "poor".  When the dollar becomes toilet paper, they are the ones that will be poor, and no one is going to give them as much as one lousy silver dime.
According to High Priestess Maxine Dietrich, "In 2015, Saturn will enter Sagittarius. The US Solar return for 2015-16 has Neptune of insecurity and uncertainty in the solar second house [finances] of the US at 9 degrees of Pisces, a fatal degree [I use the Gemini ascendant chart for the USA]. Saturn was in Sagittarius in 1929, when the stock market crashed and the depression began. Also, in 1987." http://josministries.prophpbb.com/post13838.html#p13838  
All I have to say on this subject is to look up books on Native American survival skills for your area, or go ask around at the Rez for someone who knows how to survive. There isn't a very good chance you'll find someone knowledgable in the ways of their ancestors but you have to try. I was lucky to find a book on California's native skills. There is a guy who posted videos on how to survive from literally nothing but just your clothes and nature, for my specific area and he is native but his youtube account got shut down! Kikes I'm guessing. Don't bother buying silver, seeds will be the new currency and trade will be done with scavenged and made goods. When society collapses animals will be hunted and killed off very quickly, it'll take little time for man to decend into cannibalism and begin murdering each other off. You need to remember the majority if Americans are insufferable frightened idiots 109% dependent on society/technology. Without the Jewish nanny state there will be total chaos as the inbred kike bloodlines wait below ground for us to do their dirty work for them. One other thing- I plan on using a bow, and hatchet for defense and hunting. When the military attempts to herd us into FEMA camps by force, stealth and savagery are your only options to survive against a heavily armed meat head. Arrows will penetrate Kevlar, because the vests are designed to stop bullets which impact at different forces and velocity obviously. Also, it'll be demoralizing for the troops to become ambushed and impaled with arrows, along with being butchered alive with hatchets which can be found easily in a post-collapse wasteland. That is all just my opinion though. Remember to trust in Satan and nature. Only the strong survive.
very good

On Friday, August 22, 2014 6:44 PM, "iorost@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  All I have to say on this subject is to look up books on Native American survival skills for your area, or go ask around at the Rez for someone who knows how to survive. There isn't a very good chance you'll find someone knowledgable in the ways of their ancestors but you have to try. I was lucky to find a book on California's native skills. There is a guy who posted videos on how to survive from literally nothing but just your clothes and nature, for my specific area and he is native but his youtube account got shut down! Kikes I'm guessing. Don't bother buying silver, seeds will be the new currency and trade will be done with scavenged and made goods. When society collapses animals will be hunted and killed off very quickly, it'll take little time for man to decend into cannibalism and begin murdering each other off. You need to remember the majority if Americans are insufferable frightened idiots 109% dependent on society/technology. Without the Jewish nanny state there will be total chaos as the inbred kike bloodlines wait below ground for us to do their dirty work for them. One other thing- I plan on using a bow, and hatchet for defense and hunting. When the military attempts to herd us into FEMA camps by force, stealth and savagery are your only options to survive against a heavily armed meat head. Arrows will penetrate Kevlar, because the vests are designed to stop bullets which impact at different forces and velocity obviously. Also, it'll be demoralizing for the troops to become ambushed and impaled with arrows, along with being butchered alive with hatchets which can be found easily in a post-collapse wasteland. That is all just my opinion though. Remember to trust in Satan and nature. Only the strong survive.

Is it a good idea to plan on moving to isolated homelands like fiji? My relatives got big farms and live in a mountainous area.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
