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Romania and the political, moral, social situation


Well-known member
Sep 21, 2017
I wanna make a small topic for us Romanians, but of course any other member and/or HP is invited to participate and we are most grateful for any advice and opinions you can give us.

What I want to talk about is the awakening phenomenon that is taking place amongst whites in a slowly, gradual manner. It is obvious when you try and look to the opinion of the silent majority that lives in the shadows. Youtube comments mostly as facebook is way more controlled and regulated and your identity is public. Many comments show the awakening process, and also the latest changes: a decrease of xianity, the nationalists gaining more seats in the EP, some change in the way people view Hitler and so on.

But now I wanna talk strictly about our situation. To me it seems in our country the awakening is almost null and even becoming more NPC/robotic like. IDK what to say. Maybe it is because of large numbers of xians still pumping energy in the jewtrix? I see many admire this stupid pope now that he is visiting the country. On the other side, leftism is heavily increasing since those new parties USR and PLUS appeared. Just look at the comments on fb. It is an unprecedented phenomenon of fanatism.

I wanna make a serious point. If we wanna try and find answers we need to be very honest with each other now. Regardless of what you voted nobody is gonna be angry on your opinion. If you wanna tell me your options right now I won't laugh, discredit or rage, weather we talk about PSD, PNL, PLUSR, PMP, PR or any other political faction. I just wanna hear some opinions and try to put them in balance as for me right now... well I don't even know if there is a "lesser evil" choice. I will tell you my opinion, my justification for it and my opinions for each of the formations. Feel free to do the same, I will not rage as most of our idiot compatriots do. I would understand fanatism if the option was blatantly good, but I think neither is.

Ok here goes. In the last vote I opted for the national liberal party (PNL). Why did I? Not because it is way better than the rest as it sucks and it is corrup to the core. This party in my opinion at least has a doctrine of free market and has said in a very few occasions that it does not really support migration. Those are just declarations so as usual they can any time turn to kissing the EU's ass. They are pro EU by declarations. For me, economy is maningless if the country race mixes to death. I'd rather vote for a bunch of corrupts if they delay the migration process as much as they can. Though theoretically, they should be pro migration so heads up... Not to mention kind of pro xian and Orban is such an idiot!

Next one is the sociat democratic faction (PSD). On several occasions they too said they are anti migration, but for the past 3 years of PSD governing, tons of niggas started to appear on the streets with romanian girls tied to their hands. IDK if they are residents or just temporary contracted. I hope the second. This party is the biggest supporter of Israel and has done tons of benefic reforms for jews. including the anti anti semintism bill that was proposed by them and voted by the president (PNL afilliated). You are afraid to comment anything, you can end up in jail. Also this party tried to form the Investment Fund (Fondul Suveran de Investitii) which is said to be a common fund with the capital of the big state companies in which Israelis and Russians have access. Victor Ponta said this, even though I don't trust him either... So this is the social democratic party. If you prefered this one I am not gonna be like the rest of fanatics and discredit you and trash you, but I want your opinion/justification.

The last major formation is PLUSR. At first I liked them a bit as they were activating against corruption, have proposed a referendum against corrup politicians having functions anymore and they wanna make the local ellections in two steps so the winner wins with 50% + 1. The bad side is they are the biggerst militants for LGBT and migration and I suspect a big Soros involvment even though this is a big meme in our "intelligent country". You say the word Soros here and everyone hits the ground laughing as if you are talking about pink poneys. Even if you give them the Wall Street Journal article where Soros talks about investing half a billion in migration they still react like laughing gorillaz.

The other smaller parties don't really matter as they don't really have a doctrine whatsoever. What frightens me to death is that more than 90% of the youth seems to be leftist oriented and very fanatic about it. IDK what to say. It is one thing to say the older parties are shit and we need to at least give a chance to a new one (I told you why I fear this new one but I hope I am wrong), but to be so fanatic frightens me. The media is extremly leftist now. There is no right wing media or party at the moment. It is one of the few cases in Europe. We either choose socialists that pretend to be socialist conservatives while doing nothing against migration or we choose leftists. Those are the choices in the menu at the moment.

I also cannot understand how can a soy nerd be progressive liberal?! Back in my day in sweet school, the biggest bullies were the gypsies. Most nerds in secret had an extreme hatred for this trash and were very radical righ wing oriented. Untill they grew up and ended up in corporations and reading facebook. I've read numerous sermons about the leftist propaganda and race mixing programs in Europe and America, but let us remember something please. Let's stop for a few minutes and think. When we were kids/teenagers and there was no leftist party or media at all in this country our girls were extremly fond of having relationships with gypsies and laughing about anyone who was whiter skinned than the average. I think there is a predisposition towards this that I don't fully understand. Please correct me if I am wrong. One of my friends put an end to his life a while ago because of this situation. My levels of anger and hatred for certain cathegories of people cannot be described due to legal reasons.

The rural environment also seems very mixed. You may not realize, but I think the degree of mixture may be higher than we think... maybe above 35% IDK... you don't realize it as the skin contrast is not that big compared with a black white mixture.

There is also a general lack of hope when it comes to national pride that is why we tend to move our minds towards globalism. Somehow the media convinced the people that the social democratic party is the definition of Nationalism. Nobody else in politics and the media wants to even pronounce that word in a positive context. Other countries have at least one small right wing party or media. Not us. We are the most pro EU country, because if you are not you are pro Russian. IDK what is so European about the EU. The african migration to Europe in heavy numbers, the monopoly of Gazprom (Russians) in Macron's France and Merke'l Germany or the many trade contyracts with China? While a country like Poland is heavily discredited for wanting european ethnicity inside and exploiting oil by themselves from the baltic sea making them independent from Russia. Try telling this to anyone and observe the disastrous monkey reaction!

Take a look at this one: https://riscograma.ro/3324/elevii-romani-sunt-cei-mai-prosti-din-europa/

Please let me know of your opinions. Are there any solutions. I am doing the RTR daily and online activism as well, but the mass mind in our country is leftist oriented. The few rest are socialst xians... Maybe not enough romanians are SS. Maybe we should think about doing online warfare more oriented towards Romania. With facebook it's almost impossible. I had a page and they censor the shit out of you. Should we go as far as making our own political party and learning macroeconomics? Or joining a public administration function or a state institution?
I also heard of a minuscule party PNR (Partidul Noua Romanie - Sebastian Popescu). The ideas on the platform sound ok overall, but idk if they are the same idiots as the rest. The fact remains that the rest of the parties including the new PLUSR have grown fast. What does that tell us? Media coverage and advertising. This require money and sponsoring let;s be honest. The PNR's funding consists of each member contributing and a facebook page with less than 50 likes... This does not make them saviors let's not jump to conclusions.

Therefore we are correct to speculate and say Israelis and Russians may fund PSD, Soros may fund PLUSR and PNL probably has a former fund from corruption and maybe some other EU players.

C'mon there have to be solutions. After all we had positive manifestations in history: Vlad Tepes, Ion Antonescu, Alexandru Ioan Cuza. I needed to make this post as I had to say those things and get some opinions from the best people in Romania that I don't see. The SS Romanians. My heart is with you!
EasternFireLion666 said:
I wanna make a small topic for us Romanians, but of course any other member and/or HP is invited to participate and we are most grateful for any advice and opinions you can give us.

What I want to talk about is the awakening phenomenon that is taking place amongst whites in a slowly, gradual manner. It is obvious when you try and look to the opinion of the silent majority that lives in the shadows. Youtube comments mostly as facebook is way more controlled and regulated and your identity is public. Many comments show the awakening process, and also the latest changes: a decrease of xianity, the nationalists gaining more seats in the EP, some change in the way people view Hitler and so on.

But now I wanna talk strictly about our situation. To me it seems in our country the awakening is almost null and even becoming more NPC/robotic like. IDK what to say. Maybe it is because of large numbers of xians still pumping energy in the jewtrix? I see many admire this stupid pope now that he is visiting the country. On the other side, leftism is heavily increasing since those new parties USR and PLUS appeared. Just look at the comments on fb. It is an unprecedented phenomenon of fanatism.

I wanna make a serious point. If we wanna try and find answers we need to be very honest with each other now. Regardless of what you voted nobody is gonna be angry on your opinion. If you wanna tell me your options right now I won't laugh, discredit or rage, weather we talk about PSD, PNL, PLUSR, PMP, PR or any other political faction. I just wanna hear some opinions and try to put them in balance as for me right now... well I don't even know if there is a "lesser evil" choice. I will tell you my opinion, my justification for it and my opinions for each of the formations. Feel free to do the same, I will not rage as most of our idiot compatriots do. I would understand fanatism if the option was blatantly good, but I think neither is.

Ok here goes. In the last vote I opted for the national liberal party (PNL). Why did I? Not because it is way better than the rest as it sucks and it is corrup to the core. This party in my opinion at least has a doctrine of free market and has said in a very few occasions that it does not really support migration. Those are just declarations so as usual they can any time turn to kissing the EU's ass. They are pro EU by declarations. For me, economy is maningless if the country race mixes to death. I'd rather vote for a bunch of corrupts if they delay the migration process as much as they can. Though theoretically, they should be pro migration so heads up... Not to mention kind of pro xian and Orban is such an idiot!

Next one is the sociat democratic faction (PSD). On several occasions they too said they are anti migration, but for the past 3 years of PSD governing, tons of niggas started to appear on the streets with romanian girls tied to their hands. IDK if they are residents or just temporary contracted. I hope the second. This party is the biggest supporter of Israel and has done tons of benefic reforms for jews. including the anti anti semintism bill that was proposed by them and voted by the president (PNL afilliated). You are afraid to comment anything, you can end up in jail. Also this party tried to form the Investment Fund (Fondul Suveran de Investitii) which is said to be a common fund with the capital of the big state companies in which Israelis and Russians have access. Victor Ponta said this, even though I don't trust him either... So this is the social democratic party. If you prefered this one I am not gonna be like the rest of fanatics and discredit you and trash you, but I want your opinion/justification.

The last major formation is PLUSR. At first I liked them a bit as they were activating against corruption, have proposed a referendum against corrup politicians having functions anymore and they wanna make the local ellections in two steps so the winner wins with 50% + 1. The bad side is they are the biggerst militants for LGBT and migration and I suspect a big Soros involvment even though this is a big meme in our "intelligent country". You say the word Soros here and everyone hits the ground laughing as if you are talking about pink poneys. Even if you give them the Wall Street Journal article where Soros talks about investing half a billion in migration they still react like laughing gorillaz.

The other smaller parties don't really matter as they don't really have a doctrine whatsoever. What frightens me to death is that more than 90% of the youth seems to be leftist oriented and very fanatic about it. IDK what to say. It is one thing to say the older parties are shit and we need to at least give a chance to a new one (I told you why I fear this new one but I hope I am wrong), but to be so fanatic frightens me. The media is extremly leftist now. There is no right wing media or party at the moment. It is one of the few cases in Europe. We either choose socialists that pretend to be socialist conservatives while doing nothing against migration or we choose leftists. Those are the choices in the menu at the moment.

I also cannot understand how can a soy nerd be progressive liberal?! Back in my day in sweet school, the biggest bullies were the gypsies. Most nerds in secret had an extreme hatred for this trash and were very radical righ wing oriented. Untill they grew up and ended up in corporations and reading facebook. I've read numerous sermons about the leftist propaganda and race mixing programs in Europe and America, but let us remember something please. Let's stop for a few minutes and think. When we were kids/teenagers and there was no leftist party or media at all in this country our girls were extremly fond of having relationships with gypsies and laughing about anyone who was whiter skinned than the average. I think there is a predisposition towards this that I don't fully understand. Please correct me if I am wrong. One of my friends put an end to his life a while ago because of this situation. My levels of anger and hatred for certain cathegories of people cannot be described due to legal reasons.

The rural environment also seems very mixed. You may not realize, but I think the degree of mixture may be higher than we think... maybe above 35% IDK... you don't realize it as the skin contrast is not that big compared with a black white mixture.

There is also a general lack of hope when it comes to national pride that is why we tend to move our minds towards globalism. Somehow the media convinced the people that the social democratic party is the definition of Nationalism. Nobody else in politics and the media wants to even pronounce that word in a positive context. Other countries have at least one small right wing party or media. Not us. We are the most pro EU country, because if you are not you are pro Russian. IDK what is so European about the EU. The african migration to Europe in heavy numbers, the monopoly of Gazprom (Russians) in Macron's France and Merke'l Germany or the many trade contyracts with China? While a country like Poland is heavily discredited for wanting european ethnicity inside and exploiting oil by themselves from the baltic sea making them independent from Russia. Try telling this to anyone and observe the disastrous monkey reaction!

Take a look at this one: https://riscograma.ro/3324/elevii-romani-sunt-cei-mai-prosti-din-europa/

Please let me know of your opinions. Are there any solutions. I am doing the RTR daily and online activism as well, but the mass mind in our country is leftist oriented. The few rest are socialst xians... Maybe not enough romanians are SS. Maybe we should think about doing online warfare more oriented towards Romania. With facebook it's almost impossible. I had a page and they censor the shit out of you. Should we go as far as making our own political party and learning macroeconomics? Or joining a public administration function or a state institution?
I also heard of a minuscule party PNR (Partidul Noua Romanie - Sebastian Popescu). The ideas on the platform sound ok overall, but idk if they are the same idiots as the rest. The fact remains that the rest of the parties including the new PLUSR have grown fast. What does that tell us? Media coverage and advertising. This require money and sponsoring let;s be honest. The PNR's funding consists of each member contributing and a facebook page with less than 50 likes... This does not make them saviors let's not jump to conclusions.

Therefore we are correct to speculate and say Israelis and Russians may fund PSD, Soros may fund PLUSR and PNL probably has a former fund from corruption and maybe some other EU players.

C'mon there have to be solutions. After all we had positive manifestations in history: Vlad Tepes, Ion Antonescu, Alexandru Ioan Cuza. I needed to make this post as I had to say those things and get some opinions from the best people in Romania that I don't see. The SS Romanians. My heart is with you!
I not going again to vote, this was the first time.
I've gone voting because they say they give us a fine if we don't vote. I would go to vote only if there will be someone aware of jews. Yeah yeah they give us a fine but all the others that don't go voting dosen't get a fine.
I don't think this is for us if there is no Satanist involved.
That is my opinion and i haven't read everything you wrote. If there is no SS that you can vote for or someone aware of jews i'm not going.
I dont know about Solutions as I dont live there but I think you guys have a beautiful country and culture or at least did.

I hope it gets better. I dont know why I would feel any kind of connection to this stuff as I am supposedly "northern European" in descent but I like it and I like looking up stuff about it looking at pictures etc. It gave me a good feeling. I remember doing this awhile ago.

Good luck.
The political spectrum of "left-right" is just an illusion in Romania. All the major parties are stealing from the people and are trying to modify the laws to allow the politicians to do more and more illegal things, not to say that shitlots of them have criminal record, including the prezident. They want to further do things like getting illegal lands, illegal hauses, bribery, stealing money from the european funds and doing a very low quality job with the rest, increasing taxes to their thousands of euros *special* pensions when the net minimum wage is about 300 euros etc. There is no nationalist or "right-wing" party there. This is why my vote in the european elections went to the Brexit Party in UK and not to a romanian party. UK government allowed foreigners to vote for the UK parties, which was probably a deliberated attempt to stop the Brexit Party because most foreigners are retarted and do not give a shit that UK is turning brown under the control of European Union.

As about PNL, I tell you if jEU together with Soros and other zionists behind the scenes will decide to turn Romania into brown by "kalergization" all the parties will just obey and let the immigrants to come in. I am sure that most romanian women won't mind to fucked by and marry all the black immigrants. There is no racial awareness at all. They are already over-tolerating the gipsies who deserve to be packed intro trucks and sent back to India or Pakistan or whatever place they came from.

The main idea is, the corrupt politicians always thrive in brainwashed and poorly educated societies. When people in high numbers will self-educate about xianity and politics, they won't allow all this shit to happen anymore. If I discuss this with other people I always give them the example of yellow vests, because they self-educated enough to fight their corrupt politicians. The situation there is even worse because Macron wants to replace the french people with muslims and other coloured immigrants.
slyscorpion said:
I dont know about Solutions as I dont live there but I think you guys have a beautiful country and culture or at least did.

I hope it gets better. I dont know why I would feel any kind of connection to this stuff as I am supposedly "northern European" in descent but I like it and I like looking up stuff about it looking at pictures etc. It gave me a good feeling. I remember doing this awhile ago.

Good luck.

Thank you for the encouragement! I hope to see the light some day. The daily pain of seeing the ones you love the most pump energy into an unseen enemy network is unberable. I had a phylosophy a while ago of closing myself from anyone and not having any feelings. I still think love can be a damaging feeling.
The Alchemist7 said:
The political spectrum of "left-right" is just an illusion in Romania. All the major parties are stealing from the people and are trying to modify the laws to allow the politicians to do more and more illegal things, not to say that shitlots of them have criminal record, including the prezident. They want to further do things like getting illegal lands, illegal hauses, bribery, stealing money from the european funds and doing a very low quality job with the rest, increasing taxes to their thousands of euros *special* pensions when the net minimum wage is about 300 euros etc. There is no nationalist or "right-wing" party there. This is why my vote in the european elections went to the Brexit Party in UK and not to a romanian party. UK government allowed foreigners to vote for the UK parties, which was probably a deliberated attempt to stop the Brexit Party because most foreigners are retarted and do not give a shit that UK is turning brown under the control of European Union.

As about PNL, I tell you if jEU together with Soros and other zionists behind the scenes will decide to turn Romania into brown by "kalergization" all the parties will just obey and let the immigrants to come in. I am sure that most romanian women won't mind to fucked by and marry all the black immigrants. There is no racial awareness at all. They are already over-tolerating the gipsies who deserve to be packed intro trucks and sent back to India or Pakistan or whatever place they came from.

The main idea is, the corrupt politicians always thrive in brainwashed and poorly educated societies. When people in high numbers will self-educate about xianity and politics, they won't allow all this shit to happen anymore. If I discuss this with other people I always give them the example of yellow vests, because they self-educated enough to fight their corrupt politicians. The situation there is even worse because Macron wants to replace the french people with muslims and other coloured immigrants.

Lets hope the next spuperpower we will kiss the ass of will be a fourth reich or smth... you are right about what you say.
Catalincata94 said:
That is my opinion and i haven't read everything you wrote. If there is no SS that you can vote for or someone aware of jews i'm not going.
Not voting is useless and it’s just a anarchist communist behaviour. You should vote for the parties of the right, there will not be any Natsoc party anywhere soon, especially SS Lol
EasternFireLion666 said:
slyscorpion said:
I dont know about Solutions as I dont live there but I think you guys have a beautiful country and culture or at least did.

I hope it gets better. I dont know why I would feel any kind of connection to this stuff as I am supposedly "northern European" in descent but I like it and I like looking up stuff about it looking at pictures etc. It gave me a good feeling. I remember doing this awhile ago.

Good luck.

Thank you for the encouragement! I hope to see the light some day. The daily pain of seeing the ones you love the most pump energy into an unseen enemy network is unberable. I had a phylosophy a while ago of closing myself from anyone and not having any feelings. I still think love can be a damaging feeling.

Love for certain people like that is damaging as too much connection to souls on the enemy side allows them to attack us through these links (in plain english you might get xtian thoughts or even voices forced into your head and you wonder where it came from and no amount of protection would stop it unltil you removed the link)

I also think closing yourself off and not having any feelings is damaging. I know what I am talking about is not related to this thread but its not healthy or great not having feelings I wanted to reply to this.

There has to be someone that is a little less fucked in the head I mean I dont know your situation but I would think it would be better if you need friends or someone to love to just go with people who dont give a fuck that much about religion and may just say they are xtian to fit in but dont like it that much.

I dont really know anyone fully free from the enemy either. I know one person that might come around and be on our side but that will be a couple of years from now according to a message I got in a dream.

It sucks but just keep doing the final rtr and any other attack of the enemy the Gods might direct you to. In a couple of years some of the ones you love may come around or they may not but remember it doesnt matter your soul is the most important thing to you and only you can save your own soul the same goes for everyone else. You can choose to be a hero and in the coming years you might have a little sadness and aloneness if they reject you for it but soon a time is coming where everyone will have to make a choice and live or die by that choice. If you make the right choice the rewards are eternal for you. Think of it this way in 1000 years will it matter what some petty xtian said back in 2019.

Keep your head up I hope this gives you perspective on this whole thing
Aquarius said:
Catalincata94 said:
That is my opinion and i haven't read everything you wrote. If there is no SS that you can vote for or someone aware of jews i'm not going.
Not voting is useless and it’s just a anarchist communist behaviour. You should vote for the parties of the right, there will not be any Natsoc party anywhere soon, especially SS Lol
Alright i didn't know about these parties which is which but yeah i think you are right i will get more informer about the parties and next time i'll make a better vote.
Catalincata94 said:
Aquarius said:
Catalincata94 said:
That is my opinion and i haven't read everything you wrote. If there is no SS that you can vote for or someone aware of jews i'm not going.
Not voting is useless and it’s just a anarchist communist behaviour. You should vote for the parties of the right, there will not be any Natsoc party anywhere soon, especially SS Lol
Alright i didn't know about these parties which is which but yeah i think you are right i will get more informer about the parties and next time i'll make a better vote.
slyscorpion said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
slyscorpion said:
I dont know about Solutions as I dont live there but I think you guys have a beautiful country and culture or at least did.

I hope it gets better. I dont know why I would feel any kind of connection to this stuff as I am supposedly "northern European" in descent but I like it and I like looking up stuff about it looking at pictures etc. It gave me a good feeling. I remember doing this awhile ago.

Good luck.

Thank you for the encouragement! I hope to see the light some day. The daily pain of seeing the ones you love the most pump energy into an unseen enemy network is unberable. I had a phylosophy a while ago of closing myself from anyone and not having any feelings. I still think love can be a damaging feeling.

Love for certain people like that is damaging as too much connection to souls on the enemy side allows them to attack us through these links (in plain english you might get xtian thoughts or even voices forced into your head and you wonder where it came from and no amount of protection would stop it unltil you removed the link)

I also think closing yourself off and not having any feelings is damaging. I know what I am talking about is not related to this thread but its not healthy or great not having feelings I wanted to reply to this.

There has to be someone that is a little less fucked in the head I mean I dont know your situation but I would think it would be better if you need friends or someone to love to just go with people who dont give a fuck that much about religion and may just say they are xtian to fit in but dont like it that much.

I dont really know anyone fully free from the enemy either. I know one person that might come around and be on our side but that will be a couple of years from now according to a message I got in a dream.

It sucks but just keep doing the final rtr and any other attack of the enemy the Gods might direct you to. In a couple of years some of the ones you love may come around or they may not but remember it doesnt matter your soul is the most important thing to you and only you can save your own soul the same goes for everyone else. You can choose to be a hero and in the coming years you might have a little sadness and aloneness if they reject you for it but soon a time is coming where everyone will have to make a choice and live or die by that choice. If you make the right choice the rewards are eternal for you. Think of it this way in 1000 years will it matter what some petty xtian said back in 2019.

Keep your head up I hope this gives you perspective on this whole thing

I will keep this in mind. Thank you for the advice!
The Alchemist7 said:
They are already over-tolerating the gipsies who deserve to be packed intro trucks and sent back to India or Pakistan or whatever place they came from.

I heared about an ancient Romanian remedy that can cure the gipsy problem:
https://youtu.be/-4ngwXh1cbc. (3:30)

Why not apply it? :lol:
Savitar said:
The Alchemist7 said:
They are already over-tolerating the gipsies who deserve to be packed intro trucks and sent back to India or Pakistan or whatever place they came from.

I heared about an ancient Romanian remedy that can cure the gipsy problem:
https://youtu.be/-4ngwXh1cbc. (3:30)

Why not apply it? :lol:

Maybe because people are stupid and love this scum?
You don't realize the levels of stupidity and negative energy in this country. Right nou you can even put and equal between romanians and gypsies. If i could i would move all the wojen romanians to a different country and let the hungarians turks and russians split the country. I am overly disgusted woth my people.
Well, about politics here I'm not pretty well versed , not because that this time was the first when i voted(also with PNL, for the same reason about the migrants , and mostly because of the pakistans 500 000 migrants that are supposed to get here ), but because I've found our politics wayy too communists in every aspect, no matter how I looked at them. About the number of SS here, indeed I find it deplorable, atheists(that are no good, like xians in a manner) are some, and there are some open minded guys who would listen and put their mind to work if they d get the right arguments. Fortunately around me there were more or less persons enough open minded to leave xianity behind, either becoming agnostics or atheist, and a very few with whom I really can talk about many things did become SS, but the brainwashing amongst those xians and atheists indeed, are very deep, and hard to break free amongst our people, due to many reasons, the silliest being''that s how my parents were(xians), my grandparents, etc'' without even thinking way further back when our ancestors were pagans, and it doesn t work telling them that our ancestors weren t xians, I see many, way too many posts on internet where some idiots say''Dacii erau creștini'' or in any another form. Now I ll jump from this subject to next. The gypsies, as you ve said, my hate for them is deep, beyond any legal means. One of the reason is because they exist, another is because they are jewish(anyone can see how they resemble each other), besides the fact that I ve been raised in an environment with full hatred against those creatures, like my family s hatred towards them, my friends hatred towards them, every non gypsies around me hated them at, until when i ve got at highschool, so to say, I m a villager, or redneck(how americans would call us, adică țăran), when i ve started coming day after day at city, and see a lot of blonde, white womans, being together with the gypsies, only hatred came to my mind, I couldn t think of anything else but''How the f..k can an aryan woman be together with such a hideous creature? Why are those handicapated creature allowed to live here? Why does they have rights at our womans? Why? Why? Why?''. I have some colleagues ,same blonde haired, blue eyed, white skinned, that have had relationships only with those creatures. Once I ve talked to them, and asked'' why do you like those creatures so much?'', the answer''Because of how they live, they have money, they have gangs, and most important because I don t like to be with a white skinned man '',what else could I ask for a better answer? Those womans shouldn t be allowed to live, only my opinion, they destroy our race, and most importantly they make other womans do the same. I remember a few years ago, I had a friend(I suppose I ll ask once for some guidance due to the situation between me and her right now), well she was brunette with ''hazelnut '' or brown eyes, white skinned, when I started talking to her, because of her boyfriend(coincidentally my best friend), she wasn t so, how should I say, crazy, didn t really had an attraction toward other races. Well, in the meantime he broke up with her, so she started talking only with me for about 3 months, afterwards at school she started talking with other guys(didn t really care at the beginning), one day she asked me about a gypsie(that lived on the same street as me), what s my opinion about him, i ve said how much i ve hated him, his actions, way of talking,race, everything, in a few days afterwards she started dating him,'' wow ,amazing, you are the most retarded woman i ve ever known till this point'' was what i ve said, she paid no heed to my words, in a month, they broke up... the gypsie asked some female friends of his to harass her, the nice guy(me), stood there and done the best he could to avoid unnecesary violence towards his little imbecile'' friend''. She again started to talk, again, and again, i won t keep the story on, she got all of her next boyfriends only gypsies, no matter what i ve said. So how can those brainwashed womans even dare to talk? I d understand, let s say, that if the man would be of the white race(not necessary aryan),it still would be so so, but other races are a no no, from my experience with those parody of white womans, i d say that this is inacceptable. destroying the white race, their lifes, their progenys lifes, and a lot of men s life, they do this with a smile on their face. This is much of my hatred towards both of them(gypsies, and this kind of womens). This might be influenced by the television with all of those serials with Indians, mexicans, spanish, turks, etc, that are so popular with our womans. And also, so that it won t look only that i have something against those womans, I ll say a few more problems I ve had with those gypsies that amplyfied my anger towards them. When I was 13, i ve got really well beated up by one, a white skinned gypsie, afterwards day after day i ve planned my revenge, again and again thinking about every method of destroying him both mentally and physically, but never ended doing it, cause he left the village. Afterwards getting in many arguments with them, those gypsies, without any particular reason from my side. Everyday seeing those creatures on streets asking for money''give me some money because i m hungry'' ''give me 50 de bani, to buy a bread'' or others(their womans) promotting xianitty, asking you to take one fucking picture of a jew with his mother or something to give you luck or any other fucking idiotics ideas, after taking the picture asking money for it. Or how they cut their hands or legs for this. Afterwards going in other countries doing the same, humiliating this country and it s people, so that we d be regarded the same as those creature. The list can go on for hours. For first, so that we d be able to improve our situation I find disposing of those creatures being of utmost importance... sorry that I ve got away from the subject about politics :(
Sabazios said:
Well, about politics here I'm not pretty well versed , not because that this time was the first when i voted(also with PNL, for the same reason about the migrants , and mostly because of the pakistans 500 000 migrants that are supposed to get here ), but because I've found our politics wayy too communists in every aspect, no matter how I looked at them. About the number of SS here, indeed I find it deplorable, atheists(that are no good, like xians in a manner) are some, and there are some open minded guys who would listen and put their mind to work if they d get the right arguments. Fortunately around me there were more or less persons enough open minded to leave xianity behind, either becoming agnostics or atheist, and a very few with whom I really can talk about many things did become SS, but the brainwashing amongst those xians and atheists indeed, are very deep, and hard to break free amongst our people, due to many reasons, the silliest being''that s how my parents were(xians), my grandparents, etc'' without even thinking way further back when our ancestors were pagans, and it doesn t work telling them that our ancestors weren t xians, I see many, way too many posts on internet where some idiots say''Dacii erau creștini'' or in any another form. Now I ll jump from this subject to next. The gypsies, as you ve said, my hate for them is deep, beyond any legal means. One of the reason is because they exist, another is because they are jewish(anyone can see how they resemble each other), besides the fact that I ve been raised in an environment with full hatred against those creatures, like my family s hatred towards them, my friends hatred towards them, every non gypsies around me hated them at, until when i ve got at highschool, so to say, I m a villager, or redneck(how americans would call us, adică țăran), when i ve started coming day after day at city, and see a lot of blonde, white womans, being together with the gypsies, only hatred came to my mind, I couldn t think of anything else but''How the f..k can an aryan woman be together with such a hideous creature? Why are those handicapated creature allowed to live here? Why does they have rights at our womans? Why? Why? Why?''. I have some colleagues ,same blonde haired, blue eyed, white skinned, that have had relationships only with those creatures. Once I ve talked to them, and asked'' why do you like those creatures so much?'', the answer''Because of how they live, they have money, they have gangs, and most important because I don t like to be with a white skinned man '',what else could I ask for a better answer? Those womans shouldn t be allowed to live, only my opinion, they destroy our race, and most importantly they make other womans do the same. I remember a few years ago, I had a friend(I suppose I ll ask once for some guidance due to the situation between me and her right now), well she was brunette with ''hazelnut '' or brown eyes, white skinned, when I started talking to her, because of her boyfriend(coincidentally my best friend), she wasn t so, how should I say, crazy, didn t really had an attraction toward other races. Well, in the meantime he broke up with her, so she started talking only with me for about 3 months, afterwards at school she started talking with other guys(didn t really care at the beginning), one day she asked me about a gypsie(that lived on the same street as me), what s my opinion about him, i ve said how much i ve hated him, his actions, way of talking,race, everything, in a few days afterwards she started dating him,'' wow ,amazing, you are the most retarded woman i ve ever known till this point'' was what i ve said, she paid no heed to my words, in a month, they broke up... the gypsie asked some female friends of his to harass her, the nice guy(me), stood there and done the best he could to avoid unnecesary violence towards his little imbecile'' friend''. She again started to talk, again, and again, i won t keep the story on, she got all of her next boyfriends only gypsies, no matter what i ve said. So how can those brainwashed womans even dare to talk? I d understand, let s say, that if the man would be of the white race(not necessary aryan),it still would be so so, but other races are a no no, from my experience with those parody of white womans, i d say that this is inacceptable. destroying the white race, their lifes, their progenys lifes, and a lot of men s life, they do this with a smile on their face. This is much of my hatred towards both of them(gypsies, and this kind of womens). This might be influenced by the television with all of those serials with Indians, mexicans, spanish, turks, etc, that are so popular with our womans. And also, so that it won t look only that i have something against those womans, I ll say a few more problems I ve had with those gypsies that amplyfied my anger towards them. When I was 13, i ve got really well beated up by one, a white skinned gypsie, afterwards day after day i ve planned my revenge, again and again thinking about every method of destroying him both mentally and physically, but never ended doing it, cause he left the village. Afterwards getting in many arguments with them, those gypsies, without any particular reason from my side. Everyday seeing those creatures on streets asking for money''give me some money because i m hungry'' ''give me 50 de bani, to buy a bread'' or others(their womans) promotting xianitty, asking you to take one fucking picture of a jew with his mother or something to give you luck or any other fucking idiotics ideas, after taking the picture asking money for it. Or how they cut their hands or legs for this. Afterwards going in other countries doing the same, humiliating this country and it s people, so that we d be regarded the same as those creature. The list can go on for hours. For first, so that we d be able to improve our situation I find disposing of those creatures being of utmost importance... sorry that I ve got away from the subject about politics :(
Hei bro, yeah they are stupid gypsies they don't care about the environment just to use it. I didn't know about that they are also jewshits i will have to look for that but there should be some evidence for that?
When i was in, i think in elementary school, there was a gypsy that always nagged me and one day he wanted to beat me and then an Arian like me steped in (he was somewhat older than me) and beat him up XD he was like a super hero to me back then at that moment. Never liked that gypsy i once got in a fight with him and got the anger out of me in than fight xD he is unpolite.

About that girl you talked to that deserve to die because she is with some gypsy or was... well if she will get in racial mixing she will die anyway.
And that he said that she likes gypsys, before i dedicated i also had desires about asian girls this can be because of the racial mixing that the jews try to promote. Like get tanned this way you look good.
I think they are retarded (and she too) because they don't want to know more about themselves and the world so this way they just die in the end.
Sabazios said:
Well, about politics here I'm not pretty well versed , not because that this time was the first when i voted(also with PNL, for the same reason about the migrants , and mostly because of the pakistans 500 000 migrants that are supposed to get here ), but because I've found our politics wayy too communists in every aspect, no matter how I looked at them. About the number of SS here, indeed I find it deplorable, atheists(that are no good, like xians in a manner) are some, and there are some open minded guys who would listen and put their mind to work if they d get the right arguments. Fortunately around me there were more or less persons enough open minded to leave xianity behind, either becoming agnostics or atheist, and a very few with whom I really can talk about many things did become SS, but the brainwashing amongst those xians and atheists indeed, are very deep, and hard to break free amongst our people, due to many reasons, the silliest being''that s how my parents were(xians), my grandparents, etc'' without even thinking way further back when our ancestors were pagans, and it doesn t work telling them that our ancestors weren t xians, I see many, way too many posts on internet where some idiots say''Dacii erau creștini'' or in any another form. Now I ll jump from this subject to next. The gypsies, as you ve said, my hate for them is deep, beyond any legal means. One of the reason is because they exist, another is because they are jewish(anyone can see how they resemble each other), besides the fact that I ve been raised in an environment with full hatred against those creatures, like my family s hatred towards them, my friends hatred towards them, every non gypsies around me hated them at, until when i ve got at highschool, so to say, I m a villager, or redneck(how americans would call us, adică țăran), when i ve started coming day after day at city, and see a lot of blonde, white womans, being together with the gypsies, only hatred came to my mind, I couldn t think of anything else but''How the f..k can an aryan woman be together with such a hideous creature? Why are those handicapated creature allowed to live here? Why does they have rights at our womans? Why? Why? Why?''. I have some colleagues ,same blonde haired, blue eyed, white skinned, that have had relationships only with those creatures. Once I ve talked to them, and asked'' why do you like those creatures so much?'', the answer''Because of how they live, they have money, they have gangs, and most important because I don t like to be with a white skinned man '',what else could I ask for a better answer? Those womans shouldn t be allowed to live, only my opinion, they destroy our race, and most importantly they make other womans do the same. I remember a few years ago, I had a friend(I suppose I ll ask once for some guidance due to the situation between me and her right now), well she was brunette with ''hazelnut '' or brown eyes, white skinned, when I started talking to her, because of her boyfriend(coincidentally my best friend), she wasn t so, how should I say, crazy, didn t really had an attraction toward other races. Well, in the meantime he broke up with her, so she started talking only with me for about 3 months, afterwards at school she started talking with other guys(didn t really care at the beginning), one day she asked me about a gypsie(that lived on the same street as me), what s my opinion about him, i ve said how much i ve hated him, his actions, way of talking,race, everything, in a few days afterwards she started dating him,'' wow ,amazing, you are the most retarded woman i ve ever known till this point'' was what i ve said, she paid no heed to my words, in a month, they broke up... the gypsie asked some female friends of his to harass her, the nice guy(me), stood there and done the best he could to avoid unnecesary violence towards his little imbecile'' friend''. She again started to talk, again, and again, i won t keep the story on, she got all of her next boyfriends only gypsies, no matter what i ve said. So how can those brainwashed womans even dare to talk? I d understand, let s say, that if the man would be of the white race(not necessary aryan),it still would be so so, but other races are a no no, from my experience with those parody of white womans, i d say that this is inacceptable. destroying the white race, their lifes, their progenys lifes, and a lot of men s life, they do this with a smile on their face. This is much of my hatred towards both of them(gypsies, and this kind of womens). This might be influenced by the television with all of those serials with Indians, mexicans, spanish, turks, etc, that are so popular with our womans. And also, so that it won t look only that i have something against those womans, I ll say a few more problems I ve had with those gypsies that amplyfied my anger towards them. When I was 13, i ve got really well beated up by one, a white skinned gypsie, afterwards day after day i ve planned my revenge, again and again thinking about every method of destroying him both mentally and physically, but never ended doing it, cause he left the village. Afterwards getting in many arguments with them, those gypsies, without any particular reason from my side. Everyday seeing those creatures on streets asking for money''give me some money because i m hungry'' ''give me 50 de bani, to buy a bread'' or others(their womans) promotting xianitty, asking you to take one fucking picture of a jew with his mother or something to give you luck or any other fucking idiotics ideas, after taking the picture asking money for it. Or how they cut their hands or legs for this. Afterwards going in other countries doing the same, humiliating this country and it s people, so that we d be regarded the same as those creature. The list can go on for hours. For first, so that we d be able to improve our situation I find disposing of those creatures being of utmost importance... sorry that I ve got away from the subject about politics :(

I can relate to the women issue with them and I also had many unpleasant episode with gypsies. 12 years of torture because of this viruses. When/If the awakening comes... it will be an unheard of phenomenon! The once big scum smile will turn to tears and desperation!
Catalincata94 said:
Sabazios said:
Well, about politics here I'm not pretty well versed , not because that this time was the first when i voted(also with PNL, for the same reason about the migrants , and mostly because of the pakistans 500 000 migrants that are supposed to get here ), but because I've found our politics wayy too communists in every aspect, no matter how I looked at them. About the number of SS here, indeed I find it deplorable, atheists(that are no good, like xians in a manner) are some, and there are some open minded guys who would listen and put their mind to work if they d get the right arguments. Fortunately around me there were more or less persons enough open minded to leave xianity behind, either becoming agnostics or atheist, and a very few with whom I really can talk about many things did become SS, but the brainwashing amongst those xians and atheists indeed, are very deep, and hard to break free amongst our people, due to many reasons, the silliest being''that s how my parents were(xians), my grandparents, etc'' without even thinking way further back when our ancestors were pagans, and it doesn t work telling them that our ancestors weren t xians, I see many, way too many posts on internet where some idiots say''Dacii erau creștini'' or in any another form. Now I ll jump from this subject to next. The gypsies, as you ve said, my hate for them is deep, beyond any legal means. One of the reason is because they exist, another is because they are jewish(anyone can see how they resemble each other), besides the fact that I ve been raised in an environment with full hatred against those creatures, like my family s hatred towards them, my friends hatred towards them, every non gypsies around me hated them at, until when i ve got at highschool, so to say, I m a villager, or redneck(how americans would call us, adică țăran), when i ve started coming day after day at city, and see a lot of blonde, white womans, being together with the gypsies, only hatred came to my mind, I couldn t think of anything else but''How the f..k can an aryan woman be together with such a hideous creature? Why are those handicapated creature allowed to live here? Why does they have rights at our womans? Why? Why? Why?''. I have some colleagues ,same blonde haired, blue eyed, white skinned, that have had relationships only with those creatures. Once I ve talked to them, and asked'' why do you like those creatures so much?'', the answer''Because of how they live, they have money, they have gangs, and most important because I don t like to be with a white skinned man '',what else could I ask for a better answer? Those womans shouldn t be allowed to live, only my opinion, they destroy our race, and most importantly they make other womans do the same. I remember a few years ago, I had a friend(I suppose I ll ask once for some guidance due to the situation between me and her right now), well she was brunette with ''hazelnut '' or brown eyes, white skinned, when I started talking to her, because of her boyfriend(coincidentally my best friend), she wasn t so, how should I say, crazy, didn t really had an attraction toward other races. Well, in the meantime he broke up with her, so she started talking only with me for about 3 months, afterwards at school she started talking with other guys(didn t really care at the beginning), one day she asked me about a gypsie(that lived on the same street as me), what s my opinion about him, i ve said how much i ve hated him, his actions, way of talking,race, everything, in a few days afterwards she started dating him,'' wow ,amazing, you are the most retarded woman i ve ever known till this point'' was what i ve said, she paid no heed to my words, in a month, they broke up... the gypsie asked some female friends of his to harass her, the nice guy(me), stood there and done the best he could to avoid unnecesary violence towards his little imbecile'' friend''. She again started to talk, again, and again, i won t keep the story on, she got all of her next boyfriends only gypsies, no matter what i ve said. So how can those brainwashed womans even dare to talk? I d understand, let s say, that if the man would be of the white race(not necessary aryan),it still would be so so, but other races are a no no, from my experience with those parody of white womans, i d say that this is inacceptable. destroying the white race, their lifes, their progenys lifes, and a lot of men s life, they do this with a smile on their face. This is much of my hatred towards both of them(gypsies, and this kind of womens). This might be influenced by the television with all of those serials with Indians, mexicans, spanish, turks, etc, that are so popular with our womans. And also, so that it won t look only that i have something against those womans, I ll say a few more problems I ve had with those gypsies that amplyfied my anger towards them. When I was 13, i ve got really well beated up by one, a white skinned gypsie, afterwards day after day i ve planned my revenge, again and again thinking about every method of destroying him both mentally and physically, but never ended doing it, cause he left the village. Afterwards getting in many arguments with them, those gypsies, without any particular reason from my side. Everyday seeing those creatures on streets asking for money''give me some money because i m hungry'' ''give me 50 de bani, to buy a bread'' or others(their womans) promotting xianitty, asking you to take one fucking picture of a jew with his mother or something to give you luck or any other fucking idiotics ideas, after taking the picture asking money for it. Or how they cut their hands or legs for this. Afterwards going in other countries doing the same, humiliating this country and it s people, so that we d be regarded the same as those creature. The list can go on for hours. For first, so that we d be able to improve our situation I find disposing of those creatures being of utmost importance... sorry that I ve got away from the subject about politics :(
Hei bro, yeah they are stupid gypsies they don't care about the environment just to use it. I didn't know about that they are also jewshits i will have to look for that but there should be some evidence for that?
When i was in, i think in elementary school, there was a gypsy that always nagged me and one day he wanted to beat me and then an Arian like me steped in (he was somewhat older than me) and beat him up XD he was like a super hero to me back then at that moment. Never liked that gypsy i once got in a fight with him and got the anger out of me in than fight xD he is unpolite.

About that girl you talked to that deserve to die because she is with some gypsy or was... well if she will get in racial mixing she will die anyway.
And that he said that she likes gypsys, before i dedicated i also had desires about asian girls this can be because of the racial mixing that the jews try to promote. Like get tanned this way you look good.
I think they are retarded (and she too) because they don't want to know more about themselves and the world so this way they just die in the end.

This would be the best end for them... dying by their own hands. Well for the gypsies being jews, I ll try to point a few of them(those'' popular'' gypsies, those that sing manele). Look at Guță, can anyone say that he doesn t resemble a jew? Every of his traits, such as the nose, the neck, mandible, that rat looking face, and many others. Or Salam, and so on(those are the ones i ve saw on videos posted on fb or listened to them at partys or such, because of some imbeciles that would say ''it s a nice music for partying, drinking, or such''). We(my family and those around me including myself) regards those things as rats(way before I ve become a satanist, I ve learned about the jews, their phisical traits, and so on). That s why even until a high priest stated the gypsies are jews I was convinced that they were, but they ve got in my atention more after it was stated here.
EasternFireLion666 said:
Sabazios said:
Well, about politics here I'm not pretty well versed , not because that this time was the first when i voted(also with PNL, for the same reason about the migrants , and mostly because of the pakistans 500 000 migrants that are supposed to get here ), but because I've found our politics wayy too communists in every aspect, no matter how I looked at them. About the number of SS here, indeed I find it deplorable, atheists(that are no good, like xians in a manner) are some, and there are some open minded guys who would listen and put their mind to work if they d get the right arguments. Fortunately around me there were more or less persons enough open minded to leave xianity behind, either becoming agnostics or atheist, and a very few with whom I really can talk about many things did become SS, but the brainwashing amongst those xians and atheists indeed, are very deep, and hard to break free amongst our people, due to many reasons, the silliest being''that s how my parents were(xians), my grandparents, etc'' without even thinking way further back when our ancestors were pagans, and it doesn t work telling them that our ancestors weren t xians, I see many, way too many posts on internet where some idiots say''Dacii erau creștini'' or in any another form. Now I ll jump from this subject to next. The gypsies, as you ve said, my hate for them is deep, beyond any legal means. One of the reason is because they exist, another is because they are jewish(anyone can see how they resemble each other), besides the fact that I ve been raised in an environment with full hatred against those creatures, like my family s hatred towards them, my friends hatred towards them, every non gypsies around me hated them at, until when i ve got at highschool, so to say, I m a villager, or redneck(how americans would call us, adică țăran), when i ve started coming day after day at city, and see a lot of blonde, white womans, being together with the gypsies, only hatred came to my mind, I couldn t think of anything else but''How the f..k can an aryan woman be together with such a hideous creature? Why are those handicapated creature allowed to live here? Why does they have rights at our womans? Why? Why? Why?''. I have some colleagues ,same blonde haired, blue eyed, white skinned, that have had relationships only with those creatures. Once I ve talked to them, and asked'' why do you like those creatures so much?'', the answer''Because of how they live, they have money, they have gangs, and most important because I don t like to be with a white skinned man '',what else could I ask for a better answer? Those womans shouldn t be allowed to live, only my opinion, they destroy our race, and most importantly they make other womans do the same. I remember a few years ago, I had a friend(I suppose I ll ask once for some guidance due to the situation between me and her right now), well she was brunette with ''hazelnut '' or brown eyes, white skinned, when I started talking to her, because of her boyfriend(coincidentally my best friend), she wasn t so, how should I say, crazy, didn t really had an attraction toward other races. Well, in the meantime he broke up with her, so she started talking only with me for about 3 months, afterwards at school she started talking with other guys(didn t really care at the beginning), one day she asked me about a gypsie(that lived on the same street as me), what s my opinion about him, i ve said how much i ve hated him, his actions, way of talking,race, everything, in a few days afterwards she started dating him,'' wow ,amazing, you are the most retarded woman i ve ever known till this point'' was what i ve said, she paid no heed to my words, in a month, they broke up... the gypsie asked some female friends of his to harass her, the nice guy(me), stood there and done the best he could to avoid unnecesary violence towards his little imbecile'' friend''. She again started to talk, again, and again, i won t keep the story on, she got all of her next boyfriends only gypsies, no matter what i ve said. So how can those brainwashed womans even dare to talk? I d understand, let s say, that if the man would be of the white race(not necessary aryan),it still would be so so, but other races are a no no, from my experience with those parody of white womans, i d say that this is inacceptable. destroying the white race, their lifes, their progenys lifes, and a lot of men s life, they do this with a smile on their face. This is much of my hatred towards both of them(gypsies, and this kind of womens). This might be influenced by the television with all of those serials with Indians, mexicans, spanish, turks, etc, that are so popular with our womans. And also, so that it won t look only that i have something against those womans, I ll say a few more problems I ve had with those gypsies that amplyfied my anger towards them. When I was 13, i ve got really well beated up by one, a white skinned gypsie, afterwards day after day i ve planned my revenge, again and again thinking about every method of destroying him both mentally and physically, but never ended doing it, cause he left the village. Afterwards getting in many arguments with them, those gypsies, without any particular reason from my side. Everyday seeing those creatures on streets asking for money''give me some money because i m hungry'' ''give me 50 de bani, to buy a bread'' or others(their womans) promotting xianitty, asking you to take one fucking picture of a jew with his mother or something to give you luck or any other fucking idiotics ideas, after taking the picture asking money for it. Or how they cut their hands or legs for this. Afterwards going in other countries doing the same, humiliating this country and it s people, so that we d be regarded the same as those creature. The list can go on for hours. For first, so that we d be able to improve our situation I find disposing of those creatures being of utmost importance... sorry that I ve got away from the subject about politics :(

I can relate to the women issue with them and I also had many unpleasant episode with gypsies. 12 years of torture because of this viruses. When/If the awakening comes... it will be an unheard of phenomenon! The once big scum smile will turn to tears and desperation!

That's what I hope for bro. I want to see the day when this will happen with my own eyes.
Savitar said:
I heared about an ancient Romanian remedy that can cure the gipsy problem:
https://youtu.be/-4ngwXh1cbc. (3:30)

Why not apply it? :lol:
It's actually funny how the gypsies scream "SATANA" and run at 5:01 after they houses were burned.Seems so real,lol.
by the way,i noticed that when i log out my romanian forum account,i only see sermons,new meditations and rtrs
can the admin modify it so i can see all of it without having to log in?
Aquarius said:
You should vote for the parties of the right, there will not be any Natsoc party anywhere soon, especially SS Lol
...and then one will pop up all of the sudden next year. :roll:
I'm so happy to see some fellow Romanians around here!

The situation in our country is really fucked up. And the racial mixing is bloody horrible in urban zones - but in rural places... well. Things are a bit better.

Actually, they are much... much better. I've lived for my whole life up to this point in a village. And... you don't really see race mixing here. People are much more aware. If you're seen with a gypsy or with someone from another race, you are highly shamed and considered quite the outcast. People will make fun of you and consider you a race traitor.

I don't know how things are in cities, but I imagine it's just as bad. I've heard things. I even know a few women who ended up marrying fucking muslims. I don't know how I'll handle it once I leave for uni. I'm not used to living in a city and seeing race traitors.

It's horrible to see this shit happening when you know what a wonderful culture we have - and all the great people that sacrificed their lives for this country.

I find it stupid that there are Romanians who hate this country. You shouldn't hate the country. We have an amazing culture and history. Our country is beautiful. We should hate the idiots who brought Romania to this situation and the traitors.

Hopefully, people will become more aware in the future. But I haven't seen a lot of Romanian SS, unfortunately. Most of the population still seems... caught in the xtian shit. Especially elders and adults. Most young adults and teenagers are... quite ignorant when it comes to such things. The jews are trying their best to dumb down the population, especially now.

You only need to look at our educational system to see what I mean. They change the Baccalaureate the way one would change their socks. Fucking Hell. And they even tried to change it in the middle of the school year.
I am very glad to meet romanians here!
No, I personally love my country, here I was born and raised, although I was out in the west for a while. In the locality where I live, the population of the city is approximately equal to the Romanians to that of the Gypsies, except that the vast majority are angry Christians or clearly fanatics. Only young people, respectively teenagers and students, are indifferent to Christianity but clearly among them, many are fucked up traditional satanists or atheists. As an innocent joke considering my city is no more than 21,000 inhabitants, I think I'm the only SS here.
BlueLight said:
I'm so happy to see some fellow Romanians around here!

The situation in our country is really fucked up. And the racial mixing is bloody horrible in urban zones - but in rural places... well. Things are a bit better.

Actually, they are much... much better. I've lived for my whole life up to this point in a village. And... you don't really see race mixing here. People are much more aware. If you're seen with a gypsy or with someone from another race, you are highly shamed and considered quite the outcast. People will make fun of you and consider you a race traitor.

I don't know how things are in cities, but I imagine it's just as bad. I've heard things. I even know a few women who ended up marrying fucking muslims. I don't know how I'll handle it once I leave for uni. I'm not used to living in a city and seeing race traitors.

It's horrible to see this shit happening when you know what a wonderful culture we have - and all the great people that sacrificed their lives for this country.

I find it stupid that there are Romanians who hate this country. You shouldn't hate the country. We have an amazing culture and history. Our country is beautiful. We should hate the idiots who brought Romania to this situation and the traitors.

Hopefully, people will become more aware in the future. But I haven't seen a lot of Romanian SS, unfortunately. Most of the population still seems... caught in the xtian shit. Especially elders and adults. Most young adults and teenagers are... quite ignorant when it comes to such things. The jews are trying their best to dumb down the population, especially now.

You only need to look at our educational system to see what I mean. They change the Baccalaureate the way one would change their socks. Fucking Hell. And they even tried to change it in the middle of the school year.

Well brother, I don't know in which region of our country you live... but in my region,btw I'm also a villager, in almost all the villages our girls/womans usually have/had at least one relationship with a gypsie, and it's quite deplorable, so here comes the problem, we don't hate our country, sometimes we hate our people(and this is well deserved for those racially unaware idiots). Do you really think that those idiots care about being shamed by the elders? Or that they would listen, let's say, listen to their parents or relatives? (In the case they are not also racially unaware). About the problem with xianity in this country... well yeah, it's rooted deep, and you can see almost everyday kids from under 8 years to older going to the xian churches due to their school, their parents/grandparents and ofcourse the pedophile priests telling them to come, so it's a big problem even with the younger generations. About the education system, we could say it's by far the worst in Europe,so may I say... there's not much to be expected from it...
Things are different in my village. I didn't think that it was really that bad since I've only left this place a few times.

But yeah, people are... very racially aware here. You are highly judged if you have a relationship with a gypsy or with another race. My grandmother was like this. And most of our family. We are very closed off when it comes to mingling with other people and we don't accept other races in our family. Hell, I'm pretty damn sure that my grandma would beat the multiculturalism out of me if I came home with a black person or a gypsy lol.

She's dead now - but she was a wonderful woman.

We were once called weird by the local priest because we're not going to the church or being very open with others lol. Aka minding our own business.
BlueLight said:
Things are different in my village. I didn't think that it was really that bad since I've only left this place a few times.

But yeah, people are... very racially aware here. You are highly judged if you have a relationship with a gypsy or with another race. My grandmother was like this. And most of our family. We are very closed off when it comes to mingling with other people and we don't accept other races in our family. Hell, I'm pretty damn sure that my grandma would beat the multiculturalism out of me if I came home with a black person or a gypsy lol.

She's dead now - but she was a wonderful woman.

We were once called weird by the local priest because we're not going to the church or being very open with others lol. Aka minding our own business.

Same can be said about my family, but I can't say the same for other villagers from this part of the country. I ve said it once ,and I ll use it as an example again, a girl I was ''loving''(one-sided) had 3 relationships with gypsies one after the other(in just a few months to be frank),and she's not the only one I've saw, also the gypsies seems to always try and find a white woman/girl to be their gf. Back then ,maybe 30 or so years ago(not sure ,i'm younger than 30 y.o., just what I heard from others) it was just as you said with the racial awareness, the racism, the shaming ,etc. Right now... it's way too little compared to back then, only a few keeped the racial awareness and such (from what I can see in my village and around it, in my region ,ofcourse)
Sabazios said:
BlueLight said:
Things are different in my village. I didn't think that it was really that bad since I've only left this place a few times.

But yeah, people are... very racially aware here. You are highly judged if you have a relationship with a gypsy or with another race. My grandmother was like this. And most of our family. We are very closed off when it comes to mingling with other people and we don't accept other races in our family. Hell, I'm pretty damn sure that my grandma would beat the multiculturalism out of me if I came home with a black person or a gypsy lol.

She's dead now - but she was a wonderful woman.

We were once called weird by the local priest because we're not going to the church or being very open with others lol. Aka minding our own business.

Same can be said about my family, but I can't say the same for other villagers from this part of the country. I ve said it once ,and I ll use it as an example again, a girl I was ''loving''(one-sided) had 3 relationships with gypsies one after the other(in just a few months to be frank),and she's not the only one I've saw, also the gypsies seems to always try and find a white woman/girl to be their gf. Back then ,maybe 30 or so years ago(not sure ,i'm younger than 30 y.o., just what I heard from others) it was just as you said with the racial awareness, the racism, the shaming ,etc. Right now... it's way too little compared to back then, only a few keeped the racial awareness and such (from what I can see in my village and around it, in my region ,ofcourse)

In what region do you live? I'm in Moldova.

And yeah, the gypsy situation is ridiculous. I have met some good gypsies - but most of them are... degenerates.

I really can't understand why women and girls prefer gypsies over white men. Like... what the actual fuck? And that girl didn't deserve you if she was a race traitor. You can imagine that this problem will only get worse as time passes.

I'm sure you'll find a partner that's perfect for you.
BlueLight said:
In what region do you live? I'm in Moldova.

And yeah, the gypsy situation is ridiculous. I have met some good gypsies - but most of them are... degenerates.

I really can't understand why women and girls prefer gypsies over white men. Like... what the actual fuck? And that girl didn't deserve you if she was a race traitor. You can imagine that this problem will only get worse as time passes.

I'm sure you'll find a partner that's perfect for you.
I'm also a moldavian. For the next thing, even though there are some smart gypsies, or some who know how to smoothtalk, they are still a subrace of jews and this has been stated lots, so it's better to avoid contacts with them (if there isn’t really no way to avoid contacts, as we live in a ''society'' and 'muh feelings', you can keep the conversations short and with no meaning). About the girl that I liked(I ve done all I could, nothing changed) right now I don't give a shit. A nice talk of mine with some white girls goes like this
''I don't like white boys cause they are white skinned(nu prea imi dau seama cum sa traduc cuvântul spălăcit), they don't know how to threat a girl, they aren't cool and quite idiots'', and more bs like this came out from their mouths. It's deplorable(and even if we both live in Moldova it seems that you live in better environment,it s just what I see around, no reason to lie to a fellow brother, and any more information about locations will be dangerous enough so we shall keep it at this ;) )
BlueLight said:
In what region do you live? I'm in Moldova.

And yeah, the gypsy situation is ridiculous. I have met some good gypsies - but most of them are... degenerates.

I really can't understand why women and girls prefer gypsies over white men. Like... what the actual fuck? And that girl didn't deserve you if she was a race traitor. You can imagine that this problem will only get worse as time passes.

I'm sure you'll find a partner that's perfect for you.
Also, at first I didn't see that the gypsies were with white womans or girls or so, it matters from what perspective you look, I've said that I ve grown up with lots of hate towards them, due to my family, my relatives(so so), and some of my friends, looking from that mindset it took me quite a while to realise that not everybody was racially aware, and that not many were thinking the same about them as me.
Sabazios said:
BlueLight said:
In what region do you live? I'm in Moldova.

And yeah, the gypsy situation is ridiculous. I have met some good gypsies - but most of them are... degenerates.

I really can't understand why women and girls prefer gypsies over white men. Like... what the actual fuck? And that girl didn't deserve you if she was a race traitor. You can imagine that this problem will only get worse as time passes.

I'm sure you'll find a partner that's perfect for you.
I'm also a moldavian. For the next thing, even though there are some smart gypsies, or some who know how to smoothtalk, they are still a subrace of jews and this has been stated lots, so it's better to avoid contacts with them (if there isn’t really no way to avoid contacts, as we live in a ''society'' and 'muh feelings', you can keep the conversations short and with no meaning). About the girl that I liked(I ve done all I could, nothing changed) right now I don't give a shit. A nice talk of mine with some white girls goes like this
''I don't like white boys cause they are white skinned(nu prea imi dau seama cum sa traduc cuvântul spălăcit), they don't know how to threat a girl, they aren't cool and quite idiots'', and more bs like this came out from their mouths. It's deplorable(and even if we both live in Moldova it seems that you live in better environment,it s just what I see around, no reason to lie to a fellow brother, and any more information about locations will be dangerous enough so we shall keep it at this ;) )

Sister lol.

That's a horrible mentality. And you can see the enemy curses in that. The gypsies are idiots and they treat women horribly. Everyone knows that.

Gods, this is ridiculous. Those aren't even rational arguments.

I'm leaving for uni soon - still in Moldova - so I guess I should brace myself for this. Tho I didn't see any gypsies or other races when I went to deal with the application and the dorms.
BlueLight said:
I really can't understand why women and girls prefer gypsies over white men. Like... what the actual fuck? And that girl didn't deserve you if she was a race traitor. You can imagine that this problem will only get worse as time passes.
There is no racial awareness in Romania, maybe because people never were exposed to racial mix in a way that would threaten the race, like is happening in the West. If you go in some areas in London you see more africans and indians than Whites, and by Whites I mean all the europeans there, not only brits. I never been to Bucharest but I don't think we can say the same about it. I think you said before that 30 years ago in the countryside the villagers used to shame and criticize people who were hanging with gipsies. I really believe that this was due to the fact that gipsies are nothing more but savage parasites and it would be extremely shameful for a family to have any connections with such persons, not due to any racial conceptions. Even today is quite the same. You may see dump girls hanging with "bad boyz" gipsies (for short period of times though) but to be honest how many romanians are marrying gipsies? It happens extremely rare, because they might know that this is likely to happen


By the way I'm also from Moldova. People say we are are only a few SS in Romania but now I see it's actually plenty of us up there, not shitlots of us but still I think we do better than other countries.
The Alchemist7 said:
BlueLight said:
I really can't understand why women and girls prefer gypsies over white men. Like... what the actual fuck? And that girl didn't deserve you if she was a race traitor. You can imagine that this problem will only get worse as time passes.
There is no racial awareness in Romania, maybe because people never were exposed to racial mix in a way that would threaten the race, like is happening in the West. If you go in some areas in London you see more africans and indians than Whites, and by Whites I mean all the europeans there, not only brits. I never been to Bucharest but I don't think we can say the same about it. I think you said before that 30 years ago in the countryside the villagers used to shame and criticize people who were hanging with gipsies. I really believe that this was due to the fact that gipsies are nothing more but savage parasites and it would be extremely shameful for a family to have any connections with such persons, not due to any racial conceptions. Even today is quite the same. You may see dump girls hanging with "bad boyz" gipsies (for short period of times though) but to be honest how many romanians are marrying gipsies? It happens extremely rare, because they might know that this is likely to happen


By the way I'm also from Moldova. People say we are are only a few SS in Romania but now I see it's actually plenty of us up there, not shitlots of us but still I think we do better than other countries.

It does depend. I gave the gypsy situation as an example for obvious reasons. But this type of behaviour is used with other races as well.

I have a distant relative who made a child with a black woman. He was... shamed. A lot. His parents were so disappointed with him. He was made fun of for betraying his own race. And he lived in Brasov. Not in a village.

And when it comes to Romanians marrying gypsies... I have seen it happen. And even if they don't - does this make it any better? It's a degenerate thing to do. It's disgusting. And it only destroys our race. I can't respect Romanian women who shit on white men and praise the gypsies as if they're some incredible human beings.

Things need to change. It's unacceptable behaviour. I can understand why this is happening. But there's also a shameful amount of ignorance, especially in the younger generations.

And it's only getting worse and worse.

I am trying to remain optimistic. Not everyone is like this. I've seen a lot of amazing Romanians who are decent people and wish to focus on making our country better. And let's not even talk of our Romanian brothers and sisters.

As you've said, we do have a decent number of SS. Not a lot. But decent.
BlueLight said:
Sister lol.

That's a horrible mentality. And you can see the enemy curses in that. The gypsies are idiots and they treat women horribly. Everyone knows that.

Gods, this is ridiculous. Those aren't even rational arguments.

I'm leaving for uni soon - still in Moldova - so I guess I should brace myself for this. Tho I didn't see any gypsies or other races when I went to deal with the application and the dorms.

Indeed sister(sorry about earlier), those rats do indeed threat womans horrible(yet not many knows, or it would be something like : ''not everyone is the same'' type of mentality and muh feelings and so on. Talking about rational arguments? With whom? I know very few persons with whom I can talk about things freely without watching my mouth, and very very of those few are girls, about 1 out of 10(at most)(not like I have so many persons to talk to :)) and when talking with persons I 'know' not those I m friends with, out of 10 arguments, let's say only about 4 can be said about it. This thing with''nu mi plac albi ca sunt spălăciți'' it's something that you'll eventually hear, it just happened that day that I was with some classmates before getting to classes(in highschool), and they've just started talking about that , out of 5 girls there not even one made a statement that she liked at least once a white guy, and unanimously was voted that this is the same for all of them. Also from highschool I remember a blonde saying, or more likely making threats to others like''my boyfriend is a gypsie, you don't want to get on his bad side''or something along this lines. And so that I state this, here we have a huge problem with drugs, and you can see almost anywhere some dealers and some drugged peoples, at parties and such ,better not get involved with them(I ve done a few times some drugs a few years ago, maybe 4 or 5 times, I really am ashamed at myself, but I didn't get dependent and stopped, anyway, those shits are a huge problem here, and most of them gets one knocked out instantly after the joint ends,saying like it was smoked in 3 to 4 persons, so better be avoided,as you are a girl it's dangerous), only once is enough to destroy a life(talking about a girl I know, at a party she smoked something,got knocked out, got raped/or not, ended up pregnant, the guy didn't recognise it was his children,and that's it) so facts talks for themselves, it's way too risky and dangerous even to try once, and in almost all our Moldavian(from what I know) cities those drugs are quite cheap, dealers can be found everywhere, etc etc
The Alchemist7 said:
BlueLight said:
I really can't understand why women and girls prefer gypsies over white men. Like... what the actual fuck? And that girl didn't deserve you if she was a race traitor. You can imagine that this problem will only get worse as time passes.
There is no racial awareness in Romania, maybe because people never were exposed to racial mix in a way that would threaten the race, like is happening in the West. If you go in some areas in London you see more africans and indians than Whites, and by Whites I mean all the europeans there, not only brits. I never been to Bucharest but I don't think we can say the same about it. I think you said before that 30 years ago in the countryside the villagers used to shame and criticize people who were hanging with gipsies. I really believe that this was due to the fact that gipsies are nothing more but savage parasites and it would be extremely shameful for a family to have any connections with such persons, not due to any racial conceptions. Even today is quite the same. You may see dump girls hanging with "bad boyz" gipsies (for short period of times though) but to be honest how many romanians are marrying gipsies? It happens extremely rare, because they might know that this is likely to happen


By the way I'm also from Moldova. People say we are are only a few SS in Romania but now I see it's actually plenty of us up there, not shitlots of us but still I think we do better than other countries.
About marriage, well brother(I suppose ), I can't say that it's a common thing(not rare but also not common), instead from what I can see around there are those that get divorced due to the gypsies(in both cases mans and womans) because of their affairs, because it's a''trend'' right now, I can also see the point where you are coming(because my family is the same, my relatives are so so) yet it's not set in stone, indeed the girls get in relationships with the' bad boyzz' but not only once, even if the girls breaks the relationship or not, they still chase after the same shit(also not set in stone, just that the majority I personally know prefer gypsies . While the guys I hang with usually hate them this can't be said about girls). Romanians are more tolerant than they were, like 20 or 30 years ago. Maybe due to their daily program of watching ''dramas'', and quite the irony those dramas from India and Turkey are at power here(maybe here comes the problem with the skin). About the number of SS here, well it's nice to know that there are more Moldavians here :)
EasternFireLion666 said:
What do you guys think about this new candidate Alexandru Cumpanasu? Fraud or is there a chance for him to be legit? So far in the history of our country he is the only one who talks about criminality... nobody else even talks about this subject...

I'd say he is a fraud. Besides
It seems that his mason, also kinda looks jewish to me. In that article it says that he doesn't even have a faculty or something like that. Well.. I m not sure about the jewishness though(it's still hard for myself solely to say for sure if he is or not
wariorSS said:
I am very glad to meet romanians here!
No, I personally love my country, here I was born and raised, although I was out in the west for a while. In the locality where I live, the population of the city is approximately equal to the Romanians to that of the Gypsies, except that the vast majority are angry Christians or clearly fanatics. Only young people, respectively teenagers and students, are indifferent to Christianity but clearly among them, many are fucked up traditional satanists or atheists. As an innocent joke considering my city is no more than 21,000 inhabitants, I think I'm the only SS here.
We also love our country brother.I remember when I was younger, in the fifth class of gradeschool or so, the homeroom teacher told us something along those lines'' In 20 years or so, going at this rate , the number of gypsies will overtake us, we ll be a minority in our country because the average gypsie has about 5 or more kids, while the average romanian has 2'' I see it happens faster than what he expected.
BlueLight said:
The Alchemist7 said:
BlueLight said:
I really can't understand why women and girls prefer gypsies over white men. Like... what the actual fuck? And that girl didn't deserve you if she was a race traitor. You can imagine that this problem will only get worse as time passes.
There is no racial awareness in Romania, maybe because people never were exposed to racial mix in a way that would threaten the race, like is happening in the West. If you go in some areas in London you see more africans and indians than Whites, and by Whites I mean all the europeans there, not only brits. I never been to Bucharest but I don't think we can say the same about it. I think you said before that 30 years ago in the countryside the villagers used to shame and criticize people who were hanging with gipsies. I really believe that this was due to the fact that gipsies are nothing more but savage parasites and it would be extremely shameful for a family to have any connections with such persons, not due to any racial conceptions. Even today is quite the same. You may see dump girls hanging with "bad boyz" gipsies (for short period of times though) but to be honest how many romanians are marrying gipsies? It happens extremely rare, because they might know that this is likely to happen


By the way I'm also from Moldova. People say we are are only a few SS in Romania but now I see it's actually plenty of us up there, not shitlots of us but still I think we do better than other countries.

It does depend. I gave the gypsy situation as an example for obvious reasons. But this type of behaviour is used with other races as well.

I have a distant relative who made a child with a black woman. He was... shamed. A lot. His parents were so disappointed with him. He was made fun of for betraying his own race. And he lived in Brasov. Not in a village.

And when it comes to Romanians marrying gypsies... I have seen it happen. And even if they don't - does this make it any better? It's a degenerate thing to do. It's disgusting. And it only destroys our race. I can't respect Romanian women who shit on white men and praise the gypsies as if they're some incredible human beings.

Things need to change. It's unacceptable behaviour. I can understand why this is happening. But there's also a shameful amount of ignorance, especially in the younger generations.

And it's only getting worse and worse.

I am trying to remain optimistic. Not everyone is like this. I've seen a lot of amazing Romanians who are decent people and wish to focus on making our country better. And let's not even talk of our Romanian brothers and sisters.

As you've said, we do have a decent number of SS. Not a lot. But decent.
At the peak of irony right now I was listening to an old rap song of ''paraziti''-message for europe... well how much right they say there about the gypsies(it's quite offtopic, about the other races if they mention them, I'm not saying anything and not meaning anything,right now I've just said it just because of correlations to gypsies.
Sister, you are right. About that distant relative, he reaped what he saw/done. And I can see that there are also lots of blacks coming even here nowadays. A few days ago I was in the city and saw some nigerians(I believe, why? Because of that blueish black skin tone, and I've only saw them with this skin color ). It will change in the future, and if it won't those traitors will just perish.
EasternFireLion666 said:
What do you guys think about this new candidate Alexandru Cumpanasu? Fraud or is there a chance for him to be legit? So far in the history of our country he is the only one who talks about criminality... nobody else even talks about this subject...
I have been told that people may come in the government with the best intentions to help the country. It happens that, after, they are corrupted to steal, to be selfish, to betray, to care only about their own material situation and so forth. If not, they are simply ostracized by the establishment and slandered by the media.

Is him that guy who claimed to be the uncle of the girl "killed" by Gheorghe Dinca? I don't really trust him, it seems that he wants to use this tragedy of her supposed niece to get himself more power. It was only after her death that he came in the political scene to "criticise" the media and the police to get himself more trust and followers. Now is already candidating to presidency...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
