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Apr 23, 2014
The following reading list is for those that want to learn more and experience more beyond the JoS website.

HPS Maxine had this up on the JoS website throughout 2003, this is a direct copy and paste from the archives online.

True Leaders are Readers!
<h2>"Every Book listed here, I have read cover to cover; also following this list will be links for study resources. This list at present is incomplete as I only have so much time to post everything I have read (hundreds of books). I will include an update on the front page when the list was last completed with add ons. Please bear in mind, it is always important not to believe everything you read, but to question. Take the worthwhile contents of a book and disregard the rest. THE BLACK BOOK OF SATAN
written by Prophet Sheik Adi, dictated by Satan, himself. There are references to his being the creator of humanity. Satan relates he has "ALLOWED the creation of 4 substances, because they are necessary things for creatures." These are the nucleotides in the DNA. Enki's number is 40.
THE 12th PLANET by Zecharia Sitchin
Gives accounts and hypotheses of our creation by extra-terrestrials who came here to mine for gold, 440,000 years ago. Sheds much light on the mythology behind the Necronomicon and how the writers and editors of the xtian bible have stolen Sumerian myths and twisted it to conform to their own whims. Sitchin has taken his writings from deciphering ancient tablets excavated in the middle east. Highly recommended.
*This book was taken from the inscriptions on the ancient tablets and is the autobiography of Satan, himself. Highly recommended
THE GODS OF EDEN by William Bramley.
Here, Bramley soft soaps the nazarene, but the over all book is good reading material. Recommended
The rest of the Earth Chronicles by Zecharia Sitchin
*This book goes into depth about the ancient history of Central America and the step pyramids there. Quetzocoatl was the Egyptian God Thoth.
GENESIS REVISITED THE DAY AFTER ROSWELL by Colonel Philip J. Corso, US Army retired, 1997.
This is a must read. Complete exposé of the UFO crash in the Roswell desert, July of 1947. In the book "The Day After Roswell" the author exposes the entire story, with names, dates, facts and documents released under the freedom of information act. He was PERSONALLY in charge of the Roswell files under the Army Research and Development at the Pentagon directly under Lieutenent General Arthur G. Trudeau.
Corso explains the reality behind the "Cold War" where the USA and the USSR amassed nuclear weapons capable of destroying the Earth 5 times over; which if either side employed these, mutual suicide for the entire planet would result. The truth is- both world powers were well aware of the alien threat, which in TRUTH is a hostile one which threatens the life of everything and everyone on this planet. Both the USA and USSR worked behind the scenes to develop defense technology, NOT to be used on each other, as the media falsely claimed to shape public opinion and to delude the masses, but to be used in defense of the Earth from a potential alien attack. This was also the main reason for the Apollo Moon Mission in 1969, NOT just space exploration out of interest. The defense dept was interested in establishing a base on the Moon which would act as a reconnaissance post for the Earth, from out there. The large number of satellites orbiting the Earth serve the same purpose. PROTECTION.
Corso concludes the book with documents and explains how the technology recovered from the crash landing of the alien spacecraft in Roswell, New Mexico, July 1947, salvaged and clandestinely distributed by the US Army to various laboratories who employed top scientists for private industry; how they used reverse engineering to develop the high level of technology we have today, in many areas; this technology, which enabled the building of the "stealth bomber" and other high tech militay weapons were used to deter the aliens from physically invading the Earth. *****HIGHLY RECOMMENDED EXTRA-TERRESTRIALS AMONG US by George C. Andrews
Excellent book, highly recommended. Comprehensive exposé of extra-terrestrials and their interactions with humanity. Highly recommended "THE WATCHERS" by Raymond E. Fowler is VERY revealing concerning the grey involvement in the xianity scam and exposing "the one."
The Watchers gives the accounts of Betty Andreasson who experienced numerous abductions by the aliens known as "greys." Andreasson, a devout xtian reveals the grey's connection with xianity and the plans for the future of humanity. Anyone with intelligence can see the lies the greys spoonfeed to Andreasson, who being steeped in xianity, lacks the intellect and knowledge to doubt or question what she is told. Very revealing of the alien hoax of Right Hand Path religions to damn humanity. The accounts are given under hynotic regression. It is apparent Andreasson is too child minded and lacking in knowledge to fabricate any of this and it also is supported in other UFO accounts; the neferious plans these aliens have, in reality for humanity. (Read between the lines). Highly recommended ALEISTER CROWLEY'S ILLUSTRATED GOETIA by Lon Milo DuQuette and Christopher S. Hyatt, second edition, 2000.
Many illustrations of the Goetic Demons in their shapeshifting forms. One important point in reading this is to look at the alien physical characteristics in some of the Demons, adding credence to the extra-terrestrial explanation of the so called "spirit world." ENOCHIAN MAGIC, by Donald Tyson.
*In appendix B, "The Vision of the Round House, Monday, January 14th, 1585 at Prauge; pp.353-364 is blatantly consistent with the above reading material concerning the creation. Fairly good information on Enochian magick for beginners.
THE SATANIC BIBLE by Anton Szandor LaVey
Excellent, a must read for every Satanist. Much of this book was taken from Ragnar Redbeard's "MIGHT IS RIGHT." I have found in my close relationship with Satan, some of the ideologies are not of Satan. Satan in truth does not approve of "sloth," excessive greed (which is the foundation of the xtian churches)or senseless selfishness.
The rituals therein form the basis for most modern day rituals; plenty of truth, straight to the point and VERY enlightening. Highly recommended. THE SATANIC RITUALS, by Anton Szandor LaVey
Therein, LaVey includes the Black Book of Satan; The Al-Jilwah, the most important document in Traditional Satanism,(se link above) several rituals from various parts of the world, the Traditional Black Mass and intriguing information on the Yezidi peoples who were as a group, Devil Worshippers.
Highly recommended THE DEVIL'S NOTEBOOK by Anton Szandor LaVey
LaVey writes much of what defines the tenets of modern LaVeyan Satanism which differs from Traditional/Spiritual Satanism. Many of LaVey's personal views and thoughts. THE SATANIC WITCH by Anton Szandor LaVey
This book, in my opinion was nothing more than LaVey's own personal views on sex and women. There is much evidence that LaVey fabricated much concerning his early years before the Church of Satan. This book supports these claims as LaVey advises readers to present a phoney image and to construct a bogus background. Hardly anything to do with True Satanism, as Satan detests phoneys and liars. SATAN SPEAKS by Anton Szandor LaVey
Much like "The Devil's Notebook." Many have concluded upon reading this book that Satan is ok with poor hygiene and filth. In Truth, Satan and the Demons detest filth. Satan is strong on proper hygiene and cleanliness. THE CHURCH OF SATAN by Blanche Barton
Blanch Barton was LaVey's woman during the last years of his life and bore him a son. Revealing book concerning the contradictions of modern LaVeyan Satanism which views Satan only as an archetype. Barton writes of him as a real being. THE SECRET LIFE OF A SATANIST by Blanche Barton
Authorized biography of Anton LaVey.
Overall excellent book that covers the extensive and heinous influence xianity has had on civilization, along with much exposure of their prolific crimes against humanity. THE CASSEL 'DICTIONARY OF WITCHCRAFT' by David Pickering, 1996
This is one of the most comprehensive and graphically explicit reading on the Inquisition. The xtian church roasted children, infants; a two year old girl was accused of being a witch and roasted alive in an oven, under the direction of the Catholic church. Exposes xianity and how the xtian church has been built on mass murder, torture, lies, extortion, death and destruction. A must read; highly recommended. THE INQUISITION, Deborah Bachrach, 1995
Another book worth reading exposing crimes and inhumanities commited by the xtian church; available in most public libraries. Highly recommended. PACTS WITH THE DEVIL by S. Jason Black & Christopher Hyatt, Ph.D, third printing, 2002
This is an excellent book, although the authors used the methods in the old grimiores out of a lack of alternative knowledge. Very revealing of extra-terrestrial/alien beings, when the author writes of his experience in summoning kabbalistic Demon "Sorath." The author dreamed of a ravine where hundreds of flying saucers were parked. His experiences with Sorath were very negative to say the least. My own opinion is Sorath is not of Satan. GOETIC EVOCATION, THE MAGICIAN'S WORKBOOK, VOLUME 2. by Steve Savedow, 1996 This is a very tragic example of the abuse of Demons, perpetrated by kabbalistic false teachings and the order of the Golden Dawn. Operator Savedow brags of how he tortured and commanded over 25 different Goetic Demons, insulting them and attempting to use them. He suffered as well, aging overnight, receiving next to nothing from the Demons but lies and false visions. This book exemplifies extremely unethical practices, methods and spiritual abuse. Total hypocrisy. THE MAGICIAN'S WORKBOOK, VOLUME ONE by Steve Savedow
Here the above author makes some very important points on how to empower one's self and prepare for magickal practice in the way of mind strengthening exercises and meditation. PSYCHIC POWER by Charles Cosimano
This book, unfortunately is out of print, but is anexcellent read for those who may be lucky enough to find it in a used bookstore. The author writes many truths concerning mind power, visualization and thought training for the use of controlling one's external environment. Highly recommended. SEXUAL ALCHEMY by Donald Tyson
This book is excellent for understanding sexual relationships with spirits. Incubi and Succubi. Although the author used the Golden Dawn methods, this makes for very enlightening reading. Highly recommended. SECRET, DON'T TELL, THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HYPNOTISM by Carla Emery
Although written by an xtian, this book is the best I have ever read concerning anything and everything that can be doen to the human mind and how to do it. The author does not in any way push religion. The book is also enlightening as to the unethical practices of fundamentalist xtians. This book is huge, like a dept store catalogue. Each page provides interesting information, cases and a large comprehensive bibliography. KUNDALINI AWAKENING by John Selby
This book is an excellent reference for kundalini and chakra work. The illustrations are not of any help, though, as the true chakras resemble spinnig vortexes of colored energy.
The author guides beginners step by step on chakra and kundalini awakening and empowerment. This book has a positive upbeat theme, while many others focus on the negative aspects of kundalini. THE SECOND COMING; SATANISM IN AMERICA by Arthur Lyons
This book is interesting and a good read for the overall history of Satanism in Europe and America. It is now out of print, but can be found in used bookstores. LUCIFER RISING, SIN DEVIL WORSHIP AND ROCK AND ROLL by Gavin Baddeley
Well written and informative book about Modern Satanism, high profile Satanists, the music scene and much more. MASTERING WITCHCRAFT by Paul Huson
Interesting and informative about the old ways of real Witchcraft as opposed to the modern wicca movement which is degrading to a true witch. HERBS IN MAGIC AND ALCHEMY by C.L. Zalewski
The author writes of the many uses of herbs, both for white and black magic. Highly recommended. FIELD GUIDE TO EXTRA-TERRESTRIALS by Patrick Huyghe
Many descriptions of alien encounters, supporting Ancient Egyptian, Mesopotamian and Greek mythology; Medieval myths. Not all are credible, but the majority have ties to many accounts of so called "mythical" beings. HOW TO DEFEND YOURSELF AGAINST ALIEN ABDUCTION by Ann Druffel
Very interesting book concerning the strength of one's mind, self esteem and confidence in dealing with aliens, mainly focuses on the greys. The author is deluded on some subjects as the use of xtian prayer, which did not help Betty Andreasson (The Watchers) who was a devout xtian and the fact that these entities prefer to abduct xtians. Revealing of the alien understanding and effortless access of the 4th dimension, though she doesn't quite understand and confuses the greys with other astral entities out of ignorance. Interesting read. Recommended. SATAN WANTS YOU. THE CULT OF DEVIL WORSHIP IN AMERICA by Arthur Lyons
The author writes mainly about the history of Satanism, in Europe and its coming to America. The various organizations- the Hellfire Club of England, Temple of Set, Church of Satan and others that influenced the Satanic Religion. Good read. Recommended. SECRETS OF WESTERN SEX MAGIC by Frater U D
Excellent book. Detailed instructions for the use of orgasm in working spells and directing sexual energy. Emphasizes the teachings of Aleister Crowley. Recommended. PENDULUM MAGIC by D.J. Conway
Excellent little book about the wide variety of uses for a pendulum in divination. The book contains charts that can be used with a pendulum to answer many different questions. Covers nearly everything about the uses of a pendulum. Highly recommended. WIZARDS AND SORCERERS by Tom Ogden
Dictionary giving a comprehensive and extensive cover of nearly all aspects of witchcraft, famous sorcerers, witches and different types of magic. SECRETS OF MAGICAL SEALS by Anna Riva
Somewhat unbiased information on the Goetic seals and how to apply their power. Covers the use of many different seals and their meaning. HOW TO USE A OUIJA BOARD by Michael St Christopher
Good read on the various aspects of using a Ouija Board. TIME LIFE BOOKS SERIES:
Alien Encounters
Time and Space
Ancient Wisdom and Secret Sects
Mystic Places SECRET HISTORY OF ANCIENT EGYPT by Herbie Brennen
This book goes into detail concerning the ultra advanced technology of Ancient Egypt. MYSTIC PLACES by Time Life Books, Mysteries of the Unknown series.
Detail and photographs concerning the Ancient Megalithic stuctures both east and west. BREAKING THE GODSPELL by Niel Freer
Rather dry. The author writes of his own assessments of the writings of Zecharia Sitchin and the consequences of the creation of humanity by the Nephilim. GOD GAMES by Niel Freer
Much like "Breaking the Godspell." NECRONOMICON
One of the most popular books in the occult studies. Based upon Sumerian/Mesopotamian mythology, there are the seals of the Gods, though different from the seals used in the Goetia. Claimed to be a work of fiction by HP Lovecraft, the Gods are real and the summonings work.
References to the stars in the sky and the returning of the Gods "when the Great Bear hangs low" (Ursa Major). The aligning of the stars open the way for the Extra-Terrestrial Gods to return to Earth. NECRONOMICON SPELLBOOK
An addition to the Necronomicon. ANCIENT SECRET OF THE FLOWER OF LIFE; VOLUMES 1 and 2, by Drumvalo Melchizedek
This book is very new agey and xtian slanted, but worth reading concerning the extra-terrestrial links and interaction with humanity. Also, how the Egyptian God, Thoth is a flesh and blood living being. The author, because of his new age perspective and interaction with angels was not given truth about certain things. This can be read betwen the lines; Thoth is most definitely a Demon, on Father's side.
**Both Thoth and Azazel worked with me to revise the Mer Ka Ba meditation, which the author of the book has incomplete. UFO's by Teresa Moorey
Good summary of encounters and hypotheses. THE BOOK OF BLACK MAGIC by Arthur Edward Waite
Waite includes many of the old grimiores and abusing methods of old in summoning Demons. DEVIL WORSHIP 1919 by Isya Joseph
Comprehensive material, containing much valuable information about the beliefs and practices of the Yezidi peoples of Iraq. The Yezidis as a people worshiped Satan. The book contains the Black Book of Satan; The Al-Jilwah. From numerous studies, I can see much of their original material has been altered, as they have been a most persecuted people because of their beliefs. THE BLACK ARTS by Richard Cavendish
Comprehensive and thorough writing, covering most of the occult arts. Much good information. Recommended. Cliff's Notes Series:
These are summaries of the classics concerning the Devil.
Written in the 1660's, here is a classic of the epic of the creation. Satan is depicted as a hero, though through xtian eyes. Here is where Satan is depicted as a "fallen angel" where he battles archangel Michael, the classic story of the Garden of Edin.
Written in the 13th century, by Dante Alighieri, this is where the "Nine Gates of Hell" originated. Dante writes of his visitation to Hell, accompanied by Virgil, more than likely an angelic being who guides Dante on a tour through the xtian Hell.
In reality, there are two "Hells." One run by the xtian "god" for his followers and another which is a place of beauty, inhabited by Satan and those who follow him.
FAUST (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe)
Another classic, from an xtian viewpoint as usual, how Faust sells his soul to Mephistopheles in exchange for knowledge of absolute truth and the meaning of existence. INTRODUCING NIETZSCHE
comprehensive overview of the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche and his views that form much of the basis of LaVeyan Satanism. Time Life "Epics of Early Civilization" "Middle Eastern Myth" can be found in nearly every library. pp. 97-113 "The Kingdom of Baal, goes into some detail concerning the origins of yamm/yaweh and his being the son of El.
When God becomes a drug : breaking the chains of religious addiction & abuse by Leo Booth
This is an excellent expose' concerning the true evil nature and effects of xianity. Although written by an xtian priest, this book is very revealing. In order to find out if something is good or evil , we must give it power.
Toxic faith : understanding and overcoming religious addiction by Stephen Arterburn
Here is another one, found in most libraries. Xtians seek psychiatric help and counseling for their problem with their religion. There is a 12 step program available for xtians, like Alcoholics Anonymous. They are the ones who are truly "possessed."
If anyone is also interested in hermetic tradition and further occult insight, you all should check out anything written by Julius Evola. Very insightful man. 
On Dec 14, 2556 BE, at 7:25 PM, <refwayne@... wrote:
  The following reading list is for those that want to learn more and experience more beyond the JoS website.

HPS Maxine had this up on the JoS website throughout 2003, this is a direct copy and paste from the archives online.

True Leaders are Readers!
<h2>"Every Book listed here, I have read cover to cover; also following this list will be links for study resources. This list at present is incomplete as I only have so much time to post everything I have read (hundreds of books). I will include an update on the front page when the list was last completed with add ons. Please bear in mind, it is always important not to believe everything you read, but to question. Take the worthwhile contents of a book and disregard the rest. THE BLACK BOOK OF SATAN
written by Prophet Sheik Adi, dictated by Satan, himself. There are references to his being the creator of humanity. Satan relates he has "ALLOWED the creation of 4 substances, because they are necessary things for creatures." These are the nucleotides in the DNA. Enki's number is 40.
THE 12th PLANET by Zecharia Sitchin
Gives accounts and hypotheses of our creation by extra-terrestrials who came here to mine for gold, 440,000 years ago. Sheds much light on the mythology behind the Necronomicon and how the writers and editors of the xtian bible have stolen Sumerian myths and twisted it to conform to their own whims. Sitchin has taken his writings from deciphering ancient tablets excavated in the middle east. Highly recommended.
*This book was taken from the inscriptions on the ancient tablets and is the autobiography of Satan, himself. Highly recommended
THE GODS OF EDEN by William Bramley.
Here, Bramley soft soaps the nazarene, but the over all book is good reading material. Recommended
The rest of the Earth Chronicles by Zecharia Sitchin
*This book goes into depth about the ancient history of Central America and the step pyramids there. Quetzocoatl was the Egyptian God Thoth.
GENESIS REVISITED THE DAY AFTER ROSWELL by Colonel Philip J. Corso, US Army retired, 1997.
This is a must read. Complete exposé of the UFO crash in the Roswell desert, July of 1947. In the book "The Day After Roswell" the author exposes the entire story, with names, dates, facts and documents released under the freedom of information act. He was PERSONALLY in charge of the Roswell files under the Army Research and Development at the Pentagon directly under Lieutenent General Arthur G. Trudeau.
Corso explains the reality behind the "Cold War" where the USA and the USSR amassed nuclear weapons capable of destroying the Earth 5 times over; which if either side employed these, mutual suicide for the entire planet would result. The truth is- both world powers were well aware of the alien threat, which in TRUTH is a hostile one which threatens the life of everything and everyone on this planet. Both the USA and USSR worked behind the scenes to develop defense technology, NOT to be used on each other, as the media falsely claimed to shape public opinion and to delude the masses, but to be used in defense of the Earth from a potential alien attack. This was also the main reason for the Apollo Moon Mission in 1969, NOT just space exploration out of interest. The defense dept was interested in establishing a base on the Moon which would act as a reconnaissance post for the Earth, from out there. The large number of satellites orbiting the Earth serve the same purpose. PROTECTION.
Corso concludes the book with documents and explains how the technology recovered from the crash landing of the alien spacecraft in Roswell, New Mexico, July 1947, salvaged and clandestinely distributed by the US Army to various laboratories who employed top scientists for private industry; how they used reverse engineering to develop the high level of technology we have today, in many areas; this technology, which enabled the building of the "stealth bomber" and other high tech militay weapons were used to deter the aliens from physically invading the Earth. *****HIGHLY RECOMMENDED EXTRA-TERRESTRIALS AMONG US by George C. Andrews
Excellent book, highly recommended. Comprehensive exposé of extra-terrestrials and their interactions with humanity. Highly recommended "THE WATCHERS" by Raymond E. Fowler is VERY revealing concerning the grey involvement in the xianity scam and exposing "the one."
The Watchers gives the accounts of Betty Andreasson who experienced numerous abductions by the aliens known as "greys." Andreasson, a devout xtian reveals the grey's connection with xianity and the plans for the future of humanity. Anyone with intelligence can see the lies the greys spoonfeed to Andreasson, who being steeped in xianity, lacks the intellect and knowledge to doubt or question what she is told. Very revealing of the alien hoax of Right Hand Path religions to damn humanity. The accounts are given under hynotic regression. It is apparent Andreasson is too child minded and lacking in knowledge to fabricate any of this and it also is supported in other UFO accounts; the neferious plans these aliens have, in reality for humanity. (Read between the lines). Highly recommended ALEISTER CROWLEY'S ILLUSTRATED GOETIA by Lon Milo DuQuette and Christopher S. Hyatt, second edition, 2000.
Many illustrations of the Goetic Demons in their shapeshifting forms. One important point in reading this is to look at the alien physical characteristics in some of the Demons, adding credence to the extra-terrestrial explanation of the so called "spirit world." ENOCHIAN MAGIC, by Donald Tyson.
*In appendix B, "The Vision of the Round House, Monday, January 14th, 1585 at Prauge; pp.353-364 is blatantly consistent with the above reading material concerning the creation. Fairly good information on Enochian magick for beginners.
THE SATANIC BIBLE by Anton Szandor LaVey
Excellent, a must read for every Satanist. Much of this book was taken from Ragnar Redbeard's "MIGHT IS RIGHT." I have found in my close relationship with Satan, some of the ideologies are not of Satan. Satan in truth does not approve of "sloth," excessive greed (which is the foundation of the xtian churches)or senseless selfishness.
The rituals therein form the basis for most modern day rituals; plenty of truth, straight to the point and VERY enlightening. Highly recommended. THE SATANIC RITUALS, by Anton Szandor LaVey
Therein, LaVey includes the Black Book of Satan; The Al-Jilwah, the most important document in Traditional Satanism,(se link above) several rituals from various parts of the world, the Traditional Black Mass and intriguing information on the Yezidi peoples who were as a group, Devil Worshippers.
Highly recommended THE DEVIL'S NOTEBOOK by Anton Szandor LaVey
LaVey writes much of what defines the tenets of modern LaVeyan Satanism which differs from Traditional/Spiritual Satanism. Many of LaVey's personal views and thoughts. THE SATANIC WITCH by Anton Szandor LaVey
This book, in my opinion was nothing more than LaVey's own personal views on sex and women. There is much evidence that LaVey fabricated much concerning his early years before the Church of Satan. This book supports these claims as LaVey advises readers to present a phoney image and to construct a bogus background. Hardly anything to do with True Satanism, as Satan detests phoneys and liars. SATAN SPEAKS by Anton Szandor LaVey
Much like "The Devil's Notebook." Many have concluded upon reading this book that Satan is ok with poor hygiene and filth. In Truth, Satan and the Demons detest filth. Satan is strong on proper hygiene and cleanliness. THE CHURCH OF SATAN by Blanche Barton
Blanch Barton was LaVey's woman during the last years of his life and bore him a son. Revealing book concerning the contradictions of modern LaVeyan Satanism which views Satan only as an archetype. Barton writes of him as a real being. THE SECRET LIFE OF A SATANIST by Blanche Barton
Authorized biography of Anton LaVey.
Overall excellent book that covers the extensive and heinous influence xianity has had on civilization, along with much exposure of their prolific crimes against humanity. THE CASSEL 'DICTIONARY OF WITCHCRAFT' by David Pickering, 1996
This is one of the most comprehensive and graphically explicit reading on the Inquisition. The xtian church roasted children, infants; a two year old girl was accused of being a witch and roasted alive in an oven, under the direction of the Catholic church. Exposes xianity and how the xtian church has been built on mass murder, torture, lies, extortion, death and destruction. A must read; highly recommended. THE INQUISITION, Deborah Bachrach, 1995
Another book worth reading exposing crimes and inhumanities commited by the xtian church; available in most public libraries. Highly recommended. PACTS WITH THE DEVIL by S. Jason Black & Christopher Hyatt, Ph.D, third printing, 2002
This is an excellent book, although the authors used the methods in the old grimiores out of a lack of alternative knowledge. Very revealing of extra-terrestrial/alien beings, when the author writes of his experience in summoning kabbalistic Demon "Sorath." The author dreamed of a ravine where hundreds of flying saucers were parked. His experiences with Sorath were very negative to say the least. My own opinion is Sorath is not of Satan. GOETIC EVOCATION, THE MAGICIAN'S WORKBOOK, VOLUME 2. by Steve Savedow, 1996 This is a very tragic example of the abuse of Demons, perpetrated by kabbalistic false teachings and the order of the Golden Dawn. Operator Savedow brags of how he tortured and commanded over 25 different Goetic Demons, insulting them and attempting to use them. He suffered as well, aging overnight, receiving next to nothing from the Demons but lies and false visions. This book exemplifies extremely unethical practices, methods and spiritual abuse. Total hypocrisy. THE MAGICIAN'S WORKBOOK, VOLUME ONE by Steve Savedow
Here the above author makes some very important points on how to empower one's self and prepare for magickal practice in the way of mind strengthening exercises and meditation. PSYCHIC POWER by Charles Cosimano
This book, unfortunately is out of print, but is anexcellent read for those who may be lucky enough to find it in a used bookstore. The author writes many truths concerning mind power, visualization and thought training for the use of controlling one's external environment. Highly recommended. SEXUAL ALCHEMY by Donald Tyson
This book is excellent for understanding sexual relationships with spirits. Incubi and Succubi. Although the author used the Golden Dawn methods, this makes for very enlightening reading. Highly recommended. SECRET, DON'T TELL, THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HYPNOTISM by Carla Emery
Although written by an xtian, this book is the best I have ever read concerning anything and everything that can be doen to the human mind and how to do it. The author does not in any way push religion. The book is also enlightening as to the unethical practices of fundamentalist xtians. This book is huge, like a dept store catalogue. Each page provides interesting information, cases and a large comprehensive bibliography. KUNDALINI AWAKENING by John Selby
This book is an excellent reference for kundalini and chakra work. The illustrations are not of any help, though, as the true chakras resemble spinnig vortexes of colored energy.
The author guides beginners step by step on chakra and kundalini awakening and empowerment. This book has a positive upbeat theme, while many others focus on the negative aspects of kundalini. THE SECOND COMING; SATANISM IN AMERICA by Arthur Lyons
This book is interesting and a good read for the overall history of Satanism in Europe and America. It is now out of print, but can be found in used bookstores. LUCIFER RISING, SIN DEVIL WORSHIP AND ROCK AND ROLL by Gavin Baddeley
Well written and informative book about Modern Satanism, high profile Satanists, the music scene and much more. MASTERING WITCHCRAFT by Paul Huson
Interesting and informative about the old ways of real Witchcraft as opposed to the modern wicca movement which is degrading to a true witch. HERBS IN MAGIC AND ALCHEMY by C.L. Zalewski
The author writes of the many uses of herbs, both for white and black magic. Highly recommended. FIELD GUIDE TO EXTRA-TERRESTRIALS by Patrick Huyghe
Many descriptions of alien encounters, supporting Ancient Egyptian, Mesopotamian and Greek mythology; Medieval myths. Not all are credible, but the majority have ties to many accounts of so called "mythical" beings. HOW TO DEFEND YOURSELF AGAINST ALIEN ABDUCTION by Ann Druffel
Very interesting book concerning the strength of one's mind, self esteem and confidence in dealing with aliens, mainly focuses on the greys. The author is deluded on some subjects as the use of xtian prayer, which did not help Betty Andreasson (The Watchers) who was a devout xtian and the fact that these entities prefer to abduct xtians. Revealing of the alien understanding and effortless access of the 4th dimension, though she doesn't quite understand and confuses the greys with other astral entities out of ignorance. Interesting read. Recommended. SATAN WANTS YOU. THE CULT OF DEVIL WORSHIP IN AMERICA by Arthur Lyons
The author writes mainly about the history of Satanism, in Europe and its coming to America. The various organizations- the Hellfire Club of England, Temple of Set, Church of Satan and others that influenced the Satanic Religion. Good read. Recommended. SECRETS OF WESTERN SEX MAGIC by Frater U D
Excellent book. Detailed instructions for the use of orgasm in working spells and directing sexual energy. Emphasizes the teachings of Aleister Crowley. Recommended. PENDULUM MAGIC by D.J. Conway
Excellent little book about the wide variety of uses for a pendulum in divination. The book contains charts that can be used with a pendulum to answer many different questions. Covers nearly everything about the uses of a pendulum. Highly recommended. WIZARDS AND SORCERERS by Tom Ogden
Dictionary giving a comprehensive and extensive cover of nearly all aspects of witchcraft, famous sorcerers, witches and different types of magic. SECRETS OF MAGICAL SEALS by Anna Riva
Somewhat unbiased information on the Goetic seals and how to apply their power. Covers the use of many different seals and their meaning. HOW TO USE A OUIJA BOARD by Michael St Christopher
Good read on the various aspects of using a Ouija Board. TIME LIFE BOOKS SERIES:
Alien Encounters
Time and Space
Ancient Wisdom and Secret Sects
Mystic Places SECRET HISTORY OF ANCIENT EGYPT by Herbie Brennen
This book goes into detail concerning the ultra advanced technology of Ancient Egypt. MYSTIC PLACES by Time Life Books, Mysteries of the Unknown series.
Detail and photographs concerning the Ancient Megalithic stuctures both east and west. BREAKING THE GODSPELL by Niel Freer
Rather dry. The author writes of his own assessments of the writings of Zecharia Sitchin and the consequences of the creation of humanity by the Nephilim. GOD GAMES by Niel Freer
Much like "Breaking the Godspell." NECRONOMICON
One of the most popular books in the occult studies. Based upon Sumerian/Mesopotamian mythology, there are the seals of the Gods, though different from the seals used in the Goetia. Claimed to be a work of fiction by HP Lovecraft, the Gods are real and the summonings work.
References to the stars in the sky and the returning of the Gods "when the Great Bear hangs low" (Ursa Major). The aligning of the stars open the way for the Extra-Terrestrial Gods to return to Earth. NECRONOMICON SPELLBOOK
An addition to the Necronomicon. ANCIENT SECRET OF THE FLOWER OF LIFE; VOLUMES 1 and 2, by Drumvalo Melchizedek
This book is very new agey and xtian slanted, but worth reading concerning the extra-terrestrial links and interaction with humanity. Also, how the Egyptian God, Thoth is a flesh and blood living being. The author, because of his new age perspective and interaction with angels was not given truth about certain things. This can be read betwen the lines; Thoth is most definitely a Demon, on Father's side.
**Both Thoth and Azazel worked with me to revise the Mer Ka Ba meditation, which the author of the book has incomplete. UFO's by Teresa Moorey
Good summary of encounters and hypotheses. THE BOOK OF BLACK MAGIC by Arthur Edward Waite
Waite includes many of the old grimiores and abusing methods of old in summoning Demons. DEVIL WORSHIP 1919 by Isya Joseph
Comprehensive material, containing much valuable information about the beliefs and practices of the Yezidi peoples of Iraq. The Yezidis as a people worshiped Satan. The book contains the Black Book of Satan; The Al-Jilwah. From numerous studies, I can see much of their original material has been altered, as they have been a most persecuted people because of their beliefs. THE BLACK ARTS by Richard Cavendish
Comprehensive and thorough writing, covering most of the occult arts. Much good information. Recommended. Cliff's Notes Series:
These are summaries of the classics concerning the Devil.
Written in the 1660's, here is a classic of the epic of the creation. Satan is depicted as a hero, though through xtian eyes. Here is where Satan is depicted as a "fallen angel" where he battles archangel Michael, the classic story of the Garden of Edin.
Written in the 13th century, by Dante Alighieri, this is where the "Nine Gates of Hell" originated. Dante writes of his visitation to Hell, accompanied by Virgil, more than likely an angelic being who guides Dante on a tour through the xtian Hell.
In reality, there are two "Hells." One run by the xtian "god" for his followers and another which is a place of beauty, inhabited by Satan and those who follow him.
FAUST (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe)
Another classic, from an xtian viewpoint as usual, how Faust sells his soul to Mephistopheles in exchange for knowledge of absolute truth and the meaning of existence. INTRODUCING NIETZSCHE
comprehensive overview of the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche and his views that form much of the basis of LaVeyan Satanism. Time Life "Epics of Early Civilization" "Middle Eastern Myth" can be found in nearly every library. pp. 97-113 "The Kingdom of Baal, goes into some detail concerning the origins of yamm/yaweh and his being the son of El.
When God becomes a drug : breaking the chains of religious addiction & abuse by Leo Booth
This is an excellent expose' concerning the true evil nature and effects of xianity. Although written by an xtian priest, this book is very revealing. In order to find out if something is good or evil , we must give it power.
Toxic faith : understanding and overcoming religious addiction by Stephen Arterburn
Here is another one, found in most libraries. Xtians seek psychiatric help and counseling for their problem with their religion. There is a 12 step program available for xtians, like Alcoholics Anonymous. They are the ones who are truly "possessed."
Google is also handy to search through anything to do with Philosophy and Spirituality but everything these days should be taken with only a grain of salt.

Dr. Wayne
HIS Assasin
Some of those resources are no longer recommended as new knowledge has shown them to be full of lies. Books by Zecharia Sitchin are not correct and should not be taken as containing the truth.

Sitchin's Lies and the Actual Truth by High Priest Mageson666

If your busy looking for no-biru where are you not looking? Not at the facts our Gods live in the Orion region. And something else which I will state here.

If you think it was about Gold mining your looking in the wrong direction which ties into the first point.

Nibiru is a star conjunction. And the other major lie of Sitchin is the gold mining. This is not mentioned either in the Sumerian texts. He made these two lies up out of thin air.

Between Mars and Jupiter its been scientifically shown there was a planet there once. That has been destroyed and no don't waste my time with colliding theories that are insane as the big bang. This planet from the evidence was destroyed after earth was already here and fully formed on its own, the destroyed planet from evidence laded out is was was mostly likely by technological intelligence. Not by planets smashing into each other.

The situation is there was no ice age on earth either. Dollaire and Elis [Spelling?] Are Cambridge and Oxford professors who have stated and wrote a book on the ice age scam. Which is taught as dogma. They are shocked this is pushed as unquestionable. Its full of major flaws.

We have not had the polar caps on this planet for that long. The south pole did not fully freeze over till a couple of thousand years ago. . And we only have four seasons due to the tilt in the axis. And the facts show this planet had a uniformed sub topic climate on it at one point. And the sea levels where around 400ft lower.

No ice age, it means the seas didn't rise by melting, pola ice sheets over time slowly, like we have been taught. And the planet was not titled at one point so no climate to create a deep freeze. As its found many long time frozen over areas where flash frozen from a sub topic climate around ten thousand years ago. In an instant. The animals found still had their last meal in them.

So a planet in our solar system gets destroyed and some records claim it had a lot of water on it. And a huge shock wave, hunks of asteroids and continental sized ice are hitting the planet. And the massive ice waves are melting as they come down into the atmosphere. Which is what the ancient records state the sea rose 400ft in a night and a day not slowly but at once. This is obvious, the Andes mountain ranges, the largest in the world, where created by the hundreds of millions of tons of pressure from the water coming in on the earth plates. The city up in the Andes, Tiahuanacu is known to have been on the sea level once and is over 17,000 years old. And with this the shock of the impact created the tilt in the planets axis. The geological records show earth has been hit by outer planetary events of large magnitude in general.

Now the race of the Gods came to this planet.... We have developed basic technology that can create materials from the atomic level in labs, they can make diamonds in labs as well. Why would they need to mine gold and create humans for this? Why not automation instead.

The reason they went to the trouble of creating humans and the massive infrastructure to support humans, cities, farms, hospitals, schools, social organizations. Is because from the Sumerian records, the real ones. Humans where created to help the Gods build the earth and to be the stewards of earth. The wise care takers of the planet. The Gods didn't come here to mine gold and then leave. They moved here with the intent of building a permanent civilization. We where created to be part of this civilization as stewards of earth. It could be there civilization was destroyed previously at some point with the lost planet or part of it was upon that world. Or perhaps not.

The planet itself was most likely destroyed as part of a larger cosmic war that ended the Golden Age on earth as well and set the stage of the events we are now within.

The second part of Humans creation lay within the texts. Humanity was created with a spiritual mission to ascend to divine from human by EA [Satan]. His intent was to elevate His children to supreme truth and divinity in the long run. To have equality with the Gods. The greatest gift of creation in the universe.

It seems in my opinion from looking at ancient structures of society and tradition, each race was created with a special function in mind. And to work together as larger group within their regions with their skills together as a whole body. That formed this once global or near global civilization of the Gods. Having a superconscious family of humanity to be part of this civilization in the long run makes more sense as well. In my opinion it reflects Satan to create something elite and beautiful, something that is to be perfected and have eternal bliss and joy. Which is the human races. It has been hinted many of the different animal species on the earth might have origins being created by the Gods.

Annunaki in meaning is the Heavenly Serpents. Not those who came down from the sky. This is relating to their Perfected status as divine or fully ascended beings.

Think about that, humanity is a brilliant, powerful and elite creation with the destiny to become fully divine and be guardians and stewards for earth as part of our divine mission. And our creation by the Gods. No paradise in the clouds, but a real eternal paradise right here below our feet. On earth, our home.

Now the above truth vs the Sitchin lies, of humans being just worthless material slave labour who suck [Goyium]. And don't forget Shitjewing claim the Gods handed down this knowledge and this tradition to Abraham [ who is well known to have never existed] only, about 5,000 years ago in the Near East. Back to Jewish supremacy and biblical reinforcement, back to unconscious Judeo-Christianity. And the demoralization of Gentiles. Sitchin is just pushing Jewish, Gentile hating bullshit. The Jews have a big lie for every level of truth a Gentile finds.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
