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Reminder / Lembrete ❤️ (27/Dec)


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2017
General Yeager said:
I implore you to try and attract an Ideal HUMAN partner for now. Do a Working using Gebo + Waujo or Aum Klim Kamadevaya Namah and affirm,
"In a healthy and positive manner for me I am attracting my Ideal Partner right now." .

Reminder 27/12

Home, family, women,
food, nurturing, fertility
and childbirth, love,
mediumship, psychic
endeavors, land, real
estate, AoP
Lembrete 27/12:

Casa, família, mulheres,
alimentação, nutrição, fertilidade
e parto, amor,
mediunidade, esforços psíquicos,
terra, propriedade, Aura de Protecção

Trabalho para atrair amor
Com as runas Gebo + Waujo, OU "Aum Klim Kamadevaya Namah", e então afirma:
"De uma forma saudável e positiva para mim, estou a atrair o minha Parceira Ideal agora mesmo." (ou "meu pareceiro")

Bonus: (New Year / Ano Novo)

Janus' Power Ritual / Ritual de Poder de Janus:
PT: http://www.alegriadesatanas.org/Rituals/Janus' Power Ritual.html
EN: https://old.josrituals.org/Demons/Janus_Power_Ritual.html
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Awesome, just don't give up on it at all. Also lower your expectations on people. Even if all the child-bearing age women in this world were normies, you can still be a beacon of light in their lives to inspire them in being at least soft-core Pagans or spiritual "atheists" like many Russians right now:

Thanks for the reminder brother Egon, but I will postpone it for later because for me now the first thing is to improve my economic situation and on the 22nd during the Solstice I started another money work.
Also to separate my soul from my past life partner is very hard and I need first to cure and heal my soul to not bring the traumas and baggage from past lives to a new relationship.

I would certainly make an exception and have a relationship with a wife 15 or 20 years younger as you were saying if she is also a dedicated SS and a mature person.
I totally get it, but realistically speaking we are not at such high Levels to make such demands. If we put such demands based on our standards we would end up childless anyway like Step One as if we never talked about these things.
Procreating our people and making stable families is a more base level realization that barely enough people nowadays have accomplished.

Remember we were not such "understanding of reality" people a few years ago, partners might be slower or at levels we were back then but totally with the conditions to grant us advanced level progeny.

A soft-core traditionalist woman who wants to have children in a more down to Earth, normal manner, could be some of the best situation and even better than the conditions we were born into. Imagine our normal conditions that led us into become an SS, but with an SS parent (we Satanists), and just one of our parents (the partner we attracted) being a "normie" but at least pro-European.

Lower my expectations? No, thanks.
For me a relationship is being with someone who is the same as you and I am not willing to have to share my intimate life with someone andrapod, NPC, normie or how you want to call someone not spiritual of the masses.
Also I don´t I like the idea of deeply linking my soul with that of a person who does not meditate, his energy level is very low and has never cleaned her soul.
I saw this thread, and I wanted to share my two cents.

The suggestion of Egon is very good. It is extremely difficult to find what you are looking for.
Moreover, it may happens also the following: you make a spiritual work to find a true SS, you meet a non-SS person who internally have all the qualities of such, and he/she may become an SS in the future, but due to your block of not wanting a non-SS, you may just ignore him/her.

I have a girlfriend from 3 years, but when know from 10. She is not a strict SS, nor she currently meditate, but she knows that I am a full dedicated SS and share many aspects of such. She knows I do rituals and workings, and is totally ok with that. She will be a loving mother, of multiple white children. Even if she does not clean spiritually every day, she is very pure and gentle. Standing everyday and lot of hours by my side, her aura automatically is cleaner than others.

I am writing this not for vanity, nor for attacking your idea about ideal partner. It is just for showing that a loving and caring relationship between an SS and a non-SS is really possible.
Don't focus on wanting an SS, you want an ideal partner. You may find an SS who is not compatible with you. Unfortunately, sharing the love for Satan does not mean that there is also a good relation between two persons.

May Satan guide you to the right choice.
- Hidden Warrior
Absolutely true.

Think in these terms: what good is it that you and me have grown out of this "muh perfect relationship with succubus with no disturbance on muh super advanced practices with no disturbance on muh ideologies" bullshit, on getting out of that mindset, to accept an earthling partner, if you deny mortal partners who don't know anything about SS? If you learnt out of awkward experience that EVEN if a person is an SS and do 666 thousand vibrations a day and could even be a JD and HPS, they are still human and can make up more bullshit in our lives like a non-SS who is also non-compatible? In other words, meditate on Beelzebul's Ethics about how good it is if we can accomplish to a decent level at leas what it is to be a HUMAN, something that even hardcore Satanists in our unrealistic perception about ourselves set as an obstacle to achieve and accept the first levels of existence, of making families and being human, before we call ourselves such advanced meditators and Gurus and High Priests.

General Yeager said:
I implore you to try and attract an Ideal HUMAN partner for now. Do a Working using Gebo + Waujo or Aum Klim Kamadevaya Namah and affirm,
"In a healthy and positive manner for me I am attracting my Ideal Partner right now." .
After reflecting I would also add:
"... who is fertile and willing to have many children"
A person who is "ideal" can be just ideal in natal chart/personality terms and not be able/not willing to have many children.

Depois de reflectir pensei numa afirmação mais específica - Eu mudaria a afirmação para:
"De uma forma saudável e positiva para mim, estou a atrair o minha Parceira Ideal agora mesmo que é fertil e disposta a ter muitos filhos comigo." (ou "meu pareceiro ideal")

Next dates / Próximas datas:

Feb/19 - 19 de Fevereiro

Can also start a Moon Square

Pose-se também fazer um Quadrado da Lua

March 18 or 20 - 18 ou vinte de Março
Egon said:
General Yeager said:
I implore you to try and attract an Ideal HUMAN partner for now. Do a Working using Gebo + Waujo or Aum Klim Kamadevaya Namah and affirm,
"In a healthy and positive manner for me I am attracting my Ideal Partner right now." .
After reflecting I would also add:
"... who is fertile and willing to have many children"
A person who is "ideal" can be just ideal in natal chart/personality terms and not be able/not willing to have many children.

If your ideal partner is someone who wants many children, than the energy will be programmed to that.
I'm not sure, maybe Stormblood said, that one should be thinking and writing notes about what is their ideal even for months, before attracting an ideal partner, and I think this can go for every working, for example if you are doing a general AoP, think of what you should be protected from and than you can visualize that in the working.

Second of is that an ideal partner should not have such a fundamental and big conflict with you because they aren't ideal than.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
