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Satan ruined my life.


New member
Jan 24, 2021
[email protected]
Why does Satan try to show me this path that is good then it just turns out to be a lie and he made me insane please help me.
All this in only a couple of days? That was fast.

No need to ever consider if you had for example, wrong expectations. That would be impossible and hurtful.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
All this in only a couple of days? That was fast.

No need to ever consider if you had for example, wrong expectations. That would be impossible and hurtful.

No I have been doing this for years I started off happy in life and when I came to Satan every thing went bad. This is a new account from what I used to use.
Nyan said:
Why does Satan try to show me this path that is good then it just turns out to be a lie and he made me insane please help me.

I think you may have had a wrong opinion about all of this in the beginning, wrong attitude, expectations, etc.

You may also have some programming or in a very bad case, jewish ancestry (you would probably know about it though).

Satan is not making anyone insane, but i guess a lot of information that are contrasting to what you have believed all life long may.
Maybe slow down a bit, try to clean your aura and free your mind first?

To the title, i would say it is not the best as for this forum. I guess most of people here are dedicated Satanists and know Satan. In all my way, He never did anything wrong to me, He never lied or made false promises. He helped me a lot. Even though I'm not with Him for too long now, I know I can fully trust Him in all matters.

If you don't want Him in your life, just go, nobody will hold you. You are free to leave. But this mixed feelings in the beginning are natural. Humans were lied to for centuries, thats why it may be really hard to accept the truth.
I would say clean your aura, do some deprogramming, maybe even before dedication if you are not sure (but as you prefer, i'm not sure about safety of this one, I did so for like a month before dedication), try to free yourself from whatever you believed in before.
What i did before dedicating too was reading a lot, i actually finished reading all the main website + some stuff from forums before to be sure if this is what i want.* It may help you understand Satanism a bit better.

Anyways, wish you all the best and I hope it will turn out ok. It is normal in the beginning.

Hail Satan!

*I joined forums quite some time after it when i had a bit of a breakdown, I don't regret it :D I'm usually not too social irl.


About SS:

About Satan:

Don Hess's Though: (wortg reading)

Aura cleaning:

Exposing christianity:

For islam, skeptics annotated bible has it's quran version:
Nyan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
All this in only a couple of days? That was fast.

No need to ever consider if you had for example, wrong expectations. That would be impossible and hurtful.

No I have been doing this for years I started off happy in life and when I came to Satan every thing went bad. This is a new account from what I used to use.

If you come to Satan and everything suddenly gets bad that is not a good sign..you're either a gypsie or a jew.
Nyan said:
Why does Satan try to show me this path that is good then it just turns out to be a lie and he made me insane please help me.

Can you please tell us what has happened.

Also Check your horoscope high chances of change in Planetory Dasas.
Or maybe you are dealing with a malvolent entity.
Try banishing & cleaning your aura.
Hi Nyan ive seen a lot of your posts recently, and i think maybe you're just experiencing like culture shock or something? I remember my first time joining this forum, i read a post here that someone is seeking a satanic friend so i replied on that post that i could be his friend and someone replied on what i said he said that I'm a jew i shouldn't be trusted and I'm a thorn (he thought my acc is fake because i just joined the forum and had no post at all)
That hurted me because i thought this is where i will find my family but i ended up looking a liar. And for a moment i felt like i made a wrong decision dedicating and Satanism isn't for me and i hated All people here and even hated Satan and the Gods for a moment. But few hours later I'm not mad anymore, i apologized to father Satan and the Gods and got back to meditation.

I know I'm also new and I'm not that experienced in life but my advice is it's better for you to sometimes spend some time with yourself and answer your own questions. And maybe you also thought that when you become a Satanist you'll instantly become very powerful or become a god like what we see in the movies and instantly solve all you problems but i know you know it doesn't work that way. It's hard but let's be realistic and fight our problems. Take things slowly brother, be patient we'll get there.
Nyan said:
Why does Satan try to show me this path that is good then it just turns out to be a lie and he made me insane please help me.
Satan is not doing anything bad to you.

It is the christian curses that are doing things to you. The christian curses are trying to make you not be Satanist. Those curses can cause fear, bad ideas, confusion.

The cristian curses want to drain your soul like a battery. This is why they want to keep you away from Satanism, because they can't do this to a Satanist. If you are a dedicated Satanist, then all of those problems will stop.
Nyan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
All this in only a couple of days? That was fast.

No need to ever consider if you had for example, wrong expectations. That would be impossible and hurtful.

No I have been doing this for years I started off happy in life and when I came to Satan every thing went bad. This is a new account from what I used to use.

Just a curious kid low on understanding who hasn't read the site because they want things simple and handed to them. I know cause I'm the same sometimes. She probably reads the forums and site(still programmed) and doesn't really understan or has misleading expectations. Just makes posts to see our response maybe.
There was a recent posts on this topic. Dedicated satanists claiming they've dedicated for years ND yet their lives are still bad or aren't having the experience they expected. It's because they don't really do the meditations or workings. That's the only explanation that makes sense.
Nyan said:
Why does Satan try to show me this path that is good then it just turns out to be a lie and he made me insane please help me.

Oy vey. I guess you forgot to read the part where Satan doesn't accept jews.

Now go back to whatever hole you crawled out of, mr. shekelstein.
Nyan said:
Why does Satan try to show me this path that is good then it just turns out to be a lie and he made me insane please help me.

So what is your meditation schedule like. Do you do RTR's? These things will make your life better.
I thought this was a Scientology thing.
I would tell you not to give up, and stay strong.
Bad things always happen.
In my case, money, deaths, me getting away from my family...yet you have to really feel into it, because if you're weak, the first misfortune that occurs, you're going to blame it on Satan.

And when things are the worst, that's the time you can make your love deeper, have a laugh, use your skills, maybe even try to feel a Demon.
And if you don't feel Him/Her: a reason more to do power meditations.
This is for making you strong if you tend to be weak in your bond:

There are many things you can do to stop this downfall:
For hearing Them:https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Psychic_Centers.html

For seeing them: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Clairvoyance_Points.html

Before that, there are steps. You can't move a table or burn an object with your mind if no preparation or advancement has been done before in order to work on what will take you there.
As you're older than me, you can master Void Meditation better than I do. Just that might help a bit.

Work on these, but please, know that for working on your psychic centers there are steps to be done before.
Just dwell in Satan, as truly as you can, and you'll never be lonely.
This may be too abstract for you, but we're different.
It's 29th, so I hope you started War Against Our Civilization when the time was right:
If so, that only means that you're not alone.
If not, join us for one day, make a little present to yourself:
Tomorrow we have fRTR which now always involves the Tetragrammaon ritual, then Jos Protection Ritual, and Wealth For Satanists, here:
first... https://www.satanisgod.org/JOS_Protection.html and second.... https://www.satanisgod.org/ProsperityRitual.html

Dare everything opposing your rise.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
