New member
Hail Satan, both The spiritual Satanist community and the black spiritual Satanist I just want to give a big thank you for increasing My mind with the true knowledge of Satan I cannot wait to do lectures and stuff on this I guarantee you that I won’t offend or disrespect any of the members that includes father black Satan himself mother Lilith and the demonic devilish and satanic divine… Once again you all have fueled my fire to debate again but I have to strengthen my soul and my spirit in order to shut exoteric Jews and Christians down with the truth especially Muslims with an unconscious mind now of course I’m not going to shoot out any of my spiritual bullets if no one is attacking me spiritually but if I do I just know to shut them up and shut them down with the information and the real truth. I’m convinced, the real Satan is the one true God and he doesn’t want to hurt anyone he only hurts people that hurts his people if you don’t belong to him he won’t be that important to you as he stated in the joy of Satan book I’m very thankful that I came into this community and I’m also grateful I can’t wait to do more for you the satanic pagan community than what is already being done right now as I speak to you… I can’t wait to be a truth teller and a lie killer for the entire Spiritual Satan this community but most of all for the black Spiritual Satanist Community. I love you and I appreciate each and everyone of you and if it is meant to be I can’t wait to talk to some of you in person including priestess Maxine and high priestess Shannon thank you all so much I hope to read more blogs from you guys continue to study the information you put out both old and new and we’ll see what else goes from here until then you guys and gals… Hail Satan!!!