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Satanic magic


You seem to have a warped vision of spirituality, the occult, and Spiritual Satanism as a whole. If you have done the Dedication Ritual, you have established a formal bond with the Gods, but this is something that must be worked upon and is not a "one-shot deal". Meditating, studying, physical exercise, and especially participating in God/Demon rituals, are all pillars to advancing your soul, and thus, communicating with the Gods.

The Sigils do help in communication, and the Joy of Satanas has removed all blasphemous symbols from them (Hebrew letters and circles) to allow for True, unadultered communication to take place.

As for the names you mentioned, please keep in mind that the majority of information you'll find on the occult refers to Abrahamic occultism, and is therefore blasphemous to Satanas and the Gods. Eliphas Levi, Aleister Crowley, Rudolf Steiner, and other prominent figures in (Abrahamic) occultism, have only slandered Satanic ideals, whether on purpose or not.

As for sex magic, I don't think it would be effective in communication with the Gods, as it's very easy to accidentally misguide its energies and not achieve your goal, especially in beginner stages.

Finally, I would like to address your username. "Moloch" is a perverted Jewish concept and has nothing to do with Satanas and Spiritual Satanism. Therefore, I would suggest you change your username.

Feel free to ask any questions.
Is it possible to use the complete devil's sigil as a Skrying to obtain spiritual visions and what is the quality of it?

It may require a VERY advance level to have visions only focusing on a Sigil.
If you want to obtain that, a good (advanced) method is this:

Is it forbidden to use sex magic by Kenneth Grant, Thelema and Tantra?
Never use Thelema (this was already discussed on this forum)
That has nothing to do with Satanism.
Therians practice Qlippoth which is based on Jewish Kabbalah and is a great insult to the Gods.

PS, in the quote, the correct word was not "Therians", but "Therion":
Lol, my bad, I have confused Therians with Therion also known as Thelema which is exactly what I said.

About TRUE sex magic:


"Forbidden" is a misnomer. Jewish stuff is only harmful to a human being and could not bring any kind of blessing based on how the human soul works. Practicing Jewish magic is no more "forbidden" than ingesting poison is "forbidden". This is not a "restraining order", it is simply knowledge of how these things really work. Break away from Thelema and anything Jewish.

You seem to have a warped vision of spirituality, the occult, and Spiritual Satanism as a whole. If you have done the Dedication Ritual, you have established a formal bond with the Gods, but this is something that must be worked upon and is not a "one-shot deal". Meditating, studying, physical exercise, and especially participating in God/Demon rituals, are all pillars to advancing your soul, and thus, communicating with the Gods.

The Sigils do help in communication, and the Joy of Satanas has removed all blasphemous symbols from them (Hebrew letters and circles) to allow for True, unadultered communication to take place.

As for the names you mentioned, please keep in mind that the majority of information you'll find on the occult refers to Abrahamic occultism, and is therefore blasphemous to Satanas and the Gods. Eliphas Levi, Aleister Crowley, Rudolf Steiner, and other prominent figures in (Abrahamic) occultism, have only slandered Satanic ideals, whether on purpose or not.

As for sex magic, I don't think it would be effective in communication with the Gods, as it's very easy to accidentally misguide its energies and not achieve your goal, especially in beginner stages.

Finally, I would like to address your username. "Moloch" is a perverted Jewish concept and has nothing to do with Satanas and Spiritual Satanism. Therefore, I would suggest you change your username.

Feel free to ask any questions.
Yes, the wisdom of Mercury told me that
I used the name on the grounds that qliphoth legitimate
Can we become friends? I spoke to you with interest In particular, on the basis that you are affiliated with the regime This makes you have spiritual experiences such as awakening the Kundalini I used to see the Tree of Qliphoth as an inverted form of the Tree of Life, and I used to see it as heavenly spheres, the axis of the world, and the four worlds of the collective unconscious and archetypes.What made me do a lot of studies on Western esotericism, such as sacred marriage, the guardian angel, and altered states of consciousness, is only the ability to open the door beetwin the world of the unseen and the witnessed.I will be able to change the name on April 7
It may require a VERY advance level to have visions only focusing on a Sigil.
If you want to obtain that, a good (advanced) method is this:

Never use Thelema (this was already discussed on this forum)

PS, in the quote, the correct word was not "Therians", but "Therion":

About TRUE sex magic:

"Forbidden" is a misnomer. Jewish stuff is only harmful to a human being and could not bring any kind of blessing based on how the human soul works. Practicing Jewish magic is no more "forbidden" than ingesting poison is "forbidden". This is not a "restraining order", it is simply knowledge of how these things really work. Break away from Thelema and anything Jewish.
Actually, using sigil is not the best thing. I will study meditation, it is better than magic. I will delay magic, such as summoning the elements and planets, and focus on meditation, hoping to reach the fourth dimension.
It may require a VERY advance level to have visions only focusing on a Sigil.
If you want to obtain that, a good (advanced) method is this:

Never use Thelema (this was already discussed on this forum)

PS, in the quote, the correct word was not "Therians", but "Therion":

About TRUE sex magic:

"Forbidden" is a misnomer. Jewish stuff is only harmful to a human being and could not bring any kind of blessing based on how the human soul works. Practicing Jewish magic is no more "forbidden" than ingesting poison is "forbidden". This is not a "restraining order", it is simply knowledge of how these things really work. Break away from Thelema and anything Jewish.
No, I do not mean forbidden
but I use subtitles, so I will face difficulty in communicating.

You seem to have a warped vision of spirituality, the occult, and Spiritual Satanism as a whole. If you have done the Dedication Ritual, you have established a formal bond with the Gods, but this is something that must be worked upon and is not a "one-shot deal". Meditating, studying, physical exercise, and especially participating in God/Demon rituals, are all pillars to advancing your soul, and thus, communicating with the Gods.

The Sigils do help in communication, and the Joy of Satanas has removed all blasphemous symbols from them (Hebrew letters and circles) to allow for True, unadultered communication to take place.

As for the names you mentioned, please keep in mind that the majority of information you'll find on the occult refers to Abrahamic occultism, and is therefore blasphemous to Satanas and the Gods. Eliphas Levi, Aleister Crowley, Rudolf Steiner, and other prominent figures in (Abrahamic) occultism, have only slandered Satanic ideals, whether on purpose or not.

As for sex magic, I don't think it would be effective in communication with the Gods, as it's very easy to accidentally misguide its energies and not achieve your goal, especially in beginner stages.

Finally, I would like to address your username. "Moloch" is a perverted Jewish concept and has nothing to do with Satanas and Spiritual Satanism. Therefore, I would suggest you change your username.

Feel free to ask any questions.
In Egypt, it is forbidden to socialize women, so I have not had emotional or sexual relationships, and this hurts me deeply psychic. I cannot even get ayahuasca, mescaline, peyote, magic mushrooms, and good weed.
I was born poor in an exploitative country Das Kapital, so you have no idea of the suffering I sluffer.
It may require a VERY advance level to have visions only focusing on a Sigil.
If you want to obtain that, a good (advanced) method is this:

Never use Thelema (this was already discussed on this forum)

PS, in the quote, the correct word was not "Therians", but "Therion":

About TRUE sex magic:

"Forbidden" is a misnomer. Jewish stuff is only harmful to a human being and could not bring any kind of blessing based on how the human soul works. Practicing Jewish magic is no more "forbidden" than i

Thank you for the valuable information you give me and your cooperation with me
In Egypt, it is forbidden to socialize women, so I have not had emotional or sexual relationships, and this hurts me deeply psychic. I cannot even get ayahuasca, mescaline, peyote, magic mushrooms, and good weed.
I was born poor in an exploitative country Das Kapital, so you have no idea of the suffering I sluffer.
Drugs are not the way to spirituality, in fact they're quite the opposite. A Spiritual Satanist doesn't need to resort to substances.

As for ending the spiritual authority of the enemy, you can do God/Demon Rituals and even RTRs, such as the Demonic Authority Ritual.
Yes, the wisdom of Mercury told me that
I used the name on the grounds that qliphoth legitimate
Can we become friends? I spoke to you with interest In particular, on the basis that you are affiliated with the regime This makes you have spiritual experiences such as awakening the Kundalini I used to see the Tree of Qliphoth as an inverted form of the Tree of Life, and I used to see it as heavenly spheres, the axis of the world, and the four worlds of the collective unconscious and archetypes.What made me do a lot of studies on Western esotericism, such as sacred marriage, the guardian angel, and altered states of consciousness, is only the ability to open the door beetwin the world of the unseen and the witnessed.I will be able to change the name on April 7
1) The "Qlippoth" is utterly Abrahamic and should be avoided at all costs. Same goes for "angels".
2) If by "affiliated with the regime" you mean that I possess power in the Joy of Satanas Forums, I must inform you that I'm simply a Moderator for the Hellenic Subforum and a Community Helper, I am not "authority" here. You can always seek the advice of JG's and Clergy, which is of higher wisdom than mine, or of members who have been here longer than I have.
3) Why will you be able to change your name only after April 7th?
Apparently it's a new ritual What is the benefit of it? Should, look at Shen sigil and shake the runes Should I draw the stamp or can I view it on my mobile phone normally?
Then I meditate on the sigil of the common lucifer Yes, I joined the site on the basis of supply my expertise from the experiences of others I heard that this is the complete sigil of Lucifer
Apparently it's a new ritual What is the benefit of it? Should, look at Shen sigil and shake the runes Should I draw the stamp or can I view it on my mobile phone normally?
Then I meditate on the sigil of the common lucifer Yes, I joined the site on the basis of supply my expertise from the experiences of others I heard that this is the complete sigil of Lucifer
Where did you took the picture from ?
Apparently it's a new ritual What is the benefit of it? Should, look at Shen sigil and shake the runes Should I draw the stamp or can I view it on my mobile phone normally?

It's not a new ritual, you took it from a 18th century jewish grimoire.

Honestly, all of your posts in this thread are about enemy nonsense. You do know that we don't support anything outside the JoS site that claims to be "Satanic", right?

Ignore everything that's not in the JoS site as it's usually jewish, enemy crap and dangerous. It was invented by jews to blaspheme our Gods.

Spiritual Satanism isn't about the common perception of "Satanism", we're completely different and we seek to distance ourselves from jewish grimoires, qliphoth, "enns" and other jewish bullshit.
Apparently it's a new ritual What is the benefit of it? Should, look at Shen sigil and shake the runes Should I draw the stamp or can I view it on my mobile phone normally?
Then I meditate on the sigil of the common lucifer Yes, I joined the site on the basis of supply my expertise from the experiences of others I heard that this is the complete sigil of Lucifer

The REAL SIGIL of Satan (Lucifer):


The Jewish Sigil you brought here 1) has a circle (a very evil thing), read here:
Do you know why the Pentagram on the JoS website doesn't have circles around it?

The circles are synonymous with binding. Therefore placing the pentagram, or a sigil of the Gods in a circle is disrespectful as that would be synonymous with binding the energies of the Gods, or the Satanic energies, which is of the enemy.

With the circles, it is unfortunately not representative of the Gods and is a disrespectful way to portray the pentagram that came from the old grimoires of the enemy.

Hail Satan!

Then I meditate on the sigil

If you meditate on Jewish crap, you will only curse yourself with that shit...
A Gentile (i.e. non-jewish) soul is TOTALLY different from a jewish (evil) "soul". A little diagram to let you understand that (sorry for my other Brothers and Sisters for the creepy image...)

Seven Chakra: Gentile
Ten Sefirot: Jew

Another thing is: NEVER use the Symbols (like Sigils) of the Jewish Enemy. For the same reason, they are curses:

experiences of others I heard that this is the complete sigil of Lucifer

No! It ISN'T!
Read here:
My "opinion" is that people who have never had even half an experience with Satan should stop writing entire books about what they believe Satan is and spreading their very own versions of Satanism that cast LIES AND ILLUSIONS about Satanism because they are based on what THEY think Satanism is and NOT what SATAN dictates Satanism is.

Apparently it's a new ritual What is the benefit of it?

The (only) real Rituals for the Gods (don't do them now, take at least some months for increase your knowledge, then, feel free to bless the Gods and receive their blessing)

(For when you will be more advanced, this is how those rituals work):
You do the Ritual, and with the process having taken place, you resort then to doing what working you require, or you directly establish astral communication with the Demon, to further what needs to be done.

Generally, the Gods can see way more clearly one's personal goals, and the path to wisdom towards them. So just by doing the Ritual, you are already getting closer to the very source of what you are trying to achieve in a goal.

Should, look at Shen sigil and shake the runes Should I draw the stamp or can I view it on my mobile phone normally?

As I explained, you have to allow yourself to give yourself time to understand how certain things are done. As you delve deeper into Satanism you will understand, but it will take time, also because you are still tied to the Jewish lies for now. Don't worry, everyone has their starting point, and everyone needs the time they realistically need to continue and reach a certain level where the understanding of how Satanism works is more spontaneous and natural.

One last thing!
The fact that the "Jewish version" (the Jewish LIES) about our Gods (and all the jewish symbols connected to those lies) is just a dirty curse to your soul, IT IS A CONCRETE FACT:

All of this is so true that the Gods gave us specific Rituals for reverse those curses to our soul and planet. A great example:
Apparently it's a new ritual What is the benefit of it? Should, look at Shen sigil and shake the runes Should I draw the stamp or can I view it on my mobile phone normally?
Then I meditate on the sigil of the common lucifer Yes, I joined the site on the basis of supply my expertise from the experiences of others I heard that this is the complete sigil of Lucifer
I also find the ancient sigils of the gods interesting.
It's not a new ritual, you took it from a 18th century jewish grimoire.

Honestly, all of your posts in this thread are about enemy nonsense. You do know that we don't support anything outside the JoS site that claims to be "Satanic", right?

Ignore everything that's not in the JoS site as it's usually jewish, enemy crap and dangerous. It was invented by jews to blaspheme our Gods.

Spiritual Satanism isn't about the common perception of "Satanism", we're completely different and we seek to distance ourselves from jewish grimoires, qliphoth, "enns" and other jewish bullshit.
Great reply.
The REAL SIGIL of Satan (Lucifer):

View attachment 5267

The Jewish Sigil you brought here 1) has a circle (a very evil thing), read here:

If you meditate on Jewish crap, you will only curse yourself with that shit...
A Gentile (i.e. non-jewish) soul is TOTALLY different from a jewish (evil) "soul". A little diagram to let you understand that (sorry for my other Brothers and Sisters for the creepy image...)
View attachment 5268
Seven Chakra: Gentile
Ten Sefirot: Jew

Another thing is: NEVER use the Symbols (like Sigils) of the Jewish Enemy. For the same reason, they are curses:

No! It ISN'T!
Read here:

The (only) real Rituals for the Gods (don't do them now, take at least some months for increase your knowledge, then, feel free to bless the Gods and receive their blessing)

(For when you will be more advanced, this is how those rituals work):

As I explained, you have to allow yourself to give yourself time to understand how certain things are done. As you delve deeper into Satanism you will understand, but it will take time, also because you are still tied to the Jewish lies for now. Don't worry, everyone has their starting point, and everyone needs the time they realistically need to continue and reach a certain level where the understanding of how Satanism works is more spontaneous and natural.

One last thing!
The fact that the "Jewish version" (the Jewish LIES) about our Gods (and all the jewish symbols connected to those lies) is just a dirty curse to your soul, IT IS A CONCRETE FACT:

All of this is so true that the Gods gave us specific Rituals for reverse those curses to our soul and planet. A great example:
Great work brother and detailed reply. Hopefully they listen.
Great work brother and detailed reply. Hopefully they listen.

Thank you so much, you were very kind! I hope he will listen too, but I know how difficult it is to start from 0 in beliefs, especially in these topics. When I read his post I said to myself: "it's all wrong... where can I start if there is no correct starting point from which to begin to understand?". But the truth is that if you look for the beginning of a circle you might not find it because it is circular. Or you might think that every point is a potential beginning. I am sure that with the right good will we will clean this rusty ring that will return to a splendid golden color.
These are not ancient sigils of the Gods these are vile jewish symbols and curses. Anyone who meditated a day can see the disgusting energies and bindings on these shit symbols.
There are much older sigils from the Middle Ages that can be studied.

There is the useful part and the non-useful part

It is necessary to carefully analyze each specificity of these sigils to see if the set of symbols and letters (in Aramaic) show something.

Maxine has done this, and this "grimoire" even contains the sigils we use, which means that there are still things to study within them.

You need to study things before commenting without any real basis, based on "maybe" because you read that circles are all evil, but what makes circles evil?

Circles hold energy, but in this sigil it seems to me that the circle was not exactly a sigil.

It's good to analyze the meaning of the letters correctly

What you're doing is simply talking without knowing exactly what the whole thing is about.

The curse is due to a set of various symbols and scattered things, not just one thing.
The old sigils can be just as useful as the new ones, you just have to know how to use them.

What Maxine did was literally that

She studied and saw that circles are used to trap energy, so she removed them from the sigils.
She read and studied that sigils were used for direct communication, so she found one of their uses.

Take the rituals of God, for example: there is a circle around the names
Does this mean that the ritual is bad? No
Because the important thing is the usefulness of that circle, the Shenu is used for protection and blessing.

There is the useful part and the non-useful part

It is necessary to carefully analyze each specificity of these sigils to see if the set of symbols and letters (in Aramaic) show something.

Maxine has done this, and this "grimoire" even contains the sigils we use, which means that there are still things to study within them.

You need to study things before commenting without any real basis, based on "maybe" because you read that circles are all evil, but what makes circles evil?

Circles hold energy, but in this sigil it seems to me that the circle was not exactly a sigil.

It's good to analyze the meaning of the letters correctly

What you're doing is simply talking without knowing exactly what the whole thing is about.

The curse is due to a set of various symbols and scattered things, not just one thing.
The old sigils can be just as useful as the new ones, you just have to know how to use them.

What Maxine did was literally that

She studied and saw that circles are used to trap energy, so she removed them from the sigils.
She read and studied that sigils were used for direct communication, so she found one of their uses.

Take the rituals of God, for example: there is a circle around the names
Does this mean that the ritual is bad? No

Because the important thing is the usefulness of that circle, the Shenu is used for protection and blessing.

Only after studying the meaning of each thing can you tell what it is.

Your view of things is permeated by laziness and speculation.
"Ow that's from the Grimoire of Solomon"

Yes, most of the sigils we use came from these grimoires lol.
There are much older sigils from the Middle Ages that can be studied.

There is the useful part and the non-useful part

It is necessary to carefully analyze each specificity of these sigils to see if the set of symbols and letters (in Aramaic) show something.

Maxine has done this, and this "grimoire" even contains the sigils we use, which means that there are still things to study within them.

You need to study things before commenting without any real basis, based on "maybe" because you read that circles are all evil, but what makes circles evil?

Circles hold energy, but in this sigil it seems to me that the circle was not exactly a sigil.

It's good to analyze the meaning of the letters correctly

What you're doing is simply talking without knowing exactly what the whole thing is about.

The curse is due to a set of various symbols and scattered things, not just one thing.
The old sigils can be just as useful as the new ones, you just have to know how to use them.

What Maxine did was literally that

She studied and saw that circles are used to trap energy, so she removed them from the sigils.
She read and studied that sigils were used for direct communication, so she found one of their uses.

Take the rituals of God, for example: there is a circle around the names
Does this mean that the ritual is bad? No
Because the important thing is the usefulness of that circle, the Shenu is used for protection and blessing.

There is the useful part and the non-useful part

It is necessary to carefully analyze each specificity of these sigils to see if the set of symbols and letters (in Aramaic) show something.

Maxine has done this, and this "grimoire" even contains the sigils we use, which means that there are still things to study within them.

You need to study things before commenting without any real basis, based on "maybe" because you read that circles are all evil, but what makes circles evil?

Circles hold energy, but in this sigil it seems to me that the circle was not exactly a sigil.

It's good to analyze the meaning of the letters correctly

What you're doing is simply talking without knowing exactly what the whole thing is about.

The curse is due to a set of various symbols and scattered things, not just one thing.
The old sigils can be just as useful as the new ones, you just have to know how to use them.

What Maxine did was literally that

She studied and saw that circles are used to trap energy, so she removed them from the sigils.
She read and studied that sigils were used for direct communication, so she found one of their uses.

Take the rituals of God, for example: there is a circle around the names
Does this mean that the ritual is bad? No

Because the important thing is the usefulness of that circle, the Shenu is used for protection and blessing.

Only after studying the meaning of each thing can you tell what it is.

Your view of things is permeated by laziness and speculation.
"Ow that's from the Grimoire of Solomon"

Yes, most of the sigils we use came from these grimoires lol.
I don’t think your communication is normal. You either copy pasted this reply multiple times or if you really wrote that multiple times this sounds strange to me, I have studied mental conditions and this strikes me as “preservation”.

ChatGPT could explain this better than me.
In the context of communication and mental health, perseveration refers to the involuntary repetition of a particular word, phrase, or idea, even when it is no longer relevant to the conversation or situation. It is a common symptom in conditions that affect cognition, such as schizophrenia, autism, traumatic brain injury, or dementia.

Key Characteristics of Perseveration:
1. Repetition: The person repeatedly says the same thing, sometimes word-for-word, even when it’s unnecessary or unrelated to the current topic.

2. Lack of Awareness: The individual may not realize they are repeating themselves.

3. Stuck Thought Process: They may have difficulty shifting their focus or moving on to a new topic.
Examples of Perseveration:

• Saying, “I need my bag, I need my bag, I need my bag” even after the bag has already been located.

• Persistently bringing up a specific topic in different parts of a conversation, like repeating concerns about an event that has already passed.

Why Does It Happen?

Perseveration often arises due to cognitive rigidity or difficulties in shifting thought patterns. It can be caused by:

• Neurological conditions: Such as brain injury or stroke.

• Mental health conditions: Schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), or autism spectrum disorder.

• Executive function impairments: Difficulty managing or transitioning between thoughts.

In schizophrenia, perseveration may reflect the person’s attempt to process overwhelming thoughts or their difficulty distinguishing relevant from irrelevant ideas.

I have no real idea if you have something and this is not a personal attack but my intuition was screaming this out. Maybe you can try getting it checked out.

Regarding your points. Shenu is not a circle, saying it’s a circle is pure ignorance. Shenu is an ancient symbol of protection, you can also look up how it looks like in Egyptian Hieroglyphs. HP HC had addressed this.

Also this is not a circle that was mentioned this is a double circle which was used explicitly for binding and cursing the Gods.

Yes this was used as a jewish tool in a jewish grimoire of Schlomo (Solomon in hebrew) I don’t see why this doesn’t ring any red flags for you? Maybe you really have no idea of the occultic crimes and spiritual abuse of the jews done against the Gods.
I don’t think your communication is normal. You either copy pasted this reply multiple times or if you really wrote that multiple times this sounds strange to me, I have studied mental conditions and this strikes me as “preservation”.

ChatGPT could explain this better than me.

I have no real idea if you have something and this is not a personal attack but my intuition was screaming this out. Maybe you can try getting it checked out.

Regarding your points. Shenu is not a circle, saying it’s a circle is pure ignorance. Shenu is an ancient symbol of protection, you can also look up how it looks like in Egyptian Hieroglyphs. HP HC had addressed this.

Also this is not a circle that was mentioned this is a double circle which was used explicitly for binding and cursing the Gods.

Yes this was used as a jewish tool in a jewish grimoire of Schlomo (Solomon in hebrew) I don’t see why this doesn’t ring any red flags for you? Maybe you really have no idea of the occultic crimes and spiritual abuse of the jews done against the Gods.
Haha reacting my post is such a 12 year old minecraft move, do better please.
I don’t think your communication is normal. You either copy pasted this reply multiple times or if you really wrote that multiple times this sounds strange to me, I have studied mental conditions and this strikes me as “preservation”.
1) Ad hominem

2) It is very dishonest to say that Shenu is not a circle.

As you can see for yourself, only those who really want to deny it deny it.

It's the multiple uses of circles in many different contexts.

Being from Egypt doesn't change the fact that I'm right.

"Ow shenu isn't a circle, it's a symbol, and symbols can't be shaped like circles because I don't want them to be, and also because, well, I don't know...but the shenu certainly doesn't *circle* the names of the gods or the sigils of the gods."

This just shows that you don't really understand the meaning of things, you had no basis.

In my same text I said that the Shenu was used for protection and blessings and now you write the same information 🤣 I don't have amnesia no friend Lol

Yes this was used as a jewish tool in a jewish grimoire of Schlomo (Solomon in hebrew) I don’t see why this doesn’t ring any red flags for you? Maybe you really have no idea of the occultic crimes and spiritual abuse of the jews done against the Gods.
Thank you, Doctor
You really are a man of very in-depth analysis.
You've managed to diagnose me with numerous illnesses:

1) because I disagreed with you (with reason)

2) because my text simply came out with a few problems

3) because you're using ad hominem to invalidate the argument.

All this on the basis of something you read on the Internet, and then, with your great wisdom, you saw a connection with me.

Out of dishonesty?


I hope it was dishonesty, because genuineness would demonstrate a high degree of the things you yourself wanted to attach to my image.

Perhaps it's projection?

At the end of the day, doctors who study the brain are just like that, they like to introduce illness into extremely normal people out of pure malice.

I hope that if you're studying neuroscience, you don't destroy anyone's life through incompetence.
"Ow shenu isn't a circle, it's a symbol, and symbols can't be shaped like circles because I don't want them to be, and also because, well, I don't know...but the shenu certainly doesn't *circle* the names of the gods or the sigils of the gods."
Okay you’re being very emotional I won’t reply to you anymore.

One last point.
Hp. Hooded Cobra wrote:
It is not a circle. Pay attention to it. Read the notes above, it's called a Shen. It is a deeply universal symbol of protection. It has been worn by the Gods and given by the Gods in Egyptian Hieroglyphics. The association is of the God Ra [and Horus], and is of the Sun Disk. From this symbol the Ouroboros arose later, symbolizing also infinity of power and the infinity of existence.
Post in thread 'SATAN'S DAY RITUAL - 23rd to 29th Of December - Happy Yule Wishes!'

See? “It’s not a circle” maybe the High Priest also doesn’t understand the meaning of things and had no basis as well compared to high and mighty you.
1) Ad hominem

2) It is very dishonest to say that Shenu is not a circle.

As you can see for yourself, only those who really want to deny it deny it.

It's the multiple uses of circles in many different contexts.

Being from Egypt doesn't change the fact that I'm right.

"Ow shenu isn't a circle, it's a symbol, and symbols can't be shaped like circles because I don't want them to be, and also because, well, I don't know...but the shenu certainly doesn't *circle* the names of the gods or the sigils of the gods."

This just shows that you don't really understand the meaning of things, you had no basis.

In my same text I said that the Shenu was used for protection and blessings and now you write the same information 🤣 I don't have amnesia no friend Lol

Instead of arguing with semantics and other nonsense, you need to start studying spirituality and meditate if you want to make any points.

These kinds of arguments you make from a purely material point of view with no understanding or knowledge are typical for secular minded individuals who have absolutely no understanding of these subjects. Like a historian taking allegorical myths literally at face value.

"Look guys, the Shenu ring is clearly round shaped, it is a circle lol (Conveniently ignore the special knot at the bottom and what spiritual significance this has to make it obviously not a circle)."

About these Sigils you refer to, show me how "ancient" they are. What sources do you have supporting these claims?

The Shenu ring is a true Ancient symbol that can be traced back to the oldest Hieroglyphics set in stone, which as we know, may be much older than even 12.000 years.
Even if we would go by the main stream Egyptologists, the Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics are at least 6000 years old. Besides this, they are symbols given by the Gods directly, timeless and always powerful, even if the oldest record of them on Earth is "merely" 6000 years old, they are of course far more ancient in origin than that.

None of these 18th century grimoires are anywhere close to these, and they are known to be mostly written either by jewish occultists or by gentiles that used jewish kabbalah as the source for their writings.

Very few texts from the middle ages are legitimate and trustworthy, and those that are are not available to the public eye. Masonic lodges before they fell under the jewish influence had knowledgeable gentile occultists and Satanic Souls who discovered Hellenic Sources and used these together with Spiritual Theurgy to devise Spiritual Symbology for ritual use that aligns with the Gods, but these books are not anywhere available in any public domain. Jews have stolen all of these and either destroyed them, or kept them in private collections that nobody can access.

Publicly available grimoires written in those times are rife with nonsensical jewish kabbalah, so they can only be discarded for being worthless and having been written by unspiritual idiots or jewish cultists that merely corrupted True Spiritual Knowledge. At the very least, for anything useful to be found in such books, they must be scrutinized by Spiritually adept and open SS who are in contact with the Gods to discern any possible use case and to verify these with guidance by the Gods. That is what HPS Maxine did with the Necronomicon, the knowledge that is usable and verified to be fine from that book is now on the JoS.
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In Egypt, it is forbidden to socialize women, so I have not had emotional or sexual relationships, and this hurts me deeply psychic. I cannot even get ayahuasca, mescaline, peyote, magic mushrooms, and good weed.
I was born poor in an exploitative country Das Kapital, so you have no idea of the suffering I sluffer.
Don't use drugs, it's heavily discouraged for us to do so.

Why would you want to use magic mushrooms and weed while being an SS? It will damage, confuse you - and make you vulnerable to enemy attacks.
Instead of arguing with semantics and other nonsense, you need to start studying spirituality and meditate if you want to make any points.

These kinds of arguments you make from a purely material point of view with no understanding or knowledge are typical for secular minded individuals who have absolutely no understanding of these subjects. Like a historian taking allegorical myths literally at face value.
I practice meditation every day

I'm not "secular"

It's like you said, I meant it in a material sense
It's just that the exact point of why circles are "bad" for the sigils of the Gods is because they circulate around that sigil.
And that binds it

Shenu does the same thing, it's around the names
Its usefulness, as I myself agreed, was different, it wasn't a Kabbalistic circle.
In other words, he is surrounding the names and yet they have another use and another meaning.

The part below the Shen doesn't make it open.

In other words, I didn't say that the shen has no spiritual characteristics
what I've said so far is literally the opposite.
Post in thread 'SATAN'S DAY RITUAL - 23rd to 29th Of December - Happy Yule Wishes!'

See? “It’s not a circle” maybe the High Priest also doesn’t understand the meaning of things and had no basis as well compared to high and mighty you.
He said it in the sense of not being Kabbalistic.
In a material sense, it clearly denigrates the name of God.

In other words, it's still a circle

I'm not emotional, if I had been I would have commented on something completely different that wouldn't have focused on what you said.
I practice meditation every day

I'm not "secular"

It's like you said, I meant it in a material sense
It's just that the exact point of why circles are "bad" for the sigils of the Gods is because they circulate around that sigil.
And that binds it

Shenu does the same thing, it's around the names
Its usefulness, as I myself agreed, was different, it wasn't a Kabbalistic circle.
In other words, he is surrounding the names and yet they have another use and another meaning.

The part below the Shen doesn't make it open.

In other words, I didn't say that the shen has no spiritual characteristics
what I've said so far is literally the opposite.

There is "meditation" and Satanic Power Meditation. It is clear what you are doing from how you write on the forums.

Don't follow corrupt eastern practices that lead to nothingness. Perhaps you will actually learn something and develop yourself if you follow even a fraction of the Spiritual Satanic Path.
What you are doing isn't meditation, it is elimination of the ego, the corrupted bhuddist idea of emptying and entering nothingness, stillness, which ultimately leads to nothing.
You are not developing your Soul or working with spiritual energies to empower your mind and being.

There is "meditation" and there is Satanic Power Meditation.

You need to practice the latter. Not the former.
🤔 You're assuming that I do ego-elimination meditation.
In fact, I practice the meditations correctly as described.
Your assumption is not true, and was based on materialism

Perhaps you picked this up intuitively/materially by looking at my photo.

Well, the next time some JG says that another doesn't practice power meditation based on intuition, I'll have to doubt his words from now on.

I don't practice ego elimination

The yoga I practice has to do with
1 focus

2 perception

3 meditation on objects to learn to have discernment about their nature

But I also practice power meditations with runes.

My focus is on the mind and soul
Analysis and discernment meditation is good for the mind

And power for the soul
People combine the two with yoga

This is the closest we can get to a "New Age" meditation, but this same meditation is universally usable.
You can see this model in Satanic emptiness meditation too.

If I didn't have an ego, I wouldn't be rebutting here.
Since the anti-ego preaches that we should abandon conflicts of any kind.

Anyway, I'm glad someone understood something.
At least the part about the Shen Ring, about which I've now been able to express myself in a way that you could understand that deep down there wasn't necessarily a vulgar disagreement.

Your point about me seeing things in a material way is absolutely right.
That's the point, the material or visible geometric form isn't everything.

That's why shenu makes sense

And that's why it's necessary to look at the context in which each circulatory object is used.
Obviously I need to delete Moshe Idel books hahahaha I want to be honest with you about something Firstly, I apologize for the late response because I was not enthusiastic
Secondly, when I mentioned the tree of life, I only meant the dimensions, the heavens, the planets, or the axis of the world. I hate the divine religions because they made me have romantic and sexual relationships with difficulty, and because they are a reason for the weakness of human consciousness, which led to us robbing us of spiritual sciences and giving birth to the poor.
What I want to be honest with you is that I study Tibetan Tantra, psychology, mythology, neuroscience, quantum physics, neuro-linguistic programming, and hypnosis, but because I want to make an impact. I believe that life is suffering and that salvation is through astral projection and merging with cosmic consciousness. The soul is above time, space, and the world is an illusion and they are a reflection of the body and senses.
In the psychology of Carl Jung, Bischoff said that demons resemble human reptiles because they represent the lower unconscious or the desires that are control in humans. What do you opinion?
🤔 You're assuming that I do ego-elimination meditation.
In fact, I practice the meditations correctly as described.
Your assumption is not true, and was based on materialism

Perhaps you picked this up intuitively/materially by looking at my photo.

Well, the next time some JG says that another doesn't practice power meditation based on intuition, I'll have to doubt his words from now on.

I don't practice ego elimination

The yoga I practice has to do with
1 focus

2 perception

3 meditation on objects to learn to have discernment about their nature

But I also practice power meditations with runes.

My focus is on the mind and soul
Analysis and discernment meditation is good for the mind

And power for the soul
People combine the two with yoga

This is the closest we can get to a "New Age" meditation, but this same meditation is universally usable.
You can see this model in Satanic emptiness meditation too.

If I didn't have an ego, I wouldn't be rebutting here.
Since the anti-ego preaches that we should abandon conflicts of any kind.

Anyway, I'm glad someone understood something.
At least the part about the Shen Ring, about which I've now been able to express myself in a way that you could understand that deep down there wasn't necessarily a vulgar disagreement.

Your point about me seeing things in a material way is absolutely right.
That's the point, the material or visible geometric form isn't everything.

That's why shenu makes sense

And that's why it's necessary to look at the context in which each circulatory object is used.
You argue alot. I admire focus and determination but this was nothing but needless.
1) If you find the importance of studying the history of such symbols and going into a depth of understanding, has your GD been able to help you achieve that ? And allure you to the understanding and knowledge you seek ?

2) The representation of a symbol and the shapes one can identify on a symbol are 2 different things, and I see that's been the major source in this confusion. A symbol came come in form of something circular doesn't mean its a circle this is where we must remove earthly knowledge and apply spiritual knowledge.

But yes all the corrupt knowledge has essence of truth but best to approach with caution and never allow filth to overtake the truth.

Best wishes to your studies
Hail Satan
I think you're focusing too much on the dark side of things worship moloch , there's good and there's bad.
Spiritual Satanism is all about freedom , enlightenment , life , light and many other wonderful things. From all of the Gods , Father Satan is the most brightest , in all aspects not just his Aura. We stand for releasing other beings , not suppressing and capturing them as the enemy does. We're following the satanic ethics and we're not doing degenerating stuff.

Good examples of SS are : Nikola Tesla or if you want one a bit more towards "dark' path but with ethics and lawful then perfect example for this is Vlad the Impaler.
Nikola Tesla was a Genius , purely admitting that he was talking with other beings , therefore they got him disappeared from this earth , that's why we're advising people not to share their special powers that they've got or that they've developed in time.
regarding About the dark side and the light side I know that both sides are demons, like Ra, the sun god, and Apophus, Duat But the upper world represents masculinity and order. I lean more toward feminine energy because it is dark, chaotic, and creative. It may be influenced by the Abrahamic religions that light is bad or the Satanic view of morality that is false. This gives you the impression, for example, that light is an illusion and darkness is the reality of the world. All lights or stars will be extinguished one day. The dark is eternal. I don't know about Nikola talking to other beings or Vlad's relationship with us
Yes, I have a belief and a diverse culture, such as the collective unconscious in psychology or the implicit world in quantum physics, but it is not pure philosophy in the beginning and in the end. I focus on the practical side, such as the benefits of magical imagination in crossing the other world from the days of the Stone Age or shamanism, but it is pure spirituality without religious beliefs.Or study altered states of consciousness and use different techniques such as the mandala in psychology and the tumo in Tibetan Buddhism and to do the bija mantra.
I created the post about scrying because the tarot can be used for astral travel or planes risin. When I saw that scrying is difficult, I downlods books about it.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
