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Satanas Reigns.

Sep 13, 2011
So,... long ago, I had written a story,and thought about working back at it, but I know a lot of knowledge has been brought into my mind in this present time than in the past. Let me know what you think truly, and if there should be any adjustments that should be properly made. I know there has to be a few. :)

It took many years for this whitend angel to give birth to her mistake.......it grew so slowly inside her....every aspect was taken to perfect this demonized life..her regret for being spellbound, has brought her many bloody tears. For the time has come, for the moons to aline, and the essence to surround the night. This night this beautiful night, she will perish in exchange for anew eternal living body. Her spirit will be sucked into the etheral black hole of distorted time. She will be so lost, and so forgotten. Dead and gone, she has become, and this being knows his name, he knows what he stands for. Gravatues, he has ripped the body of this elderly blinded woman. No remorse, no feeling of pain towards light. He knows naught what damage the heavens have done to the sacred animals of the earth. Not yet at the most.

Seeker of wisdom, and seeker of destruction. He ravages the golden sunset land. He is comfronted by father, his own spellbounding father. Son....You are mine, my own flesh and blood, nothing more made you of her, it twas all me. Feeling the energy of you, it made my mind sing in joyace-ness. Come reign, down below, for you stand for earth, you may conquer all this land, let us ritualize your becoming. Wise his father was, for he has been there since the coming of time, and watched over this earth more than the heavenly father has. Your time to do this is not now, but soon it will come to ravage these lands.

Brought to hell, he has been taught of lies and guilt. He smiles briefly, to the 80 legions he has been given. The crown of princes, and the crown of northern hell. Father speaks out upon the legions, Gravatues shall reign the earth with lust, and greed, earth, wind, fire, and water. Perish will be the minds of any animal dumb founded to the heavenly light lies. One day, worth will be realized, and this ...is where Gravatues is needed....

It was a long dreary night...forsaken from the love of this earth...she accomplished so much, but felt so little. She praised to the earthly gods, and heard no answers, no calls, Rayna power of electricity....give me this strength in my mind of natural energy. I want to go on living joyfully, but the world's life is dying in no fashionable way. Out the corner of Saren's eye....a faint figure appears...it mostly what seems to be a shadowy fog. She hears a faint whisper calling to her.....the whisper of a mans voice..."I am no pagan spirit, no saviour, but the call of the truth in things the gatherer of gatherings to make whats needed to disappear." Scared so little, she welcomes to seek whats needed to be heard. "Gravatues am I, and you are a beautiful being, give me your hand and come walk into the realm of chaos with me. For you will feel at peace, the chances of you here are little to none." Destroyed she seen, destroying of the earthly land, she see's into the future from the powers of mighty Gravatues. You see my dear, this is the time the blinding christ slaves have called the rapture. I am here to salvage whats left of untouched sirene animals. I am the true homeage, I reign with legions, and will conquer what is needed to be. Christ like eyes following with such denial, and they call them selves the true light. They are meerly killing whats so sacred, without a care!

This is not a dream....you're my first chosen, first to see whats true reality. In this blackend realm, you are at peace, glance to the magnificent wonders of the galaxy. One by one many humanly flesh bodies started to disappear, chaos reigned the earth as things went into oblivion. As much as we know, other animals have pure at heart, and surely will be saved. Religions talking about the coming of their christ, who was never even to exist. There was no son, there was only their entity of error and lies. Their god had no care in any worlds, sure enough not this one. Only an observant one it was. As night falls upon the earth, this true judgement as humans plee for their saviour to take them away from this, but words fell on def saints. Gravatues has done his duty, back to the realm of northern darkness. For his father awakens and shatters the earth with his call for a new age. A reset of life, for it has gone too far. Father's arguement with heavenly father came true, humans were not a perfect creation, imperfection was shown, and now whats needed to be done will be. For not only is this a battle, so easly done. Another battle is prepared from the legions of the east to west, and south to north. Into the skies they ride, for their power is so emmense. The light has lost their power so long ago, sitting ...watching. Has made them what they are.

On earth all beings have perished.....a calm echoe clears the halls of ruined buildings that barely touch the sky no more. Beauty has reached its peak in the jungles and forrests. Such glittering beauty, as life has been reset. Bacteria clings to bacteria that's made within the trees, and the oceans, as rain befalls the lonely land. Tiny orginisms grow, made from the skies like they once were. Astroids bewillder the land, sending shockwaves enough to kill a million men. Such a sight to give one's eyes a shock and awe. The ocean clashes upon rock, volcanoes clash into the skies. New land, new beginning.

Upon the lower reaches of the realm of hell. Gravatues joins with his brothers, each named - Gapious - Telith - and Grevious. Each with their own legions, except Grevious. Gapious with his sixty-six legions of water demons a magician he is. Telith with eighty-five legionized demons, and Grevious with his masterful princes in its own kind. Made up of more than one demon, he represents all the desires that once were. With this alone, destruction is inevitable. As music can be heard before Telith, the mighty demons chant shemhamforash, for father they crack the realm's bearer and into the lost heavenly grounds they storm. Thy heavenly father has prepared for this calling upon all his own angels of high archey. Thinking swords alone will win this battle wrong he does not know how much power the realm of hell has acquired over him. Sitting in such a slumber, its entity has much regret, and weeps for the future and outcome knowings, its men and women shall be slained, and its body that has taken shape of a elderly strong man, will be be-headed, and cast out will its entity be. Into nothing-ness, or maybe into one of the mouths of lord Grevious.

The pearly gates have reached such a silence....as these angels have risen to the call of battle. Now the time that trumpets touch this silence as the heavenly clouds rumble with such hate. Trumpets will play as chorus of angels sit and do not battle they will. The legions pierce the clouds, as the princes of hell follow too little behind them. Such sound emitts from them of metal, music, and chants. The magic in the air, the sweet energy has risen the static electricity within the air. Storms can be seened down below, if there were even life to witness it. One by one demons, and angels scream in sweet agony. Such a wonderful sight to the glorious kingdom of hell...as the angels fall and disappear. Overwhelmed by such power, their god sits helpless, knowing his time has come, and not can one man reign for so long alone. Several high angels fallen to defeat in the hands of princes of hell alone, not one demon shall touch these very angels. For any prince who kills the essence of these high powered angels recieves their energy, and the angels concious-ness is seperated from their life force energy to become the void. Many thousands of years have passed and the stairway to the "heavenly fathers" throne is left wide open. The king ov hell, the high ruler of whats right steps forward with a smile on its face such a glorious sound of the agonized angels and demons in dying pain...he walks closer and closer.

Thy heavenly father, he speaks....this is brought upon yourself, and you know this. Casting me out was your deepest and darkest mistake. I spoke the truth, and you denied me of this. Making me aquire much of my own, like im some humanized child. Though you made me strong, and made me what I am, your time has come where I sit upon your throne now. He reaches over to the helpless god, and rips its head off with its mighty hand. Out spews the soul of an ancient god, and into father's body I witness him cry many tears of joyace-ness like the day I was born. God's body raptures into nothing. All color upon this land weeps away into a dark grey, this being the grey part of life. Upon this grey still lays the grounds of gold, which are ours now! For time has pass, beings are into creation upon earth...Lilith dances the land away, into a night masquerade of joy. Succubus waits in the shadows when the first man is created. The earth is saved, its rotting core is eased of its pain......all time once did stood still it seemed....now the glorious universe can look upon the earth in reliefe. All will be done right this time. All will be fine, for what it seems.......

Glorious, Gravatues felt, for the advancements wise father has made are of such amazement. He's proud to have such a father who knows whats truthfully best. Freeing the realms of sickening lies about our kin, filling the earth with lies upon the human race, destroying them inside to out. As I witness down below, seconds here, are like hundreds of years passing down below. I see what the heavenly father liked to do when watching humanity grow. Words cannot describe their essence and reaction to things. Language built upon movement, survival of the fittest is the true origin. Birthing to create more of these animals kind. Like tiny organisms joining together to give birth to more orginisms, just enlarged orginisms now. Birthed from the seas, from the skies this is true, and yes of the heavens, because the heavens give rain, they give original life. Along with my 3 brothers controlling thy heavenly grounds, father controls like always where he rightfully belongs now, the hellish grounds. It's not of fire all the time, nor agony, most joy over the cold-ness that lays below. It is cold in heaven too! Cold-ness lets you know you're alive, for we blow cold-ness down onto the earth as its grounds too are showned of ice and snow a wonderful cold embrace.

As life slowly becomes on earth, reptilians return such great in size living in the ground to stay warm from the cold-era, humans are slow to evolve. Their instincts are magnificent! To prey upon anything, be it life of the trees, or life of the plants, or to consume the flesh of a fellow friend! This time we will not hide ourselves from these animals, they have the right to know we exsist in and around them at all times. Maybe it would change the out come of the future compared to how it used to be....hiding in the shadows no more is our goal!

Gapious has been wondering he tells me...."Brother...I want to visit down in earth and show them what magic is, ill show them fire, ill show them the wonders of what it's like to be true spiritual." As he visits down to the middle point, he finds these behemoth beings...so strong , hairy and powerful within their sphere of being. He scares them to no end, though he means no harm. He stays with them for quite sometime so that they will see that he is a friend, a brother to the men like beings and women like beings. He travels abroad doing so the same showing them how things can be created...No more he thought, no more murdering of this land they should enjoy life as it is an experience the only place to feel this type of frequency , and die to experience this death for it is a great one, every death has its own unique beauty, but the out come is all the same. Returning energy taken from the earth, and the councious-ness goes to the chaos realms.

Magic is possible upon these lands, much time has passed as the orders have been set here on the gold horizon, and down in the darkness of night. Animals seem to evolved with lesser strong orginisms, only one or two dominate ones. As for the human animals, they have all around attributes, and it seems being out in true elements they do not like. They have done much growth in these building times of ours. I return to speak with my father, by hades pool to show anything of its liking. Telith showed them the music pure art. So, they chant around thy fires and ritualize their own living. Sacrifice for what we have accomplished with the new tales that are now brought upon them. It's obvious that Gapious have showned them magic, for they work with the trees enriching the air that surrounds the whole green planet. I love these one creatures, called Anynana. They dance in thin air, glowing with such sweet sways. Just like the red headed female around a torch and row.

Father awakens me from my day dreaming within the pool, son, you are mighty and wise....I'm glad to what we have achieved, we have gotten so much! As I reign down here, I want you and your brothers to truly watch over the heavens, and the galaxies, watch over every living body planet, give them the experience of their lives! The eyes gleam like so in this quadrelle of brotherhood. They gleam like they have never showend before. This new land makes them realize the power to come. To describe this place its like a blank canvious at times. And by ones own energy of councious-ness you can create whatever you can remember. This place is in ways similar to hell, but not quite. For they all come to an agreement to make the heavens look like a forrest. Skies bright with no sun but moon light. They imagen a waterfull to befall in front of the throne, and fires lit by each side, these fires represent the strength of each prince. 4 lines and in the middle of this forrest with a waterfall, lies grass grown boulders that ring around with a platform down before them. You see how much these princes envy the earth. Quite much for it is the only place where energy is attracted to the most. Only near them does the gold roads lay stricken, but off into the distance of infinity, lies ground of black and skies of orange, thats all. All concious-ness that has dwelt in the heavens have been ridden to the chaos realms, so it is a new start for the heavens. Here lyes perfection in these princes eyes upon this they glance at other living planets, one thinks to himself...nothing can compare to the oddity of what is on planet earth. So many species, so many things happening! Dull is the universes and what would releive this is to see how can living orginisms defy powers on another rock form. Meteors collide and the earths axel moves its spin an angle of 2 degrees. The earth is sensitive to its own movements for when it is hurt badly, it reverts to a cold age, and to start anew. Beings live well for they hunt well, and know how to keep from being over-throned by the seasonal changes. The fire that pumbles the core causes lands to change, and for this im sure the living thank, but for this time it is not quite something to thank.

My thoughts have been focusing not just on earth, but I have realized the majestic lights in the black space of voidance, and not only did I see this, but I know that sadly these times cannot be forever. The laws that which bound mortal objects, is coming closer to all it's end. Radiant sun, searing with fire, and hate. Hastens it's self at a speed which will take out the first planet in the line. Throwing off balancement. My brother Telith eases the wounds of the sun...with the magical tunes which makes it reach it's slumber...As a band of brother's we keep order to it's perfection. The more we receive such energy ...years ...decades...centries ...our concious or physche as you will...seems to be going crazed. My lust and desires which leeched from being around my brother so much...has got me mesmerized by the beauty and grace upon mother earth. So much am I crazed that I fear of something...so deep down inside, and I need to find out what this feeling is, seems to me that i'm the only one feeling this way. As water clashes upon land, Ice covering sand. So many things happening on it's own like a magnet ticking back and forth like a pendelum. Thing's in such advancement ..like before but quicker! I really need to visit hades...for I fear something and I need to look deep into the cauldren.. I visit hades...so that I fortell whats to become. For I do not sleep, and dreams dont exist in my being. This fear is like nothing I have felt before...it's of such great loss, grieving sadness that is which was described by my father for I do not know any of what this is. I gander as hades waves his hands down to up from the cauldren smoke, green, and bubbling. Power arises and the dust clears...into a clear picture of horror...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
