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RTRs are Working...More News

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
There's more trending on the news right now. People are leaving the Catholic Church in droves, and many are leaving Christianity. Others who have been seriously brainwashed are starting to think. Christianity is the bulwark of the Jews.

Here is a news article. It speaks for itself. The Catholic Church is really crumbling. Please keep doing the final RTR:

This is hitting the enemy REAL hard.

Now, for the latest news articles:


Mexico Cardinal: Victims Who Accuse Priests Should Be 'Ashamed'

"Mexican Cardinal Sergio Obeso Rivera said abuse victims should be “ashamed” to accuse “men of the Church.”

The newly-minted cardinal was speaking to a group of journalists on August 16, just days after the bombshell revelations out of Pennsylvania that some 300 members of the Church abused upwards of 1,000 children over the course of 70 years. This abuse was only possible, according the grand jury report, because of a Church-wide cover up that reached all the way to the Vatican.

“I’m here happy to talk about nice things, not about problematic things, it’s an accusation that is made, and in some cases it’s true,” Obeso River said. “But the evil of many is the consolation of fools, because sometimes those who accuse men of the Church should [be careful] because they have long tails that are easily stepped on.”

The comments could be interpreted as a threat, a threat of exposure if you accuse a priest with skeletons in your own closet.

The cardinal spoke to reporters in Spanish and one interpretation of his remarks reads, “those who accuse us should have a little pain.”

He did add that the allegations “make us feel bad and we want to improve.”

Obeso Rivera was appointed a cardinal by Pope Francis in late June.

The Church’s sex scandal also touched Obeso Rivera’s Mexico.

Father Marcial Maciel Dogollado was defrocked by Pope Benedict in 2006 after being found guilty by the Church of sexually abusing nine boys and young men. After he died, it was discovered he had fathered a child with one of his two mistresses and might have abused his own children. Dogollado died in Florida in 2008 at the age of 87."

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Off to do the Final RTR right now!

Let's not forget the political improvements. John McCain died a couple days ago and the constant praise from everyone in the media and government is waking a lot of people up to how corrupt the system is. Also we have John Fitzgerald running for Congress who is very anti Israel, Steve West won an election in Missury and said "Hitler was right," the leader of the Sweeden Democrats, the leading party in Sweden said "Hitler was a good man surrounded by lies," and Patrick Little is running for president as a National Socialist Democrat and wants to end AIPAC and the ADL, end aid to Israel, kick out all the Jews from America and make the US a white ethnostate like it originally was
There's also the warmonger McCain dying, the first land appropriation victim in South Africa promising to stand up with armed resistance while the Jew media falls over itself to side with the EFF, and Germans in Chemitz openly revolting against rapefugees after a German was stabbed for trying to stop a rape. Listen to this:

This has all come down right as the last RTR was started. It's mind-blowing.
ZmajEriksson said:
Let's not forget the political improvements. John McCain died a couple days ago and the constant praise from everyone in the media and government is waking a lot of people up to how corrupt the system is. Also we have John Fitzgerald running for Congress who is very anti Israel, Steve West won an election in Missury and said "Hitler was right," the leader of the Sweeden Democrats, the leading party in Sweden said "Hitler was a good man surrounded by lies," and Patrick Little is running for president as a National Socialist Democrat and wants to end AIPAC and the ADL, end aid to Israel, kick out all the Jews from America and make the US a white ethnostate like it originally was

I highly doubt that the American people would be THAT woke by 2020 November.
But maybe they will and the "assassination attempt" on 2021 could be towards "President Patrick Little".

But i know for SURE, that the SD(Sweden Democrats) WILL win. They HAVE to. Otherwise, Sweden IS doomed. And we ALL know, that the Swedish media is siding with the Communist Socialist party currently in power. Well... As the party falls from power next weeks Sunday, the Media soon follows :cool:
Damn, look at that fat slug. Who thought it would be a good idea to name their kid "Obeso"?

Adding onto the above, a jewish CDC chief was arrested recently for sex crimes.
Looks like even lefties are starting to turn. This broad seems like the caricature of the average SJW tumblrite and she's realizing what the (((leftist))) ideology really means.


In a Facebook video post filmed on August 15, the mother, Leen Kroetsch, takes aim at German politicians for what she claims is a botched immigration policy which is forcing her 3-year-old, who has no immigrant background, to adjust to an alien environment in the daycare center.

Kroetsch claims that out of 25 children, her son's group consists of only two without an immigrant background and who can speak German fluently, while the other 23 are unable to understand German at all. At the same time, these other children, according to Kroetsch, can easily communicate with each other while speaking in their mother tongues, which her son obviously does not speak.

"My son must adapt to other children. This isn't integration, dear politicians, integration is a bit different," Kroetsch says.

The woman also expressed outrage at the fact she had to win the right to send her boy to the daycare center in court, saying she almost lost her "existence" job as a result.

"I'm scared, I'm scared for my son's future and I do not know what to expect next. My son and I feel here like foreigners. Was that intended?" she said, adding that she might be "forced to immigrate someday" herself.

The woman said that although her child was granted a place in a daycare center, she had to fight the center in court, while parents "of Muhammad, of Ali, and as they are all called" don't have to.

[...] The official in charge of the institution, Petra Struck, contradicted the account of the disgruntled mother, saying that although it is true that only two out of 25 children were German citizens, the "only common language" they had was German.
If there are any forums or sites chatting about it, then our website links must be shared on them. Don't spam the links, though. Try something like the following, in red.

This type of thing has been happening for a very long time, and christianity is an anti-Human; anti-Natural; anti-Spiritual; anti-Scientific programme of death and destruction, and there is so much proof of that. It was stolen; twisted; perverted; and corrupted from very, very ancient Paganism, which is based on and around Humanity; Nature; Spirituality; and Science, where there is also so much proof of that.

For any members here who used to be christians, say so, and add your own understanding of how disgusting and dangerous it is. At the end of your post/comment, add something like the following, in red (making sure it is true what you say).

After leaving that evil programme, I decided to continue searching for the truth of things and learning. I am so glad that I found these websites listed below -


There is also a forum for you to learn things and ask questions - ancient-forums.com - and there are other links to learn yet more things. It is very big, and if it weren't for the Internet we wouldn't be able to share the truth about the evil priests and the evil programme of christianity/catholicism, and many people would continue, for a long, long time, to believe those lies and waste money on them, like they were a slave.

If you read any bible, it will tell you that god is evil and creates evil, and if you count all of the evil acts that god did, you will know it is many times more than what Satan did. In reality, Satan is not evil and does not commit evil acts; god commits evil, and tells its priests to commit evil, and tells its popes to keep it a secret. Satan has been slandered and libelled against for many, many centuries.

Satan is not evil. That false-god of all the bibles is. Furthermore, why is it called the bible, when there are many different ones which contradict each other? Is this god thing good? Then read Isiah 45:7. Read also Judges 1:19 - that god thing can't defeat iron chariots.

Did one of the recent popes apologise for how god told the other the popes in history to tell the christians to stone people and homosexuals to death, to burn them at the stake? Yes. There are news articles about that. Now a recent the pope said god made homosexuals be homosexual and god loves them while they are homosexual. So why is this god a liar, claiming to be "the same yesterday, today, and forever", then to change its mind? That god didn't love them in history when they were being stoned to death and burned at the stake, so why change its mind and pretend to love them now?

Homosexuality is not "evil". It is Natural and has existed forever in Humans and in thousands of species of Animal, and it will exist forever. That false-god of the bibles is evil. It enjoys mothers who are pregnant who have miscarriages, making them very upset; that false-god of the bibles enjoys watching priests rape children and enjoys hearing those children scream and cry in pain; that false-god of the bibles enjoys all of these terror attacks, and it laughs when christians "pray for" cities - the more christians pray, the worse the world becomes; that false-god of the bibles enjoys people throwing stones at people, and burning people at the stake; that false-god of the bibles enjoys giving all of the popes and joyce meyer and benny hinn and other priests and televangelists millions and billions and more, while at the same time enjoys watching and hearing children starve to death. I could give many, many more examples. That false-god of the bibles is evil, the real, true devil. It commits all of these atrocities, and many, many more, and then blames Satan for doing them! The real accuser is not Satan; the real accuser is that false-god of the bibles. The real liar is not Satan; the real liar is that false-god of the bibles. The real devil is not Satan; the real devil is that false-god of the bibles.

Are you also evil? You are supposed to copy off that evil false-god of the bibles, doing the same as it does. Do you rape children, starve them to death, etc.? No? Well, you still support it, because that evil false-god devil of the bibles supports it. You are evil. You are also evil because you give money to support it every week, do you not? Paying money to the priests so they can rape children, instead of feed them. That false-god is an evil devil; christianity and its many the popes and priests, etc. are evil devils, and you are an evil devil if you continue supporting it and giving money to it.

Satan is neither evil nor the devil. Your own bibles say that Satan tried helping you - "You will not surely die, for god knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like god, knowing good and evil". Satan wants you to know good and evil; that evil false-god devil of the bibles told you to be ignorant and stupid. Why give you a brain and tell you not to use it? "He who has eyes, let him see", but keep your eyes closed so you don't know good and evil. Satan wants you to use your brain; Satan wants you to open your eyes; Satan wants you to know good and evil; Satan wants you to be your own individual self. Satan is not fake. He is a real, living, breathing person. That evil false-god devil of the bibles is fake, and it has been used, along with fear of "hell", to control people for a very long time.

You can learn to be free; you can use your own brain; you can open your eyes and keep them open; you can be your own individual self - visit the links here to learn how you can be in control of your own life. All of the information on these links is free, and you never have to waste money on any of it; you can learn to do it yourself for free.


and live your own life. After you have gone through those links, you can visit this next link for more information - ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1379. As I said, information, learning, and knowledge should be free; 'the powers that be' have tried shutting us down, and they have deleted our websites, but because we rebelled against that evil false-god devil of the bibles, we continued and we learned and we understood, thanks to Satan. Satan helped us, and helps us, to learn and be awake and be our own individual selves. We don't relent - we continue on fighting for the truth, and we won't stop. Satan helps us to be free, and to be ourselves, living our own lives. Satan says that the point of life, the reason for existing, is to better Yourself and the Universe.

There is much, much more here than you could ever learn in that evil christianity.


For sites which don't "allow" links, or they pre-moderate you or ghostban/shadowban you, you might have to be creative in sharing the links. Maybe add a picture with the links text in it, but that doesn't always work. If you are on a forum, add the links in that order to your signature. Don't just register, add those links, and post this reply and then just leave. Stay and explain things to the people/members - and try to remain calm! No ad hominem attacks, nor any emotional, subjective outbursts nor arguments, please!

Perhaps you should change it from sharing the links to just saying you are a member of some sites which gather much information and collect it, which explains things for us to understand well. Maybe PM members who are interested, in case you are suspended or banned or have your reply deleted or ghostbanned/shadowbanned - especially on closed-minded, blind, ignorant christian forums and news article sites.

You can copy and paste this red text here, if you like, but the same message 50 times in the same thread or comments section by different users/persons could be considered spam, and ignored or deleted, therefore.
Hey guys I have a quick question!
Is it better to meditate before the rtrs? or Rtrs then meditate?
Probably the first right?
NinRick said:
Hey guys I have a quick question!
Is it better to meditate before the rtrs? or Rtrs then meditate?
Probably the first right?

Personally I do RTR first, then clean my aura and chakras, and proceed with aura of protection, void meditation, Chakra opening meditations, trance training and end it with kundalini yoga. It's up to you, really.
Reckoned666 said:
NinRick said:
Hey guys I have a quick question!
Is it better to meditate before the rtrs? or Rtrs then meditate?
Probably the first right?

Personally I do RTR first, then clean my aura and chakras, and proceed with aura of protection, void meditation, Chakra opening meditations, trance training and end it with kundalini yoga. It's up to you, really.
If you do your meditations before the RTR it's more powerful, this is what i do most of the time. Of course if you can't then do it how you want.
Reckoned666 said:
NinRick said:
Hey guys I have a quick question!
Is it better to meditate before the rtrs? or Rtrs then meditate?
Probably the first right?

Personally I do RTR first, then clean my aura and chakras, and proceed with aura of protection, void meditation, Chakra opening meditations, trance training and end it with kundalini yoga. It's up to you, really.

It's easier to go into a trance if you do your yoga session first. Way easier.
The nerve this "Obeso" has to downplay their heinous crimes and redirect the question to a guilt trip that only works on brainwashed sheeps. Since he can't use his vocal cords properly, he might as well be voiceless.

NinRick said:
Hey guys I have a quick question!
Is it better to meditate before the rtrs? or Rtrs then meditate?
Probably the first right?

With a clean aura, all witchcraft works best.
Meanwhile in philippines...the president wages war against the Joo and the pinoy youth renames that rabbi yashua as tuhod in my class over a meme started by a stupid Xtard preacher named soriano after he was asked if the fictional jewboo had any knees. From thereon, I have thought of that pedo rabbi of that fucking stupid bible book as rayman because he got no knees. :cool:

Thank you rtrs and thank you so much bro's, sis', gods and all those of Satan beyond. Well...thank you. Really:


Thank you all. Thank Satan and everyone that is of him. I hope it's appropriate to post this one.

Hail Satan.
NinRick said:
Hey guys I have a quick question!
Is it better to meditate before the rtrs? or Rtrs then meditate?
Probably the first right?

Raising energies before an RTR is greay. This isn't witchcraft that we are doing for this ritual. We are reversing the foundation of all curses from the enemy. The real reason to clean your is because the enemy might bug while you do the RTR so cleaning your aura afterwards wouldn't be a bad idea. Back to the energies. This rtr is lengthy especially if you do it multiple times in one sitting so if you want to just knock them down then do it right away but like I said if you want to raise your energies before than that's really cool.
hailourtruegod said:
NinRick said:
Hey guys I have a quick question!
Is it better to meditate before the rtrs? or Rtrs then meditate?
Probably the first right?

Raising energies before an RTR is greay. This isn't witchcraft that we are doing for this ritual. We are reversing the foundation of all curses from the enemy. The real reason to clean your is because the enemy might bug while you do the RTR so cleaning your aura afterwards wouldn't be a bad idea. Back to the energies. This rtr is lengthy especially if you do it multiple times in one sitting so if you want to just knock them down then do it right away but like I said if you want to raise your energies before than that's really cool.

Yeah what I did this week was to meditate and cleaning my aura for like 40mins- 1h and 10mins and then after the meditation I raise my energies with vuh vah voh, SATANAS and Invocation to satan, then I do the RTR and unfortunaly I go to sleep without cleaning my aura :/
hailourtruegod said:
NinRick said:
Hey guys I have a quick question!
Is it better to meditate before the rtrs? or Rtrs then meditate?
Probably the first right?

Raising energies before an RTR is greay. This isn't witchcraft that we are doing for this ritual. We are reversing the foundation of all curses from the enemy. The real reason to clean your is because the enemy might bug while you do the RTR so cleaning your aura afterwards wouldn't be a bad idea. Back to the energies. This rtr is lengthy especially if you do it multiple times in one sitting so if you want to just knock them down then do it right away but like I said if you want to raise your energies before than that's really cool.

With every RTR we have done so far it has been stated and said to first RAISE the energy then do the Invocation to Satan prayer thingy (optional) and then proceed to do the Vibrating of the RTR which is followed by the Affirmation block and a Hail Satan!

Even RTRs work better if you put more energy into them.

The cleaning is more referring to that doing the RTR you may unlock its negative energies inside you and THOSE HAVE TO BE CLEANED OUT - They may be able to reattach themselves to you or cause otherwise unfortunate incidents to you that naturally happens with an improperly cleaned aura. It has not got a lot to do with enemy attacks or bugging you in the first place.

Now this RTR seems to many people liberating and adding onto energy so I don't think it is particularly needed to raise extra, but then again, a bit extra energy couldn't hurt right?
NinRick said:
hailourtruegod said:
NinRick said:
Hey guys I have a quick question!
Is it better to meditate before the rtrs? or Rtrs then meditate?
Probably the first right?

Raising energies before an RTR is greay. This isn't witchcraft that we are doing for this ritual. We are reversing the foundation of all curses from the enemy. The real reason to clean your is because the enemy might bug while you do the RTR so cleaning your aura afterwards wouldn't be a bad idea. Back to the energies. This rtr is lengthy especially if you do it multiple times in one sitting so if you want to just knock them down then do it right away but like I said if you want to raise your energies before than that's really cool.

Yeah what I did this week was to meditate and cleaning my aura for like 40mins- 1h and 10mins and then after the meditation I raise my energies with vuh vah voh, SATANAS and Invocation to satan, then I do the RTR and unfortunaly I go to sleep without cleaning my aura :/
If you do your protection with Surya or a rune then you can clean your aura while doing your protection.

So you vibrare your mantra/rune while visualizing a White light on you and then you say an affirmation for protection.
This is 2 in 1. This is what i do and it works.
luis said:
NinRick said:
hailourtruegod said:
Raising energies before an RTR is greay. This isn't witchcraft that we are doing for this ritual. We are reversing the foundation of all curses from the enemy. The real reason to clean your is because the enemy might bug while you do the RTR so cleaning your aura afterwards wouldn't be a bad idea. Back to the energies. This rtr is lengthy especially if you do it multiple times in one sitting so if you want to just knock them down then do it right away but like I said if you want to raise your energies before than that's really cool.

Yeah what I did this week was to meditate and cleaning my aura for like 40mins- 1h and 10mins and then after the meditation I raise my energies with vuh vah voh, SATANAS and Invocation to satan, then I do the RTR and unfortunaly I go to sleep without cleaning my aura :/
If you do your protection with Surya or a rune then you can clean your aura while doing your protection.

So you vibrare your mantra/rune while visualizing a White light on you and then you say an affirmation for protection.
This is 2 in 1. This is what i do and it works.

Oh cool! Thanks for the tip!
Hps.mlimlal666 said:
Yes I have also noticed a lot people leaving christianity.

Guess the JoS went ultra instinct mode with the final rtr.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
