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Rich Piana

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The story happened during the time of the previous forum being gone.

We talked about Piana here and he was a bit of meme on the forum. The situation is kind of like a reverse of Nietzsche.....What makes you stronger kills you......

What are peoples opinions of this situation? We had major conversations on the whole BB scene and his players before.

I was not surprised to find out he died. What made him famous is what killed him but I don't think he cared and it was his life to do his own way. However most of the steroid bro's don't live to be old men for a reason. This is due to them chasing this Jewish media induced pathology that drives them to extreme levels of body dysmorphia. Which is Piana was honest about what infected him mentality.
I enjoyed keeping up with his channel despite him being a walking meme, he was just so real sometimes it was engaging. By the way when he died, his ex reminded everyone on social media that she was still legally married to him on his condolences. Real classy. Trying to get a slice of the cake.
What's your opinion on the claims Rich made most of his money from selling steroids?

It was stated they found a lot of this at his place. Enough that the case to distribute could be made.

Bull Gotze said:
I enjoyed keeping up with his channel despite him being a walking meme, he was just so real sometimes it was engaging. By the way when he died, his ex reminded everyone on social media that she was still legally married to him on his condolences. Real classy. Trying to get a slice of the cake.
The guy had Venus in Libra along with a Libra stellium

"Both sexes take pride in their personal appearance and will go to great lengths to look good."
BlackCherokeeChi said:
Being that big and bulky looks gross. I don't think you have to be that big to be strong.

Apart from taking a lot of steroids also injected into the arms and shoulders an oil called synthol, some take it to the extreme of ending up looking like deformed mutants, like this guy:

I respect the fact Piana was a honest personality which is what is touched his audience. After all to reach the top in any sport nowadays requires steroids. While others lie and pretend, Piana was at least honest about his life-wasting habit, and at least his behavior probably prevented some people from actually getting into steroids. His death would be even more preventive on the matter.

Piana was a honest person and he was a real guy. He did not pretend and at least he was actually Rich Piana. Others pretend too much on his field and even go as far as to bullshit people that they are natural. There is no reason for that. He had a personality. Also, he wasn't an arrogant fuck, nor a negative prick. Many people in his height of success would have flew off the handle. Roid freak or not, he was successful on what he did.

The way of life he took implied steroid use or he would never meet his goals. He reaped the consequences of his lifestyle, and also, quite 'late'. He was lucky on that one.

Piana was also sniffing his pre-workout supplement. So you can assume this guy was doing some serious drug cocktails and other massively damaging things. He was 1 in a billion to actually survive in his lifestyle and drug cocktails. And in the next lifetime he will not have inherited muscle, only his drug habit. However Piana was a determined character and it's not only through synthol and drugs he grew. He was persistent and loyal to his way throughout his life. He wasn't a quitter either.

I tend to disbelieve Piana actually sold steroids. Maybe he gave to his close cycle (pun intended), who knows. He may have been in a ring, but with his publicity it was normal, and he also had a brand and was in the know with the bodybuilding, doing photoshoots and many others things, which could easily make him a millionaire. You don't make all this money by just selling roids.

As for his women they seem to have destroyed his life, particularly the last gold-digger he was into a relationship with. Cool lass, but from what was said and admitted by Piana she also bankrupted him, exploited him, and way worse. After he died she mercilessly went after his millions as well, as she was a coke-head as admitted by Piana. His last GF was far better and it seems they were in a better union. However this shows that even if someone reaches the top, understanding is more important.

Piana had the 'dream life' and the material world below his feet, but at the same time lacked insight into all his choices and their consequences. Which fucked him over. Even if he did less roids and less stupid things, probably he would have made it to his 50's or 60's.
High Priest Hooded Cobra 666 said:
I respect the fact Piana was a honest personality which is what is touched his audience. After all to reach the top in any sport nowadays requires steroids. While others lie and pretend, Piana was at least honest about his life-wasting habit, and at least his behavior probably prevented some people from actually getting into steroids. His death would be even more preventive on the matter.

Piana was a honest person and he was a real guy. He did not pretend and at least he was actually Rich Piana. Others pretend too much on his field and even go as far as to bullshit people that they are natural. There is no reason for that. He had a personality. Also, he wasn't an arrogant fuck, nor a negative prick. Many people in his height of success would have flew off the handle. Roid freak or not, he was successful on what he did.

The way of life he took implied steroid use or he would never meet his goals. He reaped the consequences of his lifestyle, and also, quite 'late'. He was lucky on that one.

Piana was also sniffing his pre-workout supplement. So you can assume this guy was doing some serious drug cocktails and other massively damaging things. He was 1 in a billion to actually survive in his lifestyle and drug cocktails. And in the next lifetime he will not have inherited muscle, only his drug habit. However Piana was a determined character and it's not only through synthol and drugs he grew. He was persistent and loyal to his way throughout his life. He wasn't a quitter either.

I tend to disbelieve Piana actually sold steroids. Maybe he gave to his close cycle (pun intended), who knows. He may have been in a ring, but with his publicity it was normal, and he also had a brand and was in the know with the bodybuilding, doing photoshoots and many others things, which could easily make him a millionaire. You don't make all this money by just selling roids.

As for his women they seem to have destroyed his life, particularly the last gold-digger he was into a relationship with. Cool lass, but from what was said and admitted by Piana she also bankrupted him, exploited him, and way worse. After he died she mercilessly went after his millions as well, as she was a coke-head as admitted by Piana. His last GF was far better and it seems they were in a better union. However this shows that even if someone reaches the top, understanding is more important.

Piana had the 'dream life' and the material world below his feet, but at the same time lacked insight into all his choices and their consequences. Which fucked him over. Even if he did less roids and less stupid things, probably he would have made it to his 50's or 60's.

Starting to wonder if when kali muscle finally keels over from all the drugs that he has been using they will try to make him into a martyr because of all his boot lickers that actually believe or push that he is all natural and/or you could totally get that physique in prison by using that slop that he peddles as a wonder elixir for muscle growth. Anyone who has seen his workout routines can see that he has the movements of someone that barely know what they are doing.
Piana was probably doing something other then a pre workout. Like doing coke, they found a bag full of white powder and lines of it on the coffee table with a straw. which is common for Body Builders to do for massive energy to do harder workouts. Many get addicted to this stuff doing periods of weight loss for shows they are on starvation rations and have to workout to get the definition look by dropping body fat so they take this stuff to workout for hours. The Body Building world is also a drug based party culture.
Piana brought the lulz.

Can't say I agree with his rampant materialism of trivialities,body dysmorphia or drug usage...(seriously base steroids like Test esters I can see , but that synthol oil crap some of these dudes put in the arms...I will never understand. :eek: ). But one thing is sure, he was honest which automatically puts him above 99% of the cringe fest known as "the youtube fitness community".

Lots of the other big youtubers didn't like him because he in a way was exposing their fake industry by coming out with the truth about steroids, and his charisma/popularity was unrivaled among any of them. Was pretty evident when they all tried to tarnish his reputation with that whole thing about him saying the N word in a private conversation with his girlfriend.

unlike the others he didn't lie about anything worrying about being ousted as a fakenatty, corporate sponsorships, or selling enough copy/pasted training programs/mealplans based on false pretenses. He built his own brand. and from everything I've heard noone who met him in person ever had a bad thing to say about him.
Wotanwarrior said:
BlackCherokeeChi said:
Being that big and bulky looks gross. I don't think you have to be that big to be strong.

Apart from taking a lot of steroids also injected into the arms and shoulders an oil called synthol, some take it to the extreme of ending up looking like deformed mutants, like this guy:


Stuff like synthol is the epitome of the culture that the jews are pushing as it is an easy, (and very painful from what Rich himself has actually said) way to get big while having none of the benefits, (even though having muscle that are honestly that huge really don't have any benefits hence your muscles do have a plateau where they just don't grow any more without, 'help'). At least with steroids you do have to put in hard work to get your muscles to grow, steroids just give you the ability to recover faster so you can work out more. Not trying to downplay the shit that steroids put you through, just stating the facts.

Really don't see how those guys can step into a gym with their damn inflato-max body knowing full well that the guy with fourteen inch arms next to them can lift just as much if not more.
I watched the documentary on Valentino he was simply jacking his arms to super crazy levels...... Because it was getting him positive attention from people. He paid for it with what he did to himself and ended up doing jail time for steroid possession and such. He keep injecting himself without using proper hygienic methods so his arms got infected.
There is not much on this. Jason Blaha was the one who started the rumor and he has a channel based around throwing dirt at others. But Rich might aswell have been I doubt he didnt consume drugs aswell its part of the all bodybuilding thing. Most of them are braindead zombies whose life revolve around lifting to zombie-walk on clubs with generic beats on the background. The thing about roids is I believe they make a person several degrees more stupid, like it actually simplifies the mechanics of the brain. Rich worsened faster over the last 3 years if you compare vídeos from now to 2014 which is why I believe he added something like coke too lately.
That is the problem, the standard set for the guys in that community aesthetically is only possible if you want to do large amounts of dangerous and illegal drugs. Which is killing a lot of these guys young. The same week Piana passed away another famous Body Builder who was 26 also died as a result of the life style as well.

The diets and exercise programs these guys promote and sell is also insane and demonstrates you can eat badly and workout badly and look great because the drugs do it all. So naturally if a person wants to get the gains they are sooner or later going to try the drugs. That is what they are working for anyway.

This is what has happened with the ethical, spiritual norm set by the original strong men has been replaced by vanity seeking. The original strong men went back to the Pagan Greek ethos of using exercise to build a healthy body, mind and spirit and living a natural and moral life. It was a form of Yoga.

Atlas will never be forgotten because he taught men how to be better men his course was one of body, mind, spirit and ethic's. He even had a section of basic marital arts so a man can defend himself. After his wife passed away what kept Charles going was he knew he was important in the lives of many young men who wrote him constantly. You have the strong men writing on the concept of the inner light as the source of power and how to generate this and such as well.

These guys have a great ability to become the role models many young people require and elevate others to become better people and live better lives. But they are throwing it away for gains they want to get shredded but shred years off their life. Thankfully dudes like the Golden One exist and are encouraging people in the spirit of the those who came before, the European strong men.

Frinnis said:
Wotanwarrior said:
BlackCherokeeChi said:
Being that big and bulky looks gross. I don't think you have to be that big to be strong.

Apart from taking a lot of steroids also injected into the arms and shoulders an oil called synthol, some take it to the extreme of ending up looking like deformed mutants, like this guy:


Stuff like synthol is the epitome of the culture that the jews are pushing as it is an easy, (and very painful from what Rich himself has actually said) way to get big while having none of the benefits, (even though having muscle that are honestly that huge really don't have any benefits hence your muscles do have a plateau where they just don't grow any more without, 'help'). At least with steroids you do have to put in hard work to get your muscles to grow, steroids just give you the ability to recover faster so you can work out more. Not trying to downplay the shit that steroids put you through, just stating the facts.

Really don't see how those guys can step into a gym with their damn inflato-max body knowing full well that the guy with fourteen inch arms next to them can lift just as much if not more.
Much thanks.

I do think Rich was on coke and this is probably what put him over the edge with his issues with his heart. I recall many guys who got huge even by natty methods stated it put a lot of strain on their heart and system. At the largest I got which was decent and natty, I just felt heavy and bulky all the time like I was wearing a heavy sumo suit.

The other reason I think the guys like the drugs is you can keep the lean down look all year around and not have to starve yourself. I got the six pack and learn, shredded look as a natty but I couldn't keep it because I was living on a diet that was too low in calories and not sustainable. I also lost muscle mass as well as fat.

Bull Gotze said:
There is not much on this. Jason Blaha was the one who started the rumor and he has a channel based around throwing dirt at others. But Rich might aswell have been I doubt he didnt consume drugs aswell its part of the all bodybuilding thing. Most of them are braindead zombies whose life revolve around lifting to zombie-walk on clubs with generic beats on the background. The thing about roids is I believe they make a person several degrees more stupid, like it actually simplifies the mechanics of the brain. Rich worsened faster over the last 3 years if you compare vídeos from now to 2014 which is why I believe he added something like coke too lately.
I remember his video where he stated steroids shirk your balls but it just makes your dick look bigger....... :lol: :lol: :lol:

JackFrost88 said:
Piana brought the lulz.

Can't say I agree with his rampant materialism of trivialities,body dysmorphia or drug usage...(seriously base steroids like Test esters I can see , but that synthol oil crap some of these dudes put in the arms...I will never understand. :eek: ). But one thing is sure, he was honest which automatically puts him above 99% of the cringe fest known as "the youtube fitness community".

Lots of the other big youtubers didn't like him because he in a way was exposing their fake industry by coming out with the truth about steroids, and his charisma/popularity was unrivaled among any of them. Was pretty evident when they all tried to tarnish his reputation with that whole thing about him saying the N word in a private conversation with his girlfriend.

unlike the others he didn't lie about anything worrying about being ousted as a fakenatty, corporate sponsorships, or selling enough copy/pasted training programs/mealplans based on false pretenses. He built his own brand. and from everything I've heard noone who met him in person ever had a bad thing to say about him.
Piana admitted his drug use on a video on his first legal "wife", and how they were on a binge with her all the time. .

So he definitely used drugs but who knows for how long. Also given someone is willing to try even rogue experimental bullshit, it's safe to assume he has tried everything else there is as well.

Piana was the type that was hurting from steroids and then took half a pack of painkillers to offset it.

He was a living meme as another person stated. He was extremely lucky he made it to the age he did.
I think the most troublesome aspect of bodybuilding is the supliment industry. Now supplements are not a means to balance a diet (like Vitamin D, omega 3 fatty acids, coenzime Q10 etc.), but are primarily used to grow muscle ( like pre-workout, creatine, BCAA etc.). Really most of this muscle "supliments" should just be banned, they are full of chemicals and they just push this false image of aesthetics which is achieved usually with steroids.
I did preworkout and I didn't gain a pound. I actually lost weight and sleep after working and being jittery all day.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
