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Feb 12, 2003
Ok I've been a satanist for almost two months and my life has not gotten better, only worse as well as the fact of me hearing and seeing things I don't want to........ Originally I join satanism bc I was so tired of hearing Jesus this and that and Jesus loves you don't worry but at this point I have seen how much better it is that way..... I know there is no dedication ritual but I want to get rid of my dedication and leave this religion and mind a new one.... One that fits me.... So please tell me how I can cut these ties loose please
Did you really think that upon dedicating to Satan, into spiritual Satanism, that all your problems would disappear and life will be magickal and full of rainbows and sunshine, with a snap of your fingers?It doesn't work that way. Reality is reality. It doesn't go away. We have to face it daily. It's called LIFE.
What you put in is what you get out of it. Satan and the gods give us the knowledge. It's up to you what you do with what you are given.What you put into yourself, via yoga and power meditation, evolving yourself through other disciplines, is what you get out of it.
Keep studying Joy of Satan If you had read it thoroughly it would be highly likely you would not have the attitude you do, because the information on there is enlightening and opens one's eyes to the truth. 
Please also see http://www.exposingchristianity.com  because then you would see that returning to the enemy religions, right back into the enemy's grip, you will be much more unhappy than you are now.
The enemy doesn't go away. Christians don't go away. In fact, they may sense you are no longer "of them" and not one of the sheep. They may pray harder for you. You may get enemy spirits harassing you. That is because you are a spiritual Satanist and therefore a threat to their agenda. Do you fold and let the enemy win? Do you really want to return to them because you cannot be bothered to read. study, and enlighten yourself first?
No, you take the necessary steps to protect yourself, harden and strengthen your body and mind and soul. The tools are there. You just have to use them.
http://web.archive.org/web/201503302044 ... stries.pdf
The above is a 40 Day Meditation Program by High Priest Hooded Cobra. It will help you get started. It's all up to you to change your life. The gods help those who help themselves. So get up, stay strong, and take the first step (which are usually the hardest) to better yourself, your life, and forge a strong relationship with Satan. It's worth it, all of it, despite the enemy. They are just annoying, once you learn to tune them out and ignore them.
However, if after all this, and you are dead set on leaving Satan and Satanism for good, you can just change the words around in the dedication ritual so it reads and says that you want him to leave you, and you are leaving him and Satanism, for good. I think it was HPS Maxine that wrote that "Satan doesn't force himself" on anyone.

Joy of Satan


[url=http://www.exposingchristianity.com/]Exposing Christianity


[url=http://www.ancient-forums.com/]Joy Of Satan Forums - Index page


Hail Satan.
Satanism is for the strong and the daring. If you want to leave, just leave. But if you truly have opened your psychic senses and you’re perceiving things you don’t want to, sorry to say you’re stuck with that. You shouldn’t have tried to pursue godhood if all you were looking for was a religion.
 It took me a solid 2 years to accept that the powers I gained would never leave me, and finally I decided to begin to master my clairvoyance instead of being assaulted by constant visions. It’s a beautiful gift that enriches the life of the strong, and it’s the ugliest curse for those who want to be nothing more than mere humans. 
I don’t want you to think I’m being mean to you, because if you look past the apparent coldness in my words you might find something that will stick with you until, at some point in life, you’re finally ready to embrace your destiny as a god. But for now, run. Run far, far away from limitless power and partake from the well of nothingness that is conventional religion. One day, when you find yourself powerless again, you’ll remember why you were attracted to the Left Hand Path in the first place.
On Apr 21, 2018, at 10:20 PM, zyand216@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Ok I've been a satanist for almost two months and my life has not gotten better, only worse as well as the fact of me hearing and seeing things I don't want to........ Originally I join satanism bc I was so tired of hearing Jesus this and that and Jesus loves you don't worry but at this point I have seen how much better it is that way..... I know there is no dedication ritual but I want to get rid of my dedication and leave this religion and mind a new one.... One that fits me.... So please tell me how I can cut these ties loose please
So you want us to help you get rid of Satanism to only go back to retarded jewsus? Are you completely out of your mind??

Have it ever occurred to you that maybe you should be blaming yourself for not studying Spiritual Satanism on the JoS website and for not meditating daily? Did you really think that just for dedicating your soul, everyone is suddenly obligated to baby-feed you whatever you want? Have you even done the dedication ritual to Satan??

Did it at least occur to you that maybe the enemy is harassing you ever since you showed interest in Satanism and that they've been trying to scare you away from it ever since?? Or did you also expected us to think about this on your behalf?

There are no freebies in Satanism, either you work on your soul and advance yourself until your reach godhood or you don't, the only person who can work on your soul, is you. Either you understand this or don't, in the end you're the one who makes choices, no one will save you from christardity once you go back to it, no one will even care. But if you get your shit together and start being serious about Satanism, then we'll be serious about helping you, so will the Gods.

Your choice, either to work hard to become a god, or to follow jewish mind-controling programs and eventually seize to exist.

Hail Satan!
Ok your message is kinda confusing... There's is a dedication ritual & doing it, you basically nullify everything connected to other religions, so I don't know what you meant with there being no dedication ritual... You can find it fairly quickly on joyofsatan.org (look at the links on the left).

Now on to the more important subject. You said you joined 2 months ago. Do you mean as in:
a) deciding to become a Satanist,
b) doing the dedication ritual,
c) since you started meditating?
Well if it's a), you should do dedication ritual first - with it, you become one of us, meaning Father Satan & other Gods/Daemons look after you.

If it's b) you should know that you gotta meditate so it's basically the same as c). In this case: it's been *ONLY* two months. Do you loose 30 pounds and get 6-pack after 2 months of going to the gym? Can you run a marathon 2 months after you decide to start running (as in start training for the first time in your life)? Can you quote every Shakespeare's sonnet 2 months after you learn how to read? No, you can't, so why would you expect EVERYTHING to get better in 2 months?

You clearly don't understand what it means to be a Satanist. Please, at least read the front page of joyofsatan.org - afterwards, do the dedication ritual and start 40 days training program - yes, it's only a bit over a month long, but it sets a rutine of doing yoga, void meditation, cleaning your aura and doing aura of protection regularly and THIS is what makes your life better.

Cleaning your aura is the same as getting a bath, just that you "wash off" negative energy that you came in contact with during the day. Aura of protection is kinds self explanatory - it keeps you safe & protected. By meditating, you're increasing your energy, that affects the world around you. Strong & clean aura tends to keep bad stuff away & attracts positive situations. Void meditation increases your ability to focus & control your mind.
I have been a Satanist for 5 years thats a different thing i have started meditating now. But my life didnt get any better too for 5 years the period of time i didnt meditate. And that my friend is called dedication. Having blind faith on your creator for 5 years no matter how things are going. I have seen the worst things and worst feelings. No matter how hard jews tried i never quit. Just because i had and still have blind faith on our Father Satan. And you are talking about betterment of life within two months of dedication. Well you should really leave in my opinion. Hail SatanHAIL ALL Gods of Hell
On Mon, 23 Apr 2018 at 9:45 pm, zyand216@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   Ok I've been a satanist for almost two months and my life has not gotten better, only worse as well as the fact of me hearing and seeing things I don't want to........ Originally I join satanism bc I was so tired of hearing Jesus this and that and Jesus loves you don't worry but at this point I have seen how much better it is that way...... I know there is no dedication ritual but I want to get rid of my dedication and leave this religion and mind a new one.... One that fits me.... So please tell me how I can cut these ties loose please
There is no need to do "reverse dedication". Distancing yourself from Satan will work, enemy will then leave you when they see you are no more threat to them. They want you to be a good goy.

But, how about to instead stop and think for a while? Why do you think all of that is happening? Do realize it is because you have discovered something big, bigger than anything you've experienced before, and that someone doesn't like to fact that you have escaped from the cage of ignorance, and wants you back, at all costs?

This is the enemy that you want to run back to. You would think, if they really "loved you", they would do this shit to you?
Now that you have seen their real face, why would you ever run back to them? Why instead, you don't spit into their face, and say: "fuck off, I have seen you for what you are now, you filthy disgusting abomination. From now on, you will remember the moment I did dedication and broke free from your lies, and you will remember it sorely."

There is no reason to ever run back to them. Never.

Please, think carefully.

Give yourself a chance! You have much to lose if you leave that easily, trust me.
That's the enemy trying to scare you away from the truth but if that's how you truly feel then you must ask yourself "why did I come to spiritual Satanism?" If it what out of sheer rebellion against what you claim,then obviously you weren't even true to yourself and what makes you think there is a "right religion" out there? Not to sound like a bitch but you are weak at a soul and mind level if you are scared back into to the bosom of that parasitic filth jewsus and rotten and odious "holy spirit" because neither care for you in this life or the next....either that or you are a kike trying to be an SS which is why your life got worse...and remember this father and the demons don't baby sit anyone nor do all the work for you...in the beginning they do help but you must be willing to show hard work and dedication,the will power to also work for the advancement of your soul to godhead
Hail Father Satan,the Gods and the powers of Hell forever!!! 
I know how you feel so I'll tell you a story so that you can relate. I went a little hardcore about it a few years ago, which was several years after I first dedicated. But now, being a few years later, my life is more normal again and in fact better. I wasn't born rich or anything you know what I mean, but I'm here and that says something. I'm on my way to a more stable career and have mastered skills in life and professionally in the past years more than I ever have.

Life is life, but you can just keep Satanism in your heart while you take care of what you must in life. Unlike christianity where it is expected that you wear christ on your sleeve. You can pretend you're an atheist or agnostic to just get along with others, but sometimes you have to take things head on in life. If you get shit from christians or something like that, know that the pain from that will not go away no matter what religion you follow because we just have to solve the problems of the past or they will keep coming back.
When you go to the gym and do weight-lifting, it gets worse because it hurts a lot.

You need to learn Void meditation to block out any intrusive thoughts, and you can use white colour to repel.

You should also do your Aura of Protection, and Aura and Chakra Cleaning every day - once when you get up, once before you go to bed, and any other times when you interact with people - christians especially.

You should also learn to close your Chakras, and do other power meditations, as a goal to advance and empower your Soul, as a whole.
Get your sorry ass out of here.That's how you'll "cut ties".You think our Gods are some genies in a bottle? No wonder nothing's happened to your pathetic life in the 2 months you've been a "Satanist".I bet the Gods saw right through you and didn't bother making an investment in you.Satan is not an alternative.I bet you'll go give a testimony on Sunday about how the christ saved your from darkness and all that bullshit.Stupid ass xian 

On Sun, Apr 22, 2018 at 6:20 AM, zyand216@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Ok I've been a satanist for almost two months and my life has not gotten better, only worse as well as the fact of me hearing and seeing things I don't want to........ Originally I join satanism bc I was so tired of hearing Jesus this and that and Jesus loves you don't worry but at this point I have seen how much better it is that way..... I know there is no dedication ritual but I want to get rid of my dedication and leave this religion and mind a new one.... One that fits me.... So please tell me how I can cut these ties loose please
The metaphysical goal of life is to raise the kundalini, which is what Satan taught to humanity. 
It’s not hard to see that the Bible IS a tool being used for the benefit of a “chosen race”. Hence Christianity isn’t a religion but a fraud. This “chosen few” could hardly create their own material too, nearly everything in the Bible is a rip off from the pagan religions.
You were most likely thinking that Satan is some sort of devil and that joining his side would make your life some sort of holly wood lifestyle. People like this just want everything handed to them without them lifting a finger or doing any type of work for their desires. I’ll tell you right now, little to nothing in life is going to be achieved without you working for it.
If you read the JoyofSatan website you would see that Satan is actually the creator of humanity and JoS explains this and exposes Christianity for what it is. You would also see and understand that Satan offers something that a lot of the rich and famous don’t have/something they are missing on the inside. And that is enlightenment. But I don’t expect someone like you to understand how that is better because you most likely just wouldn’t get it. He also teaches one to utilize the powers they gain for their own desires.
Satan and Satanism is the way to true spiritual freedom. Mankind suffers in the cycle of reincarnation. Satan is the Liberator of mankind. 

Sent from my iPhone
On Apr 24, 2018, at 3:49 AM, Isabel Chavez isabel.marie.chavez@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  That's the enemy trying to scare you away from the truth but if that's how you truly feel then you must ask yourself "why did I come to spiritual Satanism?" If it what out of sheer rebellion against what you claim,then obviously you weren't even true to yourself and what makes you think there is a "right religion" out there? Not to sound like a bitch but you are weak at a soul and mind level if you are scared back into to the bosom of that parasitic filth jewsus and rotten and odious "holy spirit" because neither care for you in this life or the next....either that or you are a kike trying to be an SS which is why your life got worse...and remember this father and the demons don't baby sit anyone nor do all the work for you...in the beginning they do help but you must be willing to show hard work and dedication,the will power to also work for the advancement of your soul to godhead
Hail Father Satan,the Gods and the powers of Hell forever!!! 
Thank you so much for this brother. I'm just serious about bettering myself and all these around me are trying to feed off it. Trying to stop it. Its nice to know I have a brother. Thank you. Through Satan with love. 
Hail Satan
On Tue, Apr 24, 2018, 11:48 AM thisisafalsealias@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  I know how you feel so I'll tell you a story so that you can relate. I went a little hardcore about it a few years ago, which was several years after I first dedicated. But now, being a few years later, my life is more normal again and in fact better. I wasn't born rich or anything you know what I mean, but I'm here and that says something. I'm on my way to a more stable career and have mastered skills in life and professionally in the past years more than I ever have.

Life is life, but you can just keep Satanism in your heart while you take care of what you must in life. Unlike christianity where it is expected that you wear christ on your sleeve. You can pretend you're an atheist or agnostic to just get along with others, but sometimes you have to take things head on in life. If you get shit from christians or something like that, know that the pain from that will not go away no matter what religion you follow because we just have to solve the problems of the past or they will keep coming back.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
