Satanic Truth
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- Dec 22, 2021
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Greetings. My Instagram account was deleted and as a result I am working at writing up as many researched posts as possible to restart it (@satanic.truth). I decided to post some of them on here in case anyone was interested, since I have them written up on my computer anyway.
Satanic USA - Freemasonry, Occultism and Pagan revivalism.
Often you will hear, particularly from the American conservatives, that “the USA is a Christian nation, founded on Christian ideas.” From research I have found that this could not be further from the truth. It is a known historical fact that America was founded principally by Freemasons from England. "All together it is believed that about nine of the fifty-six men (16%) that signed the Declaration of Independence were masons, and about thirteen of the thirty-nine (33%) that signed the US Constitutions were also masons." [1]
"In 1717, the first Grand Lodge, an association of lodges, was founded in England, and Freemasonry was soon disseminated throughout the British Empire. The first American Mason lodge was established in Philadelphia in 1730, and future revolutionary leader Benjamin Franklin was a founding member… Members maintain a vow of secrecy concerning the order’s ceremonies" [2]
The question, then, is were the freemasons uniformly Christian? "From its inception in 1733, American freemasonry represented a fair portion of American
society. However, though there would be groups of freemasons during this time whose
ideals and morals could be traced to a Christian belief system, not all American
freemasons considered themselves Christians." [3]
“The one requirement given for new members is a belief in God; whether that God be Allah, Jehovah, or the Christian God does not matter. In fact, within the Craft, the idea of God, is, at best, ambiguous, as the name “God” is not even used, rather, the term “The Great Architect of the Universe” (TGAOTU) is the name used to refer to a supreme being that is an impersonal Guiding Force.” [4]
Thomas Jefferson even admitted once (in a conversation with Surgeon General of the Continental Army Benjamin Rush) that Gouverneur Morris, Washington’s fellow soldier in the Revolutionary War at the time, mentioned that “General Washington believed no more of that system [Christianity] than he himself (meaning Morris) did.” [5]
We can agree that the notion of a supreme being, an architect of the Universe, is far from limited to Abrahamic thought. The Platonics (300BCE) designated this supreme being simply the name “Demiurge” (demiurgos), a word literally meaning “Architect”. The Vedics likewise had Brahma, the singular creator of the physical Universe, as well as the impersonal substance Brahman which engenders and guides creation. The Hermetics of the Hellenistic Period shared similar non-Christian conceptions of the “Nous” and “Divine Poemander”. A similar confusion happened in the 3rd Reich when Adolf Hitler referred simply to “the creator” and “the supreme being” without ever mentioning any Jehovah or Allah.
Esoteric and Pagan symbology.
Regardless of how many of the founding freemasons were Christian, the fact remains the same that the USA is deeply embedded with pagan symbols, values and systems of governance. To name a few:
The Statue of Liberty in New York. “Libertas, along with other Roman goddesses, has served as the inspiration for many modern-day personifications, including the Statue of Liberty on Liberty Island in the United States. According to the National Park Service, the Statue's Roman robe is the main feature that invokes Libertas and the symbol of Liberty from which the statue derives its name”
“The other significant female icon in American culture was a representation of Liberty, derived from Libertas, the goddess of freedom widely worshiped in ancient Rome, especially among emancipated slaves. A Liberty figure adorned most American coins of the time… The statue's design evokes iconography evident in ancient history including the Egyptian goddess Isis” [7]
As well as the undisputed fact that the statue is a depiction of a Roman Goddess, I find that the choice of making Libertas a torchbearer indicates a Promethean aspect. Her “crown”, which is more like a halo, has seven emanations for the seven chakras (I will remind you that the first beast in the book of revelation also has seven heads). For the same reason the freemasons chose as their symbolic letter the letter “G”, as it is the 7th.
The “sacred animal” of the United States, as it was in Rome, NS Germany and many other ancient civilisations, represents among other things the imperial function. The reason for this aside from the obvious predatory strength of the animal is that the eagle represents Jupiter/Zeus, the Imperial God of gods and ruler of the visible universe. The eagle therefore connects also to the crown chakra, while the serpent represents the Kundalini Serpent energy at the base of the spine. Images of an eagle with a serpent in its mouth represent the Kundalini energy being “carried up” to the crown chakra.
The flag of America has 13 stripes, a sacred number in Satanism (it numbers the 13 major chakras, 7 spinal and 2 for the hips, shoulders and temples). The stars are pentagrams, indicating the five classical elements of creation. See an image of George Washington’s freemasonic lafayette apron displaying the pentagram also. The colours, like many other flags, are red white and blue. These colours respectively represent the Masculine Pingala (red), feminine Ida (blue) and Hermaphrodite Sushumna (white/gold) energies of the soul.
Benjamin Franklin, master mason, created the first political cartoon depicting a serpent that represents the American People and freedom. The dollar symbol is exactly in the shape as the staff of Asclepius, a serpent coiled around a staff.
The Washington monument is the largest obelisk in the world, exactly in the style of Ancient Egypt and located in the Capital. Likewise, almost all civic architecture in America (courthouses, capitol buildings, national monuments) are built in the style of classical pagan temples. To name only a few there is The University of Virginia Rotunda (built by Thomas Jefferson himself), The Federal Hall National Memorial, the Jefferson Memorial in DC and Jefferson’s personal estate Monticello.
The American political system is based unapologetically on the Roman Republic, with its senate, constitution, citizenship and voting rights (in a time when monarchies dominated) and Republican form of government. Here we have a statue of George Washington enthroned in Greco-Roman style. His hands are exactly in the same position as depictions of the Baphomet, Shiva and the Magician Tarot card. This hand gesture represents the Hermetic Maxim “as above, so below”.
Serpent worship dominated the Americas prior to European arrival. Serpent iconography on the American pyramids, at “serpent mound” in Ohio (an equinoxial marker) and in other sacred sites evidence this plentifully. The head God of the Americans, cross-culturally, was the feathered serpent who went by many names. To the Aztecs he was Quetzalcoatl, to the Mayans Kukulkan, and to the Incas AMARU. Amaru is a cthonic two-headed serpent, “capable of transcending boundaries to and from the spiritual realm of the subterranean world… a symbol of wisdom” [8]. Those of you knowledgeable will identify this immediately with a personification of the Kundalini serpent. According to Manly P. Hall, 33rd degree freemason, “The name America is derived from the God Quetzalcoatl in Mexico, and in Peru he was called Amaru. From the latter name comes our word America. Amaruca is, literally translated, ‘Land of the Plumed Serpent’.” Now this is speculative, but interesting.
“As the government of the United States of America is not on any sense founded on the Christian Religion" ~ Treaty of Tripoli; initiated under President George Washington, 1796, signed into law by President John Adams, 1797, ratified unanimously by the Senate, 1797, published in full in all 13 states, with no record of complaint or dissent.
“Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship… I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should ‘make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,’ thus building a wall of separation between church and State.” –Thomas Jefferson, letter to Danbury Baptist Association, CT
“History, I believe, furnishes no example of a priest-ridden people maintaining a free civil government.” –Thomas Jefferson to Baron von Humboldt, 1813
“Religious bondage shackles and debilitates the mind and unfits it for every noble enterprise.” –James Madison, letter to William Bradford, April 1, 1774
3 - Ayer, H. Founding Freemasons, 2008.
4 - Ibid.
5 - Ibid.
6 - Wikipedia, Libertas
7 - Wikipedia, Statue of Liberty
8 - Wikipedia, Amaru
Satanic USA - Freemasonry, Occultism and Pagan revivalism.
Often you will hear, particularly from the American conservatives, that “the USA is a Christian nation, founded on Christian ideas.” From research I have found that this could not be further from the truth. It is a known historical fact that America was founded principally by Freemasons from England. "All together it is believed that about nine of the fifty-six men (16%) that signed the Declaration of Independence were masons, and about thirteen of the thirty-nine (33%) that signed the US Constitutions were also masons." [1]
"In 1717, the first Grand Lodge, an association of lodges, was founded in England, and Freemasonry was soon disseminated throughout the British Empire. The first American Mason lodge was established in Philadelphia in 1730, and future revolutionary leader Benjamin Franklin was a founding member… Members maintain a vow of secrecy concerning the order’s ceremonies" [2]
The question, then, is were the freemasons uniformly Christian? "From its inception in 1733, American freemasonry represented a fair portion of American
society. However, though there would be groups of freemasons during this time whose
ideals and morals could be traced to a Christian belief system, not all American
freemasons considered themselves Christians." [3]
“The one requirement given for new members is a belief in God; whether that God be Allah, Jehovah, or the Christian God does not matter. In fact, within the Craft, the idea of God, is, at best, ambiguous, as the name “God” is not even used, rather, the term “The Great Architect of the Universe” (TGAOTU) is the name used to refer to a supreme being that is an impersonal Guiding Force.” [4]
Thomas Jefferson even admitted once (in a conversation with Surgeon General of the Continental Army Benjamin Rush) that Gouverneur Morris, Washington’s fellow soldier in the Revolutionary War at the time, mentioned that “General Washington believed no more of that system [Christianity] than he himself (meaning Morris) did.” [5]
We can agree that the notion of a supreme being, an architect of the Universe, is far from limited to Abrahamic thought. The Platonics (300BCE) designated this supreme being simply the name “Demiurge” (demiurgos), a word literally meaning “Architect”. The Vedics likewise had Brahma, the singular creator of the physical Universe, as well as the impersonal substance Brahman which engenders and guides creation. The Hermetics of the Hellenistic Period shared similar non-Christian conceptions of the “Nous” and “Divine Poemander”. A similar confusion happened in the 3rd Reich when Adolf Hitler referred simply to “the creator” and “the supreme being” without ever mentioning any Jehovah or Allah.
Esoteric and Pagan symbology.
Regardless of how many of the founding freemasons were Christian, the fact remains the same that the USA is deeply embedded with pagan symbols, values and systems of governance. To name a few:
The Statue of Liberty in New York. “Libertas, along with other Roman goddesses, has served as the inspiration for many modern-day personifications, including the Statue of Liberty on Liberty Island in the United States. According to the National Park Service, the Statue's Roman robe is the main feature that invokes Libertas and the symbol of Liberty from which the statue derives its name”
“The other significant female icon in American culture was a representation of Liberty, derived from Libertas, the goddess of freedom widely worshiped in ancient Rome, especially among emancipated slaves. A Liberty figure adorned most American coins of the time… The statue's design evokes iconography evident in ancient history including the Egyptian goddess Isis” [7]
As well as the undisputed fact that the statue is a depiction of a Roman Goddess, I find that the choice of making Libertas a torchbearer indicates a Promethean aspect. Her “crown”, which is more like a halo, has seven emanations for the seven chakras (I will remind you that the first beast in the book of revelation also has seven heads). For the same reason the freemasons chose as their symbolic letter the letter “G”, as it is the 7th.
The “sacred animal” of the United States, as it was in Rome, NS Germany and many other ancient civilisations, represents among other things the imperial function. The reason for this aside from the obvious predatory strength of the animal is that the eagle represents Jupiter/Zeus, the Imperial God of gods and ruler of the visible universe. The eagle therefore connects also to the crown chakra, while the serpent represents the Kundalini Serpent energy at the base of the spine. Images of an eagle with a serpent in its mouth represent the Kundalini energy being “carried up” to the crown chakra.
The flag of America has 13 stripes, a sacred number in Satanism (it numbers the 13 major chakras, 7 spinal and 2 for the hips, shoulders and temples). The stars are pentagrams, indicating the five classical elements of creation. See an image of George Washington’s freemasonic lafayette apron displaying the pentagram also. The colours, like many other flags, are red white and blue. These colours respectively represent the Masculine Pingala (red), feminine Ida (blue) and Hermaphrodite Sushumna (white/gold) energies of the soul.
Benjamin Franklin, master mason, created the first political cartoon depicting a serpent that represents the American People and freedom. The dollar symbol is exactly in the shape as the staff of Asclepius, a serpent coiled around a staff.
The Washington monument is the largest obelisk in the world, exactly in the style of Ancient Egypt and located in the Capital. Likewise, almost all civic architecture in America (courthouses, capitol buildings, national monuments) are built in the style of classical pagan temples. To name only a few there is The University of Virginia Rotunda (built by Thomas Jefferson himself), The Federal Hall National Memorial, the Jefferson Memorial in DC and Jefferson’s personal estate Monticello.
The American political system is based unapologetically on the Roman Republic, with its senate, constitution, citizenship and voting rights (in a time when monarchies dominated) and Republican form of government. Here we have a statue of George Washington enthroned in Greco-Roman style. His hands are exactly in the same position as depictions of the Baphomet, Shiva and the Magician Tarot card. This hand gesture represents the Hermetic Maxim “as above, so below”.
Serpent worship dominated the Americas prior to European arrival. Serpent iconography on the American pyramids, at “serpent mound” in Ohio (an equinoxial marker) and in other sacred sites evidence this plentifully. The head God of the Americans, cross-culturally, was the feathered serpent who went by many names. To the Aztecs he was Quetzalcoatl, to the Mayans Kukulkan, and to the Incas AMARU. Amaru is a cthonic two-headed serpent, “capable of transcending boundaries to and from the spiritual realm of the subterranean world… a symbol of wisdom” [8]. Those of you knowledgeable will identify this immediately with a personification of the Kundalini serpent. According to Manly P. Hall, 33rd degree freemason, “The name America is derived from the God Quetzalcoatl in Mexico, and in Peru he was called Amaru. From the latter name comes our word America. Amaruca is, literally translated, ‘Land of the Plumed Serpent’.” Now this is speculative, but interesting.
“As the government of the United States of America is not on any sense founded on the Christian Religion" ~ Treaty of Tripoli; initiated under President George Washington, 1796, signed into law by President John Adams, 1797, ratified unanimously by the Senate, 1797, published in full in all 13 states, with no record of complaint or dissent.
“Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship… I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should ‘make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,’ thus building a wall of separation between church and State.” –Thomas Jefferson, letter to Danbury Baptist Association, CT
“History, I believe, furnishes no example of a priest-ridden people maintaining a free civil government.” –Thomas Jefferson to Baron von Humboldt, 1813
“Religious bondage shackles and debilitates the mind and unfits it for every noble enterprise.” –James Madison, letter to William Bradford, April 1, 1774
3 - Ayer, H. Founding Freemasons, 2008.
4 - Ibid.
5 - Ibid.
6 - Wikipedia, Libertas
7 - Wikipedia, Statue of Liberty
8 - Wikipedia, Amaru