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The Hindu's state in their ancient text, the Sillapathikaram.[1] That Sanat Kumara whom they also call Murugan [relating to Mayaur which is Sanskrit for peacock] ruled the ancient golden age[2]. This land that Sanat Kumara ruled was called the "Land of Kumara". And was situated in the region of the Pacific and India ocean's. With only Sri-Lanka being the remaining land above sea. The Northern Vedic culture stated they had come from this location but migrated further north when it sank. The ancient Greeks and Roman's stated they came from an island in the east that sunk. The Roman's would throw wooden effigies of their ancestors into the Tiber river, to commemorate the sinking of this land. The ritual was called "The Lemoira".[3] The ideal of Atlantis being beyond "The Pillar's of Hercules" that is not the straits of Gibraltar. The Pillar's of Hercules were a spiritual symbol that showed the rising sun between them. The sun rises in the east. The Sillapathikaram, states this land sunk around the time Plato gives for Atlantis being lost. The ancient Egyptian's mention a time when their ancestors lived in the east as well. Before the sinking of their homeland. So do the ancient cultures of America. All these ancient peoples had a common connecting culture and record. The images of the ancient Roman Priest's, show them dressed in Vedic Brahmin attire, performing Vedic rituals. In the Indian and Pacific regions there are still many ancient megalithic sites such as Nan Madol, and under water sites off Japan and the Southern India coast, and on land within Indonesia, Easter Island and many other regions. That show the remains of this Primordial Land and the natives all have records of such. The script of Easter Island is the Indus Valley script of Northern India. Its ancient Sanskrit. [5]

Hindu leaders have mentioned this period called the "Golden Age" was ruled over by Sanat Kumara also called Murugan:

"Lord Skanda (Sanat Kumara) came to Earth in the Sat Yuga (the Hindu Golden Age). He was one of the most highly advanced souls. He came as leader of the first group, and will guide them all along through the next Sat Yuga. He was the celestial King of Lemuria."-Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami [5]

Sanat means "Eternal" in Sanskrit, however Satan means "Eternal" in Sanskrit. The Japanese culture and land was once part of the "Mu" culture, the name given to the Primordial land that sank among other names. The Japanese call Sanat, "Soten" and Soten rules Mount Kurama in Japan. This is Satan. [6]

Underworld, Graham Hancock [1]
The Civilization Of Lemuria, Frank Joseph[2] [3]
The Truth Behind The Christ Myth, Mark Pinkham[1][6]
Guardian's Of The Holy Grail, Mark Pinkham[5]
Return Of The Serpents Of Wisdom, Mark Pinkham[2]
Thank you, this will educate everyone. This includes the New Age types who get sucked into "Guru Jebooism" those types I have sympathy for. They want spiritual information but get damned. Spiritual Satanism as Satan has stated is "Mankind's original religion."
Awesome sermon. This seemingly also clears up some things that people have been asking about over the years.
Just what I was longing for. Thanks high priest :)
HP Mageson666 said:
I wrote several articles dealing with this already. In which I showed the original Sufi's where Pagan's, and the Islamic rulers massacred them, frequently. The entire inner Sufi system was Vedic and the same Mithraic system in the Pagan Roman world.

The enemy steals titles of Pagan Gods and assigns them to their thought form to create a subversive program. Take a look at the Bible. Christ....is called "The Amen" that is the Egyptian head God, Amen. The prophet Daniel is stolen from Dan El, the Phoenician God of divination. The disgusting Jewish characters Mordechai and Esther are stolen from Marduk and Ashtar. Abraham and Sarah are stolen from Brahma and Sarawsati. The father of Brahma, Terah, is a title of Vishnu, the father of Brahma and their son Issac is stolen from a title of Shiva. Moses is well documented to have been stolen from the Greek-Egyptian God....Moses/Mises/Bachus. The Jews also call Moses, Mises. That is why the Jews like Philo lied and claimed the Greeks got their Moses off their Moses..... Because the Greeks stated the Jewish Moses was stolen and corrupted off their God, Moses or Bacchus. Because it was.

The character the Apostle Thomas is stolen from Tammuz. Paul of Tarsus is stolen from Apollonius of Tyana. Who was also called "Paul" and started his ministry in Tarsus. The tale of Paul of Tarsus is nearly totally identical to Apollonius. The Catholic Church tied to ban printing the books from the classical word on Apollonius, because everyone was reading it and figuring out something.

Mary was stolen from Isis Meri, Mary. Even the figure of Lazarus which Jesus raises from the tomb on the fourth day, was stolen from Lazar the ancient name of Osiris, being raised from the tomb by Horus on the fourth day.
Of course, I knew this generally, but I didn't realise it as much as that. Thanks.
SlavaSatan said:
Theres some things i dont understand and if u can explain ill be thankfull. So i read bhagavad-gita which is one of the most important hindu literatures and a lot of top tier world scientists liked the book and believe it to be truth,like Einstein for example. I also read a lot of JoS articles and watched a lot of videos and sermons and i do not see u guys being against hindu religion or anything of that part of the world because that is where Satan originated from. Well in bhagavad-gita,every second sentence is an insult to freedom and demons. Every single negative thing is labeled demonic behavior and from the hindu guy who was really into it i learned that they also believe that term 'Satan' to them is pretty much the same as the trio bullshit religions. They label Satanic and demonic behavior as evil and as being trapped in this world,basically unenlightened and blind. So the question: have i read like one of the diffrent translates or whatever cause that is what i read,an constant disrespect to demons. Also have they been christianized and forced to change meaninig of some words. Because JoS site never said anything bout hinduism to my knowledge,or very little but their beliefs Satan to my knowledge are the same as other 3 crap trio. So whats ur view on this?

We are very much against hinduism but not in some simple manner. Not out of hatred it still helps segway people out into the truth there is a lot of capacity within Indian members to take in SS and be within it without getting slaughtered by some muzzie like hindus who find it offensive. They can always say they are a yogi and simply meditating on shiva mantras. Try doing that in the bible belt if it weren't for the police they'd probably lynch you on tree.

It should be stated that modern day hinduism is chock full of xtian bullshit. islamic, judiac, and christian overtones. For example the theosophist under Helen Patrova Blatvasky spent years creating christard memes within the framework of hinduism at that time which sure was less corrupted but non the less corrupted. Much like the meme of Mahavatar Babaji, in fact just recently studying some Cobra breath meditation the jew age website stated Babaji is the grand guru that entreats the teachings of the Cobra breath you have to be taught by him. It's like a xtian new age website I read that said "Lilith is a jewish demon who later became into the pagan paradigm". Whoa watch out we got some badasses that state "We wuz hebs and shiet".

Remember judiac interaction with India occurred right at the 5776(6000) years ago area when (((they))) popped in. They quickly assessed that politics, shekels, and religion MUST be controlled for occult warfare on )))us(((.

Hinduism is corrupted like present day buddhism. Primordial almost Bon Po like buddism(Marduk/Amon Ra's system) is fine but that was thousands of years ago before Ashoka's materialization of the present judeo-bolshevik system. Again Hitler was fine with it because in all the corruption these guys can always be segway'd into the truth. Their foot is in the door they just need a nice amount of information and pop goes the weasel. Try that with a christian and you might have situations where they spout some jebus magic mumbo jumbo. Even Himmler spent countless man hours researching Gita and other books always through the eyes of truth along with dozens of other SS personnel and researches across all of Germany and even in Europe as some may have decided to work for Germany not unlike some foreign legion SS like the French division.

Again we don't hate hinduism for extolling Satan and the gods. We hate it because it enforces a judeo-bolshevik meme. Though memes aside the meme of continuing the pagan gods is also a meme for our side in keeping the truth available and making people research and find JoS.

So really it's a push-pull or tug-of-war situation. For it for some things against it for some others.

We aren't simply against it to be uncultured couths that hate simply to hate. Much like how some people think we are simply Neo-Nazis even though it's been proven time and time again that that is merely judeo-bolshevik honey pots by the enemy to promote jewish nazi narrative.

I hope you understand take it lightly don't just believe we dislike it or hate it in such aggressive manners we cut it down to size by slicing it's head off immediately. No absolutely not we are merely like H.P. Cobra said about America. We need to take the victim to the hospital and perform major surgery to extract this judaic cancer and hopefully rehabilitate the person without any damage or in this case memery of judeo-bolshevism. It's a long struggle with certain parameters of truth that has been so-called impressed to people by the (((enemy))). (((They))) state this is the grand hindu manuals. But again it's just more spiritual non-sense concocted by scalawags who deem themselves (((chosen))) (((muh universal right to goy up))).

At the end of the day it's (((jews))), (((shabbos))), (((goyim, and (((goylem))) trolling for (((muh shekels))). Much like how modern day rishis and Yogis do weird shit and fart out spiritual non-sense for (((shekels))).
Where is the word "Demon" in Sanskrit?

Demon is the Greek word for the ancient Gods, Demon is also the Greek term for the soul. It comes from the Persian Sanskrit term of Dena. The Christian's later changed the association of this word to negative as Gentile's are negative to the Jewish alien soul. Many of the Hindu texts were translated by Christian's.

Hinduism is a combination of Buddhism, Islam, Christianity and ancient traditions. It no longer reflects what it looked like even a thousand years ago. Go look at the oldest temples in India, then look at what Hindu's believe today. Its not the same.

You get the "Christ Consciousness" types who become a Hindu-Christian, with a Chist-Krisna. These types write books that lie and claim that "Sat-na" means "negation of truth and evil in Sanskrit." Sat-na, in Sanskrit is Sat-Nam, meaning Nam or Nama [Name] of Sat [Truth]. Literally "Truth is the Name" which means Sat is the name of Truth.

A-Sat, in Sanskrit means the negation of truth. A-nama, means "Without Name" A-Sat, means "Without Truth" this is how these fucking assholes lie,lie and lie some more. Because they are connected into the thought form of Christ, which is a lying and deceiving spirit. As even the bible states Yahweh the Christian thought form is a lying spirt:

Now, therefore, behold, the Lord hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of these thy prophets, and the Lord hath spoken evil concerning thee. 1 Kings 22:23

Now therefore, behold, the Lord hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of these thy prophets. 2 Chronicles 18:22

Ah, Lord GOD! surely thou hast greatly deceived this people. Jeremiah 4:10

O Lord, thou hast deceived me, and I was deceived. Jeremiah 20:7

And if a prophet be deceived when he hath spoken a thing, I the Lord have deceived that prophet. Ezekiel 14:9

For this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie. 2 Thessalonians 2:11
FancyMancy said:
luis said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Why not use the Swastika, Hindu cultures put in their homes as a symbol of protection. From experience it works.
This is interesting to read. HP do you think certain symbols hold powers?
Isn't it like geometry and Sigils?
Well, it's basically to hang kitchen utensils, xD. Here I have clicked this photo https://imgur.com/a/zw4PJ4u
Nikois666 said:
FancyMancy said:
luis said:
This is interesting to read. HP do you think certain symbols hold powers?
Isn't it like geometry and Sigils?
Well, it's basically to hang kitchen utensils, xD. Here I have clicked this photo https://imgur.com/a/zw4PJ4u
lool,please don’t use the swastika for that haha.
Nikois666 said:
FancyMancy said:
luis said:
This is interesting to read. HP do you think certain symbols hold powers?
Isn't it like geometry and Sigils?
Well, it's basically to hang kitchen utensils, xD. Here I have clicked this photo https://imgur.com/a/zw4PJ4u
Sorry. What I meant by asking was aren't the symbols which can contain energies related to their shapes, i.e. geometry, such as Sigils, but also some symbolic parts of the image. I don't think merely having a shape of a thing = having particular Magickal properties to it; it would need to be programmed, but the shape of it would contain particular types of energies better than others, just as Sigils speak to the God portion of our Mind. I'm asking, by the way! I didn't mean to ask you what yours was.
FancyMancy said:
Nikois666 said:
FancyMancy said:
Isn't it like geometry and Sigils?
Well, it's basically to hang kitchen utensils, xD. Here I have clicked this photo https://imgur.com/a/zw4PJ4u
Sorry. What I meant by asking was aren't the symbols which can contain energies related to their shapes, i.e. geometry, such as Sigils, but also some symbolic parts of the image. I don't think merely having a shape of a thing = having particular Magickal properties to it; it would need to be programmed, but the shape of it would contain particular types of energies better than others, just as Sigils speak to the God portion of our Mind. I'm asking, by the way! I didn't mean to ask you what yours was.
My question was exactly to understand this. Do they need to be programmed or by putting them in your house the automaticly protect you? I guess they need to be programmed and because of the shape It makes the energy more powerful (?)
Gear88 said:
SlavaSatan said:
Theres some things i dont understand and if u can explain ill be thankfull. So i read bhagavad-gita which is one of the most important hindu literatures and a lot of top tier world scientists liked the book and believe it to be truth,like Einstein for example. I also read a lot of JoS articles and watched a lot of videos and sermons and i do not see u guys being against hindu religion or anything of that part of the world because that is where Satan originated from. Well in bhagavad-gita,every second sentence is an insult to freedom and demons. Every single negative thing is labeled demonic behavior and from the hindu guy who was really into it i learned that they also believe that term 'Satan' to them is pretty much the same as the trio bullshit religions. They label Satanic and demonic behavior as evil and as being trapped in this world,basically unenlightened and blind. So the question: have i read like one of the diffrent translates or whatever cause that is what i read,an constant disrespect to demons. Also have they been christianized and forced to change meaninig of some words. Because JoS site never said anything bout hinduism to my knowledge,or very little but their beliefs Satan to my knowledge are the same as other 3 crap trio. So whats ur view on this?

We are very much against hinduism but not in some simple manner. Not out of hatred it still helps segway people out into the truth there is a lot of capacity within Indian members to take in SS and be within it without getting slaughtered by some muzzie like hindus who find it offensive. They can always say they are a yogi and simply meditating on shiva mantras. Try doing that in the bible belt if it weren't for the police they'd probably lynch you on tree.

It should be stated that modern day hinduism is chock full of xtian bullshit. islamic, judiac, and christian overtones. For example the theosophist under Helen Patrova Blatvasky spent years creating christard memes within the framework of hinduism at that time which sure was less corrupted but non the less corrupted. Much like the meme of Mahavatar Babaji, in fact just recently studying some Cobra breath meditation the jew age website stated Babaji is the grand guru that entreats the teachings of the Cobra breath you have to be taught by him. It's like a xtian new age website I read that said "Lilith is a jewish demon who later became into the pagan paradigm". Whoa watch out we got some badasses that state "We wuz hebs and shiet".

Remember judiac interaction with India occurred right at the 5776(6000) years ago area when (((they))) popped in. They quickly assessed that politics, shekels, and religion MUST be controlled for occult warfare on )))us(((.

Hinduism is corrupted like present day buddhism. Primordial almost Bon Po like buddism(Marduk/Amon Ra's system) is fine but that was thousands of years ago before Ashoka's materialization of the present judeo-bolshevik system. Again Hitler was fine with it because in all the corruption these guys can always be segway'd into the truth. Their foot is in the door they just need a nice amount of information and pop goes the weasel. Try that with a christian and you might have situations where they spout some jebus magic mumbo jumbo. Even Himmler spent countless man hours researching Gita and other books always through the eyes of truth along with dozens of other SS personnel and researches across all of Germany and even in Europe as some may have decided to work for Germany not unlike some foreign legion SS like the French division.

Again we don't hate hinduism for extolling Satan and the gods. We hate it because it enforces a judeo-bolshevik meme. Though memes aside the meme of continuing the pagan gods is also a meme for our side in keeping the truth available and making people research and find JoS.

So really it's a push-pull or tug-of-war situation. For it for some things against it for some others.

We aren't simply against it to be uncultured couths that hate simply to hate. Much like how some people think we are simply Neo-Nazis even though it's been proven time and time again that that is merely judeo-bolshevik honey pots by the enemy to promote jewish nazi narrative.

I hope you understand take it lightly don't just believe we dislike it or hate it in such aggressive manners we cut it down to size by slicing it's head off immediately. No absolutely not we are merely like H.P. Cobra said about America. We need to take the victim to the hospital and perform major surgery to extract this judaic cancer and hopefully rehabilitate the person without any damage or in this case memery of judeo-bolshevism. It's a long struggle with certain parameters of truth that has been so-called impressed to people by the (((enemy))). (((They))) state this is the grand hindu manuals. But again it's just more spiritual non-sense concocted by scalawags who deem themselves (((chosen))) (((muh universal right to goy up))).

At the end of the day it's (((jews))), (((shabbos))), (((goyim, and (((goylem))) trolling for (((muh shekels))). Much like how modern day rishis and Yogis do weird shit and fart out spiritual non-sense for (((shekels))).

Great answer man,it makes sense. Basically there is truth in it,but it got corrupted. And yes most new so called yogis are just fake,with a fake smile,but they get REAL money and a LOT of it.
I still struggling with satanism... i just did the 40 days and didnt notic any differents. I got my altar setup and ready to go for years but now its covered with a layer of dust. I did the dedication ritual when i was a teenager i still wait for the leading path without a book. I dedicated my soul and still waiting for the big change. I Will be 25 years old this year and still depressieve because of lack of succes. Succes in a way of spiritual in balance.

Must there be no initation? or aint there be any system?. Is there no papa or mama who teach how to use or work with the Gods of hell? I don’t feel any different than a christian i just pray everyday for the blessings etc.

I just getting mind fucked. I cant just summon a demon and ask stupid question and dont know how to get rid of it of cleanse the whole house. But a cat in a dangerous position make crazy jumps... i feel blocked and freezed for 10 years now...

I just meet a woman who practice vodou she has a system and every step she does have a meaning.
While i try to see the differents i feel like a baby duck in a ocean. She has a papa or mama to fall back on and the deitys answers the call she dont like demons but i do.

So Anybody can facking tell me what to do to break this matrix? So i can looking for answers talk to my holy gaurdian or satan him self? Everyday to stand up go to work and wait to die is not my way of life that i want to live. I just want to make contact but there aint no satanic people in my country (Holland) i feel the only one in the battlefield here.
I dont know nothing from satan only he’s day monday and the sigil.

So anybody who know the real work please contact me because meditation doesn’t change my reality or does not give me contact with the Gods.
Tinusje31 said:
I still struggling with satanism... i just did the 40 days and didnt notic any differents. I got my altar setup and ready to go for years but now its covered with a layer of dust. I did the dedication ritual when i was a teenager i still wait for the leading path without a book. I dedicated my soul and still waiting for the big change. I Will be 25 years old this year and still depressieve because of lack of succes. Succes in a way of spiritual in balance.

Must there be no initation? or aint there be any system?. Is there no papa or mama who teach how to use or work with the Gods of hell? I don’t feel any different than a christian i just pray everyday for the blessings etc.

I just getting mind fucked. I cant just summon a demon and ask stupid question and dont know how to get rid of it of cleanse the whole house. But a cat in a dangerous position make crazy jumps... i feel blocked and freezed for 10 years now...

I just meet a woman who practice vodou she has a system and every step she does have a meaning.
While i try to see the differents i feel like a baby duck in a ocean. She has a papa or mama to fall back on and the deitys answers the call she dont like demons but i do.

So Anybody can facking tell me what to do to break this matrix? So i can looking for answers talk to my holy gaurdian or satan him self? Everyday to stand up go to work and wait to die is not my way of life that i want to live. I just want to make contact but there aint no satanic people in my country (Holland) i feel the only one in the battlefield here.
I dont know nothing from satan only he’s day monday and the sigil.

So anybody who know the real work please contact me because meditation doesn’t change my reality or does not give me contact with the Gods.

Read some true spiritual information for once:

This is all so amazing. I've been keeping a list of all the names of Satan from around the world based on the many sermons over the years. Love posts like these where I can add to the list/enhance what I already have. Thank you so much for all the work you put into this - it is extremely appreciated. And having further sourcing with all the numbers is fantastic! Keep up the amazing work!

Hail Satan!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
