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Satan doesn’t care about me


New member
Mar 1, 2009
Just a rant, I’m relapsing from my last problem.
I’m sick of trying for nothing. I’m done... and Satan does not care.

I’ve been asking for an incubus for years now... after everything I’ve done for him.. I get nothing! I know that sounds selfish, but I have never asked Satan for anything other than an incubus.

Everyone would benefit I he would send me someone.. I would be at my best, and I would do max warfare/meditations for Satan, more than I’ve ever done

But that does not interest Satan apparently. He would rather I give up and die than be happy with an incubus.

Now I have no value to Satan. Everything I’ve done for him over the years has been pointless and meaningless.

I’ve meditated and done better, then when he still refuses to help me, I give up, try again do better, he still refuses.. I give up...etc over and over an over again! I’m sick of it! It clearly does not matter if I meditate or not... Satan will never alllow me an incubus. Especially since that’s what I need most in my life at this time. He just... does not care. Why should he..he has everything. I have nothing despite dedicating years of my life to HIM. It’s just not fair anymore.

I’m back to breathing in gray energy daily. Satan has made it clear he does not care.
The way that I see your message, it's YOU that doesn't care for Satan.
For one, you are trying to get him to pull someone out for you as they were a bag of meat and he was a pimp, in "Exchange" of you doing your Satanic work.
Then, you essentially try to passive aggressively induce his attention by you doing self-destructive acts like a bad teenager.
You need to correct your behavior first, and develop spiritually secondly. You need to be open and spiritually aware to have a relation with an incubus or succubus, and you don't seem like you are following this mile.
You really need to also consider how you treat others and what you expect from them. You are not asking as I am seeing here, rather threatening.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I remember asking for an Incubus during my first year as a spiritual Satanist. I even did the ritual 3 times to show I was serious.
In my 6th year as a Satanist, my Incubus came to me (although I was not fully sure at the time it was him.) 
At 8.5 years as a Satanist, I finally saw him in a dream and heard his voice. I have had contact and am building a friendship with him now.
Jenmarth13, have you ever considered that HE (your future Incubus) is choosing the right time to come to you? Be patient. Satan is big on patience.

The gods come to us when THEY want to. I am still meeting my Guardians at this stage and year as an SS. That's just an example that gods come to us when THEY want to.

On Tuesday, February 5, 2019, 2:04:57 a.m. EST, hoodedcobra666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:

  The way that I see your message, it's YOU that doesn't care for Satan.
For one, you are trying to get him to pull someone out for you as they were a bag of meat and he was a pimp, in "Exchange" of you doing your Satanic work.
Then, you essentially try to passive aggressively induce his attention by you doing self-destructive acts like a bad teenager.
You need to correct your behavior first, and develop spiritually secondly. You need to be open and spiritually aware to have a relation with an incubus or succubus, and you don't seem like you are following this mile.
You really need to also consider how you treat others and what you expect from them. You are not asking as I am seeing here, rather threatening.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Also, I have been asking. Rather respectfully for years and I still never was accepted. I’m just at my breaking point right now. I will literally die from this, and seems Satan just doesn’t care. The deep despair I’ve been feeling is just unbearable.

I could clean my aura and try to do better again.. but I’ll just end up in the same position in a few days/weeks/months.

I’ve found no matter how much I work on myself spiritually and physically, this loneliness persists...
Whoa! What in tarnation! it's YOU who has a problem, NOT Satan! How fucking dare you accuse Satan for not caring! Also, GROW THE FUCK UP! Satan knows you inside and out and knows who you are and what you really need and currently it's NOT a incubus.
Father Satan cares. You don't care about him! Poor Father has to deal with this, deal with you.

You need to deprogram yourself of that false Satanism where you think you make deals with Father in order to get exactly what you want in return. Also, it's clear that you're not ready for a romantic relationship with anyone, let alone an incubus. You need to mature more.

Hail Satan
You're making such a mountain from an ant hill. The thing is, have you gotten Satan's opinion on the matter? Yet you're jumping to conclusions. You're letting this small issue be your ultimate stumbling block in a lifetime that you can reap a lot from. It would be better if you use your frustration positively and work on your psychic centres and then you'll actually be able to be with an incubus. Also, don't let this small thing you believe you've been denied blind you from all the gifts and blessings you've received from Satan.Maybe you actually have an incubus, but you can't sense him. Stop being your own enemy. I can assure you that the enemy is delighted when you breathe in grey energy. On the other hand, what do you think Satan's opinion is when you deliberately cause your own downfall? Finally, you're very mistaken if you're working for Satan in exchange for favours. You've been with Satan for years,you should be aware that we are ultimately with him out of choice and not fear or bribery. Have a reality check sister.. Keep up the spiritual warfare and work on your psychic centres relentlessly.
On Tue, 5 Feb 2019, 10:04 jenmarth13@... [JoyofSatan666], <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Just a rant, I’m relapsing from my last problem.
I’m sick of trying for nothing. I’m done... and Satan does not care.

I’ve been asking for an incubus for years now... after everything I’ve done for him.. I get nothing! I know that sounds selfish, but I have never asked Satan for anything other than an incubus.

Everyone would benefit I he would send me someone.. I would be at my best, and I would do max warfare/meditations for Satan, more than I’ve ever done

But that does not interest Satan apparently. He would rather I give up and die than be happy with an incubus.

Now I have no value to Satan. Everything I’ve done for him over the years has been pointless and meaningless.

I’ve meditated and done better, then when he still refuses to help me, I give up, try again do better, he still refuses.. I give up...etc over and over an over again! I’m sick of it! It clearly does not matter if I meditate or not... Satan will never alllow me an incubus. Especially since that’s what I need most in my life at this time. He just... does not care. Why should he..he has everything. I have nothing despite dedicating years of my life to HIM. It’s just not fair anymore.

I’m back to breathing in gray energy daily. Satan has made it clear he does not care.
I appreciate your response HP.

But I have been trying for years to improve. I just fail to see the point anymore. I’m at my end already.. I legitimately don’t know what to do.

I’ve corrected my behavior before, I’ve tried to be my best before, and still nothing. I’m open spiritually enough to hear them, I work on myself spiritually and physically and for what?

I know the point of Satanism is to reach godhead, but I’ve completely lost motivation now since I’m going to be alone, I can’t habdle it anymore.

I get why what I’m saying comes off as immature, but please understand it’s been years of me actually trying and still getting nothing. Satan doesn’t even give a reason as to why, other than “there is nobody”.
And it just hurts that I’ll never be good enough and that I’ve never been good enough.

I can’t do anything about this loneliness. A relationship is a need at this point. And I’m not interested in finding a human partner since they can’t satsify me emotionally (hard to explain).

There’s nothing I can do and this loneliness is literally making me go crazy and killing me now. I asked Satan for an incubus for this reason. I want a good honest relationship. But I’ll never be good enough no matter what I do.

If I die, my soul can dissipate in the astral, am I correct? It’s extreme... but I would rather that happen, than to live through this loneliness anymore. I just can’t do it. There’s literally nowhere to turn.

I find comfort in the fact that Satan will still win this war irregardless of my death, so in a way I don’t feel guilty about dying anymore.
U seem to only care about ur own interest in all ur posts and fathers just a 2nd to ur importance mby even a 3rd with all ur incubus obsession.

Have u ever stopped to think Tht ur perfect lover is reincarnated on this earth in the current moment and thts y he doesn't send u an incubus? Have u stopped to think that u might not even be psychiclly open enough to even feel an incubus? Have u ever stopped to think u may already have an incubus and are only able to percieve him in dreams u can't remember? Have u ever stopped ur selfishness of wanting sex with a demon for long enough to see ur not ready physically, emotionally, and psychiclly?

Either way ur problems are ur own uve been given lots of advice from far more advanced members already tht can communicate with father already. If father truly abandonded u he would have those members ignore ur childish disrespectful rants.

May u see the light and grow out of it.Satanism is a personal strength finding path and u seem to not want to find ur inner strenght or hold onto it when u do find it.
I get that this is a vent but you sound like a child tantruming over a toy their mommy didnt buy them. Did you ever stop and think that maybe you didnt get an incubus because Satan felt you werent ready yet? You dont sound mature enough, to me to have one. Hail SatanMel
On Tue, Feb 5, 2019, 1:02 AM jenmarth13@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Just a rant, I’m relapsing from my last problem..
I’m sick of trying for nothing. I’m done... and Satan does not care.

I’ve been asking for an incubus for years now... after everything I’ve done for him.. I get nothing! I know that sounds selfish, but I have never asked Satan for anything other than an incubus.

Everyone would benefit I he would send me someone.. I would be at my best, and I would do max warfare/meditations for Satan, more than I’ve ever done

But that does not interest Satan apparently. He would rather I give up and die than be happy with an incubus.

Now I have no value to Satan. Everything I’ve done for him over the years has been pointless and meaningless.

I’ve meditated and done better, then when he still refuses to help me, I give up, try again do better, he still refuses.. I give up...etc over and over an over again! I’m sick of it! It clearly does not matter if I meditate or not... Satan will never alllow me an incubus. Especially since that’s what I need most in my life at this time. He just... does not care. Why should he..he has everything. I have nothing despite dedicating years of my life to HIM. It’s just not fair anymore.

I’m back to breathing in gray energy daily. Satan has made it clear he does not care.
On Tue, Feb 5, 2019, 1:02 AM jenmarth13@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Just a rant, I’m relapsing from my last problem.
I’m sick of trying for nothing. I’m done... and Satan does not care.

I’ve been asking for an incubus for years now... after everything I’ve done for him.. I get nothing! I know that sounds selfish, but I have never asked Satan for anything other than an incubus.

Everyone would benefit I he would send me someone.. I would be at my best, and I would do max warfare/meditations for Satan, more than I’ve ever done

But that does not interest Satan apparently. He would rather I give up and die than be happy with an incubus.

Now I have no value to Satan. Everything I’ve done for him over the years has been pointless and meaningless.

I’ve meditated and done better, then when he still refuses to help me, I give up, try again do better, he still refuses.. I give up...etc over and over an over again! I’m sick of it! It clearly does not matter if I meditate or not... Satan will never alllow me an incubus. Especially since that’s what I need most in my life at this time. He just... does not care. Why should he..he has everything. I have nothing despite dedicating years of my life to HIM. It’s just not fair anymore.

I’m back to breathing in gray energy daily. Satan has made it clear he does not care.
It also appears that you also arent mentally strong enough to be self reliant. I desire an emotional relationship too but I'm not going to blame Satan nor am I going to want to kill myself because I am lonely. 
Its obvious that you have a weaker personality and need another person or being to make you feel whole, but this is in a detrimental way. It shows that you love the idea of someone loving you than you loving yourself. How are you suppose to take on being with another if you cant even love yourself that much.To be able to have a loving relationship with yourself and not being patient? You dont even have enough self love to be patient and work on mental strength and personal autonomy.
You need to work on yourself. But know this, trying to kill yourself and breathing in grey energy is hurting yourself more than Satan.You'll just die and get reincarnated again and have this issue on your soul again.
I'm also pretty sure the enemy  is using your feelings against you. So give your self a pat on the back for letting them use you like this...
Many of us already gave you answers the last time you posted about this stuff..

High Priestess Shannon
Satan is always with his people. I learnt it through pain.. Two years ago,I was at my breaking point. Everything in my life was against me. I was suffering from psychic attacks of racial inferiority,my entire family was ruining my life and I had no friends. I had no one to turn to.Just when I had given up,I told Satan I'd had enough of life. I was much less psychically open than I am now.Immediately, someone touched me on my back and I knew the Demons were with me.From that day, I never doubt that they're looking out for me. Satan is true to his word sister. When he says he'll never leave you,he means it. Just because you have not had an experience with an incubus doesn't mean Satan doesn't care about you. That's a very vague conclusion. Even if a Demon was next to you,you'd probably not feel him because you haven't opened your psychic centres. How on earth is that a reason to breathe in grey energy and blame Satan for your loneliness?Just invest more in opening your soul. And you'd be better off not heaping blames on Satan. It is because of him that you actually hope to be with an incubus.As someone has said, patience is key in Satanism. It's taken me over two years to figure out my guardian Demon,but I have a friend who made contact with his Guardian Demon a short while after finishing HP HC's 40 day meditation program.The Gods choose when to come to us
On Tue, 5 Feb 2019, 22:17 jenmarth13@... [JoyofSatan666], <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Also, I have been asking. Rather respectfully for years and I still never was accepted. I’m just at my breaking point right now. I will literally die from this, and seems Satan just doesn’t care. The deep despair I’ve been feeling is just unbearable.

I could clean my aura and try to do better again.. but I’ll just end up in the same position in a few days/weeks/months.

I’ve found no matter how much I work on myself spiritually and physically, this loneliness persists...
You need to learn to have a loving personal relationship with Satan and learn patience and read and research the left hand path. Nothing is easy work at it and you will be rewarded.
I highly doubt thats the case. Then wouldn’t I be notified of such? I would think he would just tell me to be patient, rather than I’ll never be with one.

(Edit: I just heard him say “never” so I guess there’s my answer)
Your problem here is you're stuck between desires/fantasies and reality. You say you've been asking for an incubus for years and you'd be at your best if you were with one. But remember it's not just asking. Either way you'd have to work to become open. That could take weeks,months, or years. If you're already in this state of being, the initial part of being with a demon lover, which is becoming open, would be the same for you. I used to be the same.

If you were with a demon lover I'm assuming you also know they won't always be there for you, don't need to help you with anything, must be respected to the fullest extent(which many demons would get offended by the way you speak of satan and treat yourself),etc. It's a huge responsibility and if emotional satisfaction is what you desire, a demon lover may not be able to give you that. Demons are people too. Would you want to be with someone who threatens to kill themself if you're not with them? You cannot forcefully be with a demon.

I'm assuming since you're fighting so hard for a demon lover your attraction towards regular humans is waning. In both relationships with a regular human and a god, there are negatives. Let's be real. It's extremely rare for a Satanist to meet another Satanist who they are romantically compatible with unless they manage to convert their current lover. For a compatible regular human, you'd need to do a working. Which can take more than one working to manifest. Same concept with a demon lover. You still need to work for someone. You're so dependant on thinking a demon lover will give you everything. But they won't. What will happen is the negative energy will manifest into something else. Maybe even make you break off the relationship. The gods are too strong to be influenced by us. But I bet you didn't know your energy can control you subconsciously and ensure any relationship you have will fail.

Notice how you're sending all of your energy to want a demon lover in a negative way? You think you need this person to be the best you you can be. But if your lover can't be there for you, Maybe spend 2 hours a day with you or less, wouldn't the absence of that person make you feel negative as well?

I'm not going to lie. I was the same. For 2 years I worked my ass off to be with a demoness. The first time I was tricked into thinking I was with one. It was the happiest feeling ever until I found out my happiness didn't exist. Then I hit rock bottom. That was only on my 2nd month of working for a demoness. So out the get go I knew the struggle. When the gods managed to reveal to me I wasn't eligible for one, I felt even worse. I did resent Satan. I'll admit I still don't know the reason why I couldn't be with one. But resenting Satan does nothing. He was the only one there for me no matter how much I resented him. The hatred came from within. I always felt as if I was never good enough. So becoming a SS for me meant I was one of the best. And as the best, I should have the best. I overidealized a demoness because I thought it was the best type of relationship. But I was wrong. To those who suffer emotional neglect, a demon/demoness lover may be the worst type of relationship to pursue. Solely because they can't always be there. I'm sure some members who are with demons or demonesses can agree sometimes they feel lonely. No disrespect meant to those who are in relationships with the gods.

It's your life and your choice. But remember this war is ending soon. Many gentiles will become gods and technically be new succubi and incubi as well. If you die there's no telling how long it will take for you to reincarnate, and if you will be a SS again. Along with the fact the problems you have now will be with you later on.

My suggestion is focus on healing your internal problems first. Research demoness/demon relationships on jos(there's a separate page that talks about that, twin souls, etc). Unbiasely look at the type of relationship it is and what you truly desire from a partner. Focus on getting open. If you need to attract a human partner to hold you off until your ready for a demon partner, ask Satan for permission. But always be willing to work and better yourself. Never be willing to die for something like this.
Update: I’ve been told I’ll never be with an incubus and that it’s a “good thing”... so maybe I should give up after all.

No matter how much I work on myself, I’ll ever be good enough. Goodbye everyone
Just FYI I’m advanced enough to hear them. I’ve been meditating for a very long while.

..years ago I would of looked down on this mentality I’ve been displaying here too. It’s just gotten to be too much to handle. It’s admittedly embarrassing to see how far I’ve fallen because of loneliness.
If father keeps telling u never then its pretty dam obvious he wants u to find the strength to live for ur self and not for another being. Plus its exactly like another member said how do I expect to love some one else if u csnt love urself? (Demons are just as alive and breathing as u r) answer me this. Y in the fk would any being want to mix with energy filled with self hate and depression ur basically asking father To have a demon suffer with u.
You’re not wrong. But it’s not that I would be 100% dependent on them or anything.

I want to make this clear: IF I was with an incubus, I would NOT be a dependent baby around him. I would NOT be sad if I didn’t hear from him for 2 hours/days whateve. I fully understand they have things to do and are busy. Honestly I would just be happy knowing I’m with someone during times like that.

I’m not saying they would “give me everything” either. I’m saying they would give me the necessary inspiration/motivation/happiness to make changes MY SELF and be more independent in a strange way. It’s hard to put it into words. Unfortunately, the world just doesn’t work that way.
You have to find a way to put the work in and learn what you need to do.
On Wednesday, February 6, 2019, 8:10:18 PM CST, jenmarth13@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:

  Just FYI I’m advanced enough to hear them. I’ve been meditating for a very long while.

....years ago I would of looked down on this mentality I’ve been displaying here too. It’s just gotten to be too much to handle. It’s admittedly embarrassing to see how far I’ve fallen because of loneliness.
You technically would be dependant on them. As you said, you'd be in a better state of being if you were with one. There's a direct cause and effect correlation. Take the thing that causes the effect away and you'd be the same as you are now. When people say you need to work on yourself, it means you cannot expect to be in a relationship without it failing if you are in that mindset. It isn't healthy.

Going back to my reply, demons are people too. Put yourself in their place. Would you want to be with someone so negative? If you're 100% certain you can "never" be with one, wouldn't that mean you'd have someone more compatible out there? Why be with a incubus with 75% compatibility instead of a regular person with 100% compatibility. If you feel so strongly towards an incubus, even trying to die over not being with one, it's because you overidealized a vision of what you think being with one would be like. You say you wouldn't be dependant on them yet you contradict that when you say you'd be far better off with one. If a incubus wouldn't make you feel that way would you still pursue being with one?

We get lost when trying to be the best and blind ourselves towards the truth when faced with desires. If a incubus truly isn't for you, you still have a regular person waiting for you. If you can indeed hear them, talk to Satan. Ask why you aren't eligible, if you can ever be eligible, who does he want you to be with, etc.

Worst case scenario you'd need to do a love working. You can ask Satan to guide the energy to the right person and make sure it is successful. When it all comes down to it, the title isn't important. It's the person. Don't focus on being with an "incubus" focus on being with someone who will treat you right and be compatible.

It took me a long time to break out of that mindset of wanting a succubus. I still have no partner and know I may not get one any time soon. However if I die that takes away any possibility. If i allow myself to stoop down to a lower level, I can miss the opportunity to be with someone due to the negativity. There s a lot at steak.

If not a relationship you can ask for a friends with benefits type thing with a incubus, a incubus friend who may be open to romantic/sexual relations, etc. I personally suggest don't focus on the relationship aspect of a incubus but focus on getting to know the person. If Satan does indeed grant you the gift of a demon partner, ask that demon personally if they would like to be with you.

Before that you need to get rid of the negative mindset. Just a little work now. It's not like you're gonna die or anything anyways. What's a month or two of working on yourself compared to the lifetime of joy you'll have with the partner you're meant to be with?

Don't heal with the mindset of you being with a demon as the end result. Don't use a demon as motivation. Use your health as your motivation.
I have been having issues with my phone and dk if my response was sent or not so i am responding again. 
I understand this is a vent but youre acting very immature.. Tantruming cause father wont give you what you want. You sound like a child who only cares about what they want and screw everyone else. This isnt the 1st time i have seen you complain. You will get an incubus when father things your ready and not a second before. It may happen today, tomorrow, 20 years from now or never. You should try to trust in what father wants for you, after all, he knows bestHail SatanMel
Obviously it would not be safe whatsoever but I wish there was just a Satanic dating service or something. I am more of the opinion that it's more realistic and safe enough to just date normal people who are without or have mild interest and ween them into accepting it in you. The thing is that it's just so hard to connect with people at a really deep level.
Jen you are just not the only one. That's it. The rest of us don't complain to this extent, but trust me we get it, it's lonely, and it's harder to keep going than we all thought when we started. But I believe in you, and I think you'll get out of this rut and you will adapt. Nobody wants to be with the person who will "just take anybody", Demons don't either. It's okay to ask, "How do you deal with loneliness?" but don't make it seem like you have lovecancer and threaten to kill yourself if we can't convince you that life is a beautiful playground. Just trust me in a while you'll look back with embarrassment at this post and see that you just hit a breaking point and that was it, it literally happens to the best of us. Just take care of yourself... you might have better luck if you do
You are being a whiny little brat. Quit it! Enki is the Lord of Aeons,
the bloody emperor of the universe. He is NOT at your beck and call!
Father Satan/Enki is not some stupid djinn, to just go 'poof' and give
you whatever you think you want/need. You are, as HPS Shannon and
others have stated, not nearly emotionally mature enough for any sort
of Daemonic relationship. Grow up, meditate a bit, then ask him. Quit
whining. As someone said, I think it was HP Baghie? Ask not what Satan
can do for you, but instead, ask what you can do for Satan. Also, you
get out of Spiritual Satanism what you put into it. To coin a Xian
maxim, Hell helps those who help themselves. Hail Father Satan always!
Hail Sorath, the One Who Burns! Hail Andras! Hail Mother Lilith! Heil
der Fuhrer! Heil Himmler! Heil Hess! Heil Der Waffen-SS!

On 2/7/19, thisisafalsealias@... [JoyofSatan666]
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
Jen you are just not the only one. That's it. The rest of us don't complain
to this extent, but trust me we get it, it's lonely, and it's harder to keep
going than we all thought when we started. But I believe in you, and I think
you'll get out of this rut and you will adapt. Nobody wants to be with the
person who will "just take anybody", Demons don't either. It's okay to ask,
"How do you deal with loneliness?" but don't make it seem like you have
lovecancer and threaten to kill yourself if we can't convince you that life
is a beautiful playground. Just trust me in a while you'll look back with
embarrassment at this post and see that you just hit a breaking point and
that was it, it literally happens to the best of us. Just take care of
yourself... you might have better luck if you do
Djinn aren't stupid. I know you just wrote that without considering what it means, but I am really tired of the fact that Jinn get such bad reputations already as it is. Please don't add to it. Thanks.
On Tuesday, April 9, 2019, 1:02:05 a.m. EDT, Allison Passino apocalypseofjon@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:

  You are being a whiny little brat. Quit it! Enki is the Lord of Aeons,
the bloody emperor of the universe. He is NOT at your beck and call!
Father Satan/Enki is not some stupid djinn, to just go 'poof' and give
you whatever you think you want/need. You are, as HPS Shannon and
others have stated, not nearly emotionally mature enough for any sort
of Daemonic relationship. Grow up, meditate a bit, then ask him. Quit
whining. As someone said, I think it was HP Baghie? Ask not what Satan
can do for you, but instead, ask what you can do for Satan. Also, you
get out of Spiritual Satanism what you put into it. To coin a Xian
maxim, Hell helps those who help themselves. Hail Father Satan always!
Hail Sorath, the One Who Burns! Hail Andras! Hail Mother Lilith! Heil
der Fuhrer! Heil Himmler! Heil Hess! Heil Der Waffen-SS!

On 2/7/19, thisisafalsealias@... [JoyofSatan666]
<[email protected] wrote:
Jen you are just not the only one. That's it. The rest of us don't complain
to this extent, but trust me we get it, it's lonely, and it's harder to keep
going than we all thought when we started. But I believe in you, and I think
you'll get out of this rut and you will adapt. Nobody wants to be with the
person who will "just take anybody", Demons don't either. It's okay to ask,
"How do you deal with loneliness?" but don't make it seem like you have
lovecancer and threaten to kill yourself if we can't convince you that life
is a beautiful playground. Just trust me in a while you'll look back with
embarrassment at this post and see that you just hit a breaking point and
that was it, it literally happens to the best of us. Just take care of
yourself... you might have better luck if you do
The fact is the enemy will try and make you feel this way.  Satan does care, however you have connected the concept of Satan's care, to this one and only thing only. And if you do not receive this one thing the way you desire right now you become demoralized from this. Satan's care is not depended this, that is the condition you have placed upon this yourself only and this is a false condition. Think about that and be well.
Apologies; I meant not that the djinn themselves are stupid or
foolish. They are not. But they *are* lesser entities. Father himself
told me. "We are NOT like the djinn. We serve a higher fire". Those
were his precise words to me on the matter, because I was confused.

On 4/12/19, curi0@... [JoyofSatan666]
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
Djinni are like the arab name for demons.
I never knew this. Thanks for the info sister.
On Fri, 12 Apr 2019, 1:53 am Magus Immortalis magus.immortalis@... [JoyofSatan666], <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Hi ed7784,
Here is a link from Wikipedia:


I know Wikipedia is not the most "scholarly" choice but this article gives a basic overview from different religions and other paths.

My understanding is that they are pre-Islamic deities/beings that are of made of "smokeless fire." I have only interacted with one class of Jinn so far, they are human sized and their lower bodies are indeed, made of  smokeless fire, tapering down to a point. They swim through the air as fish would through water. They move extremely quickly.

I'm currently reading a good book called "Legends of the Fire Spirits" by Robert Lebling. It's good; I enjoy it. It includes experiences with the Jinn, their origins, behavior. That's how far I got into it at this time. 
I'm also reading one book on magick with the Jinn. It's okay, if it's worth reading, it's NOT what to do lol. The author encourages the usage of "divine god and angelic names" so that was a real put-off and disappointment. 

I'm not an authority on the Jinn (obviously) and I wish I had more experiences with them. But I guess that comes with time. Nothing like that can be rushed.

On Thursday, April 11, 2019, 8:11:48 a.m. EDT, mageson6666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  The fact is the enemy will try and make you feel this way..  Satan does care, however you have connected the concept of Satan's care, to this one and only thing only. And if you do not receive this one thing the way you desire right now you become demoralized from this.. Satan's care is not depended this, that is the condition you have placed upon this yourself only and this is a false condition. Think about that and be well.
Allison how are you dear? So good to see one who has been here perhaps as long as I have. That messagefrom 2011 had you in it. Remember how differnt things were?

Ive been here since 2005. So that was the future but is now definetely the past. While so many have fallen away, entire groups full of people, but where are they now? Only so few have been here a while.

Some that have argued with me or have been my friends right here. Some whos names others would recognize and go oh yeah where did they go!? I can name at least 3 such people and everyone wouldget excited until i tell them i knowfor a fact they are catholic now.

Others have become anti JOS. Some names that people would never imagine doing this. Even some clergy would be shocked and dissapointed. But im not here to humiliate anyone.

Then we had ones everyone knows about. Such as the whole teloc and redtail. Who could come back if they would stop trying to create disunity.

You disappear for 2 years here and very few will know you when you get back. This happened to me. So to see one of the very few who could stand as a Satanist for so long, is very encouraging.

A message to those here today. Being a Satanist is only for the strong. Ive heard others say that I have been cursed. But ofcourse. The enemy has tried in everyway to shake me and remove me. Sometimes I lose my mind, sometimes like recently they try to turn me into a white lighter one Love spiritualist.

But the problem for them is im just too god damn stubborn. I keep coming back stronger. Thats the differnce between me and others here that have been way smarter then me, have been more talented then me and yet where are they?

For members like myself and allison, we are bull headed. You see I have hit the ground more times then I can imagine. If youre expecting the Gods to come hand you everything, think again. Or that you will just take off and excel in meditation and everything else, no.

I have failed repeatedely. I could not breathe at all for about 17 years. Thats why thegasping or coughing in my vids. I wouldhold my breath long enough to try to talk. Ive struggled with money and health. Ive slept on a hard wood floor with a pillowfor 2 months. Trying to support other satanists in person, i could have left at any time.

Weve waited years and years just for decent meditations and rituals to combat the enemy. So if you think you fail alot, then welcome to life. What matters is that you pick yourself up again. And again and again. Never surrender.

When you notice you have gone off, try again. With my birth chart and im sure many here, it says we do not come into our own till our 30s. After our first saturn return.

I have finally been rewarded with being able to breathe and freedom from the health problems. Now i understand it intricately. Its through the years of suffering that we gain wisdom.

If one cannot handle to wait and put their lives in Satans hands, then so be it, leave. You wont be the first and you wont be the last. Satan tests us and makes us stronger.

We all have the potential to be Gods and meet the Gods in 20 years. That is a very small price to pay. Even if it was 40 years. Even if you have to suffer and not get what you want. It is a small price to pay for an Eternity of getting everything you could ever imagine.

So how do we want to be known as? Children who complained our way to godhead. Or warriors that said my life is for you Satan. Direct it.
Father Satan? "Serve"? A "higher fire"? Higher than Him?

Sources please, Miss Allison.

Also, the (D)jinn are the Gods. The Djinn are not random astral or "lesser" entities, they are not elementals, they are Gods. The Gods. Our Gods.

https://exposingthelieofislam.wordpress ... inal-gods/

The word "Djinn" or "Genie" also shares a root with the word "Genius" as well, meaning "He who has great intellect/genius". This word was used to refer to the Gods in the past as well.

Please be careful about believing everything you hear from those without, brothers and sisters. Some authors may be well-intentioned but ultimately, anyone who is not a dedicated and practicing Satanist is prone to many errors. Even we are, definitely, so think about their situation. Generally, the rule of thumb is, you should process just about any physical book you find outside through your filter, as the eternal Jew will not let %100 true information be literally published in physical form in this day and age. Something can be %10 true, or %50 or even %90. But especially in the latter cases, there will always be places where there is a fatal error; like in (((Zacharia Sitchin)))'s translation of the Sumerian Tablets.

Very well said. Hail Satan!

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Saturday, April 13, 2019, 9:19 AM, aldrick.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:
  Allison how are you dear? So good to see one who has been here perhaps as long as I have. That messagefrom 2011 had you in it. Remember how differnt things were?

Ive been here since 2005. So that was the future but is now definetely the past. While so many have fallen away, entire groups full of people, but where are they now? Only so few have been here a while.

Some that have argued with me or have been my friends right here. Some whos names others would recognize and go oh yeah where did they go!? I can name at least 3 such people and everyone wouldget excited until i tell them i knowfor a fact they are catholic now.

Others have become anti JOS. Some names that people would never imagine doing this. Even some clergy would be shocked and dissapointed. But im not here to humiliate anyone.

Then we had ones everyone knows about. Such as the whole teloc and redtail. Who could come back if they would stop trying to create disunity.

You disappear for 2 years here and very few will know you when you get back. This happened to me. So to see one of the very few who could stand as a Satanist for so long, is very encouraging.

A message to those here today. Being a Satanist is only for the strong. Ive heard others say that I have been cursed. But ofcourse. The enemy has tried in everyway to shake me and remove me. Sometimes I lose my mind, sometimes like recently they try to turn me into a white lighter one Love spiritualist.

But the problem for them is im just too god damn stubborn. I keep coming back stronger. Thats the differnce between me and others here that have been way smarter then me, have been more talented then me and yet where are they?

For members like myself and allison, we are bull headed. You see I have hit the ground more times then I can imagine. If youre expecting the Gods to come hand you everything, think again.. Or that you will just take off and excel in meditation and everything else, no.

I have failed repeatedely. I could not breathe at all for about 17 years. Thats why thegasping or coughing in my vids. I wouldhold my breath long enough to try to talk. Ive struggled with money and health. Ive slept on a hard wood floor with a pillowfor 2 months. Trying to support other satanists in person, i could have left at any time.

Weve waited years and years just for decent meditations and rituals to combat the enemy. So if you think you fail alot, then welcome to life. What matters is that you pick yourself up again. And again and again. Never surrender.

When you notice you have gone off, try again. With my birth chart and im sure many here, it says we do not come into our own till our 30s. After our first saturn return.

I have finally been rewarded with being able to breathe and freedom from the health problems. Now i understand it intricately. Its through the years of suffering that we gain wisdom.

If one cannot handle to wait and put their lives in Satans hands, then so be it, leave. You wont be the first and you wont be the last. Satan tests us and makes us stronger.

We all have the potential to be Gods and meet the Gods in 20 years. That is a very small price to pay. Even if it was 40 years. Even if you have to suffer and not get what you want. It is a small price to pay for an Eternity of getting everything you could ever imagine.

So how do we want to be known as? Children who complained our way to godhead. Or warriors that said my life is for you Satan. Direct it.

No! Absolutely not. Read the Al Jawas.

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Saturday, April 13, 2019, 12:12 PM, mutlak.gercek666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:
  Father Satan? "Serve"? A "higher fire"? Higher than Him?

Sources please, Miss Allison.

Also, the (D)jinn are the Gods. The Djinn are not random astral or "lesser" entities, they are not elementals, they are Gods. The Gods. Our Gods.

https://exposingthelieofislam.wordpress ... inal-gods/

The word "Djinn" or "Genie" also shares a root with the word "Genius" as well, meaning "He who has great intellect/genius". This word was used to refer to the Gods in the past as well.

Please be careful about believing everything you hear from those without, brothers and sisters. Some authors may be well-intentioned but ultimately, anyone who is not a dedicated and practicing Satanist is prone to many errors. Even we are, definitely, so think about their situation. Generally, the rule of thumb is, you should process just about any physical book you find outside through your filter, as the eternal Jew will not let %100 true information be literally published in physical form in this day and age. Something can be %10 true, or %50 or even %90. But especially in the latter cases, there will always be places where there is a fatal error; like in (((Zacharia Sitchin)))'s translation of the Sumerian Tablets.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
