Hi. Are Zeus and Satan exactly the same entity? Or are different entities on the same task? Thanks.
Look, after reading your question, I've been thinking about it for a few hours on how best to answer this defitivamentr since people have asked me even in private chat. I think I came up with a clear example that is within everyone's reach though.
Now, let us forget for a moment this new concept of SATANAS = ZEUS. Let's stick for a moment to the things we already knew because we were used to conceiving only that system of understanding. Now let me give you the example.
Consider these two Demons:
2) ALASTOR (Alastoras)
Now, notice how on our site they are listed as two different Demons:
In particular, HPS Maxine Dietrich reported this description of Beelzebul:
"My experience- I saw him for the first time when I asked for his assistance in creating this webpage about him. He appeared to me with platinum blond hair and darker eyebrows, wearing a white robe. This was the first time I saw him. I heard his voice a long time ago and it was raspy, but when he spoke to me recently, the raspiness was gone. This is probably because he is now free"
And in the old version of the site, this was given as the description of Alastor:
- Alastor has short blond hair, and is slim. He has blue-gray eyes and looks very young. He has wings white and was dressed in white. - HPS Maxine.
So, they are two different people from the simple point of view of who appears by summining him, etc.
PERHAPS, if we study Alastor a little bit, we notice that in a deeper sense we can say that although they have two souls and two bodies and its charisms, etc. different, because they are two physically different people, we notice that at this deep level, Alastor is a destructive justice aspect of Beelzebul/Zeus:
"Alastor, an epithet of the Greek God Zeus, according to Hesychius of Alexandria and the Etymologicum Magnum, which described him as the avenger of evil deeds, specifically familial bloodshed"
Now, although HP HoodedCobra666 has been accused of being a liar when talking about these updates, Hp HoodedCobra666 was the first to disclose this knowledge of the true natures of Alastor and Zeus:
I am very happy to announce 4 more New Rituals about our Gods. Now, make sure to read the descriptions about them, as the rabbit hole goes deep with all of them. Below will be found the rectified identities of these Gods, outside of the Jewish context. Names of Jewish origin [or slander titles]...
@Tethys333 read here you too
PS, I know it is NOT about you, but it still concerns other people who have wondered the these thing:
This about Alastor was not hidden knowledge that only Hp HoodedCobra666 had oddly discovered to "scam people and bring false info" as per the classic anarchist meme that has been frequent over the years. They were literally things that were available on a simple public Wikipedia page for everyone's reach lol
But then again, even saying that Satanas is Zeus was never a bizarre idea of HP HoodedCobra666, there is evidence of this literally within reach of anyone typing keys on a search engine:
Who is Satan? It’s a question not asked a lot. In this paper, we will look at several reasons for understanding that Satan is the same entity at Baal in the OT, who also happens to be Zeus, who became Jupiter and is therefore the Prince of Rome.
I got this question from an Atheist friend recently. I thought it was a really good question and worth an official response. Question: “You don't believe in Zeus, I’m assuming. Why do you think he was created, why did people believe in him, and why don't they anymore?” Answer: Actually, I do...
- The City of PergamumPergamum, at one time the capital city of the Roman province of Asia Minor, was known for its spectacular architecture and many beautiful temples dedicated to a variety of gods. The apostle John wrote a letter to the Christians who lived in Pergamum. Recorded in Revelation...