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Route: Astral Senses


Active member
Aug 25, 2021
During my path of opening the astral senses with our dearest Goddess Astarte and Father Satan, I was able to establish an opening path that may be useful to many of you and be a reference point on your path.

First step: opening the chakras.
It is important to remember to focus on opening the 7 main chakras and nothing else.

Step 2: Opening the chakras.
1. Feet
2. Hands

Don't worry if you don't know how to go into trance yet, although it is a good opportunity to start implementing it, if you do NOT feel ready for it, leave trance aside and focus on the other steps.

In my experience it is NOT necessary to go into trance, although it would be optimal, there is NO ONE WAY FOR IT.

Third step: Chakra Strengthening
Here I will leave the path based on my experience.

1. Feeling the chakras: In this meditation I dedicated some time to locate and feel them, I did not worry much about visualizing them. Here you can add pranayamas on each chakra to feel them properly or do the yogic breathing throughout the meditation. You can also use the complete chakra meditation for this.

2. Chakra spinning: Here there is already visualization, however for those who have difficulty in this, you can increase the sensation, i.e. feel how each one spins by combining it with the previous meditation.

3. Mantra meditation: This I did in order to unblock them completely, I did not focus on just one, but did all 7 simultaneously.

Each meditation took a certain time, the minimum is 40 days, always fulfill the cycle of 40 days and begin to analyze.

It is very possible that one meditation joins with another, that is to say, let's say you are on day 20 and you feel the need to start turning the chakras, then you start to join them. It is important to let yourself go with the meditations, they will guide you to what you have to do.

The other thing I want you to remember is that as you strengthen the chakras, the extensions will open. To explain the above, I will tell you one of my experiences, as I was focusing on strengthening the 7 main chakras simultaneously, suddenly when I was walking the shoulder chakras opened up and from there I knew I had to add something new to my chakra strengthening and it was these two shoulder chakras. I hope you understood.

After doing the above properly, I focused on my head, which encompasses so many clairaudience, clairvoyance and intuition issues.

The route will be duly listed here, remember that it must be a minimum of 40 days and that it is very possible that as you focus on each point, others will open simultaneously and this will mark your path properly.

1. Sixth chakra: I focused on feeling it properly and with intensity, with time the sensation was increasing to such an extent that it opened my pineal gland, which leads to the second step.

2. Meditation of the pineal gland: After meditating on my pineal gland for a while, the intuition developed more and I could detect it more easily and my third eye started to be stimulated, which leads to the third step.

3. Opening of my centers of clairvoyance. Remember that each step leads to the next.

4. Crown chakra: I focused on feeling it properly and with intensity, over time the sensation increased to such an extent that it opened my clairaudience centers.

5. How to open your psychic centers for clairaudience: Here I want to explain something important, the points do not open at the same time, in fact they will open as you stimulate the previous ones, for example, when I stimulated my crown of my head it opened the three clairaudience centers of my upper head, but when I started to stimulate even more my sixth chakra and third eye, the ones of my ear opened. As I said there is no single route and they may open in a different order, here you must be attentive to the signs and follow the route that the me-ditation marks. In addition to this, do not stop meditating on the previous ones, and divide the day to do it in two sessions and so you do not recharge so much.

There is an affirmation that I started to use when I started meditating on my crown of my head and it was this “My astral senses are safely po-tained and stimulated”. This also helped the other points or chakras to open.

I also want to add that as you practice this, your chakras will be activated even when you are studying or reading, even on the move, depending on which chakra is activated in different activities, take a few minutes to meditate on this activation, do not let it pass.

When you start with the above, it is very possible that the migraine begins to appear, it is normal, however, I mean that if it becomes very acute and unbearable, lower the meditation and continue with the previous point.

There are many effects you can experience and many paths you can opt for, as I said this is my route and I hope it will be helpful in case you don't know how to start.

The above will serve mainly to access:

1. Your intuition
2. Improve your telepathic communication with the Gods.
3. Creativity
4. Clairvoyance (To a lesser extent, as it will manifest the more you dedicate yourself to it).

If at any point you feel lost or confused on your path, ask your guardian demon or Father Satan for help.

I thank Astarte and Satan for their guidance and teaching.
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Salve Satanás!
Salve Astarte!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
