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Retiring From Astrology - Issuing Refunds

HPS Lydia

High Priestess
Sep 20, 2017
[email protected]
It has been an honor to be an astrologer for my fellow SS these past 6 or so years. However, I am now retiring.

I will be issuing refunds when I am able to so. I might send some in cryptocurrency, but for now, all are being sent through paypal.

I will contact each person when I am able to, and go over how it will be done. No one will be forgotten, so don't worry, but I will not be contacting everyone immediately, only as I am able to issue refunds. (To those of you who know people waiting on readings from me, please send them this post so they know.)

I will be keeping my website domain name so nobody can impersonate me, and just so you are aware, there are two other Lydia's online who do astrology, neither of them are me (nor are they SS) so don't order from them thinking it's me. It's just a strange coincidence. There is no way I would do astrology for non-SS and not people here.

As well, with me retiring, I will be able to have much more freedom to be active in these forums, helping out and posting more.

And hopefully my retiring officially will inspire those who are meant to be astrologers, to step up. The only reason I became an astrologer was because HPS Maxine stopped doing astrology for us. But it is not my life path, hence my retirement from it.

For those of you whose charts I have completed over the years, I have truly enjoyed being of service to you. Seeing so many charts of strong Satanic souls has given me more and more optimism and hope for our future here on Earth :)
Your solar returns are gonna be missed dear Lydia. I should've gotten 5 years of them when I was able to lol
Lydia said:

This is sad but ok. If you crypto me it will go to JoS anyway.

Thanks Lydia
Lydia said:
It has been an honor to be an astrologer for my fellow SS these past 6 or so years. However, I am now retiring.

I will be issuing refunds when I am able to so. I will send them via cryptocurrency, so you can withdraw to your bank (or cash), or you can hold on to it over the years and watch it grow. If anyone for whatever reason (perhaps based on their country?) cannot accept cryptocurrency, then I can send via paypal, but I would prefer not to use paypal aka payjew. Cryptocurrency will be for your own benefit, as it will rise exponentially over the years and decades. A refund from me can turn into thousands of dollars for you.

I will contact each person when I am able to, and go over how it will be done. No one will be forgotten, so don't worry, but I will not be contacting everyone immediately, only as I am able to issue refunds. (To those of you who know people waiting on readings from me, please send them this post so they know.)

I will be keeping my website domain name so nobody can impersonate me, and just so you are aware, there are two other Lydia's online who do astrology, neither of them are me (nor are they SS) so don't order from them thinking it's me. It's just a strange coincidence. There is no way I would do astrology for non-SS and not people here.

As well, with me retiring, I will be able to have much more freedom to be active in these forums, helping out and posting more.

And hopefully my retiring officially will inspire those who are meant to be astrologers, to step up. The only reason I became an astrologer was because HPS Maxine stopped doing astrology for us. But it is not my life path, hence my retirement from it.

For those of you whose charts I have completed over the years, I have truly enjoyed being of service to you. Seeing so many charts of strong Satanic souls has given me more and more optimism and hope for our future here on Earth :)

I would very much like to have my natal chart interpreted, but I will not be able to interpret it because it is paid and I have no money. Anyway, then I will interpret my natal chart myself. I just have to learn how. When I look at the site, there is a zodiac symbol opposite the sun symbol, does this show that the sun is in that zodiac sign ?

I apologize if there are any mistakes in translation and spelling. (☆-☆')
Though I had my reading done by HP Hooded Cobra, I always thought it was really impressive that other SS such as yourself offered astrology services to the JoS as well (and at a fair price). If this isn't your life path, then what is will surely be spectacular, as your astrology readings garner a fair bit of attention around here.

Best of luck to you in your future endeavours.

Hail Satan.
thats sad to hear! understandable however as im sure its alot of work. please do not refund me and keep it :)

If it's ok with you, please don't feel any need to issue me a refund (I did a natal chart order around 04/13/2020 under the pseudonym Robert Smith, I had emailed about this order before but am not sure if I got the addresses right). I'm not hurting for money and I've benefited a lot from your posts on the forums :)
Are you getting married ?
Jack said:
Are you getting married ?

I literally laughed out loud :lol: Jack, I'm a westerner, women here can't quit work just because they get married. Even those who don't have to work (wealthy parents and/or husband) are still expected to contribute in some way, be active in their communities for example, so doing astrology would technically still count as I didn't do it for the money, I did it to help my community.

Norse 88 said:
Though I had my reading done by HP Hooded Cobra, I always thought it was really impressive that other SS such as yourself offered astrology services to the JoS as well (and at a fair price). If this isn't your life path, then what is will surely be spectacular, as your astrology readings garner a fair bit of attention around here.

Best of luck to you in your future endeavours.

Hail Satan.
Thank you :)

Shadowcat said:
thats sad to hear! understandable however as im sure its alot of work. please do not refund me and keep it :)
HailVictory88 said:
If it's ok with you, please don't feel any need to issue me a refund (I did a natal chart order around 04/13/2020 under the pseudonym Robert Smith, I had emailed about this order before but am not sure if I got the addresses right). I'm not hurting for money and I've benefited a lot from your posts on the forums :)
Thank you, know that it will go towards the JoS in one way or another though :)
Lydia said:
Jack said:
Are you getting married ?

I literally laughed out loud :lol: Jack, I'm a westerner, women here can't quit work just because they get married. Even those who don't have to work (wealthy parents and/or husband) are still expected to contribute in some way, be active in their communities for example, so doing astrology would technically still count as I didn't do it for the money, I did it to help my community.
I understand ,my brother and sister both work for the UK Government as doctors. A lot of my family is actually spread out in Russia, Europe and America. I was expected to go to Sweden to study Genetics but i chose not to because of Jews locking down Europe and threats in the future. I was just getting an intuition that something like this happened or could happen.
After writing on the subject and reading this, I can say that Lydia you deserve thanks for your service in the community as an astrologer.

We also decided to co-author some information that we are going to post so that people can be more able to do their own readings, aside the JoS Astrology section. That will help everyone and also give back to all of our own. No matter what, everyone will get what is owed on a personal level too.

I also plan to make a personal update in regards to my case.
Hey, Lydia. You deserve the break. You've worked hard.

But now I have been waiting for years for readings from HP HC and from you Lydia. I was looking for guidance for a long time and I barely had any money and of course because of the difference of the currencies what I paid was alot atleast for me.

But I thought it was worth it. To me the money isn't the main issue but I waited for years for a couple of readings only to get my money back. Which is honestly dissapointing because I really needed those readings and was willing to do whatever it takes to have it. I even waited a long time which is something that it really hard for my impatient and quick personality.

To be honest, waiting this much and getting nothing is really disappointing. Waiting for me is torture but I went through it because I believed it was worth it.

Now not only I am getting nothing but there is no way else I can get readings. There are no verified astrologers currently.

I am sorry Lydia. Don't take it personally but I can't suppress what I am currently feeling.

Happy Yule sister Lydia.
Wotanwarrior said:
I don't want my money back for my order 2 years ago either, consider it a gift for all the help you have given us over the years.

Thank you Brother, and I will keep helping as much as I can.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
After writing on the subject and reading this, I can say that Lydia you deserve thanks for your service in the community as an astrologer.

We also decided to co-author some information that we are going to post so that people can be more able to do their own readings, aside the JoS Astrology section. That will help everyone and also give back to all of our own. No matter what, everyone will get what is owed on a personal level too.

I also plan to make a personal update in regards to my case.

Yes, I have some information that isn't really available online that I always included in chart readings, so it will help a lot of people to have it available. And of course I'm looking forward to reading anything you have to write on the subject.
mercury_wisdom said:
Hey, Lydia. You deserve the break. You've worked hard.

But now I have been waiting for years for readings from HP HC and from you Lydia. I was looking for guidance for a long time and I barely had any money and of course because of the difference of the currencies what I paid was alot atleast for me.

But I thought it was worth it. To me the money isn't the main issue but I waited for years for a couple of readings only to get my money back. Which is honestly dissapointing because I really needed those readings and was willing to do whatever it takes to have it. I even waited a long time which is something that it really hard for my impatient and quick personality.

To be honest, waiting this much and getting nothing is really disappointing. Waiting for me is torture but I went through it because I believed it was worth it.

Now not only I am getting nothing but there is no way else I can get readings. There are no verified astrologers currently.

I am sorry Lydia. Don't take it personally but I can't suppress what I am currently feeling.

Happy Yule sister Lydia.

I understand, this is exactly why I didn't retire a year ago when I really should have. I just felt too guilty to leave everyone in the lurch like this, I was waiting for other SS to step up as astrologers first. But then (after more than a year of feeling like this) I realized that I can't keep waiting, I had to make this announcement.

I know that it sucks. The only good thing I can say is that once we get new astrologers, they will be able to complete readings faster, my queue was only between one to four weeks for the first few years.
This is very bad news for to hehehe. But I'm happy for you Lydia and I completey understand. HP cobra's astrology reading is still closed so I was hoping to get one from you but I didn't have the chance coz I'm still broke. I guess I'll just wait for HP Cobra's Azazel marketplace to open. That should also give me a chance to save money for a reading. You and HP Cobra are the only ones I trust to get a reading from because I know the two of you are capable of the most accurate reading on the face of the earth at the moment.
Goodluck to you sister! If it is not your life path, then I just wish now that you emedietly be able to start in working on your life path now that you are no longer going to do astrology readings for us. And may you prosper and have the most pleasure and fun in your new path. And I also thank you in advance because you said you will be more active in the forums, HP Cobra is always a busy guy. He may not always be able to answer our questions and inquiries but now that you are going to be more active in the forums then more members will have their answers in shorter time. Thank you sister. Stay with us forever, you are a great and looked up to family member in Satan. Thank you for all your services and all the future service you are going to do for our Lord, Our beloved Satan!. Good luck Sister!
Thank you Lydia for the many years of astrology readings you have done for us SS.

Not many understand how difficult and taxing it truly is to be an astrologer, and do this full time, so it might be difficult for people to understand the true value of your work or how taxing it is on ones entire being.

Your work is some of the best on Earth ever, and I am very proud and happy to have received some readings from you. I will treasure them for life, and you also have my deepest thanks and appreciation for them for life.

To all other people who weren't or aren't able to receive a reading from Lydia or HP HoodedCobra, don't fret too much, as there are other very talented SS out there who are in the process of stepping up, and the JoS has a full astrology legacy now with Lydia and HP HoodedCobra having as much hands on experience as they have.

As HP HoodedCobra said, they will write on this to expand the JoS astrology section and available knowledge on our websites.

This will allow the JoS to provide far greater instructions on how to read charts and do astrology, which will make it easier for other astrologers to get started with this in the future and also make is easier for all our members to learn how to read ones own chart without having to consult with an astrology expert verified by the JoS.

As with all things of the JoS, when one thing comes to an end, there are even more flowers to bloom in the future.

The JoS is ever expanding, and the Gods want people to have access to deep astrological knowledge and insight, also to make it possible to have it in greater quantity to keep up with our increasing membership, which will inevitably lead to a great expansion in the verified astrologers who can do this for the JoS in the future, as well as other resources to make this whole subject more available and as demystified as it can be.

Hail Satan!
Thank you for everything Lydia.

Although I am a bit sad for not receiving my reading, I am really happy that you have decided to stay here with us and continue to share your amazing and helpful posts. :D

Once again, thank you and happy Yuletime.
Hi Lydia
I feel very drawn to you and your posts and I'm also keen in learning more about astrology and I feel my guardians are guiding me to this path. For now I'm reading more into it and just trying to understand more about it. I guess I'm starting with my own birthchart and understanding that first and foremost. But yes I feel this is where I am being guided to. I don't know what all this means yet as I'm still growing and learning as a spiritual satanist myself and it can be overwhelming especially when I brought up my natal chart.
I would really love to learn more and grow more in this aspect.
Anyway I thought I would just let you know.
Thank you for all your posts this far you have a very calming sense about you and your yoga posts have really helped me so far.
When I start to understand further about the basics in astrology I will definitely reach out to you via this forum if I need any additional information to help me grow in this area.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=308458 time=1640265898 user_id=57]....

Quick question:
when you say cryptocurrency do you mean anyone in particular? I've heard about this over and over from various sources, but only trust it out of the mouth of Satanists, so I decided to try and get some and see if it works for me too. I don't really know about how many there are or if some is more convenient. Do you suggest anyone in particular?

Thank you.

Eagle Bearer 666 said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=308458 time=1640265898 user_id=57]....

Quick question:
when you say cryptocurrency do you mean anyone in particular? I've heard about this over and over from various sources, but only trust it out of the mouth of Satanists, so I decided to try and get some and see if it works for me too. I don't really know about how many there are or if some is more convenient. Do you suggest anyone in particular?

Thank you.

I jumped the gun when I wrote about that, so far my refunds are being done through paypal. I don't know much about crypto yet, so I can't give any advice.
Awake666 said:
Hi Lydia
I feel very drawn to you and your posts and I'm also keen in learning more about astrology and I feel my guardians are guiding me to this path. For now I'm reading more into it and just trying to understand more about it. I guess I'm starting with my own birthchart and understanding that first and foremost. But yes I feel this is where I am being guided to. I don't know what all this means yet as I'm still growing and learning as a spiritual satanist myself and it can be overwhelming especially when I brought up my natal chart.
I would really love to learn more and grow more in this aspect.
Anyway I thought I would just let you know.
Thank you for all your posts this far you have a very calming sense about you and your yoga posts have really helped me so far.
When I start to understand further about the basics in astrology I will definitely reach out to you via this forum if I need any additional information to help me grow in this area.

I didn't see this until now. The overwhelming feeling will go away, things will just start to click into place and then you can move ahead with studying.

Thank you, and good luck to you in your learning :)
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=337970 time=1648206833 user_id=57]
I jumped the gun when I wrote about that, so far my refunds are being done through paypal. I don't know much about crypto yet, so I can't give any advice.

Lol no problem then.
Since I'm at it, I'll tell you that when I checked the various crypto names like less than two months ago (been too busy to do this until now) I noticed that there are some that are worth almost nothing, something like "1 crypto = 10 dollars" ..so nowhere near BitCoin value (I think it's around a stable 40,000 dollars by now), but when I did some research on how these have grown over time it showed that they basically started being just 16 dollars and then became what they are today (and seems they'll just keep growing).

So it may be worth it to get some of those "worth close to nothing" ones now, and see if they grow exponentially in a while.

Just be careful cuz I was told by someone who bought them (that's how I found out they exist) specific crypto that ONLY support the "vaccine" stock market, so you'll wanna stay clear of that shit.. (let's see if I can find the name for that..)

The ones to avoid should be "MCCUSD" and "BMCUSD", these I was told are from "vaccines" and "biomedical" businesses. Also, depending on where you live, some crypto may be marked as "illegal" (which is stupid af) cuz apparently the transitions were "too secure" and they couldn't tell who was buying what.. weapons or whatever the JWO doesn't want people to have.

That's it, that's all I know. :p Hope you'll find that useful.

PS. And thanks for the "jump the gun" expression lol, didn't know that one.. useful for correcting Sermon translations in Italian. ;)

Eagle Bearer 666 said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=337970 time=1648206833 user_id=57]
I jumped the gun when I wrote about that, so far my refunds are being done through paypal. I don't know much about crypto yet, so I can't give any advice.
PS. And thanks for the "jump the gun" expression lol, didn't know that one.. useful for correcting Sermon translations in Italian. ;)


Lol, sometimes I just automatically use the expressions I am used to, without writing in bland english for the non-native english speakers. It causes some confusion at times though.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=338566 time=1648366015 user_id=57]
Lol, sometimes I just automatically use the expressions I am used to, without writing in bland english for the non-native english speakers. It causes some confusion at times though.

No worries at all :p it was actually helpful as many times when I correct HP HoodedCobra's Sermons translation there are plenty of American expressions one can't possibly be familiar with unless they live somewhere they're more used.. it's baffling at first but every language has got their ways to say something, so as long as it makes sense in the end and more people can read them, no problem. ;)

Lydia i just want you if you will to put the money you owe me into the JoS account.

Don't send it back to me just pay it to JoS is what i mean thank you.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Lydia i just want you if you will to put the money you owe me into the JoS account.

Don't send it back to me just pay it to JoS is what i mean thank you.

I will do that, I've noted it in my notebook of refunds. Thank you for supporting the JoS :)
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=339425 time=1648557444 user_id=57]
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Lydia i just want you if you will to put the money you owe me into the JoS account.

Don't send it back to me just pay it to JoS is what i mean thank you.

I will do that, I've noted it in my notebook of refunds. Thank you for supporting the JoS :)

Ok thank you. I will always help where i can but don't expect me to be nice all the time. If i get angry or throw a tantrum its because there is a reason.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=308458 time=1640265898 user_id=57]
For those of you whose charts I have completed over the years, I have truly enjoyed being of service to you. Seeing so many charts of strong Satanic souls has given me more and more optimism and hope for our future here on Earth :)

That is too bad for me that you are retired now. I am often pressed for money, why I never purchased a reading when I could.

My only wish is if you could confirm, with a simple yes-or-no, that my birth chart is indicative of being a Spiritual Satanist. Like I know and feel I am for sure, I just need confirmation from someone with more astrological expertise than myself. Could I e-mail or message you my chart? It is okay if you rather not, I can respect that. (No need for interpretations, just yes or no.)

Thank you for all of your efforts as an official JoS astrologer. I hope I someday have the dedicated motivation to follow through with teaching more about astrology here, myself. For me, astrology is more of a personal journey and a hobby I am good at.

I miss your owl avatar, by the way. Had a very strong confidence vibe, but the Hermit is a great Tarot card.
DreamWeaver said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=308458 time=1640265898 user_id=57]
For those of you whose charts I have completed over the years, I have truly enjoyed being of service to you. Seeing so many charts of strong Satanic souls has given me more and more optimism and hope for our future here on Earth :)

That is too bad for me that you are retired now. I am often pressed for money, why I never purchased a reading when I could.

My only wish is if you could confirm, with a simple yes-or-no, that my birth chart is indicative of being a Spiritual Satanist. Like I know and feel I am for sure, I just need confirmation from someone with more astrological expertise than myself. Could I e-mail or message you my chart? It is okay if you rather not, I can respect that. (No need for interpretations, just yes or no.)

Thank you for all of your efforts as an official JoS astrologer. I hope I someday have the dedicated motivation to follow through with teaching more about astrology here, myself. For me, astrology is more of a personal journey and a hobby I am good at.

I miss your owl avatar, by the way. Had a very strong confidence vibe, but the Hermit is a great Tarot card.

If you feel you are a Spiritual Satanist and you've done the dedication, then you are :) And we are all types of people, so it does not always show clearly or not in a chart.

Thanks, I also miss my owl avatar, but I can't get it back. I had scaled it down to fit the requirements here on my previous computer and I can't do it on my current OS, and I did not have it saved. But the Hermit suits me for now, I'll change it when I feel it no longer does.

Your profile picture is very nice too.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=379670 time=1659883198 user_id=57]
DreamWeaver said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=308458 time=1640265898 user_id=57]
For those of you whose charts I have completed over the years, I have truly enjoyed being of service to you. Seeing so many charts of strong Satanic souls has given me more and more optimism and hope for our future here on Earth :)

That is too bad for me that you are retired now. I am often pressed for money, why I never purchased a reading when I could.

My only wish is if you could confirm, with a simple yes-or-no, that my birth chart is indicative of being a Spiritual Satanist. Like I know and feel I am for sure, I just need confirmation from someone with more astrological expertise than myself. Could I e-mail or message you my chart? It is okay if you rather not, I can respect that. (No need for interpretations, just yes or no.)

Thank you for all of your efforts as an official JoS astrologer. I hope I someday have the dedicated motivation to follow through with teaching more about astrology here, myself. For me, astrology is more of a personal journey and a hobby I am good at.

I miss your owl avatar, by the way. Had a very strong confidence vibe, but the Hermit is a great Tarot card.

If you feel you are a Spiritual Satanist and you've done the dedication, then you are :) And we are all types of people, so it does not always show clearly or not in a chart.

Thanks, I also miss my owl avatar, but I can't get it back. I had scaled it down to fit the requirements here on my previous computer and I can't do it on my current OS, and I did not have it saved. But the Hermit suits me for now, I'll change it when I feel it no longer does.

Your profile picture is very nice too.
I believe (?) this was your previous profile picture with the original dimensions:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=379670 time=1659883198 user_id=57]
DreamWeaver said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=308458 time=1640265898 user_id=57]
For those of you whose charts I have completed over the years, I have truly enjoyed being of service to you. Seeing so many charts of strong Satanic souls has given me more and more optimism and hope for our future here on Earth :)

That is too bad for me that you are retired now. I am often pressed for money, why I never purchased a reading when I could.

My only wish is if you could confirm, with a simple yes-or-no, that my birth chart is indicative of being a Spiritual Satanist. Like I know and feel I am for sure, I just need confirmation from someone with more astrological expertise than myself. Could I e-mail or message you my chart? It is okay if you rather not, I can respect that. (No need for interpretations, just yes or no.)

Thank you for all of your efforts as an official JoS astrologer. I hope I someday have the dedicated motivation to follow through with teaching more about astrology here, myself. For me, astrology is more of a personal journey and a hobby I am good at.

I miss your owl avatar, by the way. Had a very strong confidence vibe, but the Hermit is a great Tarot card.

If you feel you are a Spiritual Satanist and you've done the dedication, then you are :) And we are all types of people, so it does not always show clearly or not in a chart.

Thanks, I also miss my owl avatar, but I can't get it back. I had scaled it down to fit the requirements here on my previous computer and I can't do it on my current OS, and I did not have it saved. But the Hermit suits me for now, I'll change it when I feel it no longer does.

Your profile picture is very nice too.

Yes, you can Lydia! Here is a surprise for you :). For some reason, this was saved along with some other avatars from the forums with backups in the past and I remembered I had it and when I saw this post I went looking for it.

I included "the original owl" which is the original size image for you, as well as the "avatar size owl" that you can use for your profile pic again that is scaled to the forum's requirements :). I see you tried to do it here and it looks a bit stretched hehe.

Here you go :3 https://mega.nz/folder/KCx0WRhS#VqPd0vzhwFhklVcNnZujWA
Siatris Ioholo said:
I believe (?) this was your previous profile picture with the original dimensions:

Thank you, another SS emailed it to me so I changed it :)
Shadowcat said:
Yes, you can Lydia! Here is a surprise for you :). For some reason, this was saved along with some other avatars from the forums with backups in the past and I remembered I had it and when I saw this post I went looking for it.

I included "the original owl" which is the original size image for you, as well as the "avatar size owl" that you can use for your profile pic again that is scaled to the forum's requirements :). I see you tried to do it here and it looks a bit stretched hehe.

Here you go :3 https://mega.nz/folder/KCx0WRhS#VqPd0vzhwFhklVcNnZujWA

Thanks, another SS did it for me. I'm just happy to be a blue owl again!
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=379811 time=1659941627 user_id=57]
Thanks, another SS did it for me. I'm just happy to be a blue owl again!

The blue owl always staring into my soul... :mrgreen: And Lilith's animal is an owl. So cool.

Fun fact: the midpoint of my asteroid Lucifer (1930) and my Black Moon Lilith (h13) is exact conjunct my Mars in 8th. Satan/Lucifer and Lilith have always had my respect, even when I was "Christian."
I'm bumping this, as there are some members that I cannot get ahold of for refunds (mailer daemon, no reply, etc).

If you have not heard from me, email to my protonmail account (in OP above). Refunds are currently still through paypal. It would be helpful if you can include the approximate date of the order if not the actual transaction number itself, so I can find and verify it quicker.

Also... yes, I avoided emails for a while. I did way too much astrology over the course of 5 years, with no real breaks. I burned myself out. I had a bad transit, too. I'm better than ever now though :)
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=414586 time=1674134904 user_id=57]
I'm bumping this, as there are some members that I cannot get ahold of for refunds (mailer daemon, no reply, etc).

If you have not heard from me, email to my protonmail account (in OP above). Refunds are currently still through paypal. It would be helpful if you can include the approximate date of the order if not the actual transaction number itself, so I can find and verify it quicker.

Also... yes, I avoided emails for a while. I did way too much astrology over the course of 5 years, with no real breaks. I burned myself out. I had a bad transit, too. I'm better than ever now though :)

Took me a while to actually look thru my old email to find it but luckily I still have the number. Also I have to make a new proton address. It's not a big deal so I haven't really pushed myself to let you know plus I don't want the refund for myself. I'll let you know what I do wish for you to do with the money in an email along with the order number. Thanks for the reminder and want to say the readings I did get at least were superb, detailed and have been of extreme help. Thank you again :)
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=414586 time=1674134904 user_id=57]

I'm not seeing your proton email address. Can you post it again, please?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
