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Satan's Library Big Update

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Renovated, better looking, better code, 261 new PDF updates you can find here. This was a huge amount of work done, with incessant micro-checking, repetitive work, and so forth.

Finally, it is done.

There will be further updates worked on this but Kabbalah Exposed Website is next.

Thanks to those who have helped before to also check missing links. If someone could report any broken or wrong links, that would be tremendously helpful.


HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Thanks to those who have helped before to also check missing links. If someone could report any broken or wrong links, that would be tremendously helpful.
What a beautiful collection of sermons! :D :D :D Thanks to the clergy for all that hard work!

I skimmed over the page, and I noticed these mistakes in link names. I underlined the errors:

"D i sell my soul to Satan here HP HC666.pdf"
"Death,(Missing Space)soul, and body and spiritual advancement by HP HC666.pdf"
"Hannukkah exposed by HP Mageson.pdf"
"Hyskos HP Mageson666.pdf"
"The jews slaugh(Missing "t")er of baku, nobel oil and tesla HP Mageson666.pdf"
How to recognize and identify a jew pt. 1 is down, Commander.
Roger guys, I will fix these ASAP next time its being worked. Thanks for the extra eyes.
Can you also please check this by phone and let me know if it looks neat?

It looks way better/adapted than before, but just to be sure.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Can you also please check this by phone and let me know if it looks neat?

It looks way better/adapted than before, but just to be sure.

Via mobile it looks neat and responds accurately. Very much needed update, HP. Thank you.

After the first links in sections C & D the following links, until a new section, are much smaller font wise.
I hope one day for there to be a physical grand library with lines of shelves upon shelves of glorious and true knowledge for all to see and view at their hearts content.

I've always been a big sucker for information, libraries and books of information, etc; fiction was never to my taste. This library has a very special place in my heart for it. Thank you so much for doing this as it has definitely lifted my spirits and I'm sure many others as well.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Can you also please check this by phone and let me know if it looks neat?

It looks way better/adapted than before, but just to be sure.
Looks great, so thank you. Although, for me at least, when I go to the PDF section it seems to be zoomed all the way out to the point where all the text is on the left hand side but on the MP3 section it's nice and centered like it should be
Does anyone know of a good program or technique to download a large amount of files? "Down Them All" was recommended by a member before, but the program is no longer functional.
On my phone I can see something weird. Under the #C and #D , letters are different -smaller, way too small...
Linking Err:
HP the link of "Put extra energy into cleaning your aura by HPS Maxine.pdf" is the same as of "Purging our JoS From Internet history by HP HC.pdf"

And thank you for the new updates! I am grateful for all the work put into it.
SdD said:
" the nazerene thoughtform …" duplicate with link diferent…

" … part 2 … Shannon"
Part 1 ? No?


The part 2 is correct, Part 1 is missing, and it's nowhere on my archives unfortunately. The Nazarene Thoughtform Pdf is Ok.
Joy of Satan Astrology.pdf lacks signs and aspects of the Moon on page 39.

On the Real holocaust page (http://www.satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Real_Holocaust.html) the following links don't work:
Stalin the Jew
Exposing communism (replace with http://www.deathofcommunism.com/en/ or an archived version)

On article: http://www.satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Real_Death_Camps.htm
The Youtube links are mostly broken as well as link to The Real Holocaust page in the end of the article

On the end of article: http://www.satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Jewish_Ritual_Murder2.html
The Torah and Living blood sacrifice

On http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Satanism_Sanskrit.html link to destruction of historical artifacts doesn't work it instead sends to Exposing xianity main page.
Valontuoja said:
Joy of Satan Astrology.pdf lacks signs and aspects of the Moon on page 39.

On the Real holocaust page (http://www.satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Real_Holocaust.html) the following links don't work:
Stalin the Jew
Exposing communism (replace with http://www.deathofcommunism.com/en/ or an archived version)

On article: http://www.satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Real_Death_Camps.htm
The Youtube links are mostly broken as well as link to The Real Holocaust page in the end of the article

On the end of article: http://www.satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Jewish_Ritual_Murder2.html
The Torah and Living blood sacrifice

On http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Satanism_Sanskrit.html link to destruction of historical artifacts doesn't work it instead sends to Exposing xianity main page.

Thank you, will fix.

The Youtube links are permanently gone, same as the videos. Was part of the Youtube "Freedom of Speech" purge.
Broken links in section #0-9:

5 Times a Day... by High Priestess Maxine Dietrich.pdf

6,000 Invader ?Incidents? Per Day.pdf

66 Questions and Answers on the ?Holocaust?.pdf

666?? by High Priestess Maxine Dietrich.pdf
Thank you ever so much.

This really is a University!

There is one heck of a lot of real life improving material there.

And I really enjoy the MP3's which offer a nice change from reading.

People want to improve themselves and we have the best and most in depth knowledge and information here.

People pay lots on courses for self improvement and what the Joy Of Satan offers is the best and it's offered for Free!

It's been said that Knowledge is Power.

That's only half of the equation.

Knowledge is only Potential Power.

Knowledge needs to be applied to be Powerful.

So let's dig in.

You are what you consume...
Hearsync said:
Broken links in section #0-9:

5 Times a Day... by High Priestess Maxine Dietrich.pdf

6,000 Invader ?Incidents? Per Day.pdf

66 Questions and Answers on the ?Holocaust?.pdf

666?? by High Priestess Maxine Dietrich.pdf

Thank you
The following links are not working:

#0-9 was already checked by Hearsync

Who Brought the Slaves to America - Walter White Jr. - Full film (SD) [YouTube Video 40:09]
The video has been deleted from Youtube

Adolf Hitler: The Man who Fought the Bank. TRUTH GONE VIRAL! [Youtube Video]
The video has been deleted from Youtube

Black Race Used By Jews #Wakanda - Black Panther -HP HoodedCobra666
Sun Jul 10, 2016: The Bible, Numbers and Recent Shootings ?High Priestess Maxine Dietrich.pdf

(((Black Lives Matter))) officially joins (((ISIS))) [YouTube Video 8:12]
The video has been deleted from Youtube

Christianity & Communism: Jewish Twins (Hitler was NOT Christian!) [YouTube Video- 01:58]
The video has been deleted from Youtube

Decades-old rotting meat worth $500 million seized in China food scandal: report --High Priest Mageson 666.pdf

Disrespect on the kundalini by HP HC666.pdf
When pressed, appears the download for "Decoding the 666 in Kaballah by HP Mageson.pdf"

Exposing Christianity [Updated 29 May 2016].pdf The ALTERNATIVE LINK
It contains the link to the JoS Library

Exposing the Holocaust: The Six-million LIE pdf

Finishing Jewish Tyranny (small working).pdf
The article is down on the fourth page but I think it should redirect straight there, not on the first page which is "Loyalty, Faith and War"

Few Against Millions-HP HC 666.pdf
It contains the link to "Fame by HP HC666.pdf"

France by HP Mageson666.pdf
It contains the link to "Fame by HP HC666.pdf"

France today by HP Mageson.pdf
It contains the link to "France by HP Mageson666.pdf"

The Good Jew?.pdf
Great Days by Joseph Goebbels.pdf

Handbook for Satanic Covens.pdf
"HATE" by High Priestess Maxine Dietrich.pdf the ALTERNATIVE LINK

"Hate Crimes" Against Jews? [YouTube Video 07:35]
The video has been deleted from Youtube

The Holodomor by Teloc Vovim.pdf the ALTERNATIVE LINK

Hitler, war, david bowie, england then and now by HP Mageson666.pdf
It contains the link for "Hitlers Pact With the Devil by HP Mageson666.pdf"

It's Joy of Satan... Not Joy of (((Samael)))... -HP HoodedCobra666
the ALTERNATIVE LINK contains the link for "Immigration Genocide of Italian People.pdf"

Islam...by High Priestess Maxine Dietrich.pdf

Italian Sicilian Mafia is Jewish Mafia pdf
the ALTERNATIVE LINK contains the link for "Italian Mafia is Jewish Mafia By SS 666.pdf"

It's Judaism by High Priest Mageson 666 the ALTERNATIVE LINK

Jewcy The Borg by High Priest Don Danko.pdf the ALTERNATIVE LINK
Jewish Monsanto's Genetically Modified Organisms by High Priest Don Danko.pdf

<<a href="https://www..dropbox.co[/IMG]Joy 2B of Satan Astrology.pdf7
This just appear in this form. Is written with white and can`t be accesed.

Joy of Satan Astrology PDF of all writings of High Priestess Maxine on astrology found in all Joy of Satan sources.pdf

Jews are trying to pull the plug to force the microchip by HP Mageson.pdf
It contains the link for "Jews Are Cursing Gentiles"

The "Kaaba" Idol Stone by High Priest Hooded Cobra 666.pdf

Libertarianism by High Priest Don Danko.pdf
Life Goes On by Joseph Goebbels.pdf the ALTERNATIVE LINK

Magick, Satan is God, The Mages of the Aryan Race -High Priest Hooded Cobra 666.pdf the ALTERNATIVE LINK
Money Spells.pdf the ALTERNATIVE LINK
Mossad Involvement in Munich And Nice.pdf
The Multi-Plans of the Jews for NS Movement control --High Priest Hooded Cobra 666.pdf

Nerd Lore VS Reality -HP Mageson666.pdf
the ALTERNATIVE LINK contains the link for "The Nation Of Islam Movement -High Priestess Shannon.pdf"

Nazino Affair by Teloc Vovim 666.pdf the ALTERNATIVE LINK
Netanyahu: ?I Speak For All Jews?.pdf
News, Freedom of Expression, Online War -High Priest Hooded Cobra 666.pdf the ALTERNATIVE LINK

A Normal Day In Paris: More riots from Paris, France. This is what the media WILL NOT show you!! PARIS AT WAR - MEDIA SILENCE [YouTube Video 3:50]
The video has been deleted from Youtube

On Weather HP Maxine.pdf
The link is not working and the text is not placed at the beginning of the paragraph like any other link, but is placed right after the "*Alternative Link for Download" of the article which shoud be above it

Paris and The French Situation [Yellow Vests] HP HC666.pdf
It contains the link for "Paedophilia legalized in Europe HPS Maxine.pdf"

Put extra energy into cleaning your aura by HPS Maxine.pdf
It contains the link for "Purging our JoS From Internet history by HP HC.pdf"

Palmistry -HPS Shannon.pdf
The ALTERNATIVE LINK contains the link for "Parapsychological Powers of the Siddhi's Documented By Science Already by High Priest Mageson666.pdf"

Potsdam, Jewish Communist World Dictatorship by High Priest Don Danko.pdf
The ALTERNATIVE LINK contains the link for Satan's Library

Proof that St. Paul Shooting was a Hoax and Orchestrated by the Jews to try to Incite a Race War [YouTube Video 55:21]
The video has been deleted from Youtube

Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, Concerning the.pdf the ALTERNATIVE LINK

Regarding Justice -HPS Maxine Dietrich.pdf
The ALTERNATIVE LINK contains the link for "Race War America 20?? Jew Take Over With Communism -High Priest Mageson 666.pdf"

RACIST EUROPE - Far Right on Rise [YouTube Video 4:38]
Video is unavalaible

Re: Why Almost All Gods are Male? [My Reply] by High Priestess Maxine Dietrich.pdf
Regarding Affirmations by High Priestess Maxine Dietrich.pdf
Runic Meaning -High Priest Mageson 666.pdf the ALTERNATIVE LINK

Satan, Demons, Races And Kingdoms of the World -- High Priest Hooded Cobra 666.pdf
It contains the link for "Satan and Self-Love, Identity -- High Priest Hooded Cobra 666.pdf"

Satan Is God, The Word Of Life, And The Name Of The Original Religion -- High Priest Mageson 666.pdf
Satanism by High Priest Mageson 666.pdf the ALTERNATIVE LINK
Satanists, Are you ready for TOTAL WAR? -High Priest Hooded Cobra 666 the ALTERNATIVE LINK

South Africa Today [YouTube Video 1:47:18]
Video is unavalaible

The Truth About The Vatican and Satan -HP Mageson666
There are 2 link with this name. This is the SECOND one. The pdf is about "The Truth About Loki"

This is an answer I gave to the question of the end of Israel...By High Priest Mageson666.pdf

The attack on motherhood by HP HC666.pdf
It contains the link for "The ark of the covenant the jewish curses on gentiles by HP Mageson.pdf"

The nazarene thoughtform by HPS Maxine.pdf
It contains the link for "The name of god the name of the wisdom body by HP Mageson 1.pdf"

The is wartime, cope and advance by HP HC666.pdf
It contains the link for "The want to bring it down by HP Mageson.pdf"

Why Should the Bible be Legit -HP HoodedCobra666
The ALTERNATIVE LINK contains the link for The "Welfare System and Communism --High Priestess Shannon.pdf"

We're NOT Sorry!! NO APOLOGIES!! [YouTube Video- 3 minutes, 46 seconds]
Video is unavalaible

Who Really Killed Jewsus Christ? Part Two by High Priest Jake Carlson.pdf
The ALTERNATIVE LINK contains the link for the part one.

The Year 2000 by Joseph Goebbels.pdf the ALTERNATIVE LINK
Year Zero.pdf by High Priest Don Danko the ALTERNATIVE LINK
Youth and the War by Josef Goebbels.pdf the ALTERNATIVE LINK

I found the following writing errors:

idiots who just won?t see or listen
On the top, under the "Trending" word, the third line

: Albania?s Nightmare Of Communism

B: Building a Whiter and Brighter World.pdf - the "warning" underneath is written with red instead of white

D: Deputy F?hrer Rudolf Hess.pdf
Debunking the Myth of The possibility of ?Good Jews? -High Priest Hooded Cobra 666.pdf
The Disease the Gentile Soul Suffers from: ?Goyimism? --High Priest Hooded Cobra 666.pdf
DNA Tests are Mostly a Fraud HP Cobra 666.pdf - this link is not placed at the beginning of the paragraph, but right after the article "Don't Believe The Fake "Public Opinion" of the Jew World Order ?High Priest Hooded Cobra 666.pdf "

E: Exposing kaballah stolen from Thoth by HP Mageson666.pdf

F: Fiot Curreny Labour Value And And And a Money HP Mageson 666.pdf
I think you wanted to say "Fiat currency"

H: Half Jew?s Quarter Jew?s ETC High Priest Hooded Cobra 666.pdf
House Of Saud, D?nmeh "Young Turks" Crypto-Jews by High Priest Don Danko.pdf

I: In Satan?s Embrace -HP Hooded Cobra 666.pdf
Is the Joy of Satan ?Racist?? -High Priest Hooded Cobra 666.pdf

J: Jews: ?No Limit? on Invasion?Except in Israel --High Priest Mageson 666.pdf
Jews at ?Forefront of Welcoming? Invasion -High Priest Mageson 666.pdf

JOS Hells Army Spiritual Warfare attaining Manual.pdf
I think you wanted to say "training" manual

M: Muh justice muh supression n persecution HP HC666.pdf

N: Nationalism and Socialism by Hermann G?ring.pdf
Netanyahu: ?I Speak For All Jews?.pdf

O: On the stolen name of ?JHVH?, ?IAO- ARASAX?

P: pet health reminder by HPS Shannon.pdf
Pope Visits Rome?s Great Synagogue:

R: Rabbi Dov Lior: "Paris Goyyim Deserved To Be Murdered"

S: The Satanic Kabalah.pdf
Should be "Kabbalah"
The ?Sin? Hitler and the Germans did -High Priest Hooded Cobra 666.pdf
Stalin?s War --High Priest Mageson 666

T: The kabballah tree exposed by HP Mageson.pdf
The want to bring it down by HP Mageson.pdf

Also I noticed that from letter Q, the font size is smaller than above.
Alchemist thank you. I have tried to restore everything others pointed, and will do the same here.

The errors there were not writing errors, but rather, html translation errors, some symbols were not recognized. It may be different in each browser, but I will sort it out too.
Found more broken links.

Lots of the articles here http://www.satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Jews.htm contains broken end links to Blacksun page.

At the end of http://www.satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Holocaust_Hoax.html is broken Slave labor in Soviet Russia pdf and link to Real holocaust page.

This one has lots of broken links: http://www.satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/NEW_WORLD_ORDER.html especially at the end. In the start link to Inquisition article only leads to the front page of Exposing christianity.

http://www.satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Jews_Push_Christianity.html Inquisition links leads to start page of Exposing christianity... Copy of SS family is broken (replace it with http://www.satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/The_SS_Family.pdf )

At the end of http://www.satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Stalin_the_Jew.html link to Christianity, Communism, the Jews and the Bible is broken.

At the end of http://josgreece.angelfire.com/Murderers_Thieves_Liars.html replace HISTORY IS BEING DESTROYED AND REWRITTEN WITH LIES!! link with this https://see_the_truth.webs.com/Conspiracy.htm
http://www.satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/BlackSunMain.html Strenght through joy
http://www.satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Temple_of_Solomon.html broken link on the bottom "Ancient Gentile Religious Texts: Replaced With Meaningless Rabbinical Drivel and Jewish Literary Filth" also here is an F on top left of the page.
http://www.satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Himmler.html Broken link to SS family book.
http://www.satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Embedded_Christian_Filth.html The Third Reich and christianity link doesn't work.
http://www.satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Talmud_and_Christianity.html The Christian Mass and How it Ties into Jewish Ritual Murder
http://www.satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Genocide_is_Jewish.html World jewish congress declared war on Germany and Germany must perish book doesn't work.
http://www.satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Real_Holocaust.html same Germany must perish

Then one weird thing I noticed. This link which is only .htm (not html) shows broken symbols like: "“Central to the secret initiation that these senior SS generals received was the real significance of the anagram ‘SS’ itself. For the ‘rank and file elite’ of the SS"

same page in html works perfectly http://www.satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Third_Reich.html
I brought this up because some pages like (http://www.satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Hitler_Quotes_Against_Christianity.htm) have links to the above somewhat broken page.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
HP there are two link called " The Truth About The Vatican and Satan -HP Mageson666" but one is "The Truth About Loki".
Excellent work!

I would suggest the following.

On http://www.satanslibrary.org/Pdf_Library.html, edit

"It is a sad fact that the internet has been under heavy attack, most significantly the online Yahoo e-groups"

to include the archived backups of our pages on the Web Archive, our pages on Yahoo!'s angelfire site (because to me "e-groups" just means the crappy Yahoo! Groups (groups.yahoo.com) and not the website and pages on angelfire empire serpentis666) and now in their latest fight against freedom of speech, many videos on youtube. I would put youtube last because it is the most recent to date.

After the first paragraph, before
Joy of Satan PDF Library Updates [261 Updates 14- January - 2019]
you might add something like "If any of the links below are incorrect or don't work, please let us know in this forum thread. Thanks."

I would also recommend changing the colour of the links to other pages and to downloads (i.e. hyperlinks) to be able to make it clear and to distinguish them from the other text. Maybe a nice blue or yellow would work, but you're the commander, Commander! (We do not want millions of bright colours, though. That is frowned upon in website design and for good reason! Lol.)

For example, in this paragraph -


The Forced Collective Suicide of European Nations 19:32 minutes
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!! It is 19:32 minutes in length, but everyone should watch this. This will affect the world. While the Jewish controlled media and press relentlessly promote lies, encourage misplaced sympathies and suicidal compassion, THIS IS THE REALITY!

despite having "[Webpage]" there for the RtRs but not for "The Forced Collective Suicide of European Nations 19:32 minutes", making it much clearer would not only look nicer but be much more noticeable and obvious. On this forum, it would not look all the same text as in the quote above and on the page; instead, it would look like this -


The Forced Collective Suicide of European Nations 19:32 minutes
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!! It is 19:32 minutes in length, but everyone should watch this. This will affect the world. While the Jewish controlled media and press relentlessly promote lies, encourage misplaced sympathies and suicidal compassion, THIS IS THE REALITY!

Now I know where to click! Once the links are in a different colour, you could remove the "[Webpage]" text. You can see the difference. (I did not add the links in the first quote, so as to make my point; adding them would have caused the forum to change the look of it, rendering making my point harder.)

A further example -

You coloured this in white, but I just used bold here because using the colour white on this forum is not easy to see.

17 Year Girl Charged For Not Wanting Rape By Brownz -High Priest Mageson 666.pdf

1984, A Novel by George Orwell
The book linked above, though a work of fiction published in 1949, is extremely and hauntingly accurate and is an excellent read in understanding what Jewish Communism is really all about. The book must be read from beginning to end to fully understand.

108, 666, AUM And The Pentagram by High Priest Don Danko.pdf

See?! It is much better.
The links to the downloads here are the current links, of course.

The font size and style of

PDF Library Index [0-9 & A-Z]

should be more prominent than

#0-9, #A, #B

etc. and "#0-9" should be the same size and style as "#A", "#B", etc.


PDF Library Index [0-9 & A-Z]



PDF Library Index [0-9 & A-Z]


Notice I left an extra line between the letter heading and the text before it than I did between the letter heading and the corresponding letter's text under it. Alternatively, you can leave 0 blank lines after the letter heading, for its corresponding articles, but still leave 1 or 2 blank lines before the next letter heading. e.g.




Of course, you decide. I'm just providing different examples to try and help make it look better and be more uniform and be able to know which bits of text are clickable.

The text "Trending:" should be the same font size and style as

PDF Library Index [0-9 & A-Z]

and if it is 'trending', then it should be updated every little while.

Of course "Satan's Library" at the top of the page should be much larger, being the page title. So for example -

Satan's Library




PDF Library Index [0-9 & A-Z]








Again, the decision of leaving 0 or 1 blank lines after the letter headings, and leaving 1 or 2 blank lines between each letter heading section, and also using bold or underline for the headings, from my examples above, still apply.

A couple of examples of the white text of "666.pdf" on the page just seems random and out-of-place. The white text for explaining some things, as there are on the page, looks fine, and the use of the white with the black does provide a very nice contrast. If anyone wants to find absolutely any reason whatsoever to cry because of muh huwt waysist feewings, then you had better add some Yellow and Brown to the page... :roll:

The page http://www.satanslibrary.org/Mp3_Library.html looks much better, but I might either make the A, B, etc. headings larger and/or put them in bold/underline them, for example.

I don't mean to nit-pick...but I do mean to! Lol. I hope I helped.
The Handbook for Satanic Covens.pdf link is broken and the .pdf file is missing from the Joy of Satan Library 1 March 2019.zip archive. Can somebody provide a link, please? :)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
