He was a psychopathic piece of shit, who committed unspeakable heinous crimes including atrocities against Kurds, against Shias, against many many people, including women and children....atrocities during the Iraq-Iran war which he started with with the blessing of the US, when he was the buttbuddy of the neo-cons, his invasion of Kuwait, and how after he was kicked out he set 700 oil wells on fire out of spite, polluting the persian gulf, polluting the air and killing so much wildlife and causing health problems for people, the torture, rape, amputations, eye gouging stories, if only a quarter of it is true then it's bad enough, and frankly studying the guy's history and character, it doesn't seem that far-fetched.
The fact that neocons hated his guts and marked him for destruction for their own geopolitical goals, doesn't magically transform him into a good guy, the enemy of my enemy isn't necessarily my friend, yes we are and we were against the Iraq war, which was just another proxy war for the greater israel project, but let's not make a saint out of loser Saddam.