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Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012

Over all these years, the reason we have been warning people to get themselves to meditate, are for strong reasons of safety and prosperity. The universe has laws, and these unalienable laws are the reason for this.

Yes, I know, most of the world right now, is in this bubble where most people literally spend 10 years trying to articulate the most stupid subjects. But there is this thing that can happen in this world and it's that one day, bad things arrive.

World events DO NOT display a positive direction. I don't want to bring anything like this in front of anyone, but if I do not, then one might be unprepared. I am not a politician that asks to get elected because of lying to you and tells you there are sweet rainbows that we all can eat in the skies.

We must live with responsibility of others in mind, and do what our powers allowed to help our own.

When these situations arrive, people have almost nothing to hang onto, except of their own inner strength. The thing I hate the the most is to be the harbinger of bad news. But the way this world is going, if one doesn't say this, then one is a liar.

I have a hard time relating the Truth to a world that is literally swimming on lies all day. Nowadays, people even lie to themselves about their literal "gender studies, muh reddit, muh whatever pointless drivel insert 2022 dogshit here". We live in a stupid world where every stupidity is taken "seriously", and such a world cannot fare into anywhere positive.

We have went on the far end with all of this as a civilization, and we have become weak. The enemy's moves are onto a weakening and stupid population, and they know it.

The above disallows me for short-term optimism, but I have long-term optimism. What do I mean by this? We will grow as a world out of this process.

But until we get there, there will be suffering as we have explained. HPS Maxine did not come to tell you these things for nothing years ago. She also spoke about the ever rising potentiality of a large scale war, created by the enemy to keep people distracted.

Objectively speaking, as the Globalists are now without any political opposition, one can reasonably assume they have already agreed to either do this or do other worse things, that might have to do with borderline war, but might include all the ramifications of a war.

The last 2 years we lived, paralleled a war a great deal. Now, the escalation of this in world affairs brings us closer to this event which clearly nobody desires to happen.

The echoes of war will now start mobilizing people into action and what is worthwhile out of this mess of the human species will wake up.

Satan and the Gods provide a gateway out of this, and the reason they place so much emphasis on meditation and advancement of the spirit, is not because of them, but because of you. Of course, most people deny these things until disaster hits the door. By the time the disaster hits, it is already too late in most cases.

We can see nothing out of the ordinary or expected from the enemy in the events in Ukraine. After brutalizing the planet with the exaggerated flu, we also have this other part of the agenda which is their final frontier: To cause wars.

I told you months ago, that the fiscal ramifications this exaggerated hoaxing would bring, is clash of Nations. The clashes happen in these times through fake and unsubstantiated pretexts.

Has not HPS Maxine told you for years this would occur at their maximum exposure? We have told you, and this is where we are. We are literally sitting on the edge of a sharpened sword here.

Regardless this is not a "we told you so" type of post, because this is of not much importance now. I hope people have prepared with meditation and have bolstered the spiritual defence on them. What is important is for every Satanist, in relation to the Nations involved in wars, to get out of:

1. Potential war zones [Ukraine/Russia border cities ESPECIALLY] and places of interest for wars. It might not be a certainty one might get killed there, but abuse or mental damages will incur if one stays there.

These of interest would include capitals [in certain places related in the next paragraphs], borders, places where power plants or other things that might be interesting for wars [such as energy plants] are present.

2. If you get drafted or anything, we cannot reasonably advise you to go to the front. I cannot reasonably advise an SS to go die over the enemy induced mess.

Under other circumstances, I would also go first and foremost, as I don't want to live in a world where people have only wars over their "gender studies, muh social media, muh muh muh" and other absolutely worthless "It's 2022" nonsense. I would prefer death over the dishonour of seeing my civilization collapse into the bullshit that it is actively going into.

There is also currently, no moral, spiritual, or any other form of importance in this "war like" events. In other words, sacrificing one's life and the potential of you becoming a spiritual being that can help actively through the JoS to turn this situation around, is not a good trade.

Any "War" and similar circumstances the enemy is bringing up, will be for no reason other than the beefs of the Jewish Globalists, or the Great Reset of Klaus. I will die for the Gods, our side, and for a better world, or for my people and the chance to get a better world, NOT for the enemy to get a quick laugh on our people getting into a meat grinder.

In order for us to win in the long term, our precious people have to live. We are few and handful, like gold inside a sea of dust. How many in this world can do an RTR? Not many. How many at the same time can hold a gun? Basically most people.

Any Satanist must refuse the trade off of their own life for this jewish worldwide mess, by any means necessary. We must live to destroy the enemy and make things better, so these terrible events like these wars become a thing of the past through us.

With Spiritual Satanism, there IS hope to bring the boat around, and we have been doing this. Our lives are therefore precious and valuable. If you are forced to participate into any of this, stay out of anything that might kill you.

Therefore: No matter what happens, focus on LIVING through it. The rest is mere details in situations like this. Our ancestors have been through x100 times worse and they survived. We can, too.

3. There is only one rule of thumb in wars and war-like situations. The mere idea is to survive. Do not think about the premium food of your jellyfish and other bimbo nonsense. Have your head on the ground. The people who are like this in wars are the first to die. Sacrifices for life are a necessity.

4. The Nations involved are run by the jews. Therefore, you must be the first vector of your support, with your family and maybe close friends. But believe nothing and have faith only in your own primary help. Expect little help from them.

To give an even more bitter pill, the Jewish Yamulke wearing jew that runs Ukraine, is clearly incompetent and will likely allow it all to slide. Clearly, his reign is going to be over in Ukraine.

Ukraine's best bet is it's own military and it's own people, which unfortunately, will also be under terrible presidential guidance.

To go one step further, I have a difficult time thinking the Jew who was at the center of attacking Trump and doing all these scandals, isn't literally a jew that has been commanded on exactly what to do in order for Ukraine to experience major damage.

If the situation escalates, I cannot see easily that Ukraine will fare good under this kike's leadership. Even NATO cannot reasonably protect from the mess of a state president. One cannot reasonably expect a positive outcome out of this, nor I can be falsely optimistic that it will all go very well.

5. Money should NOT stay into banks at this time, if you are in an afflicted area. Only keep what is necessary for your digital transactions. In many places in Europe, people are so stupid that they are only using digital cash now. This is great and all, but if situations move past a point, "Digital" might go off the window for a while.

If you have a "Savings" and you are in the affected areas, go and withdraw, but do it carefully [to avoid the potential of being robbed]. Go very early in the morning, earlier than anyone, as there will be lines and lines of people in banks if this occurs. If you are first in this, you will save your life.

The rest should be on cash and on your hands. Banks can confiscate money during these periods, or lock things. Nothing can lock cash, and no matter how far this goes, it will be necessary to have cash.

When the situation calms down, then you can put your money back, after you are certain that the situation is again safe.

6. Arrange priorities and move if necessary. When I tell people in the areas of danger to move away, until things cool off, that is so that you don't wake up in one morning and have to make a choice of your life over other things you might leave behind. The worst outcome of any choice is to give out your life.

Good areas to live by in these times: Areas where hospitals are nearby, tourist places where there is literally no regional or tactical importance in a Nation, remote villages,
and if you stay in any Capital
, not close to Governmental buildings, as coups and other things like this might occur.

7. For those in neighbouring countries such as Poland, Sweden, Finland and so on - you need to be on edge and have a plan to leave/relocate *IF* the situation further escalates. If you are already in a safe place, then do not worry. It won't happen in like one day, but you must be check the news and see what is going on actively. Be AWARE during this time and don't be caught in your own sleep.

8. Spiritual disciplines relating to protection and cleaning must be done x3 during this time. I cannot overemphasize the importance of these. If you have these, even if you find yourself in a disaster situation, you might get saved.

9. Lastly, before anyone panics and thinks the end is here, it is NOT here, and this is NOT the end. In other words, life, even during wars, continues, but on very high difficulty, lock-downs, a lot of pressure, and enduring a lot of loss. The closer to the epicentre, the worse.

Works do continue, jobs continue, existence continues. How one must imagine this is like the Quarantine but on x10 steroids. Except, compared to a weak bullshit flu, you are sheltered in place for actual dangers.

I will address every question I can to the best of my ability in the comments section.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
siatris666 said:
i have relatives & expats in ukraine. what should i do? can i do anything?

Give them a call and basically tell them the things in the post but not exactly as they are written.

If you see that they are flabbergasted or in full denial mode, insist that they remain AWARE and have their mind open to a situation where they might need to evacuate the place.

Do aura of protection copiously on them.
Should people on the other end of Europe be worried? Not right now of course, but if this escalates other countries will get drawn into this to support NATO... I suspect my country will do business as usual until bombs start dropping nearby... it is barely in the news here, I have to work a full time job, I have to go to school afterwards. Not sure how I am going to pull off these auras of protection, I can barely keep up with my own. I know I am very safe, but worried about my family.

I have asked this on the other thread but you probably did not see it, I know is the worst case scenario but in a full blown (possible nuclear) world war, the grid most likely will go down. Do we have a plan? Or we just keep working on the soul as best as we possibly can and keep doing the FRTR?
Sorry, I like to hope for the best but prepare for the worst... I try to not dwell much on this but it is still a possibility.
Firstly I want to say I'm sorry to all the people caught up living in Ukraine and surrounding areas forced into this situation. I have friends with family there, I can only hope they get out safely. Please know I will be keeping you in my thoughts and doing workings for your safety when I can.

I remember telling my parents about this and they laughed at me.

I heard via the news Putin said he was doing this, partially, to "denazify" Ukraine, in his own words. It's not a surprise, but is this true? Can anyone confirm this?

I have intuition that while I agree this may serve as a distraction, the results of war are concequences that the jews highly desire as well. As mentioned here too. These things keep a population under control for the most part. The economy has already been squeezed by coronavirus, a war on top of that, in my limited knowledge and opinion, could be disastrous.
Footage of American corrospondence is kind of sad, although admirable... it's like watching a little brother asking a big brother to stop hitting somebody. They might get involved, but it seems half hearted.

It is interesting because I keep seeing people saying essentially it's their last card in their deck of sorts. When the enemy has so much power currently, how can we be so sure?

I can't help but wonder if China will take advantage of this situation as they are war-wanting as well. Perhaps they have not done anything yet because they were waiting for this.

I know we will get through this. I know we will prevail. I know there are hardships ahead and more struggles. I truly have no idea what's next. But, despite what we're seeing, despite what I've seen in my life, despite everything that's happened, I still believe in people doing what is right. I believe in the Gods, I believe in Father Satan, I believe in you all, and everyone will be in my heart and soul until the end. Despite our differences we must work together to overcome these dark days. I hope I can rely on you and you can rely on me.
Dear HP Hooded Cobra! Please tell me what you think of this theory: the whole situation reminds me of WWI, when Germany had territorial claims against other countries. In that war Germany was defeated and then the humiliating Treaty of Versailles was concluded. Then came revolution and protracted cataclysms. But after that came the 3rd Reich and the rise of Adolf Hitler.
Now the situation is almost the same, only now Russia is acting as Germany. In that case there is a good chance that history will repeat itself, only now with Russia, and that the 4th Reich will come from Russia???

Now chronologically we are living through the First World War, only in place of Germany is Russia?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

High Priest, What kind of ideology do you think we national socialists should follow in such a war? Should we wait and see what happens?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Hp I live in Turkey, do you think the war will come in Turkey? If so, what can I do spiritually to protect my country in war? Should I create thoughtform?
I am very glad to have the Joy of Satan at this time, and to have a powerful, knowledgeable leader like yourself to support us in times like these, to be a voice of reason and clarity during moments as confusing or tragic, shocking or sudden like this.

Thank you for being here to lead and advice us, HP HoodedCobra.

I wish all our SS brothers and sisters in affected or potentially affected areas to remain safe and well protected, as well their relatives and loved ones as much as possible.

Use your spiritual gifts more than ever now to protect yourself, your home and your loved ones. Remain aware, mentally calm and collected as much as possible and do what is necessary for your survival. Rationale and Wisdom comes above Emotion in times like this.

I'm looking forward to the group ritual to help all our SS brothers and sisters.

Be safe everyone!

Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
My country, Italy, is not near the epicenter of this conflict, luckily. Although, as Italy and Europe import gas and grain from Russia and Ukraine, we too shall suffer an economic crisis due to this bullshit.
Is there any particular advice for Europeans overall? I'm thinking about buying as much food as I can before the prices skyrocket. I am worried about gas prices too, they're already crazy.
Of course this is nothing compared to what people of Ukraine shall go through, but I still wanna prepare.

I wish every Ukrainian and Russian SS, good luck. Even if more than luck you need spiritual strength.

I've been doing jack shit as SS for a lot of time lately, so I know that this, even if minimally, is partially my fault too, like every person who does nothing to save this world. Looking at what is happening right now, I don't have the luxury anymore to be so dumb and I will start again doing everything I can as SS. Fuck my fears. Is there any rituals schedule starting soon for this?
Is the meme of nuclear war something to be concerned about? I see the masses already fearmongering about the possibility. I worry sometimes if even our own here having the attitude of disliking or hating this world leads to things like this being more likely. It was an idea that came to my head a while ago, that made me worry about my own hate when I see the absolute worst of the NPCs and just waiting for an end.
This Putin being the Hitler of the 21 century is laughable.
The thing is Oil reserves are low globally.
And they want to implement the digital currency. For this they want the collapse of the banking system. Expect cyber attacks on and from Russia.
Thank you for bringing this kind of information to light.

You mentioned that bordering countries could potentially be affected. Japan and South Korea border Russia too, even though it's in the other direction... should we be vigilant, as well?

Can't help but be at least a little bit concerned.
Soul Wings said:
I heard via the news Putin said he was doing this, partially, to "denazify" Ukraine
This is a jewish war, there are no Nazis in both sides, the media often speaks of Ukranian "Neo Nazis" but those are groups that are literally founded by Israel, they were creating pretexts for the war to happen.

Elvira666 said:
and that the 4th Reich will come from Russia???
How would that happen? This is a jewish war on both fronts, Putin is a jew from his mother's side, he could've been a literal rabbi, the ukranian president is also a kike who most likely also wants war. This war is nothing but one of the pretexts for the great reset to happen, like covid was, and how any future pandemic or war or cyberattack or whatever will be.
This isn't the first time they do this of course. When Hitler exposed them they did the same. Lets make sure this time it will backfire on their ugly reptilian heads... the Gods have given us the most powerfull weapon, the RtR !
I had been shown about this in the past and I think many others as well. Also JoS been saying these things decades ago. The number one fact is that the Gods know, care and protect our own. Have no fear but be aware and stay safe.

This is just the beginning, besides this other calamities around all of the world will happen. Stay strong and survive. If any of SS are in military and active now there, it is what it is, have principles and act as safely and humanly as possible.

Hail Satan!
I just saw that Pootin has started it's attack on Ukraine. This is now a war.
Brothers and Sisters in the area, and places of danger, be strong and stay alive whatever it takes. The Gods are with you.

This is one of the rare times I'm glad to be living in South Africa. Even in the most horrible outcome of a third world war we most probably will not be involved, unless some bastard president sees it as an opportunity to attack in which case we could be in serious trouble, as our military is absolutely pathetic.
OhNoItsMook said:
Thank you for bringing this kind of information to light.

You mentioned that bordering countries could potentially be affected. Japan and South Korea border Russia too, even though it's in the other direction... should we be vigilant, as well?

Can't help but be at least a little bit concerned.

Chances are this will remain neutral on this region. I don't think either of these Nations has any real incentive to enter a war.

Regardless, do not take this as a final reply.
Elvira666 said:
Dear HP Hooded Cobra! Please tell me what you think of this theory: the whole situation reminds me of WWI, when Germany had territorial claims against other countries. In that war Germany was defeated and then the humiliating Treaty of Versailles was concluded. Then came revolution and protracted cataclysms. But after that came the 3rd Reich and the rise of Adolf Hitler.
Now the situation is almost the same, only now Russia is acting as Germany. In that case there is a good chance that history will repeat itself, only now with Russia, and that the 4th Reich will come from Russia???

Now chronologically we are living through the First World War, only in place of Germany is Russia?

Germany isn't Russia and Putin isn't Hitler.

Hitler didn't want any war to begin with. Between the US and Russia, the main problem now is resources, and Europe is also involved there.

Additionally, there is no real ideological undercurrent in anything right now, let alone Putin's Government or the United States. Like there is no ideology in this whatsoever. That is a merchant war.

WW2 was in particular an ideological war, before all else, with the clash of the Free World versus the idea of Communism.

The United States allied itself with the wrong side, thinking Hitler would be the issue. They paid the price for this culturally and in every other way. We lived to see the endless exploitation this resulted into, then the Cold War. The US lost a portion of it's future because of this, since Communism subverted the fabric of it to a great extent as Yuri Bezmenov explained.

Decades were spent trying to mitigate the crazy Communist Stalin.

Now, this war is over territorial and resource reasons. It is also because of fiscal reasons. There is really nothing ideological in it, past the bloodshed the Jew World Order wants to issue, but also to shake the world to it's foundations.

Macellaio(Kasap) said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

High Priest, What kind of ideology do you think we national socialists should follow in such a war? Should we wait and see what happens?

Personally, I would not follow any mainstream "political ideology" in the current state of affairs. For infiltration purposes [for those who think of this] one can go in either side if this:

1. Will help secure life of people of our race and continents
2. Will help promote a sounder world based on freedom
3. Will help, even as temporary band aid, to avert crisis.

Look, we are men. I know we might find ourselves into military fronts and all of this. Others here work in the military profession. We must refuse to be subjected to this fate, because chances of death will be extremely high. They will be exponentially higher than WW1, if push comes to shove.

At this rate, with only the enemy bastions in power, and mutually corrupt ideologies on both left and right of the pacific, I cannot say we must follow any ideology.

Our only "Ideology" right now should be to do our Rituals and care for our people, the world and our blood to continue. This however extends past the current borders and political affairs.

I do still believe the United States, is ideologically superior, based on freedom, human rights and so on. Yet the recent violations of all of these, should make us really alarmed. The Judeocracy there is very powerful.

A few days ago I lost many hopes of the West after Trudaeu the pencil neck infected Canada with his useless emergency powers, to merely stop protests of people he has serially abused and whose life he will destroy with his mandates.

At the same time, while Russia has nothing to offer in that regard, Russia still retains healthier disposition towards existence, as in, they don't invest in eternal sissydom and gender studies, which eventually all amount of subversion. That is the only redeeming quality here.

But the undertones of a post Communist rule are strongly inside the Russian thinking here and the political thought. The Judeocracy here is present in that it will be again start promoting Communism and Russia is also run by Jews.

Keb said:
Hp I live in Turkey, do you think the war will come in Turkey? If so, what can I do spiritually to protect my country in war? Should I create thoughtform?

Turkey has a high likelihood of involvement if we go into full scale confrontation that will be literally a war. Turkey might assault Russia, or the other way around. To get attacked by Russia is high unlikely, but the internal unrest in Turkey might create a negative situation which Erdogan might find an opportunity to join into war.

Theoretically speaking, Turkey is obligated to act against Russia, because of NATO, even if this is by sending military to defend Ukraine or other NATO allied countries. But whether or not they will do this or want to get that much involved, or to what degree, is not yet clear.

There is no way one can protect the whole Nation with a though-form. That is beyond one person's power or the universe and world would collapse upon it's head.

The best policy right now is that we do Spiritual Warfare and follow the Schedules, and let the Gods handle the rest.

Some situations, frankly, are in the hands of the Gods, since those in power are all into a frenzy right now.
promitheusS88 said:
This isn't the first time they do this of course. When Hitler exposed them they did the same. Lets make sure this time it will backfire on their ugly reptilian heads... the Gods have given us the most powerfull weapon, the RtR !

This comment is exactly what this is. Hitler then exposed them, and the people paid regionally - now the Internet and information exposed them, and they want people to pay globally.

Their war is therefore now against all of human beings in more than one ways.
SleepingWolf said:
Is the meme of nuclear war something to be concerned about? I see the masses already fearmongering about the possibility. I worry sometimes if even our own here having the attitude of disliking or hating this world leads to things like this being more likely. It was an idea that came to my head a while ago, that made me worry about my own hate when I see the absolute worst of the NPCs and just waiting for an end.

I do not believe any world power would use Nuclear, let alone continue this. The large scale use of this will merely defeat the purpose of any and all wars.

But there might be brutal warfare even by all conventional means, weather alterations, modern technologies and other things of this nature.

Nuclear is the end of it all it's not merely a "war" anyone can win. Russia, China and US have enough Nuclear to nuke all of earth 10 times over.
Do you think Iran will also be involved in the war? And is it true that Iran was the center of civilization and knowledge?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Elvira666 said:

Hello HP! What about Central Asian countries, such as Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan? Can these countries get involved in the war if things escalate? Should people living there be concerned??
erick_erick said:
Do you think Iran will also be involved in the war? And is it true that Iran was the center of civilization and knowledge?

Hello. Are you Iranian? Didnt expect to meet any Iranian here. Strange.
Also. I personally dont think Iran could be involved. The Mullahs ( aka jews in disguise) are too busy robbing the Nation to buy the danger of getting involved.
I am Hungarian. It is possible that by tonight Russia will be a neighbouring state. I have been prepping for two years (as much as my opportunities allow). Unfortunately, I started late, there is still a lot to do, but my financial situation does not allow it. I'm not prepared for hard times, and meditation won't help with protection against crime, hunger, etc. Hungary has high inflation, crime is getting worse, and I'm a law doctor earning a measly minimum wage because most of the jobs require vaccination against covid.

At the end of last year, I completed the 47-day meditation programme (the 40-day programme was supplemented by the opening of the sixth chakra). I had planned to start RTR, but I am enervated because my life is hopeless in all aspects. Since completing the 47 day meditation program, I have been doing these 3 practices once a day: aura clearing, aura of protection, void meditation.

I have no strength, the situation is hopeless and things are not moving forward. What do you suggest?
To those who want to take their black magick up a notch while doing RTRs i myself used Algiz for protection and Thurisaz for bolstering the destruction of my RTR. It helped a lot. I definitely felt it. Now would be a good time to be more serious about our work especially with the Ukraine situation.
I hope nothing will happen in Poland.

All SS from Ukraine, stay safe.
I don't have enough money to buy the Bitcoin while i knew this situation would happen. I've started only recently (12 days ago) a 40 days work to obtain more money. Should I continue with the working? Also, I feel guilty because I keep getting obstructed during both my progresses and my RTR by everyone and everything around me.
I never deluded myself by firmly believing that large scale conflict wouldn't happen.

As far as our duty goes, Satan is our Commander In Chief. Our struggle this time, is worldwide.

I look forward to the next schedule.

Victory or Valhalla!
The NATO leader said that there would be no Military action action Russia and Joe Biden already said at the beginning of the conflict that Americans would not enter the war. Currently NATO is making a theater sending all these troops to neighbouring countries as if thats going to do anthing. This is because Ukraine is not a part of NATO and therefore the article 5 Suicide Pact of all out war cannot be triggered even if Putin razes Kiev to the ground.

All this is theater. Biden admitted today that the sanctions were going to hurt the Americans and the Europeans worse than the Russians. Also another thing to note is that Vladamir Putin is a puppet of Klaus Schwab as he studied under him in the Young Global Leaders School side by side with Angela Merkel ,and Putin is also corrupt as it came out with the Panama Papers.

What this all leads to is that a controlled military war in Ukraine can be blamed for the Destruction of the US dollar in the future. Because as Scwab writes,in order for the Great Reset to go forward the United States must lose its world Reserve Currency Power.

So when the economy collapses they can say "Its not that we printed those trillions of dollars in that Fake Coronavirus Hoax. Its actually because of these Sanctions with Russia that did it."

This then discredits Parliamentary democracy and then Liberal cities like California and Los Angeles etc can vote to enter the United States Debt moratorium program to survive hyperinflation. The catch ? Vaccine passports, Digital Chips ,and Stakeholder Capitalism.

This crisis offers Nationalists an oppurtunity of a lifetime. The Republican cities can be do or die with their own protection of their borders even after hyperinflation by adopting Bitcoin or Gold as their currency. Because the United States Government is going to collapse in the future ,possible between 2024 and 2026.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
7. For those in neighbouring countries such as Poland, Sweden, Finland and so on - you need to be on edge and have a plan to leave/relocate *IF* the situation further escalates. If you are already in a safe place, then do not worry. It won't happen in like one day, but you must be check the news and see what is going on actively. Be AWARE during this time and don't be caught in your own sleep.
No, whatever happens, I stay in Estonia. We need to resist those neocommunist from Russia not run away like cowards.
Dark Lawyer said:
I am Hungarian. It is possible that by tonight Russia will be a neighbouring state. I have been prepping for two years (as much as my opportunities allow). Unfortunately, I started late, there is still a lot to do, but my financial situation does not allow it. I'm not prepared for hard times, and meditation won't help with protection against crime, hunger, etc. Hungary has high inflation, crime is getting worse, and I'm a law doctor earning a measly minimum wage because most of the jobs require vaccination against covid.

At the end of last year, I completed the 47-day meditation programme (the 40-day programme was supplemented by the opening of the sixth chakra). I had planned to start RTR, but I am enervated because my life is hopeless in all aspects. Since completing the 47 day meditation program, I have been doing these 3 practices once a day: aura clearing, aura of protection, void meditation.

I have no strength, the situation is hopeless and things are not moving forward. What do you suggest?
What you are doing now is very little and should be increased. How much time per day you can use for spiritual practices? I suggest breathing exercises and physical yoga to be added to your routine at the very least or else your advancement will drag on unneccessarily long. There are more than those, but like I said 'at the very least'.
So... x2 FINAL RTR/Tetragrammaton/Shattering jewish soul? Or x3?
Templarmkd said:
This Putin being the Hitler of the 21 century is laughable.
The thing is Oil reserves are low globally.
And they want to implement the digital currency. For this they want the collapse of the banking system. Expect cyber attacks on and from Russia.

you can bet their will be more (muh putin bes like hitlers goyims not use brain an trusts us)im sure the reptiles are doing everything in their power to smear hitler as much as they can, they will soon come for any truths anyone has about him im sure,cant wait till the reptilian jews are exposed fully as reptilian
Henu the Great said:
What you are doing now is very little and should be increased. How much time per day you can use for spiritual practices? I suggest breathing exercises and physical yoga to be added to your routine at the very least or else your advancement will drag on unneccessarily long. There are more than those, but like I said 'at the very least'.

Thank you for your reply. I have time, but no energy. Specifically, how does yoga and breathing practice help a life gone wrong with bad choices? And how does it help a broken world? This is never discussed on this forum, I only read generalities about how yoga and meditation "make everything better". Meanwhile everything is getting worse, just look around.

In Hungary, the psychopathic rogue prime minister is blackmailing the population with vaccination without any hindrance, the price of everything is going up, and "incidentally" a war has broken out in the neighbourhood. Unfortunately I don't see the success of RTRs, the war won't stop and bread won't get cheaper.

I'm sorry. I'm angry at myself for ruining my life with my previous decisions. And I don't understand how spiritual practices can correct such specific failures. And the whole world keeps getting shit poured on it. So I can't move forward in anything, even if my aura gets brighter.
Is there a chance that this is a distraction or ploy to introduce the new ''virus variant'' that ''spread because of the war'' and enforce the mandates/vaccines or come up with new vaccines?

I can't help but wonder about the convenience of the timing. I have seen many people talking about their lives slowly improving or even starting to doubt if they should get new ''boosters''.

Even my full time NPC x-tian father who was one of the first to get the vaccine TWICE started to say he won't be getting the third shot.

So maybe this will last for a few months long enough for the new ''destructive virus'' preparations to be set and then all of a sudden some pseudo-pacifist organization (you know what I am talking about, I don't want to type their name) will interfere for a truce and then lockdowns will be enforced again?
I'd like to bring this back.

2020-2021 and the War question
As for the USA chart, I have always used the 2:17 am version. This has been highly accurate, not only through researching historical events, but also the 911 everything recent. Benjamin Franklin who was a Satanist, had the Declaration signed at that time, as he was an astrologer. I know history has been altered and rewritten. There are quite a few notable astrologers who also use the 2:17 version and swear by it. Do some research on your own and you will se what I mean.

The solar return for the USA in 1941 had Mars at 1 degree of Aries [exceptionally critical], placed in the SR first house, intercepted. The SR ascendant for that year was at 24 of Pisces, aligning with SR Saturn at 24 of Taurus, conjunct fixed star of extreme violence Caput Algol. SR Saturn was in conjunction with SR Uranus.
The attacks on Pearl Harbor were sudden, unexpected and by surprise. Uranus is the planet of the unexpected, and the sudden. SR ruler Neptune at 25 of Virgo conjunct SR descendant also tied in. Transiting Jupiter was exactly in conjunction with USA chart co-ruler Uranus and USA chart ascendant. This influenced a favorable outcome and acted as a protective influence. There are many more indications of war in the solar return. I have to cut this a bit short here, as I don‟t have time.

Mars is always involved regarding war, as it rules over war. As for the US Civil War, Mars was in tight conjunction with the Moon in the solar return. The Moon indicated domestic and not foreign. The SR Moon/Mars conjunction in late degrees of Capricorn, opposed SR stellium in Leo; Jupiter, Mercury and Venus;
seesaw configuration, indicating a split. Progressed Mars for that year was at 15 of Leo, a very bad degree.

The 2021 solar return for the USA has SR Mars at 14 of Leo, conjunct the SR ascendant. This in addition to being one degree away from 15 of Leo, is at the 14th degree. I have found the 14th degree is a very sensitive point for the USA. It aligns with the USA chart Saturn and the USA chart IC/Midheaven axis. 14 degrees was very prevalent with the 911 attacks, it was all over the place.

This SR Mars is in tight opposition to SR Saturn, which is in conjunction with the SR descendant, in the 7th house of others [foreign countries]. The SR Saturn is in very tight conjunction with the USA chart midheaven. SR [and transiting] Pluto at 25 of Capricorn is opposing USA chart ruler Mercury, bringing major and permanent changes. SR ruling Sun is in the SR 12th house of undoing and misfortune. Tight SR Moon/Uranus conjunction in the SR tenth [ruling the 192 presidency] possibly indicates an assassination? 29 degrees is on the SR IC/midheaven axis.

USA progressed planets for that year include progressed solar arc Jupiter at 9 of Pisces; fatal degree, progressed solar arc Mercury [USA chart ruler] at 29 of Pisces, which is a degree of endings, progressed Mercury is at 21 of Aquarius, a critical and unfortunate degree, progressed solar arc Neptune is conjunct Caput Algol, progressed Pluto of power is on another degree of endings- 29 of Capricorn.

I am short on time, but it appears problems will be manifesting from 2015 onward. Aside from transiting Saturn entering Sagittarius [this nearly always causes a financial crisis], the 1929 crash and the 1987 crisis, SR Neptune in the SR second house of finances, ruled by Pisces [Neptune] is at fatal 9 degrees of Pisces. Jupiter/Venus conjunction aligning with SR Mercury, ruler of the USA chart, indicates this will not be permanent.
I am basing all of this on past events and certain placements and aspects that have repeated themselves.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich http://www.joyofsatan.com

We're in the 2021 SR chart for America. The enemy probably wants to pull America into the war. These energies don't necessarily have to manifest in war but with the jews leading our nations, this is what we often get.

It may also be that this is a distraction from the failed covid pandemic. I would honestly rather have it that they are bluffing to waste time and distract people as they plan their next moves towards the Great Reset but these are the same people that dragged the world into war twice a few decades ago so we MUST prepare for the worst as we hope for the best.

Keep up your AoP everyone. I nowadays do two, one with Aum suryae and then algiz and sowilo (from VoiceofEnki). Also returning curses and the protection affirmation afterwards. If you need to leave your country, do a Jupiter square. Jupiter rules long distance travel and the square is just 16 days. This is especially for Ukrainians and Russians. Anyone in a country that may get affected too.
With firsthand information (I literally heard the explosions today at 5am) I can say that people in Ukraine are in panic and confusion, and most likely the worst part of this invasion is expected at night. I had problems withdrawing money from ATMs and at gas stations.

Unfortunately, we do not have a rear in the military sense of the word and there is no way to escape to a safe place because air strikes and other troops are taking place all over the country.

I ask every concerned SS to carry out the rituals of spiritual warfare during this difficult time, because exposing the role of the Jews in all this horror can be a huge red pill for the whole world.

I will try to post a lot of videos and other facts in my next reply.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
