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Satanic music?

Not sure if the band itself is Satanic or not, but  Wednesday 13 has an awesome song called Thank You Satan. You should definitely check it out, it's amazing! :D
Most you would find are probably lavayian rather than SS  On Thursday, April 24, 2014 9:52 AM, "alyssa.coppen@..." <alyssa.coppen@... wrote:
  I was curious... Are there any legitimate Satanic bands, groups, or songs out there?

Behemoth. Their album "the Satanist" is a journey. I suggest going on YouTube and watching the video of how they made the album first.

On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 9:36 PM PDT alyssa.coppen@... wrote:

I was curious... Are there any legitimate Satanic bands, groups, or songs out there?
Nile is like Behemoth a very Satanic band though both bands are unaware of this, unfortunately. Marduk is another satanic band at heart, though misguided due to the massive destruction of knowledge and history. If the members of these bands were aware of the truth they would make excellent Satanists, of that I have no doubt.
I listen to extreme metal all the time, and I love Nile and Behemoth. But I'm going to have to disagree with you, I think they are aware of the truth, they just have to disguise it as them thinking it's fantasy to avoid being targetted. Much like Slayer. In their interviews they said it's all just made up, but if you listen to the lyrics it's hard to believe they could just be pulling these messages out of their ass. Hypocrisy is DEFINITELY SS, look at their newest album cover. It has a picture of a grey with demon horns.
HELLS HEADBANGERS Records & Distribution
  <[/IMG]"The absence of darkness in a person does not suggest an abundance of light, for to know the light you must have known the darkness."[/I]
http://spiritualwarfare666.webs.com/Satans_Library.htm On Wednesday, April 30, 2014 12:13 AM, "iorost@..." <iorost@... wrote:
  I listen to extreme metal all the time, and I love Nile and Behemoth. But I'm going to have to disagree with you, I think they are aware of the truth, they just have to disguise it as them thinking it's fantasy to avoid being targetted. Much like Slayer. In their interviews they said it's all just made up, but if you listen to the lyrics it's hard to believe they could just be pulling these messages out of their ass. Hypocrisy is DEFINITELY SS, look at their newest album cover. It has a picture of a grey with demon horns.

Trivium. I am convinced they are. They have catchy songs that are super technical and completely against xian views and use real life examples, they are diligent and impressive musicians, I've seen pentagrams on their clothing in older music videos AND I've seen them doing yoga in documentaries... coincidence; I think not! :) :) :) HAIL SATAN!
ofcourse the only truth HailSatan
On Thursday, May 1, 2014 5:00 PM, "reddragonspawn666@..." <reddragonspawn666@... wrote:
  Trivium. I am convinced they are. They have catchy songs that are super technical and completely against xian views and use real life examples, they are diligent and impressive musicians, I've seen pentagrams on their clothing in older music videos AND I've seen them doing yoga in documentaries... coincidence; I think not! :) :) :) HAIL SATAN!

hello what about avenged sevenfold i listen to them more often they have a song called "hail to the king" they are great hope u love them  ^_^

On Thursday, May 1, 2014 2:59 PM, "reddragonspawn666@..." <reddragonspawn666@... wrote:
  Trivium. I am convinced they are. They have catchy songs that are super technical and completely against xian views and use real life examples, they are diligent and impressive musicians, I've seen pentagrams on their clothing in older music videos AND I've seen them doing yoga in documentaries... coincidence; I think not! :) :) :) HAIL SATAN!

All music is of Satan, he is the one that brought music to humanity. Obviously there's lots of jew influenced crap out there, but in the end music, from my personal experience, is one of the rawest forms of energy and it resonates deeply with the soul.
So you can pretty much say that all music is Satanic (especially classical music), it's the lyrics that make a song 'christian' or 'jewish' or whatever, even so called jewish melodies are stolen from Pharaonic and ancient Indian melodies.
Also, you can pretty much say that everything is music, since music is sound and sound is vibration. The difference is, with music the vibration of sound is moulded and directed into a certain shape or form, which actually resembles a living form of energy. This is the same as an artisit moulding clay.
So you cannot label a band or artist or group as Satanic simply from their ideologies. Satanic music runs deeper than that since the Satanic essence runs deeper. Obviously bands and such use their ideas and influnce the mass mind with the music they attach them to, since music is a form of energy which when mastered can produce drastic results. This prooves that music is magick.
One of my personal favourite's is the Devil's Trill, I came to know this song from one of Maxine's Sermons, give it a listen. I usually listen to it with my eyes closed, visualizing Father Satan playing this on the violin. Father Satan and the Demons are amazing musicians.
Hail Satan!!!! On Tuesday, 29 April 2014, 16:27, "reddragonspawn666@..." <reddragonspawn666@... wrote:
  Trivium. I am convinced they are. They have catchy songs that are super technical and completely against xian views and use real life examples, they are diligent and impressive musicians, I've seen pentagrams on their clothing in older music videos AND I've seen them doing yoga in documentaries... coincidence; I think not! :) :) :) HAIL SATAN!

Behemoth videos arent true satanism, watch yourself!! Its not about darkness and evil, you better be a true satanist. Angels are evil and deceiving. Before I went to bed one night I dared an angel to fight me and in the morning I got really depressed!
On 28 Apr 2014 04:28, <jameslovatt@... wrote:
  Nile is like Behemoth a very Satanic band though both bands are unaware of this, unfortunately. Marduk is another satanic band at heart, though misguided due to the massive destruction of knowledge and history. If the members of these bands were aware of the truth they would make excellent Satanists, of that I have no doubt.
I like to take songs (any) I find pleasing and change the words while I am singing it to make it pleasing to Satan and the Gods / Godesses. It makes me happy that I am singing to them. Hail Satan
Paganini's caprice no. 24. It is a gorgeous piece said to be directly inspired by the beauty of Lucifer. If you are more into a modern sound, I would second "The Satanist" by Behemoth. It's a great album to meditate to. I also enjoyed the videos on YouTube where they describe the process of composing the album and their mindset. Since coming to Truth, I have also been able to hear Satan's beauty in blues guitar. If you have never heard alwaystevie Ray Vaughn play "Little Wing" I highly recommend putting it on in the background during a chakra cleaning meditation. It's a very positive experience. as stated previously, all music is of Satan. The enemy tries to use it against us, but music is much more powerful than the enemy's attempted workings. When music moves me, I thank Satan and he exposes me to more music that moves me. Our vibrations are different so what moves me might not you, and vice versa, but one thing we definitely share is the knowledge that acknowledging the gifts of Satan and showing him appreciation and respect is always mutually beneficial to your relationship with Satan.
Hello everyone, hopefully I don't sound completely over-analytical here, but I've been trying to rationalize Hypocrisy for a while now and this would be the perfect place to express my concerns since iorost brought them up. As much as I enjoy Hypocrisy's music, I'm starting to think that Peter Tägtgren may be a jew. I don't know him personally, obviously, but as someone who's followed the band for a while, it's a plausible theory. First off, look at him! I've never been to Sweden, but he dosen't exactly have a typical Swedish phenotype. The closest comparisons I can make to him are Christopher Walken and Steve Buschemi, both hollywood kikes. He was able to move to the US and jam in Malevolent Creation, who have Anti-Fa/Anti-racist views, and move right back to Sweden after an extremely short period of time, all before Hypocrisy was even a band. Hypocrisy's lyrics have always been about the same subjects (I know it's death metal, but the observation has to be made): Either killing people or raping and feeling no remorse about it, glorifying abduction and experimentation by the Greys, or dabbling in the Christian concept of of Satanism and witchcraft, with blood sacrifices. On the new album they touch on the NWO, as if they're trying to distract from the real force behind it by playing the Illuminati card, which reeks of jewish dual side-playing. There's an old promo pic where he's wearing a Grey mask, which could be funny if they werent keeping the entire planet subverted like the human cattle they want us to be. This is Nuclear Blast, after all, and he's like their go-to producer for every band on that label now and has been for at least a decade. He's had good ties with Cannibal Corpse, who have at least one known jew in the band, and Meshuggah, and why a band of Swedes would pick a Yiddish word for their name...well... If he's just a Swedish citizen with Med ancestry who happened to get big on Nuclear Blast, that's one thing. They did play a festival in Germany called Under the Black Sun with bands like Enslaved on it in the 90s, but if he is a kike...well damn. I guess I can play Storm of the Light's Bane in succession with a few Edge of Sanity albums and hope to get the same Hypocrisy results. Hell's Headbangers is awesome, by the way!
try GHOST B.C it is all about Satan and eney thing satanic

On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 11:37 PM, friendly_xenomorph@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Hello everyone, hopefully I don't sound completely over-analytical here, but I've been trying to rationalize Hypocrisy for a while now and this would be the perfect place to express my concerns since iorost brought them up. As much as I enjoy Hypocrisy's music, I'm starting to think that Peter Tägtgren may be a jew. I don't know him personally, obviously, but as someone who's followed the band for a while, it's a plausible theory. First off, look at him! I've never been to Sweden, but he dosen't exactly have a typical Swedish phenotype. The closest comparisons I can make to him are Christopher Walken and Steve Buschemi, both hollywood kikes. He was able to move to the US and jam in Malevolent Creation, who have Anti-Fa/Anti-racist views, and move right back to Sweden after an extremely short period of time, all before Hypocrisy was even a band. Hypocrisy's lyrics have always been about the same subjects (I know it's death metal, but the observation has to be made): Either killing people or raping and feeling no remorse about it, glorifying abduction and experimentation by the Greys, or dabbling in the Christian concept of of Satanism and witchcraft, with blood sacrifices. On the new album they touch on the NWO, as if they're trying to distract from the real force behind it by playing the Illuminati card, which reeks of jewish dual side-playing. There's an old promo pic where he's wearing a Grey mask, which could be funny if they werent keeping the entire planet subverted like the human cattle they want us to be. This is Nuclear Blast, after all, and he's like their go-to producer for every band on that label now and has been for at least a decade. He's had good ties with Cannibal Corpse, who have at least one known jew in the band, and Meshuggah, and why a band of Swedes would pick a Yiddish word for their name...well... If he's just a Swedish citizen with Med ancestry who happened to get big on Nuclear Blast, that's one thing. They did play a festival in Germany called Under the Black Sun with bands like Enslaved on it in the 90s, but if he is a kike...well damn. I guess I can play Storm of the Light's Bane in succession with a few Edge of Sanity albums and hope to get the same Hypocrisy results. Hell's Headbangers is awesome, by the way!
Here Come the Butchers by Nothingface (Skeletons -

  <[/IMG]<b class="y[/IMG]"The absence of darkness in a person does not suggest an abundance of light, for to know the light you must have known the darkness."[/B][/I]

On Monday, May 19, 2014 12:57 PM, "victor grainger eventhorizon10110@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  try GHOST B.C it is all about Satan and eney thing satanic

On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 11:37 PM, friendly_xenomorph@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
<u class="y[/IMG]   Hello everyone, hopefully I don't sound completely over-analytical here, but I've been trying to rationalize Hypocrisy for a while now and this would be the perfect place to express my concerns since iorost brought them up. As much as I enjoy Hypocrisy's music, I'm starting to think that Peter Tägtgren may be a jew. I don't know him personally, obviously, but as someone who's followed the band for a while, it's a plausible theory. First off, look at him! I've never been to Sweden, but he dosen't exactly have a typical Swedish phenotype. The closest comparisons I can make to him are Christopher Walken and Steve Buschemi, both hollywood kikes. He was able to move to the US and jam in Malevolent Creation, who have Anti-Fa/Anti-racist views, and move right back to Sweden after an extremely short period of time, all before Hypocrisy was even a band. Hypocrisy's lyrics have always been about the same subjects (I know it's death metal, but the observation has to be made): Either killing people or raping and feeling no remorse about it, glorifying abduction and experimentation by the Greys, or dabbling in the Christian concept of of Satanism and witchcraft, with blood sacrifices. On the new album they touch on the NWO, as if they're trying to distract from the real force behind it by playing the Illuminati card, which reeks of jewish dual side-playing. There's an old promo pic where he's wearing a Grey mask, which could be funny if they werent keeping the entire planet subverted like the human cattle they want us to be. This is Nuclear Blast, after all, and he's like their go-to producer for every band on that label now and has been for at least a decade. He's had good ties with Cannibal Corpse, who have at least one known jew in the band, and Meshuggah, and why a band of Swedes would pick a Yiddish word for their name...well... If he's just a Swedish citizen with Med ancestry who happened to get big on Nuclear Blast, that's one thing. They did play a festival in Germany called Under the Black Sun with bands like Enslaved on it in the 90s, but if he is a kike...well damn. I guess I can play Storm of the Light's Bane in succession with a few Edge of Sanity albums and hope to get the same Hypocrisy results. Hell's Headbangers is awesome, by the way!


I enjoy Music that gets my blood flowing, sort of speak. Try the album Reflection by Swedish Death metal band As You Drown; they are furious, really. But I also Think it's important to Think in terms of programming your subconscious mind when it comes to Music, as well as any outer stimuli.
If you only listen to angry Music, you might end up as a very angry person. If you only listen to sad Music, you may up as a very sad person, and so on. Maxime teaches us that we must try and have a
positive, mental mindset, and Music can certainly make us feel a certain way. We are all different and
different Music makes different people happy, but the bottom line, I Believe, is to listen to Music that does just that; makes us feel happy.

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Tue, 27 May 2014 13:38:18 -0700
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Satanic music?

  Here Come the Butchers by Nothingface (Skeletons -

  "The absence of darkness in a person does not suggest an abundance of light, for to know the light you must have known the darkness."

On Monday, May 19, 2014 12:57 PM, "victor grainger eventhorizon10110@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  try GHOST B.C it is all about Satan and eney thing satanic

On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 11:37 PM, friendly_xenomorph@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Hello everyone, hopefully I don't sound completely over-analytical here, but I've been trying to rationalize Hypocrisy for a while now and this would be the perfect place to express my concerns since iorost brought them up. As much as I enjoy Hypocrisy's music, I'm starting to think that Peter Tägtgren may be a jew. I don't know him personally, obviously, but as someone who's followed the band for a while, it's a plausible theory. First off, look at him! I've never been to Sweden, but he dosen't exactly have a typical Swedish phenotype. The closest comparisons I can make to him are Christopher Walken and Steve Buschemi, both hollywood kikes. He was able to move to the US and jam in Malevolent Creation, who have Anti-Fa/Anti-racist views, and move right back to Sweden after an extremely short period of time, all before Hypocrisy was even a band. Hypocrisy's lyrics have always been about the same subjects (I know it's death metal, but the observation has to be made): Either killing people or raping and feeling no remorse about it, glorifying abduction and experimentation by the Greys, or dabbling in the Christian concept of of Satanism and witchcraft, with blood sacrifices. On the new album they touch on the NWO, as if they're trying to distract from the real force behind it by playing the Illuminati card, which reeks of jewish dual side-playing. There's an old promo pic where he's wearing a Grey mask, which could be funny if they werent keeping the entire planet subverted like the human cattle they want us to be. This is Nuclear Blast, after all, and he's like their go-to producer for every band on that label now and has been for at least a decade. He's had good ties with Cannibal Corpse, who have at least one known jew in the band, and Meshuggah, and why a band of Swedes would pick a Yiddish word for their name...well... If he's just a Swedish citizen with Med ancestry who happened to get big on Nuclear Blast, that's one thing. They did play a festival in Germany called Under the Black Sun with bands like Enslaved on it in the 90s, but if he is a kike...well damn. I guess I can play Storm of the Light's Bane in succession with a few Edge of Sanity albums and hope to get the same Hypocrisy results. Hell's Headbangers is awesome, by the way!


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
