SouthernWhiteGentile said:
I agree. The Nordics are the weakest of Aryans but for some reason held in the highest regard, as if they have actually done anything in recent history to earn that reputation.
The ties of blood to Satan are what make them the most important for our race. Without any white people with true Aryan genetics, our race won’t exist anymore.
Whites with brown hair and brown eyes are still whites, but if the blue eyes and blonde hair whites were to disappear, it is the end of our race here on earth.
Also, while it might seem the Nordic whites are the weakest, there are many strong ones among them, it’s just that people are unable to act because the filthy jewed police would arrest them instead, and that won’t help anyone.
I can tell you with certainty there are a great number of Nordic Swedes extremely pissed about this situation, same with Finns and Norwegians, but again, they are unable to act on much because whatever they do will get them in legal trouble in most cases, because the police works for the jewed state and doesn’t give a single shit about the native people and our Aryan roots/values anymore.
It just needs to reach the point of critical mass, where the whites are so fed up the threat of the corrupt state cannot pressure or stop them anymore, and we stand up collectively, to show the true worth of our race, which we are on track to manifest.
Curses, bindings, xianity, and all the other enemy filth sadly has powerful effects on people that aren’t easily broken free from for most.
White people have this tendency to be very tolerant, forgiving and merciful, the enemy played off of this and aggravated these qualities to extreme degrees, basically totally emasculating our people through xianity which emphasized nonsense like that.
In the past we have retaliated many times against the enemy. Whenever we did, we always totally destroyed them. However, we have always been merciful and didn’t finish our enemy off when we had our chance, or whites back then didn’t want to go so far as to genocide an entire group of people, believing that not all of them were bad and can be redeemed, or that we should not commit such acts as our enemies advocated them and we were better than them.
We waltzed over the enemy countless times, but each time we have let them live. This is our greatest disgrace. Our biggest mistake.
I guarantee you there were whites back then who advocated the total annihilation of our enemies down to the last, but there were also soft and kind, merciful whites who were against this which had enough influence over these events to prevent us putting in the final nails in their coffins.
There have also been people like Vlad who managed to do the deed to a large extend, but then were vilified by the powers that were at the time, such as the pope, who’s word had enormous influence on basically all Europeans back then courtesy to xianity and all it’s thousands of curses and bindings, making them unable to complete their work.
Vlad wasn’t a Nordic looking white, being Romanian, but he was white non the less.
Nordic whites are cursed more by the enemy than anyone on this planet, because it is Nordics who have blood ties closest to Satan and our Gods. Maxine explained this as well. Adolf Hitler knew this too and respected/elevated the status of Aryan/Nordic whites for that reason, even if he himself, and Herr Himmler, the two greatest men the world has seen in the past 2000 years, did not look like the Aryan archetype, of tall, blonde haired, blue eyed white men, he elevated.
The Aryan whites as they should be called are the genetic backbone of our race.
Without them we won’t be Aryan anymore and we will never be Aryan again. Through Eugenics most whites with “darker” features like brown hair and brown eyes, can have progeny with Aryan genetics, due to the way genes work and express themselves.
Look at Herr Himmler’s daughter for example, she was a blonde haired, blue eyed woman, while Herr Himmler himself had darker hair and eyes.
The hair or eye color doesn’t determine someone’s worth or value as a person, but it is an important part of our racial genetics which must be preserved in order to preserve our race.
Which is why the enemy does everything in their power to weaken them and make them as pathetic as can be, to attempt to breed us out of existence and destroy us.
Aryan men are plagued constantly by endless enemy dross, which for any non-spiritual person is truly damning, so they degenerate into the weak, pathetic men many have become, but inside each Aryan person lies the purest seed of Satan on this planet.
With just a little bit of incentive all Aryans can become as the Gods simply by rediscovering our roots and blood ties with Satan, far more easily than anyone else on the planet.
Rather than having to advance from a low starting point, the souls of Aryans are gifted with incredible potential ready to be realized at short notice, and only need to rediscover the power we already have in us.
Having meta-physical genetics that can be traced back to one of the most advanced and powerful beings in our galaxy gives a huge evolutionary head start.
In the long term other gentiles can become as Satan and the Gods as well, but for many it is far more difficult to do so, because they do not have direct ties to such an advanced being and have to advance from a much lower starting point.
Satan and the Gods were at one point ordinary beings as well, until Satan and his people discovered and pioneered the secrets to spiritual advancement and eventually immortality, and stepped into true realms of power, rising far above any ordinary state of life.
Us whites have a root that is tied to a race of beings which has already advanced to that level, the enemy only bound our roots and through their warfare against us, made us fall to the low level of existence we are on currently.
The state we are currently in is disgusting to say the least. How weak we have become. However, any terminally ill person no matter how mighty they once were, will be pathetic as they lay on the hospital bed.
When such a great person recovers from their illness, it usually doesn’t take long for them to regain that former greatness again.
While we are cursed and bound by endless filth, we are the most gifted people on this planet, due to having actual blood ties to our Gods.
The value of this will surface and show it’s worth once more, stunning and awing the whole world, as we get closer to victory in this war.
Hail Satan!