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RTR Spiritual Warfare Schedule June 19th to July 3rd

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Greetings to all of our Satanic Warriors,

The last ritual we have done has had monumental effects in subduing the enemy, combined with everything else. By now, it has been so effective [and so short] that it would be proper and fitting to include this in the daily warfare against the enemy.

Below, there will be an RTR Schedule we will be following for the dates on the title. In two days from now, there is the Summer Solstice, and it's extremely important for us to do the necessary spiritual work to set spiritual things in motion for the upcoming months.

In regards to the events of the world, everyone here has been informed. Many think all ordeals are going to be over soon with the enemy, but the reality is, many of their human hating practices have only just began and will last for a considerable amount of time [years]. This is not going anywhere.

They have to be spiritually flattened and this will be manifested by people later on physically. The good news is that they have been rapidly dropping, the bad news is, none of this is going to stop. Neither of these are however "negative" for us directly, because they need to do their part in order to be thrown out fully of the body of the world.

The last couple of years have been clown world manifested, with the enemy also dropping the mask simply too far. At this point it's safe to say there are no masks at all. There is increased division of humanity in two categories, that are becoming more and more apparent by the day.

On one side, we have NPC, willful slaves, on the other, we have our side of people that are rapidly awakening. Things people always thought of to be "sci-fi" and "conspiracy theories" are just becoming apparent realities that one can now only ignore if they are willfully retarded, or enslaved.

This awakening while facilitated by us, is not manifesting solely through us. There are many vessels to this worldwide. This has to do with the soul aspects that are from our Gods within mankind. Not all humans have these anymore. There is also need for willful practice in some percent of the population for this to come out.

We bring here the Satanic spiritual force [Force of Truth] and then this force will be overtaking mankind in many forms. It's all going to happen to people from all places in life.

While the NPCs are going to be drifting into the JWO, these people will be awakening and have a role to play in the future of counteracting the enemy's plans. This is also observable astrologically, and it's impossible to evade from this at this point. Saturn in Aquarius is going to get increasingly violent. We have seen a lot over these last two years.

2022 and half of 2023 will also see similar events, and not that much easing on the abuses of freedom, freedom usurpation, or enemy agenda. The enemy will only stop where they are defeated permanently. It's just that after a point, planets will help them way less in their abusive plans. Given also their general collapse, they will start falling apart.

For all of this, it's still very early, yet the enemy knows exactly what is going to happen, and they work in a rush in order to prevent this. So if anything the battle of will and spiritual force remains totally raw and will decisive as ever before.

For those who care more about the world here than themselves, the best advice is this: Focus on yourselves. We do what we do for the world, yes. But we cannot become this world's victims. We will help other people as is a work ordained by Father Satan to do, but on the other hand, the best way to navigate through these times on a personal level, is by personal attention on one's life and self.

You have the powers of the Gods at your disposal, and therefore, you can use them. This will be crucial for the future. Therefore, we want to build ourselves up meanwhile. We have if anything, to outlast these waves of darkness that are being repeatedly heaped upon humanity, and we have to do this at all costs.

In these times you should also remember, that you have the light of the Gods within you, and that despite of what happens on the external world, to remain positive. Those of you who are psychic and you have had glimpses of the future, you know what I am trying to tell you here. Darkness is light when turned inside out - what today looks as darkness, is a necessity so that humanity can get better and forward in the future.

Lastly, I have noticed quite a few people worldwide right now who might be aware of the situation that is coming on the so called "West" and the world at large, do understand it in parts. For example, they see the vaccine is enforced, or how this agenda will manifest afterwards with repetitive freedom violations and so on, but they don't pay attention to other things.

Anyone who is paying attention to everything at this point, or at least more than one things, would know, that we are moving into the time and era where the enemy will become exposed and defeated, but also, this happens through their worthless planning coming into effect.

The enemy has no vision or understanding of this world. At best, we have against us people with a lot of power in their hands, but their visions are the poorest there have ever been. This makes them weak. If anything, they know their deposing is near, and they are afraid. Many of them are also old, and dying.

Instead of trying to do positive things for this world, they choose to take the way to become a cancer, influenced by the enemy. This simply has them on the negative list where the Gods are concerned. And yes, despite of some low ground infestation of the enemy here, the Gods are in control above.

They are sealing a very terrible fate in themselves if they don't change their course of affairs.

The majority of them are severely misguided, hardly understand the future that is coming for us all, have no foresight, and their plans look empty even to them, but they want to do it anyway because they have no better vision. Increasingly, as time goes, many of the enemy who are not inherently jews, but are their servants, will decide in increasing numbers to jump ship onto our side because of simply that our Gods are better, and that our plans are higher and more sublime, more beautiful than the enemy's are.

In regards to the jews from the bunch of the enemy, they just do what they are commanded by the enemy's disgusting forces, because they are slaves and cannon fodder.

Many here are mystified by their position in the world, but the issue is simply that: Nobody else has existed for a while to pilot this planet, because many people have not been fit for it. This was caused largely by them, it's because of war.

But this is now changing. In the closeby future, this is going to change completely. This planet has always belonged to the Gods, not the enemy.

The enemy is an infectious pest with an expiry date.

The enemy now has ground in the same way an infection that has spread requires considerable attention to save a living being. This is going to change, and this is not forever.

In fact, many people are going to become bored of the enemy's worthless shit, faster than the enemy imagines. Humanity has a future beyond that.

They've been having preferential treatment in this world simply because of the blindness of this world. That aside, this is going to end. It's in a sense, inevitable. The question of our efforts is to salvage as much as possible by the time where this will be manifested, because there will be chaos and considerable pains of change as humanity progresses to defeat the neolithic infection of the enemy.

We, have a clearer and better views for our future, and Satan has a far greater and more sublime plan for mankind.

Below is the RTR Schedule:

Be aware: On the 20th and 21st, 22nd, these will be dates of full spamming and attention. All other days are normal.
Be aware: FRTR-Killing Tetragrammaton-Shattering Defenses [is now part of ONE ritual]

19. FRTR, Race Awakening Ritual, Satanic Wealth and Prosperity Ritual
20. FRTR, Race Awakening Ritual, Satanic Wealth and Prosperity Ritual
21. FRTR, Race Awakening Ritual, Satanic Wealth and Prosperity Ritual
22. FRTR, Race Awakening Ritual, Satanic Wealth and Prosperity Ritual
23. FRTR, Race Awakening Ritual, Satanic Wealth and Prosperity Ritual
24. FRTR, Race Awakening Ritual, Satanic Wealth and Prosperity Ritual
25. FRTR, Race Awakening Ritual, Satanic Wealth and Prosperity Ritual
26. FRTR, Race Awakening Ritual, Satanic Wealth and Prosperity Ritual
27. FRTR, Race Awakening Ritual, Curse Israel RTR, Removing Confusion RTR
28. FRTR, Race Awakening Ritual, Curse Israel RTR, Removing Confusion RTR
29. FRTR, Race Awakening Ritual, Curse Israel RTR, Removing Confusion RTR
30. FRTR, Race Awakening Ritual, Curse Israel RTR, Removing Confusion RTR
1. FRTR, Race Awakening Ritual, Curse Israel RTR, Removing Confusion RTR
2. FRTR, Race Awakening Ritual, Curse Israel RTR, Removing Confusion RTR
3. FRTR, Race Awakening Ritual, Curse Israel RTR, Removing Confusion RTR

Below is the RTR Schedule:[/u][/b]

FRTR / Tetra Killing / Shattering:

Light Version - Paintable Final RTR + Killing Tetragrammaton RTR + Shattering Jewish Soul Protection RTR

Dark Version - Paintable Final RTR + Killing Tetragrammaton RTR + Shattering Jewish Soul Protection RTR

Race Awakening -
White Race Ritual: https://www.satanisgod.org/RaceRitual.html
Black Race Ritual: https://www.satanisgod.org/11-13-16_Ritual.pdf

Satanic Wealth and Prosperity Ritual - https://web.archive.org/web/20200317042503/https://www.satanisgod.org/ProsperityRitual.html
Curse Israel RTR - https://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/CurseIsraelRitual.htm
Removing Confusion RTR - https://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/D723Ritual.htm
Lydia said:
I long for the day the enemy is gone, and Satanism is everywhere. Natural Pagan lifestyle, not this bullshit that goes on in this corrupt and meaningless life that most people live.

Hail Satan!

Couldn't have said it better myself!
To add, I hope everyone has a wonderful, happy, and meaningful Summer Solstice! It's a good time to begin a new meditation, astral communication, and divination :)

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The last ritual we have done has had monumental effects in subduing the enemy, combined with everything else. By now, it has been so effective [and so short] that it would be proper and fitting to include this in the daily warfare against the enemy.
Be aware: FRTR-Killing Tetragrammaton-Shattering Defenses [is now part of ONE ritual]
Excellent! :D

Should I make a paintable version of all three RTRs together in one page? Or is there still any reason to do the Final RTR + Tetra separately from the Shattering Defenses RTR?

For instance, if one wants to do extra reps of the Final RTR + Tetra, should the Shattering Defenses RTR always be done after each rep, or just after the last one to "seal" it?

REPEAT [Final RTR + Tetragrammaton RTR + Shattering Defenses RTR]
REPEAT [Final RTR + Tetragrammaton RTR] => then Shattering Defenses RTR

Which one?
Let’s go!
Thank you for putting the schedule together HP! One question: is it still ok to do the shattering defenses, then the Final RTR, then the Killing Tetragrammaton, in that order? Also, can I do them as one thing together and then just close with a big Hail Satan at the end, instead of doing it after each one?
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The last ritual we have done has had monumental effects in subduing the enemy, combined with everything else. By now, it has been so effective [and so short] that it would be proper and fitting to include this in the daily warfare against the enemy.
Be aware: FRTR-Killing Tetragrammaton-Shattering Defenses [is now part of ONE ritual]
Excellent! :D

Should I make a paintable version of all three RTRs together in one page? Or is there still any reason to do the Final RTR + Tetra separately from the Shattering Defenses RTR?

Yes, please do. The sequence could be either:

Shattering -> Final -> Tetra Destruction


Final -> Tetra -> Shattering [Found personally the second to be more focused, but both work as they should.]

Both work exactly as they should.
I'm excited to start. The race awakening ritual is most certainly my favorite to perform.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
REPEAT [Final RTR + Tetragrammaton RTR + Shattering Defenses RTR]

This way. These 3 parts are really one action, and they should be done together.

Let's go guys! :D
Hail Satan!
Niceeee, now that we are going to do the race awakening ritual again I could also concentrate more on spreading jos, or make some more organized internet campaigns
Hail Satan! Onwards to victory!

Speaking of astrological events, all SS simply have to look at their own charts to get an idea of what will go down in the next 2+ years. I'll leave it at that.

Once the enemy's spiritual power is decimated, and their physical influence debilitated....
HOOOOLLY SHIT, there is a LOOOOT of Rituals!

Only the FRTR (all 3 rituals) take about 30 mins :lol: ...

And then adding that i do 2 FRTR and 1 each of the others...

What about the situation with China? Seems like China is flexing it's muscles at Taiwan already the military has stated we are preparing arms for pacific warfare not against Middle Easter Irregular Forces.

Is war inevitable at some point?
Very happy that my current batch of personal 40-80 day workings all finished up this week. Now I can focus harder on RTR’s :D
I have a question. If the final rtr makes all other rituals obsolete and was all in one, then why are we doing ending confusion and curse Israel and KT and SED. Or was the all in one aspect false and all rituals need to be done.

What would happen to a person with a lot of free time and did every single ritual ever made once or twice a day. Would this be viable. Would this be the most optimal. Could doing every ritual, once or several times a day, be possible and allowed. Would it be ideal to do so? Or does the final rtr skeleton key this and make it all in one. Or is that not true.
Tabby's GD worked with us on this. It's a runic working for anyone who feels they need it.

Týr, Sól, Nauðr


"My strength, will and courage are strong and empowered.
My fears are unable to hold me back from doing all I need to thrive and survive, in the safest and most positive way for me.
I am mighty and invincible."

Affirmations x10

Beautiful sermon! Thank you for inspiring me and the other warriors! WE ARE WINNING! HAIL SATAN!!!
jrvan said:
Tabby's GD worked with us on this. It's a runic working for anyone who feels they need it.

Týr, Sól, Nauðr


"My strength, will and courage are strong and empowered.
My fears are unable to hold me back from doing all I need to thrive and survive, in the safest and most positive way for me.
I am mighty and invincible."

Affirmations x10

You're fucking kidding, right?

Excactly what I was looking for, thanks!

Have a blessed weekend. :)
For new people:
When the timer is 00:00 We do FRTR (all 3 combined)
When the timer is 01:00 Other rituals

See here:
Ferreter said:
I have a question. If the final rtr makes all other rituals obsolete and was all in one, then why are we doing ending confusion and curse Israel and KT and SED. Or was the all in one aspect false and all rituals need to be done.

What would happen to a person with a lot of free time and did every single ritual ever made once or twice a day. Would this be viable. Would this be the most optimal. Could doing every ritual, once or several times a day, be possible and allowed. Would it be ideal to do so? Or does the final rtr skeleton key this and make it all in one. Or is that not true.
The other RTRs are in the astral and their effects are there.
If the enemy makes prayers to bless Israel, all this is in the astral, but on the astral they will find barriers that will prevent them from going too far and will twist their prayers (read the RTR statements).
The FRTR destroys their alphabet upon which their soul is based, their curses (even secret ones) and their blessings (on themselves).
Sometimes it is necessary to upgrade these barriers with other RTRs, but this is done according to the spiritual warfare program.
Now you have to do the FRTR + Tetra and also the Destruction of the enemy defenses every day, imagine it as a big onion and you with the Destruction of the enemy defenses go to remove an important layer (that of thought forms and protections), all this will make other RTRs more effective.
Lydia said:
To add, I hope everyone has a wonderful, happy, and meaningful Summer Solstice! It's a good time to begin a new meditation, astral communication, and divination :)


Thank you, I needed to hear this!!
jrvan said:
Tabby's GD worked with us on this. It's a runic working for anyone who feels they need it.

Týr, Sól, Nauðr


"My strength, will and courage are strong and empowered.
My fears are unable to hold me back from doing all I need to thrive and survive, in the safest and most positive way for me.
I am mighty and invincible."

Affirmations x10


Thanks for sharing!
Ferreter said:
I have a question. If the final rtr makes all other rituals obsolete and was all in one, then why are we doing ending confusion and curse Israel and KT and SED. Or was the all in one aspect false and all rituals need to be done.

What would happen to a person with a lot of free time and did every single ritual ever made once or twice a day. Would this be viable. Would this be the most optimal. Could doing every ritual, once or several times a day, be possible and allowed. Would it be ideal to do so? Or does the final rtr skeleton key this and make it all in one. Or is that not true.

The final rtr destroys the spiritual foundation of the Jews, their hebrew letters.

The Lifting the Veil, destroys their „window“ to the enemy aliens.

The new RTR destroys their thoughtforms and protection.

The RTRs attack them directly as all their spells are based on those 3.
Then we have rituals to focus like a laser on certain aspects.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This awakening while facilitated by us, is manifesting solely through us. There are many vessels to this worldwide. This has to do with the soul aspects that are from our Gods within mankind. Not all humans have these anymore. There is also need for willful practice in some percent of the population for this to come out.

This shot that they're trying to mandate is to detach us from the sixth sense and bring us down to automatons by locking those injected in the five senses.

That's why some people don't have spirituality anymore. The enemy tried to steal our spirituality with their religions. Now they're trying to steal it with their shot.
NinRick said:
Lydia said:
To add, I hope everyone has a wonderful, happy, and meaningful Summer Solstice! It's a good time to begin a new meditation, astral communication, and divination :)


Thank you, I needed to hear this!!

Here is a good astral communication working from VoiceofEnki :
Ferreter said:
I have a question. If the final rtr makes all other rituals obsolete and was all in one, then why are we doing ending confusion and curse Israel and KT and SED. Or was the all in one aspect false and all rituals need to be done.

What would happen to a person with a lot of free time and did every single ritual ever made once or twice a day. Would this be viable. Would this be the most optimal. Could doing every ritual, once or several times a day, be possible and allowed. Would it be ideal to do so? Or does the final rtr skeleton key this and make it all in one. Or is that not true.

Its a strategic thing against the enemy. It would remove all the curses eventually but sometimes it's to our advantage to focus on a specific thing to remove or put more energy into that specific thing it makes progress faster or in a way that is needed.
NinRick said:
Ferreter is an infiltrator, read his signature. I copied it and saved it in case he removed it.

Say the words 'Bit and Chip' out loud (vocally) to get Satan's computer! When the thoughtform asks for confirmation for delivery, if you want to get it, say yes and your Bit and Chip will be installed. It is distributed by a thoughtform and placed in the back of the head and both hands. It is weapons programs internet etc. Have fun! It is one of Satan's gifts and is considered a perfect computer. Try it for telepathic communications! Hail Satan!
Henu the Great said:
You're fucking kidding, right?

Excactly what I was looking for, thanks!

Have a blessed weekend. :)


No problem, Henu. Happy Summer Solstice :)
I keep being told by Satan that the three main rituals, frtr KT SED are sealed in the name of Satan at 100% depletion, without being able to be replinished. and they are not needed to be done anymore. Wasn't something like that, where the enemy cant replinish their spells, wasn't something like that proposed by Hoodedcobra a while back?

I want to do the spells, i just would please like the ok from your end to proceed. Are the FRTR, KT and SED viable and applicable and effective. And is there any validity to what Satan said? Is there a time limit, an end to those rituals? Or can it help and be beneficial for all time to come?
Thank you.
Have a great Summer Solstice everyone!

Hail Father Satan!
Master said:
NinRick said:
Ferreter is an infiltrator, read his signature. I copied it and saved it in case he removed it.

Say the words 'Bit and Chip' out loud (vocally) to get Satan's computer! When the thoughtform asks for confirmation for delivery, if you want to get it, say yes and your Bit and Chip will be installed. It is distributed by a thoughtform and placed in the back of the head and both hands. It is weapons programs internet etc. Have fun! It is one of Satan's gifts and is considered a perfect computer. Try it for telepathic communications! Hail Satan!

I have seen that before and I do Wonder what the fuck this is talking about. I am not doing what he says here for sure.
jrvan said:

No problem, Henu. Happy Summer Solstice :)

Pfft haha, can’t believe you used that... :lol:

Henu the Great said:
You're fucking kidding, right?

Excactly what I was looking for, thanks!

Have a blessed weekend. :)

Btw Henu, your reaction here made my day.

Happy Summer Solstice everyone ☀️

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
