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Satan And The Baphomet

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Satan And The Baphomet

The popular symbol of Baphomet is actually taken from the astrological symbol of Capricorn the Goat Fish. The Goat Fish is the symbol of Satan in Sumeria and His symbol in the Far East the Makara.


Satan's important spiritual holiday is when the sun enters Capricorn at Yule. This sign rules the ending of the alchemical year and the being of the new year as it rules thought January. This relates to the alchemical spiritual exercises that are timed along the solar year as the sun travels thought the signs of each Zodiac and its planets and its meaning to the soul and its transformations. The symbol of the World Card in the Tarot is the Magnum Opus this is taken from the image of Mithras surrounded by the 12 signs of the constellations and how the energy is fixed. This image also puts a strong emphasis on the solar chakra the sun the solar year and its connection to all the other chakra's. Mithras is Mihr in Persian the Mihrgan or Murugan further east. The original Tarot deck of the major Arcana deck is from the Latin Alphabet not the Hebrew the deities on the cards are connected to each Latin letter. These are from the Mithraism tradition. That went underground and became the Templar's and Free Mason's. The Masonic, Templar lodge is built according to the Mithraism Temple with the hall being shown to symbolize the ladder of the planets and the stages of alchemy of the soul. Their planets and thus associated constellations. The month of January is named after the Roman God Janus who is shown in the other popular depiction of the Baphomet the double faced being. The union of the sun and moon Nadis at the center of the skull with the raising of the serpent this is the image on the Shiva linga's in the east.

As a side note the Mithraism religion allowed women as well as men within it. This has been found by the artifacts of such. They had ranks for women. This is something else the enemy has lied about.

In Hinduism the alchemical rituals to transform the 5 elements to gold is called "Pancha Makara". Capricorn is ruled by Saturn which rules the five elements and all materialization of existence the element of Saturn that of earth contains all 5 elements within itself. The Makara title is revealing its relating to Ma water, Ka ether and Ra fire. The Ying and Yang and the formless void they spring from. As well as the unification of the individual being and transformation of the five elements into the spiritual gold of the light body the Magnum Opus.

Enki as the God of the sacred or spiritual waters is the spiritual water or element of spirit. This Capricorn has to do with the full materialization of the spirit into the body that transforms the underlying energetic structure thus physical structure of the body merging it with the soul by the spirit. The ancient texts state the vibratory rate of all matter is determined by how much underlying spirit is within such. This is the key the prima matera. And turning the elements to gold. The water of life. This relates to purification of the chakra's and nadi's which allow for the increased rate of vibration or life force into the body attuning it to the new level of spiritual force. The Pranic sheath or spiritual body [Star body in western alchemy] is the key to alchemy in the east and west.

In eastern and western alchemy Saturn the Makara or Capricorn rules the Magnum Opus. The stages of Alchemy are eightfold in the west and east and it starts with Saturn in the lower octave goes thought the other planets and ends with Saturn in the higher octave the transformed being as the physicality is now perfected with the soul and the underlying energies have been transformed and fixed properly.

Note in the East the God Murugan has the Makara as His astrological sign this is Mihrgan to the Yezidhi's a title of Satan. The title of Murugan is Sanat Kumara however the fact is the name of the Makara is the five elements in Sanskrit which is SaTaNaMa. Sanat means "Eternal" but Satan means "eternal" in Sanskrit and the normal full extension of this Satan in Sanskrit is Satanama.

In the east Makara also relates to the three serpent nadi''s. Ma means "moon" and Ra means "sun" and the Ka is the central channel which relates to the element of ether. This is also what "Chakra" means the Cha stands for Chandra the moon God, Ra , Ram the sun God and the Ka is ether. This is showing the three main nadi's that come together and where they overlap it forms a energy center. Each energy center is a manifestation of the five elements. And this forms the body of the serpent God which is the human soul. The three nadi's the energy centers and Nadi's over all. And the five bodies that form around this.

Makara is relating the three Guna's that form the three Nadi's the entire being is formed around, this later becomes the Trinity in Hinduism. The Makara is the name that expresses the Highest God. Satanama is the name of God as the five elements of creation which form the concept of the Makara the five elements. Aum is the name of Ether the UM is just the extension of the A sound. Its the A on its own which is the ether element. SaTaNaMa is the full name of creation. As the Makara shows creation is the five elements. The symbol of Shiva is the five pointed star and His mantra is the five elements it should be SaTaNaMa. Sanat Kumara is the most ancient form of Shiva.

Sanat Kumara is Satanama Makara. The meaning of which is the Divine Force that takes one to Immortality and super consciousness. This is the name of God in Sanskrit the oldest language. The straight out meaning of this title condensed in Sanskrit is "The Eternal King". It should also be noted that Sanatana Dharma meaning "The Eternal Way" the name of the ancient religion is actually Satanama Dharma to express this concept. The enemy has been in the east and has altered things drastically over the last several thousand years like everywhere else.

The Mysteries of Mithras, Payam Nabarz
The Guardians of the Holy Grail, Mark Pinkham
So where does the Vernal Equinox with Aries the Ram factor into these stages of Alchemy in which the working of Magnum Opus is supposed to begin?
It is obvious that the eight sabbats of witchcraft go along with the eight stages of alchemy.

"The stages of alchemy are eightfold"
I don't know if its true or not but I've heard before that the Baphomet actually derives from European horned god tradition. For example the God Cernunnos. And Odin for example is sometimes surrounded by the same animals as Mithras. So it may be that some of these things cross pollinated from other parts of Europe into the Roman empire and other places.


"Through anthropological research one can trace the line of horned god prototypes back to Paleolithic times. The earliest known representation of such a figure is found painted on the interior walls of the Caverne des Trois Freres in Ariege, France and dates to the late Paleolithic period...…..However what of the horned Gods of northern Europe? The most prevalent horned deity is Cernunnos. His image dates back as far as 20,000 years ago and was worshipped in pre-christian Gaul. The Gundestrup cauldron from Denmark features a stag-horned God believed to be Cernunnos. The cauldron dates back to the second-first century BCE."

Banmaskim666 said:
I don't know if its true or not but I've heard before that the Baphomet actually derives from European horned god tradition. For example the God Cernunnos. And Odin for example is sometimes surrounded by the same animals as Mithras. So it may be that some of these things cross pollinated from other parts of Europe into the Roman empire and other places.


"Through anthropological research one can trace the line of horned god prototypes back to Paleolithic times. The earliest known representation of such a figure is found painted on the interior walls of the Caverne des Trois Freres in Ariege, France and dates to the late Paleolithic period...…..However what of the horned Gods of northern Europe? The most prevalent horned deity is Cernunnos. His image dates back as far as 20,000 years ago and was worshipped in pre-christian Gaul. The Gundestrup cauldron from Denmark features a stag-horned God believed to be Cernunnos. The cauldron dates back to the second-first century BCE."


The ancient name of Cernunnos is Kermunnos, I believe the Munnos root is related to the representations of the Horned God in other ancient cultures such as King Minos and the Minotaur of Minoic Greece, the Min or Menu God of Egypt and the Bull God of Phoenicians Milcom or Miloch.
Wotanwarrior said:
Banmaskim666 said:
I don't know if its true or not but I've heard before that the Baphomet actually derives from European horned god tradition. For example the God Cernunnos. And Odin for example is sometimes surrounded by the same animals as Mithras. So it may be that some of these things cross pollinated from other parts of Europe into the Roman empire and other places.


"Through anthropological research one can trace the line of horned god prototypes back to Paleolithic times. The earliest known representation of such a figure is found painted on the interior walls of the Caverne des Trois Freres in Ariege, France and dates to the late Paleolithic period...…..However what of the horned Gods of northern Europe? The most prevalent horned deity is Cernunnos. His image dates back as far as 20,000 years ago and was worshipped in pre-christian Gaul. The Gundestrup cauldron from Denmark features a stag-horned God believed to be Cernunnos. The cauldron dates back to the second-first century BCE."


The ancient name of Cernunnos is Kermunnos, I believe the Munnos root is related to the representations of the Horned God in other ancient cultures such as King Minos and the Minotaur of Minoic Greece, the Min or Menu God of Egypt and the Bull God of Phoenicians Milcom or Miloch.

The evolution of the word doesnt matter, when the image, therefore the idea entirely, is said to predate it all and come from Europe. I think its important too because I think the baphomet is a terrible way to illustrate the point which it is supposed to convey. And Im glad every time some normie comes along and metaphorically kicks the baphomet over.

Just do a focus group filled with normies. Baphomet couldnt get elected dog catcher. Everybody hates it. And if it ever had a good use, its been stared at for so long by disgusting leftist pedos, that it will never shake off its negative charge. And I don't know why people continue to use some of these things, which clearly people have an aversion to. The don't like you bedtime story why keep repeating it?

Really, if I were to do some Freudian or Jungian style analysis I think it would say that its a totem for people that fap to Bruce Jenner which was concocted in the 1600's version of Liberal Hollywood. If this place gets nuked, and we land on a new planet in space ships, and then ignorant masses start to blossom, I would never concoct such a tool to teach people with.

I think part of the problem here too, is that much of this imagery comes from groups like the Freemasons and others. And all they do is throw pieces into a giant occult crock pot. A little Egypt, a little Rome, a little India. So you get bizzare nonsense that doesnt sit right with people. And obviously its easier to corrupt rootless ever changing teachings, and insert your own subconscious jewishness.

People advance faster if the have roots. If they have had one culture and one narrative. It gets into the blood, and maybe they have even heard the teachings and stories in previous lifetimes. They can quickly see into the deeper meanings of these symbols and teachings. It introduces dissonence in people when suddenly some guy from Poland has to switch gears from Grimm Fairy Tales/Wotan to Quetzylcoatl. I think this is very deliberate. And it needs to end, and we will not have a strong white race if we continue to ingest occult globalism. Its more for people of a certain level to later on see the connections. But its like destructive spiritual race mixing when we have a Pantheon from 65 cultures.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
