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retention enemas


Active member
Jan 12, 2019
Hello I had been doing retention enemas for a couple of years(with various herbs and coffee or green tea) as a means of liver detoxification and attempting to 'work up the kundalini' shaktipat/force. Does anyone out there think this is a good idea in terms of spiritual development. The theory is that by exerting conscious control over the autonomic nervous system functions this facilitates development. Any thoughts on whether this practice should be resumed or adopted by people? See below for my 'health protocols' document(needing emendation):



blog: https://ubermenscheit.blogspot.com/
Ive actually read alot of good things about coffee enemas for detoxification.

I also have heard of a spiritual correlation to them but I would rather work on breathing exercises and bandha for the purposes you mentioned.

What have been your results in doing enemas for detox?
One of the videos I watched that was send on the vegan topic had a guy talking about it saying that the cafeinne in the coffee was more easily absorbed in that part of the intestine and that the effect was noticeable.

Though there seems to be some good effect from cleansing the intestines in such a way, (in example a more modern version could be large intestine flushing or something similar in which a device is used to pump water in I think).. I wonder if it even should be done... Or if it even should be done daily or something of similar regularity.

Oh the dude also mentioned about beet juice (in an enema) that he had to be rushed to the hospital because his blood sugar levels rose so high his life was in danger.
Detox seems to work but caffeine can be addictive. It also seems to work for development(spiritual muldhara chakra activation). What other techniques would you recommend other than the yoga things? Any secret kriyas or techniques for working up the kundalini?
loki88 said:
Detox seems to work but caffeine can be addictive. It also seems to work for development(spiritual muldhara chakra activation). What other techniques would you recommend other than the yoga things? Any secret kriyas or techniques for working up the kundalini?
You can open your chakras without shoving coffee up your ass :roll: Just do the meditations on our website, they work perfectly. Many times when people come here to ask about things like "secret techniques" or "hidden knowledge" that will make them advance faster, usually these people haven't even done much with our actual meditations yet. The Joy of Satan meditations page has everything anybody needs to advance to the highest levels, and if anybody got to that level, the gods would be guiding them directly with what to do next.
T.A.O.L. said:
One of the videos I watched that was send on the vegan topic had a guy talking about it saying that the cafeinne in the coffee was more easily absorbed in that part of the intestine and that the effect was noticeable.

Though there seems to be some good effect from cleansing the intestines in such a way, (in example a more modern version could be large intestine flushing or something similar in which a device is used to pump water in I think).. I wonder if it even should be done... Or if it even should be done daily or something of similar regularity.

Oh the dude also mentioned about beet juice (in an enema) that he had to be rushed to the hospital because his blood sugar levels rose so high his life was in danger.
Beet juice I have done and it definitely causes diabetic shock/coma...not recommended
I usually do urine enemas daily collecting all urine in a jar and flushing out in the morning---works well as the urine purifies through uric acid and ammonia. Cafeine can be excessive which is why I would recommend against it. Of course any herbal tea can be used.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
loki88 said:
Detox seems to work but caffeine can be addictive. It also seems to work for development(spiritual muldhara chakra activation). What other techniques would you recommend other than the yoga things? Any secret kriyas or techniques for working up the kundalini?
You can open your chakras without shoving coffee up your ass :roll: Just do the meditations on our website, they work perfectly. Many times when people come here to ask about things like "secret techniques" or "hidden knowledge" that will make them advance faster, usually these people haven't even done much with our actual meditations yet. The Joy of Satan meditations page has everything anybody needs to advance to the highest levels, and if anybody got to that level, the gods would be guiding them directly with what to do next.

Nevertheless there are techniques that enhance spiritual development in a mechanical way(or assist it). Read my book UBERMENSCHEIT: HEALTH PROTOCOLS, I discuss this in the exercise section with weightlifting
loki88 said:
Nevertheless there are techniques that enhance spiritual development in a mechanical way(or assist it). Read my book UBERMENSCHEIT: HEALTH PROTOCOLS, I discuss this in the exercise section with weightlifting
Yes, but there has also been a lot of corruption with things like this. There's a lot of new age/jew age nonsense that has been edited into sources that might otherwise look official. Many of these are made to look like some ancient Indian or Chinese spiritual texts. Usually there's even some true things in these, so all the lies aren't so obvious.

This whole idea of a coffee enema reminds me of a news report I saw that teenagers "drank" themselves very sick by putting tampons in their asses that were soaked in vodka so they could get drunk in school. There is so much blood supply to the intestines anything you put in there could easily absorb much more than if you just drank it. So be very careful with whatever you are using for this and really plan out if it's possible for anything bad to happen. Maybe there is some sort of benefit that can possibly be had from an enema if it is done correctly, but this doesn't mean it's a good idea to experiment with whatever liquid you want just because some strange book says it's okay.

You are asking for ways to make the kundalini rise. If someone is not ready for it, they would actually burn to death if their kindalini rose. Spontaneous combustion has really happened from this to people who were too eager.

If you want kriyas and mudras things like this, you can read David Frawley's books. He is one of the top most knowledgeable people about ancient Hindu practices. You can download them for free from my link in the PDFs and Ebooks folder. I think you will like Yoga Ayurveda- Self Healing and Self Realization,
Mantra Yoga and Primal Sound,
and Ayurvedic Astrology- Self Healing Through the Stars
Also look at the breathing techniques on our meditations page.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
loki88 said:
Nevertheless there are techniques that enhance spiritual development in a mechanical way(or assist it). Read my book UBERMENSCHEIT: HEALTH PROTOCOLS, I discuss this in the exercise section with weightlifting
Yes, but there has also been a lot of corruption with things like this. There's a lot of new age/jew age nonsense that has been edited into sources that might otherwise look official. Many of these are made to look like some ancient Indian or Chinese spiritual texts. Usually there's even some true things in these, so all the lies aren't so obvious.

This whole idea of a coffee enema reminds me of a news report I saw that teenagers "drank" themselves very sick by putting tampons in their asses that were soaked in vodka so they could get drunk in school. There is so much blood supply to the intestines anything you put in there could easily absorb much more than if you just drank it. So be very careful with whatever you are using for this and really plan out if it's possible for anything bad to happen. Maybe there is some sort of benefit that can possibly be had from an enema if it is done correctly, but this doesn't mean it's a good idea to experiment with whatever liquid you want just because some strange book says it's okay.

You are asking for ways to make the kundalini rise. If someone is not ready for it, they would actually burn to death if their kindalini rose. Spontaneous combustion has really happened from this to people who were too eager.

If you want kriyas and mudras things like this, you can read David Frawley's books. He is one of the top most knowledgeable people about ancient Hindu practices. You can download them for free from my link in the PDFs and Ebooks folder. I think you will like Yoga Ayurveda- Self Healing and Self Realization,
Mantra Yoga and Primal Sound,
and Ayurvedic Astrology- Self Healing Through the Stars
Also look at the breathing techniques on our meditations page.
I believe the same, this pretty much looks like those spiritual texts that tell you to swallow a blanket and clean your stomach with it then take it back.
Thanks for the references. I had trouble downloading it earlier though. This time it works.
Aquarius said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
loki88 said:
Nevertheless there are techniques that enhance spiritual development in a mechanical way(or assist it). Read my book UBERMENSCHEIT: HEALTH PROTOCOLS, I discuss this in the exercise section with weightlifting
Yes, but there has also been a lot of corruption with things like this. There's a lot of new age/jew age nonsense that has been edited into sources that might otherwise look official. Many of these are made to look like some ancient Indian or Chinese spiritual texts. Usually there's even some true things in these, so all the lies aren't so obvious.

This whole idea of a coffee enema reminds me of a news report I saw that teenagers "drank" themselves very sick by putting tampons in their asses that were soaked in vodka so they could get drunk in school. There is so much blood supply to the intestines anything you put in there could easily absorb much more than if you just drank it. So be very careful with whatever you are using for this and really plan out if it's possible for anything bad to happen. Maybe there is some sort of benefit that can possibly be had from an enema if it is done correctly, but this doesn't mean it's a good idea to experiment with whatever liquid you want just because some strange book says it's okay.

You are asking for ways to make the kundalini rise. If someone is not ready for it, they would actually burn to death if their kindalini rose. Spontaneous combustion has really happened from this to people who were too eager.

If you want kriyas and mudras things like this, you can read David Frawley's books. He is one of the top most knowledgeable people about ancient Hindu practices. You can download them for free from my link in the PDFs and Ebooks folder. I think you will like Yoga Ayurveda- Self Healing and Self Realization,
Mantra Yoga and Primal Sound,
and Ayurvedic Astrology- Self Healing Through the Stars
Also look at the breathing techniques on our meditations page.
I believe the same, this pretty much looks like those spiritual texts that tell you to swallow a blanket and clean your stomach with it then take it back.

I read this too somewhere.
Flipping disgusting.

But I am also concerned about the damage you can do to your throat. And to your stomach, weaking its defense by taking out so many fluids, as well that it then has to reproduce a lot more to regain the balance..
I just read a short article about a case study that was published in International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents and it was about flushing the intestines with a manuka honey solution to treat an intestine infection, or intestine imbalance that caused diarrhea, in a patient of whom the intestinal flora was ruined after antibiotic use for a jaw inflammation.

The manuka honey is said to be from New Zealand and the solution was 15%. The infection was with Clostridium difficile.

Anyway I was wondering too, what do you people think about poop transplants? I've heard it being mentioned quite a bit as of late and it just sounds too gross for me.
T.A.O.L. said:
Anyway I was wondering too, what do you people think about poop transplants? I've heard it being mentioned quite a bit as of late and it just sounds too gross for me.
What the fuck :eek: :shock: that is absolutely 100% the most jewish thing I have ever read. Combines their jewish fetishes for shit, cutting people open, experimenting in the most vile ways against innocent people, it's basically every single thing they love. You ever hear of that Jewish Human Centipede? I never watched any of it, just knowing what it's about is already too much. I bet they were thinking "how much of this can we get away with actually doing?" Then ordered the tribal "doctors" to get to work.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
T.A.O.L. said:
Anyway I was wondering too, what do you people think about poop transplants? I've heard it being mentioned quite a bit as of late and it just sounds too gross for me.
What the fuck :eek: :shock: that is absolutely 100% the most jewish thing I have ever read. Combines their jewish fetishes for shit, cutting people open, experimenting in the most vile ways against innocent people, it's basically every single thing they love. You ever hear of that Jewish Human Centipede? I never watched any of it, just knowing what it's about is already too much. I bet they were thinking "how much of this can we get away with actually doing?" Then ordered the tribal "doctors" to get to work.

No I haven't heard of the Jewish Human Centipede. Am I supposed to imagine a rabbi with a ton of arms and legs?

I have been listening to an audio book today, it seemed fine and alright and inspiring at first, but it kept visiting jewish characters. So I am wondering how much of it are actual twisted lies.. and how much I will have to look myself in the eye about these things and rid myself of them.

I was thinking it was jewish too by the way, the poop transplant. They want to do that to introduce healthy gut bacteria back into another person. But ewww.
Not to mention that when feces that stay too long in the body can accumulate toxins which can then cause trouble to the rest of the body, as they'd be absorbed too.
I don't think urine enemas are cleaning anything.. Urea is a waste product, not a cleaning product.

Ammonia is a cleaning product but, urea is no longer ammonia so the point it moot.
T.A.O.L. said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
T.A.O.L. said:
Anyway I was wondering too, what do you people think about poop transplants? I've heard it being mentioned quite a bit as of late and it just sounds too gross for me.
What the fuck :eek: :shock: that is absolutely 100% the most jewish thing I have ever read. Combines their jewish fetishes for shit, cutting people open, experimenting in the most vile ways against innocent people, it's basically every single thing they love. You ever hear of that Jewish Human Centipede? I never watched any of it, just knowing what it's about is already too much. I bet they were thinking "how much of this can we get away with actually doing?" Then ordered the tribal "doctors" to get to work.

No I haven't heard of the Jewish Human Centipede. Am I supposed to imagine a rabbi with a ton of arms and legs?

I have been listening to an audio book today, it seemed fine and alright and inspiring at first, but it kept visiting jewish characters. So I am wondering how much of it are actual twisted lies.. and how much I will have to look myself in the eye about these things and rid myself of them.

I was thinking it was jewish too by the way, the poop transplant. They want to do that to introduce healthy gut bacteria back into another person. But ewww.
Not to mention that when feces that stay too long in the body can accumulate toxins which can then cause trouble to the rest of the body, as they'd be absorbed too.
Is the human centipiede a real thing? :shock: i know that there is a japanese movie about this and it's quite disgusting, don't look at images because it took time for me to forget about them, everytime i remembered i felt sick :?

Honestly they should keep their disgusting fetish within their tribe :!:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
