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Rough patch


New member
Jul 14, 2024
Greetings to everybody.

I’ve been going through some tough times, a bit slacking on my program due to lack of time, sometimes not studying something I should due to burnout,

But there is one thing that has been horrible lately.
I have a Satanist brother who I know in real life, and in short, our relationship hasn’t been quite well. I’ve made mistakes, and he has lost some of his trust in me. I’ve been a bit distant, less transparent, and he feels as if the honesty was mostly gone.

To clarify, I haven’t lied, and I did make mistakes such as not sharing enough information, but none of these was purposeful, and I wish to restore his trust, and the relationship. He is clearly hurt because of it. I’ve been trying to reflect to realize what kind of mistakes led here, and I’ve more or less understood, but I have two questions.

Is there a working that could help me restore our trust and brotherhood/friendship to it’s fullest, original state?

Second is, could this be partly because of the bad luck our High Priestess Lydia has been mentioning would happen in December?

I await your responses.

Hail Satan and the Gods!
Despite this person being a satanist, we may gain and or lose friends. This really doesn't have much to do with satanism but a nature ebb and flow to things in life. As we grow, sometimes we grow apart from friends, and relationships.

Yes, it could be from Mars Retrograde but from what you describe here there is personal factors also contributing to this.

When this comes to sharing information.... I have to admit I am a bit confused on what you mean...?

They are already a Spiritual Satanist so they have the Joy of Satanas main site, the forums and everything else. They would be fine to sort everything out themselves.

If I were you I'd just give this time. It surely seems like it will just sort out on it's own if this friendship is meant to be, especially since you both are Satanists.
Despite this person being a satanist, we may gain and or lose friends. This really doesn't have much to do with satanism but a nature ebb and flow to things in life. As we grow, sometimes we grow apart from friends, and relationships.

Yes, it could be from Mars Retrograde but from what you describe here there is personal factors also contributing to this.

When this comes to sharing information.... I have to admit I am a bit confused on what you mean...?

They are already a Spiritual Satanist so they have the Joy of Satanas main site, the forums and everything else. They would be fine to sort everything out themselves.

If I were you I'd just give this time. It surely seems like it will just sort out on it's own if this friendship is meant to be, especially since you both are Satanists.
I see. You’re right, thank you for the response. I believe I can handle things.
There's no need for any spiritual workings, talk in itself is enough , if it weren't meant to be then break ways, who care's? It's not like you're gonna be for an eternity together or maybe? And even although so with him or not you should stay stick on your path regardless with or without him , you're not here for anyone more then your own very self. Become a God then maybe sort things with him in another life time's/world's.

So yea, talk to him , keep it honest , you did not had and surely not have to give any information , more then what you already gave him , this is your own very right to keep privacy and private , nobody can pull up your own very thoughts and if he did not liked that you did not shared some things in full then maybe try to explain to him why you haven't done so..
Thank you for your response. You are quite right, but things have been going fine for now, thankfully. I was thinking of asking for a spiritual working at the moment I made the thread, because things never got this bad until that time, but like you said, I don’t need it for this.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
