slyscorpion said:
Remember while I doubt a Jew can use Sanskrit like this without killing itself within a short time span even if they follow the procedure correctly there are gentiles fully on the enemy side with full knowledge of what they are doing. I remember seeing that post by ghost in the machine before where he mentioned this it’s hard for me personally to believe someone can know the truth about everything and how Satan created us and choose to help the Reptillians feed off of and enslave humanity knowingly but apparently there is some group like this somewhere he talked about that. I still haven’t found that to be honest id like to see this for myself cause I am still skeptical but I use it as an example of the kind of people that would love to use this against us.
I'm not going to link or lead anyone to anything related to such disgusting traitors because it's just corrupting garbage, and if you ever do find anything related to it I would suggest you don't either. I refuse to expose any of our members, especially those who are young and vulnerable to manipulation and influence to such trash.
The reason these brain-dead 'gentiles' slavishly worship and turn to the enemy's side whilst knowing the full truth is for a variety of retarded reasons. They think it's cool, they think it's their purpose, they think it's their 'fate' or some other gross mentally ill justification. Movies, media and tv shows controlled by the enemy make serial killers, murderers, twisted villains and all that ilk seem cool and awesome, so these people (the majority are teenagers and kids) who are so easily influenced by such think it's cool to betray their own creator and family.
They probably think the enemy is going to give them something out of it or revere them, reward them or some other shit that they 6 gorillion percent will not do at all. The enemy manipulates these people, of which a few used to be our own members in the past. The enemy tells them what they want to hear, promises them shit or psychically influences them. I've experienced this myself of which I mentioned it in an older post of mine. While dreaming I was suddenly made lucid and was astrally pulled into this grey coloured building called "Angel's Keep". They were trying to give me some "important mission" to destroy something related to the Satanic Path. They were really feeding my ego at the time, trying to make me feel special and important.
That's just what they do, they prey upon your vulnerabilities or what they think will get to you the most and then they will use it to try and manipulate or trick you. This didn't work like they intended as I was about to attack them so I was thrown back into my body and woke up. I've left out some unimportant details but that's the gist of how the enemy tries to get a hold of these people to join their side. And unfortunately, sometimes it works.
Let it be known there is a 'special' place for gentile traitors when they die. They will suffer greatly for their transgressions and believe me when I say they suffer still even in their slavish worship to the enemy. And when they realize how awful it is to be on the enemy's side finding out that they are but a pawn, they'll also realize they've damned themselves with nobody to turn to. They will be bombarded by attack after attack by the enemy, and no guardian demon or any of the gods will help them.
Satan will not accept them back.