Welcome, we're glad to have you here.
Meditations and spiritual practices you should do:
Cleaning your Aura:
Your Aura is a bioelectrical field around your body which can subconsciously affect you and others around you. Our world has many sources of spritiual decay and filth, so cleaning your Aura consistently is vital.
Link: https://satanisgod.org/Aura_Cleaning.html
Building your Aura of Protection:
Your Aura must become stronger to endure more on both the physical and the spiritual realm. Curses, negative energy, and astral attacks will bounce off you and onto the people/entities who direct them at you.
Link: https://satanisgod.org/Protection.html
Kundalini Meditation:
The Kundalini is located inside the spine and can be stimulated by activating and fueling your chakras with energy. Each chakra has unique aspects and enriches the soul in various manners. Activating the Kundalini makes you feel passionate, motivated, strong, caring, communicative, and much more. Working on your chakras daily will be reflected in your social life as well, making people subtly attracted to you and entrusting you with sex, leadership, secrets, etc.
Links: https://satanisgod.org/The_Chakras.html , https://satanisgod.org/Kundalini.html
Void Meditation:
Void Meditation helps with focus, self-control, seriousness, clarity, and discipline.
Link: https://satanisgod.org/Satanic_Void_Meditation.html
Reverse Torah Rituals:
RTR's are rituals in which excerpts from the Old Testament (written in hebrew) are read in reverse. Thus, the curses included in the Old Testament are torn apart and are prevented from manifesting in the material world. RTR's are a vital weapon for spiritual warfare. They often include affirmations/mantras and runes for more power and effectiveness.
Links: https://josrituals.org/ , https://satanisgod.org/Odin.html