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RTRs Working...

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
In all honesty, I haven't paid much attention to the presidential campaigns. All Jewish bullshit. But, from what I read in the Jew York Times and other mainstream news sources, the Jews really didn't want Trump to be elected. They bashed him incessantly.

Now, I saw an old photo of Trump recently and I have no doubts he is part Jewish. He dyed his hair blonde to look Aryan. He has the nose and the long Jewish jaw.

Anyways, behind all of this... This is what I'm seeing. White America still has some power. This was seen in the elections.

I also believe he was put in that position to draw White people out. In this I mean so the Jews have an idea of how many, etc, are against their agenda. This let's them know if it is safe for them to try to pull off their "revolution." They do things like this.

I can't say for sure, but IMO, they were confident Hillary would win. That's what I'm seeing. Another Angela Merkel.

They have the same MO. Mostly subliminal. They keep promoting through the media, movies, news, etc, that White people who are racially aware are all alone, small in number and hated.

In nearly any war, the enemy will try to impress upon the populace that those who do not agree with their propaganda and their agenda are very small in number. They try to isolate you. Make you feel you are all alone and the majority does not agree with you, is hostile to you, that your beliefs are the reason for any unhappiness or problems you have (Christians really play on that one).

Thanks to the internet, they can no longer do this.

With the Jewish controlled media, movies about Nazi Germany, depict the Nazis as being hated, just a small group (try to convince the audience most Germans were against and did not agree with Hitler), and keep repeating their defeat in WW2.

Same thing with what Trump supposedly represents. Hated, defeat, small in number, isolated, vast majority does not agree and so forth.

I know the guy is no good. My point here is Jewish plans were thwarted. They are pulling their hair out.

I will have a ritual within a couple more days to awaken our White Race.

There will be an exceptionally powerful full moon very soon. The next one like this will occur in the 2030s. This is rare.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

What Can America Expect on Day Two : JoyofSatan666  Now that the "Jew/Shabbos Trump Savior of OyVeyism" will slowly start to go into a 'normal mode', people will be gladly 'surprised' to see their 'savior' Trump going down certain routes, which may be shocking to those who expected him to act in any other way, believing in his vote-buying "promises".

One of these routes Trump will take at first is the route of 'normalization'. In plain words, he will become the full jewish president he is intended to be since the beginning, that is to the extent and by the mode through which his masses will not have a violent revolt. In simple words, methodically, he is probably not going to do half of the things he has (((promised))) based on some or any (((Excuse))). In the same way after the 'elections' he rushed to kiss Bnai Barry's feet, and hugs and kisses with Hillary, his supposed enemy, so will be the case with all jews. As we have told you before, nothing changed, except of the perception of the masses in regards to the rigged systems and everything.

One possible option is that Hillary's hordes will be used, so that the jews can cause civil unrest, and also keep "Trump" from acting in any of his "Promises". As thus Trump will be put as the "Victim" in order for the jews to gain more momentum etc. There are many routes the enemy may or may not follow, less or more evident, what I want is to just give everyone an idea, and make everyone more aware of that its not going to be White or Black. There may be undertones. Now if the people are going to sink-in that crap, that's another matter, and probably our RTR's will make sure this will again boomerang into the face of the enemy. The jews are highly skilled in doing things that win them time.

As Mossad says, "By the Art of Deception you shall wage war". This is stolen from Asian warfare manuals, and this is real. As such our education of the masses should be focused to obliterate the 'two side' meme of the enemy, which is the Hegelian dialectic of supposed 'opposites'. The jews have controlled the planet with this for centuries. "Good Christians, Bad Muslims". Who owns them both? Jews. The list goes. Left or Right? Capitalism or Communism? The jewish dipolar game goes on eternally.

These elections as we have argued before were a waste of time, and a social experiment to see where the popular mind is at, and re-plan the jewish struggle based on new conditions. Humanity does not sink in the JewWorldOrder as easily as jews would like. Now of course our Rituals brought the enemy extreme casualties, such as random scandals, populist uprising against the hebrew media, the list goes endless. The jews also revealed themselves as the nefarious people they are from all sides.

This became mainstream, and this is our only benefit, as with Trumps imminent betrayal of the White people and All Americans, people will finally wake up as to the jewish control, and tha Shabbos solutions (who are in fact Jewish) will never work out for us. The Jews are in Washington again. Operation Trump had a boomerang effect that the jews thought they would minimize, and they played again two sides against the middle, but when the Trump Hype dies out, this will escalate even worse. Now people are more informed, and Trump was like a plan B in order to manage their problems and win them time. Trumps natal chart is the chart of a con-man, front-man, the same TV persona that is to sell lies to naive people.

As I said in the other post, there is a slight chance, Trump might swing to become a most obnoxious person ever, and really anti-White, without building any walls, or doing anything in particular. Its obvious in servant Trump's natal chart, he is a loudmouth. Trump was nothing but a jewish product, on a seemingly "Gentile" seath, that was just spewing out 'politically incorrect' things, so the jews would win the elections for once more since people KNOW about the jews and their time is running out. After this person, there won't be much more to pull as a stunt for jews. As for the other shill, it went really down. This was a lose-lose situation for jews, at least where the public is concerned.

The "Two Sides Against the Middle" is a classic one. In my replies on the subject before, I have stated again and again, that people shouldn't be looking at PROMISES. Everytime (((Elections))) happen, everyone listens to the promises, and they defend these jewish servants as if they are so amazing, because of the (((promises))) they give. These are almost always complete and total lies, that only win the jews further and more time. Trump was on the edge of what the jews can do, to still keep the dissatisfied people in the Jewish System. Alex Jones, Andrew Anglin and the rest of the Shabbos or Jewish company. Alt-Right is the New Left. And its going to act really left-y so be prepared.

Even in the imaginary scene that Trump was supposedly really with the people in anyway, you will be surprized to see in his next months his gradual demoralization, change and how he will become the jewish cuck he always was, only in the change that it will be different. Trump lacks knowledge and many skills to run office, and as with anyone else, the jews aren't going to leave him do it. As for Pence, Pence is an Evangelical christian and a super decent choice for Israel. Trump of course has talked both sides of his mouth for the whole campaing. What is to our benefit is that one side of his mouth is beneficial to our own narrative. What we can do and look forward is that we can educate people more openly, since Trump in order to be elected opened up the 'taboo' regions we are dealing with, and on jewish losses brought them on their gamble to keep people enslaved.

Infact, a trick like Trump was necessary at this point. Trump is not any miracle, or anything that wasn't supposed to happen. Now HOW it happened, and with what casualties and revealing of the Jew World Order, well, that is a miracle caused by those fighting against them. Trump was a safety net, plan B for the jews, but nobody guarantees it will not rip as well.

On the fantasial instance that "Trump" shows any disobedience and stuff, and if we want to place our bets on a more positive side for us, the RTR's can make jewish counselors and many other jews fall in vain. In short, if they don't have anything substantial to offer, their influence will become lesser and the enemy will generally be demoralized. In the even more fantasial occurence where Trump does things for our side, given he is mixed, so he may unconsciously press on landmines like he did in his election campaign, this is what we can bet for most. Now, do not be deceived- otherwise nothing would happen. Our RTR's will cause the necessary 'coincidences' so that they will be forced to act in a certain direction.

So its to be considered to remember whose tit Trump has been sucking, and who made him, and not to be considered as anything else than he is. If he is put to use by our means and our side, for anything, and protected for it, in an unconscious way for him, that's a different issue. In this case, the jews could potentially threaten Trump with economic collapse or something like this, but this scenario is the most highly unlikely. Trump will also be surrounded by jews, and at this point, his Jewish family lot is in the White House, of which he is himself no different.

The jews however will be forced, thanks to our RTR's, pressure, and the Gods, to throw some of their people/ideas/achievements or undertakings under the bus, because of the fear of populist uprising from the masses, who thanks to the 666[www] have been waking up. This is to protect themselves, and this is encoded in the Torah. They are willing to go to any lengths to maintain power, and Trump is one of these scheduled plans. They would rather have power, at least to a degree, even if things don't entirely go their way, as they devise plans on the back to regain full rulership.

This 'throwing under the bus' should not be considered an act of 'good jewry' or 'good jews', as this is a plot, neither any of our victories as 'friendship' or 'backing down' or 'goodness' of the jews. Its just because jews cannot do better at this point, and a product of spiritual force is compelling them to act in certain ways. Whomever thinks of things differently, they need to wake up and see their thousands of years of history.

I will explain in depth what is going on in my part 2, which will be titled "The White and Black Brotherhood of Jewish Rulership". People will then get the game of Trumpey, and the general 'system agents' like him, and how we can benefit from it.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
me too, reading that made me quite happy also, its impossible for me
to perfectly word how serious i am about ending jewish carnage and
tyranny once and for all, they had no right to do all of it to begin

me personally, i feel very strongly that they stole this planet from
Father Satan and our people given the endless list of things theyve
done, their goals from the beginning to now, etc.... my goal is to not
only take back what was unjustly stolen from Father, akl of our people
who ever lived and still do, but also to make those callous rabbis
wish they never existed, hence why im as focused on my RTRs, power
meditations and everything else: i want to end them once and for all,
and let nothing stop me or get in my way. i made a personal promise to
Father that i would do that no matter what happens when, and i intend
to keep it.

On 11/11/16, lightalgur@... [666BlackSun]
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
I am very happy to see a ritual specifically for my people, looking very
forward to it.
If that how it is, then our racial goal is what unites us and strengthens our bond. I find joy in justice but I find more happiness in seeing the well being of my people. We advance and fight for our people. Fighting for our father is fighting for our race. And as long as our father exists, Aryans exists forever. We are bringing back the golden age. 

---In [email protected], <tmziebold@... wrote :

me too, reading that made me quite happy also, its impossible for me
to perfectly word how serious i am about ending jewish carnage and
tyranny once and for all, they had no right to do all of it to begin

me personally, i feel very strongly that they stole this planet from
Father Satan and our people given the endless list of things theyve
done, their goals from the beginning to now, etc.... my goal is to not
only take back what was unjustly stolen from Father, akl of our people
who ever lived and still do, but also to make those callous rabbis
wish they never existed, hence why im as focused on my RTRs, power
meditations and everything else: i want to end them once and for all,
and let nothing stop me or get in my way. i made a personal promise to
Father that i would do that no matter what happens when, and i intend
to keep it.

On 11/11/16, lightalgur@... [666BlackSun]
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
I am very happy to see a ritual specifically for my people, looking very
forward to it.
also, ive decided the first step in that is wiping out the jews along
with all of their fake inventions they used to put people where they
are now. as far as i know, if the rabbis never existed to begin with,
we wouldn't have the planet in the mess that its been in all these
years, and everything would be as Father intended for humanity. my
goal is to return earth to that state and pull it out of the
abyss--one day at a time, one RTR at a time. i do what i must.

On 11/12/16, Tsubaki Kayerkoshi <tmziebold@... wrote:
yes, me too... it pleases me quite much seeing unity among our people,
aside from pulverizing the enemy for their endless list of crimes....
i hope to one day see such a peaceful state become permanently and
forever established, which is one of my major goals and what i feel is
a big part of my purpose as Father's child/daughter.

On 11/12/16, lightalgur@... [666BlackSun]
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
If that how it is, then our racial goal is what unites us and strengthens
our bond. I find joy in justice but I find more happiness in seeing the
being of my people. We advance and fight for our people. Fighting for our
father is fighting for our race. And as long as our father exists, Aryans
exists forever. We are bringing back the golden age.

---In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], <tmziebold@... wrote :

me too, reading that made me quite happy also, its impossible for me
to perfectly word how serious i am about ending jewish carnage and
tyranny once and for all, they had no right to do all of it to begin

me personally, i feel very strongly that they stole this planet from
Father Satan and our people given the endless list of things theyve
done, their goals from the beginning to now, etc.... my goal is to not
only take back what was unjustly stolen from Father, akl of our people
who ever lived and still do, but also to make those callous rabbis
wish they never existed, hence why im as focused on my RTRs, power
meditations and everything else: i want to end them once and for all,
and let nothing stop me or get in my way. i made a personal promise to
Father that i would do that no matter what happens when, and i intend
to keep it.

On 11/11/16, lightalgur@... mailto:lightalgur@... [666BlackSun]
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] mailto:[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
I am very happy to see a ritual specifically for my people, looking
forward to it.
yes, me too... it pleases me quite much seeing unity among our people,
aside from pulverizing the enemy for their endless list of crimes....
i hope to one day see such a peaceful state become permanently and
forever established, which is one of my major goals and what i feel is
a big part of my purpose as Father's child/daughter.

On 11/12/16, lightalgur@... [666BlackSun]
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
If that how it is, then our racial goal is what unites us and strengthens
our bond. I find joy in justice but I find more happiness in seeing the well
being of my people. We advance and fight for our people. Fighting for our
father is fighting for our race. And as long as our father exists, Aryans
exists forever. We are bringing back the golden age.

---In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], <tmziebold@... wrote :

me too, reading that made me quite happy also, its impossible for me
to perfectly word how serious i am about ending jewish carnage and
tyranny once and for all, they had no right to do all of it to begin

me personally, i feel very strongly that they stole this planet from
Father Satan and our people given the endless list of things theyve
done, their goals from the beginning to now, etc.... my goal is to not
only take back what was unjustly stolen from Father, akl of our people
who ever lived and still do, but also to make those callous rabbis
wish they never existed, hence why im as focused on my RTRs, power
meditations and everything else: i want to end them once and for all,
and let nothing stop me or get in my way. i made a personal promise to
Father that i would do that no matter what happens when, and i intend
to keep it.

On 11/11/16, lightalgur@... mailto:lightalgur@... [666BlackSun]
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] mailto:[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
I am very happy to see a ritual specifically for my people, looking very
forward to it.
Our father’s gene run through us. No other race can compare our spiritual and physical aka natural beauty. As Aryans we do everything we can In order for his genes to remain on this Earth and thus the Earth becoming free of the jewish race. As well as those that try to prevent us from our beautiful race from reaching god head.   AUM!     From: Tsubaki Kayerkoshi tmziebold@... [666BlackSun]
Sent: Saturday, November 12, 2016 1:10 PM
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Subject: Re: [666BlackSun] Re: RTRs Working...     yes, me too... it pleases me quite much seeing unity among our people,
aside from pulverizing the enemy for their endless list of crimes....
i hope to one day see such a peaceful state become permanently and
forever established, which is one of my major goals and what i feel is
a big part of my purpose as Father's child/daughter.

On 11/12/16, lightalgur@... [666BlackSun]
<[email protected] wrote:
If that how it is, then our racial goal is what unites us and strengthens
our bond. I find joy in justice but I find more happiness in seeing the well
being of my people. We advance and fight for our people. Fighting for our
father is fighting for our race. And as long as our father exists, Aryans
exists forever. We are bringing back the golden age.

---In [email protected], <tmziebold@... wrote :

me too, reading that made me quite happy also, its impossible for me
to perfectly word how serious i am about ending jewish carnage and
tyranny once and for all, they had no right to do all of it to begin

me personally, i feel very strongly that they stole this planet from
Father Satan and our people given the endless list of things theyve
done, their goals from the beginning to now, etc.... my goal is to not
only take back what was unjustly stolen from Father, akl of our people
who ever lived and still do, but also to make those callous rabbis
wish they never existed, hence why im as focused on my RTRs, power
meditations and everything else: i want to end them once and for all,
and let nothing stop me or get in my way. i made a personal promise to
Father that i would do that no matter what happens when, and i intend
to keep it.

On 11/11/16, lightalgur@... mailto:lightalgur@... [666BlackSun]
<[email protected] mailto:[email protected] wrote:
I am very happy to see a ritual specifically for my people, looking very
forward to it.
yes thats very true, i couldn't agree more perfectly. maybe i dont
always feel completely consciously aware of that, but when i use my
deep thinking and thoughts i almost always find myself able to figure
almost anything out provided i maintain control and stay focused.

what i want to do after the war though is hopefully have children and
start a satanic clan (i know coven is the more common word but i want
it to be more family focused) which i know what i will name but wont
post here as precautions (going back to recent infiltrators ive
noticed here, i defiantly refuse to leave any open space for them to
foil my plans/ goals), and my reason for this is to both help advance
our white race as much as possible and also make certain there is no
chance of the enemy's return (act as protectors to prevent anything
nasty from having any time or chances to take place. i know there are
RTRs for this, but im one to be take extra cautions and have so-called
"reinforcrments" prepared to pulverize anything malignant. such a
miraculous return is very unlikely given their helplessly desperate
struggle at the present time *what i like to call it personally* but
this is still an idea).

i know there is more than likely other actions i can take to secure
our advancement and prosperity post-war, but this is something i know
i should sit down and think about thoroughly whenever possible. i dont
want to act carelessly or anything related. i feel strongly there are
other things i can do, but it has yet to surface as of now. i admit i
might be looking too far ahead here, but i like to be prepared for
everything as best i can.

as of the present, i intend to continue my regular routine and just do
as i taught myself: take it one day at a time. maybe im overthinking
it since im looking kinda far ahead there, but i dont like to kram
last minute (sorry if i spelled that wrong, speech and the related are
not my best skills). kramming last minute just puts a heavy burden on
people and doesn't end well for most, i know this very well having had
the same problem prior to my hardcore meditation and related. i was a
complete mess then by the way... then just somehow woke up and shouted
with pure determination in my mind saying its time to stop fooling
around and get super strong. from that day on id been meditating a
LOT. as of the present, i am very certain im in somewhere of advanced
phases with meditation, even though im having minor trouble
pinpointing exactly where im at here.

regarding the mess id been in before i started meditating, the story
is a bit long and repetitive, but to keep it short id had bad habits
which only caused me more suffering and pain (i used harmful
substances for recreational reasons and so forth), and i almost lost
it completely before i just sat down and it hit me like lightning that
it was time to get serious and become as strong as possible. from that
night on, id kept my focus on that as best i can and continue to.

and it was only recent that id awakened so to speak about what was
going on during my personal struggle, who or what was responsible, and
what was really going on: the enemy was trying kill me! and i know
exactly why: because they knew what was coming if they failed to get
rid of me. they knew theyd be powerless to do anything noticeable
harmful to me if they didn't just exterminate me right then and there.
its just so obvious to me now... why else would they have incited
depression in me, given me frequent and horrible nightmares that had
tormented the heck out of me, physically attack me through xtians and
jews to cause me to break down emotionally and continue crying for 1-2
hours straight, tempt me to use harmful substances by fooling me into
thinking it will resolve everything, etc? the rule of thumb is this
always: the enemy targets those who are the biggest threat to them as
much as possible! all i have to do to know all of that is correct is
remember that simple sentence.

im eternally greatful to Father for snapping me out of it, he reached
out to me while i was in that mess, even though i wasn't psychically
open or aware enough then to know that i know now that it goes without

my current situation and inner state is the complete opposite of the
above chaos the enemy had on me then, i very rarely break down at all
now.... i cant remember the last time i had a desperate struggle like
that or at all, but i know good and well its been several months.

and its just as i realized: the enemy had tried to drive me to death
because they knew that id become too formidable and intelligent for
them to have any chance against if they failed (which they did! hence
im here writing this...), which is exactly the case for me now.

even enemy spirits, i can do banishing rituals daily and wipe them out
of my quarters so to speak with little effort. furthermore, its easy
to make me laugh so i simply watch funny youtube videos after
performing the working (enemy spirits seem more active at night in my
case, but again im too powerful and given the above that i do its
almost impossible for them to last long or seems that way).

as for the exact amount of time ive been actively meditating, it felt
like 4 months (but i know thats wrong, again it just felt that way),
but after enough time and persistence all the problems and bad habits
id had before began fading and resisting the temptation to use harmful
substances for pleasure has been very easy for quite some time also.

im also noticing that even while im asleep, the enemy's efforts to do
me harm are almost always completely fruitless (if theyre doing it at
all... i sometimes feel theyre not even trying since all they seem to
muster is some random spirit being sent or unusual dreams that dont
even make any sense but i know are designed to spook me. sure, my
speech isnt perfect, but im no fool, i am quite skilled at seeing who/
what is behind the glass and identifying what is being done/ attempted
and why. nobody can throw a pile of jewish garbage at me and deceive
me and so forth, let alone get any results from it (a quick way to
waste time with me, throw that and try to fool me is no different than
talking to a wall. *it gets nowhere).

its glaringly obvious they knew damn well i was going to get this
strong and they made attempts to stop this from happening by putting
me through misery while i was weak enough for them to get results. i
was too lost and confused to know this then, but what matters most is
im aware of it now.

On 11/12/16, Light Algur lightalgur@... [666BlackSun]
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
Our father’s gene run through us. No other race can compare our spiritual
and physical aka natural beauty. As Aryans we do everything we can In order
for his genes to remain on this Earth and thus the Earth becoming free of
the jewish race. As well as those that try to prevent us from our beautiful
race from reaching god head.


From: Tsubaki Kayerkoshi tmziebold@...
[666BlackSun]<mailto:[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Saturday, November 12, 2016 1:10 PM
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]<mailto:[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Subject: Re: [666BlackSun] Re: RTRs Working...

yes, me too... it pleases me quite much seeing unity among our people,
aside from pulverizing the enemy for their endless list of crimes....
i hope to one day see such a peaceful state become permanently and
forever established, which is one of my major goals and what i feel is
a big part of my purpose as Father's child/daughter.

On 11/12/16, lightalgur@... [666BlackSun]
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
If that how it is, then our racial goal is what unites us and strengthens
our bond. I find joy in justice but I find more happiness in seeing the
being of my people. We advance and fight for our people. Fighting for our
father is fighting for our race. And as long as our father exists, Aryans
exists forever. We are bringing back the golden age.

---In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], <tmziebold@... wrote :

me too, reading that made me quite happy also, its impossible for me
to perfectly word how serious i am about ending jewish carnage and
tyranny once and for all, they had no right to do all of it to begin

me personally, i feel very strongly that they stole this planet from
Father Satan and our people given the endless list of things theyve
done, their goals from the beginning to now, etc.... my goal is to not
only take back what was unjustly stolen from Father, akl of our people
who ever lived and still do, but also to make those callous rabbis
wish they never existed, hence why im as focused on my RTRs, power
meditations and everything else: i want to end them once and for all,
and let nothing stop me or get in my way. i made a personal promise to
Father that i would do that no matter what happens when, and i intend
to keep it.

On 11/11/16, lightalgur@... mailto:lightalgur@... [666BlackSun]
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] mailto:[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
I am very happy to see a ritual specifically for my people, looking
forward to it.
Most of us go through this types of hardships in our path. Sometimes we rise, sometimes we fall, some come back up and some don't come back.... What matters is the present. It's time to walk the walk, my brother/sister. Your actions determine how serious you are for freedom, so serious it drives the enemies' fear your soul, it's like them seeing a shining star in the astral.  The Aryan warrior places no limits upon him/herself, the Aryan warrior looks beyond the stars. 

---In [email protected], <tmziebold@... wrote :

yes thats very true, i couldn't agree more perfectly. maybe i dont
always feel completely consciously aware of that, but when i use my
deep thinking and thoughts i almost always find myself able to figure
almost anything out provided i maintain control and stay focused.

what i want to do after the war though is hopefully have children and
start a satanic clan (i know coven is the more common word but i want
it to be more family focused) which i know what i will name but wont
post here as precautions (going back to recent infiltrators ive
noticed here, i defiantly refuse to leave any open space for them to
foil my plans/ goals), and my reason for this is to both help advance
our white race as much as possible and also make certain there is no
chance of the enemy's return (act as protectors to prevent anything
nasty from having any time or chances to take place. i know there are
RTRs for this, but im one to be take extra cautions and have so-called
"reinforcrments" prepared to pulverize anything malignant. such a
miraculous return is very unlikely given their helplessly desperate
struggle at the present time *what i like to call it personally* but
this is still an idea).

i know there is more than likely other actions i can take to secure
our advancement and prosperity post-war, but this is something i know
i should sit down and think about thoroughly whenever possible. i dont
want to act carelessly or anything related. i feel strongly there are
other things i can do, but it has yet to surface as of now. i admit i
might be looking too far ahead here, but i like to be prepared for
everything as best i can.

as of the present, i intend to continue my regular routine and just do
as i taught myself: take it one day at a time. maybe im overthinking
it since im looking kinda far ahead there, but i dont like to kram
last minute (sorry if i spelled that wrong, speech and the related are
not my best skills). kramming last minute just puts a heavy burden on
people and doesn't end well for most, i know this very well having had
the same problem prior to my hardcore meditation and related. i was a
complete mess then by the way... then just somehow woke up and shouted
with pure determination in my mind saying its time to stop fooling
around and get super strong. from that day on id been meditating a
LOT. as of the present, i am very certain im in somewhere of advanced
phases with meditation, even though im having minor trouble
pinpointing exactly where im at here.

regarding the mess id been in before i started meditating, the story
is a bit long and repetitive, but to keep it short id had bad habits
which only caused me more suffering and pain (i used harmful
substances for recreational reasons and so forth), and i almost lost
it completely before i just sat down and it hit me like lightning that
it was time to get serious and become as strong as possible. from that
night on, id kept my focus on that as best i can and continue to.

and it was only recent that id awakened so to speak about what was
going on during my personal struggle, who or what was responsible, and
what was really going on: the enemy was trying kill me! and i know
exactly why: because they knew what was coming if they failed to get
rid of me. they knew theyd be powerless to do anything noticeable
harmful to me if they didn't just exterminate me right then and there.
its just so obvious to me now... why else would they have incited
depression in me, given me frequent and horrible nightmares that had
tormented the heck out of me, physically attack me through xtians and
jews to cause me to break down emotionally and continue crying for 1-2
hours straight, tempt me to use harmful substances by fooling me into
thinking it will resolve everything, etc? the rule of thumb is this
always: the enemy targets those who are the biggest threat to them as
much as possible! all i have to do to know all of that is correct is
remember that simple sentence.

im eternally greatful to Father for snapping me out of it, he reached
out to me while i was in that mess, even though i wasn't psychically
open or aware enough then to know that i know now that it goes without

my current situation and inner state is the complete opposite of the
above chaos the enemy had on me then, i very rarely break down at all
now.... i cant remember the last time i had a desperate struggle like
that or at all, but i know good and well its been several months.

and its just as i realized: the enemy had tried to drive me to death
because they knew that id become too formidable and intelligent for
them to have any chance against if they failed (which they did! hence
im here writing this...), which is exactly the case for me now.

even enemy spirits, i can do banishing rituals daily and wipe them out
of my quarters so to speak with little effort. furthermore, its easy
to make me laugh so i simply watch funny youtube videos after
performing the working (enemy spirits seem more active at night in my
case, but again im too powerful and given the above that i do its
almost impossible for them to last long or seems that way).

as for the exact amount of time ive been actively meditating, it felt
like 4 months (but i know thats wrong, again it just felt that way),
but after enough time and persistence all the problems and bad habits
id had before began fading and resisting the temptation to use harmful
substances for pleasure has been very easy for quite some time also.

im also noticing that even while im asleep, the enemy's efforts to do
me harm are almost always completely fruitless (if theyre doing it at
all... i sometimes feel theyre not even trying since all they seem to
muster is some random spirit being sent or unusual dreams that dont
even make any sense but i know are designed to spook me. sure, my
speech isnt perfect, but im no fool, i am quite skilled at seeing who/
what is behind the glass and identifying what is being done/ attempted
and why. nobody can throw a pile of jewish garbage at me and deceive
me and so forth, let alone get any results from it (a quick way to
waste time with me, throw that and try to fool me is no different than
talking to a wall. *it gets nowhere).

its glaringly obvious they knew damn well i was going to get this
strong and they made attempts to stop this from happening by putting
me through misery while i was weak enough for them to get results. i
was too lost and confused to know this then, but what matters most is
im aware of it now.

On 11/12/16, Light Algur lightalgur@... [666BlackSun]
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
Our father’s gene run through us. No other race can compare our spiritual
and physical aka natural beauty. As Aryans we do everything we can In order
for his genes to remain on this Earth and thus the Earth becoming free of
the jewish race. As well as those that try to prevent us from our beautiful
race from reaching god head.


From: Tsubaki Kayerkoshi tmziebold@...
[666BlackSun]<mailto:[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Saturday, November 12, 2016 1:10 PM
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]<mailto:[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Subject: Re: [666BlackSun] Re: RTRs Working...

yes, me too... it pleases me quite much seeing unity among our people,
aside from pulverizing the enemy for their endless list of crimes....
i hope to one day see such a peaceful state become permanently and
forever established, which is one of my major goals and what i feel is
a big part of my purpose as Father's child/daughter.

On 11/12/16, lightalgur@... [666BlackSun]
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
If that how it is, then our racial goal is what unites us and strengthens
our bond. I find joy in justice but I find more happiness in seeing the
being of my people. We advance and fight for our people. Fighting for our
father is fighting for our race. And as long as our father exists, Aryans
exists forever. We are bringing back the golden age.

---In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], <tmziebold@... wrote :

me too, reading that made me quite happy also, its impossible for me
to perfectly word how serious i am about ending jewish carnage and
tyranny once and for all, they had no right to do all of it to begin

me personally, i feel very strongly that they stole this planet from
Father Satan and our people given the endless list of things theyve
done, their goals from the beginning to now, etc.... my goal is to not
only take back what was unjustly stolen from Father, akl of our people
who ever lived and still do, but also to make those callous rabbis
wish they never existed, hence why im as focused on my RTRs, power
meditations and everything else: i want to end them once and for all,
and let nothing stop me or get in my way. i made a personal promise to
Father that i would do that no matter what happens when, and i intend
to keep it.

On 11/11/16, lightalgur@... mailto:lightalgur@... [666BlackSun]
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] mailto:[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
I am very happy to see a ritual specifically for my people, looking
forward to it.
thank you for understanding, and youre definitely right about that. i
also had a rather unexpected turn of events tonight, and what im about
to describe here is a bit difficult to explain perfectly but i will do
my best.

im not sure how this happened, but for some reason i just went to the
Black Sun homepage, not even thinking or being aware of what led me to
do this since i just send from gmail or why i even did that to begin
with since id already signed up, and when the page loaded the
strangest thing in the world happened (sorry to exaggerate so much but
everything here was completely unexpected for me): i glanced at the
picture towards the top of Adolf Hitler and locked my gaze on it
completely, this was all i could see as i was totally focused here.
out of nowhere, some memory that was buried for i dont know how many
years had just hit me right that instant--and i had suddenly
remembered being close to him (what i believe was similar to a family
kind of bond, not saying thats exactly what it was but very much
alike). this hit me VERY hard. i did not take this lightly at all in
any way, as i remember reading the truth about who he really was and
that he truly did care for the people, all the unspeakably gruesome
and horrible things the jews did (and continue to), and once this all
hit me here i just lost it and started crying heavily. i had felt id
lost a very big part of me when this happened, i was so heartbroken
here that i just could not avoid crying from both sorrow and hatred at
the same time; this was one thing that was just too much.

i got so deeply hurt here that i drew an astral scythe and started
shouting mentally at the enemy saying "why?! why did you have to kill
him?! you monsters.... you killed my brother..!" i had called him my
brother here because id remembered my bond with him and that at some
point we really cared for each other, even though i dont remember the
detailed specifics i still knew we were extremely close some number of
years ago. i wanted to lash out at them. i wanted to shout no as loud
as i could. but i knew i wasn't able to; i was too hurt here, as id
felt my own brother was unjustly killed by a bunch of spineless, sick,
savage maggots who are and always were beckoned by destruction and
corruption for the most evil of reasons (if i said that right, but im
sure most people here understand what im trying to say). nothing could
be more hurtful to me than to know someone i was close to was killed

by rotten savages or forced to suicide because of their filthy deeds.
i rarely cry at all: this was the first time id felt so hurt in at
least a few months. usually if someone does something and/ or loses
control on me i can handle it with amazing and surprising stability
and control, but when i love and care for someone as i did him, thats
a bit much. i remember being close to him as though he was family
(even if he wasn't, im just comparing/ relating here, not being exact
per say). this is obviously worse in nasty cases as with jewish crimes
and filth being responsible for this loss, i know what theyre all
about and its an endless list of very gross, hideous and sadistic
trash as most people here probably know.

im ok now, Father helped calm me down and get myself back together,
but this is not something i will ever forget for obvious reasons.

They will pay up for this and everything else they did; they will pay
for their very existence!

On 11/13/16, lightalgur@... [666BlackSun]
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
Most of us go through this types of hardships in our path. Sometimes we
rise, sometimes we fall, some come back up and some don't come back.... What
matters is the present. It's time to walk the walk, my brother/sister. Your
actions determine how serious you are for freedom, so serious it drives the
enemies' fear your soul, it's like them seeing a shining star in the astral.
The Aryan warrior places no limits upon him/herself, the Aryan warrior
looks beyond the stars.

---In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], <tmziebold@... wrote :

yes thats very true, i couldn't agree more perfectly. maybe i dont
always feel completely consciously aware of that, but when i use my
deep thinking and thoughts i almost always find myself able to figure
almost anything out provided i maintain control and stay focused.

what i want to do after the war though is hopefully have children and
start a satanic clan (i know coven is the more common word but i want
it to be more family focused) which i know what i will name but wont
post here as precautions (going back to recent infiltrators ive
noticed here, i defiantly refuse to leave any open space for them to
foil my plans/ goals), and my reason for this is to both help advance
our white race as much as possible and also make certain there is no
chance of the enemy's return (act as protectors to prevent anything
nasty from having any time or chances to take place. i know there are
RTRs for this, but im one to be take extra cautions and have so-called
"reinforcrments" prepared to pulverize anything malignant. such a
miraculous return is very unlikely given their helplessly desperate
struggle at the present time *what i like to call it personally* but
this is still an idea).

i know there is more than likely other actions i can take to secure
our advancement and prosperity post-war, but this is something i know
i should sit down and think about thoroughly whenever possible. i dont
want to act carelessly or anything related. i feel strongly there are
other things i can do, but it has yet to surface as of now. i admit i
might be looking too far ahead here, but i like to be prepared for
everything as best i can.

as of the present, i intend to continue my regular routine and just do
as i taught myself: take it one day at a time. maybe im overthinking
it since im looking kinda far ahead there, but i dont like to kram

last minute (sorry if i spelled that wrong, speech and the related are
not my best skills). kramming last minute just puts a heavy burden on
people and doesn't end well for most, i know this very well having had
the same problem prior to my hardcore meditation and related. i was a
complete mess then by the way... then just somehow woke up and shouted
with pure determination in my mind saying its time to stop fooling
around and get super strong. from that day on id been meditating a
LOT. as of the present, i am very certain im in somewhere of advanced
phases with meditation, even though im having minor trouble
pinpointing exactly where im at here.

regarding the mess id been in before i started meditating, the story
is a bit long and repetitive, but to keep it short id had bad habits
which only caused me more suffering and pain (i used harmful
substances for recreational reasons and so forth), and i almost lost
it completely before i just sat down and it hit me like lightning that
it was time to get serious and become as strong as possible. from that
night on, id kept my focus on that as best i can and continue to.

and it was only recent that id awakened so to speak about what was
going on during my personal struggle, who or what was responsible, and
what was really going on: the enemy was trying kill me! and i know
exactly why: because they knew what was coming if they failed to get
rid of me. they knew theyd be powerless to do anything noticeable
harmful to me if they didn't just exterminate me right then and there.
its just so obvious to me now... why else would they have incited
depression in me, given me frequent and horrible nightmares that had
tormented the heck out of me, physically attack me through xtians and
jews to cause me to break down emotionally and continue crying for 1-2
hours straight, tempt me to use harmful substances by fooling me into
thinking it will resolve everything, etc? the rule of thumb is this
always: the enemy targets those who are the biggest threat to them as
much as possible! all i have to do to know all of that is correct is
remember that simple sentence.

im eternally greatful to Father for snapping me out of it, he reached
out to me while i was in that mess, even though i wasn't psychically
open or aware enough then to know that i know now that it goes without

my current situation and inner state is the complete opposite of the
above chaos the enemy had on me then, i very rarely break down at all
now.... i cant remember the last time i had a desperate struggle like
that or at all, but i know good and well its been several months.

and its just as i realized: the enemy had tried to drive me to death
because they knew that id become too formidable and intelligent for
them to have any chance against if they failed (which they did! hence
im here writing this...), which is exactly the case for me now.

even enemy spirits, i can do banishing rituals daily and wipe them out
of my quarters so to speak with little effort. furthermore, its easy
to make me laugh so i simply watch funny youtube videos after
performing the working (enemy spirits seem more active at night in my
case, but again im too powerful and given the above that i do its
almost impossible for them to last long or seems that way).

as for the exact amount of time ive been actively meditating, it felt
like 4 months (but i know thats wrong, again it just felt that way),
but after enough time and persistence all the problems and bad habits
id had before began fading and resisting the temptation to use harmful
substances for pleasure has been very easy for quite some time also.

im also noticing that even while im asleep, the enemy's efforts to do
me harm are almost always completely fruitless (if theyre doing it at
all... i sometimes feel theyre not even trying since all they seem to
muster is some random spirit being sent or unusual dreams that dont
even make any sense but i know are designed to spook me. sure, my
speech isnt perfect, but im no fool, i am quite skilled at seeing who/
what is behind the glass and identifying what is being done/ attempted
and why. nobody can throw a pile of jewish garbage at me and deceive
me and so forth, let alone get any results from it (a quick way to
waste time with me, throw that and try to fool me is no different than
talking to a wall. *it gets nowhere).

its glaringly obvious they knew damn well i was going to get this
strong and they made attempts to stop this from happening by putting
me through misery while i was weak enough for them to get results. i
was too lost and confused to know this then, but what matters most is
im aware of it now.

On 11/12/16, Light Algur lightalgur@... mailto:lightalgur@...
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] mailto:[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
Our father’s gene run through us. No other race can compare our
and physical aka natural beauty. As Aryans we do everything we can In
for his genes to remain on this Earth and thus the Earth becoming free
the jewish race. As well as those that try to prevent us from our
race from reaching god head.


From: Tsubaki Kayerkoshi tmziebold@... mailto:tmziebold@...
[666BlackSun]<mailto:[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
mailto:[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Saturday, November 12, 2016 1:10 PM
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
mailto:[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]<mailto:[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
mailto:[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Subject: Re: [666BlackSun] Re: RTRs Working...

yes, me too... it pleases me quite much seeing unity among our people,
aside from pulverizing the enemy for their endless list of crimes....
i hope to one day see such a peaceful state become permanently and
forever established, which is one of my major goals and what i feel is
a big part of my purpose as Father's child/daughter.

On 11/12/16, lightalgur@... mailto:lightalgur@... [666BlackSun]
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] mailto:[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
If that how it is, then our racial goal is what unites us and
our bond. I find joy in justice but I find more happiness in seeing the
being of my people. We advance and fight for our people. Fighting for
father is fighting for our race. And as long as our father exists,
exists forever. We are bringing back the golden age.

---In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] mailto:[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url],
<tmziebold@... wrote :

me too, reading that made me quite happy also, its impossible for me
to perfectly word how serious i am about ending jewish carnage and
tyranny once and for all, they had no right to do all of it to begin

me personally, i feel very strongly that they stole this planet from
Father Satan and our people given the endless list of things theyve
done, their goals from the beginning to now, etc.... my goal is to not
only take back what was unjustly stolen from Father, akl of our people
who ever lived and still do, but also to make those callous rabbis
wish they never existed, hence why im as focused on my RTRs, power
meditations and everything else: i want to end them once and for all,
and let nothing stop me or get in my way. i made a personal promise to
Father that i would do that no matter what happens when, and i intend
to keep it.

On 11/11/16, lightalgur@... mailto:lightalgur@... [666BlackSun]
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] mailto:[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
mailto:[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] mailto:[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
I am very happy to see a ritual specifically for my people, looking
forward to it.
Thus the Aryan warrior becomes something... super-natural, rising above nature but still respects nature. Shattering through the burning land of the Earth and ascending towards the heavens. 
i really love your writings youve sent here... they always help me be
at peace and relax... its a bliss/peaceful sort of emotion i get thats
hard to describe perfectly (for me anyways).

very glad to read this after seeing this random ad in an app i was
running that showed "black america". happened twice, the second time i
nearly lost it; all i wanted to do was sit there and scream as loud as
possible because i was unspeakably infuriated by this and its also
something im obviously against as such this sparks hatred within me
(this sort of thing always has ever since i entered my serpent's
awakening, and it grows more powerful each day as i meditate regularly
thus growing stronger). i know it might sound childish to feel the
urge to sit here and scream from that, but this is one of the few
things that will push to that point, especially since ive had a rather
exhausting night and so forth (which doesn't help either for obvious

anyhow, i wanted to compliment you because i love your messages and
they put me quite at peace, they are unspeakably beautiful regardless
of length. to put something so beautifully in minimal words... thats a
skill id love to have! maybe i dont, but i like seeing people who do!

On 11/14/16, lightalgur@... [666BlackSun]
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
Thus the Aryan warrior becomes something... super-natural, rising above
nature but still respects nature. Shattering through the burning land of the
Earth and ascending towards the heavens.
My father, mother, brothers and sisters made me who I am today. The Super Soldier fights for his/her kind in which ever way possible. We are all united individually, whether one notices or not or likes it or not. A dear brother of mine once wrote to me... fight to live not to die. I have noticed that one should become the best they can be and go beyond that. 

---In [email protected], <tmziebold@... wrote :

i really love your writings youve sent here... they always help me be
at peace and relax... its a bliss/peaceful sort of emotion i get thats
hard to describe perfectly (for me anyways).

very glad to read this after seeing this random ad in an app i was
running that showed "black america". happened twice, the second time i
nearly lost it; all i wanted to do was sit there and scream as loud as
possible because i was unspeakably infuriated by this and its also
something im obviously against as such this sparks hatred within me
(this sort of thing always has ever since i entered my serpent's
awakening, and it grows more powerful each day as i meditate regularly
thus growing stronger). i know it might sound childish to feel the
urge to sit here and scream from that, but this is one of the few
things that will push to that point, especially since ive had a rather
exhausting night and so forth (which doesn't help either for obvious

anyhow, i wanted to compliment you because i love your messages and
they put me quite at peace, they are unspeakably beautiful regardless
of length. to put something so beautifully in minimal words... thats a
skill id love to have! maybe i dont, but i like seeing people who do!

On 11/14/16, lightalgur@... [666BlackSun]
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
Thus the Aryan warrior becomes something... super-natural, rising above
nature but still respects nature. Shattering through the burning land of the
Earth and ascending towards the heavens.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
